keila-maahs · 8 years
Well kong or no kong we’ll hang out soon, it’s long overdue. But I’ll definitely pick up a toy so that Ewoyn is adorable entertainment while we chat. I actually have a few days off in a row coming up, maybe we can do something this weekend.
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Yes, we will have to do this. It is long overdue. You could always come by here regardless and I can make us some food. We can catch up about how life is going for both of us. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
That’s pretty rich. I say you remind people to keep their humanity and yet you degrade me when you don’t even know me well enough. Well, please let me enlighten you. Not once have I ever gotten on to this network and intentionally missed a conversation. Not once, against my better judgement, have I turned down an invitation. Not once have I left a question unanswered. Perhaps I don’t answer intrusive questions with mass elaboration, but I know myself and other people well enough to know that most don’t want the whole story. Not once have I ever opened up the network’s notifications and skipped over anyone. I acknowledge the few notifications on top and call it a day. I don’t go out of my way to hunt people down. Your judgement of myself is unwarranted. Your push to claim anything about me, let alone bringing up Selene is, frankly, disgusting. If you want to be petty and judgmental, that’s your prerogative. I work seven days a week, I don’t know what happened to the kind and gentle woman that was curious and encouraging when I met her but this person is not the Keila I met. I pity the death of that kind soul. To the point, have fun in the ZA, you’re disinvited.
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How am I degrading you? I asked a simple question and you blew it up. Claim to know anything about you? I don’t know anything about you. I would ask questions and you would find a way to not answer them. You can call me all the names you want, I have heard far worse. I am not sorry for what I said, because it was on my mind. Perhaps you didn’t turn down anything, but I can’t remember what I have invited you. I am still the same Keila. It is an observation that was made. 
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Keila & Tomlin
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keila-maahs · 8 years
You have two pets? Have I really been gone that long that you got TWO pets?
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I don’t have any pets myself. I live with Adra. She has Ewoyn and Luna. Ewoyn is the puppy and luna is the kitty. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
I am shocked to find my name on this list. You tend to always cut our conversations short or it seems I bore you. The only person you seem to want to have an actual conversation with is Selene. 
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It's the zombie apocalypse, you HAVE to have the following: 3 people from the network to take with you (and why), 2 items to survive, 1 item for yourself, who and what would they be?
Three People To Take:
Selene, no one knows me as well as she does. @selenemacsuain
Keila, she would remind us all to keep our humanity. @keila-maahs
Sophie, because she can make even the grumpiest of people almost smile @sophie-gardener
Two Survival Items:
A stocked military ship because of weapons and food… indestructibility and isolation is a bonus.
Developed and furnished private island… fishing would be great for food and isolation in a ZA is the best way to survive.
One Item for myself:
A library because it’s as close to traveling as you’ll get if a ZA happens
I may have cheated a little. I’m not sorry about it.
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keila-maahs · 8 years
No, you’re not making anyone uncomfortable. You have a right to feel safe in this country. And you don’t have to stay away or keep quiet about any of those feelings. Honestly. 
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Good. I don’t want to you feel uncomfortable. I feel safe for the most part, I just worry about my future. How are you doing Jeremy?
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Oh shit. I don’t even know why I’m complaining, Keila, I’m so sorry. Nothing like white men complaining about uncertainty to make us seem like assholes. 
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You are not complaining Jeremy. Trust me. I don’t think you are acting like one. I think it would have been better if I stayed off a little longer. I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Please take more, I was overzealous the other day. I might take some to give out to students for good behaviour hah! Oh that I am sure – my Papa pointed out the other day that we’re much more similar than what we think and it scares me really. I was trying to get a hold of this book about the history of Pythagoras at the top shelf. You thought I would be tall enough but nooo… Hah!
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I don’t think I could eat anymore. It will give me a tummy ache. You should take them to school. the best way to get rid of all of them. I think I will get along with your family perfectly fine. Is it wrong that I really want them to love me like one of their own? I will have to watch you around the house climbing on things. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
I have a Boston terrier called Rosie and I love her so much.
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She is so adorable. How old is Rosie?
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Yes Im excited. I am looking forward to having tea and crumpets at Harrods with Mother. 
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You must wish her a happy birthday from me. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom. She will be excited to see you. 
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Going home for the weekend as its my mothers birthday. Anyone want to come with me? I have a free ticket going spare You may have to meet my mother but she isnt that scary.. well.
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Well cats are coy by nature so you know she does that with everyone. Ewoyn is such a ham for treats it’s crazy. I kind of want to get him one of those big Kong chew toys and fill it with peanut butter.
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That they are. Luna likes to lay on my face when I am laying on the couch, which isn’t too often. You should get Ewoyn a kong. We have peanut butter at home. He would love it. That would mean I get to see you. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Aw that is kind of weird for a boy dog. Oh well. I am sure he doesn’t mind much. I have always wanted a dog, but I don’t think that would fly in my apartment. 
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I have heard stories that the animals actually pick their name. Another co-worker had a male cat that they wanted to name Shaggy, but he would only come to Baby. 
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I don’t own any pets, but Adra does. So I get all my loving through them. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Aw hes so precious. I wanna squeeze his fuzzy little face!
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I tried not to. He was super adorable. His name was Sweetpea. I know, odd for a boy. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Nope. One of the artist insisted on bringing her dog to the studio.
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You guys allow animals in the studio? That must be fun. This little guys name is Sweetpea. I found it an odd name. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Same, to be honest. And the fact that she has one of each makes me so happy cause everyone else I know hates one over the other. Going to Adra’s is like going to a magical kingdom where I get to cuddle all the things.
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Ha! I do love Ewoyn, there are times he likes me more than Adra. I think it is because he knows I will sneak him more treats. The kitty only seems to like me when she wants something. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
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But A Dream || Headcanon
Keila had been plagued with these nightmares over the last few weeks. To some it would be a dream that would be welcomed and cherished. To the young Iraqi woman it was a reminder of the defect that she was. Everything she grew up believing and what she should provide was nothing but an illusion and she was left to suffer alone. There were numerous talks about her adopting, and it was always a possibility, but there was no denying that all she ever wanted was to be able to have a baby. She wanted to feel like a woman. 
The dream would start off with her holding a small baby. She could feel the connection that she always thought a mother and child would have. He had her bright brown eyes and this soft smile, though she knew it was because of gas, seeing how small he was. Then time was speed up. She would be on the beach with him, letting his tiny toes sink into the soft sand and hear his giggles that would cause her to smile ear to ear. There was never a man in the picture. Though she did notice a ring on her finger. It was hard for Keila to think that she would let someone get that close to her, long enough to want to be with her forever. 
She could feel that happiness and a sense of being complete. Each time she tried to revel in the moment, that is when she was stirred awake. In the beginning she would try to blink back the tears. What turned out to be something sweet soon became a dream she wished she would never have again. Most time she would end up on her side, blankets up close to her chin and she would wonder who her life ended up like this. Why she was the one singled out unable to have a baby. If she had done something horrible in a past life and was being punished for it now. Hours would seem to drift by before she could be lulled back into sleep. 
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keila-maahs · 8 years
Oh my god what a fluffy little cutie pie. I don’t question the wonder of the animal kingdom, I just unconditionally spoil all of my friend’s pets.
That is what I have to do. Adra owns the puppy and kitty. I just get to spoil them. 
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