justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
In November 2022, one of the famous brand Balenciaga campaigns was the target of accusations of “virtual child porn”, for having used images of children holding toys with BDSM objects (objects that were also highlighted on the catwalks at Paris Fashion Week). Many celebrities repudiated the attitude and choice of the brand, creating a movement where they burned the products on the brand, as a form of protest.
With the controversy of this collection, people brought up an old collection of the brand with Adidas, where they used a photo of a secret process of child paedophilia, so both campaigns became points of controversy of discussion.
What is my point of view?
Today, the world is much more protective, as we now have laws to protect us that were formerly violated and often were not questioned, such as female sexual exploration, paedophilia and child exploration.
Seeing a child using it, or even in a sexual environment, is painful, even disgusting. I agree with the #cancelBalenciaga campaign for this reason. If the brand wants a collection for children, let it be CHILDREN, and not try to show them as adults. The brand has to choose its target audience, and not try to reach everyone, tarnishing the image of children and destroying their innocence.
So yes, #cancelBaleciaga #protectchildren 
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justforseesworld · 2 years
What does this video convey?
I recorded this video when I went to the van Gogh exhibition. I found how they used the strong expression of the artists to blend in with their art very interesting.
What I interpreted was: they tried to show how their feelings were shown in their art, from sadness to happiness, from depression to him cutting off his ears, and then his death. They put the colours, in a way that I understood was a troubled way of thoughts and feelings.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
An open letter for my visual diary: Here I am, doing another crazy trip, in a country I'm visiting for the first time, Spain. This is a tattoo studio, but what does tattooing mean to me? A way of freedom, of re-signifying, of expressing myself and being who I want to be, taking my body and what I want to do in it and with it.
What I did here: It wasn't anything too crazy, just a little tattoo of a wine glass (which I love), but what mattered here was the freedom to choose and go and do.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
This image was taken from my bedroom window, on a cold day. What I saw of beauty in this image: I love winter, I love this Christmas season, family, and parties. I think this image brought me back to those moments.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
This photo was taken on one of my recent trips, it was in France, in Nice, where the weather was delicious…a heat, a party atmosphere and cocktails, a typical summer vacation atmosphere.
I thought it was important to put this photo in this diary because this was a trip full of achievements, it was a feeling that I am unbeatable and nothing will be impossible, because I was there, a place I thought I would never be able to go, but I did!
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
Dear diary, do I need to say more about this photo? I don't think so. This photo was taken in London when I went to visit a friend. It wasn't the first time I went there, but every time I go, I'm enchanted. This place also has a meaning of admiration because it was where Amy Winehouse grew up, one of the singers I like and have never stopped admiring, so it has more than a visual appeal, it has a sentimental appreciation.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
When you look at this image, what comes to mind? church, railings, and beautiful architecture. Those were my first thoughts looking at this image. This photo was taken by me in Barcelona, ​​at the Church of La Sagrada Familia. In this photo I can have a mix of feelings, first I see the beautiful architecture of the church, this Gothic side of the city is evident. On the other side, I can't help seeing the church together with the bars, what it can often mean, for me at least. I'm religious, I have my religion, I just don't believe in the Organ, like the Vatican, but I have faith and believe in God, that's what matters.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
any restaurant table.
a new country.
New cultures,
new adventures,
new people.
And that summed up my moment when I took this photo.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
Dear visual diary, I took this picture on my way back from the market after I bought some flowers. Flowers calm me down, and bring me happiness and pleasure to look at, and that's what I needed after therapy. White, pink and peace.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey?
Well, well, well...it's a heart pizza!! hahaha okay, I love pizza.
Dear diary, today was supposed to be a typical day, neither happy nor sad, until I realized that I meet incredible people, that going to a restaurant to eat pizza, say nothing significant, and laugh, makes everything lighter! I love my friends (and pizza from the heart).
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey? This photo was a record of a Sunday breakfast with some friends, we were talking about life and how hard it is sometimes not to have control of the facts. When a friend got up, we saw this sentence on the coffee shop chair, and I thought it was “the right sentence at the right time”.
In editing, I continued with the Tezza app, in the style of low saturation, but at the same time, it left a clear contrast between blue and brown – even though I am all in the same wood texture. Having a nice palette of brown, blue and yellow.
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justforseesworld · 2 years
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What does this image convey? When I took this photo, it was in a relaxing moment with a friend, we were having a drink, as the photo clearly shows.
When editing, we used the Tezza app, and we chose to leave the saturation a little lower than normal and use the “grain” option on the photo, which makes it look more vintage.
Why did I choose this edition? Because we are in the “clean” trend, chic vibes, combined with the ’70s, consequently with the vintage look. So I chose this clean addition (with the colours not so vibrant – as you can see in the flowers), with a light brown palette background, which matched the tone of our skin and the drink, making it visually pleasing to look at.
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