Toutes les iris ont besoin de lumière
La lumière commence, criante et perdue Au cœur d'une étoile, déesse de l'espace éperdu Au début de son voyage vers un destin glorieux Elle glisse et bondit a traves le néant Jusqu'à un paysage plus connu de nos yeux Ne connaissant pas son but, dans son vol fainéant A travers les pales fleurs des vieux arbres Et entre les géants artificiels faits de marbre Elle les ignore, cela ne peut pas être son but Elle cherche une belle âme, emplie de lumière et de vertu Et finalement, quand elle finit par la trouver Elle sait que rien d'autre n'aurait pu rivaliser
Enfin, elle s'écrase sur toi, car toutes les iris ont besoin de lumière La plante pour grandir, l'œil pour voir, et toi pour éblouir Pour donner ton charme ravissant a cette terre Elle rebondit sur ta peau, tes vêtements, tes cheveux dans un soupir Et t'éclaire, d'une ombre incandescente et dorée Et sait qu'il n'y a rien qu'elle aurait plus adoré Aucune planète, aucune personne, pas la moindre fleur La lueur dance, te faisant presque flotter quand elle t'effleure Ton sourire timide, la petite étincelle dans tes yeux Brillant plus forts que toutes les étoiles des cieux Malheureusement pour elle, la lumière doit s'en aller La muse la repousse, sans même le réaliser, Elle se fait capturer, emportant avec elle ta beauté, Et enfin, le maelström de couleurs Se faufile dans l'iris.
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There is so much you don't see
You already know how to do it, go to her Do not trust your instincts and avoid to bother They do not hate you, you do know they want you there Just go talk to them, even if you're so scared And if I'm wrong, it will surely hurt, I can't lie But not as much as your stories when night is nigh You're not enough, but they won't say to come by And you won't ever feel better if you don't try
You already know how to do it, fight your pain Do not trust your instincts, make it stop before rain A happy ending is nothing but a tale's trope There is no light to show you the end, there's no hope You still have to walk through fire, if no one's watching Though it'd be easier were it performative You know you don't get a reward once you're through Breathe in, breathe out, in the end that's all you can do. Despite the pain, you can try to smile and have fun And though you will still cry, I'm proud of what you've done After all, it's all a lie, You can't kill the sun And the pain you feel won't ever truly be gone, Behind your skies, a thousand more are burning on.
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Do You Remember ?
My mind isn't the safest place there is, As such I tend to lose my memories Though I may forget your words, your face, your voice I can never forget my feelings
Does she remember the day we spent playing The water, the boards, the toys and the… outfit And my gazes, obvious, that were much too insisting ? I hope If she does, that she dosen't harbor hate
Does he remember the day I came back on a whim And giggled though it all, after so many tears Does he know of the heart, that broke for him And how he is the only reason I really feel queer ? Does he know there are too many days I fell, to remember just one And yet he still thinks his attractiveness done ? Or that I wonder, were I less different, may I have won ?
Does she remember how we used to talk effortlessly How in my confidence, her support was key How I felt, to not hurt, she'd blinded with a story And how I like her better with him, than with me ? Oh, how I wish we kept having our conversations, But people get awkward when they know my affections
Does she know my feelings were genuine, I'm not just a weirdo And that I was so confused by them, that I didn't even know How to aproach it, how to explain, why I even liked her ? Probably better this way, we weren't made for eachother.
She dosen't even know I liked her, I'd already given up Nor that I was more jealous of her than I was attracted Still, I harbor no anger, just a jealous sup She had style and made it work, that is acted
Do they even know, I felt they left me no choice ? How I only let humour hide my true voice I would've waisted my opportunities too, But muffling feelings for others can't be good for you
Does she remember, when we went out, on the scariest night How it was just me and her, when our knowledges weren't high When we hadn't planned for anything, but we didn't need to When only my presence was enough, when it felt like it too When we went to nowhere with no goal, but having fun in mind And we came back with candy, fruits, and an unnending smile I know she wouldn't have loved me still But I'd give anything to go back to that thrill.
I forget so much, and I hate that I do. But I don't think I could forget how I loved all of you. You didn't love me back, and I don't think anyone will But if I consider you friends, I hope that's chill. Perhaps I should stop falling in love, you've all clearly shown me The best feeling in the world dosen't matter, if it always comes with debris
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ADHD is a disability. I know this. Nobody else around me does. When I say I can't do something, I don't need tips, I don't need encouragement, I need you to believe me. I need just one person to believe that I'm not lying when I say I am unable to do something because of my literal developmental disability. No more "just push through", no more "try harder", no more "I did it and you can too", because I am absolutely sure that in this moment I am unable to fucking do it! Please believe me for once. Please.
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Lightless spirit
There was once a little lightless spirit Roaming endlessly through the moonlit streets It had the form of a cat, with smokey gray fur And a fragile heart, fueled by a raging fire. And this heart, it sometimes would beat so hard It could feel it's whole body burn
The little thing, it was born of twilight : It couldn't burn with the might of a star But it refused to let the darkness within out It couldn't live like the others it saw near and far And though they understood it, it always lived with doubt
It was unfamiliar to all that saw it Whispering to constellations leaving her dreams to fade in the horizons Dancing to meteor showers letting herself cry only seen by flowers And singing to eclipses as it's mind kept falling into pieces And as such it played alone.
'There is not much play', it cried 'Without anyone, or anything by my side' Many claimed to be with the little sprite But when darkness came, they disapeared in the night Then came back, bothered of so little light.
The little light wondered if the universe hated her Crossing her fate with this much suffering Or if it had a plan, with an end more rewarding She soon learned none cared of it, least of all the stars And all of her pain had absoluetly no meaning
One day, the light faded once more But little cat had no longer fire in her core She let the darkness take a hold of her bodies As blood and stardust poored from her arteries She was too alone, too weak, to fight back And her whole existence faded to black
Not a single soul noticed.
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abstract lgbt icons
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lesbian | gay | bi
trans | rainbow | pan
ace | aro | nonbinary
please rb if saving! ♡
wallpapers here
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Not enough
I hear my voice is hoarse, wrong and flat, yet i sing I believe my stories are unoriginal and flawed, still, I dream I know my steps are heavy & awkward, however i dance to every song I know I’m the one feeding, even if my teammates can be wrong I’m sad I’ve not got much, It will always be enough to give them more I don’t mind that I’m feeble, for them I’d still fight a war I’m sure my reflection is ugly, and too masculine, but I smile at her I fear I wasn’t enough for them, though I’ll love them forever Of course my poems lack rhythm, rhyme and subtlety But i’ll put enough feelings in my words to make you understand me I’m not good at talking, but i’ll do my best in conversation I feel I’m not a great friend, but I try to better our relation I’ve never been much of anything, really. I’ll try my best not to let it stop me.
No promises.
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Please Don't ignore me again What did I do wrong ? again… I'm trying to be better I'm trying to be good and such for you I know I'm not much I know I'm not enough for you
I'll be who you want those friends you find cool those people you admire those you always tell me the stories of like telling these is better than being with me I'll let you break my bones I'll let you break my heart I'll let you break my mind If you ask please
Just answer me I'd give you the world if I knew how I've already given you what i didn't own and i'll do it again if it makes you smile just tell me what you want but please
stand by my side I know you don't love me I know you won't love me I don't care I want to be with you Even just as a friend or as a cat a shadow an ant wind bee I will be nothing So long as I get to hear your voice To hear your laugh To see your face I want to love you and you never even have to know I can be whatever you want Do whatever you want just tell me what you want from me
Wherever you go, I will follow Please Don't leave me alone
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All I could have been
Though I may not often ask for anything from this world I often dream of all the other stories I’d prefered. I could’ve been a beautiful girl, with all eyes on my body Or a performer, with the spotlight shining on me I could be a social butterfly fitting in with everybody Perhaps be entertaining and funny, invited to every single party I could’ve been a better artist, who’s art gets complimented daily Or really good at games, climbing the ranks easily I could be the flirty girl, that always hits, I see in my dreams, Alas I’m just a hopeless, ugly nerd, breaking at the seems
I could have been a fighter, a mage or a bard Or the unfortunate victim of a lucky bastard I could’ve been a scaled  half demon abomination,  Leaving behind my family, fire, and desolation A bladesmith or a hivemind, drifting together through space Or a revolutionary, climbing mountains with grace. I could’ve been lost in a new world, at peace in a new body I could be shadows in the mornings, playing a new melody. I could be justice and warmth; fire and care Or I could be the same one I am. Just remove the face hair.
But if for all my life, i’ll be stuck with this body With this bland, boring, depressing personality And I know for a fact, there can be no one to love me If, despite it being my sole hope and dream, I 'll never reach this femininity And i forever know, i won’t be allowed this serenity If the fact that i’m real remains my sole quality Why would I ever want to seek reality ? I want to fall asleep forever, and dream.
Of all that I could be.
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Thank you, Techno.
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You Are Made of Stardust
Though the billions of people on Earth may come from different areas, we share a common heritage: we are all made of stardust! From the carbon in our DNA to the calcium in our bones, nearly all of the elements in our bodies were forged in the fiery hearts and death throes of stars.
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The building blocks for humans, and even our planet, wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for stars. If we could rewind the universe back almost to the very beginning, we would just see a sea of hydrogen, helium, and a tiny bit of lithium.
The first generation of stars formed from this material. There’s so much heat and pressure in a star’s core that they can fuse atoms together, forming new elements. Our DNA is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. All those elements (except hydrogen, which has existed since shortly after the big bang) are made by stars and released into the cosmos when the stars die.
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Each star comes with a limited fuel supply. When a medium-mass star runs out of fuel, it will swell up and shrug off its outer layers. Only a small, hot core called a white dwarf is left behind. The star’s cast-off debris includes elements like carbon and nitrogen. It expands out into the cosmos, possibly destined to be recycled into later generations of stars and planets. New life may be born from the ashes of stars.
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Massive stars are doomed to a more violent fate. For most of their lives, stars are balanced between the outward pressure created by nuclear fusion and the inward pull of gravity. When a massive star runs out of fuel and its nuclear processes die down, it completely throws the star out of balance. The result? An explosion!
Supernova explosions create such intense conditions that even more elements can form. The oxygen we breathe and essential minerals like magnesium and potassium are flung into space by these supernovas.
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Supernovas can also occur another way in binary, or double-star, systems. When a white dwarf steals material from its companion, it can throw everything off balance too and lead to another kind of cataclysmic supernova. Our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will study these stellar explosions to figure out what’s speeding up the universe’s expansion. 
This kind of explosion creates calcium – the mineral we need most in our bodies – and trace minerals that we only need a little of, like zinc and manganese. It also produces iron, which is found in our blood and also makes up the bulk of our planet’s mass!
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A supernova will either leave behind a black hole or a neutron star – the superdense core of an exploded star. When two neutron stars collide, it showers the cosmos in elements like silver, gold, iodine, uranium, and plutonium.
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Some elements only come from stars indirectly. Cosmic rays are nuclei (the central parts of atoms) that have been boosted to high speed by the most energetic events in the universe. When they collide with atoms, the impact can break them apart, forming simpler elements. That’s how we get boron and beryllium – from breaking star-made atoms into smaller ones.
Half a dozen other elements are created by radioactive decay. Some elements are radioactive, which means their nuclei are unstable. They naturally break down to form simpler elements by emitting radiation and particles. That’s how we get elements like radium. The rest are made by humans in labs by slamming atoms of lighter elements together at super high speeds to form heavier ones. We can fuse together elements made by stars to create exotic, short-lived elements like seaborgium and einsteinium.
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From some of the most cataclysmic events in the cosmos comes all of the beauty we see here on Earth. Life, and even our planet, wouldn’t have formed without them! But we still have lots of questions about these stellar factories. 
In 2006, our Stardust spacecraft returned to Earth containing tiny particles of interstellar dust that originated in distant stars, light-years away – the first star dust to ever be collected from space and returned for study. You can help us identify and study the composition of these tiny, elusive particles through our Stardust@Home Citizen Science project.
Our upcoming Roman Space Telescope will help us learn more about how elements were created and distributed throughout galaxies, all while exploring many other cosmic questions. Learn more about the exciting science this mission will investigate on Twitter and Facebook.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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happy gf 10 year anniversary
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growing up bisexual, i know what it’s like to be rejected twice in a row. that’s why this pride i’ve partnered with marvel’s morbius
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Different perspectives
I don’t like the sound of your voice, 
How you seem to always make the wrong choice,
The way your hands move, the color of your eyes
And I’ll never get used to what’s between your thighs
I hate the way you act, and the way you dress
And the lack of curves upon your chest
I hate your hair, no matter how you style it
Your fake smiles and the lies they knit
How tired you look, how hairy your chin
How bloated your belly, how rough your skin
How big you are, while staying so weak
How much you sweat, how much you reek
How your nails and face are bland
There is nothing about you I can stand
But I do love your world.
I love the mountains of your island that cradles you
I love every ray of sunlight that renders the skies so blue
I love every drop of water and every fish of your sea
And every single star that glows at night, so carefree
I love every heartbeat, fighting from dusk to dawn
And every line from every failures you’ve drawn
I love all of those you call your friends and such,
some of them, perhaps, a little too much ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Every smile I see, though rare lately, and every laugh i hear
All those that always make me wish we were all right here
I love all of the musics that flows non stop in your ear
All of the art that makes the rest of the world disappear
The words you weave into your poems, that few pay attention to
And the care and love you struggle to show to all those around you
There is too much to say, too much to love, about all these gems
So even if I wouldn’t stay for you, at least, I'll always stay for them.
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There once was a great fire, burning all through the land Ravaging all it went through, on and on expand And this fire from nowhere, it would burn with such pain That its scolding smoke, assured nothing could remain Acres of fancy forest, scorched, gone, in a blink In a flash, an instant, in a split, all in sync All up in flames. And the carcasses that would leave, Darker than the bitter loveless days, nights too The crackle of the scalded wood, a conflicting grieve And this brasier, a frail girl was walking right through Her robes, what is even left, are singed and useless Her skin, darkened by the ashes, hurt beyond view Her eyes tired, teary, begging to stop all this stress The girl kept walking, there was nowhere else to go The world in the flames was all she would ever know She wondered how others would see the fire she faces Perhaps a warm friend, lighting up their loves’ faces All she’d ever loved, ever fed the flames further The girl never asked to see all the world on fire Asked to be taken by the blaze, or any drug Or really, she’d just apreciate a fucking hug. And an “I love you”. From anyone at all.
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An ode to beauty
Life is just tears and blood, rainbows and tentacles A romantic dance, danced alone, and in shackles A dark mist, encroaching my heart, clawing my skin A mind where no thought would ever hunt as a kin A rain of numbers, wrapping me like a duvet A temple where not even the doomed come to pray A stranger in the mirror, face hunting my hopes A cutthroat circus, with not a hole in the hoops A few candles that burn away my retinas A legend so fabled, taught through countless millenias Familiar, warm notes ring away in my soul A perfect mechanic, where no cog plays its role Shards of realities swept up by violent winds A barren love story where everyone’s a seed The moonlight shines upon a solitary crown And endless seas of stressful tasks in which I drown A compliment, like the dulling edge of a blade An ever shining spotlight, on an endless stage A flower, trying to grow through apocalypse Desperate for light and soil, in a dry eclipse It’ll bloom, like all else has, just late to the garden For little flower was always laced with burden A sweet melody that shields from your own feelings A sickness so old it won’t bother with greetings A crying soul withering in a young body A voiceless, faceless, loveless lady
Futures and pasts, bounds by yet unbroken chains Smiles slowly fading away in the pouring rains Dawn and dusk, whispering in the blushing moonlight Weak like strong both willing to just give up the fight “Why couldn't we simply twirl into oblivion ?” I’ve stabbed hope in the face, i’ve kissed my depression I dance with nightmares, I chase away my dreams And I’ve accepted to let myself flow downstream I dream of withering bodies, i fear waking I listen to dying, forgotten worlds to sleep With hopes never again to bother the morning Yet I’m always fond of morning sun as I sip I’ve loved enough for my heart to cuddle a sun And I’ve stolen away withering dimensions My joy taken by a breeze, my youth a tsunami As my soul burns away in my growing body My joys and my pains dance, steady as a tick tock My suns and my rains, strictly ruled by a mean clock The ice turns to water, loving turns to bitter And no one would look up as my sky is on fire From the push of a button, the click of a mouse A rush of endorphins to wash away my doubts The body of a teen, the mind of a young girl With a pain far, far too great for both to handle If the skies would turn red, you would soon forget blues I’ve been sad this whole poem, but here's some good news Let’s say that if my my skies lost all their color,
It was so I could paint them however I’d prefer :)
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Do you ever wonder if the stars are lonely ?
Do you ever wonder if the stars are lonely ?
They are forced to see the worlds float around them
Without ever being invited to the party
To watch everyone live, and be loved, stuck in their realm
And still forever must they shine, they are not allowed to dim 
And when the happy ones look up at them, all they see is light
For they can never show their realities are quite grim. 
But if you feel lost, lonely, or sad, in the cold of the night
Look up to the firmament, and whisper to me
We’ll always have each other for company.
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