justleenwithit-blog · 11 years
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It’s back! Canada’s Luckiest Student 2 is now live at http://luckie.st/CLS2TWO.
Do you know a Canadian student who could use $20,000 for school and a bunch of awesome prizes? Please share this!
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justleenwithit-blog · 12 years
The Student Life Network is giving away the best prize pack in Canadian student history.  It starts with $20k for school and five Dell XPS Ultrabooks to share with friends. 
Register to win at: http://luckie.st/Pokwls  Canadian students 13+ only.
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justleenwithit-blog · 12 years
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justleenwithit-blog · 12 years
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
Peeta is a baker. What’s the best thing you’ve ever baked?
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
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6 Writing Tips From John Steinbeck
1. Abandon the idea that you are ever going to finish. Lose track of the 400 pages and write just one page for each day, it helps. Then when it gets finished, you are always surprised.
2. Write freely and as rapidly as possible and throw...
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.
Martin Luther King Jr
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
Etta James
My god woman, this here will be my ode to this woman, I will also try not to make this a let`s worship the ground she walked on.  What I want this to be is a reality of morality and that the littlest things can inspire people. 
 Starting her career in the mid 1950s, she gained fame with hits such as "Dance With Me, Henry", "At Last", "Tell Mama", and "I'd Rather Go Blind" for which she claimed she wrote the lyrics.[1] She faced a number of personal problems including drug addiction before making a musical resurgence in the late 1980s with the album The Seven Year Itch.[2] (Taken straight from the wiki page on her). 
Needless to say she sang wonderful songs and easily can be called a great songstress. 
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
Trust your heart though the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward-
E.E. Cummings
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
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The kid and his ds
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
Pack up and Leave pt1
Every time I go off to a different city, for whatever reason, I always get a slight lump in my throat.  Perhaps this is my body`s way of saying, "Don't you worry soon enough you'll be right back wishing you'd never have to leave again."  I'm not in anyway saying I hate traveling or leaving Toronto, in fact 7 times out of 10 I'm looking forward to getting away and making somewhere else my temporary home.  
I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way, I'm counting on the fact that someone reads this and thinks "Hey, that sounds like me."  The feeling at times is indescribable what is describable however is the pain and sadness I feel when saying Goodbye to those I am close to.  I came back to Milestones in Toronto during the winter break as a way to socialize with people I've spent so much of my time with and a way to make money while the holidays were upon us. In the short while I was there the environment made me feel like I had never left.  
Don't get me wrong the same feuds were/are going on and yes there have been people fired and hired but more importantly than anything else, those who are new (for the most part) fit so well into the little odd ball family we've got over there.  I can rant and rave for days about this restaurant and people but mostly I'd like to say thanks and screw you for making me not want to leave you all.  Perhaps that's why I know I'll always come back to Toronto my family, my job and my comfort-zone is all here the city I love.  
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never foget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.
Oh, the Places You'll Go
-Dr. Seuss
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
The whirring ideas and thoughts of where I am going, what I have done and what I should be doing are back. I think at this time that the book "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss set me up for tremendous failure and goal setting.  Don't get me wrong, have a dream and persue the hell out of it.  
From time to time I look back on all the things I have done and question whether I gave up on someone for lack of caring, which doesn't seem like me, or my inability to finish things I have started.  It's the question of what impact I have made on those around me, if there even was one made. 
This always brings up the idea of what 5 people/moments/experiences/lessons/etc made me who I am.  On that same thread, can I really narrow it down to only 5?  I think knowing myself it would be a list of 5 broken down and broken down without ever saying anything too real or serious. 
Even now as I'm writing this I'm not saying anything to the point, mostly just talking around the subject of I LITERALLY HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I AM GOING (TO END UP)! What do I want to study and where do I want to end up living and all the thousands of unanswerable questions I have right now.
I suppose for now, I KNOW I'm off to Ottawa in basically a day and tomorrow I work and I must repack all of my stuff. I also suppose I know where I will be and what I'll be doing from Monday-April but that is a given. There is some comfort in knowing what's going to happen.
Although I live in the now I can't handle not knowing what the future holds (even if it's an awesome hover board like in Back to the Future)
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justleenwithit-blog · 13 years
When i grow up..
I love the kids who are wickedly clever on what they want to be when they grow up...  It wasn't until I grew up that I realized I should have said taller.  That would have been precious.   What I never said but always thought I should have said was person who invents proper scissors for lefties.  There are so many should haves what I always stuck with either a mom or a superhero.  
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