keislilcake · 4 years
dazed gojo one of the best gojos.... sigh
GOJO SATORU || pretty eyes
anime: jujutsu kaisen
character: gojo satoru
pronouns: she/her
notes: high-school gojo x underclassman reader
part two is here!
“Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got pretty eyes?”
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If Gojo was being honest, he had never expected just one random girl to be able to capture his attention and cause him to go crazy. 
For his entire life, he had always been told the same line over and over again - “You are the strongest,”. And those words aren’t empty promises either - he really was, by far, the strongest shaman to be born in this century. Being born with the rare but coveted Six Eyes, he was pretty much in a league of his own, even amongst the many heirs of the three strongest clans. 
It is because of this pretty much God-worshipping from a young age, Gojo Satoru is known for having the biggest ego on the planet; which seems to grow with each passing day. His friends have grown used to it at this point, with the many times they have to hear him boast about how strong and powerful he was. 
Sometimes Geto wonders if he should just air out all of Gojo’s dirty secrets; only to be reminded by Ieiri man might just end up using it to his advantage and find ways to get his ego boosted once more.
It is also common knowledge that many women consider the white hair shaman as a very handsome man. This cause him to get a lot of female attention as well, as if his head cannot get any bigger then it already is. Young Gojo obviously takes advantage of that, constantly stringing women along and having flings left and right. It is a surprise that he still have so much energy after what clearly was a busy night for the young man; whose back might be sporting a multitude of red nail marks and a rogue hickey here and there.
It’s because of all of these head-ballooning opportunities that foster an arrogant personality that Gojo carries about - that he was the strongest, and that as long as he wants something or someone, he was going to get it.
That was before he got soda spilt on him by accident. 
The event happened on a normal day in Jujutsu Tech - young shamans going about their classes, training to become the new generation of shamans that will protect the innocent from curses. It was during one of these days that we find Gojo, having asked for a toilet pass so he can take a quick walk to the vending machines to get a drink instead. 
He wasn’t really paying attention to anything going on around him; it was not only because he can use the Limitless that he doesn’t have to worry about getting hurt. It was in the middle of class, so he didn’t expect to be bumping into anyone in the quiet hallways of Jujutsu Tech. So it did come to a shock when he felt a soft body stumble into him, causing him to catch the girl before she can fall face first against his chest.
It was only because he had mastered Limitless that the canned soda that the girl was holding didn’t drench his uniform, the liquid seeming to bounce off his uniform without touching him as the sugary liquid slid down the floor in soft plats. “I-I am so sorry!” The girl shuttered out in shock as she snapped her eyes to look up at the ridiculously tall man, who was blinking down at the sight of a gorgeous girl staring back at him. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going! D-Did I ruin your uniform?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Gojo managed to say as he takes a step back, feeling a light blush appearing on his cheeks when he spotted her concern eyes scanning over the front of his uniform for herself. “My uniform is completely dry.” He admitted as he gestured to his pristine uniform, causing the girl to let out a relieved sigh, a beautiful but soft smile tugging against her lips. “That’s a relief.”
He stared at the mysterious girl who just sets her drink on the wooden banister beside her, pulling put a packet of tissues before she bends down to wipe the mess on the floor to the best of her abilities. “I do apologise again.” She continued to speak as she finishes up with cleaning floor and then her hands, not noticing how Gojo was standing there like a fool, entrapped by her alluring beauty as she turned to toss the tissues away. “I didn’t think that anyone would be out at this moment, so I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
She had just finished her statement when she looked up, only to catch his eyes staring straight at her shamelessly behind his tinted sunglasses. Before he can start coming up with some excuse as to why he was staring at, the girl before him just gave him a kind smile as she grabbed her drink once more. “Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got pretty eyes?”
With that she just gave him a parting smile before she walks away, the smell of her perfume following behind her in a light cloud as she pushes past him lightly to walk down the hallway he came from. For once in his life, Gojo was completely tongue-tied as he watches the girl walk away, her hair bouncing with her every step as she turned the corner and disappeared from his line of vision. 
He debated if he wanted to chase after her or not, but decided after a moment that he should return to class, since he didn’t necessarily want to get slapped over the head by Yaga-sensei right now. So with much reluctance he started to make his way back to his class, his thoughts completely being consumed by the mysterious girl.
As classes continued without a hitch, with Gojo looking much more occupied then usual, Geto and Ieiri both grow concern for their friend. He became too quiet after returning from the ‘toilet’, and Geto was 100% that Gojo had fallen ill with the lack of backhanded comments to the teachers or sarcastic replies when he is asked something. So he had asked his friend what was wrong after class, only to be bombarded by his whining about how he met a beautiful girl in the hallway.
Geto wanted to smack himself for worrying about the white hair bastard whilst Ieiri just gave the two an amused glance as she dug around her pockets for her pack of cigarettes without a care in the world.
“A young girl in our junior year…” Geto hummed as he leaned back against the pillar behind him on one of the many wooden banisters of the college, rubbing his chin in thought whilst Gojo pouted at his best friend that was perched on the other end of the wooden banisters. They were relaxing the many hallways of the school, enjoying the break after classes. “I have no idea who that is…but if there is someone like that in our school, she must be a junior.”
“You’re probably talking about L/N Y/N.” Ieiri stated as she lit her cigarette, blowing the smoke from her mouth whilst Geto covered his nose with a face, gently fanning the smoke away with his free hand. Gojo, however, perked up from the sudden mention of a name he had never heard of before, turning to his fellow third year who smiles at his excitement. “She’s quite the cutie. A first year gifted in Reversed Curse Techniques, since her family is known to produce many gifted healers. She comes up to me a lot to ask me questions, since Yaga-sensei told her about me.”
Gojo grins softly, looking like a cat that finally caught the toy its owner had been teasing him with. Before he can open his mouth to ask another question, a soft voice called out for the female third year; a voice that caused Gojo’s heart to race and a light blush to coat his cheeks. There, walking towards the trio, was Y/N, sporting the same sweet smile that she graced Gojo earlier in the day.
When she spotted the white haired shaman, she perks up a little and waves at him kindly, her simple action causing the usually confident shaman to freeze up with wide eyes as his blush worsen. “Ah, Y/N-san.” Ieiri greeted her with a warm smile as she blows the smoke she had inhaled from the cigarette to the side, letting the lit cigarettes to hang off between her fingers as she entertained the question that her junior has for her. “Gojo? Are you breathing?”
Geto’s question completely flew over Gojo’s head, causing him to frown at his clearly stunned friend as he glance over at the junior; finally taking her in. ‘She is really pretty.’ He thought to himself before he realised just what was it that cause Gojo to act so weirdly. Geto just shakes his in amusement as he smiles over at his junior, who was just asking questions about book that Ieiri had apparently suggested for the younger girl to read.
Truly he didn’t care about the topic at hand, but he was best friends with Gojo after all - and the poor guy seemed to be whipped already for a girl he just met. “Say, Y/N-san, can I ask you something?” 
The girl in question paused when she heard Geto’s kind voice, looking over at the man with a curious tilt of her head as he gave her his signature grin. “Did you happen to bump into Satoru today? If you did, what did you say to him to cause the poor boy to act the way he is?” He asks casually, ignoring the clearly mortified look that Gojo was sporting as he tried to shut his best friend up. Ieiri grins and got in the way, holding the taller shaman back with ease whilst Geto continued to smile over at the girl before him.
Y/N pauses as she tilted her head in thought, looking away from her senior for a moment as she thinks back to the moment in the hallway. “Oh, I just asked him that has anyone told him that he’s got really pretty eyes.” She answered truthfully, her innocent answer causing Geto to snort as he covered his face with one hand, causing Y/N to frown in confusion at what the man found funny. “Is there anything wrong, senpai?” 
“Nothing at all, Y/N-san.” Ieiri reassured with a grin as she held Gojo back from assaulting his friend, who is now just covering his red face in embarrassment as he tried to hide away from the clearly confused girl. “We just wanted to check.” She stated smile before she lets the taller man to slump back onto his seat, leaving him and Geto, whose entire body was shaking with laughter as he tried to hold in his loud laughter.
Ieiri just put out her cigarette on the ash tray on top of the trash can near by, wrapping her other arm around her junior before she coaxes the confused girl away from the two men; talking to her about how she found some papers that might peak her interest in how different techniques can heal different wounds better then others as they walked away from the two men.
Eventually Geto manages to catch his breath, sporting a shit-eating grin that had Gojo narrowing his crystalline blue eyes at his best friend; silently daring him to make another comment. And really, who would let such a golden opportunity to tease Gojo go?
“So, she said you’ve got pretty eyes huh?”
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keislilcake · 4 years
HEADCANONS + NANAMI KENTO || relationship things
anime: jujutsu kaisen
character: nanami kento 
pronouns: them/they 
note: let’s be honest here, nanami is honestly so hot. like hello - simp worthy man right here. even though my manga reader heart clenches, nanami is still one of the most badass characters in the series. period.
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i read somewhere that nanami is an ‘all or not’ kinda guy - meaning he dates with the idea that one day you two might get married. and lowkey, super true. if you are not interested with the idea of settling down permanently, might as well stop where you are and loose his number
it takes a little more coaxing and babying for him to open up about work, sorcerer or not - the reason is because he hates bringing work back home. what happens at work, stays at work
even though others find it hard to read him, you can read him like an open book - you just know all the subtle changes of his mood that you can tell what mood he is in
your parents love him - i bet the first time they met him, there was no way they wanted you to break up with him. he’s so polite, with warm smiles and even bringing gifts to visit them
they asked you to marry the man right that moment; which had nanami smirking the rest of the night
never forgets any dates - anniversaries, birthdays, dates to visit families, dates. you can never catch him slipping
loves it whenever you’d help him with his ties in the morning; it was just cute to see you carefully knotting the tie and tucking it beneath his jacket. it’s a small moment of peace for you two 
enjoys coming home to you with your arms open and a loving smile on his face after a long day at work, wrapping your arms around him before pressing a soft kiss on his cheek in greeting 
weekly dates - he feels like his line of work always drags him away from you, so he’d bring you out on dates on friday to shower you in love and attention
will probably show affection through acts of service - bringing you tea at night when you’re cold, helping with the laundry on weekends, picking up the groceries on the way home from work
enjoys coordinated couple outfits - would purposefully wear a red button up shirt to a dinner party if you decide to wear something red, or the changes his iconic printed tie to follow the colour of your outfit
by the way, you got him that tie - hence why he made it apart of his Binding Vow with himself 
you still don’t understand why puts a cap on his power, but you don’t question it after awhile; he’s strong regardless, so you don’t worry too much 
think you two might also enjoy sitting in the bath together; there is just something so intimate with both of you pressed together underneath a sea of bubbles, feeling your fingers running through his wet hair to work out all of the hair product he uses in the day
likes spoiling you with things, but doesn’t go to the extreme of buying you everything you want
if he knows you’ve been eyeing something for awhile, he’d get it for you wordlessly and surprise you with it on a normal day
loves buying pastries for the both of you to try - even if he himself doesn’t enjoy a lot of sweets. but he likes seeing you smile
will give you his suit jackets if you’re cold, no matter where you are and who you’re with. he is not going to let his lover get cold
secretly enjoys watching cheesy tv shows - more so because he doesn’t really need to focus on it and at least there is something playing in the background 
has your picture as his homescreen - his lock screen will either the default one that comes with his phone. so he can be discrete about your relationship
no one will know about you two, even if you work together in Jujutsu Tech. People just assume you two are co-workers, and he wants to keep it that way since he hates having others in his business
especially gojo - there is no way he wants this information going to him 
when you two finally go public, gojo will be so upset and pout at his junior the entire time
“you two have been dating for so long and you didn’t tell me?! Your favourite senpai?!”
“and I would have kept it that way for longer.” nanami answered back simply whilst you just gently hit his chest, scolding him wordlessly at how he should be nicer to his senior whilst he just smirks at you
conclusion: a simple man who enjoys the simple pleasures in life with you by his side, and would try and spend every waking moment with you; but without overstepping boundaries. you can tease him about being too uptight or have manners like an old man, but he’s still husband material and will treat you right
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keislilcake · 4 years
“you’re warm.” - ldh
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summary: a drunk hyuck can only mean a clingy hyuck
genre: fluff | established relationship au
length: 0.3k words
pairing: drunk!donghyuck x reader
warnings: kissing, mentions of alcohol
note: thank u to @ezralia-writes​ for looking this over!! also @mjlkau​ hello happy almost birthday here’s part of ur present LOL
part of my 100 ways to say i love you mini series
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“You’re warm,” Donghyuck mumbles into your shoulder, face flushed red from both the alcohol you two drank at Renjun’s place and the cold air of the winter night.
A night full of giggles and drinks had quickly come to an end around 3 AM when Yangyang got a call from Kun saying that Louis peed on his bed again. You’d all left the house quickly after, Yangyang booking it out the door considerably faster than everyone else.
Now, you and Hyuck stand outside Renjun’s apartment complex, your boyfriend wrapping himself tightly against you to conserve whatever warmth the two of you can share as he blows raspberries into your neck.
“Our Lyft will be here in like two minutes. It’ll be warmer there.” You stroke Donghyuck’s hair, only for him to whine loudly.
“I don’t care about the cold, I just want you to hold me.”
He pulls you closer against him if possible, hands slipping under the loose fabric of your sweater to hold your waist. You feel your face heat up at your boyfriend’s actions but choose to blame it on the cold winter air instead, the breeze that blows by making you shiver slightly. Tentatively, you wrap your arms around Donghyuck making him sigh contently, the sound light and airy as his chapped lips brush your skin.
Surprisingly, Donghyuck was never the biggest fan of PDA, opting only to ham it up around his friends to push at their buttons. He typically gave you space whenever the two of you were alone, only opting to cling to you when he found you weren’t busy or upon request. To have him pressed up against you like this in public, with no eyes watching is unfamiliar, but you can’t say it’s unwelcome.
“This is kinda nice,” The words come out muffled with your face buried in Donghyuck’s puffy jacket and he giggles at you.
“You’re so cute,” Your boyfriend opts to nuzzle his face into your neck before starting to kiss at the exposed skin making you squirm.
“Hyuckie that tickles,” You whine, making your boyfriend pull away.
“You’re lucky I love you enough to stop giving you so many kisses,” Donghyuck shoots you his signature angelic look making you roll your eyes before placing a quick peck on his lips.
“I guess I love you too dumbass.”
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my requests are open for my 100 ways to say i love you and things you said mini series!
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keislilcake · 4 years
i think i may have teared up.... enough to fill a fucking pale
nights like these
part of the ‘before i met you’ collective.
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copyright © 2020 rouiyan all rights reserved.
pairing — idol!donghyuck x (fem.) college student!reader genres — fluff, angst, and then some Fluff aus — established relationship au, kinda domestic asf disclaimer — minor swearing, like a three-worded phrase referring to s*x haha length — 3.4k 
synopsis: you hate donghyuck’s stupid, stupid temper and also his stupid, stupidly sincere apologies. and just when you think you can seamlessly quote every word to come from his jabbering mouth, he does the unthinkable.
a/n: i was really invested in this at first and wrote the first three thousand words in one day but i lost motivation and finally finished it a week after haha.
“baby, i think we should talk about something.” 
donghyuck’s eyes peered quizzically down at yours, a slim anxiety shadowing his irises. “it’s nothing to worry about but…” he huffed a silent breath, a small smile easing across his features before gesturing for you to continue. his hair is mussed and his glasses are perched upon the bridge of his nose, a sight that you will always welcome with open arms. “well, after you come back from your tour, it’s gonna be our-“
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keislilcake · 4 years
prince’s order
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Pairing: prince!haechan x reader Genre: modern royal au, fluff, suggestive  Word Count: 1.6k Details: reader is recovering from fainting, a lil bit of making out :) Summary: prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better
a/n: this was inspired by “the king: eternal monarch,” if you love k-dramas I highly suggest watching it!
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when you open your eyes, you have to take a moment to absorb your surroundings
the gold details on the ceiling throw you off— this is definitely not your bedroom or a hospital
the insanely soft comforter on top of you weights you down nicely and almost lulls you back to sleep, along with the several silk pillows surrounding your head
you attempt to sit up but you feel dizzy, like your head has been replaced with a bobblehead, and your shoulders ache with every movement you make
groaning, you gently lay down into your original position
turning your head, you see a nightstand on the right side of the bed, some circular glasses resting there and a particular prince’s favorite gold watch next to it
of course, you’re in prince haechan’s room
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keislilcake · 4 years
Pairing: Haechan x Reader
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff but it gets slightly steamy at one point (still totally sfw)
Word Count: 6k
Summary: You and Haechan get engaged, because anything is better than the process of trying to get engaged. That being said, having a fiancé you hate isn’t that much better.
Author’s notes: remember me???????? I’m alive, yeah. I’m super proud of this fic, I think it’s my best ever, so please give it a read!!
Haechan inhaled the overwhelming scent of floral perfume, and barely managed to stifle a gag. His father arranged for him to meet more and more foreign princesses every week, and he wondered where the man even kept finding them. Were there even this many countries? The prince’s surroundings were beginning to blend into a blur of painted smiles and emotionless eyes. He cursed that stubborn old man in his mind, and questioned furiously why it was even so important that he find a bride any time soon. Still, no matter how much he despised it, he knew his father wouldn’t accept anything less. 
He looked into the sea of lace gowns and resigned himself.
Maybe he’d just choose someone. Anyone. He smiled morosely, knowing all the women there were only after their shot at the throne anyway. They were here to use him, why shouldn’t he use them too? The apathetic thought left a bad taste on his tongue. Still, in his exhaustion at his circumstances, it seemed more and more reasonable the longer he considered it.
He searched throughout the crowd of giggling princesses, unable to distinguish between their faces. 
One after another, they approached him, with candied smiles and words that were far too practiced. One after another, they convinced him a loveless marriage with someone half-decent was far preferable to enduring this a moment longer. One after another, they revealed themselves to be absolutely unbearable, and Haechan grew more and more desperate to find someone that didn’t make him want to throw himself off a balcony after three sentences.
You stood at the back of the crowd, prodded by impatient elbows and sneered at by women hiding their smirks behind fans. You rolled your eyes, unable to understand this need, this hunger to marry someone they’d never met. That was your problem, according to your parents. And your advisors. And your tutors. According to everyone, really. You’d been to so many different kingdoms, trying to seduce unfamiliar princes, but could never bring yourself to actually put any effort into it. The carriage that shipped you to each one was beginning to feel more like home than the castle you’d left.
You watched girl after girl leave the ballroom, looking thoroughly dejected. It was hard not to relish in their failure just a bit, but you dreaded whatever high standards this prince was going to judge you with. You had little to offer. Your background, your kingdom, your land- none could remotely compare to his. Your parents were completely insane to even think you had anything that would make you lucrative as a bride to him.
Maybe they’re hoping he’ll behead me. You chuckled.
Still, the crowd continued to thin, and you couldn’t put off meeting him forever. A few of the weaker-hearted girls nudged you forward, suddenly less eager to meet the sharp-tongued prince. 
You sighed, and decided to get it over with.
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keislilcake · 4 years
no bcs ive never shed this much tears for an sns au... THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL
「 welcome to my playground 🌙 」
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social media au/written Parts
pairing: jaehyun x reader
genre: angst/fluff
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all he wanted was a peaceful last year in university and all she wanted was to finally live in peace without her past haunting her. so what happens when their paths collide, will this be a start of a blossoming relationship or the beginning of a tragic story?
-> prologue | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11.1 | part 11.2 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15 | fin | epilogue 1 / 2
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keislilcake · 4 years
ordinary people | j.jaehyun
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Summary | Jaehyun’s parents are coming home for Christmas and he may have made the biggest mistake of telling them he has a ‘girlfriend’. Insert you, his best friend, who so happens to be the only girl he knows and trusts. You, on the other hand, would have never expected Jaehyun to show up at your door at two in the morning with nothing but a proposition; to be his fake girlfriend. And man, are you in big trouble.
Genre | fluff, angst, slow burn, fake dating!au + friends to lovers!au + ceo!jaehyun (because why TF not??)
Word Count | 18.3k+ words (oof almost made it to the estimated count of ~20k)
Warnings | lots of bickering!
author’s note: it’s finally here! this took longer than i had initially thought, but i’m just glad that it’s done. this is literally the first one shot on this blog, so let’s make it official :-) 
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It’s an early Sunday morning when Jung Jaehyun shows up at your door. There’s an unusual feeling in your gut for he shows up in casual clothing. His usual business attire is replaced with a loose black hoodie and a pair of jeans. He also shows up with a lopsided smile spread across his lips, a smile that you know so well and what it truly meant. But you’re too tired to even bother. 
“Hey,” he greets you, and you lean against the door-frame to look up at him with a questioning gaze. “Can I come in?”
You glare at him. “It better be worth my time, Jaehyun. It’s two in the morning and do you know what my eyes are begging me to do? Yes, that’s right, sleep.”
“I won’t take too much of your time, I promise.” He reassures you and you squint your eyes at him before moving aside to let him in.
He makes his way inside your apartment, entering into your small living room to take a seat on your couch. At this point, the sleep in your eyes have been rubbed away and you begin to notice his unusual behavior. You raise an eyebrow suspiciously. 
“Wait, first of all, why are looking at me like that?” You question while folding your arms.
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keislilcake · 4 years
hi!! i just wanted to say i love your recent blind date donghyuck imagine !! you have a great writing style too! looking forward to more 💓
REALLY this makes me happy a lil im (〃ω〃) thank u so much!!! ill try writing more if ever i find the time and inspiration <3
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keislilcake · 4 years
the gods hate me! or maybe not? — ldh
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➜ pairing: lee donghyuck/haechan x fem!reader
➜ genre: fluff
➜ warnings: none
➜ summary: you’re on the start of accepting the fact that the gods hate you, and that you’re meant to be single forever after a concluded blind date failure.
➜ word count: 893 + (bonus) 140
a/n: hi! this is my first time writing an imagine, and it’s my first post on here other than my reblogs. aaa i’m not confident in my writing, especially that this was actually just a writing practice,,, i hope you like it, though!
the rain is pouring, everyone seeking shelter to avoid the cold that may come if they land the misfortune of getting wet under the rain during the christmas season of december.
the bell that hangs by the glass door of the cozy cafe chimes for the nth time this past hour, but the downpour is once again muffled as the door closes, which causes the bell to chime again.
she heaves a sigh as she looks down at her latte poured in a pastel pink mug. the steamed milk of its art is all over the surface, she would’ve mistaken it as unmixed coffee if only the whole latte art thing wasn’t a trend. it must’ve been done by one of the many new hires that took up the job to at least have a few gifts sitting under their christmas tree by the 25th of december, she guesses.
she checks on her watch once again, 5:05, the time reads. it’s been an hour and a half now since she’s been waiting for the stranger who got coaxed into this blind date just like her. “come on! you’ve been single for four christmas seasons now! don’t let it hit the fifth,” she remembers how her friend had been so eager to get her back into the dating scene once again ever since she got her heart broken during the christmas 6 years before.
she realizes how she’s been sighing nonstop, probably by the same amount of times the bell by the door has chimed. she likes to think her date couldn’t make it because of the rain, but an hour and a half should’ve been enough time to cancel on her, right? that way, she wouldn’t be sitting here looking like a lonely damsel amongst the couples who took shelter in this cafe.
the bell chimes once again, and she’s about to heave another sigh, but as her eyes land on the person that just came in the cafe, her breath hitches. the sigh she was about to exhale could no longer find its way out as she observes the boy.
he was drenched from the rain, his eyes lightly peeking from the wet strands of his hair. as he brushes his hair backwards to rule it off from the mess the rain has caused, the air is knocked out of her lungs once again. this boy looked beautiful, like he was sculpted perfectly by the gods. now that his hair is brushed off his face, she gets perfect sight of his brown eyes, chiseled jawline, and his tanned skin.
as his focus is finally off fixing the way he looks soaked from the rain, his eyes frantically scan around the cafe. she sighs in disappointment, of course this beautiful man would have a date. it’d be too funny to think a man this ethereal would be walking the surface of the earth without interest in anyone, when he probably has people kneeling for him like the god he seems to be.
she looks down in dejection at her mug, contemplating on the idea that she may never really be destined for love, and her failed blind date was the gods’ sign of telling her she’s bound to be miserable. but her rambling thoughts of despair are interrupted by a soft knock on the oak table she occupies.
when she looks up, her eyes meet the alluring brown ones of the stranger she had been admiring a moment ago. if she thinks this man couldn’t knock off her breath once more, well she thought wrong, because he looked a million times better up close. she sees the moles on his face, and god she feels like she’s going to faint at how beautiful he is.
however, when the pretty boy shoots her a smile, she falls back down onto earth and takes in the matter at hand. “what is this pretty boy doing in my table out of all places?”, she panics. but realization soon kicks in when it registers that this angel might actually be her date. the thought blurs though, because she can’t be that lucky, right? well, she thought wrong.
the boy finally speaks and frantically says, “oh my god, i am so so sorry. i got caught up in the rain and transportations were closed off, and i had to help this old lady cross the street. and i swear i never really meant to be this late. you can walk off right now, i totally understand. i’ll-“
you let out an airy chuckle at the way the he’s rambling in front of you, because at this point, you’re just thankful that the gods finally sent a message you’re thankful for. before he apologizes any further like a madman, you interrupt him.
“hi, i’m y/n,” you smile, and he stops as his eyes widen at your easy welcome. his frantic demeanour is soon gone, and a sheepish, charming smile plays on his pretty face. “hi, y/n. i’m donghyuck. i’m guessing you realized i’m your blind date?”
“the gods must’ve pitied me all too well at this point, they sent me an angel as a token,” you think as he takes the seat across you. the rest of the world then goes mute, the downpour not in any of you two’s minds as you enjoy the company of each other.
bonus (first pov):
“hey,” donghyuck interrupts your wait for your takeout pastries with an awkward smile, his hand sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
you look at him with curious eyes that urge him to proceed with what he was about to say. “would it be alright if i asked for your number? i mean, i really enjoyed tonight, and i’d like to see you again.” you’re momentarily caught off guard, and he panics, “but you’re free to say no, of course! you’re really not obliged to respond. i’m so sorry if i made you uncom-“
he’s rambling once again, and you laugh, “you know, for a really pretty boy, you sure ramble a lot.” you put your hand out as a sign of asking for his phone, to which he responds with an embarassed smile as he gives you the device.
the gods don’t hate you, afterall.
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keislilcake · 4 years
Reward - Na Jaemin
pairings— jaemin x reader (highschool!jaemin)
genre— fluff and some,, comedy i guess idk
summary— in which jaemin found your lost sketchbook that has a reward that you didn’t know was written inside it.
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“Y/N, are you even listening to me?” Haechan asked as you go through your bag for the nth time. “Y/N?”
“Haechan, it’s missing.” You said to haechan and dropped your head on the table
“What’s missing?” He asked eating his sandwich.
“My sketchbook.” You sobbed and look at Haechan.
“Your sketchbook,” He dropped his sandwich. “is missing?” He screamed, you aren’t sure if he’s delighted or just shocked.
“YES!” He started laughing and jumped around the classroom.
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keislilcake · 4 years
rebound | lee donghyuck
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↬ pairings: hyuck x reader
↬ genre: fluff, a pinch of angst, friends to lovers!au, fake dating!au(ish)
↬ warnings: nothing really idk maybe a lovesick!reader lolz, and this is kind of long so,,,
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“can you please stop crying goddammit”
your best friend, hyuck said rolling his eyes which just made you cry harder
“i just don’t get it.”
your significant other just broke up with you and you’re lost
they just told you they were tired of everything and now you thought maybe you shouldn’t have given them everything
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keislilcake · 4 years
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⧏ jaehyun x reader ⧐
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, angst, smut
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬: 01 | 02 | 03
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | +01
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a promiscuous basketball star finds his carefree world turned upside down when he crashes the winning team’s afterparty. a short series about unexpected relationships, broken bonds, and the quintessential struggles of college life. 
𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥: “once in a lifetime” (coming soon)
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keislilcake · 4 years
Feelings ; L. Donghyuck
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➮ for: anon
➮ words: 1k
➮ genre: fluff, soulmate 
➮ summary: soulmates were a natural phenomena, and no one had an explanation for the mysterious occurrence in humans. During puberty a child’s senses change. Colors begin to develop and touch heightens, but with this a soulmate feels most everything the other does. pain being the worst.
Y/N struggled with pain. 
her soulmate seemed to injures themselves at least once a year, but one year she ends up being the one who injures herself.
➮ request ➮ masterlist
Everything hit in a steadfast upheaval, creating a strange tingle in the fingers of Y/N down to her toes. The strange feeling of numbness suddenly gone and in a flash of white light turned into something exciting yet unnerving. The senses were enlightened from their dull stage and brought anew into the world at the peak of puberty.
The strangest thing was that scientist never understood this phenomena, it just seemed like a natural occurrence with no true meaning.
Now, it’s understood as soulmates. A topic so unheard of in ancient times that they dismissed it. Every child when they first came to puberty were delved into their true senses, and when they met their soulmate they would sparkle even greater.
A world where it was black and white and painless. Then primary colors would fade in, the soft tickle of pain fading in by puberty. These feelings would brighten ten-fold when met with a soulmate.
Y/N, was one of the not so lucky students who had yet to hit puberty. Most of the kids in her class had already been able to see the basic colors and switched into new classes to compensate for their growth.
Everyone has a soulmate, she was always told, although their status of life was the problem. If a soulmate was dead, the other would never be able to experience feelings like the others and kept in the lower class until graduation.
That was what Y/N was worried about.
At lunch she looked around the cafeteria until her eyes landed on F/N. She sighed loudly and her friend perked up, a pitying look on her features.
“It’ll come, you’re just a late bloomer,” she whispered, Y/N’s eyes rolling instantly before laying her head down on the hole filled table. She was one of the first in their class to know she was destined to have a soulmate, possibly find them and live happily ever after. F/N’s timid hand stroked Y/N’s hair and she moved with her touch.
“I’m just so tired, I want to know…” she groaned, turning back to her friend.
“We all do,” she was silent a moment, “I think it’s harder knowing you have a soulmate but never being able to meet them,” she sighed, turning away as well, the table turning into a pity party for a couple of pre-teens.
At the end of the sixth grade, Y/N had finally gained the ability to feel and see in color, but one thing she had totally forgotten was the developing feelings of both hers and her soulmate. She felt everything, from small touches to painful scrapes; anything and everything that could happen, seemed to happen to her soulmate.
In the seventh grade, Y/N’s soulmate broke their leg and there was no medication for something that wasn’t your own pain, so for an hour and a half Y/N was in agonizing pain, shriveled on the floor of her English class until she was escorted out and to the nurses office.
It happened often that kids would go to the nurse because of soulmate pains. So the nurses became very callous towards students claiming that they were in pain, but with something so obvious they weren’t ones to turn them away.
As soon as Y/N entered, they laid her down, hoping the pain would end soon.
Another time in the ninth grade, her soulmate seemed to have a pleasant night because her hips were aching and her head felt like it was going to cave in. She thanked the gods that he hadn’t done it since. Her head still ached often times, but she suspected them to be migraines.
It was just instances where having a soulmate felt undesirable, but when she laid in bed at night, wondering if they’d ever meet, she didn’t regret the times they had already shared.
Senior year came and she felt like everything was going great. As of yet, her soulmate hadn’t gotten themselves into any terribly painful events. Sometimes at night she felt them rubbing circles on their palm to soothe you to sleep. She felt as if this person was a close friend, but it was strictly physical, no communication, no feeling of companionship, but there was something.
Y/N had joined a local theater group that year that was steadily gaining popularity within the community. A few hundred people came to the evens and her solo performance for the play was up. Her nerves re-awoken and her thoughts dreaded the moment as you walked onto the stage, setting into her song.
She moved forward, a lovely tune on her lips as she walked forward with a slight misstep that caused her to fall off the stage.
The whole room gasped when they saw Y/N fall off the stage; twisted ankle and unbearable pain. She prayed her soulmate for her soulmate who had to go through the same pain.
In the theater, a loud ‘ow!’ echoed throughout the whole room, reigning attention to them as well, besides those helping Y/N with her leg.
The crowd still sitting rose an eyebrow at a dark haired boy who clutched his ankle in pain, although no sight of injury was in sight.
They gasped again before half of them crowded him, their words jumbled together and no one could make any sense of it. The only understandable things they said were “soulmate” and “there”. The fingers pointed, and as the paramedics came to dope Y/N up, he could finally feel the relied as your pain stricken face relaxed.
They brought her onto a gurney and called for any relatives or friends who would like to accompany them to the hospital. He walked forward, standing at Y/N’s side and whispered, “I’m her soulmate, Lee Donghyuck,” he explained, his eyes steely as he gripped her hand tightly.
“Alright kid, let’s go,” one called, rolling the gurney over to the ambulance and started it up to head for the hospital.
Donghyuck wasn’t able to see her for an hour or so until the doctor nodded him inside. She was laying in a bed, ready to be released when her parents arrived from out of town. He pulled out a chair, smiling lightly at her.
“Hey, I’m your soulmate,” he whispered.
“Hey, guess what.” He looked to her quizzically. “I’m your soulmate, too,” she laughed, shifting so he could look at her better.
They both noticed at that moment that there was so much more to the world than they thought, a feeling that lingered in the air they had never noticed. Donghyuck smiled softly, and so did she, holding her hand out for his. He held it tightly, like he had at the theater, although this time it wasn’t so serious. He played with her fingers, looking up from them and whispered, “Let’s get to know each other.”
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keislilcake · 4 years
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Sniper!Haechan wolf whistles from where he is positioned, a chewed chupa chups stick danggling on his mouth. His skilled eyes not leaving the M24's scope as he follows your every move from a random building's empty parking lot accross your suite. Haechan swore his breath hitched the moment your silk dress touched the floor. "Didn't know you're a red lingerie type of woman Brillante. Black suits you more."
"Oh shut the fuck up Full Sun. I can hear you crystal clear on the inear you little shit." A scoff leaves your lips, undoing your bra from behind, making sure to give him a middle finger. "You're a dead meat after this mission."
As much as you wanted to pull the curtains in the hotel suite you're in just to have privacy while you change your disguise, you couldn't. Haechan was supposed to see your every move. Clearly 'Full Sun' was having the time of his life, watching you strip without you beating him to death.
"Yeah yeah," He cracks his neck before he puffs out the poor chupa chups stick out from his mouth and to the floor. "Thanks for the free show babe."
You hear an obnoxious kissy sound on your inear after slidding your pistol on the holster strapped on your thigh. It made you mutter an incoherent 'screw you' which only made him burst into laughter. The click from the front door makes you dash to the bookshelf to take cover, hands gripping the shiny dagger fresh from your other holster.
"Play time's over." You growl under your breath. Haechan's finger ghosts on the trigger as he checks the front door. "How many?"
Haechan's eyes skillfully counts the piling number of heads entering your suite. The faint taste of the coca cola lollipop lingers on his mouth when he pokes a tongue on his cheek out of habit-- a groan leaves his lips.
"Who would send their men just with a caliber. They ought to know better than that since it's you who they're dealing with."
He clicks his tongue, eyes not leaving the doorframe. "15 tops. 10 with a caliber 45, the rest unarmed. Piece of cake,"
His previous remark makes your blood rush to your cheeks. A chuckle leaves his lips before he cooes. "Brillante, is that a blush I see?"
"N-no, fuck off." Is the last thing that he heard before gunshots and your ragged breath fills his inear. He hums as he patiently waits for you. His eyes travel from one man to the other, almost pulling his trigger but you beat him to it. Lo and behold, he was right-- the room was cleared in less than 10 minutes with you without a single scratch.
Your black stilettos dig through a dead man's thigh as you give him a small wave from your large window. With a cocky smirk, he flies you a kiss.
"That's my girl."
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keislilcake · 4 years
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russian roulette
nct dream social media au
pairing: renjun x reader
genre: fluff/crack
warnings: if you don’t like socialism, classic movies, or dumbasses you will not like this au
a/n: i eat enemies to lovers aus up, so i’m writing this for myself because it really is the superior trope (except for fake dating nothing can top that)
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enemies to lovers
~ in which you and renjun are neighbors and you both hate each other, or at least you think you do ~
alternatively: film students watch movies together and talk about the french revolution
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part 1 - introductions
part 2 - convenience store sushi 
part 3 - guillotine
part 4 - silverware 
part 5 - piracy 
part 6 - glass houses 
part 7 - bring it on: all or nothing 
part 8 - source? 
part 9 - five dollar footlong 
part 10 - cool cool cool 
part 11 - mug cake 
part 12 - undateable 
part 13 - fuck the police 
part 14 - cottagecore 
part 15 - big dumb idiot 
part 16 - welcome home 
part 17 - hot steamy passionate 
part 18 - a month 
part 19 - then perish. 
part 20 - girl talk 
part 21 - himbo 
part 22 - key 
part 23 - says who? jesus. 
part 24 - DEBRA 
part 25 - shut up 
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keislilcake · 4 years
Camping with Haechan au? (is this even considered an AU?? who knows but I mean I think I'd be cute nonetheless since the best writer out there is writing it (if you do decide to do so 😂)) Thank you so much! 💘
omg this would actually make such a good enemies-to-lover au too!!!here’s some rivalry!campers au
you and haechan have been going to the SAME summer camp since you were tiny tiny children
and the first year you got to know each other, it was like all hell broke loose
because you were two of the most sarcastic, headstrong, competitive children in your troops,,,,,like even the counselors couldn’t keep you two from going at each others necks
and you were both like seVEN ?????
but you swear - haechan started it 
and haechan swears you started it
all because you accused him of cheating on the swim relay race because you SAW him use free style and not butterfly
and haechan had stuck his tongue out when you accused him and,,,,it’s just a mess
every year counselors changmin and yunho make bets to see whose going to be stuck with you two LOL 
but yes this year,,,,,the camping trip is going to be an overnight outdoors survival game thing
and the minute you guys arrive in the forest haechan walks past you, the smuggest look on his face, going “the entire winter - i built tents in my room to prepare for the moment. i can pitch a tent in under fifteen minutes.”
you roll your eyes going “i bet you’ll burn all your food like you did last year too.”
haehcan throws a glare over his shoulder and you just wave, going over to your side of the campground
later into the evening,,,both your tents are pitched and you’re sitting at the campfire making what the counselors called an ‘emergency meal’ which just consists of starting a fire and grilling sardines over it
when you notice haechan is struggling,,,,,,,,which of course makes you grin happily to yourself
until,,,you’re done with your fire and food and haechan still,,,,,,,doesn’t even have a flame
and you’re not going to help him - oh god no - not after you’ve banked all your summers on destroying each other in every camp activity possible
but also,,,even when you go into your tent,,,,the idea of leaving him out there - hungry - for some reason hurts 
so you try to talk to yourself about all the things you /hate/ about haechan,,,,but it doesn’t work
and with a grumble you get up and march out of the tent over to haechan
and he looks up,,,,opening his mouth and you’re like “save it. hand me the sticks, ill make the fire.”
haechan protests,,,,,,,he protests aLOT
but you don’t listen because your dumb rivalry doesn’t mean anything when it comes down to basic needs like eating
“i already won, i started the fire first. now im just helping you eat, don’t think it means anything.”
haechan clicks his tongue “i didnt think it meant /anything/ i just dont want you to hold this over my head.”
“i wont”
silently you watch the sparks,,,,and then the flames that burst over the sticks. getting up you look at haechan triumphantly and turn to head back to your tent,,,,,,but the minute you open the flap
the whole thing topples,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“looks like someone didn’t secure their tent. rookie mistake.”
haechan’s voice comes from behind and you clench your teeth, turning around you point to his fire
“i made that for you, so come over here and repay me.”
“are you asking for my help?”
“in your dreams, im asking for compensation.”
haechan strolls over, grinning as he helps set your tent back up and you watch with your hands crossed to help settle your embarrassment 
done, haechan opens the flap and goes “after you, rookie” and you push him playfully
but also before you go in you stand there and look at haechan and he looks at you
and for some odd reason,,,,you don’t hate it
you actually notice,,,,,,,,for the first time,,,,,,,,that he’s pretty cute
and his smooth skin and brown eyes aren’t,,,,the worst,,,,
but you’re convinced in must be the air up here in the forest or something making you think your biggest enemy is cute
but then you hear haechan go
“thank you,,,,,,,,,,,”
it’s quiet but you look back at him and stutter because “w-what?”
“thank you, for helping me. im not saying it again.”
you blink and see haechan avert his eyes,,,for the first time - you see clear as day
he’s shy
and you can’t help but feel your own cheeks flush because,,,,,oh,,,,he,,,,didn’t have to say that but it’s still nice to hear
and you nod,,,,not sure what to make of this
and then haechan goes “,,,,,,,,,,,ive never said it but you’re ,,,,,,ok,,,,,,,well more than ok you’re p-p-p-,,,,,,”
“,,,,,,,,,,,you’re nice to look at anyway i have to go bye.”
and with that haechan storms right across the campground to his tent
so fast that you don’t even process his words
until you’re laying in your sleeping bag and thinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,was he going to say pretty?
the next morning everyone is happily chattering around breakfast and you walk past haechan who looks over at you,,,,and much to the shock of everyone (counselor changmin drops his plate of waffles)
you sit beside him
and neither of you say anything,,,,but you eat in peace,,,not bickering or name calling,,,,,,,and it’s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,enjoyable
being with haechan is,,,,,,,,,,enjoyable 
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