justtakeapos · 5 months
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(c) @ yarkostryiskyi
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justtakeapos · 5 months
Public Orthodoxy pulls no punches when discussing Comrade Gundayev
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justtakeapos · 6 months
Why you're valuable
How far do you have to go before everyone leaves you behind and stops putting up with you? Don't you often feel unworthy? I came to mass with those thoughts, but I was impressed to consider that God loves us, enough to sacrifice Himself, just because we are His. Don't you often want to act well just so others like you?
Religious or not, don't you always feel worse than others, especially when you do something wrong?
"The goodness and mercy of the Lord endure forever"God had been trying to tell us for so very long. So take a smiling Bianca and that thought with you!
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justtakeapos · 11 months
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(c) @ staskolotov
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justtakeapos · 11 months
Просто обожною такий стиль
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justtakeapos · 11 months
Реакція на "Я стала матір'ю головного героя, 81 глава".
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Reaction to chapter 81 of "I became the hero's mom".
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justtakeapos · 1 year
Every good and perfect gift...
Today, I opened the soap for cleaning the dishes and a bunch of little bubbles flew out of it, crowding around me and bouncing as if they were sentient. As if they were faries. I think it's important to remember moments like this ~
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justtakeapos · 1 year
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Yesterday, while washing the plates, I thought I heard a knock from behind me, and I turned around to see a bubble floating down leisurely, as if putting on a show for me. I reached one foamy hand to catch it, and it popped.
In this time, which is so jam-packed for me, I'm glad God sends these moments of joy. I am glad I can still feel joy.
I know there are people who feel dead, and yet they live on. If you're feeling that way - numb to all the things you used to derive pleasure from - know that you're not alone. You will feel alive yet. God has come to give you life, and life in abundance.
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justtakeapos · 2 years
How does anime make you cry with a few simple images 😭
Как так, что из-за повседневных ассоциации из аниме, на меня находит хандра такая((((
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justtakeapos · 2 years
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So I opened up the cover... And, well... (just look at Aharen-san with a beard)
It was sooo funny. I embarked on a journey of where each scenario was more ridiculous than the next. The story was full of unexpected things like Western movie references, and thst the boy wasn't helping the girl solve a problem...these two were doing something else entirely...among other things:Like - the guy (male MC) wasn't normal (I mean neither is Tadano, he can basically read people's minds), but he's not even normal relatively: he was also emotionless, but his friends and family could understand his expressions, and didn’t get surprised at some of his random endeavors, which made me think about how important close friends are in reality, and how naturally we get used to each other's weirdness and quirks. Like in every other san manga, the characters grew through their meeting, and they weren't alone. But the author pours so much detail into each little scenario! As I said, a story is being told here- thus, some things are going to change. But I lose myself in the here and now of their average high school life and I'm always surprised by how much the characters change by the end of a “-san” manga. In Aharen-san, some things stayed the same, and some things really changed. And because the author is so meticulous, so gifted in uniquely portraying each chapter's plotline down to the minutiae, some of it hit me out of nowhere, even stuff that had been earlier established. Like I was blindsided by some of the later developments in the manga. But the author makes it work! Because his characters are, they're flexible, they're real, and they make you wear this huge ridiculous grin. And that's why you can't decipher just how much I love Aharen-san.
#komisan #sekimesan #aharensan #manga
The rise of "San" Manga (+ A review of Aharen-san)
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When I started regularly reading manga, I found that, much as I had in other mediums, I preferred slice-of-life, romance, and tragic stories above other genres. So, I settled comfortably into a niche of Slice Of Life/otome&shoujo Isekai/Romcom stories and happily floated around there for years. Around that time I started noticing a small sub-trend beginning among serialized and independently published manga. The premise of these stories was that a character, usually a girl, with some kind of problem or quirk, tried to navigate life while the more average main character, usually a male, kept bumping into her and eventually befriending. Romance, which was in the cards for many of our heriones, would be the last thing on the readers' mind as they watched her fumble through her daily life & routine situations. It's the changing characteristics and outlook of the girl and those around her that hold your attention as we watch the characters interact and live out their ordinary lives every chapter. To identify the main character, there was often a name in the title, sometimes with a punny adjective accompanying it. As is the Japanese convention in school and at the workplace, honorifics would often be included at the end. That's how stories like Sekimen Shinaide Sekime-san, Tomo-chan wa onnanoko, and Kuzumi-kun, Kuuki Yometemasu Ka? became called "-san mangas". By me, at least. These are not the only manga I read, nor is every manga with a honorific in the title a fluffy romance about teenagers in love. But, Aharen-san is Unfathomable is a manga I found that seemed to fit into the genre. The title had a pun, the cover portrayed a melancholy girl shrouded in mystery... How could I be wrong? So, I opened up the cover. And...
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justtakeapos · 2 years
Doesn't this image just suck you in?
Картинка буд-то окошко в иной мир, а?
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Fairy commission for a friend 🧚
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justtakeapos · 2 years
What to expect from me
Hey, I started a YouTube channel. I'll be translating the audio drama for Shikimori-san on there and talking about my favorite things on there. Hope to see you there:
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justtakeapos · 2 years
The rise of "San" Manga (+ A review of Aharen-san)
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When I started regularly reading manga, I found that, much as I had in other mediums, I preferred slice-of-life, romance, and tragic stories above other genres. So, I settled comfortably into a niche of Slice Of Life/otome&shoujo Isekai/Romcom stories and happily floated around there for years. Around that time I started noticing a small sub-trend beginning among serialized and independently published manga. The premise of these stories was that a character, usually a girl, with some kind of problem or quirk, tried to navigate life while the more average main character, usually a male, kept bumping into her and eventually befriending. Romance, which was in the cards for many of our heriones, would be the last thing on the readers' mind as they watched her fumble through her daily life & routine situations. It's the changing characteristics and outlook of the girl and those around her that hold your attention as we watch the characters interact and live out their ordinary lives every chapter. To identify the main character, there was often a name in the title, sometimes with a punny adjective accompanying it. As is the Japanese convention in school and at the workplace, honorifics would often be included at the end. That's how stories like Sekimen Shinaide Sekime-san, Tomo-chan wa onnanoko, and Kuzumi-kun, Kuuki Yometemasu Ka? became called "-san mangas". By me, at least. These are not the only manga I read, nor is every manga with a honorific in the title a fluffy romance about teenagers in love. But, Aharen-san is Unfathomable is a manga I found that seemed to fit into the genre. The title had a pun, the cover portrayed a melancholy girl shrouded in mystery... How could I be wrong? So, I opened up the cover. And...
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justtakeapos · 2 years
I prayed for them by name.
Hey guys, so recently a war that has been going on for like 7 years really peaked and became hellish, and all this happened in the country I call home 😅Right before the war escalated, my friend, who is wise beyond their years, was praying for them. Who, you ask?
The people who are fully responsible for starting, continuing, and escalating this war. I really wanted to be strong enough to do that, to pray for the people I couldn't help but hate, and so... I tried it. That was... Really a surreal experience. Not only was it humbling, the love that came over me was supernatural. I feel like a stone I've been carrying for years has been lifted from my back. So yeah! Try praying for them by name.
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,Matthew 5:44
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justtakeapos · 2 years
Что делать, если вас не так поняли?
Буду честной! Вам нужно извениться, если есть такая возможность! Даже если вы ни в чем не провинились, лучше уж извиниться, раз на вас обиделся человек, а потом объясняется. В противном случае, вас могут не выслушать. А тут, смирившись на один момент, вы сможете сохранить свои прежние отношения. Кажется мне, что оно того стоит.
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justtakeapos · 2 years
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The dining hall in my university used to have a freezer full of ice cream in these Styrofoam cups. Now the Uni has an ice cream machine, so I haven't seen any in a while! See you next year, alma mater!
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justtakeapos · 2 years
Reflections on Re:Zero (Episode 32) and the one who gives life value:
(Spoiler Alert!) This episode of Season 2 of Re:Zero is called "The Value of a Life" Every power fails him as Subaru attempts to prevent the Sanctuary, Mansion, and his relationships with Emilia and Beatrice from going up in flames.
Sin, in my worldview, is rejection of the Giver of Life. And living a life of sin is like trying to survive while rejecting a source of clean water. But Subaru is not only fighting the Sin Archbishops. (Plus, the sinful witches have a best girl among them.) He's also fighting the sin (such as wrath on Garfiel's part) and recklessness (What the heck, Roswaal?)of those around him. Sin kills you and those around you. So where is the good in this situation? Echidna's been watching Subaru every step of the way. Yet when she tells her, He doesn't cry out in indignation, he breaks down in her arms. Why? Because Echidna's desire for knowledge didn't violate the free will of Subaru, the Bowel Hunter, or any of the people who hurt Subaru. They did that on their own, indifferent to how those they hurt or even killed would feel. The hardest thing about life, I think, is the burdens we have to carry. A physical burden often bends you over and leaves you with an enduring pain. But whether you have chronic pain in the literal sense or are weighed down by something that can't be seen or diagnosed, you're road is hampered by the effects. Not only are we weighed down by our worries, lack, and experiences, others are too busy with their own days to completely understand the burden we've accumulated. It hurts. And while we can make friends, find people who understand us, find lovers, etc. No one will truly know what it means to be us. What it feels to be us. No one... Except... God. That reminds me of something - If Envy is a sin, then why does God say He is a jealous God? Double standards of the hell-creator acting up again? It's simple. Only God knows you fully and completely. You exist for Him, and compared to any other one of his creations, His jealousy is only for you. He loves you!
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