kadajsbitch Ā· 11 months
OHH I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT šŸ˜­ thatā€™s amazing though, I wonder what other aspects they might include then!
Random thought but
Also, SPOILERS if you havenā€™t watched Ghost in The Shell šŸ’€) But I just had a random thought.
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So you know how some of us are curious to know whether Pinocchio feels human to the touch, or not? (not in the perverted sense. šŸ™)
It got me thinking back to Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in The Shell and how she was created, skin wise mostly šŸ’€
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First, she started out like this. Her parts being assembled, and then she gets dumped in the green liquid, before she suddenly comes to the surface.
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THEN judging by the following scenes, it seems that the green stuff is what made up her hair and skin cells, considering she was both bald and robotic looking when she got marinated in the green sauce šŸ’€
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FINALLY, comes out of the green stuff, and suddenly it starts to lift from her body, and it reveals she looks completely humanoid. No signs of her being robotic whatsoever. No her skin is a peachy pale, her lips are colored, and her hair is black. (Looks brown in the pic but I wasnā€™t quick enough to take a screenshot šŸ¤”)
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For one, Ive seen some theories on both here, and the Lies of P discord revolving around THIS dude possibly being either the Ghost of Geppettoā€™s original son that from what we know, Pinocchio in the original story, was made in his image.
(Also, this was the best picture I could find of him, I just took the first pic I googled šŸ’€)
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Cool right? We also see a dude who looks EERILY SIMILAR TO HIM, pop out when Pinocchioā€™s fighting, only thing is heā€™s glowing blue and white and his name is Spectorā€¦
Bro. Considering that this is a darker retelling of Pinocchio on top of being a Dark Souls game, I think all hands are on the table to theorize some macabre shit. šŸ‘€
Antonia did say something Along the lines of Geppetto being mad with guilt. Of course that could be could also be taken as her joking to Pinocchio about him, kind of like when your parentā€™s friends joke to you about how your parents were back in the day or something, but I find it kind of weird that Spector can pop up in fights when needed, as well as I find it weird that Pinocchio, from what we saw from both the trailer and now the demo, hearā€™s someone whisper ā€œWake upā€ and this causes his eyes to squint slightly as if he too is wondering if he just heard that shit himself. šŸ’€
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And then with it coming out that we can lie to Geppetto as well, i also find that weird since it seems from both the advertisement for the game and the little demo gameplay we have, it seems that weā€™re supposed to be helping Geppetto in a sense find out both the cause to why the robots have gone rogue, as well as protecting the innocent around him. Why would he need to lie to Geppetto if weā€™re on the same side?
And yeah we can say, ā€œSo he can feel like a real boy.ā€ But part of me personally feels like Pinocchio (from what I personally understood from the demo) doesnā€™t really have that goal in mind.
Right now, I feel like heā€™s just lying because it benefits him at the moment. I mean if he told the truth about being a puppet, he wouldnā€™t have been able to get into the hotel. Of course, thereā€™s the other things he lies about that he might not need to necessarily lie aboutā€¦ but Geppetto made him with free will. Whoā€™s to say the moment he lied and felt his gears turning, the next time heā€™s offered the choice, he just lies because heā€™s curious as to what heā€™s feeling? (Kind of like how Motoko was curious if the memories she had were artificial or not and this causes her to do things like go scuba diving for ā€œrelaxationā€ knowing if her system malfunctions, sheā€™s fucked and even Bautou find it weird sheā€™s willing to risk it)
Finally, jumping back to how I said I feel like his goal to becoming a real boy (if the game is going to keep that key element having to do with the fairytale the games based on) as well as why I brought up Ghost in the Shell in the first place.
What if Geppetto made Pinocchio using his son?
Again, if youā€™ve seen Ghost in the Shell, Motoko spent the film wondering if the memories she had were ones she made up to feel less artificial, and she questions had she ever been human considering her current brain (the grey thing in the first pictures of Motoko I added) was a now a cyber brain and that they had added what they refer to, as her ā€œGhostā€ to this artificial brain.
Due to the fact her actual body had been in the process of dying, and in an effort to save her, they basically removed her brain in spinal cord and for a moment in time, placed it in a artificial childā€™s body (the death of her body happened when she was a child. Sounds suspiciously similar right? šŸ‘€ The only aspect of it being in the actual Pinocchio story, the puppet doesnā€™t become possessed with the spirit of Geppettoā€™s dead son.)
Like, what if part of the main storyline other than the crazy killer puppets, is Pinocchio questioning his creation? And what if ā€œSpectorā€ is the voice trying to drop hints to him about this? (Like what if his gears moving is Spectors way of telling him heā€™s going in the direction heā€™s trying to guide him to?)
Also, considering that the story takes place around the early 19th century, even with the crazy (modern for their time)yet old inventions, just how the fuck was Geppetto able to make Pinocchio appear so human? Like the hair on his head is not a wig, and while his skin is clearly blemish free and smooth, his skin appears to have obviously have pores on it. Like I feel like if he wanted to, he could facially emote so easily and I wouldnā€™t guess anything about him was robotic at all.
I sound batshit crazy, I know but Iā€™m lowkey serious and curious if they took inspiration from it šŸ˜­ please let me know how you guys feel about this
41 notes Ā· View notes
kadajsbitch Ā· 11 months
Random thought but
Also, SPOILERS if you havenā€™t watched Ghost in The Shell šŸ’€) But I just had a random thought.
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So you know how some of us are curious to know whether Pinocchio feels human to the touch, or not? (not in the perverted sense. šŸ™)
It got me thinking back to Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in The Shell and how she was created, skin wise mostly šŸ’€
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First, she started out like this. Her parts being assembled, and then she gets dumped in the green liquid, before she suddenly comes to the surface.
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THEN judging by the following scenes, it seems that the green stuff is what made up her hair and skin cells, considering she was both bald and robotic looking when she got marinated in the green sauce šŸ’€
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FINALLY, comes out of the green stuff, and suddenly it starts to lift from her body, and it reveals she looks completely humanoid. No signs of her being robotic whatsoever. No her skin is a peachy pale, her lips are colored, and her hair is black. (Looks brown in the pic but I wasnā€™t quick enough to take a screenshot šŸ¤”)
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For one, Ive seen some theories on both here, and the Lies of P discord revolving around THIS dude possibly being either the Ghost of Geppettoā€™s original son that from what we know, Pinocchio in the original story, was made in his image.
(Also, this was the best picture I could find of him, I just took the first pic I googled šŸ’€)
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Cool right? We also see a dude who looks EERILY SIMILAR TO HIM, pop out when Pinocchioā€™s fighting, only thing is heā€™s glowing blue and white and his name is Spectorā€¦
Bro. Considering that this is a darker retelling of Pinocchio on top of being a Dark Souls game, I think all hands are on the table to theorize some macabre shit. šŸ‘€
Antonia did say something Along the lines of Geppetto being mad with guilt. Of course that could be could also be taken as her joking to Pinocchio about him, kind of like when your parentā€™s friends joke to you about how your parents were back in the day or something, but I find it kind of weird that Spector can pop up in fights when needed, as well as I find it weird that Pinocchio, from what we saw from both the trailer and now the demo, hearā€™s someone whisper ā€œWake upā€ and this causes his eyes to squint slightly as if he too is wondering if he just heard that shit himself. šŸ’€
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And then with it coming out that we can lie to Geppetto as well, i also find that weird since it seems from both the advertisement for the game and the little demo gameplay we have, it seems that weā€™re supposed to be helping Geppetto in a sense find out both the cause to why the robots have gone rogue, as well as protecting the innocent around him. Why would he need to lie to Geppetto if weā€™re on the same side?
And yeah we can say, ā€œSo he can feel like a real boy.ā€ But part of me personally feels like Pinocchio (from what I personally understood from the demo) doesnā€™t really have that goal in mind.
Right now, I feel like heā€™s just lying because it benefits him at the moment. I mean if he told the truth about being a puppet, he wouldnā€™t have been able to get into the hotel. Of course, thereā€™s the other things he lies about that he might not need to necessarily lie aboutā€¦ but Geppetto made him with free will. Whoā€™s to say the moment he lied and felt his gears turning, the next time heā€™s offered the choice, he just lies because heā€™s curious as to what heā€™s feeling? (Kind of like how Motoko was curious if the memories she had were artificial or not and this causes her to do things like go scuba diving for ā€œrelaxationā€ knowing if her system malfunctions, sheā€™s fucked and even Bautou find it weird sheā€™s willing to risk it)
Finally, jumping back to how I said I feel like his goal to becoming a real boy (if the game is going to keep that key element having to do with the fairytale the games based on) as well as why I brought up Ghost in the Shell in the first place.
What if Geppetto made Pinocchio using his son?
Again, if youā€™ve seen Ghost in the Shell, Motoko spent the film wondering if the memories she had were ones she made up to feel less artificial, and she questions had she ever been human considering her current brain (the grey thing in the first pictures of Motoko I added) was a now a cyber brain and that they had added what they refer to, as her ā€œGhostā€ to this artificial brain.
Due to the fact her actual body had been in the process of dying, and in an effort to save her, they basically removed her brain in spinal cord and for a moment in time, placed it in a artificial childā€™s body (the death of her body happened when she was a child. Sounds suspiciously similar right? šŸ‘€ The only aspect of it being in the actual Pinocchio story, the puppet doesnā€™t become possessed with the spirit of Geppettoā€™s dead son.)
Like, what if part of the main storyline other than the crazy killer puppets, is Pinocchio questioning his creation? And what if ā€œSpectorā€ is the voice trying to drop hints to him about this? (Like what if his gears moving is Spectors way of telling him heā€™s going in the direction heā€™s trying to guide him to?)
Also, considering that the story takes place around the early 19th century, even with the crazy (modern for their time)yet old inventions, just how the fuck was Geppetto able to make Pinocchio appear so human? Like the hair on his head is not a wig, and while his skin is clearly blemish free and smooth, his skin appears to have obviously have pores on it. Like I feel like if he wanted to, he could facially emote so easily and I wouldnā€™t guess anything about him was robotic at all.
I sound batshit crazy, I know but Iā€™m lowkey serious and curious if they took inspiration from it šŸ˜­ please let me know how you guys feel about this
41 notes Ā· View notes
kadajsbitch Ā· 11 months
Fresh Air (P.t Two)
Pinocchio x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of smoking and drinking, angst, slight gore but mostly having to do with the puppets
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A/n: BRUH. So much shit has been happening in my life atm so I apologize for the hella late update but I decided I want to make this a story so yeah šŸ˜­ I might upload this on Ao3 and Wattpad, idk yet but hereā€™s part two!
(P.s: if you read this earlier, I fixed the typos and changed up some words and stuff but thatā€™s all!šŸ’€)
After he had shut the door behind them, she felt her shoulders begin to physically relax. A tension beginning to ease that she hadn't known her body had been holdingā€¦
The doors intricate locks began to whirl, clicking in place and causing a slight echo in the empty entry hall. She gave a sigh of relief, moving her gaze from the floor to meet him.
He kept his eyes on the door for a moment, starring at it almost owlishly as if expecting moreā€¦ whether that be of the door to suddenly open and allow the mechanoids to infiltrate the hotel, or whatever thoughts he had towards it swirling through his mind, she didnā€™t know.
However, she watched rather awkwardly for a moment before adverting her gaze, as his wandered to look at his robotic arm as it made a slight noise before it went silent and still. She had noticed it twitching slightly while they had been talking to one another outside, but she hadnā€™t commentedā€¦
Instead, she cleared her throat lightly, the action garnering his attention as he turned his head to look in her direction. "Thank you... I think I'll be smoking from inside from now on." She smiled, joking lightly as he turned and began to walk towards her, a gentle smile on his lips as he nodded in the direction to the stairway that led to the lobby.
"Those are bad for you, you know. Why do you think the men who smoke them are constantly hacking up something before they can properly talk?" At this, she raised an eyebrow, turning her attention away from the door that would lead them to the stairwell.
ā€œThatā€™s not true! My mother smoked all the time back when I lived with my parents. The only problem she got from smoking being the breathe.ā€ She chuckled, looking up towards him catching the way his nose subtly wrinkled before turning to grin at her.
"Well if it comforts you, I donā€™t plan to be a chain smoker. I just saw the box lying on the ground and chose to take it because I wanted to see what all the fuss was aboutā€¦ā€ a half truthā€¦ and a half lie. She found it yes, but it wasnā€™t on the ground. It was on a corpse... while it was true she grabbed it out of curiosity, as well as her own excitement at the prospect of doing something she knew her family would have a fit had they been able to see, she wasnā€™t going to tell him that.
She was surprised when he suddenly chuckled, a light yet almost practiced sound to her ears, and she turned to look at him as they began to ascend the stairs. ā€œAnd did you indeed see what the fuss was about?ā€ He asked.
She shrugged, shaking her head slightly with a look of disillusionment as she spoke. ā€œHonestly? No. I thought itā€™d be like alcohol but without the unpleasant taste and feelings you get after drinking it. The first time I ever drank, I got the worse headache after only a small glass. Plus the taste is god awful.ā€ She replied, wrinkling her nose.
He still wore his smile, but it seemed a bit practiced now as he stiffly nodded, his blue eyes turning to stare at hers. ā€œYes. Very unpleasant. I take it your a drinker then?ā€ The question was harmless and she playfully rolled her eyes but mentally she found the question odd considering she had just described feeling negative towards drinking due to the effects it came with.
ā€œNo, Iā€™ve only drunk once in my life, and it was only for the experience. If Iā€™m being honest, I hope itā€™s the last time thoughā€¦ I would say it will be the last time but Iā€™m indecisive. I take it youā€™ve never drank before though?ā€ His face was relaxed, and in the stairwells lighting, the shadows danced over his eyes, which in turn held a sharp look as his gaze was directed to her... for a second, he looked uncomfortably uncanny but not threateningā€¦ She pushed the thought to the side however as she focused on the steps ahead of them.
ā€œNo, I havenā€™t.ā€ He stated simply. ā€œBut if I could I probably would for the experience as well.ā€ he replied back but this only caused her to frown, before a slight smirk found itā€™s way on her face. ā€œWhy? Too scared to sneak a sip from your parents cabinet?ā€
At this, he raised his eyebrow at her giving her a questioning look and for a moment, she was worried he was genuinely one of those people who were too much of a moral martyr and would look at her oddly for the joking suggestion. But to her surprise, he cracked a quick smile before laughing lightly, a genuine sound as he looked down at his shoes, crossing his arms.
ā€œNo, not at all. Other reasons though. I donā€™t think my father would care much if I did. Matter of fact, I feel heā€™d be quite intrigued if I ever showed interest to that sort of thing.ā€ He admitted, and she crossed her arms, leaning on the opposite wall he stood against chuckling lightly.
Mentally, she was giving herself a clap on the back because it had taken her a week to muster enough courage to talk to Antonia and Eugenia as she was talking to him. She was so used to moving from place to place, and not seeing the same faces around her that it was almost a bit of a shock when sheā€™d go to sleep, only to wake up hours later, and see she was still in the hotel. As well as the people she had seen the day previously, were still there. Itā€™s because she had to move around so much, her people skills were a bit rusty to say the least but she couldnā€™t help but to feel relaxed whilst she talked to Pinocchioā€¦
Pinocchioā€™s eyes scanned her face for a moment, studying her before clearing his throat and proceeding to walk ahead towards the doors that would lead them to the lobby, the amused smile still playing on his lips. ā€œCome. Itā€™s late out and its better to be in the lobby than to be here. Thereā€™s a draft.ā€
She couldnā€™t help but to feel a bit disappointed that their conversation seemed to be coming to an end, but considering how late it truly was, along with the fact he seemed mad enough to walk around Krat far from the hotel, she assumed he was rather exhausted.
She nodded, pushing herself from the wall before walking alongside him into the hotels lobby.
While it was true that most of society had given to buying puppets to replace human workers, there were a select few companies that all but banned puppets from entering their facility's even with their owners beside them.
Therefore it really was no surprise that many people in the anarchy ridden city, paired up and had buildings much to their own liking, where they'd enroll those who had survived seeking refuge in bigger groups, to support their cause to abolish puppets. It helped that present day events gave them a broader reason to expand on their reasoning...
A good example of their work would be some of the puppets they managed to dispatch and re-arrange their now unanimated bodies in positions that were eerily similar to what a human might look like after being violently slaughteredā€¦
A good example of this she could think, of was the puppet who had been hanging by the neck over the bridge she had crossed days previously to get to the hotel.
Y/n wrapped her arms around herself, her right hand coming to rest on her left shoulder as she stared out of one of the hallways windows, thinking back to the puppet as she stared at the unmoving one that lie on the outside ground floorā€¦ it unnerved her how he looked almost human despite the clear robotic jaw and eyes as well as wires that stuck out from his chest cavityā€¦ the puppet equivalent of innards like a humans, and the black oil that it lie in reminded her too much of a humans blood despite the clear difference in color.
The sound of soft footsteps approaching her, brought her from her thoughts however, as she turned away from the window to see who was approaching her, worried that whoever it was would find it odd she was spending her morning staring out at the dead lifeless puppet but then again, there wasnā€™t like there was much of anything else to stare at scenery wise considering Krat was in ruin.
She relaxed as she came to see it was only Pinocchio and she felt herself becoming happy that he was approaching her considering theyā€™re previous conversation the night before. Finally there was someone her age other than Sophia and Eugenia she could talk to, not that she talked much with Sophia due to her having to constantly focus her powers on patrolling the city of Krat for survivors and other key issues.
ā€œGood morning. I hope you slept well.ā€ He greeted her, coming to stand beside her with a slight smile on his face that she returned happily.
ā€œGood morning to you as well, and I did. Slept well too, I presume?ā€ He shrugged, turning to look outside the window she had previously been occupied with, his eyes scanning the outside area.ā€œAdequate.ā€ He replied simply, and seemingly honestly.
The corner of her mouth lifted into a subtle smirk as she now fully grasped his appearance. Unlike the clothes he wore the night prior, today he wore something a little more formalā€¦ He wore a simple chemise white shirt only this time, he adorned a cravat with a gold ruby pendant in the center. This was followed by a red buttoned vest, that seemed to have a pocket watch tucked within, perhaps in a hidden pocket on the other side she presumed.
As for the rest of his outfit, he wore a simple blue long coat with gray breeches and white socks and flat black shoesā€¦ He looked quite studious, like the few men from the academyā€™s she used to be forced to greet when her parents had been looking for a husband for her sister.
ā€œAh, youā€™re dressed properly today it seems.ā€ She said, teasing him lightly. He broke his gaze from outside, turning to look at her with a smirk of his own on his face. ā€œYou are as well it seems. Better than your nightgown, robe and slippersā€¦ā€ At this, she scoffed in mock offense, before playfully elbowing him, chuckling lightly as she looked down at her shoes.
Antonia had kindly let her borrow some of her old clothes due to the fact the only ones she had were the rags on her back she had wore when she arrived to the hotelā€¦ they werenā€™t literal rags of course, just old and tattered clothes she managed to find once she outgrew her old tattered ones, with uneven patches on them from times she had to sew them when they developed holesā€¦ Today however, she wore a simple high collar black dress with slightly baggy sleeves that slimmed down towards her forearms making it easy to perform task without the sleeves being too much of a nuisance. It was a modest dress, stopping at her ankles with nothing else much being special about it. But it was enough. After all, it had been years since sheā€™s been able to wear a dress so it was a welcome change.
There was a sudden small silence between them, a comfortable one albeit, as they stood in front of the window beside one another. Their small smiles still gracing their features as they looked at the ruined scenery before them.
However, her eyes had found the ruined puppetā€™s body once more and her smile began to fade as she stared at itā€¦ or more so him considering it was a male model as was most working puppets.
Pinocchioā€™s eyes glanced toward her, his own smile faltering as his eyes found what had made her suddenly appear pensive. ā€œThat puppets been there since I arrived. Thereā€™s no need to worry. Once theyā€™ve been destroyed to the point that this puppet has been, thereā€™s no chance of it being able to turn back on.ā€ He spoke blandly, as his eyes glanced at her for a moment before looking back towards the puppet.
Her frown deepened and her eyebrows furrowed slightly at this. ā€œBut I thought it was possible to fix any puppet once theyā€™ve been subjected to damage. Itā€™s head doesnā€™t seem destroyed. And after all, the head is where their artificial intelligence and memory are stored, right?ā€ While she didnā€™t understand the full anatomy to the puppets, she knew what little scraps she had read in papers and heard in idle gossip when she would pass through towns.
Pinocchio shook his head, his eyes darting back to the mangled robot. ā€œDue to the virus, they no longer garner the memory of their purpose as well as control over themselves. Even if they were to magically stop their rampaging, the virus has destroyed much of their cognitive abilities to function so theyā€™d be useless.ā€
ā€œSo thereā€™s no way to fix the rogue bots.ā€ She stated plainly, as her eyes found his in which, they were still glued onto the unmoving puppet. He was quiet, his robotic arm emitting a slight noise as he moved it to cross his arms over his chest.
ā€œNo. Once Geppetto pinpoints the cause of the virus, these puppets will most likely get sent to be destroyed fully and if thereā€™s a slight possibility that more robots are to be manufactured after all of this, their scraps will be re-used to make more.ā€ Y/n didnā€™t know why she suddenly felt the urge to shiver at his words but she repressed it. Keeping herself together. She didnā€™t even want to imagine the process of how they destroyed or dismantled themā€¦ while they may be objects in a sense, it seemed morbid to think of a pile of parts that resembled a humans, that were stacked ceiling high, and torn apart.
ā€œWowā€¦ā€ she said suddenly after a moment of the morbid thoughts flowing through her mind. ā€œThatā€™s kind of macabre to think about.ā€ She admitted, as her right hand played with the collar of her dress.
He seemed to find this interesting as he tuned to face her fully now, his head coming to rest on the right side of the window frame as he gazed at her unblinking with a look of contempt. ā€œMacabre? How so?ā€
ā€œI meanā€¦ look at the situation? Do the puppets even know their being possessed by a virus right now? And if they do, are they aware of what theyā€™re doing? How do they even feel about it? And then imagine, being brutally torn apart because of something you couldnā€™t control? Thatā€™s scary of you ask me.ā€ She replied. She had to advert her gaze from his mid conversation due to his unblinking eyesā€¦ she wondered was he aware of his lack of awareness to his expressions.
ā€œDoes it upset you?ā€ He asked, his face calm and stoic but his eyes held an unknown emotion she couldnā€™t properly grasp as they locked eyes with one another, once again. If anything, she assumed he was going to ask her why she thought the puppets held a conscious or their own moral input other than what was implemented in their systems.
She broke his gaze once again, feeling uncomfortable with his unmoving eyes as she looked to her side. She was focused on nothing in particular but her mind tried to process how to properly get her words out as she thought to how to respond.
ā€œIt does. I knowā€¦ that the answer to my questions are probably no, they have no feeling, and theyā€™re made to perform the specific duty they were created for, but youā€™ve got to admit itā€™s upsetting seeing something that resembles us humans, even with their clear signs of artificially being created such as their speakers, joints and clothing, being mutilated like that.ā€ she paused for a moment after saying her piece, trying to decide if she should expand more on what she truly wanted to say. Pinocchio seemed to have guessed she had more on her mind because he simply nodded, a subtle gesture offering her to continue.
ā€œā€¦What upsets me the most is not knowing how things will proceed from here on outā€¦ The anti-puppet regimeā€™s and groups are now at an all time high, and while I do understand their reasoning for wanting to annihilate them, I canā€™t help to be disgusted by their methods. We get it, you donā€™t like them, and now they have further reasons to prove why but to go as far as hanging them, ripping them open and placing their bodies in very humiliating conditions to prove your point? Itā€™s funnyā€¦ the way theyā€™re going about slaughtering the puppets they can get their hands on, is the same way the rogue puppets are slaughtering us. Only difference is, the human side who are reporting their anti-puppet cause, are going further to treat them more inhumane than they are us.ā€ She finished, still starring down at the ground, whilst her hand played with her collar.
She hadnā€™t meant to rant, but as much as she was angered by what the puppets were doing, at least they had a reasoning. One in which that by Geppettoā€™s words, they canā€™t control.
Prior to the outbreak, the antiā€™s were already trying to make an example of their dislike for puppets by destroying them and leaving their slogans painted around the scene in which they had committed the crime at... It also didnā€™t help that some people who neither supported nor disliked the puppets, thought to find benefit in them by buying, altering and using them for things less than what their pre-made purpose was forā€¦ almost every paper had an article about underground rings doing less than human things to these puppets or having them do illegal work for them.
Honestly, she wondered if Geppetto was partially lying about it being a bug that was possessing them, and the reality of it was they were fighting back for theyā€™re treatment, but she didnā€™t voice this.
ā€œHmā€¦ā€ Pinocchio hummed, the sound causing her to bring her eyes from the carpeted hallway floor, to his attention as he gazed down at the puppet outside once more. ā€œThatā€™s an interesting perspective. No surprise that everyone here in the hotel feels the same. I assumed youā€™d lean towards the humans who support getting rid of them due to their slaughtering and violent destruction of Krat.ā€
She shook her had, grimacing slightly. ā€œWhile the puppets more or less unnerve me, prior to them going rogue I honestly managed better with their company more than I did with other human beings.ā€
In all honesty, that wasnā€™t necessarily the truth. The reality of it was ever since she left home, she had to be extremely careful in puppet dominated spaces due to the fact if they recognized her from the many sketches of her on wanted posters, theyā€™d immediately alert those around them as well at the police puppets to come arrest her.
While the sketches and photographs of her were old and she no longer resembled the wealthy, upperclass little girl in the photos, puppets such as police ones had built in facial recognition. All theyā€™d have to do is look at her, scan her face and theyā€™d know exactly who she was and sheā€™s had more close calls than she could mentally countā€¦
Prior to her leaving home however, when it came to the puppets, she was familiar with the puppet servants of her home. One puppet in particular, being her full time nanny from the time she was a babe, up until the day she ranā€¦
She cringed subtly pushing the memories of home from her mind, the action not going unnoticed by Pinocchio who studied her intensely, as his eyes all but scanned over her features, his face a stoic mask of his own. ā€œUm, do you mind us stepping away from the window? It seems thereā€™s a bit of a draft coming from it.ā€ She rubbed her arms slightly, not even waiting for his answer despite asking as she stepped away from the window.
He followed pursuit, walking beside her as they walked down the hall. She glanced at him as the lobby came into view, feeling uneasy by his sudden aloof demeanor as they walked silently beside one another. ā€œWhat do you think?ā€
She suddenly blurted out, causing Pinocchio to halt in his tracks while his gaze still remained ahead of them. An action she found rather robotic in itself, but she thought nothing of it as his face turned to meet hers.
ā€œI thinkā€¦ we should focus on the task at hand. If youā€™re returning my question, than I think the task at hand needs to be dealt with and thatā€™s that these puppets must be stopped.ā€ She frowned, slightly annoyed by his seemingly practiced yet bland response.
ā€œWell of course they need to be taken care of, but what do your really think? About the puppets? Prior to them going rogue and all?ā€ She asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at his unreadable expression.
She was worried that maybe her views had offended him. She tended to stay neutral when it came to politics and things that usually had people torn apart, but when he had questioned her, there was no indicator in his tone or body language that he had been uncomfortable, not to mention, he had explicitly asked her how she felt about them.
She internally cursed herself, wishing she hadnā€™t over shared. After all, he had approached her on his own accord, and prior to their conversation the mood had been light until her focus fell to the mangled puppet outsideā€¦
ā€œWhat I think about my kind doesnā€™t matter.ā€ His answer was quick, and despite his same calm tone of speaking, she couldnā€™t help but to feel like there was an underlying sharpness to his tone as his eyes all but bore into her now, unblinking.
She stared at him, her eyes scanning his face for any hint of humor or lie yet she couldnā€™t find anything behind his stony stare.
He broke his gaze from her, before walking deeper into the lobby, heading towards Sophia who had been pacing in her usual spot, but she had stopped at Pinocchioā€™s arrival.
He was a puppetā€¦
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kadajsbitch Ā· 1 year
Todays post is going to be a little late, but just wanted to say, thanks for the notes and re-shares! Since this is a blog, I canā€™t reply to comments but I really do appreciate it!
(Also, not my pic, but I found it on Pinterest and Iā€™ve been laughing for like six minutes straight šŸ’€)
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kadajsbitch Ā· 1 year
Fresh Air
Pinocchio x Fem!Reader
Warning: Smoking a cigarette, other than that none for the most part.
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I kind of want to turn this into a series, idk yet. This may be a bit OOC but for the most part, the character is nameless as for the little mentions of her family and things, I still for the most part kept it a clean slate for the readers to make that themselves. If I do make this a series, Iā€™ll probably give them a last name or something but as of now, itā€™s pretty much a blank slate so enjoy. šŸ˜…
It was late. Way too late for a lady of her status to be outside even if it was just to stand in front of the building she resided at.
But then again, those things didnā€™t matter anymoreā€¦ not with the rogue mechanoids patrolling the streets of Krat looking for any potential human or even puppet that hadnā€™t been affected with whatever was turning them haywire, to ultimately slaughter. It also didnā€™t matter anymore considering she no longer lived under her families rule anymore. For all they knew, she was dead and despite that being a cause for concern to most, it was one of the things that felt like a grand weight being lifted off her shouldersā€¦ therefore, her status didnā€™t matter anymore.
She pulled her robe around herself a little more tightly for the sake of keeping warmth. Due to the fires that were beginning to spread around the already apocalyptic city, the winds had picked up, causing for it all to appear slightly foggy, and in all honesty hard to breathā€¦ which made for what she was about to do seem stupid.
But one thing was for certain and that was that Krat was now in an apocalyptic state and even if the puppets were to one day just stop their tumultuous assault against everything within their line of vison, it would take years before Krat could be in a state of repairā€¦ and years before it would be fully repaired.
She reached into her robe pocket, keeping her head up and alert as she looked around once more, wearily taking a few hesitant steps away from the door. While it had only been a few days since her arrival to the hotel, she felt as if she was trapped which to her was slightly ironic because before she had arrived, she had told herself if there were people there who could help her, sheā€™d never leave the building for the sake of her life.
To get to the hotel had been a challenging and a perilous journey itself. She had been on her way back to the station, not willing that was or sure but having only been in Krat because she thought sheā€™d be able to hide out there until her family got bored with looking for herā€¦
She let out a frustrated huff, as she quickly moved to check her other pocket, and to both her satisfaction and annoyance, she finally grasped the thing she had been looking forā€¦ the box of cigarettes.
Straightening herself as she hesitantly glanced down the bridge and around her once more, making sure she was indeed alone. Her attention fell back to the little box. She had grabbed it off a corpse when she had been running towards the hotelā€¦ she guessed it had been a simple cream white color before it had been splattered with blood.
It felt wrong to grab it off a dead manā€™s body, but then again it wasnā€™t like he would be using them. She for one, definitely did not them nor have any true need for them considering she had never smoked before in her life. Yet she did itā€¦ and she despite the overwhelming feeling of regret having to do with her actions, she felt a peculiar sense of excitement by it due to the fact if her family could see her, theyā€™d surely throw a fit at catching her smoking.
She carefully slid the little box from the bloodied sleeve that held its contents, before pulling one of the carefully hand rolled pieces out. Quickly, she placed it between her lips before pocketing the box and shoving it back in her robe pocket and finding her matches.
Speaking of her familyā€¦.
She came from a wealthy one. One with lots of influence on those within in London and neighboring countries, yet no one wouldā€™ve guessed considering she never had her debut into society the proper way due to the fact she had ran away. She knew what would come of the dayā€¦ Her mother had wanted to throw a debutante ball and hold it at their manor, like they had done for her sister and cousins, and so on.
While from the outside, it seemed like a grand affair, some girls who were the stars of their balls and those they attended, loved it and looked forward to them, she knew it was just an excuse for her parents to go window shopping for a husband for her. The very thing she did not want.
So, she waited a week before the event, the night of her escape she had changed into one of the puppet servants clothing and promptly ran away. She had been fifteen thenā€¦ and she had been very ill-prepared for how the world outside of first class society really was and yet, she wouldnā€™t trade it for nothing in the world because at least she had one thing her parents seemed to have not wanted her to have at all, and that was free will to live her life according.
Of course, her family wasnā€™t just going to allow her to leave on her own terms. Over the years she had narrowly escaped men who had chased after her, no doubt privately hired by her father who promised them wealth and money to find her. Three men in which, continued their pursuit of finding and bringing her back to her father alive and in one piece for the award they were no doubt expecting from the man.
And they wouldā€™ve succeeded this time too, if not for the puppets at the station going haywire and attacking the men who were all but trying to drag her in the train and those around herā€¦
Feeling her hand grasp the small box of matches, she quickly pulled it out, her head whipping around to ensure her safety once more before she looked down, bringing the now lit match that she had repeatedly hit against the striker until it was ignited.
Quickly she brought the end of her cigarette to it before shaking the match out, and taking a shaky inhale. While she had never smoked before, she had been told if she ever tried, to inhale with her mouth first before fully inhaling with her lungs to avoid the embarrassment of hacking up said lungs. She pushed the smoke out through her nose, making an audible ā€œOh.ā€ Sound before, she brought the cigarette away from her mouth as she hesitantly looked across the bridge, her face fixing on the figure she hadnā€™t noticed before.
She froze for what felt like minutes before she slowly made her way to the hotel door. However, she got the need to look back once more, in which she did, and luckily it wasnā€™t a puppet like she had assumedā€¦ it was him.
He was halfway across the bridge now, his eyes fixed on her. He wore a simple chemise top that had a loose frill collar, and simple black breeches with his flat shoes and socks. A stark contrast from the uniform she was use to seeing him inā€¦She suddenly became aware of what she had on, as the skirt of her chemise night dress and train of her robe blew slightly in the harsh wind, again reminding her that she shouldnā€™t have been out. If not for the fact that by societal standards, she was a woman, it was the fact that she was dressed indecently especially considering she was alone.
She pulled the silk robe a little bit tighter around her chest area, looking down to make sure it was still secured in place by the silk belt of the robe before she hesitantly stepped away from the door as he got closer.
ā€œItā€™s late. You couldā€™ve smoked through the window.ā€ His voice was surprisingly deep yet it wasnā€™t so guttural, and held a softness to it. It was both pleasing yet odd coming from him considering his features were somewhat soft. Despite this, he didnā€™t sound particularly upset or worried about what she was doing. More so stating the situation, and a solution that wouldā€™ve been better than her coming outside.
She sighed softly, exhaling the smoke as she turned to look behind him and towards her right. ā€œYes, it is and I couldā€™ve but I needed some time outside of the hotelā€¦ I know the air isnā€™t particularly fresh out here, but itā€™s nice to be outside.ā€ She said, her eyes finding his to search his expression.
He tilted his chin down slightly keeping his eyes on her as his eyebrows furrowed in an expression that seemed to be questioning her reasons.
ā€œNice to be outsideā€¦ in these conditions.ā€ He turned his body slightly to look at the scene beyond the destroyed building that stood closer to the hotel as his eyes shifted from one collapsing building to the few giant clouds of black smoke rising in the air from fires that brewed.
She rolled her eyes, shaking her head slightly as she took another drag of the cigarette, now feeling a little more comfortable to inhale it. ā€œAs thankful as I am for Antoniaā€™s benevolence and allowing me to stay under her roof for the time being, staying inside for too long can be a bit stuffy. No matter how many windows you open.ā€ She said, watching as he turned to look back at her, his eyebrow raised slightly in a questioning matter while his gaze seemed to hold a look of doubt.
ā€œBesides, itā€™s not like we can really have many windows openā€¦ while it does seem like the puppets tend to ignore the inside of the buildings, if they catch wind of seeing anything within, theyā€™ll do what they usually do.ā€ She says frowning. When she had arrived to the hotel, she had felt safe enough to relax and be as loud as she wanted due to the fact she was staying in the highest part of the hotelā€¦ thatā€™s until Antonia informed her that some of the puppets were climbing.
ā€œHow attentive. Youā€™re observant enough to know that if they think they can sense humans within the building, theyā€™ll tear it down in a means to get to us. Yet itā€™s alright to stand outside and smoke because youā€™re in need of fresh air?ā€ At this, she narrowed her eyes at him slightly before rolling them watching as a gentle grin found itā€™s way on his lips.
ā€œWe havenā€™t been formally introduced. My nameā€™s Pinocchio.ā€ At this, her exspression shifted to one of curiosity. ā€œLike the fairytale?ā€ He nodded before holding his hand out for her to shake, an action in which she carefully repeated as they became familiar with one another.
ā€œ(Y/n).ā€ She said, a little to stiffly for her liking but hoping it was believable. She had been using the false name for years after she had ran away, yet it never felt right coming from her lips.
She didnā€™t miss how the corner of his mouth slowly withdrew, his eyebrow raising more as a smirk found its way to his face. ā€œLovely name. I havenā€™t met anyone with a name like yet.ā€ She smiled, withdrawing her hand from his as he did as well.
She had seen the man walking around the hotel every now and then, but she had never interacted with him due to the fact he seemed to only really come inside the hotel to maybe get supplies and talk to Eugenia, Antonia, and the man who resided in the study.
And almost immediately, heā€™d leave afterwards. She had never seen him eat or drink anything, which in turn made her believe he ate when she was either in her room considering the fact itā€™s where she mainly stayed now unless she was speaking with Eugenia, the girl who ran the weapons shop she had became friendly with.
After a moment of silence and looking at one another, he turned to face the bridge to look at the scene in-front of them.
ā€œYou shouldnā€™t stay out too long. They rarely come up here, but every now and then thereā€™s two or three that are sauntering infront of the door when I come or am exiting.ā€ At this, her face fell from the relaxed, almost pleasant look to one of shock. Not really by the fact that they would come close to the hotel, that much she assumed but she hadnā€™t even bothered to check the windows before she so much as opened the doors.
He glanced at her from the side before smiling gently, turning back towards the doors as he opened one. Before he entered however, he looked over to her, clearing sensing her sudden unease. ā€œAre you coming inside too or, do you wish to enjoy the outside air more?ā€ He asked. Again, his tone was gentle yet you could see an almost teasing look in his eye as she stood there waiting for his response.
She didnā€™t hesitate however. Quickly, she knelt down, quickly stubbing the cigarette out as her other hand held her robe together tightly to keep modest before she stood up, and quickly went inside. Nodding at Pinocchio who averted his eyes to the ground to watch his step, once she was inside as he moved to follow, closing the door behind him.
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kadajsbitch Ā· 1 year
Hey šŸ’€
So this is a side blog I started two years ago but Iā€™ve been going through the worst case of writers block EVER, and I believe Iā€™ve finally got out of that. But before I want to commit to returning to Ao3 and making stories, I wanted to start small soā€¦ Iā€™m here lol (back to my roots right after Wattpad šŸ„¹)
Anyways, I have an official Tumblr account. I donā€™t remember the name atm but Iā€™ll probably come here and edit it in when Iā€™m not lazy enough to go look. (Even then, I only have one post over there from last year I think but still šŸ¤” if everything goes well, on this blog, I definitely want to be more active over there.
Anyways, hereā€™s my rules for taking request:
NSFW REQUEST: no underage, race play, scat/piss/vomit, homophobia, forced sort of things. I will block your ass and not write for you.
RUSHING: Do NOT rush me. Whole point of this blog is for me to hopefully find the fun in being creative again after the long period of writers block I had. I would like to have about a three days window after a post. Some days I might triple post or even post stuff within the three days I usually write.
SUPPORT: As of now, I mainly post headcannons, but I will write longer paragraphs about things I like or requested to write about. With that being said, please PLEASE like and re-share if you actually do like my stuff. While Iā€™m doing this blog more so for me, it would help to have that extra motivation lol.
Okay! Those are my three golden rules as of now. I may exspand to them later on, or edit them but now time for fandoms I write for:
Final Fantasy VII
The Arcana
Lies of P
Devil May Cry
DC: Batman
Attack On Titan
PokĆ©mon (I love Guzma ā¤ļø)
I think thatā€™s all for now, but thanks and I look forward to writing more lol
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kadajsbitch Ā· 1 year
Final Fantasy VII Remnants
Warnings: Language tbh šŸ’€ also these are personal headcannons and opinions.
Gifs arenā€™t mine.
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Also, Iā€™m going to start taking writing request. Iā€™ll probably post my rules and list of characters and fandoms I plan on writing for after this, but if your interested in anything/everything ff7, send me a request lol
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Yazoo is definitely the part of Sephiroth who can cook.
Mostly for the fact that he appreciates his silence, and having the kitchen to himself.
In truth, heā€™d prefer not to cook and rather get his food from somewhere else.
When he does cook however, his meals are surprisingly good.
He by far isn't some Gordan Ramsay or master chef of the ff7 universe, but he can follow directions of cook book and actually have the dish come out tasting like what it's supposed to taste like.
The only thing he does suck at, is baking so if his brothers, (or you or your OC) have a mean sweet tooth, the most he can do is pick up the pastries you like from a good bakery.
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"Do I look like a chef to you?" -Kadaj after he made canned soup for his dinner night in the microwave.
It's because of this, he got removed from the calendar and it got split up between Loz and Yazoo (or you got his days depending on your cooking abilities)
He has to constantly be reminded to eat due to the fact he's constantly distracted by whatever task he's tasked himself with, and when he does it's something simple that doesn't involve a mess on his end he doesn't want to clean.
Kadaj is greedy, (not surprising considering he again is the part of Sephiroth who craves control due to it being something Sephiroth was robbed of in his life) and any cooked leftovers that get put in a container, he will devour and not think twice.
Oh? There was like seventeen tacos leftover from dinner last night that you were looking forward to eating for lunch? Well, there gone now.
Because of this, it's the one thing that will cause Loz and Yazoo to put their differences aside, and team up and kick his ass about.
He doesn't really have a sweet tooth, and due to his lack of effort for preparing meals, he could care less about dessert.
However, you might want to hide any pastries you get because despite his lack of having a sweet tooth, if he's hungry, he'll finish it all.
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Like Yazoo, funnily enough he can "cook"however his meals are fairly basic.
Definitely doesn't follow instructions.
If he wants something like pizza, he'll buy a frozen one and put it in the oven and call it a day, or go to a fast food place to pick up dinner for the most part.
Like Kadaj, heā€™s greedy as well, but more so in the sense that when he cooks, he mainly prepares his food for himself.
ā€œI made/bought it, so I can get more if I want to!ā€ -Loz after Yazoo tried to package the leftovers and put them away.
Gets upset if no one asks him if they can have any of the leftovers no matter how much there is. You could literally just get a spoon and if he notices itā€™s been touched, he immediately is going around asking who touched it.
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Can cook, however flat out refuses if itā€™s possible that someone else can.
He canā€™t cook well, but he can make spaghetti, or cook a burger or something.
Heā€™s one of those people who will eat something he likes, and if heā€™s put in a situation where he absolutely has to cook, heā€™ll try to remake it following a recipe he found about it, but is ultimately disappointed because it doesnā€™t quite taste like when he first had it.
Even though other people who eat his food thinks itā€™s amazing. šŸ’€
For the most part, he eats out whether that be going to the bar and Tifa making him something to eat, or finding a restaurant.
Of course he doesnā€™t eat at the restaurant unless heā€™s with friends, but fast food sometimes makes him sick.
He could care less about others eating any leftovers of his creation, but if he has something leftover from either Tifa, or something he bought, heā€™s going to be pissed.
Overall, heā€™s very picky and precise.
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kadajsbitch Ā· 1 year
How they deal with you when youā€™re emotional:
Final Fantasy VII
Warnings: Language, 18+, talking about mental health
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A/n: This is my first time writing for this blog so bear with me. Idk if itā€™s going to be an active blog, but I got so much FF7 stuff I made and havenā€™t posted so Iā€™m just going to drop it here lol šŸ’€ hope you enjoy.
Also gifs arenā€™t mine.
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His answer to seeing you emotional will always be space.
It pisses him off to see you upset but not in a, "Oh my poor baby" way, but more of a "I don't want their ass being moody because that kills my mood, and it's annoying that they can't even calm the fuck down to tell me what's wrong right now." Wayā€¦ šŸ’€
So in a way he cares... but overall, he just wants things to be ā€œnormalā€ so he can continue on with his usual ways of life peacefully.
Once you calm the hell down, he'll come to you with maybe a tissue and a glass of water (so that your not snorting your own snot every thirty seconds) and he'll ask you what happened.
If your having an emotional outburst due to something like someone pissing you off, or your in physical pain and/or mental pain, he'll go into action to make sure its immediately taken care of ether that be dragging you to a doctor, or taking care of who bothered you.
If it's something having to do with something minor like a movie or book making you cry, then he very much will not be comforting you. You not being able to handle something fictional or even something based on real life (true crime, etc) is your own fault.
Maybe if said book is a work of Non-fiction and it was genuinely fucked up, he might add two cents and validate you on why your pissed but don't expecting him to cuddle and love you, and wipe your tears.
If it has to do with family stuff however, his reactions vary depending on the type of family situation, but he'll definitely try to be more comforting in the sense of not outright leaving you immediately despite it making him uncomfortable.
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Unlike Yazoo who walks away because he's not in the mood to deal with you in your upset state, he walks away because he knows how he gets when he's like this.
The last thing he would want was someone to see him at his lowest, and he feels it'll make you less prone to getting in this state if you don't have someone constantly comforting you.
Doesn't mean he isn't concerned however.
He'll find you after awhile and ask for a detailed explanation as to why you were so upset and like Yazoo, he goes into action.
If it's more on mental or physical side of an issue, he may offer some advice as to what he knows instead of wordlessly getting things set up for you, like Yazoo would.
If it's something minor, he's definitely annoyed but feels better knowing it's not something threatening.
"Why would you watch/read something like that when it clearly states in the description that it's that sort of (movie/show/book, etc)?" Heā€™ll ask, probably rolling his eyes as he does so.
"Don't get anymore of this if your not going to be able to control your emotions."
Again, his reactions would vary depending on the family situations, because he does have some knowledge and experience when it comes to that, but he'd definitely be more comforting.
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Unlike either of his brothers, he immediately is standing up, looking at you like ā€œwhat the fuck happened?"
Considering he could give less of a fuck about where and who he gets emotional with, you being upset in front of him doesn't phase him. It's just he wants to know what and/or who made this way.
In a way, he also wants to be there with you while you're in this state because he feels like he's the one who's constantly over emotional in front you, and so to him, it's like an "even" thing when it finally happens.
Not so much even, but he feels more comfortable being emotional when you are considering his brothers are far from emotional unless it's anger theyā€™re displaying.
Surprisingly, he gives good mental advice if it has to do with mental health. Physical is something he'd have to get a second opinion on if that was the case, but regardless he's trying to help.
Uncomfortable with straight up cuddling (as are his brothers šŸ’€), but he'll sit with you in either silence or try to talk to you to help you calm down.
If the reason for your emotional outburst has to do with something media like, he'll probably watch/read it to see if it'll give him that reaction too but most likely not. In that case heā€™ll probably shrug, a small smirk coming on his face because he canā€™t help but to feel in a sense more emotionally mature for once, but heā€™ll refrain from rubbing it in until your calm enough to handle his teasing.
If it's family, then he'll definitely listen and even end up throwing a situation that he's went through that's similar, once you finish and validate you on how your feeling. Overall, out of the three, heā€™s probably the best choice to talk to.
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For the sake of this, Iā€™ll be using C.C/Reunion Sephiroth. The remnants are still fairly new, and are adapting which is why I feel like they wouldnā€™t be out right evil in how they handle people they are acquainted with or have a more personal relationship withā€™s, emotional outburst.
Sephiroth is tricky when it comes to others having emotional outburstā€¦ as a war general, heā€™s used to seeing the effects of and after battle take toll on people and how they may become mentally vulnerable from it, and because of that he can be very indifferent and can come off a little harsh when heā€™s ā€œcomfortingā€ those around him.
ā€œControl yourself. This wonā€™t be the first time you face obstacles such as these, so thereā€™s no use in crying.ā€
If this is a situation outside of his usual work element however, heā€™d definitely feel conflicted on how to proceed.
Like his two other counterparts, I feel heā€™d separate himself from them due to randomly being thrown in this position. More so to keep himself calm.
I mean if we look back at C.C, he seemed fairly uncomfortable with Zack getting upset about the situation at hand, despite it being a dire one. So heā€™d definitely be further unraveled by someone having an outburst about something he may view as minuscule.
If itā€™s something having to do with someone bothering you, heā€™d have a quick reaction.
ā€œConsider it taken care of.ā€ Heā€™d say stiffly, before hightailing it away from you to deal with whoever it was, hoping by the time he returned to brief you on what happened, youā€™d be more stable.
If it was mental or physical, like Kadaj heā€™d offer some advice on what he knew, but would ultimately do the more rational thing and suggest you speak to a doctor and/or therapist for your problems.
Again, going off from what we saw, C.C Sephiroth isnā€™t someone who really likes to be touched (despite him being so handsy in the remake šŸ’€) so donā€™t be expecting a hug or for him to hold you or anything.
One time, a cadet was upset and he tried to force himself to do something other than stiffly telling them to get over itā€¦ he awkwardly held his hand out, and patted themā€¦ on the head.
While it did stop them from crying, the looks he got from those around him definitely made him reconsider ever offering physical comfort again. (He was trying though šŸ˜­)
If itā€™s something having to do with media, whether it be fictional or not, heā€™d simply shrug and tell you not read/watch those things if you couldnā€™t stomach it.
Family isnā€™t something he really has a grasp on, but he knows itā€™s important, and for your sake will try to listen and give his thoughts as best as he can for the sake of comfort.
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