kekesimblr · 2 years
Why them having your email **matters**.
I want to remind people that there is a lot of information that can be linked to people if they are not careful with their patreon profile and email. So no, CWB and others sharing emails/profiles wasn't a minor thing. They could take that email and send it phishing/scam emails that attempt to gain passwords or steal information or encourage people to download viruses. They could use that email to sign up to NSFW subscriptions/porn accounts [I have had this happen to me] which can be a professional disaster if it is a work or school related email. They could use the email address to create ANOTHER similar email address to impersonate you. Yeah. Say your email was something like [email protected]. They could then create [email protected] and email your work or other places saying that your old email got hacked or something. Then they could impersonate you either to gain information, or to get you fired. They could look up your email on sites like haveibeenpwnd to see if there are leaked passwords connected to it. And/or brute force attack your email. Although I doubt that these idiots are smart enough to know how to brute force an email, this is serious shit. Emails can be connected to financial info like logins for bank accounts, etc. They can use personal information contained in your email (ex: name, company name, school name) to doxx your real life information and contact your work/school/family. As someone who has had this happen, it's not a fun experience. And this is just what I can easily come up with off the top of my head. So yeah. This is not okay. Period. If you are a simmer you really need to be spreading this information about this doxxing ring to as MANY of your fellow simmers as possible as HUNDREDS of them are probably affected. Because it's not just one creator. It's quite a few WELL known creators who have been operating a LONG time.
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kekesimblr · 2 years
How you can "help"...
I've had lots of people ask how they can help with this whole cowbuild nonsense and so I'm going to try to give y'all some actionable steps that might help. 1) Report to patreon. Here's an article on how to do that: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/204914235-Report-content-that-violates-community-guidelines You can also message Patreon Support directly on Twitter. (@patreonsupport) 2) Tweet at the EA, The Sims, The Sims Gurus, and any brands/businesses that these creators have been name dropping and/or stealing models from. In the case of Cowbuild the main brands we have found she's been stealing from have been Covethouse (which knows and is contacting their lawyers), Queebo, Minotti, Ralph Lauren, and Frato. If you can't find them on twitter or social media, they do have contact forms. Let them know that their rights are being infringed. Bergdorf has been using lots of fashion houses such as Versace and others. Not to mention Bergdorf's own name is a play on Bergdorf Goodman.
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Here's an example of how you might tweet something to a brand... 3) Reblog, Reblog, Reblog, and SHARE! Reblog all of the important informational posts from @simbelene and @littleblackbooksims, and share them in whatever spaces you share with other simmers. Retweet them, post them to instagram and other social medias, share in simmer discords and facebook groups. The more people we can let know about this, the more we can help find victims and keep people safe. 4) Speak with your wallet! If you are a patron of any of these creators, let them know that you don't want your info shared by ending your pledge. And in the comments on why you stopped pledging, let them know why.
5) Do some investigating of your own! I'm sure that what @littleblackbooksims found was just the tip of the iceberg. Look into what Cowbuild and company are putting out, and see if perhaps any of those items are offered as 3D models elsewhere. As a reminder: KNOWN MEMBERS: Cowbuild, Hermajestybuilds, Bergdorfverse, Busra-tr, and Anto SUSPECTED MEMBERS: Leosims, Pixelvibes, Sims4Luxury, Rubyred Feel free to share what you find with me or the folks at LBB.
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kekesimblr · 2 years
Early Access Creators - YOU CANNOT SIT THE FENCE THIS TIME. :|
Look, I love y'all. I know you don't want to participate in so-called "drama" because you think it's messy and shit. I get that, I do. But here's the deal. Cowbuild and her cronies are making the whole patreon method of dealing with the sims look bad, and that affects YOU guys too.
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Because of these bad apples, there are some people questioning if patreon is safe. Especially because Anto is involved, and he USED TO BE EARLY ACCESS.
You guys need to join in on calling this out and saying "No. This is not okay. We do not accept it, and we do not want this to be part of our community." I and others have tried to explain that these bad apples don't spoil the whole bunch, but when y'all choose to be silent on the issue, you don't help your case. So now is the time to speak up. You don't have to make your own post even. Just REBLOGGING what's already been shared is enough.
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kekesimblr · 2 years
Idk if anyone's actively paying attention to this account, buttttt whatever!
I'm taking a little pause with this story because something crazy happened in my game and I'm still trying to make sense of it, and how to incorporate it into the storyline.
It's a sad thing, and I think thinking about it is overwhelming me a little bit.
Also I'm a university student so yeah, school.
I'll be back with this account as soon as my brain is ready to face the sadness of my legacy save. ✌🏾
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kekesimblr · 2 years
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Jackson conveniently forgot how he got put in time out yesterday...
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kekesimblr · 2 years
Jackson's Day on the Farm
Hi, I'm Jackson! Did you know that I live on a farm? I had fun yesterday! You know what I did yesterday?
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I played superheroes in the tent! Maxis man beat all the bad guys and put Llamaboy in jail!
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And then, I went to visit all the animals. There's a llama, and a cow, and dogs! Did you know cows pee milk? I saw my daddy take milk out of the cow!
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My favourite is Chick Chick! Chick Chick is a baby chicken. Me and Chick Chick talk and dance together. Mommy said Chick Chick is my chicken, and I should take care of him.
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Then, mommy took me inside to do numbers. I already know all the numbers. 1 2 3 4 5! See?
Do you live on a farm too? We have lots of plants, and that's where our food is! Where is your farm?
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kekesimblr · 2 years
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Archie surprised his Belle with a belated baby shower! It was really Sara Scott's idea. She was a close family friend, and she knew that the couple was still struggling to pay bills and keep up with the expenses of starting a farm. A baby shower, according to her, would uplift Belle's spirits and allow the community to help them without hurting anyone's pride.
The community kindly brought gifts of a toddler bed, a highchair, and some money to help Archie and Belle with their new bundle of joy. Life is easier when you have good friends.
Bonus pic:
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A maternity pic that Archie insisted on taking.
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kekesimblr · 2 years
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The Plummers like to spend evenings relaxing on the porch, keeping their new baby close. They chat about their day, their baby, the farm, and whatever else may be on their minds.
Their family has grown in other ways too. Archie wanted a companion for Ollie, so they decided to adopt Sunny. In an adorable coincidence, Sunny delivered a puppy on Jackson's birthday, a little girl called Muffin!
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kekesimblr · 2 years
Welcome baby Jackson!
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kekesimblr · 2 years
A New Addition
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Belle and Archie are expecting! They're both excited to welcome their new baby into the world. Belle's OB/GYN has confirmed that it will be a baby boy.
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The last trimester of pregnancy has been especially hard on Belle, and she hasn't been able to help out on the farm. Sitting still doesn't suit her either, so she's spent alot more time knitting. Archie encouraged her to sell her creations, and even built a small store at the front of the farm for her! When the weather is nice, you'll find Belle infront of her little shop, Bellier, knitting and selling little trinkets.
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And of course, nothing will stop Belle from enjoying a refreshing dip in the Volpe River on a warm day.
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kekesimblr · 2 years
Country Living
Belle and Archie are always busy taking care of the farm and all its various inhabitants, but they also make time to relax and spend time together.
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The couple usually wake up with the sun rise and get started caring for the farm.
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After all the days chores are done, they take time to pursue their separate hobbies.
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They love dipping in the Volpe river, especially on a hot day.
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Ending the day with some evening star gazing
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kekesimblr · 2 years
Wedding bells!
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Belle and her beau, Archie, got married after just a few months of courtship. Archie likes to say he swept her off her feet, and Belle tends to agree.
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The young couple had a quiet wedding at the Isle of Volpe National Park, with just the two of them in attendance. Archie's one regret was that he couldn't afford to throw his bride the wedding she deserved.
List of CC:
Melon Sloth A-line Wedding gown
BEO bouquet
Cotton Candy Chu Daisy Veil
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kekesimblr · 2 years
New legacy playthrough!
I'm both excited and heart broken to share my new legacy family, the Plummers!
The legacy save I was playing before this got corrupted, and I lost my beloved family the Becketts. I had just gotten to gen 3. I know for most people that's not very long, but for me, who plays on a custom lifespan because long lifespan is too short, it was more than a year in the making. After a month of wallowing in sadness and regret, I've fallen in love with a new set of sims and decided to make them my new legacy family.
I don't have many starting pics of them, because I was originally just using this file to test for bad mods/cc. I thought that was what corrupted the other save so I was testing to see if it happened again. It didn't, and I got attached in the process.
Anyways, no more rambling! Meet my generation 1 matriarch, Belle Cornett.
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Belle is a homebody by nature, very gentle and loyal, and a lover of the ourdoors. She moved to Henford-on-Bagley from her own small farming village because she wanted to be independent, but couldn't shake off her countryside upbringing.
Even though she is so far from home, she has no time to be lonely. Farms are expensive to maintain and hard work to run.
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Lucky for her, the townspeople are friendly, and she has her pup Ollie by her side.
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Even better, a young man living on the other side of the town has caught her eye...
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