kassyperry · 10 years
Facebook manipulated people’s feeds to show more or less positive posts to see if it impacted people’s emotions.  I am not surprised.  I am also not surprised that some people are really upset, including privacy rights lawyers.  They see money to be made by creating a big stir.  A little jaded?  Nah.....
Frankly, Facebook is a free network and you give away some rights when you send posts out into a vast free network managed by a twit in a hoodie worth billions of dollars.  He’s not worth billions for no reason.  That said, social media does have a profound effect and is part of the fabric of news gathering and dissemination, so we have to participate.  PR is more art than science, and unfortunately the only way to ensure that everyone sees the message you want to communicate is to advertise.  And we know how much that costs.
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kassyperry · 10 years
What started out as simple gesture by the husband of a cancer patient has become something of a movement.
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kassyperry · 10 years
Why warning labels on sugary beverages will not impact obesity, and may do more harm than good. 
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kassyperry · 10 years
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25 posts!
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kassyperry · 10 years
Democrat strategy and comms expert Steve Maviglio offers wise words for California Legislative Democrats pushing for a tobacco style warning label on sugary soft drinks.  Keep Calm and Don't Move SB 1000, in essence.
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kassyperry · 10 years
This just makes me laugh.
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kassyperry · 10 years
A lot of news on funding – or stopping funding – for the bullet train last week. First the U.S. Congress voted to stop funding the California high-speed ra
As California grapples with a bullet train debate, does everyone know their tank of gas is going to go up about $8 a gallon to pay for it?  I think not.....damn Cap and Trade ponzi scheme.....
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kassyperry · 10 years
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kassyperry · 10 years
As California grapples with the epidemic of obesity and diabetes, doing something just to do something is not the answer.
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kassyperry · 10 years
RAW: Veteran's widow surprised to receive home for free
These are the days I love my job!  
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kassyperry · 10 years
Southland truck drivers and local business leaders were set Thursday to stage a protest over what they say is a hidden gas tax under California's
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kassyperry · 10 years
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Conquistadora turned 2 today! And now to start focusing on this blog. :)
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kassyperry · 10 years
Had Enough?
Come January, filling up your tank in California will cost you more thanks to a dangerous game of chicken California environmental bureaucrats are playing with hard working families and a fragile economy. Under the guise of the implementation of the "Fuels under the Cap" program the Air Resources Board is imposing a new greenhouse gas emissions program fee to every gallon of gas. Didn't know about it? That's right, because the folks at CARB don't want you to know about it and because no one voted on it to approve it. And, the $2 Billion the new fee will raise will go to things like affordable housing and California's controversial high speed rail. The price hike is a page from the tobacco fighters play book. Tax the heck out of something you don't like, such as cigarettes, to put them out of reach of those who can't afford them in order to get low income people to change their behavior. Just because we don't take home a big paycheck doesn't mean we're stupid or unable to assume personal responsibility. Public health extremists want "livable, walkable cities" where we walk, ride our bikes or take convenient public transportation to and from work and play. Think Amsterdam, Paris and London. Nice goal. Totally impractical in the Central Valley where there are low wage workers harvesting our nation's crops amid a job killing drought. Riding your bike to work in Mendota when your job is hours away near Coalinga is tough on a bike and even tougher waiting on non existent public transportation. Now in San Francisco, it might make sense to dump the car and ride a bike as parking a car costs about the same as your child's college tuition. Ultimately, as writer Megan McArdle points out so well, it doesn't matter what we do in terms of reducing our fuel consumption as we are inconsequential on the global stage of changing those things we can change to affect climate change. http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-05-20/green-cars-won-t-save-the-planet
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kassyperry · 10 years
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kassyperry · 10 years
Selfies when Selfies weren't cool
The selfie has become the latest media trend. The Obamas took a selfie at the funeral of a global dignitary. Celebrities have been paid by mobile phone carriers to exploit the selfie whenever possible. The Today Show recently ran a week long series titled "How to take your Best Selfie," and members of Congress have taken very personal selfies with less than positive results (Anthony Weiner). 
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell was apparently an early selfie taker. Check out this photo.
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An even earlier selfie evangelist, Vincent Van Gogh, made a career out of taking artistic license with his selfies with just a bit of paint and a brush.
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But the selfie taker can easily overshadow the news event if he or she (or both in this case) become part of the story.
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So, a word of caution, whether you are a PR professional or the principal in a PR event, think before you turn that camera on yourself. Take care not to detract from the news story, even if the selfie calleth.
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kassyperry · 10 years
Billy on the Street – Season 3 Premiere Lightning Round!
Billy Eichner is back with a new season of Billy on the Street! Watch the premiere TONIGHT at 11/10c on Fuse!
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kassyperry · 10 years
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