Paris Je T'aime Toujours <3
Last and final stop was Paris, which was perfect because I got to say goodbye to my favorite place one last time before heading home after my incredible year abroad. We stayed at an awesome hostel St. Christopher's on the Canal. It was weird being back home in Paris but not being able to actually go home to my dorm...plus the hostel was on the total opposite side of the river so I was a little disoriented haha
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Anyway, the first night we were there we went to Montmartre to see the Sacre Coeur, the Moulin Rouge, walk the beautiful cobblestone streets, and eat at my favorite restaurant Le Bon Bock. Every time I've been there I've gotten the same thing, which I usually refuse to do because I love trying new things. But their three course menu of escargot, duck with roasted potatoes, green beans, grilled tomato, and sautéed mushrooms, and perfectly made creme brûlée is literally the best meal I've ever had in my life. Sad to think it was possibly my last time eating there. I hope not!
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Then the next day we went to the Louvre, walked in the Tuileries and they were having an adorable mini carnival so we walked through that and got delicious granites (I got violet flavored!!! so delicious and cool), and then we walked on the Champs-Elysees, saw the Arc de Triomph, Place de concord, etc. Just lots of touristy things. 
Then we went back to our hostel which had a cool bar in it, so it was super easy to meet so many people. During my stay I met a Brazilian soap opera star, a guy whose grandpa was in the CIA, and some really nice Australians. 
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Our third day we did pretty much everything else...went to Galaries Lafayette and went to the rooftop which I had never done before. It was a beautiful view of Paris! We also went to Pere Lachaise, Centre Pompidou, I showed him my school and we hung out in Jardin du Luxembourg (one of my favorite places in Paris), and we got crepes at my favorite place where my friends and I would go everyday after class. The owner Nadia was so sweet and gave me a huge hug when I told her I was leaving. It's cool that I got to where the locals actually knew me and remembered me even in such a big city! 
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On our very last day (my last day in Paris) we went to the Notre Dame (my absolute favorite place in Paris) where I cried because it was sad to be going there for my very last time after years of waiting to visit it in person. Then we went on a beautiful boat ride on the Seine where I listened to the Amelie soundtrack and took in all the beauty of my city. Then we went to Laduree to get macarons for the last time. And finally we ended the day with buying baguettes, brie cheese, getting two bottles of wine and sitting at Trocodero across from the Eiffel Tower. After we finished eating, it was around dusk, the perfect time when the tower sparkles at nighttime. There was some kind of event going on because they were playing classic french music like Edith Piaf and then the theme song from Amelie as soon as it started to sparkle and I lost it. Just so happy and sad at the same time. So happy to be in Paris and all that I experienced this year, and so sad to leave!
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Then the next day we left and I took the metro for the last time! :( But luckily at the airport when I was checking my luggage (which was totally over weight) the nice girl behind the counter said I didn't have to pay, the security guy was so fun and friendly, and basically everyone in France was so nice and in a good mood which made my parting a little easier.
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I guess that ends the chronicles of Kellunder the Eiffel Tower. I am honestly so sad to be back home, but I am so grateful for all the experiences I've had. I've learned so much about myself, about others, about traveling, about friendship, about love, about dealing with problems, about navigating, about planning, about french, about cultures, about basically every aspect of life haha it was just an incredible experience and everyone should study abroad! Living in Paris has always been my dream for as long as I can remember, and this past year was even better than I could have ever imagined. I am counting down the days until my next adventure, and of course until I can come back to my home for good. <3 
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Look, I'm gonna be real with you here. Freddie had no interest in going to Amsterdam. I was the one that made us go here because of two reasons: 1) I went here with my friends on a road trip and really enjoyed it! and the main reason 2) because my spring break guy I had a fling with lives here so I wanted to meet up with him. Okay so I was being a total girl, whatever. However, he ended up not even being in Amsterdam, so I didn't get to see him. But obviously i wasn't upset because I love the city regardless. Freddie...not so much. 
I guess I just love it because it's so beautiful and clean and the people are so attractive and friendly and the dutch language sounds so cool! And they speak English and English is pretty much everywhere. It's like America but cooler. And yes, there's the whole smoking pot and prostitution thing if you're into that. I don't know, I just really love it. I could see myself living here potentially for a bit. 
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After Marrakech, we headed for Italy! We did Rome, Pisa, Florence, and Venice for about a week.
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So the above pictures are all from Rome. I had already been there in December during Christmastime, but my brother wanted to see it since we were in Europe. We did all the touristy stuff like see the Colosseum, Sistine Chapel, and other roman ruins. So much fun!
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We took a quick detour to the Leaning Tower of Pisa while on our way to Florence which was obviously worth the sidetrip!
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After Pisa, we went to Florence. However I don't really have any pictures of Florence because the first night we got there I accidentally got really drunk and ended up spending the next day (aka our only day in Florence) hungover in search of McDonalds and at the doctor's office. Not my best move.
After Florence, we went to Venice for a night, which  I personally think was enough. As incredibly beautiful as it is, it gets pretty repetitive. Essentially it's gorgeous canals, gondolas, mask shops, leather shops, and little restaurants, which was awesome! But there isn't a whole lot to do there besides walk around or pay 80euros for a gondola ride, which we didn't do. But it was a beautiful place!
My second time in Italy, and the food was actually not as good as I remembered. Maybe we just went to bad places? Not sure. However, Italy is a beautiful country and i do want to explore more of the countryside in my life!
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Next up was Marrakech, Morocco! We only stayed for 2 days but it was such an amazing experience. Traveling to Africa was so exciting, but I also do not think I was really prepared for it. it was (obviously) a completely different culture and it definetly shocked and scared me at times. Marrakech is a large city and I'm guessing one of the most civilized and visited, and it still is a complete culture shock when you go there. 
Having said that, I loved being there. I loved getting lost in the souks. I loved tried the different foods such as sheeps brains. And I loved when we hiked to the top of a mountain to jump off a rock and swim underneath a waterfall and a beautiful, but incredibly scorching hot day. And our delicious lunch afterwards that was accompanied by hungry monkeys looking to score some leftovers. How many other people can say they've done that!?
We also met some amazing other travelers, who I regret not getting their contact information before leaving. It was thanks to them that we got around and felt more sure in a crazy city. Many of them had been to Marrakech before, and there was also a safety in numbers knowing that if we got lost, we were together and could somehow figure it out. 
I was really sad to leave, but I know I'll be back to explore more of Morocco! 
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Madrid, Spain! So I didn't totally love Madrid...I mean it was cool but we were there for like 5 days and there wasn't a whole lot to do there. So...it got kind of boring. However, the tapas were delicious and the SANGRIA OMG. We would wake up and literally drink like 4 pitches each day...aka even tho we were bored at least we were drunk. We went to the beautiful cathedral and castle, saw a flamenco dancing show, and explored the entire city. It was fun, but I don't think I"ll be back after already experiencing everything it has to offer! 
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Better late than never!
So it's been a long time but I never got a chance to finish this blog!
After moving out of my dorm in Paris, my brother came and we traveled around for three weeks together! i didn't have a laptop and the tumblr app on my iphone wasn't working, so I couldn't post anything for our entire trip. And then after the trip was done we headed home back to the States and I was debating if I should even post anything since my adventure was already over. 
However, just now looking back at this blog made me so happy to read/see when I'm feeling nostalgic about being home so I figured i might as well finish it!
So...after Paris my brother and I headed to Lisbon, Portugal! 
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I didn't really know much about Lisbon before going there...basically I just wanted to visit another country to add to my list!
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However, it was really beautiful and so fun! We stayed at an incredible hostle where we met so many nice travelers and the people who worked there were so helpful and fun too. 
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We were only there for 2 days ad 2 nights. The first day we walked all around the city and explored the beautiful medieval castle. Then the next day we went to a cute little town and went to the beach. That night we went out with 2 crazy Australian girls we met and a man from Brazil. Then we ended up at a club where we made friends with some British boys who were super awesome! One of my favorite parts about going abroad is meeting interesting people from all around the world. 
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Last day in my dorm in Paris. So sad to leave my home away from home. And this beautiful view of the 14th. I'll always be a rive gauche Pernety girl
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Been a couple days but I also went to Munich with my dad!! It was our last stop on our two week vacation and before the masquerade so yeah this blog got a little out of order... :/ Anyway it was super fun! I felt like I was in Disney world Epcot's version of Germany because it was so cliche with huge liter beers in frosty mugs, enormous pretzels, people wearing traditional Oktoberfest dresses and lederhosen, polka music bands, and so much delicious German food like schnitzel and bratwurst. So much fun!! We took a day trip to see Dachau Concentration Camp which was the first one in Germany in I think 1939. We first watched a film when we got there that showed all the terrible things they used to do to the prisoners and it was really horrifying. Then walking around the camp after seeing where the awful things literally happened was terrible and very moving. Something I definitely won't ever forget seeing. Our last day we spent at Neuschwanstein castle which was absolutely beautiful! It was the bases for the Disney castle and I can see why with it's beautiful towers and the location if the castle nestled in the beautiful Alps. Everywhere we looked we saw gorgeous mountains and aqua lakes and it was incredible!! Sad my vacation with my dad is officially over! We'd been planning it since I got accepted to study abroad do it's super sad it's over :(
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Finally posting about Salzburg…which was so beautiful!! We explored the town and hiked up the fortress on top of a hill over looking the city. I give my Dad a lot of credit for walking up the whole thing with me since he has a bad ankle and I was even exhausted at the top! But the beautiful view of the city and the AMAZING apple strudel we devoured at a cafe with a view if the alps around us made it worth it :)
Then the next day we went on the Sound of Music tour. It was kinda cheesy with this ridiculous tour guide manning bad jokes the whole time, but it was really cute! We got to see certain areas where they filmed the movie, drove through the alps listening to “The hills are alive with the sound of music” and visited the adorable town of Mondsee where they had this incredible church where the filmed the wedding scene from the film.
Out of all the churches I have visited in Europe, this one is by far my favorite. It was so beautiful with ornate gold sculptures, high ceilings with arches in pink paneling and floral designs. They had a beautiful organ too. Even tho I’m not super religious I bought a beautiful rosary in a pale pink that matched the church. Love love love. Need to visit it again before I die!
Then we checked out the gardens of Mirabell where they filmed the “Do Re Mi” song and it was super cool!! Not gonna lie that during the Edelweiss singalong I teared up a little…from happiness and missing being on stage since Maria from Sound of Music has always been a dream role.
That night I went to a marionette show that was showing the Sound of Music so it was a really unique and perfect way to end my last night in Salzburg. The show was super cute and of course they reenacted my favorite scene from the movie with the puppets “Lonely Goat Heard”. Haha it sounds super weird and lame, which is why Dad didn’t go, but whatever it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mean how many people can say they saw a marionette show at a famous marionette theatre?
Anyway I loved Salzburg and would love to come back one day, especially with a husband or boyfriend because it was pretty romantic like Prague was.
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Fulfilled a life dream last night...attended a masked ball at Versailles!!!!! Omg. The whole night was amazing. We got there just in time for the fireworks show which had beautiful classical music playing during it. Then we headed to l'Orangerie which was right off the main building. There were all these crazy performers doing dance acts the whole night in bizarre, sexy costumes, these amazing trees with flowers that made the whole place smell incredible all night, these crazy dirt bike guys who did flips on a skate ramp they built in the venue, a pretty good dj, awesome pink and blue strobe lights, a bonfire in the gardens, and drink booths complete with champagne and Heineken...clearly the classiest beer there is. It was so incredible and I'm soooo happy I went!! I'm especially grateful to my friend James who came with me and dealt with me taking too selfies with him. It was so nice to go with someone, instead of going alone which is what I thought I would have to do! Such an amazing night I'll never forget :)
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It's starting
Hearing cute french music from a café called "C'est mon plaisir" that is right outside my window. Aw. Things I shall miss.
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Super in love with Vienna!!! Sadly leaving tomorrow for Salzburg tho. Our trip was complete with seeing tons of beautiful gothic architecture, amazing ornate churches, a beautiful palace with a huge garden that made for some pleasant exercise, and of course SCHNITZEL. yummmm. basically everything I look for in a European city: good food, gothic stuff, and churches. Had a great time and can't wait to come back! 
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Next stop for Dad and I was Berlin!! I wasn't a HUGE fan, but it did have some nice aspects! I loved the East Side Gallery since it's pieces of the Berlin Wall with cool scenes of street art, my fav. Also the food was INCREDIBLE!!! Omg. I was in heaven. We saw Checkpoint Charlie, Topography of Terror, Berlin Wall, other famous churches/sites and such. Not my favorite city, but it was still cool to see!
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Dad was in Paris right after I finished classes! We had a great but short 3 days of sight seeing, fancy dining, and loving life in Paris! I'm glad he loved it as much as he did, since it's my favorite place in the world. 
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The Study in Study Abroad
is officially over as of June 13th!! Sorry I've been slacking really badly on posting here...but so much has happened!
Well I finally finished all my school work, which was wayyy harder this semester than last. At least 10 papers, four essay finals, and multiple presentations later I'm done!! Officially a senior in college woooooo!
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There are some pictures of my Parisian University that I have never posted...haha I guess better late than never!
We also had a farewell dinner for everyone in the IPP Program and then we went out to my favorite bar afterwards! It was a nice way to wrap up the school year.
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That's me and my favorite French professor from my favorite class this semester, L'Histoire du Theatre....or The History of Theatre. We got to see him perform in a play which was really cool! 
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All in all it's been a fantastic year in school! I have learned so much about French history, French literature, French art, French culture, and the French language from being in Paris for the academic year! Although I didn't improve my speaking skills as much as I wanted to, my listening, reading, and comprehension skills has greatly improved and my speaking is WAY better than what it originally was. Just means I have to come back! :)
Sad that I'm officially done with taking French classes in France :( it definitely wont be the same in the US!
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Offically a Local
Went to my favorite crepe stand to get the best chicken and cheese crepe in Paris on the way home from having two final exams back to back.
Before I could order, the man at the stand said "comme l'habitude?" (the usual?)
As in...he already knew my order by heart.
Don't know if I'm proud to be a regular or disgusted.
I'll go with proud. :) 
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Just got back from Prague this morning! Here are some highlights:
-Beer is so cheap and so good and you get a lot...
-Goulash is amazing...pretty much all food there is! Lots of meat, potatoes, bread, dumplings, sauce, etc.
-Everyone says the Astrological clock is disappointing...but it was pretty frickin cool. Yeah when it chimes on the hour and does a little show it's a little underwhelming but the clock itself is sweet!
-The Prague Pub Crawl got the best of me and my friend...absinth shots are not your friend, and you will wake up the next morning with fuzzy memories. Haha, but it was a great time! Made some new British friends along the way
-Prague is absolutely beautiful!! And super romantic. I went with my guy friend, but it would be such a great place to come with my husband or boyfriend later in life
-The John Lennon Wall is really cool and full of awesome graffiti in amazing colors that make you so happy :)
-But sleeping in the airport and arriving in Paris a mere hour before having to do a final exam was pretty poor planning...still exhausted and hoping my answers on my exam made sense because I'm pretty sure I was delrious
Anyway it was an awesome, crazy, fast weekend!! Now I just have 3 more finals, one paper, and one more presentation that's standing between me and the finish line for this semester! All my friends are going home this Saturday since it's when the program ends, but I'm staying in Europe until July 24 so I can't even think about leaving just yet! However, I'll be traveling around a lot with my Dad and brother, so it'll be a whole new experience. Can't wait!! But very sad the school year is almost over!
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