jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 11: The Great Firewall China Internet
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Despite having the world's most populous country and a prosperous economy, it has a variety of cultural traditions that stand out from the majority. Because of the government's strict controls on information, China has had a difficult relationship with the internet for a very long time. No access restrictions have been imposed as in certain authoritarian nations because leaders recognize its economic relevance. An alternative is that Chinese residents are now permitted to use the internet, but only to a limited extent.
What is exactly The Great Firewall ?
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While China has become a global economic superpower, its 1.3 billion citizens are nevertheless denied fundamental liberties such as freedom of expression and assembly. Many political opposition are arrested on a regular basis when expressing dissent against the administration. The "Great Firewall" is a system of filters and censors used by China to maintain tight control over the internet. There are many similarities between this and the Great Wall of China, a line of fortifications erected thousands of years ago that are still a popular tourist destination.Monitoring social media and censoring some websites, particularly those that may expose Chinese citizens to content critical of their leaders is the goal of the Great Firewall (Smith 2018). Many popular social media and news sites from across the world, like the New York Times, are restricted in China. Furthermore, China has a number of websites that are owned by western nations, but are operated by Chinese companies in their own versions throughout the country (Mackinnon 2009).
Who is behind this policy?
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Who or what is behind this current round of policing? Xi Jinping is trying to cement his authority in a manner that hasn't been done by a Chinese leader in years, according to China analysts. With his appointment as president in 2012, Xi Jinping increased his hold on China's huge military and took an assertive stance towards smaller countries in the area. As part of his anti-corruption drive, he's also targeted disloyal Chinese officials. China's 283,000 public schools are now required to include a greater emphasis on allegiance to the Communist Party in their curricula (Smith 2018).
To protect itself from outside threats, China uses its own internet to talk about China's goals and to set the world agenda, with the support of the Great Firewall. This information bubble that has been established in China makes it impossible to know for certain whether or not anything really occurred (Kan, 2019) . Furthermore, they may expand their censoring capability, strengthen their naval force, and take any action against those who violate political norms via the use of AI (Bartlett 2019). Using this AI system, China now has its own Social Credit System, which collects people's data and links it to an ID, making it easy to track down individuals who do bad things.
The Social Credit System
Apart from the Great Firewall, China uses a system of social credit to monitor the behavior of its residents via the installation of cameras in public places and the establishment of a rating system.The social credit system is the Chinese government’s ambitious plan for creating a system for measuring social and civic integrity and financial credit scores (Wong et al. 2019) and it is planned that participation will be mandatory for all Chinese citizens in the year 2020 (Hvistendahl, 2017). High-ranking citizens may enjoy additional benefits, such as corporate discounts and free hotel reservations, if they meet certain criteria (Nittle 2018). Citizens with poor rankings will face consequences such as travel restrictions and being barred from the top hotels (Ma 2018).
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The sheer volume of monitoring in China makes it nearly difficult for social movement to flourish. China is virtually sealed off from the rest of the world, since even foreigners are unable to provide material to China, and Chinese people who resist the rules risk being punished. It's also alarming to realize just how much power the Chinese government has in terms of internet censorship and content approval, not just for their own people but for the rest of the globe. Talking of free expression, can anybody currently say everything they want about whatever they care about without fear of repercussion? Personal information may be readily collected from social media sites due to a high level of monitoring. It's still a great way of keeping a watch on what we're saying on social media in order to prevent any potential problems.
Reference Lists
Kan, K 2019, The great news wall of China: China is spinning its version of the Hong Kong protests to control the news, Index on Censorship, 48(3), pp.44-46.
Smith, P 2018, The ‘Great Firewall’ of China, Viewed 19 November,<https://upfront.scholastic.com/issues/2017-18/010818/the-great-firewall-of-china.html#1250L>
Wong, K. and Dobson, A., 2019. We’re just data: Exploring China’s social credit system in relation to digital platform ratings cultures in Westernised democracies. Global Media and China, 4(2), pp.220-232.
Hvistendahl, M 2017, Inside China’s vast new experiment in social ranking, viewed 19 November,<https://www.wired.com/story/age-of-social-credit/>
Nittle, N 2018, ‘Spend “frivolously” can be penalized under China’s new social credit system’, Vox, viewed 19 November 2021, <https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2018/11/2/18057450/china-social-credit-score-spend-frivolously-video-games>.
MacKinnon, R., 2009. China’s Censorship 2.0:  How companies censor bloggers. First Monday,.
Bartlett, M 2021, Solving the AI Accountability Gap, viewed 19 November, 2021, <https://towardsdatascience.com/solving-the-ai-accountability-gap-dd35698249fe>.
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 10: How Covid-19 triggers the surge of Video games ?
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Despite the massive economic destruction caused by the coronavirus, the international video game industry continues to thrive. With the practice of social distancing reducing consumer and business activity to a minimum, gaming offers an engaging distraction for people at home looking for social interaction, and initial data shows huge growth in playing time and sales since the lockdowns began (Hall 2020).
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Steam, a gaming marketplace, has begun to see an uptick in the number of players that are online. As the COVID-19 virus keeps people inside, they keep logging onto Steam in droves. the platform shattered its own concurrent player milestone, with over 23 million logging on at peak time Sunday (Boudreau 2020).
Impacts on Video Games Industry
As user involvement and expenditure increased between February and April of that year, gaming swiftly emerged as one of the most popular activities during the first breakout of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gaming was especially popular among younger generations, such as Generation Z and Millennials, since it provided an easy way to pass the time amid early remain at home orders, lockdowns, and social isolation (Clement 2021).
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Video games industry is now being one of the most beneficial due to Covid-19 Pandemic right. According to Stefan Hall (2020) the worldwide video game market is expected to be worth $159 billion in 2020, which is over four times the value of movie office sales ($43 billion in 2019) and nearly three times the value of music industry revenues ($57 billion in 2019), according to projections. Asia-Pacific is by far the most lucrative region in terms of revenue, accounting for about half of the total worth of the games marketplace. North America is responsible for a fourth of total revenue.
Games offer many social and psychological advantages. those who are playing enormously multiplayer online games report increased sense of identity, self-esteem, and reduced loneliness. These activities generally demand or promote teamwork, which may develop a feeling of community and solidarity.
Most online games allow either voice or group chats, making them useful places to communicate and remain in contact. Aside from playing with individuals across the globe, video games allow friends to virtually communicate (Langille et al 2020).
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While certain games might assist improve perceptual and cognitive abilities, others can lead to maladaptive behavior. Playing pro-social games increased ‘helping' behavior, whereas playing violent games increased ‘harming' behavior. It turns out that students who played more pro-social games early in the school year showed higher helpful behaviors later in the school year. Dr. Gentile (2009) is a renowned researcher on the impact of video games on cognition. In fact, youngsters who played more violent games appeared to be less helpful, not more aggressive.
It's not only that youngsters who are able to focus on fast-paced, high-stimulating games have trouble focusing on slower-paced activities. When a person is accustomed to being constantly stimulated, this becomes difficult to maintain focus on a slower-paced, less exciting activity. While it is common for some teenagers or even college students to spend less time working on projects or preparing for examinations others are more prone to health issues including neck discomfort, impaired cardiovascular abilities, or weight gain (Chebli 2015).
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gaming has become a haven for many who needed it to fill a gap. For those coping with psychological stress, gaming has offered increased happiness. However, it also become another problem especially for teenager or kids as it’ leading a addiction that adverse such as violent behavior, lazy, lost concentration, etc. 
Reference Lists
Clement, J 2021, COVID-19 impact on the gaming industry worldwide, viewed 13 November, 2021, <https://www.statista.com/topics/8016/covid-19-impact-on-the-gaming-industry-worldwide/#dossierKeyfigures>.
Gentile, D, Anderson, C, Yukawa, S, Ihori, N & Saleem, M 2009, "The Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behaviors: International Evidence From Correlational, Longitudinal, and Experimental Studies", Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 752-763.
Chebli, M 2005, “Disadvantages of Playing Video Games”,  viewed 14 November, 2021  https://neurosolution.ca/2015/03/disadvantages-of-playing-video-games/
Langille, A, Daviau, C & Hawreliak, J 2021, Playing video games can ease loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic, viewed 14 November, 2021, <https://theconversation.com/playing-video-games-can-ease-loneliness-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic-134198>.
Hall, S 2020, COVID-19 is taking gaming and esports to the next level, viewed 15 November, 2021, <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/covid-19-taking-gaming-and-esports-next-level/>.
Boudreau , I 2020, Steam logs yet another record-setting weekend with 23 million players,  viewed 13 November, 2021, <https://www.pcgamesn.com/steam/22-million-users>.
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 9 How Social Media Change Fandom?
So what is Fandom?
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Fandom is a socio-cultural phenomena that is predominantly associated with contemporary cultures, mass media, and popular culture (Duffett, 2013). One strategy to keep fans connected, according to Hutchins, T.J., and Tindall (2016), is to create online fanbases using social media, which provides a forum for fans to communicate their interests online with one another, even if they are in separate territories.
Social media and Fandom.
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Digital media has already been incorporated into the entertainment sector as a result of advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs). As a response, fans were thrust into the limelight of the company from the periphery, making fandom more visible and mainstream in the public sphere during the previous two decades (Jenkins, 2008).
Creating social media for fans and providing people with a public place to discuss their issues with others is one strategy to keep viewers intrigued. Consumers gather online to discuss events, characters, tales, and other topics related to fan culture. In such organizations, not only regular viewers, but also fans who take the effort to encourage fan club participants, are included. Fans of social media have become a tool for celebrities or artist to advertise themselves outside of their neighborhood, nation, or globe on social networks, which the artist actively promotes (Huat & Jung 2013) . the quickly rising cross-cutting flows of information and ideas were aided by the newly developing popular dissemination of information, pictures, music, symbolism, and thoughts via social media networks." Fans all across the world contact with one another via social media and assist one another find out when a new record is out or if a new tv program starring their favorite artist is airing. When a fan of an artist does not actively promote him, word of mouth can be employed to help the artist.
Lady Gaga as example of this case
Lady Gaga's use of social media to connect personal and professional life induced strong sentiments of inclusion and value. This is a beneficial trend in fan culture since it permits fans to express their emotions in new ways. They can be admirers of a celebrity's personality as well as their “music...styles...and expression” (Davies 2014). Having a closer look at a celebrity enables fans to identify role models since they can know about their ideals. The greater fan engagement has helped the icon to effectively mobilize their fan bases. With their fans' help, a celebrity may utilize social media to promote an issue.
According to Bennett (2013), Lady Gaga has showed how social media could be used to “mobilize their fan bases”. Gaga utilizes her followers to promote political and humanitarian causes like LGBTQ rights and homeless shelters. This demonstrates a good growth since it permits vital topics like human rights, social justice, and the icon's own values to gain greater attention. The increasing fan contact has enabled celebrities to leverage their following to advocate causes they believe in.
Reference lists
Hutchins, A & Tindall, N 2016, Public relations and participatory culture, Routledge.
Duffett, M 2013, Understanding fandom: An introduction to the study of media fan culture. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Davies, E 1969, "Psychological Characteristics of Beatle Mania", Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 30, no. 2, p. 273.
Bennett, L 2013, "Researching Online Fandom", Cinema Journal, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 129-134.
Huat, C & Jung, S 2013, "Social media and cross-border cultural transmissions in Asia: States, industries, audiences", International Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 417-422.
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 8 Crowdsourcing & Social Media
What’s exactly Crowdsourcing ?
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According to Estelles et al (2012), Crowdsourcing is a type of participative online activity in which an individual, an institution, a non-profit organization, or company proposes to a group of individuals of varying knowledge, and number, via a flexible open call or the voluntary undertaking of a task.
In the simple way, Crowdsourcing can be defined as the practice or action for the collection of information, ideas, opinions, suggestion or work from by soliciting contributions from a large group of people
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The origins of crowdsourcing can be traced back to the 18th century. In 1714, the British government invited tenders for the “Longitude Prize.” This prize was endowed with 20,000 Pounds and was to be awarded to someone who could develop a reliable method of calculating the longitude of a vessel while at sea. The Longitude Prize went to John Harrison, a clockmaker, who calculated the longitude with the help of very accurate watches. It showed that Finding solutions to this problem was not assigned to experts, instead, the crowd was given the task
And Social Media changes it....
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Crowdsourcing has been transformed thanks to Social Media. Social media is changing the way we think about crowdsourcing and will continue to do so as the advantages crowdsourcing brought through social media become more widely acknowledged. Smiths (2009) stated that various social Media like which allow users to publish opinions, connect, build community, and produce and share content are creating the so-called social media revolution..
Social media is now the major way of sharing information because of how swiftly it can be accomplished. Social media makes information widely accessible to a diverse range of audiences. Social media has evolved into a social network that became the most actively used information source for the wider public.
KitaBisa.com as example of Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing
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Crowdfunding is recently popular type of crowdsourcing Crowdfunding is a method of raising money to support needed people, nonprofit organizations, and small businesses (Hargrave 2021). Kitabisa.com one of the most popular crowdfunding platform Indonesia that available in Social Media Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. With the help of Kitabisa, anybody may fundraise and give for a range of social, personal, creative, or other causes by using web technology (Paryanti et al 2018). Currently, Due to the concerning fact of self-quarantining as a means to contain the spread of COVID-19, Indonesians have turned to online crowdfunding as a strategy of donating money to different organizations working in the fight against COVID-19 as below as example.
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To effectively spread information and raise funding, social media is essential, according to Hui (2021). Once a project has been started, the success of the project is determined by the creators' social media engagement. In social interactions, links and interactions between people can take any form (Kaur et al 2017) More information about a project may be gathered via social media. The amount of links and shares on various social media platforms indicates the project's success and exposure (Chen et al 2015).  fundraising efforts for COVID-19 mitigation have increased on the Kitabisa. A total of 513 campaigns started by public personalities, NGOs, and members of the public have been reported on the site, with contributions totaling US$1.4 million.
Celerity also plays big Role to Promote Crowdfunding into Public
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Kitabisa.com collects a larger number of donations and plays a critical part in the overall achievement of reaching the fundraising goals. Incorporating celebrity endorsements, whether through the use of a famous persons name or by involving the celebrity as a project starter, may help build enthusiasm and encourage people to donate.
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Above image an Indonesian celebrity, Raffi Ahmad made a campaign for against COVID-19. The fundraising campaign made from the kitabisa.com platform did not take long to attract attention. The fundraising entitled "Protect Medical Workers and the Community from Corona" immediately spread quickly in Social media like Instagram. Even in just 1 hour after the fundraising was opened, has managed to get more than Rp29 million from the public (Sayyidah  2020). It shows that Celebrity endorsements have a huge impact on credibility and communication asserted of the advertising ( Khan et al. 2016). It's possible as celebrities are famous & their figurines are available in people's minds (Knoll & Matthes, 2017).
Internet and social media have a huge influence on crowdsourcing, since they enable mobilize people to take action and obtain information for the further development of catastrophe forecasts. Additionally, social media crowdfunding initiatives would be widely spread to promote awareness among the community and fundraise for people truly needy.
Refence lists
EstellĂŠs-Arolas, E & GonzĂĄlez-LadrĂłn-de-Guevara, F 2012, "Towards an integrated crowdsourcing definition", Journal of Information Science, vol. 38, no. 2, p. 9.
Smith, T. 2009, “The social media revolution”, International Journal of Market Research, 51(4), 559-561.
Hui, J., Gerber, E., & Greenberg, M.D. 2012, “Easy Money? The Demands of Crowdfunding Work”.
Chen, S, Chen, C, Chen, Y., Yang, C, Lin, W, & Wei, C 2015, Will Your Project Get the Green Light? Predicting the Success of Crowdfunding Campaigns. PACIS, p. 70
Kaur, H & Gera, J 2017, “Effect of Social Media Connectivity on Success of Crowdfunding Campaigns”, Procedia Computer Science, pp. 767-774. 10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.435.
Sayyidah A 2020 Raffi Ahmad Akhirnya Turun Tangan Galang Dana untuk COVID-19, Baru 1 Jam Nominal Sudah Fantastis, Kanal 247, Viewed 29 October <https://www.kanal247.com/media/konten/0000050140.html>
Knoll, J & Matthes, J 2017, The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements: a meta-analysis, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 55-75.
Khan, S. K & Rukhsar, A & Shoaib, M 2016, Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Purchase Intention, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 6-12.
Paryanti, E & Arum, A & Apriyanto 2018, Celebrity Endorsements In Crowdfunding Management Case Study: Yayasan Kitabisa,
Hargrave, M 2021, Crowdsourcing Definiton, Investopedia, Viewed 29 October, <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crowdsourcing.asp>
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 7 The role Social Media in informing COVID-19 in Malaysia
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The world has learned during COVID-19 that social media becomes a fantastic tool for individuals and communities to keep in touch even when they are geographically isolated (Kushner 2020) . To understand about recent issues, we now have been relying on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitters, YouTube, and What's app in the 20th century .These platforms enable us to update our personal and professional lives as well. In the corporate world, this involves taking use of social media in new and creative ways to help workers and consumers. For the government, social media lets to provide the accurate and real time information as effectively as possible.
Why is Social media really that important? 
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As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are using social media at higher rates than usual to obtain health - related information for themselves and their loved ones. The usage of social media channels has turned out to be a welcome relief in the ongoing health catastrophe and global crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. It's undeniable that social media sites have made it so much easier for people to access health information, providing the ability to evaluate their own health concerns and solve global health issues. Social media users often generate and share health information available from both nationally and internationally sources in response to a global public health issue. 
Hence, health care providers and authorities are beginning to employ social media technology to manage and mitigate the negative consequences of health emergencies. It becomes more difficult to handle a pandemic when the government and health institutions are placed under greater pressure. A critical component of disease mitigation and control is the communication of precise, consistent, and trustworthy information about the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Is social media effective ?
The short answer, yes
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Malaysia has made several noteworthy efforts to improve communication sharing on social media, in particular Updates on official channels have enabled the broader public accept and embrace relevant knowledge and information on social media. As an illustration, the Ministry of Health Malaysia created an official website to transmit COVID-19 guidelines (Liew et al 2020).
The rapid global spread of COVID-19 has altered where people turn for news and updates about the virus. A recent report that analyzed media behaviors during the pandemic reported that 40% of people visit social media more for news than they did before COVID-19  and All social platforms have made gains in usage in the wake of Covid-19, with Facebook and WhatsApp benefitting the most. 33% of respondents said they had been using Facebook more than usual, and 28% said they had increased their use of WhatsApp.
Havas Media Group (2020)
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Source: http://www.imamalaysia.org/what-we-do/imaret/main-page-covid/
Other than that, non-governmental organizations (NGO) have indisputable support from the Malaysian public, mainly thanks to social media. According to Amirul et all (2020) More than RM2 million has been raised for the COVID-19 pandemic due to IMARET's partnership with social media influencers, while the organization has been sharing timely & accurate information on the pandemic (Ihsan 2020). 
The downside of Social Media
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Source: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/540298
An example of misleading information is shown in the figure above, which is about a warning from people to stay away from Indian restaurant due to new deadly variant COVID-19 from India. Fake news like this one typically misrepresent the public and cause them to get worried about something. As a result of receiving false news and misleading information from the media, folks may begin to lose trust in it.
It is difficult to manage the spread of false information, and it serves to emphasize the thin line that social media companies must walk between serving as communication channels and serving as arbiters of freedom of speech and expression. Although this conflict will probably not be addressed very soon, it should be noted that even the most advanced technology techniques coupled with human effort are not without flaws (Das & Ahmed 2020) .
There is no such thing as a perfect platform. Social media may be a double-edged sword when it comes to raising consciousness and sharing information on COVID-19 in Malaysia while there was a lot of fake news and fear on social media. however thanks to this platform there was also a lot of lifesaving information, connections with others, and a sense of worldwide solidarity. It was shown during COVID-19 that social media proves to be a crucial place for governments, humanitarian organizations, influencers, and ordinary users to debate frequently difficult academic ideas in new and innovative ways and to mediate the effect of these ideas on their lives
Reference lists
Das, R & Ahmed, W 2020, Despite concerns, COVID-19 shows how social media has become an essential tool in the democratisation of knowledge, viewed 20 October, 2021, <https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2020/06/05/despite-concerns-covid-19-shows-how-social-media-has-become-an-essential-tool-in-the-democratisation-of-knowledge/>.
Kushner, J 2020,The role of social media during a pandemic, viewed 19 October, 2021, <https://khoros.com/blog/social-medias-role-during-covid-19>.
Liew, S, Khoo, E, Cheah, W, Goh, P & Ibrahim, H 2020, "We have to write and share valid and reliable information on COVID-19", Malays Fam Physician. 15(1):1. doi: 10.51866/ed0001.
Ihsan, S 2020, Vivy Yusof and Fadza Anuar start fund for Covid-19 front liners | New Straits Times, viewed 19 October, 2021, <https://www.nst.com.my/lifestyle/flair/2020/03/575658/vivy-yusof-and-fadza-anuar-start-fund-covid-19-front-liners>.
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 6 How is Social Media Empowering Activism & Protest
Activism & Protest Definition
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Activism is activity taken in support of a cause, action that deviates from the ordinary or routine. Door-to-door canvassing,  radio, public gatherings, marches, or fasting are all examples of action and The cause could be for women's rights, against a factory, or for world peace (Herr & Anderson 2007).
While, According to Oxford Dictionary, Protest is defined as an uncertain event which people demonstrate their extreme disagreement with something by standing collectively, yelling, and holding signs, often in public venues. 
Are there different with these both term?
Protest and activism both entail movement and promote action. Both of these concerns arise when there is dissatisfaction among them. Hence, They're all gathered together to talk about and do action on the issue on physical conversations or social media. So, are there any distinctions for these term?
Activism & protest before Social Media exist?
Activism has existed in every system of government across time. Yet it has never attracted the same historical interest as rulers, wars, elections, and empires. Activists usually oppose policies and actions, not to gain power. The Activism in 20th century were commonly carrying signs and collectively standing and marching in public space like road, park, or even government offices to express their disagreement about certain thing. Two pictures below are illustration how people that time conducted the activism and protest to government.
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The images depicts Activism about Women’ Rights
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Women's concerns were started hearing, their objectives were eventually expressed in the world: In 1920, the US approved the 19th Amendment, which gave women's suffrage (Lutz 2020).
How Social Media Has Changed Activism & Protests
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Almost everything has changed due to Social Media and Activism & protest is including for this. Due to the breadth and quality of its influence, social media technologies have caused people to re-evaluate the concept of activism, including growing public awareness, a rising feeling of urgency and word of mouth persuasion (Rutledge 2010). Social media radically simplified organizing and coordinating large groups. According to Princeton professor, social media enables us to perceive a situation that has traditionally been wholly obvious to some and completely hidden to the others  (Ovide 2021).
As you can see the video above, On May 25, 2020, Minneapolis cops detained 46-year-old George Floyd. An coworker phoned 911 & suspected Floyd of buying smokes with fake $20 notes. Floyd was restrained by 3 cops for 17 minutes after the first patrol vehicle came & It shows no signs of life.
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The short video taken about that scene was sharing and spreading on many social media like Facebook, twitter, Instagram and YouTube. What ensued was perhaps the greatest social movement in US history. Millions went to the streets and the internet to demand racial justice in America, embodied by the popular hashtag #BlackLivesMatter (Wirtschafter 2021). 
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Floyd's death then also sparked demonstrations in various countries like the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. They demanded justice for the unarmed black man who died in detention. People from around the world marched in solidarity with protesters in the US Embassy (McCurry et al. 2020).
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Since a series of tragic incidents sparked worldwide demonstrations, 206 Black Lives Matter Tweets per second. That's almost 3.8x the previous high of 390M Tweets. #BlackLivesMatter remains centered on police and politicians. But allyship is also playing important role. Diverse groups are Tweeting supporting hashtags including #AmplifyMelanatedVoices, a campaign to elevate Black voices (Bianci 2020). 
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Social media's influence may be clearly apparent in movements. With something as basic as a tweet, toward being a broad movement that has benefited many minority people in their path as well as elevating them as people and a community. One of the most powerful and widely used tools for social activism and protest is social media.1`
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 5: How is Social Media related to Politics?
Before Internet and Social Media Born
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Long ago before Smartphone, Internet, Social Media such as TikTok or Instagram and also myself exist, let us try to imagine living in 1930-1950s period where that time we found nothing both gadget and internet for me that’s kinda suck to live that era. to get latest information about topics, newspaper and radio are the most common as the source information. And politician also use the conventional media as major campaign to reach many people for sharing his vision and mission. Pictures below are examples how the politician did the campaign during that era.
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Photo of Roosevelt’s presidential campaign poster
Social Media is getting a common thing in 21th Century
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The advancement of communication technology has permeated our life. The emergence of new media and technology, which brought rise to social media, is one way of communication (Anshari 2013). In modern age, social media is becoming is a common thing as a source of information for every. before, we obtained information through newspapers and radio which that time the information is limited and costly. However, now information is now widely available on the internet, and individuals might access freely. People may use social media to gather information and making the interesting contents.
Can Social Media be effective for Political Actor to reach wider audience?
And like us, political actors also participate to use and more active on social media, for example Facebook and twitter where they create a Facebook account and tweet using a hashtag. Social media does provide opportunities for political actors to be able to attract people, interact directly with the public and meet with the wider community (Anshari 2013). The ability to create a room for dialogue between politicians and the public to attract the interest of voters makes social media even more important for politicians (Stieglitz & Dang-Xuan, 2012)
For instance in US Election 2014, the success of Barack Obama's use of social networks is seen as one of the reasons that contributed to his victory in the United States presidential election. Approximately 30% of Obama's campaign messages are delivered through internet (Riaz 2010). His social media campaign transformed campaigning by changing the way political movement. The video below was one of the most prominent during the 2016 campaign.
presidential campaign Video of Barrack Obama On YouTube
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Obama outperformed Romney in term of Social Media Campaigns and followers
ERB Youtube Channel made a rap battle video with cosplaying as Obama and Romney which leads America's political situation during election more intense for both parties.
Social Media is also a big issue for politicians
Social Media is like two sides of a coin, it can help politicians to reach the wider public. However, there were also issues that politicians cannot ignore, one of them is a scandal. In the blink of an eye, one single post may become viral, and if it's a humiliating one, a politician must be ready to deal with the allegations, curse words, and the loss of supporter from the public.
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WikiLeaks Reveals Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager
Let’s take example scandal over the controversy Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State was her campaign’s Kryptonite. It was emblematic of a personal defect: her reputation for Nixonian paranoia and secrecy. But it also represented the success of a decades-long Republican campaign to discredit Clinton and her husband with any accusation that seemed sufficiently smeary to stick (Walker 2016)
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In other words, Social media is Double edged sword which political involvement on social media supports both interests. Because of how quickly and often it is refreshed, social media can be a very effective tool for politicians looking to market themselves. It will, though, turn into a danger if it is misused. This text recalls me of another one that says everything happens for a purpose, ways to look at it.
Reference Lists
Walker, T 2016, How Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump, viewed 30 September 2021, <https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-president-wins-hillary-clinton-loses-how-emails-us-election-2016-latest-a7405256.html>.
Anshari, F, 2013. KOMUNIKASI POLITIK DI ERA MEDIA SOSIAL. Jurnal Komunikasi.
Riaz, S. 2010, “Effects on New Media Technologies on Political Communication” dalam Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 2 University of the Punjab Lahore Stieglitz, S & Dang-Xuan, L. 2012, Social media and political communication: a social media analytics framework.
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
Week 4: Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks & Instagram?
Blogging Definition
A weblog, often known as a blog, is an author's diary which comprises information published immediately on its blog sites (Varma & Ashwini 2020). Blogs are online writing spaces that can be edited immediately and published publicly through web browsers (Zhang, 2009). They work as online journals in which blog developers can update any day-to-day life experiences independently (Oravec, 2002) Blogging also refers to writing, photography, and other media that's self-published online. Blogging started as an opportunity for individuals to write diary-style entries, but it has since been incorporated into websites for many businesses (Randy Duermyer 2021).
What Is a Social Networking Service?
According to Collin (2011) Social Networking Service (SNS) is a web-based service allowing users to develop a public or semi-public account inside a confined system, list the other users they connected to, see, and pass through the links and those they make within the system. Their usage is not limited. Ellison (2007) also defines Social Network Sites is websites provide a digital platform for interaction with others in a social network through sharing content such as messages, posts, videos, and photos and Instagram and TikTok are examples from Social Networking Servicers.
 TikTok Monthly number users has increased significantly
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TikTok has grown in popularity in the last 5 years, which was released in September 2016. The most recent TikTok data suggest that 689 million active users globally were in use in January 2021 (Kemp, 2021). This puts TikTok the 6th largest user platform, in front of many others, including Snapchat, Pinterest and Twitter.
 Instagram user numbers finally hit 1 billion in 2018
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After passing 800 million in September 2017, In June 2018, there are nearly 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram (Pokrop 2016). That’s a huge number considering the size of other major social media platforms. Instagram isn’t even slowing down as in June 2016 and June 2018, the number of monthly active users has doubled. 
 Why SNS platform (Instagram & TikTok ) platform are getting popular lately?
According to Brand Dignity (n.td) there 3 of 6 reason why SNS is popular
1. Easy to use
The SNS is designed that it's extremely easy to use. Many websites are so simple to follow that they need far less internet understanding. The mobile apps of these social networking sites are much easier to use, letting many more humans to interact via them.
2. Free to use
Most prominent social networking platforms such as Instagram and TikTok freely accessible to everyone. Most of these websites use ads to generate their income.
3. Meeting new friends
SNS provides new users across the world a chance to get to know. Users of these sites get global access to millions of accounts. Chat rooms were the only method to meet new people on the web before the introduction of social networking services. Accounts on social networking platforms enable individuals to learn more about a person before interacting with him.
  So, is blogging still relevant right now?
Byers (2021) said that there are more than 600 million blogs with over 1,7 billion blogs world-wide currently. Every year more than 2.5 billion blog articles globally are published. Every day there are approximately eight million blog entries. 
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The table beneath represents the average number of websites each year across the timeline from 1 blog in 1991 to 1 billion in 2014. these stats show that the blogging trend remains relevant and even still grows significantly every year. 
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All by all, though after more than two decades, even in 2021, blogging is still relevant, and for many years to come this will continue. Blogging remains aspect of the way of many individuals, even with the arrival of Instagram and TitkTok. If we are searching for example the review movies or how to make a cookie, the best results from Google search are likely form blogs. So, Blogging is not fading, rather the opposite it is evolving. Today's consumption of blog articles will be different drastically compared with the next 10 year in the future. If bloggers would like to continue to achieve sustained success with their blogs, they need to evolve and establish business models.
Reference lists
.J, Ashwini & Varma, Aparna., 2020., A Study on the Importance of Blog in Digital Marketing. <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342480392_A_Study_on_the_Importance_of_Blog_in_Digital_Marketing>
Brand Dignity n.td, 6 Reasons Why Social Networking is So Popular These Days, viewed 23 September 2021, <https://www.brandignity.com/2012/11/6-reasons-why-social-networking-is-so-popular-these-days/>
Byers, K 2021, How Many Blogs Are There? (And 141 Other Blogging Stats), growth badger, viewed 23 September 2021, <https://growthbadger.com/blog-stats/>
Collin, P., Rahilly, K., Richardson, I. & Third, A., 2011, The Benefits of Social Networking Services: A literature review. Cooperative Research Centre for Young People, Technology and Wellbeing. Melbourne <https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/476337/The-Benefits-of-Social-Networking-Services.pdf>
Duermyer, R 2021., What Is Blogging? The balance small business, viewed 23 September 2021, <https://www.thebalancesmb.com/blogging-what-is-it-1794405>
Ellison, N. B. 2007., Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230.
Kemp, S 2021: GLOBAL OVERVIEW REPORT, DataReportal, viewed 23 September 2021 <https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-global-overview-report>
Oravec, J. A. 2002., Bookmarking the World: Weblog Applications in Education. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 45(7), p. 616-621.
Pokrop, J 2020., Instagram Statistics That Matter for Marketers in 202, Napoleon cat, viewed 23 September 2021, <https://napoleoncat.com/blog/instagram-statistics/>
Zhang, D. 2009., The Application of Blog in English Writing. Journal of Cambridge Studies, 4(1), p. 64-72.
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jzxtube ¡ 3 years
You will never arrive at the reality that will occur! None before me shall ever do so, no matter what abilities they may wield!
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