kastelo-games · 9 days
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kastelo-games · 9 days
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kastelo-games · 9 days
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I Will Not Apologize
Happy Pride, ya'll.
$3 download (includes version where you can color in your own Pride flag. Limited restrictions, mostly don't be a fascist or major company: https://ko-fi.com/s/ac6c284e8c
Prints: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/mxmorgan/
Shirts: https://mxmorgan.threadless.com/mens/t-shirt/regular
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kastelo-games · 9 days
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kastelo-games · 9 days
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kastelo-games · 19 days
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New Game Build Released
I'm proud to announce the release of Bricking Bots Beta Version 1.7 (for Windows), now available for FREE playtesting on Itch Io: https://kastelo-games.itch.io/bricking-bots
It is the smoothest and best play experience yet! Thanks to the feedback of a few playtesters, I found, isolated, and rectified several bugs and glitches in the game's code, producing a much more polished game.
This version features a temporary fix for several controller-related problems that emerged in the last version. Soon, players will be able to calibrate their controllers of choice to the game, but in the meantime, keyboard and mouse play is recommended. In addition, to help with reports of dizziness, the default robot movement speed has been set to "medium" and the turning speed while in first-person has been slowed to 1/3 of its previous setting.
Several sections of dialogue have been simplified and shortened. The main font for the game has also been changed to one that will better accommodate the soon-coming Esperanto, Spanish, French, and German translations. Many minute technical display settings have now been optimized to prevent potential game crashes on various forms of hardware. Finally, a few UI additions have been added to communicate menu navigation options better.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to give the new build a spin!
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kastelo-games · 26 days
How is it going, everyone?
I'm Nick and this is my first video DEV LOG, giving you an update on what I'm working on here at Kastelo Games.
Wishlist Bricking Bots on STEAM
Of course, the first item to report is that my first game, Bricking Bots, is listed now on Steam. It will be released as soon as it gathers enough wishlists, so be sure to tell your friends about it, log into your Steam account, and add it to your Wishlist Today! The easiest way to find it is to check out my website, KasteloGames.com, and follow the links listed there.
Localization Work Continues
While the Bricking Bots Steam page gathers wishlists, I'm working on the game's localization. I'm currently adding Esperanto, Spanish, French, and German translations to the game. It is incredibly tedious and slow work, but I wanted to let you all know that Bricking Bots is still getting the love and care it needs to have a successful launch.
Better 3D Coming Soon
Also of note is that I am now taking more advanced online classes to learn Blender. My goal is to bring you more advanced games as time goes on, and more stunning 3D visuals, I think, should be a major part of that. What you're looking at is my progress in making my first donut in Blender! Pretty soon, you'll be able to see it with color and sprinkles.
Development Begins on "Space Game"
Work has also officially begun on the second project coming to you from Kastelo Games! Its working title is "Space Game." I want it to be a cozy space settlement RPG with Star Fox-inspired action. So the first thing to get right is its on-rail arcade shooting sequences. You're looking at the prototype of its gameplay.
In just one and a half days, I've put together a simple star-fighter that can fire, boost, and break. I tried out a few tutorials on how to program flight controls, but none of those attempts produced what I wanted to see. So I've written a simple code that gives the player control of the crosshair or reticle and the ship simply faces and follows it. So far, that is working great.
The lasers are a work-in-progress but I love the idea of them bouncing around a scene like pinballs. Perhaps making trick shots by ricocheting lasers off of certain edges will be a major game mechanic. We'll see.
That's all I have for you today. You can support my work by becoming an official Game Producer on my Patron Page: https://www.patreon.com/KasteloGames
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more Developer Logs, Updates, and News from Kastelo Games!
Take care!
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kastelo-games · 27 days
I thought it would be cool to write an advertisement for union membership, so here it is!
Your life is run by a dictator
I’m not talking about Biden, or Trump, or any other politician here in America.
I’m talking about the one person who controls more about your life than anybody else.
Your boss.
An unelected tyrant whose only job is to squeeze as much labor out of you as possible.
This person controls your wage, how many hours you work, your free time outside work, and whether or not you’ll be fired for whatever reason they deem necessary.
Most people live in fear of this person, and the all powerful grasp that they have.
You shouldn’t have to live under someone else’s boot.
Here in America, we believe in freedom. We believe in granting people the right to liberty, and if you can’t even decide how your place of work operates, or who is steering the corporation that dictates your whole life, can you say that you're truly free?
We believe that it’s time for the people of America to take back their lives, and data has proven the best way to do this.
The US department of treasury has shown that unionized workers make 20% more than workers who choose not to join a union, and that workers in these unions are less likely to search for a new job, and stay with the one they have.
Basically, unionized workers are happier and wealthier.
The reasoning behind this is simple.
Being part of a workers union allows you and your coworkers to come together and build a better workplace by taking the power away from your boss. This is done by…
-organizing strikes
-collectively bargaining for better wages and working conditions
-bringing forward lawsuits in instances of labor law violations
How's the boss supposed to make any money if their workers refuse to work?
At the end of the day, taking your life back from corporate America really is this simple.
Communicate with your coworkers, Fight back against your corporate overlord, Join a union.
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kastelo-games · 30 days
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You asked for it, and now you have it! Starting with the most recent build of Bricking Bots (Beta Version 1.6b), players will see a new Control Options screen where they can select one of the following options: Keyboard, PS4 Gamepad, Xbox Gamepad, Switch Gamepad, and Retro Gamepad. (The “retro” gamepad most closely matches the SNES controller, but can also be used for Sega Genesis, Gamecube, and gamepads with similar layouts.)
Each of the four gamepad options unlocks a unique button map that matches the hardware selected. It’s never been so easy to play your new favorite game with your favorite USB controller!
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kastelo-games · 1 month
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kastelo-games · 1 month
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happy mothers day (also cover up tattoos)
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kastelo-games · 1 month
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If they licked their boss's boots and tolerated a shitty wage, they'd still get replaced with machines as soon as it was possible. There's no point in pretending otherwise.
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kastelo-games · 1 month
Honoring Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu: The First Lady of Physics 🥼⚙🔭
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As we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, let’s take a moment to appreciate Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu, a physicist who made considerable contributions to nuclear physics and worked on the Manhattan Project during World War II.
Early Life and Education
Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu was born on May 31, 1912, in a small town near Shanghai, China. Her father was big on education, especially for girls, which was uncommon at the time. Wu went to National Central University in Nanjing to study physics and later moved to the United States for further studies. She got her Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1940.
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Big Contributions to Physics
During World War II, Wu joined the Manhattan Project. She helped develop the atomic bomb by figuring out how to enrich uranium and study radioactive isotopes. Her most famous work was in 1956, when she proved that the law of parity conservation doesn’t hold in weak nuclear interactions. This was an important advancement for physics and earned her colleagues, Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen-Ning Yang, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957. Sadly, Wu didn’t get the Nobel recognition even though her experiment was crucial.
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Legacy and Recognition
Dr. Wu’s work earned her the nickname "The First Lady of Physics." She received many awards, including the Comstock Prize in Physics and the National Medal of Science in 1990. Besides her scientific work, Wu was a big advocate for women in science and education, encouraging young women to pursue STEM careers. During her career Dr. Wu also taught at Princeton and Columbia Universities. She received the National Medal of Science from President Ford on October 18, 1976, “for her ingenious experiments that led to new and surprising understanding of the decay of the radioactive nucleus.“
Explore More About Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu
To learn more about Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu’s life and work, check out these resources from the National Archives:
The Manhattan Project
Women in STEM
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
As we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, let’s remember Dr. Wu’s contributions and how she paved the way for future scientists. Her story is a reminder of the importance of perseverance and the pursuit of knowledge.
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kastelo-games · 1 month
Check out our new Official Trailer for Bricking Bots! Wishlist our game today on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2986580/Bricking_Bots/
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kastelo-games · 1 month
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Bricking Bots is Now on Mac and Linux
Now, for the first time ever, our game can be downloaded and played on the Mac and Linux operating systems! Our free and open Beta Testing period for Bricking Bots will soon come to a close, so now is a great time to become an Official Playtester. Simply follow these steps to get started:
Visit our game here: https://kastelo-games.itch.io/bricking-bots
Click on the red “DOWNLOAD NOW” button.
Choose and download the file that matches your computer’s operating system.
Unzip the downloaded file.
Click on the Bricking Bots icon to play the game!
Please send your playtesting notes and feedback through our website or post them to our Discord Server:
Wishlist our Game on STEAM
In the first few minutes after our game’s page went live on Steam, we reached 12 wishlists! That is all thanks to our growing community. But it is important to keep our momentum going. If you haven’t yet, be sure to add your name to the list!
Sign into your STEAM account (or create a new account): https://store.steampowered.com/
Visit our STEAM PAGE here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2986580/Bricking_Bots/
Click on the green box titled “Add To Your Wishlist.”
Share our YouTube video to spread the word: https://youtu.be/uuiT_OMtHRg
Thank you!
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kastelo-games · 1 month
The final spell of my game is added!
With the gender rune, spells will now add gender to an object or npc, so you can make rocks into girls
Also combine gender with 'Null' to remove an objects gender and make it nonbinary
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kastelo-games · 1 month
People may claim that anti-capitalism and the push for a classless, non-divisive and non-exclusionary society and the like are unrealistic because they think we want to create a utopia that is free of all pain and suffering.
Such a painless utopia *is* impossible- But it’s also impossible to overstate how many things that are afflicting everyone in today’s society are completely created, fabricated, and controlled & dictated by humans in power (the 1% that controls it all) in a capitalist society
Debt, bills, exorbitant costs on literal-lifesaving health care (and prescriptions like insulin) credit scores, homelessness, joblessness, complete abuses of natural resources that we *need* to survive (abused for profit)- and even money itself are all just complete man-made concepts, controlled by a very minuscule yet overtly powerful rich and economic class. Are any of these “fair challenges” in life that are just here to stay forever and are ordained by nature itself? God no. It’s all something that can be ended and replaced with something better- even if the process and transition may be complicated & difficult, it’s worthwhile- no matter what capitalist propaganda the rich push out.
Pain and suffering will still exist even in a freer, post-capitalist, post-class, post-money world: Death will still loom over everyone, natural disasters and new diseases will test us in different ways, etc, challenges that are ACTUALLY ordained by nature. And *work* itself will still be needed to feed the population, build housing, and care for the sick- not in the capitalist way for profit with a boss spying you at all times, but for the betterment of community, no matter your background, race, gender, and the like.
But what’s important is that any challenges that are thrown our way are not the results of a power-hungry few that makes everyone else suffer because of their cancerous greed and have us all chained to a devil-economic system. We will still have the issues that face ALL life on earth, not just humans, but it is 100% possible to live a life of decency, amidst it all.
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