karamariejeanne · 3 years
Tonks: Woah, Fleur is so pretty.
Andromeda: Don’t be jealous, darling, you’re pretty too.
Tonks: I’m not being jealous, mom, I’m being gay.
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karamariejeanne · 3 years
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karamariejeanne · 7 years
If you haven’t read the books
You won’t know that the Elder Wand was also called the Deathstick
Ron was actually a Prefect
Harry, Fred and George got a “life-long ban” from Umbridge after they attacked Malfoy on the pitch
Dumbledore hired a centaur named Firenze to teach Divination
Neville Longbotton could’ve been “The Chosen One” but Voldemort chose Harry
Fenrir Greyback was the werewolf who bit Remus Lupin as a child
Harry attended Bill and Fleur’s wedding disguised as Barny Weasley, a red-headed Weasley cousin
Lily was actually a few months older than James
While still alive, the Bloody Baron, who became the ghost of Slytherin House, was sent by Rowena Ravenclaw to retrieve her daughter, Helena, whom he was in love with. When Helena, who became the ghost of Ravenclaw House, refused to go with him, he became angry and stabbed her. Then, distraught with having killed her, he killed himself
Harry mended his own wand with the Elder Wand before he got rid of it
Harry, Ron and Hermione met Neville in St Mungos, who was visiting his parents and his Gran told them what happened to Alice and Frank 
The Potters’ had a cat
Harry got  miniature broom from Sirius for his first Birthday
Bathilda Bagshot was a friend of the Potters’
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karamariejeanne · 7 years
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20 years of Harry Potter! ⚡
The 20 most memorable moments from the Harry Potter books – as chosen by fans. (watch the video here)
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
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"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining" || I am posting this because Brock Turner was released after only 3 months of his 6 month sentence for raping an unconscious woman. This is the end of the brave letter she wrote to the monster. ▪ I AM WITH YOU
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
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On my way to platform 9¾ ☇ | 9.1.16
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
Things I'm happy they changed for the Harry Potter movies/added
I always see posts about what we wish was in the movies/they didn’t change, and there are SO MANY THINGS THAT FIT THAT LIST. But honestly the movies did a great job and stayed pretty true to the books. SO, here’s a post to point out the great things the movies did! Please add on and let’s celebrate the movies that brought these amazing books to life!
Adding the word Potter to… “Scared Potter?” “You wish.”
Showing us what Neville forgot was to wear his robes
Bellatrix torturing Hermione by carving the word mudblood into her arm
Barty Crouch Jr. licking his lips (good job David)
Amos Diggory’s reaction to his son dying
“Look at it this way: every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than we are now – students. If they can do it, why not us?” 
In the OotP when they’re in the Hog’s Head a goat walks by… Aberforth owns the Hog’s Head/is the barman
Slughorn’s story about Lily and the fish
Voldemort hugging Draco
Showing Lupin and Tonks reaching for each other and just not touching. It killed me, but I loved it.
Continually having Seamus blow up things through out the movies
“I’ve always wanted to use that spell!”
Showing them just being kids and having fun! PoA scene where the boys eat the candy and make the animal noises
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
ngl i was hoping the cursed child spoilers would be fake and the real production would just be maggie smith reading all 7 books to the audience
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
“because your mother feels that being molested by the guy you were dating who then tried to rape you shouldn’t be talked about and added to the "list of problems you have”. because one of your “friends” tells you that he didn’t rape you, so you shouldn’t hold a grudge against him, but she ‘knows you will because you have problems forgiving people’. because you were 20 and all your friends lost their virginity, so why you didn’t want to have sex with someone you were dating for 3 months is beyond them. because me and other girls and boys don’t always get the support they need, so they turn to self harm, which then becomes another things they’re criticized about.”
“because a 16 year old girl who had her first orgasm whilst getting raped, had to watch her 34 year old rapist go free because she had an orgasm.
because when one of my guy friends told me and some friends he got raped by a woman when he was 12, a “friend” laughed at him and told him he should be happy he got laid that young.
because my 17 year old friend’s parents let her 14 year old brother roam the streets until 12am, but she has to be home by 10.
Because my brothers girlfriend, told the police she was raped and fell pregnant but the rapist didn’t get jail time as she got an abortion and the ‘evidence’ was gone.
because a guy from my old school was raped by another guy, but because he’s gay, they said it wasn’t considered rape.
because a 19 year old lesbian got raped by a guy, and he didn’t go to prison because he said “he only tried to turn her straight so she would be accepted by her parents”.
because in some cultures, girls (and boys, of course) still get thrown out of the family because somebody sexually assaulted them.
because they’re still teaching girls to walk faster at night instead of teaching boys that they shouldn’t rape.
Because they’re teaching kids that they’re only male rapists and not female rapists too.
because I have to explain why rape makes me mad.“
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
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IT’S HERE!☇ (I screamed) || 8.1.16
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
I sincerely believe that by 7th year Ravenclaws would just tell the door to their common room to fuck off and it would open for them
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
sometimes I think Harry might've opened up an orphanage to help displaced/shunned wizard children, esp those turned away by muggle parents
this is always one of my favourite things to imagine him doing because
he would know how much of an impact that has on kids’ lives so he could really relate to them
He buys a large house somewhere far away from any cities so they don’t have to fear being found out
there is enough room for the kids to run, fly, swim, everything they’d want it’s basically a paradise except there’s more rain because it’s still the UK
Ron would come over every week with gifts from Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes to entertain the kids
Hermione would make sure all the paperwork was in order, so no kid could be forced to go home
summer broom tag games with Harry wearing a golden snitch hat and a bunch of kids racing behind him
kids doing homework together in the mornings & getting extra classes from guest speakers because that’s the one way Harry isn’t embarrassed to use his fame for
“Oh so you’d like to hear a vampire talk about their life WE CAN DO  THIS”
“Harry, no”
“Harry, yes”
Harry makes sure there’s a library full of support books and educational books for every possible situation
not only muggleborn-positive books but also queer literature, books about halflings, giants, it’s basically the biggest inclusive library
there are a lot of volunteers around all the time, and a couple hired therapists to make sure that kids have somewhere to go when they’re struggling, so they don’t have to feel alone
Harry talks openly about going to a therapist himself and if the Boy-Who-Lived goes to one then SURELY it’s a Good Thing to do
He keeps in close touch with Hogwarts during the year, writes letters to every kid who stays with him, goes to all the Quidditch games he can & sends them embarrassing howlers with awful singing on their birthdays
they often get donations from all over the UK, but the most memorable was that there was a giant box of comfortable play clothing dropped of with a little tag that reads N. & D. M. mmmmmmm
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karamariejeanne · 8 years
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karamariejeanne · 9 years
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the sky today was insane🌄
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karamariejeanne · 9 years
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karamariejeanne · 9 years
"I'm here to argue today that beauty actually is skin deep.
So I've done some research and I've learned that, it is. When you get compliments from people who don't ordinarily compliment you, when people look at you differently, packaging does matter. I wasn't pretty, then I was. This is a world where "pretty" seems better somehow. Which is too bad, but it's not debatable. However, I also learned that if you get swept up by what you are on the outside you can lose who you are on the inside. Even though it is easy to be fooled by the beauty of a trojan horse, its real power comes from the army within; intelligence, compassion, integrity, courage. That army is the real you, no matter what you look like. So even though beauty may be skin deep, beauty is nowhere near as important as the army inside. And I'll try not to forget that." -Isadora Smackle, Girl Meets World
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karamariejeanne · 9 years
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Tom Felton appreciation post. if this doesn’t make you love him even more, than I don’t know what will
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