karanikasswin · 3 years
Welcome to week 9
The rise of fast fashion
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The rise of fast fashion consists of : the induction stage and adoption of style leaded by influences, growing through social media and accepted by target audience. Fashion retailers focus on future trends instead of real-time to access the needs and wants of customers. With fast fashion meaning out with the old in with the new, consumers mainly between 15/29 yr olds come browsing in fashion stores weekly to be able to compete with the latest. These trends are often influenced and promoted by celebs like the Kardashians, Ariana Grande, Gigi Hadid, Hailey Bieber and Paris Hilton. By these influences posting pictures in these outfits often leaves viewers ready to swipe there cards at check out. Although it’s important to continue to support the 1.5 billion dollar industry its mandatory that the trade remains ethical and sustainable. As this trade can be associated with negative impacts on our environment such as: poor labour, use of chemicals and consumption of energy. Is this really worth a harming our globe for the price of looking good? These unsustainable procedures increase with fast fashion as most clothing parts go to waste.
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However many companies choose to go green like @ethicalclothingAustralia on Instagram. This business is supported through followers who are concerned with where and how their clothing items are manufactured. This company is successful as they think about the future and how it can be better for everyone. Is it wardrobe with the cost of unethical fashion. #ethicalclothingAustralia
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karanikasswin · 3 years
Week 8: Social gaming
Online gameplay has become a favourite hobby, especially among teens. However, social gaming doesn't always equal a lonely life. Social gaming involves playing with others via the Internet or console networks (Kowert 2014). In recent years, 27 per cent of teenagers have been reported to be participating in social gaming. Online gaming requires socializing through others via chatrooms and social networking sites which might create friendships outside the co-player relationship. More than 75 per cent of teens have engaged in shared activity which has been found to promote friendships. Although video gaming helps teenagers interact with others it also may boost harassment and violence.
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Young people’s involvement with social gaming might cause potentially harmful effects on their social life(Matte 2015). Healthy and encouraging friendships are mandatory for positive development, therefore, harmful comments negative impact on young people’s social relations. As it is still not confirmed that most online communication is negative it's important that we only accept helpful and friendly advice when playing games. Harmful and negative comments shouldn't be performed or tolerated by anyone. This is why it is expected that everyone should be kind in everyday society.
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Now let me ask you this, How many of you have been harassed or name-called online? Share your opinions in the comment section down below.
Kowert, R, Domahidi, E, Festl, R & Quandt, T 2014, Social gaming, lonely life? The impact of digital game play on adolescents’ social circles, Computers in Human Behavior,vol 36,pp.385-390
Mette, R. and Riebelng, C 2015, Perceived problems with computer gaming and Internet use are associated with poorer social relations in adolescence, International Journal of Public Health, vol,60
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karanikasswin · 3 years
Week 7: Digital Citizenship and Software Literacy
(Instagram Filters)
Welcome the Instagram filter as it's a new way to touch up. It's the latest trend applied to enhance the photograph. Facetune - a popular editing software is now the key to post an influencer compatible post. Social media demands us to always look our best. Pressuring girls to have a thin-waist line, big eyes, and long legs influences their self-perception.
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People want to be model-like. So after looking at the photos taken after a night out, young people might feel anxious and lose their self-confidence. Leading them to feel ugly and unattractive to others as they compare things like their skin texture, body shape and fashion sense. Editing photos is driven by insecurity and unhappiness. Meaning that there is displeasure like being obese or thin or even worse, many just do not find them beautiful enough. However, these feelings can be more harmful simply viewing perfect photos, which have probably been photoshopped to perfection.
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The mental consequences of the insta filter may lead to lower self-esteem, which won't bring you any happiness at all.
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karanikasswin · 3 years
Week 6: Digital Citizenship and health education- Use of filters
Ask yourself, What is the absolute Instagram photo? What is the perfect Instagram filter? Social media is about showing the best flaunt less self. Social media has taken a whole new direction in body modification because of the use of a filter. Creating a flawless and youthful self without any imperfections seems to be the latest trend. For instance, it has gotten to the extent where cosmetic surgeons patients are communicating their results based on these insta filters (Anthony 2019). This trend is disrupting cause filtered selfies present an unreachable image and a division between fantasy and reality. However, the most influential issue is body dissatisfaction, especially for millennials. Possibly this is because social media is driven by 'influences'.
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Social media identifies as a negative body image outcome(Michelle 2019). Stice (2011) claims that the media acts as a conductor of the perfect body. The ideal body type for a female is illustrated as slim, toned and without any body hair or scars. This goal might be impossible for most women. Therefore, when an influencer posts an image in a crop top with a toned belly there an individual viewing may feel body disapproval. As society feeds on presentation and beauty social media increases alertness on the social construction of body image. Meaning that young people now have a more extended opportunity to judge themselves and their figure. However the main message is to:
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View the power of the beauty filter here:https://www.instagram.com/reel/CN3P3D-lAhj/?igshid=otyrstg6j10k
Anthony, Y, 2019, What Is the Ideal Instagram Filter?, Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum, Vol 1, pp.2
Stice, E, 2011, Risk factors for the onset of eating disorders: Evidence of multiple risk pathways from an 8-year prospective study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol 49, pp.622–627
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karanikasswin · 3 years
WEEK 4: Digital Community and Fandom
Reality Tv is a genre of television that includes ordinary people engaged in unscripted action and interaction’ (Nabi 2007). Reality Tv connects with the public sphere. Reality Tv is a space where people can interact; where public opinions are formed; where citizens deal with topics of general interest and express and articulate their views (Sakariassen 2020).
The public sphere is driven by experience and knowledge and often linked with intertwined aspects of everyday life, for instance, marriage, dating, family relations. To ensure a sense of realism, reality tv programs usually produces unscripted real-life situations, often starring everyday individuals rather than familiar actors. In my opinion, reality Tv is growing because they offer us ordinary real-life events. For example, it is authentic, calls for audiences responses and reproduces social class variations.
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I am a viewer of reality tv, and I religiously watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (RHOBH). RHOBH is one of the most productive and continuing examples of reality TV’s transmedia expansion (Arcy 2018). Its social media accounts offer audiences an insider look at the 5 wealthy women. The reason why this show is so popular because it connects with real-life experiences such as a wedding or divorce, raising a child, dining, shopping sprees, and spa treatments. If you cant relate to one hands-on experience there are many others to compare to. Characters of the spin-off, must complete a blog post that is written weekly on Twitter shortly after an episode airs, addressing cast members individual opinions on the events portrayed on the show.
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karanikasswin · 3 years
Week 5: What is digital citizenship? Hashtag Publics, political engagement and activism
Digital citizenship involves the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use. Digital citizenship is a concept that includes the online society through examining the ability of digital media to propose an innovative form of citizenship(Gleason 2018). In 2021 we indicate how social media encourages digital citizenship, through the interpretation of emotions and interaction. Digital citizenship allows for a right to share and participate in an online civilisation (Mossberger 2007). Through digital platforms, socials like @impact on Instagram help viewers stay informed about current or ongoing social issues. Its post allows its audience to get involved and continue to learn, educate and support global issues.
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Impact on Instagram has over a 1.5 million reach. By creating posts through the use of hashtag raises awareness of the #Black Lives Matter movement. For instance, posts like "All he did was have air fresheners in-car'', helped demonstrate the injustice towards Daunte Wright's murder of the 20-year-old black man.
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Without accounts like this, it wouldn't have received global attention and the world would be blinded by US police brutality, racism and gun violence. #BLM and #JusticeforDaunte were spammed online to spread awareness.
Gleason, B. & Sam, v.G. 2018, "Digital Citizenship with Social Media: Participatory Practices of Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education", Journal of Educational Technology & Society, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 200-212.
Mossberger, K 2007, Digital Citizenship : The Internet, Society, and Participation, MIT Press ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/swin/detail.action?docID=3338750.
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karanikasswin · 3 years
Week 3
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr can be an extensive extent for the start to formulate and distribute ideas and themes. In 2014, Tumblr claimed to be the most effective emerging social media highlighting ways to access a range of blogs. Tumblr allows users to create their own sense of space working through a private dashboard and offers the chance to repost, criticize, heart other user's posts and ask questions.
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Blogs are reoccurring permitting ideas and themes that can be detailed and emotive due to the annotations and tags highlighted on specific content. With the audience able to chose how they want to interact. Tumblr's functions enable users to file content and discover specific sorts, groups, practices, and people easier.
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The social media platform Tumblr engages with the digital world due to its on-to-ground platform that appears to us; collapses the boundaries between impact and social critique (McCracken, 2017). Tumblr targets youth. Through millennials' engagement of media addressing from their own experience and through shared common discussions. What makes Tumblr unique is its ability to express individuality, popular culture, marginalize groups and educate. Tumblr's audience turns social media into self preference and involvement making it a part of the digital world.
McCracken, A 2017, Tumblr youth subcultures and media engagement, Cinema journal, University of Texas
Mondin,A 2017, Tumblr mostly,great empowering images: Blogging reblogging and the scrolling feminist, queer and BDSM desires, Journal of gender studies,vol 26, pp.282-292
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