kashillustrates · 6 years
Came across this gem of a tutorial by user Vaard. I like to grab these great tutorials because I am always learning and always excited to share what I learned with all of you!
How do you paint armor/metal/gold? It always looks so flat when I try to do it, but yours look so good and real
Good morning, Anon!  That’s a tricky question. Metal and metallics are definitely one of the more complex textures to paint. It’s high contrast, high reflection, picks up the main light source, reflected light source and any colors around it unless it’s a very matte metal. I’m in no way an expert but I’ll try to explain as best as I can.
Vaard’s filigree is a good example as smaller metal details are a lot easier to paint than large pieces of armor (as that would take me hours to paint a step by step example of), but the concept is generally the same for both. 
I’ll do an ultra polished metal to kind of show the basic effect that can be buffed up or dulled down depending on the metal. Plus cylindrical metal is the easiest to demonstrate.
Once you have your base tones, decide where your light is coming from and stick to it. I did my light coming from the top right and highlighted where it’s going to be hitting the metal the most. 
1. Along those lines, you can literally draw a line of your highlight color all the way down. I did the far right where the light is hitting the most and the far left where the cylinder would be picking up the reflected light from underneath.
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I also brushed a little white airbrushing closest to the light source as my original base was a little dark.
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2. Next do a line of your shadow on whichever side your light is hitting the least. Note that with a reflective metal, especially silver or pale tones, is going to pick up a shadow color closest to the most prominent color around it. In this case, a bluish shadow as the cloak is the most prominent color close to it.
Environment will also affect this and make it look more like it belongs in the picture if you use the colors around it. 
If you’re doing a more matte metal, you would do much wider, softer shade swaths with little reflective light from the underside.
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3. Now where your light is hitting with the most intensity, shade on the opposite side of your light along the edges with your shadow color as polished metals pick up very intense shadows and it helps the metallic effect along.
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Now that you have your base, scuff and weather it up a bit with some light scratches (Just a thin white and black brush that I did some mild hatching around the shaded areas) and you have some basic metal!
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This general alternating light and dark works for most curved surfaces. The higher points of your metal is always going to be the brightest with the most light followed by some darker shadows.
I hope this helps and isn’t too confusing. I tried my best.  Best of luck to you and your metal painting, Anon!
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kashillustrates · 6 years
Inktober Mash UP #3
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This weeks prompts are:
Angular, Swollen, Bottlle, Scorched, Breakable, Drain, Expensive, Muddy.
Hello! I have made a new illustration for inktober. For this video I made sure to draw the concept out before hand properly as well as avoiding using the nibs and opting for an ink and brush effect to avoid the same problems I ran into last week.
There was another problem I was having was that the finish of the work is looking a little chalky and uneven. This is likely due to the fact that I have not been using the best quality of gouache for my paintings. So I went on amazon and found a set of the 10 tube Winsor and Newton designer gouache and got it delivered to my door the next day. I love modern conveniences! And will be using it for the next video as well as a heavier hot press water colour paper.
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kashillustrates · 6 years
Inktober mashup #2
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This images prompts were:
Star, Precious, Flowing, Cruel, Whale, Guarded, and Clock.
This week was particularily difficult for me. With my other work and home life were getting busier than usual and I think this piece suffered. I like to emphasis that you really should be doing thumbnails. Its not wise to just go with the first thing that comes to mind. I went straight to final.
Also. I had some trouble with my materials. I was attempting to use my gouache as ink with my nibs. This is a pretty common practice to use gouache like this, but my biggest mistake was trying to use a technique that ended up reactivated the gouache layers underneith, clogging my nibs and creating extremely unpredictable flow. So where i wanted to make a delicate line I get a blotch instead. Maybe using arcylic gouache would have prevented this but I like to use regular gouache. Its just how I learned and Im bad with keeping my brushes spotless. Lol
If you would like to watch a speed through narrated by yours truely then please check it out below.
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kashillustrates · 6 years
I did another challenge video. I am trying to partake in inktober this year but I don't have the time to do daily challenges. I will do a weekly mashup of daily prompts and will be uploading videos on mondays. Since this is the first inktober challenge and I didn't fully realize the idea until well into my editing process. But this is loosly the first week of inktober. Next week will be more direct with which prompts Im using.
Here is the completed peice
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kashillustrates · 6 years
More great drawing tips!
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Face tutorial for Anon!
I wasn’t sure whether you meant heads or facial expressions, so here’s a very basic head tutorial! Of course not all faces are the same so proportions and the size of ears/eyes/noses etc. can vary! Feel free to explore and play with them to create unique and interesting characters! I hope this is somewhat helpful, and let me know if you’d like a tutorial on expressions as well!
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kashillustrates · 6 years
A bit of a tutorial on hands. Great work!
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I’m not an expert but I like hands a lot so hopefully some of this was helpful!
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kashillustrates · 6 years
I like to share these that i come across. I will definately be looking at arms like this a little more!
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Hey friends!
Meg here for this week’s TUTOR TUESDAY! This week I go over just a little trick that I like to use when drawing and connecting arms/hands/legs/feet ect. This helps me with foreshortening as well. I hope it helps you folks as well! I have tutorials that talk more specifically about hand/foot/leg anatomy here. If you have any tutorial recommendations send ‘em in here or my personal. Now go forth and I’ll see you next week!
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kashillustrates · 6 years
Check out my newest video!
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kashillustrates · 6 years
This goes around alot, but I thought I would share as well because it is particularily a great reference guide to lighting
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Drawing Study of February - Light and Shadow
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kashillustrates · 6 years
Oh wow. I cant express how useful this is!
10 pixel art tutorials by Pedro Medeiros
More on his Patreon page
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kashillustrates · 6 years
This tutorial taught me a thing and I thought I would share.
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THANK YOU!! <3 I’m always very bad in explaining what I’m doing. Cause there is just a lot of trying and painting over it and mashing and mixing colors until I feel it’s good. So I tried to show you. I hope this helps!
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kashillustrates · 6 years
Back to school challenge.
Doing something a little different this time. I wanted to do something a little more... challenging. Watch me draw this whole peice start to finish using nothing but cheap back to school supplies!
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kashillustrates · 6 years
This is the 3rd video of my how to draw the human head series. This video covers the basics of drawing the human nose. This is more a stylized guide than realism but im hoping it will still help someone out.
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kashillustrates · 6 years
This is the second video of my drawing the head series, it covers the basic shapes of the eye. I tried not to go into stylistic details because I dont necessarily want to teach anyone to draw like me, but rather have a tool kit that will help no matter what your style looks like.
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kashillustrates · 6 years
My first video. How to proportion the head. This is more of a stylized guide lines, but it is how I do it mentally.
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kashillustrates · 9 years
Salon of Inclusiveness II
I came out Friday November 27th 2015 for The Black Cat’s 2nd, Salon of Inclusiveness. Exhibition runs from November 26th –December 31st 2015 There is one more opening night on December 3rd. Unfortunately my work has been sold and will be picked up before the 31st.  There is a short time left to see it in person. 
 Check the art Space out on Facebook: Black Cat Art Space
 Check out the event Facebook here:  Salon of Inclusiveness II
Take a look at my website as well www.kashMachine.ca
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kashillustrates · 10 years
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Pencil/paper/digital painting
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
I hope you have someone special to share it with, or someone you might be too shy to ask out but feel it would be too corny or cheesy to do so!
Or if your single and liking it, then have an amazing faptastic day and keep on keeping on!  Don't forget to bring a towel!
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