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“Lead and Follow” “The role of leaders is not to get other people to follow them but empower them to lead.” Bill George With the challenges we face right now, it is clear that we won’t be successful on our own and we really can’t be the sole captain of our ship. We need to collaborate and share that responsibility. In order to do that, we need to empower those around us with the critical leadership skills they need to lead. 
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“My kind of love” Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but most people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. For me, it’s more than just the dates, holding hands. It’s about being yourself and finding happiness together. It’s about accepting each other's weirdness and flaws. It’s about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
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“The Emotion Challenge” Emotions are a vital part of our everyday lives. Whether you’re having a good laugh over a text message or feeling frustrated in rush hour traffic, you know that the highs and lows you experience can significantly affect your well-being. Tips on how to manage one’s emotion: Select the situation  Avoid circumstances that trigger unwanted emotions. If you know that you're most likely to get angry when you’re in a hurry, then don’t leave things for the last minute. Replace your thoughts. Negative emotions bind us to recur negative thoughts, creating cycles of downright negative patterns. Don’t react right away. Reacting immediately to emotional triggers can be an immense mistake. It is guaranteed that you’ll say or do something you’ll later regret.
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Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Having a happiness calendar is very effective on planning activities for your free time. This helps you to free from all the pressure and troubles.  I choose this Month because its the freest month I can do all things that I want. It’s in summer vacation it’s the best start for adventure. 
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“This works for me” Stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life,  something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety, and  physical force or pressure . According to Lazarus cognitive appraisal theory, stress is a two-way process; it involves the production of stressors by the environment, and the response of an individual subjected to these stressors. Just like everybody I also encountered much stress in life, so for me in order to cope up with stress, I do arts and crafts. Doing creative things makes me feel out of the world, making everything colorful and happy. I forget about the reality and after that, my mind feels calm. This helps me to solve a problem in a creative way. Also, there are many ways to cope up with stress like sleeping and eating. If you want to fight those stress that results to good, you can always do if you choose to be positive always.
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Morale Boosters
Dear Self,    I know how you struggled and fought all obstacles in the past years, and I am so proud of you. I know how you let out those tears and sweats, and they were all worth it. So, don’t give up no matter what, that’s what I always tell you. No matter how tall the mountains and deep the oceans are, nothing can get in our way. You have God and your family who gives you strength. Make everything positive and always smile. Live and love.                                                                                         -love, Self.
Messages from classmates
Dear bae, I know you are an intellegent person. I know you can do everything you want. Stay who you are ,and stay cute and beautiful :). I love you mwuah :   -Shula<3 Dear Beh, Love you beh! You know that we are both beautiful and fucking smart. -Ms. Ace(Mabelle)     Hi Chix!, Your too beautiful. I like you <3 haha! Stay what you are. Still be good. -Judith Dear dance Salvo :P, :D Stay beautiful and positive, and stay who you are. You know what, I really like your personality (buyag). God bless you! -Mae Ann Hi Hazel, Stay pretty, stay who you are and study hard to achieve your goal. Don’t worry I’m always here if you need help. -Jovert :) Dear Hussel, I encourage you to continue your plan in your life. Just be patient in all things. I know you can do it. Labya! :* -Agnesang Hi Puto Bongbong, Stay wgo you are, I have nothing else to say because they already did. But just be you and you are good, stay like that. Godbless! <3 Jehil Cute Dear Sablo, Your so prettyb like me! hahaha. Stay who you are, I know you can do anything, just believe in yourself :) <3 BE KIND AND HAVE COURAGE :) Mwaah :* <3 -KayeFlyFly :) Dear Sablo, Stay pretty, I know you will ;). Thank you for being there and being my friend/neigbhor.Your such a good and cute one. I know you can face all the challenges in life. Stay strong meow! :) -honey grace Dear Sablo, Stay pretty :) and thank you for being their always for us. Your so nice and intelligent one. Stay who you are, I laaabyooo... :P -Ethyl :) Salvo, Hazel continue to be a good person and continue making arts, and by the way you are a good artist. -Vince
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What I feel about expectations of me
People judge and expect base on how you look and where you come from. People are just like that even me, but to me expectations are good. It helps us to learn about reality and things that needs to have effort. I have a wonderful family and I love them. People expect me to be smart and a responsible person like my older sisters, specially my mother is a teacher from my last elementary school. I struggled in filling those expectations because I was different. Yes I was different from them, that’s what I learned. And now I’m filling all of my own expectation for myself. Strive hard and have a goal of my own, and be who I wanna be.
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My Goals and Achievements
My greatest Achievement in life is how I overcome and faced the world, how I did my best and who I am today. So, when I grow up, I want to be an independent woman. Be a successful architect engineer. Assemble a good art collection. Make my family or love ones happy. Help those who are in needs. Marry and travel with the person I love. Live my life worth and bless.
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My Personal Mandala
This mandala actually symbolizes my personality. It’s colorful because I want to be positive in every aspect of my life. I colored some parts with blue, because this color represents my confidence and creativity. Some parts looks like a sunflower that symbolizes my cheerfulness and friendliness personality, but as we observe the sunflowers are always inside or hidden from another flowers that tells about how my true colors will only show if you will know me better and to those who I am close with. I love giving life to my imaginations.
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The Selfie Project
Hi! My name is Hazel Salvo. I’m a teenage girl from Villa Verde, Iligan City. I’m studying right now in La Salle Academy Senior High School from the CSS track. I was born in December 13, 1999 and now I’m already 16 years old. I’m a proud Youth for Christ and love serving other people. My passion is arts and I love doing activities that involves crafting. God, my family and my career are the most important part of my life. I believe in success through hard work and dedication. My motto in life is “If you want something, work hard and you’ll achieve it, there are no shortcuts.”
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