kelphero47 · 7 years
Silhouette - Lloyd’s Lament
Based on Silhouette - 4everfreebrony feat. Black Gryph0n
I wrote this on my own feelings on the end of s7 and the excitement over s8.
Lloyd sat on the steps of the Temple of Airjitsu and looked out upon the clear evening's sky. The colours were warm, comforting even, but now they just made him think. About everything. Every little thing being put on his shoulder and everything that ever had been. His responsibilities.
Day to another, All with each other  
One by the other, Always together somehow
It had been easier to begin with. Before it happened, the best and worst day of his life. Things seemed small back then. He was small. He had help though, his family. Things always had to change as time went on. Making time his enemy in more ways than one. Lloyd chuckled at that small thought. The sky got darker.
Without a reason, Change in the season  
Killing the feeling, Burning and bleeding out
Stars gave way to new ideas as Lloyd focused on the horizon. His life had been planned out even before he was born, all of their lives had, and whatever happened after that was simply cleaning up the mess left behind. The digital Overlord, Chen, Morro, The Hands of Time; every single one of them someone else's fault. Why was it their job to fix it?
Sudden disconnection here  
And it just goes around
Someone had felt it right to steal his life and those of people he cared about. It just wasn't fair anymore.
Give me back my destiny  
Tell me who I'm supposed to be
None of them asked for the task of saving the world over and over. Now they were all alone. It couldn't be about him. They'd all been through a lot but the world still wanted to knock them while they were down. Lloyd sighed as lay down on the cold stone around him. Just thinking about all of it made him tired. He didn't even consider moving as he closed his eyes.
Even if I'm sound asleep  
I'll be waiting patiently
The daylight that greeted him was less than friendly as his thoughts from the previous night plagued his mind. Why? Why them? Who gave them this life without warning? Who were they supposed to blame? If anyone. He didn't have the answers to any of them. But then again, did any of them?
Put me in place  
Color me in  
Fill in the blanks  
Let me begin again  
Or I'm a silhouette
Lloyd went inside to see the others setting up for breakfast. Zane was already completely awake as he slid Kai a cup of coffee which made the latter raise his face from off the table, he was not a morning person. Cole and Jay were whispering between themselves about something making Nya roll her eyes, sipping what seemed to be her own cup of coffee. This was nice.
We were gonna be the heroes of the world  
But we were caught up in the tangles and the curls of life
He wished it could be like this more often. Where they laugh and smile without having to worry about that week's Big Bad coming to knock down their door. They were never that lucky though. The monotony of it all. All this power given to him by fate and it couldn't fix his greatest problem. "You okay there Lloyd?"
Someone tell me that it's all a little lie  
I can see it, but I don't know what I did this time
The question came from a sleep filled Kai, who could still manage to notice other people's distress a mile away. "Yeah, just thinking." Lloyd replied looking down at the table in front of him. He hated this. The Green Ninja meant nothing to him anymore, it was just a silly title that meant his Uncle could treat him as something important (everyone could).  
Now I have to find a way to make it all okay
But Wu was gone and that meant he had to be there instead. Another part of his future that someone else had shoved him into. Any of the others would have been just as capable, if not more so. Why didn't he just so 'no'? He could have given the responsibility to any of them and just been part of the team. That wouldn't have been fair.
Give me back my destiny  
Tell me who I'm supposed to be
Nothing was ever fair in their life. They were supposed to listen to ancient wisdom and follow like puppets. With Wu gone though there was nothing to follow. They were free. Free and lost. There was no map to their future anymore. It was a blank sheet that could fall out from under them at any moment.
Even if I'm sound asleep  
I'll be waiting patiently
It was like a nightmare. They'd all lived through those already. Faced fears that would have other people crying and screaming to the point they couldn't breathe anymore. They were ninja, 'Ninja never quit', and it meant they had to let their wounds bleed out until the sheet was stained red. Red. Black. White. Blue. Green.
Put me in place  
Color me in  
Fill in the blanks  
Let me begin again  
Or I'm a silhouette
**Time skip, just before s8**
We're not much of a team anymore with everyone off trying to find Wu while I'm here. Saving the day, like always. My family spread across that sheet so far that it's held together by taut threads ready to snap. We have distance, that I can cross with ease but never have time to.
It'll never be the same  
Like in all the good old days
But without you I feel incomplete
How did things every get this far? We started this journey so different. A mismatched family fighting against inescapable odds for things better than ourselves, it was all so black and white. Now the colours swirl and fade with our own. I miss those days. Just like I miss at lot of things.
Never gonna settle down  
Not until your safe and sound  
You're all exactly what I need
I wonder if they feel this way as well. Everyone must feel the strain of destiny on their backs sometimes but we can never talk about it. We can never challenge fate. I remember the night I realised that, the sunset and stars thinking with me. I can never fight back because it will never be my place to question things.
Give me back my destiny  
Tell me who I'm supposed to be  
Even if I'm sound asleep  
I'll be waiting patiently
Ninjago City is as vibrant as ever, brimming with people. As if every light was a person with choices lay ahead of them. Yet the stone beneath me is cold as sit on a roof and gaze at the sky. How dark it is... People say that stars can grant wishes but wishes cannot break something as strong as fate. Every star is a wish from free people. I'm not free.
Give me back my destiny  
Tell me who I'm supposed to be
Maybe I never was, maybe none of us were. Trapped. My family and I are heroes. Why be a hero when you don't choose to be one in the first place. They say destiny calls upon the ordinary to do extraordinary things but I want to be ordinary again.  
Even if I'm sound asleep  
I'll be waiting patiently
To have a chance of the things I dream about when I close my eyes to become real. To have a normal life where my family can be happy together and I know they're all safe. Not having to protect people I don't know against things out for my blood for reasons I never caused.
Put me in place  
Color me in  
Fill in the blanks  
Let me begin again  
Or I'm a silhouette
I want to colour my life in with the warm orange of a sunset. Not the colours given to us by fate.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 7
Another chapter for whoever is still reading this.
It was safe to say that setting down the Bounty somewhere outside Ninjago City would have been a better idea than trying to avoid crushing cars in their current situation. The group had decided to go shopping since they were running low on food and other necessities. Nya was at the controls as Cole and Kai lent over the rails on deck giving her directions, yet somehow even with three people involved the task was no easy feat. Echo was certain they had already scratched five cars.  
Nya huffed in annoyance as her said 'left' yet again before saying 'right a little', this was getting old. Before either of the ninja on deck could say anything, she cut power to the engines allowing the ship to finally rest on the ground (squeezed between a couple of cars). She may have heard the sound of at least six car alarms go off as the ship shook the ground but she chose to ignore it.
The Ninja gathered on the deck together in a line with Echo standing behind his brother. Wu stood in front of them, "We all know how this goes. We shop for what we need then leave, quietly, and try not to destroy the store... Again." Echo already knew the story of what happened at the graciously named, 'Battle of Bargain Bin', in which the Ninja had accidently wrecked the store after another group of teens insulted Kai and then put gum in his hair. They hadn't been allowed back since, mostly because the store was still trying to repair the giant hole in the roof.
The group nodded, with Kai looking sheepish at the mention of said mishap, and left the ship quietly. They stood in front of the store as Lloyd spoke seriously, "We all now our missions?"
"Me and Cole are on sanitary duty." Kai looked over the list he'd been given, why they needed so many different soaps was beyond him.
"And snacks!" Cole added enthusiastically as he held up another list of his own, this one somehow longer than Kai's.
"Echo and I will be handling groceries." Zane smiled as Echo nodded in response, the younger being distracted by all of the people passing the group. He still wasn't used to big crowds.
"That leaves Jay and I to get everything else." Nya held up their list, turns out 'everything else' wasn't all that much.  
Jay took the list from her hand the glance over it quickly, "Who wrote 'coffee machine'? I thought we already had one, did someone break it?" He looked over his friends questioningly.
"I broke it by accident." Cole admitted quietly before continuing, "I was trying to make coffee and my hand kept going intangible so I ended slapping it off the counter." The others fell into an awkward silence at his admittance, making the black ninja shuffle nervously.
Lloyd cleared his throat to get back on subject, "Anyway, since we all know what we're doing we should get going."
"Wait, what are you doing Lloyd?" Echo asked as the green ninja turned away from the group.
"I've gotta get this stuff for Sensei at the store down the street, so I'll see you guys later." Lloyd replied holding up his own list. He left the others to watch him cross the street and disappear behind another building. None of them really knew what to say so they left it alone and instead proceeded to finally go inside.
The store itself was quiet. The few people that were milling about moved at slow, relaxed paces as they went about their tasks. Without much prompting the remaining Ninja split up leaving Echo and Zane on their own with their shopping cart. Echo took the job of pushing it alongside his brother as the older gathered the items on the list and instructed him where to go next. The pair fell into a comfortable quiet, exchanging words only when needed, as they shopped.
After a while Echo lost interest in just solely looking at the cart and the various objects placed in it. There was so much to look at in the store that he just couldn't help but wander off, if only for a moment.  He stepped cautiously down the aisle and moved into the next. With how quiet the room was he could faintly hear the sound of a generic pop song playing in the background, which given his solo circumstance was actually kind of unnerving.  
Turning yet another corner into the next aisle Echo chanced upon a lady struggling to reach something from the top shelf. Echo watched for a moment as she gripped the edge of the shelf, as if to try and boost herself up. Not wanting to allow her to struggle he closed the gap between them to reach over her head for the can she had been reaching for. She gave a huff returning to her normal height as Echo held out the can in front of her.
Echo smiled apologetically as she took the can from him. "I apologise if my actions insulted you in any way, but you seemed to be struggling."
The lady laughed waving him off, "No harm done, I appreciate the help. My wife usually grabs the stuff from the top shelf but she ran off earlier. Leaving me with half a shopping list." She gestured to the basket on her arm, "Most of it was on the lower shelves. The name's Jean and you are..."
"Echo, it is very nice to meet you." He held out his hand which she shook slowly.
"Say, have I seen you somewhere?"
"Most likely, my brother is one of the Ninja." He watched as her face lit up with recognition.
"Oh yeah, the white one. My nephew loves them." She nodded, then looked at the list in her hand frowning.
"Is something the matter?" Echo spoke in concern as Jean shook her head.
"It's nothing..." She sighed before glancing at the top shelf, "I'd hate to bother you but... Would you mind helping me with some of this?"
"I would be happy to help."
**With Zane**
He had only turned for a second. A second. Echo was gone. His little brother was missing in a place where who knows what could happen. He'd been pacing next to the cart of who knows how long before he was suddenly jerked back into reality by the realisation that his foot was stuck. Frozen in ice, to be more precise. "Okay..." He spoke to himself taking in shaky breaths, "Okay... Just calm down... And breath."
After a couple of seconds of listening to his own instructions and doing just that he watched PIXAL pop up at the edge of his vision. She looked worried, reaching out in front of her as if she wanted to comfort him, and he smiled in return. They fell into a comforting silence for a while before the sound of someone walking quickly came from around the corner. The sound was followed by the appearance of Kai and Cole skidding past the corner entirely and out of Zane's line of sight. The couple smiled as the pair came back into view nearly tripping over themselves.
Cole was nearly hidden under a mountain of soap, hair products and various kinds of snacks while Kai leant on the side of the cart. Neither ninja spoke for a minute as they caught their breath. Kai was the first the recover looking at Zane worriedly, "You okay man? I felt it get cold in here for a second and thought you might be in trouble."
"I could use some help..." Zane gestured to his still frozen feet, "I let my emotions get the better of me for a moment."
"Woah, what happened?" Cole asked as Kai moved to thaw out his friend's lower legs.
"Echo is missing."
"Wait, what?!"
**Back with Echo and Jean**
"So, you're telling me you lived on an island by yourself for months and never considered leaving until last month?" Jean questioned as they wandered through the aisles. They'd discussed various things, including Jean's wife among other things, and were now onto talking about Echo's life. The android nodded silently, not really knowing what to say. The pair fell into a tense quiet as he passed her another thing off the list, almost jerking away in fright when she spoke again. "Why?"
"I... Um... Just didn't really question my father's departure and rather chose to accept it." He looked at the floor in interest, somehow unwilling to look at her.
"What about a mother or something?"
"Well, there was Gizmo but he wasn't much for conversation. I'd compare him more to a dog but don't tell him I said that..." Echo explained growing quieter with every word, "I never actually had a mother." He finished as a whisper, feeling that lump in his throat he'd previously felt at the interview. He finally looked up at her to see Jean smiling sadly at him with tears forming in the corners of her eyes.  
She reached out to pat him on the head lightly before enveloping him in a hug, "Well if it makes you any better, I'd be happy to be your mom." She whispered back pulling back to look him in the face and let out a small laugh as Echo stood there in shock. "Well technically you'd have two moms since there's my wife, who you still have to meet."
"Okay..." He nodded at her drastic change in emotions, humans were so confusing sometimes. Yet the thought of having more people to call him family made somewhere inside him radiate with warmth.
"Oh, I just had a lovely idea! We should have you round for dinner someday, I make a mean Mac n' Cheese." She nudged him playfully in the side with her elbow making them both laugh, "You'd have to ask your brother of course."  
Those words brought all of his other thoughts to a grinding halt. He has completely forgotten about Zane and the others. What if they'd already left? Finished their shopping and went back to the Bounty without him. The idea didn't sound like something they'd do but they hadn't come to find him yet so... What if they had? The thought made Echo's legs feel less stable, as if someone had replaced them with paper. His distress must have been written on his face because Jean was shaking his shoulder to try and snap him out of his own thoughts. "You okay?"
Echo spoke shakily as if his voice wanted to match how his legs felt, "I'm fine... I just expected to see Zane by now, and..."
"Do you think they left without me?" He felt stupid for saying it out loud, his fears were completely unfounded but somehow he just couldn't help it. Echo put his head in hands as his legs finely gave out allowing him to sink to the floor. Jean followed him down as she kneeled in front of him, she smiled at him despite everything. "It's okay to doubt things you know." Echo looked up from his hands at her statement, "Like people do it all the time, it means we have insecurities... Fears. I'm no psychologist but I think it's sweet that you care enough about your family that you're afraid of losing them."
"Really?" Echo seemed unconvinced.
"Of course, why else would you be on the floor of a not too busy store with me otherwise. Besides from what you've told me about your brother he's probably in here looking for you right now." Jean spoke as she got up and dusted herself off. Not knowing what else to do Echo followed her lead with standing up before she patted him on the shoulder. "Now, since you helped me I think it's only fair I help you. And so... We're gonna find your brother."
"You don't-"
"Pfft, no buts." With that she looped her arm around his and with a surprising amount of strength began dragging him down the aisle. "Now if I was a ninja where would I be?"
Echo took a moment to recover from yet another drastic change in emotions from the other. Feelings are so complicated. Yet he found comfort in the fact she was willing to help him and smiled, "Produce."
**With Zane, Cole and Kai**
The three sped through the store Zane hastily grabbing items from his list while Cole tried to sneak more things into his cart without Kai noticing, the second task being easier than the first with the fire ninja more preoccupied with finding Echo. They'd already had to stop him from climbing on the shelves to get a better view, Zane insisting they wouldn't be able to support his weight. So they settled for speed walking past people to cover as much of the store as they could.
"Do you see him?" Cole asked as Kai looked around the corner into the next aisle.
"No..." Kai sighed putting his hand under his chin in thought, "I don't get it. We've checked everyone aisle and he isn't anywhere."
"Perhaps it would be wise if we stayed in one placed and waited for him to come to us." Zane suggested crossing off things on his list, "Since I have finished my portion of the shopping there is no reason for us to move now anyway."
"I guess it could work." The trio stood there waiting for something to happen, the low chatter of the store surrounded them. Cole began humming as the minutes went by this then developed into tapping his foot, patting the side of the cart and nearly reached him singing before Kai cleared his throat beside him. The earth ninja sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry." They fell into a quiet again, Cole still lightly tapping his foot.
Zane however was focused on his surroundings as he glanced up and down the aisle they were currently situated in. An overly excited female voice caught his attention as another meeker voice replied in kind, a voice resembling his own if not slightly gravelly due to the lower grade speakers used in his construction. He watched in tense anticipation as a duo came from a nearby aisle wrapped in a conversation, despite it seeming quite one-sided.
Echo giggled at Jean's story as the two of them walked through the store. She was about to continue when she gasped. He was going to ask if she was alright but instead focused on the direction she was looking. Jean was staring at none other than Zane, as the nindroid stood beside a pair of packed shopping carts along the ninjas of earth and fire (both of whom seeming very bored).
Neither android hesitated in moving towards each other to meet in the middle for a hug, before Zane quickly pulled away to inspect his brother for injuries. Echo smiled at Zane's protective nature as he was given a thorough look over only to brought back into another hug. They parted for the second time as an 'aww' sound was let out behind Echo. They both turned to see Jean smiling at them and shyly waving as they focused on her.
Zane glanced between his brother and the strange until finally settling on Echo, "Where have you been? Do you know how worried I've been?"
Echo smiled sheepishly as he looked at Jean, "I've been helping Jean with her shopping. I'm sorry for wandering off..." Zane sighed as Echo watched her walk over at the mention of her name.
"It's my fault really, your brother was helping me reach the top shelves." Jean admitted, "But he's safe and sound, I promise."
"I can see that", Zane patted Echo on the shoulder. "Thank you for watching him, things like this don't happen this often."
"It was no problem, a pleasure in fact. He's a helpful young man, you should be quite proud."
"I am." Zane smiled admiringly at Echo as the android gave his best impression of a pout. "We best be going now, thank you again." Zane turned to leave while Echo gave Jean a small wave goodbye.
"Oh wait!" Jean made them pause as she pulled out her shopping list and a pen from her pocket. "Almost forgot... This is my phone number, if Echo ever wants to come around when you guys are busy just call." She handed the slip of paper to Zane, "I'm usually free." The ice ninja nodded before leaving with his brother to meet up with Kai and Cole, who were sitting on the floor waiting.  
Kai looked up at the pair before glancing quickly behind them to see Jean leaving as well. He smiled at Echo, "Looks like someone made a new friend." Echo nodded to himself thinking, 'And maybe something closer'.
Shopping is the best and worst thing ever.
Until next time...
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kelphero47 · 7 years
It’s ok well maybe next time when u feel like doing fan fiction request. But keep writing more ninjago fan fiction?
Of course.
0 notes
kelphero47 · 7 years
Yes I’m let’s see? Can u write a story how I became a red n black ninja to work alone in ninjago stop garmadon an his henchmen destroying ninjago city! An how I met Lloyd an his friends at school, but a Queen name Juan wants all of their ninjas power elementals to control the world an ninjago, but VaeGa an Lloyd r the only ninjas to defeat the queen that master why taught them in training!
Hmm, I’m not that great at self-insert stuff. Since I haven’t been writing that much and I’m not that comfortable with it...
0 notes
kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 6
Happy Halloween, my fantastic readers. Hope you enjoy this spooky chapter of TMAoEZ.
"The boy crept slowly down the hall, thinking he was completely alone-" A voice began in the dark before being cut off by a second.
"Boring..." A smacking followed this drawled statement.
"Shhh!" A third person ordered as the second voice winced.
"Suddenly a bright light appeared from behind him. He turned around to find no one there apart from his sister's doll." The first voice continued giving a long pause.
"How is that even scary?" The second voice came back to interrupt again.
"Covered in blood." The first voice finished doing an exaggerated spooky sounding voice causing two voices to giggle while a third just sighed in disappointment. Before any of them could speak again a light came on behind them illuminating the four kids. They all screamed in fear scrambling to grab onto each other as the light was dropped on the floor. "Hide me, I'm too young to die!"
"Are you okay, friends?" A fifth voice came from near the light source before it moved again to reveal Echo stood in a doorway holding a plate of food and a flashlight. The four kids looked at each other before detangling themselves, "You seem distressed... Are the scary stories going well?" Echo asked curiously as he sat down in the group placing the plate of snacks in the middle of the circle they'd created.
"You could say that." Nelson replied nervously, "Thanks for inviting us over by the way, it's a cool way to celebrate having my casts off."
"Yeah, your room is awesome." Sam smiled as he stuffed a cookie in his mouth.
"It used to be a storage room..." Echo explained as he looked around at the boxes still inhabiting the wall of the room. "However, my brother promised he'd help me buy some decorations for it soon, like a new ceiling lamp."
"That's why it's so dark in here."
"I tried replacing the lightbulb by myself but accidently fell off the ceiling." Echo still remembered Zane scolding him for trying to do it himself and then comforting him when his leg had to be repaired, it still kind of hurt. The group fell into a comfortable silence after that, everyone enjoying the snacks Echo had supplied, that was until they began hearing weird noises coming from outside the door. All five of them sat completely still as a strange dragging sound came from right next to the room and listened as it moved down the hall slowly getting quieter as it went. "What the heck was that?!" Sam whisper yelled as he tried to hide under a blanket.
"Perhaps it was one of the Ninja." Nelson offered hesitantly, clearing not believing that himself.
"Perhaps... We should go and see what it is." Echo stood up slowly as his friends moved to stop him, "If it is something dangerous, it is my job to deal with it. That is what I was I made for." He looked determinedly back at his friends before sliding the door open a crack to stick his head out. The four kids looked between themselves again then at Echo's back, they joined him at the door much to Echo's joy as he slipped quietly into the hallway.
The group tiptoed down the hall in the direction they heard the noise travel. They looked around a corner together to find nothing there, "What do you think it was?" Cam asked quietly as moved from their position to continued searching.
"A ghost?" Tree supplied questioningly as he glanced around, expecting something to happen.
"I hope not, I'm allergic to ghost." Sam hid behind his sister, still underneath his blanket.
"No you're not." Cam sighed at her brother as the group fell into silence again, tiptoeing down the hall.
**Elsewhere on the Bounty**
The Ninja were having their own form of sleepover in the game room where they were spending the night video gaming. Cole, Zane, Nya and Lloyd were playing this round with Kai and Jay trying to be distracting. Despite the distraction Nya ended up winning making her the unbeaten champion of the evening. Lloyd overdramatically flopped onto her shoulder, "Teach me your ways."
"No way!" She laughed as she threw him off making him land on the floor with a bang. "If I did that I wouldn't win anymore."
"That's the point." Lloyd pouted making the other ninja laugh. The green ninja sat up again looking thoughtful, "Wonder how the kids are doing..."
"Echo seemed really excited to have company over." Kai chuckled, "I mean he was as excited as I've ever seen him."
"Maybe I should check on them." Zane went to stand up until his sensors picked up a faint noise coming from the halls. He gestured for the others to stop talking making the noise clearer to him, it sounded like something was being dragged along the floor. The other ninja seemed to have noticed the sound as well as they cast questioning gazes towards the door. The room fell into a tense silence as the noise was accompanied by something akin to growling.
When Zane turned to look at his brothers and sister he saw Jay hiding behind Nya while Lloyd was clutching Kai's arm. Cole caught the white ninja's gaze as he also stood up slowly, conscious of making a sound. The two of them inched towards the door together with Cole taking a defensive stance as the android gripped the side of the door. "PIXAL, can you get a reading on whatever is making that noise?"
'It appears humanoid, yet breathing patterns and movement suggest something slower. Only known comparison in my database would be the fictional creature called a 'zombie'." PIXAL informed as Zane slid open the door to an empty hallway.
"A zombie?"
'Yes, a reanimated human who craves the tastes of human flesh in many of its depictions.'
"Did you just say zombie?" Cole interrupted their discussion as the other ninja joined them in the doorway. Zane nodded making Jay tensed up from behind Nya, the lightning ninja looked ready to faint at any given moment. "There's always the chance it could be something else... Right?" Nya tried encouragingly, before another loud growl from somewhere in the ship. The ninja looked unsure of what to do as they focused their attention on the pitch-black hallway in front of them.
"What about the kids?" Lloyd voiced his concern as he shook like a leaf from behind the red ninja, "What if the zombie got them?"
"Not on my watch." Zane spoke determinedly, "Activate night vision." With that the ice ninja's view of the hall changed from black to tinted green.
"You see anything?" Kai asked.
"Other than the hallway... No." Zane answered, "Let's go." With that he began quietly moving down the hall leaving the others to stand and look at each other. Cole, Kai and Nya moved to go after him with Lloyd being led by the fire ninja. Jay looked uncertain for a moment until he heard the growling again and ended up clinging to Nya like before. "Can I just say I how much I hate this plan." He whisper yelled making Cole scoff.
"What plan?"
**Back with the kids**
"Do you guys hear that?" Nelson stopped the group in their tracks causing an eerie silence to fall upon the hallway. The shuffling noise had returned from earlier and was now accompanied by groaning that echoed lowly through the hall. Both sounds were somehow getting progressively louder as whatever was making them seemed to be drawing nearer. Echo instinctively turned to the room next to them, "Quick hide in here."
He slid the door open and closed it behind them as they entered the Bounty's kitchen. It had plenty of hiding places. The group scattered to hide in various cupboards, high and low, while Echo climbed the wall to press his back to the ceiling. He turned off his flashlight just in time for whatever was making the sounds to begin rattling the door.
Everyone in the room tensed as said door was painstakingly dragged open allowing a shadowed figure to enter the room. It took deliberate yet slow steps into the room as something trailed behind it. It seemed to be observing the room for a moment as it turned a half circle before moving towards the cupboards resting high on the wall above the counter, where Tree had decided to hide. It reached out a hand to open it giving a loud growl like noise which made Tree flinch inside the cupboard.
Without much thought Echo removed himself from the wall to land on the creature. Feeling whatever it was crumple under his weight made him wince, it felt organic. It gave a loud groan as it went it pick itself up, somehow managing to throw Echo off. It then moved for the android catching the other by surprise. Allowing the thing to turn the tables and have Echo pinned to the ground. "Get off me!"
**With the Ninja**
They had reached Echo's room and were looking inside to find the kids missing. "What if the zombie got them?" Jay questioned hastily as the group searched for anything that could tell them where the kids had gone.
"We would have heard something if that were the case." Zane theorised aloud, "As even if one of them were being attacked the others would have tried calling for help."
"Then, where are they?" Cole asked stealing a cookie from the plate set on the floor. "These are so good."
"Thank you, and to answer your question... They are most likely still somewhere on the Bounty."
"Let's go find them then, and whatever's making that noise." Kai stood guard in the hall creating light with the fire in his hand.
"We should-" Lloyd began before a loud bang sound came from the other side of the ship. The Ninja glanced at each other then all headed down the hall to where they heard the noise come from. They could hear the obvious sounds of a scuffle until a clear yell rang out as well, "Get off me!"
'That was Echo.' PIXAL informed Zane as he picked up speed to outrun the others as they turned the corner. The kitchen door was open allowing Zane full view as view two figures on the floor, the one being pinned obviously being his brother. He grabbed the one on top by the shoulder then pulled them none too gently off of Echo. The groan that followed made the ice ninja stop in his tracks...
He knew that voice.
Zane looked at the figure he had just pulled over as they went to sit up, seeming dazed. It was Sensei Wu. The light was finally switched on by Kai allowing everyone to fully view the scene in front of them and for the kids to come out of their hiding places. Everyone was completely silent, allowing a click to be heard as Sam snapped a picture of the scene in front of him.
**The Next Day**
"See you soon!" Echo called from beside the Bounty's railing as his friends left with their respective parents. After the mess last night no one had really slept, which Echo hadn't minded all that much, meaning that everyone was kind of exhausted this morning. Lloyd had nearly fell asleep in his cereal that morning, which allowed him a free pass from early training for the day, while the other ninja were kind of having a contest to see who was going to fall asleep first. Personally, Echo thought Kai was going to win, no offense to his brother but the fire ninja had an unhealthy history of staying up for days on end from what he'd been told.
Sensei Wu had been forgiving despite last night's mishaps. Turns out he had a habit of sleep walking and was in the kitchen to get a snack, which meant they'd have to start padlocking the fridge at night. Zane had apologised profusely when he realised he had accidently attacked his teacher, even go so far as to offer to do more chores to make up for it.
No one wanted to admit to thinking that there was actually a monster on the Bounty but everyone kind of knew what the others were thinking. It was kind of silly really. The only monsters they'd have to worry about were the ones the Ninja fought on a regular, which still wasn't a comforting thought. Especially since the group seemed to be a magnet for trouble.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
Great um let’s see can u make a story of LEGO ninjago movie? If It’s ok u can add Oc in the story?:)
I’m currently working on some things for the movie. Do you have anything specific in mind?
0 notes
kelphero47 · 7 years
Question r u I opening request, if not it’s ok.
Sure! I’ve never gotten one before, but I’m always open to suggestions.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
Awesome ninjago fiction u wrote:)
Thank you very much. I’m glad you like it.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 5
Another chapter for my lovely readers (if I have any).
Echo was bored and alone as he walked through the ship's main hallway on his way to find someone to play cards with him (Tree had lent him a deck). He reached the kitchen as a crash came from inside the room. Slowly, the android slid open the door to reveal a fog of flour blocking his view of the room almost entirely. When the dust settled and the air cleared he could make out the shape of his brother covered in flour with a sheepish looking Cole stood beside him without a speck on him.
They pair looked as if they had been in the middle of baking something judging by Zane's pink apron being on his person and the ingredients strode out across the countertop. "Um..." Cole began as Zane took a scarily slow turn towards him. Whatever expression his brother's face held was enough to make even the ghost seem paler than he already was so Echo decided to take his leave from the room as quietly as he could to leave the pair alone.
He continued down the hall for a while before hearing commotion in another room. Echo debated going inside for a while listening to the loud noises coming from behind the door. Until he noticed the smell of burning in the air that was too close to be from the kitchen. After cracking open the door slightly the android poked his head through the gap to see Kai practicing moves on a dummy. The fire ninja seemed heavily focused on his unmoving opponent to the point that he didn't seem to notice the fact that was leaving scorch marks on the floor, let alone the other presence in the room watching him.
Echo spent some time deciding whether or not to break the other out of the flow he was in. He found his answer when the floor underneath Kai actually caught fire causing him to leap forward, pushing the ninja over, so he could stamp out the flame. Said ninja yelled in surprise when his back connected with the floor and watched as his friend stamped on the floor loudly. "What the heck?!"
Echo turned to look at Kai after his exclamation, "I apologise for the surprise contact but your training was damaging the floor and you set it alight." With this new information Kai took the time to notice the new black lines and footprints littering the floor around them. He chuckled shyly rubbing over one of the burn marks, "Whoops?"
"Are you hurt at all?"
"Um..." Taken aback by the android's question Kai looked down at himself quickly then back at the other, "I don't think so but thanks for worrying." The fire ninja stood up and dusted himself off before glancing around again. "Could you do me a favour though, and not tell Sensei Wu about this for the time being."
"Why?" This question was accompanied with a head tilt to this side.
The fire ninja sighed before smiling at him, "Tell you what if you do this one favour I'll give you my dessert for a week."
"That doesn't really answer my question but if you want it that badly... Okay." Echo nodded as Kai patted him on the shoulder before ushering him out of the room. The door was closed quietly behind him allowing him to hear Kai muttering to himself. After a moment of silence Echo decided to leave the hallway entirely, deciding to take his chances finding company outside.  
The other three ninja were on the deck, with Jay and Nya focusing on a game of chess and Lloyd sat far away from them in meditation. Not wanting to bother the blonde in his quiet activity unless he needed to Echo made his way over to the pair at the table. Jay seemed to be contemplating his next move as Nya sat back with a knowing smirk on her face. Every time he reached out to move a piece she would shift slightly making him quickly retract his hand before going into deep thought again. Echo watched this happen a couple times before sitting down at an empty side of the table. Nya smiled at him but kept quiet while Jay hadn't seemed to have noticed him being there at all.  
"Who's winning?" Echo asked as Jay went to move a piece again.
"Who do you think..." Jay grumbled causing Nya to grin and he finally moved a piece forwards. Nya didn't miss a beat as she moved her piece almost immediately. "And that's checkmate." Jay put his head in his hands which made the other two sitting at the table laugh.
"Re-match?" Nya patted her boyfriend on the head, trying to comfort him.
"What's the point? You always win." Jay whined burying his face into his arms as he sulked against the table.
"Oh, come on, the score's only... Ten to Zero?" She sheepishly smiled slightly as Jay finally looked up from his arms to give her a small frown in return. "Okay, okay. I get it you don't want to play chess anymore... Um..." Nya grabbed the game's box and shook it, "How about we play checkers?"
"I guess..." Jay sat up straight as Nya set up the game then he lazily glanced around. He was startled to see Echo observing the board being set up, the android sitting in perfect silence. "Err... Do you want to play or something?"
Echo turned his head to pay attention to the blue ninja, "No, thank you."
"So, what you up to?"
"Trying to find someone to play cards with." Echo watched the couple make eye contact with each other before Jay re-focused on him.
"I'm sure we can play with when we're done with this, which is after..."
"He wins a game." Nya finished before tapping the board lightly, "Which should hopefully be in the current century." She joked making Echo laugh and Jay to turn bright red in embarrassment.
"Okay then... I'll go wait somewhere else for you two." Echo stood up waving shyly to the pair, "Have fun."
"You too", Jay replied before focusing entirely on the game in front of him. Echo left them alone at that point and decided to head for the only ninja he hadn't spoken to yet. Lloyd was still sat cross-legged in complete silence like he had been when the android had first come on deck. As Echo got closer he could hear a faint sound that resembled mumbling coming from the green ninja. It was apparent that said ninja wasn't actually doing the mumbling as his lips weren't moving. Not wanting to disturb the other right away Echo took a seat on the floor sat across from him.
Lloyd was sat almost complete still for the time Echo spent watching him, unsure what to do in that moment. The mumbling sounds continued all that time despite a few short pauses here and there. He was really starting to wonder where that noise was coming from. It wasn't until the green ninja sneezed quietly that Echo realised where the sound was coming from. In Lloyd's ear, hidden behind his hair which had shifted during his involuntary movement, were a pair of earphones. The android followed the cable of said earphones with his eyes until it went into his gi where they were probably connected to his smartphone.
Isn't meditation a quiet activity, Echo wondered to himself as he listened closer to the now apparent music playing in the other's ears. It was playing quite loud by how well he could actually hear the melody. Despite the volume Lloyd continued to look peaceful in his thoughts so Echo thought it best not to warn him about the dangers of playing music loudly. The android stood up again and tiptoed away from the green ninja, not noticing the other open one eyes slightly watching him leave with a small smile on his face.
When he had reached a faraway enough distance from Lloyd, Echo sighed to himself leaning on the rail at the side of the ship. Out of options for people to spend time with he considered heading back to his room or waking up Gizmo to play with him like he used to, when he was alone. The android pushed himself up off the rail before heading back inside the Bounty. He shuffled to the game room where he had left his deck of cards to sit at the low table by himself.
**Back to the Bounty's deck**
Lloyd had watched his friend thinking to himself on the ship's railing before leaving to inside. After Echo left the deck he stretched, leaving his sitting position, and flopped back onto the floor in a starfish shape. He gazed at the sky for a second before jumping up of the wood to stand on his feet. The green ninja reached into his gi to take out his phone which he used to pause his music then took out his earphones.
He watched as Nya beat Jay at their current round of checkers before going over to the two as the blue ninja sulked make her giggle. "Hey guys, how's it going?" Lloyd waved at them which only Nya really responded to.
"Well... For me at least anyway." Nya laughed when Jay slid the board and pieces off the table entirely.
"I just can't beat her Lloyd. She just too good, at like everything." Jay lifted his head up to look at him pointedly, "You hear that, my girlfriend is just too amazing."
"Loud and clear buddy." Lloyd laughed as Nya lightly punched Jay in the arm for his ridiculousness.
"Anyway... Is there something you wanted?" Nya began clearing away the checkers and board back into their box.
"Um... Yeah, I was wondering if you two would like to hang out with me and Echo. He looked kind of down earlier..." Lloyd rubbed the back his neck looking over at the door.
"Sure, he wanted to play cards with us when we finished."
"Cool! Could you two go and get Kai though. I'm gonna go and get Zane and Cole from whatever they're doing."
"We can do that." Nya smiled as she dusted herself off after standing up. Jay followed her lead while tucking the box under his arm.
**In the game room**
Echo slumped against the table lazily reading a book about Ninjago's history he'd borrowed from the library the day before. Ninjago had been an interesting and dangerous place even before the Ninja with the Serpentine and the Elemental Masters and so many other things the book went on about. Although the frequency of dangerous, world ending events had increased after the Ninja had formed a team almost like their very existence was acting like a catalyst for it. Yet Echo didn't dwell on that thought for too long as continued to enjoy his reading.
He had heard the faint sound of the others moving about the ship but nobody had come to see him so he wasn't bothered by it much. That was until the door slid open. Echo set down his book before turning around to see the Ninja stood in the doorway. Cole and Zane were still somewhat covered in floor with the former looking slightly more dishevelled from when Echo had last seen the two. Kai himself looked like he'd just run a marathon in the rain by how wet and tired he was leaning against the door frame. He had been furiously cleaning the floor in the training floor when his sister and Jay found him. He was just thankful he managed to make the floor look somewhat normal despite the amount of water he had used to remove the scorch marks.
Lloyd smiled at the front of the group as Echo sat there blinking owlishly up at them. "Sorry for the wait, I had to get everyone else. Now you want to play cards, right?" Lloyd clapped his hands together happily as Echo continued to stare at them.
"I guess... You don't have to, if you don't want to..." Echo began turning back to the table and reaching for his book.
"No, we want to." Lloyd went to sit at the table before looking up at the other ninja, "Right guys?" Various forms of confirmation came from the other five as they joined the pair on the floor. Echo smiled at his friends, no his family, as they watched him shuffle on the deck. "So, what are we playing?" Kai asked from his spot lying down on the floor.
"Old maid." Echo answered as he divided up the cards, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just give me a minute."
"What happened to you anyway, you look like you just got blasted by Nya... That isn't what happened was it?" Cole asked looking between the two siblings.
"Of course not." Nya waved off his curiosity, "I was just there for the aftermath."
"So, what happened Kai?"
"So much... So, so much." Kai sat up finally to look Cole in the eye tiredly.
"Okay..." Cole looked at the others for a better answer but got none, apart from Echo's small smile, so he decided to drop the subject. The group fell into a comfortable silence as they started the game. Said silence lasted for a while even when it was down to the finally two players, Jay and Cole. Before the loser could be decided though Lloyd noticed something, "Does anyone else smell burning?"
"My cake!" Cole jumped up, quickly dropping his cards, and raced out the room. All that could be heard after was the loud sound of him running and coughing from the kitchen. Kai got up to go and help him clean up whatever mess he was in. The others looked between themselves nervously until Jay spoke, "Anyone want to eat out tonight?"
Tell me what you guys think, I enjoy hearing from people.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
Drop pop candy - Lavashipping
Back again with another songfic of my OTP. Based on the song by reol. Check out the companion picture done by shelbot98.
This is so stupid.
Kai knew this was stupid.
The Ninja had been called to help catch a mysterious figure who had been attacking young girls in a local park in Ninjago City. They had made a plan to lure them out. Nya had originally volunteered to act as bait but after they learned the attacker had a thing for targeting short brunettes. Jay had then stepped up, having already been dressed up like a girl before, yet he was too tall to fit the description. So, the task had been given to Kai, the shortest of the group (much to his annoyance), and he was not at all pleased.
Kai  had been dressed up in an outfit Nya helped him pick out to help make  him look younger and makeup which helped covered his scar while making him look 'cuter' as his sister put it. The worst part however was the fact that the others had made her brush his hair down so that his fringe covered his right eye. The icing on the cake being a large bow attached to the top of the back of his head to complete the look. He looked like a girl. He didn't feel pretty though.
That plan brought him to his current situation as he was standing out in the rain with his umbrella. Waiting. The short skirt blew in the breeze as it brushed past part of his knees not covered by his socks. He was walking around the area by himself as the others hung back to watch if anything happened.
It was so boring.
Kai sighed as he turned a corner to a more unused section of the park. The rain pitter-pattered against the leaves of trees before falling gracefully to the ground. The sound was constant and calm. Until it was interrupted by something a lot more interesting. He followed the noise to a stray box on the ground, damp from the downpour.
Inside  said box was a kitten no bigger than his hand. It was the most adorable  thing he'd ever seen. It made small sounds at his arrival as raindrops  hit its head. Kai smiled at the tiny creature. He took pity on it and  placed his umbrella down over the box to shield it.
Amefuri demo kasa wa sasanai no  'Even when it's raining, I don't use an umbrella'
(Hajimemashite to neko wa naku)  '(The cat meow "It's a pleasure to meet you")'
Okiniiri no hiiru o nurasu no  'My beloved high heels get soaked'
He  kneeled down in front of it as the raindrops began to soak into his  clothes. The heels he was wearing scraped across the floor, they were  going to be ruined after this. Kai reached out a hesitant hand towards  the kitten which it sniffed before nuzzling into the outstretched  appendage. He  laughed when it began to lick his fingers, "Hello there." He cooed,  almost sweetly, which made the kitten meow loudly in response.  
"What's  your name?" He asked as he picked up the small creature carefully in  his palm and brought it in front of his face. It was a pure black with  soft brown eyes that stared at him in wonder. It reminded him of...
Thinking  of the earth ninja made him smile more. He had also been displeased  with the decision to use Kai as bait but had been quite happy seeing him  in his current clothing, despite his earlier protests. The two had yet  to start dating as Kai was too nervous to make the first move, in case  he was wrong in reading the others feelings about him, so he waited. Sometimes he was tired of waiting.
Nanigenai you na nichijou ga ima hora  'See now, how the run-of-the-mill everyday life'
Kawaritai to aiiro ni somari dasu   'Is being dyed in blue as if wanting to change'
It was the same every day.  The same longing stares, the same nervous interactions, the same   lingering touches. But, somehow neither of them had made any move to   take it further. Kai blamed himself for that. He was hesitant.
He  was brought out of his thoughts by the kitten shifting in his hands and  move closer to his face. It leaned forward to the point it could lick  in nose. Kai giggled at that as he brushed his thumb over the kitten's  cheek, which it seemed to enjoy.
Mizutamari ni utsuru ichibyou kan  'That one second when it appears in the puddle'
Tada ichido kono me de mite mitai dake nano  'I just want to see it one time with my own eyes, that's all'
"You  know what? You remind me of someone." Kai explained to the kitten,  despite knowing it wouldn't understand him. "Yeah, he's strong and  considerate and always looking out for me. We're just friends at the moment, but you  know... Anything can happen." The kitten seemed to respond as it gave  another loud meow. "You'd like him and he'd like you, hopefully."
"And I'd like you."
Odoru yo sekai ga yuraide mawaru no!  'I am dancing, the whole wide world shaking up goes round and round!'
Todoku yo sokudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's pick up the speed'
Kai  jumped at the new addition to the one-sided conversation between him  and the kitten. The voice was silky smooth and smug to the point it sent  shivers down his spine. He turned around to see a man slightly older  than him leant against a tree leering at him. For obvious reasons he  didn't like that look. Kai held the kitten closer as he stood up to fully face the stranger, "Hello."
"You lost, Hot Stuff? You're a little off the beaten path." The man questioned giving Kai a not very subtle look over. "And wet."
"Well... I.. Um..." Kai hesitated in responding as the other stepped forward into his personal space, "Could you back up a little bit?"
"I don't think I will." The man smirked as Kai tried to back away himself only to stop when his heels hit the box behind him, "The name's Jonah. What's yours?"
"Kai."  He glanced around hoping the others were going to make an entrance  soon. This guy had to be the attacker, he could feel it.
"As in 'water'?" Jonah asked jokily as he re-enter Kai's personal space.
"As in 'fire'," Kai explained as the kitten in his hands gave a loud meow.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo asayake mo inai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Although the guy from yesterday isn't here in the early morning light, that's okay, that's all okay'
"What's that?" Jonah reached for Kai's hands  before the ninja took off running. He didn't trust that guy. Said guy  smirked at his actions as he muttered to himself, "Oh, she'll do  nicely." Kai didn't look behind him as he ran for the main path and out  of the dense tree canopy. Where were the others? Why weren't they here  yet? They said they'd be just out of view for when he needed them, well  he needed them right now.
He  heard Jonah's footsteps calmly walking behind him. God, why were his  legs so short? He hated tall people sometimes, and Jonah was a good  couple heads taller than him. He was almost as tall as...
zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi o kimi o  'I love you more and more! With every day, with you'
Why  was everything reminding him of Cole today, he sounded like a love  struck teenage girl. Uh, now was not the time. Kai finally looked back  at Jonah to find him not even there. He slowed down almost to a complete  stop as he surveyed the area around him. His focus was broken by  another loud meow from the small creature nestled safely in his arms.
This  lapse in concentration meant he didn't notice the presence behind him  until it was pressed up against his back. Kai spun around to come face  to face with Jonah's chest which made him stumble back. The wet floor  allowed his heels to skid and his legs to fall out from under him. He  met the ground with a thud as Jonah loomed over him.
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou o omoi aeteru  'By doing this we can again love one another today'
The kitten escaped his grip to stand on his lap. It hissed at Jonah as he crouched in front of Kai. He swatted the animal away making it skid across the floor until it hit the dirt the other side  of the path. Kai moved to go help it until Jonah wrapped a hand around  the back of his neck to hold him in place. He kept still as the other  moved closer so that he was once again pressed up against his back. He  felt his breath on his ear and heard him inhale deeply through his nose.  "You smell wonderful..." Jonah sighed as he tapped the bow on the back  of Kai's head. "All wrapped up like a present for me to open... And I think I will."
Before Kai could respond a foul smelling rag was placed over his mouth and nose. He held his breath for as long as he could until the need for air became too strong and he was forced to take a deep, gasping breath. Without him wanting to, his vision began to fade to total darkness.
*Time skip*
Jay had been sent to check up on Kai as the others hung around at their temporary  base at the park caretaker's shed. Nothing had happened yet so they  were preparing to give up for the day when he came back in a frantic  mess. All they understood from his rambling were the words 'Kai' and  'gone' before they were out of the door.
The group of ninja   didn't stop running until they reached the quiet path where Kai once   stood.  His umbrella rested on the ground above a box but the area held no other evidence of his existence there. Cole was the first of them to go for the object, as the others spread out around the area, before he heard a quiet noise beside him.  He glanced down to see a ball of fluff shaking on the wet floor. It let  out another pitiful noise as he crouched down beside it.
He registered it was a kitten by the meow it let out when he touched  it. Cole tentatively picked it up to bring it in front of his face. It  looked up at him with curious eyes and he smiled at it. He knew it was  stupid but he couldn't stop himself from asking, "Have you seen my friend, Kai?"  
What he didn't expect to happen was for it to meow loudly as if responding to him. He knew it was crazy, "You have?" He almost cried  when it meowed again, "So do you know where he is?" It fell at that  question and Cole actually felt tears rolling down his face at that  point.
Hoho o tsutau kanojo no shizuku wa  'The water droplets that are trailing down along her cheeks'
(Mite minai furi neko wa naku)  '(The cat meows pretending not to see)'
Utsumuita sink taikutsu narabeta  'Looking down the sink the boredom starts piling up'
"Cole... Are you talking to a  cat?" Lloyd's concerned voice came from behind him as he clung to the  tiny animal in his hands. He could hear the entire group behind him  before he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Cole looked over his   shoulder to see Zane crouching next to him as the others all held   expressions of confusion, "Are you alright?"
"No...  I'm not." Cole held out the feline in front of him, "He doesn't know  where Kai is." He explained as the others looked between themselves,  unsure what to do.
Yasashisa de tsumugareta uso demo  'That we're spun out of the yarn of kindness'
Kanashimi ni irodorareta jitsu demo  'And even the truth that has been taken by sadness'
"Why... Would a cat know where Kai is?" Jay asked chuckling nervously at the end.
"I  don't know." Cole shrugged before resting his hands on his lap in  defeat. He felt so useless. Useless to help the sweetest person in his  life. The person he loved. They just didn't know it yet. "He was taken  and we weren't here. We promised we'd be right here, protecting him!" He  yelled making the others wince, they knew what he said was true.
They stood there in an awkward silence as their friend broke down on the ground. Nya leant her head on Jay's shoulder seeking comfort, "What are going to do?"
Mizutamari ni sawagu amatsubu no  'The raindrops acting out in the puddle of water'
Fuchi o sotto yubisaki de nazoru you  'As if your finger tips are gently tracing the edge'
Cole  looked up at this point to seek answers from the group at Nya's  question. Lloyd decided to step up at this point with a determined look  etched on his face, "We're going to find him."
"But how?" Jay questioned as he patted Nya on the side of the head.
Egaite kanadete kirameku negai ga kanau yo!  'Draw it out, play it out. Sparkling wishes will be granted!'
Todoku yo koudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's raise the altitude'
"It would be logical to assume whoever took Kai would have to live nearby. After all,  for Kai to be taken he would either have to overpowered drastically to  point he wouldn't put up a fight or somehow knocked out." Zane concluded  as he surveyed the area, "With  the surrounding area still being intact we can assume no major fight  went on and he was mostly likely surprised allowing the latter option to  occur. Either way carrying around an unconscious person would be  suspicious so their home would have to be close as not to draw too much  attention."
"That's right!" Lloyd smiled as he reached to help Cole off the floor while addressing the entire team. "So, all we have to do is ask around the neighbourhood for... What was their description again?"
"Authorities presume the attacker to be a male, large build and possibly in his late teens to early twenties." Zane listed off word for word.
"A person matching that description and we're bound to get leads." Lloyd explained hoisting the earth ninja to his feet.
*Time skip*
Kai had woken up in this dark room hours ago. He had been placed on a surprisingly soft bed in what  looked like a completely ordinary bedroom. Except the door was made of  what seemed like steel and his wrists had been chained to the bedposts. Jonah had yet to make an appearance, much to Kai's relief, as he lay on the bed.
Kakenuketai no uchuu made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and make it into space in one fell swoop'
Ukabeta hoshi mo tsuki ni mo aenai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Even though I cannot go and meet the stars and moon up above, that's okay, that's all okay'
The only indicator to anything outside of the room was  a window on the far wall which shone with moonlight. He flinched when  he heard a click echo through the room as the door was opened from the  other side. Kai didn't look in his direction when Jonah entered the  room, still leering at him, "Evening Beautiful."
"F**k off." Kai snapped as he pulled on his restraints, "Where am I?"
"Somewhere  safe... Where we can be alone." Jonah waved off his questions  nonchalantly as he moved to sit beside Kai on the bed. He raised a hand  to the exposed skin of his thigh to caress it lightly with his thumb.  Kai's breath hitched as he moved the offending appendages  under his skirt to feel more skin, "Such a vulgar mouth you have  though... I wonder what other kinds of naughty noises it can make."
"You dare and I'll kill you." He growled as the other continue to slide his hand up further.
"As if you could in this situation." Jonah laughed as he grabbed his ass, "Just enjoy yourself, I certainly know I will."
"Y-You know I'm a g-guy, right?" Kai stuttered as his face heated up at the others unwanted touches.
"I know..." Jonah leaned in close to whisper in his ear, "And that just makes this better." Kai shivered as he blew against the shell of his ear. He felt them lick it before moving to do the same to his neck causing him to gasp, "Looks like someone's sensitive."  
He  tried to think of anything other than being in that room, under the  control of this nutcase. He thought about the kitten he met earlier, his  friends and Cole. They all must be looking for him by now. The thought  warmed his heart. Cole was trying to find him.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi to kimi to  'I love you more and more! With every day and you'
He  wished Cole was here instead of this guy. Holding him close and making  him feel safe. Unlike the sicko feeling him up at the moment making him  feel dirty and ashamed at his own reactions. Kai felt tears roll down  his face as Jonah continued to caress his thighs and lick the expanse of  his neck and shoulders, "P-Please stop."
Isso uzukumatte nankai nakijakutte  'And just crouch down, then cry your eyes out many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou to meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"I  don't think I will." Came Jonah's sadistic response as he moved to look  the brunette in the eyes, "Not when you're already crying so sweetly  for me, just begging for it."
"No..." Kai gasped as the hand on his thigh moved the grab onto his underwear but before they could do anything more he screamed at the top of his lungs.
*With the others*
Cole wandered the streets of the small neighbour with his family as they searched for their missing brother. He cradled the now sleeping kitten in his arms, not having the heart to leave it anywhere. He looked up at the sky to admire the moon and the star as they lit up the night sky.
Boku o terashite buruu muun  'Shining brightly upon me, blue moon'
From speaking to various people in the area they had narrowed down their search to a much smaller radius. However,  the late hour meant they had no else to question making the remaining  search harder. He just hoped Kai was okay, wherever he was. Cole had  spent some time during his search thinking about the object of his affections. His smile. His laugh. His passion. All of them warm, like him.
Nagai yume kara mou sameta  'I've already awoken from a long dream'
Asu no hougaku e tsuretette yo!  'Take me away along towards the path of tomorrow!'
Cole didn't have much more time to think about Kai as his thoughts were broken by a blood   curdling scream ripping through the air. That sounded like... "Kai!" He took off in the direction of the sound with the others close behind   him. He just hoped he wasn't too late.
Sokudo o agete  'So let's pick up the speed'
*Back to Kai*
Kai began kicking his   legs about the moment Jonah flinched at his scream. He managed to nail   him in the face before his ankle was grabbed. "Little B***h, can't stay still can you?" Jonah growled as he reached for something under the   bed. Kai turned pale when it turned out to be rope which was used to tie  his ankles together. Jonah laughed as he leaned over him again to get closer to him face, "There we go. Now just stay plenty quiet so I won't have to do the same to that pretty mouth of yours."
"Bite me." Kai could feel his fire bristle at his fingertips, he didn't want to use it this close to a flammable objects.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo yuuyake mo inai kedo sore de sore de iino  'Although the guy yesterday isn't here in the late evening glow, that's okay, that's all okay'
"Don't mind if I do." Jonah smirked as he moved to bring  his lips to Kai's neck. He was about to mark to clear, tender flesh  there when a loud crash came from downstairs. His head shot up towards  the door before he glanced between it and the body underneath him.  Sighing, he got up and left the room but not until after he gave the  other a sly warning, "Try to escape and the next part won't be  pleasurable."
Kai  wanted to throw up when the man went out of view, leaving him alone. He  pulled on the chains again, listening them creak under the strain but  not giving way. Instead he turned his attention to a faint conversation  going on far   outside the room. Whoever it was seemed to have pissed off Jonah as he   was far louder than those responding to him. Then it happened.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Another voice yelled back at him in syllables he recognised. It was Cole and he sounded angry. A crash followed the shouting before it sounded as if someone was running up the stairs. They stopped close to the door but made no move to open it. Kai yanked on his restraints once more as he called, "I'm in here!"
The metal of the door proceeded to creak as his rescuer forced open the door. It gave way suddenly to reveal a heavily breathing ninja in black.
Motto aishiteru! Hibi mo kimi mo  'I love you more and more! With each day and you too'
"Kai!" Cole rushed over to the side of the bed, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..."  Kai sighed as he looked away blushing, "Just get me out of here,  alright." He pulled on the chains around his wrist, "These kind of  hurt."
"Sure." Cole easily broke the metal around his wrists then picked him up bridle style without hesitation. Kai made no move to protest as he buried his head in the crook of the others neck. He was shocked when Cole placed his head on top of his in comfort, "Are you sure you're alright?"
"No..." Kai hiccupped he began crying onto his shoulder, "H-He did things..."
"What kind of 'things'?" Cole questioned, his tone turning darker to match the scowl on his face.
"Like licking me and touching my thighs..." He sniffled clinging to Cole's gi, "And he tried to..."
"To?" Cole coaxed as he felt a wet patch begin to form in the fabric of his uniform. That guy was going to be dead when he was finished with him. When Kai didn't respond he sighed and stroked the back on his head. "Come on now, it's okay. Just tell me what he did?"
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
"He tried to touch me 'there'." Kai explained as he tried to pull down the hem of his dress. It took Cole a few moments to understand where 'there' was. When he did however, he felt something in his own head snap. He was almost completely silent as he carried Kai carefully down the stairs and placed him the arms of a bewildered Zane.  
He  then turned his attention to the guy cowering on the floor in front of  the group, "How dare you..." Cole grabbed Jonah by the front of his  shirt to drag him off the ground to rest eye level with him, "How  f**king dare you!"
"Cole, don't-" Lloyd rested a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"No!  This piece of trash deserves what's coming to him." Cole narrowed his  eyes as the man he was holding gripped his wrist in fear.
"He's  not worth it... Just look at him." Lloyd scowled as the man looked at  him desperately, "It's better if we leave the cops to deal with this,  and take Kai home." Cole glanced over to the small teen in the ice  ninja's arms as Nya and Jay began trying to comfort him. He felt his  grip loosen to the point the man fell to the floor.
Sou yatte mata kyou mo meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"You're  right... You're right." Cole chuckled dryly at his friends before  moving past him to the others. He watched Nya smooth out her brother's  fringe despite his weak protests. He got closer to stand beside her and  address Zane, "Can I have him back?"
"Of  course." Zane smiled sadly as he gently placed Kai into Cole's waiting  arms, "I took the liberty of removing the rope from around his ankles."
"Thank  you," With those words Cole made his exit out of the front door leaving  the others behind to take out the trash. He smiled as he felt Kai rest  his head on his shoulder and relished in way his eyes were half-lidded. "Is someone tired?"
"Mmmm."  Kai groggily nodded against his shoulder so that his hair tickled his  neck. He shifted so that he was better facing Cole so that they could  look each other in the eyes. Cole couldn't help himself as he kissed Kai  on the top of the head in an affectionate gesture, "Wha-"
"Kai listen,  I've liked you for a while now and today just put into perspective how  easily I could lose you." He explained as Kai made a small frown, "So  please, give me a chance to show how much you mean to me."
"Yes."  Kai smiled as Cole moved in closer to initiate a kiss. They were an  inch apart when a soft noise interrupted them from the confines of the  earth ninja's gi.  "Is that what I think it is?" Kai laughed when Cole blushed reaching   into his uniform to take out a small ball of fur. He giggled when it   uncurled itself to reveal the kitten he had found earlier, "Oh my gosh. You shouldn't have."
"It's nothing."
Omoi atte iku korekara zutto  'Continue to love one another from now on and always'
Do make requests for songs and ships if you want. I like a lot of ships.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 4
Time for Echo to make some friends my wonderful readers. Most of them are OCs with one exception so I hope you like them anyway.
"The library?" Echo was stood next to Sensei Wu in front of an old looking building near the middle of Ninjago City. The older had invited the android to join him while the Ninja went through morning training, which Echo would be involved in otherwise. Wu nodded before silently walking to the front door of the building and opening it for the other, "Why are we here?"
"I thought you would enjoy some time to learn, and have some alone time, in a quiet space unlike the Bounty." Wu smiled, "You might find something interesting here." Echo looked sceptically at him but went inside despite this. He looked around to see shelves full of books as far as he could see, it was almost completely silent save for some light whispering further into the room. A young librarian sat behind the front desk lazily clicking things on their computer. Echo turned to ask Sensei Wu where he should go only to find him gone.
Echo looked around for Wu for some time until he reached the front entrance again in his search and gave up altogether. He glanced uneasily over the various shelves unsure what to do. He would reach up for a book only to hesitate at the last moment and drop his hand back to his side, this was repeated several times.
This cycle was only broken with Echo noticing a noise coming from the end of the shelf he was stood in front of. He turned to see a younger boy with blonde hair waving him over hurriedly, Echo pointed to himself which the kid responded to with a nod. He quickly shuffled over to the other, going to open his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the kid speaking first. "Are you okay? You look lost." The kid tilted his head to the side in curiosity, his blonde hair falling into his eyes slightly.
"Um..." Echo looked around again, yet again finding no trace of Sensei Wu, "I believe I am."
"Do your parents know where you are?"
"...In a way." He guessed Sensei Wu could count as the team's parental figure.
"Do... You want to hang out with me and my friends?" The boy pointed his thumb over his shoulder to a small group of other kids. All seated around a low table on a group of colourful flat looking chairs, each of them doing various things on the table from making a pyramid of cards to reading. Echo looked back at the boy who was gazing back at him hopefully, "That... Sounds nice, thank you."
"Cool!" The boy whisper yelled grabbing Echo's hand and pulling him towards the group. "I'm Sam, it's great to meet you..." Prompting Echo to continue with a roll of his wrist.
"I am Echo, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves."
"That's one looong last name..." Sam laughed at his own humour while Echo stared at him blankly, "I've been told I'm not that funny."  
"You got that right." Another voice joined the conversation. Both of them stood at the edge of the table as the group sat down around it took notice of their presence.
"Oh haha, like you’re a comedian Woody." Sam mocked causing the other two members of the group to laugh. Echo looked at the four kids, the group contain two blondes (one of them being Sam), a brunette and another with black hair. "Anyway guys, this is Echo." Sam gestured dramatically to the android, "I said he could come sit with us."
"Hello", the other blonde spoke first smiling at him. "I'm Cam, Sam's sister. The grumpy kid over there is Tree..." She pointed to the black hair kid making a card pyramid with a frown on his face. "And then there's Nelson." She nodded to the last kid sat reading, seemingly oblivious to the noise around him.
"Yo Nelson!" Tree clicked his fingers in front of his face, "New person over here, say somethin'." The last member of the group snapped out of his concentrated reading before looking up at Echo. His mouth hung open slightly for a second, not moving at all as if he had stopped breathing entirely. The three kids glanced between their friend and a nervous looking Echo. "That's new..." Tree broke the silence of the moment, which yet again snapped Nelson out of his thoughts.
"Oh my gosh, you're Echo Zane!" He whisper yelled, "I've heard about you over the message boards... It's nice to meet you." Nelson held out his hand sharply causing the android to flinch back slightly which the other noticed. He dropped his hand quickly before moving it to rub the back of his neck nervously, "Sorry about that..."
"There is nothing to apologise for, I was startled by your excitement." Echo held out his hand smiling, "I am indeed Echo Zane, but I go by Echo to avoid confusion with my brother." Nelson smiled back brightly as he shook the android's hand, "Thank you for allowing me to sit with you, it is my first time at the library."
"No harm done, thought you killed Nelson for a second there though." Tree laughed as Nelson hit him in the arm, "Hey."
"Knock it off you two", Cam shook her head at her friend's antics.
"Whatever..." Tree shrugged before frowning and hunching over his card pyramid again.
"Why don't you sit down Echo?" Sam patted the ground next to him, "We've got lots to do here. There are playing cards, which Tree is using right now, of course there's reading and colouring, we've only got crayon though 'cause Cam won't share her pens."
"You guys messed up the last lot." Cam complained looking up from a drawing she was working on, "Like who uses a yellow pen on drying black, it ruins the pen." She waved the pen in front of her brother to emphasise the point.
"It would", Echo nodded at her statement causing the girl to brighten.
"See someone here gets it, he can use my pens." Cam gave Echo a piece of paper, "You're my new best friend, McSnugglepus won't mind sharing."
"Our lizard", Sam answered pulling out a camera from nowhere. "Anyway say cheese and smile." He instructed holding up the object, the group focused on him. There was a click and the other three kids went back to their respective activities. Sam messed with the camera a bit smiling lightly, "Oh yeah, that one's going in the scrapbook."
"Sam has a scrapbook at home full of pictures and stuff he thinks are important, so congrats meeting you is scrap book worthy." Tree answered to breaking his concentration on his pyramid of cards.
"Oh..." Echo looked over the group doing their own things and noticed Nelson hadn't turned pages in his book for the time he had been there despite reading nearly the entire time. "Nelson?"
"Yeah?" The younger looked up from his book.
"What are you reading?"
"Um..." Nelson looked at the book cover, "The dictionary?"
"He's reading Starfarer again." Tree corrected causing Nelson to blush slightly, "He thinks people make fun of him for reading them."
"Yeah..." Nelson breathed putting down the book to reveal his comic, "It's kind of silly with space adventurers and monsters and stuff."
"Jay reads those a lot", Echo stated flatly before looking at the cover of the comic. "That's the latest issue? He's been complaining about not being able to read it because the sold out."
"He does?" Nelson smiled at his comic, "That's so cool."
"I think I saw him crying over one issue of it, no one would answer me when I asked why... Something about 'the feels', whatever that is." Echo continued from his earlier statement causing the four kids to laugh.
**Later that day**
Echo had done a range of things with his new friends from drawing to getting him a library card. He learned some more things about them as well like how Tree has a younger sister called Daisy who had visited them with Tree's Mom earlier that day. Daisy had thought Echo needed to look more 'sparkly' which meant the android was now sporting several glitter-covered stickers he had refused to take off.  
After the pair's visit to their table the five of them decided to have a game of cards, which started with Nelson sneakily knocking over Tree's pyramid (he hadn't been happy about his hard work being ruined). They were playing old maid with it down to Cam and Tree facing off against each other while the other three watched in tense silence. Echo giggled quietly behind his hands as Sam lost dramatically flopping onto the table. "Another round gentleman?" Tree asked the group as Sam faked crying into his arms.
"Why don't we play Go Fish this time?" Cam suggested.
"With Tree's lying streak? I don't think so." Nelson smiled as his friend put his hand over his heart in mock insult. "Fine, but you have to swear on McSnugglepus's life you won't lie."
"I swear on McSnugglepus's life I won't lie." Tree crossed his heart as well before solemnly nodding.
"Do you know how to play Echo?" Sam spoke to the android who watched the dramatics in a confused silence.
"I have not been taught how to do so." Echo shook his head frowning slightly.
"Well you have a set number of cards each and a pile in the middle. Then you ask someone-" Sam was interrupted in his explanation by a hand landing on his head. The others in the group turned to see a teenager leaning over the blonde with two others behind him. The kids shrunk back slightly as the teen patted Sam roughly on the head, messing up his hair. Echo looked between the kids and the teens in confusion, "Um..."
"What up Shorties?" The teen patting Sam on the head stopped before leaning back slightly to smile mockingly at the group.
"Leave us alone", Nelson whispered not meeting the teen in the gaze.
"What was that Little Man?" One of the other teens questioned as Sam moved away from the trio and closer to his friends.
"You heard him, leave us alone." Cam repeated her friend's words with a determined look on her face.
"Very funny Blondie", the final teen laughed as the kids frowned at them. "But I don't think we will."
"Why is that?" Echo finally decided to join the conversation after observing his friend's negative reactions to the teens. Said teens then turned to the android as if just only now noticing his presence at the table. None of them spoke for a moment as Echo continued to stare blankly at them.
"We don't wanna",the first teen finally spoke causing Echo to tilt his head to the side in confusion.
"But with this space already occupied and my friends finding your presence unwanted, you have no reason to be here." Echo explained flatly.
"Why do we need a reason?"
"Everything happens for a reason, that is how the world works, so what is your reason for being here in the first place?"
"We wanted to chat?"
"If that were so then the 'chat' is currently unwanted by my friends and so you have no reason for being here."
"Why does it matter so much to you, Tin Can?"
"Because you are having a negative effect on my friends which means something about you is bad." Echo watched as the first teen took a heavy step towards him and grabbed the front of the shirt he borrowed from Zane that morning. He frowned as the other proceeded to pull him forward so they were face to face. "Would you please let go of my brother's shirt, I do not want it ruined."
"This stupid looking thing?" The teen laughed as he pulled on the fabric, "Your brother has poor taste. What is he, blind?" Echo was about to grab the others hand to make him release the shirt but was beaten when someone placed a hand on the teen's shoulder. Everyone in the area turned to look at the newcomer, or newcomers.
Zane and Kai had come to pick up Echo before the library closed for the day. Sensei Wu had returned to the Bounty alone after seeing Echo had settled with a group of people having fun. The two had volunteered to go to get him, well Kai wanted to grab some stuff while they were out so he tagged along with Zane. Upon seeing his younger brother being held in a threatening manner by another Zane had been the one to grab the teen by the shoulder while Kai stayed back. "I'm a ninja actually."
"Zane?" Echo recognised his voice and smiled at the sight of his brother stood behind the teen.
"Yes, we came to pick you up." Zane replied smiling at the younger which made Echo smile in response.
"We?" Echo looked behind him brother to see Kai smirking, leaning casually against a nearby bookshelf. The fire ninja waved lightly, "Hello Kai."
"Who the hell, are you?" The teen let go of Echo to face Zane, who had let go of his shoulder.
"I am Zane." Zane answered flatly, the four kids and Kai snickered slightly as his response making him smile.
"And that's important how?"
"Dude, that's Zane..." The teen's friend shakily looked at the nindroid, "As in the 'nindroid celebrity that can kick our ass' Zane."
"Oh..." A look of realisation formed on the teen's face as he backed away slightly, "S-sorry man, I didn't mean anything by this..." The teen gestured to Echo as the android dusted off his shirt, "I swear."
Kai humourlessly laughed at his statement, "Yeah right, what kind of-" He stopped speaking when Zane held up his signalling him to do so, "Sorry."
Zane smiled at the teen as his friend slouched against the shelf more. "No harm done", he held out a hand to help his brother stand up. As Echo took his offer he narrowed his eyes at the teens, "But I doubt your intentions were good either, so you three better leave... Otherwise my actions won't be that positive either."
"Um..." The first teen looked at his friends as they stared back at him in shock.
"That means 'get out of here, right now', if his words were too much for you to understand." Kai spoke again from the side absently looking at his nails. With that the trio of teens left quickly without looking back. The table area went silently for a couple moments before Kai started laughing which caused the kids and Echo to look at him. "Man, remind me never to mess with you", he went up to Zane and nudged him in the shoulder making the nindroid smile again.
"Noted." Zane responded lightly as he glanced over the area seeing the books, paper and cards scattered about. Echo followed his brother's gaze to look at the mess he and his new friends had made. The kids themselves must have caught onto their thoughts as they sprang into action gathering up their stuff quickly. Echo moved to help them by gathering a couple of books he wanted to borrow and his drawings. "Looks like your day was pleasant." Zane smiled as his brother came back to stand next to him with arms full of his stuff.
"It has been, my new friends have shown me so many fun things to do." Echo gestured to the stuff in his arms as he spoke, "I can draw things now that mostly look like people and I'm beginning to see why Jay enjoys Starfarer so much."
"Not another one..." Kai put his head in his hands at this piece of information, "We've already got one mega geek on the team we don't need another."
"I seem to remember seeing you reading a copy of it the other with Lloyd in his room the other day." Zane watched in amusement as Kai blushed slightly failing to come up with a comeback for a moment.
"Fine, I'll admit I read one issue because Lloyd said I should at least try it. It was pretty okay, but nothing more." The fire ninja crossed his arms as the group laughed at his attitude.
"Whatever you say Kai..." Zane watched as his friend went behind a shelf muttering to himself before he focused on Echo as the younger waved goodbye to his friends. "Time to go Echo."
"I know... Bye Sam, Cam, Nelson, Tree, hope we can meet again soon." Echo smiled at the group of four.
"I'm free tomorrow", Tree stated shrugging his shoulders. "What about you guys?"
"I'll be here in the afternoon, I've got a checkup in the morning." Nelson informed them, "The doctor's finally gonna tell me when they're taking off my casts."
"We'll be free all day." Cam gestured between herself and her brother as Sam nodded. "What about you Echo?" The four of them turned to the pair of brothers as Echo looked hopefully at Zane.
"Um..." Zane looked nervously at where Kai had been for some kind of help, he found no one there. "I'm sure Sensei will allow you after morning training."
"Thank you so much." Echo hugged his brother for a second before turning to his friends again, "See you tomorrow afternoon." Various forms of 'goodbye' followed his statement as the two began to leave. Kai joined them near the door when Echo was checking out his books, "Where have you been?" Zane questioned his friend as they left the building.
"I... Got lost in the shelves and had to ask someone where the entrance was..." Kai admitted sheepishly rubbing the back his neck. The two androids laughed as Kai blushed again, "Haha I know, very funny. Let's get home you two, it's Cole's turn to cook tonight which means Zane needs to be there to supervise so he doesn't blow up the kitchen... Again.”
Tell me what you guys think and whatnot.
Until next time...
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 3
Yeah, new chapter for my readers. Send me a message to tell me what you think.
"So, from now on I shall be called 'Echo' as my brother already uses the name of 'Zane'?" Echo asked the Ninja as the group sat in the game room. He had already been given a full tour of the Bounty, as well as introduced to Wu and Misako.
"I know it will be hard to adjust to this change but it would be confusing for two people named 'Zane' to be in the same room, and most likely having the same conversations." Zane explained as he watched his brother think it over.
"I do not see any reason to disagree, so I am now known as Echo." Echo nodded mostly to himself as he watched the rest of the group nod in agreement.
"Now that that's over and done with, I'm hungry." Cole complained sagging against the couch, "We had a light breakfast because of Darreth and then we skipped lunch."
"Same here, meeting Echo was worth skipping a meal but food sounds pretty good right now." Kai smiled as Cole patted him on the shoulder.
"All those in favour of Zane cooking instead of Cole tonight." Jay added before the earth ninja could move anywhere towards the kitchen. The other ninja raised their hands, which made Cole hold a hand over his heart in mock offense even though he had his other hand up as well. "Motion carried, and anyway we wouldn't want Echo's first meal in forever to be whatever Cole calls cooking."
"Now that's taking it too far." Cole threw a pillow at Jay's head before leaping at the other. The two of them rolled over the floor in an overexaggerated fight. Echo frowned at the pair before looking at the other ninja, Nya seemed to notice his stare. "Don't worry Echo, they do this all the time. They're just joking around... Usually." Just as she said this Jay threw a pillow at Cole who it missed and hit Kai in the face.
"Hey!" He was about to jump in when Lloyd placed a hand on his shoulder. The fire ninja turned to his friend who shook his head causing him to sigh in response, "Fine."
Lloyd then turned his attention to the fighting pair, "Hey knock it off you two, or you're not getting dinner." Both of the ninja stopped in their tracks at that statement which meant Cole's foot was in Jay's face and Jay was about to punch Cole in the stomach. The two quickly detached from each other to go back to sitting cross-legged next to each other. Nya laughed at the their shocked faced at the mention of not getting food, "See Echo, this is completely normal for them."
"So Zane what's for dinner anyway?" Jay changed the subject which caused the rest of the team to look interestedly at the ice ninja.
**The next day**
This was the second time Echo had watched people mill about at such a frantic pace, it was just as loud as the first despite there being less people. Somehow it was also scarier than the port. Despite the presence of the Ninja right beside him Echo felt uneasy, like something bad was going to happen. Speaking of the Ninja they had given him some of their clothes for the time being to help him blend in a little more, apparently everyone here wore clothes android or not so Echo just 'rolled with it' (whatever that meant, Jay had said it so Echo decided not to question it). Then the Ninja sighed in unison, breaking Echo out of his thoughts, as a man in brown sauntered over to the group through all the busy people, acting as if he didn't have a care in the world. "Well, well, well... If it isn't the Ninja, ready to ditch me again today?"
"Darreth..." Kai spoke warningly.
"I'm only kidding," Darreth laughed. "But you guys do have important work to do today. You've got a new commercial to shoot for a..." He went over the clipboard in his hands, "Clothing line. I'd like all of you on that one, then another interview but this one's about Zane's mystery brother so I want..." Echo ignored Darreth at that point as he tapped Zane on the shoulder earning his brother's attention. He looked at the elder with a confused expression, "What is an 'interview'? Why is there one about me?" He whispered trying not to interrupt Darreth despite him not being focused on the two, it looked like he had gotten into some form of debate with Kai involving the younger of the two being held back by Cole. Zane smiled good-naturedly, "An interview in this sense is a face to face meeting where the interviewer asks us questions. It happens to be about you due to Jay mentioning you in our previous one."
The pair of brothers re-focused on Darreth's voice as Kai began yelling at him. "You touch my hair one more time-!" Cole decided to cover his friends mouth at this point, looking pleadingly at the other three ninja near them. Jay was trying not to laugh at Kai's outburst while Nya and Lloyd looked disappointed with Nya going so far as to shake her head. The fire ninja decided it would be an appropriate time to escape Cole's hold by biting his hand. Said ninja yelled as his friends laughed, "What'd you do that for?!"
"Your hand tastes funny..." Kai ignored his question as he complained.
"I think we're getting off topic here." Lloyd interjected as Cole grimaced at his own hand, "We can all agree that no one should touch Kai's hair. We can still do the commercial with it the way it is."
"Fine..." Darreth sighed as the Ninja smiled, "You all need to get over to hair and make-up now though." The Ninja turned to leave their manager before he continued talking, "Wait... Aren't there usually six of you?" Everyone turned their attention to Echo who was currently watching some staff set up for the commercial.
Zane smiled at his brother's curious nature, "This my brother Echo, he's the one Jay mentioned the other day."
At the mention of his name Echo turned around, "Hi." He gave a shy wave as a large smile slowly crept onto Darreth's face.
"Oh my gosh, this changes everything. Okay, um... We need to update the feed, get pictures of you two together being all sibling-y then we need to prep this guy for the interview later." Darreth moved closer to Echo as he went on his rant until he was in what most people would consider their personal space. "How do you feel about cue cards?"
"Um..." Echo took a step back from the over excited man, "What are 'cue cards'?"
This question only served to make the other more excited, "The 'naive type' are we? Oh, this is great, the fangirls are gonna love you!" At the mention of fangirls Echo looked visibly frightened which Darreth, of course, didn't seem to notice. "We should get you to hair and make-up too. See what they can do about your complexion because you look a bit... Rusted."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Zane decided to jump in this point, "He's still getting used to life in Ninjago and-"
"He'll be fine!" Darreth waved off his concern, "I mean what could possibly go wrong?"
**Time skip**
Echo had sat through the Ninja's photoshoot watching as the group uncomfortably meandered through their first experience being models. They'd been actors before but not models. Kai had taken it in stride, a bit too much. Before Jay had decided to trip him up which meant the fire ninja had tried to set him on fire. Well until Zane reminded them the clothes they were wearing were on loan. Besides that mishap they'd done pretty well, Echo decided they looked really nice. I guess that was the point as Darreth had explained that the clothing line had been inspired by the Ninja.
Echo for his part in this whole ordeal had hated hair and make-up. They had tried to cover up his face with a layer of weird smelling stuff until he sneezed by accident and half of his face panelling fell off. Darreth had screamed at that part. Thankfully Nya had brought a screwdriver with her in case something like that had happened, well not the screaming part.
Now he and the Ninja were sat on couches in front of a camera and lot of strangers alongside this guy sat behind a desk. He had introduced himself as 'Stephen Greenswich' and seemed like a nice enough person. The interview had begun slowly, with him mostly addressing the Ninja and taking an interest in their recent activity. With this being said Echo hadn't been prepared for when the focused finally fell on him. "So Echo, from their last interview the Ninja mentioned you being a new thing in their lives, previously unknown for the most part. Care to tell us what you've been up to before that?" Stephen smiled, leaning his head in his hands with his elbow propped up of the desk.
"Um..." Echo turned to the Ninja to receive encouraging looks, "Well... I was built by m-my father while he was imprisoned... I hadn't left the island at all, e-even after he left suddenly..."
"So how'd you get to Ninjago City?"
" I b-built a boat..."
"All by yourself?"
"No, I had he-elp... From my friend Gizmo..."
"What's he like?"
"He's about this big", Echo held out his arms shakily as an estimate. "And f-from the way he looks he's been call a buc-ket before..."
"Interesting..." Stephen leant back on his chair in mock thoughtfulness, "And how do you like it here? Who's you're favorite out of the Ninja? Or don't you know yet? Done anything interesting with them yet?"
"I..." Echo looked at his feet for a moment, it felt like there was something trapped in his throat. "I... L-like it here... It's certainly different and... Um..." He looked up as a hand touched his shoulder. Zane smiled sadly at his younger brother as Echo stuttered, "I-I'm sorry..."
"It's okay sweetheart, it happens to the best of us." Stephen looked between the android siblings, "I adore this right now." He wiped away a small tear, "Anyhow let's take some audience questions shall we, and everyone remember to be nice." He cast a mock threatening look over the crowd, "We don't want to scare the little guy." This drew a small laugh from the audience before some put their hands up, "Okay, girl in the cute shirt on the front row."
"This one's for Nya, what's it like living with a load of guys?"
"Absolutely terrible", Nya replied without a moment's hesitation. "But they are pretty fun to beat at videogames, so there are some plus sides." She laughed at their insulted looks but waved them off easily. "Next one?"
"Um... Guy with the hat that looks like a chicken... Don't give me that look, where'd you even buy that?" Stephen mocked the man glaring at him from the audience.
"I got one for Kai, how much gel do you use every morning?"
"Hmm...", Kai started wordlessly counting on his fingers. "About six or seven..."
"Handfuls?" Cole asked quickly.
"Bottles." He looked seriously at the earth ninja as Cole's mouth fell open, "Of course handfuls, I'm don't need that much."
"That's more than most people though." Lloyd pointed out which got a nod from the others.
"Whatever." Kai shrugged before sinking back in his seat, "Not my fault my hair takes forever..."
"Okay, girl with ponytails in the middle." Stephen left the fire ninja mumbling to himself.
"So, my questions for the new guy. Jay mentioned last time that you were 'alone', why is that?"
"Oh... That's because I was alone... Kind of. I mean G-Gizmo was there but he isn't the best company... But h-he's all I had left after my father left with Zane and the o-others." Echo tried to smile through the stuttering and the sad looks he was being given.
"Next question... You there, jumping up and down in your seat." Said person blushed slightly at his statement before standing.
"Another for the new guy, why'd he leave you there?"
"…" Echo looked at his feet again silently thinking over his answer in his head. He had thought about this question himself a lot after his father left and almost always came to the same conclusion. "I wasn't Zane."
"What?" Zane asked almost reflexively to his brother's declaration.
"I mean it's the r-reason I was made... To replace you. When you came b-ack he didn't need me anymore so... I was left behind." Echo nodded to himself, "But I guess that w-was inevitable."
"Echo..." Zane looked as if he was about to cry as well as most of the studio.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"For what?"
"For upsetting you..." Echo trailed off as everyone looked at him like he'd just grown a limb, "If I had known my story was sad, I would have stopped. It was-" He was cut off by Zane wrapping his arms around him. Echo sat still for a second as his brother almost slumped against him.
"You don't have to apologise..." Zane whispered during the embrace, "If anyone should be sad right now it's you."
"Because you're so much more than my replacement, you understand that. Right?" The ice ninja separated from Echo to take in his brother's confused expression. "You're your own person."
"…I understand." He nodded slowly, "I am Echo, not Zane, and therefore not you."
"Yes." Zane went in to hug him again but was interrupted by the sound of hysterical crying. The two androids turned to face the other ninja who shrugged before Jay pointed to the presenter. Said presenter was crying loudly into a tissue completely oblivious to the people looking at him. Another person came onto the stage wearing a shirt with the word 'staff' on it. "It's been a pleasure having you guys on here... Despite Stephen's waterworks, geez get a hold of yourself man. That's all for tonight folks, on Ninjago Speaks."
With that the stage went dark for a second before brightening up again. The Ninja sighed in relief as they proceeded to get up, "Man, do those not get any easier." Kai stated as he stretched.
"Tell me about it." Jay replied still slumped on the couch, "That's was certainly interesting though, never seen a presenter cry that much."
"What'd you expect with Mr-Tragic-Backstory over here." Cole joked jabbing his thumb in Echo's direction.
"I still apologise for any incon-" Echo started firmly before Cole interrupted him.
"I was just kidding." The others laughed as Echo still looked confused, "Oh right, we still need to teach you a sense of humour."
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 2
Another chapter for you guys to read and enjoy.
TMAoEZ - Chapter 2:
Ninjago City's port was the busiest Echo had seen anywhere, granted it was the first place he'd seen other than the lighthouse, but it was still busier than what he was used to. Everyone was really loud as so many things happened at once and people milled around constantly. It was kind of intimidating. Echo knew no one there but his brother was in the city somewhere so that must count for something, at least to him it did.
Sherwin assured him that people in Ninjago City were quite friendly and that he had nothing to worry about. That didn’t stop him being hesitant to actually talk to people. The sailors had given him some of their clothes to help him blend in. Apparently, androids were common here just not ones of his model and so he would be safer in disguise.
The city beyond was nothing like Echo could have imagined. It was huge. Every building around them was as tall as the lighthouse with some being even taller, "So Zane, how do you like the city?" Kim smiled, walking beside him with a spring in her step.
"It's big."
"That it is..." Doug spoke in front of them with an air of discomfort.
"Are you alright? You seem as if this place is not to your liking."
"You're perceptive Kid, I don't like the city much. It's too closed in with everything shoved together in a way that makes it feel..."
"Exactly, I prefer the sea. All the space a man could need with no end in sight." Doug looked at his shipmates to see them nod in agreement, "Of course life at sea isn't for everyone, and that's why we are going to help you find your brother."
"You are?"
"We are?!" Sherwin and Kim yelled at the same time, one out of confusion and the other joy (you can probably guess which).
"Yep, and I happen to who the address of the Ninja's manager. Strange guy, trust me." Doug seemed lost in thought for a second before shrugging, "But he owes me a favour so I may as cash it in."
"You don't have to do that." Echo stopped walking, "I couldn't ask you to do that at all." He looked distressed, "I barely know you and-"
"Kid, calm down." Doug placed a hand on Echo's shoulder, "I like you a lot, and consider this payment for letting me tinker with your little friend." Speaking of Gizmo, the small robot had to be put in rucksack that Echo was carrying. His small size meant he couldn't keep up with the group and could easily get lost.
"If you say so... Thank you." Echo looked at the ground before Doug started laughing causing him to look up.
"That's why I like you kid, so well-mannered." The group continued on their journey before Echo stopped yet again. He was looking curiously at a small playground with what looked like a group of kids and their caretaker playing on the various apparatus. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves, despite the caretaker looking kind of tired.
"What's the matter Zane?" Sherwin was first to notice the android's absence, closely followed by the other two.
"What's that?" Echo pointed at the play area causing the trio to notice it as well.
"That? That's a playground..." Sherwin looked at his friends, "I guess you wouldn't have had them on that island of yours, right?" His question was answered by an unfocused shake of the head, "You wanna..."
"Could I?" Echo turned to face the trio with the most excited expression they'd seen him have so far.  
The group looked between themselves before Doug sighed, "It isn't too far from my friend's place, I could probably drag him here if need be." With those words Echo walked happily towards the playground, "You two keep him company, I shouldn't be too long."
"Wait, we're on babysitting duty." Sherwin questioned as Kim ran after Echo with more enthusiasm than the android.
"Pretty much... Have fun." Doug then proceeded to continue his journey down the path leaving Sherwin alone in his place.
"Come on Sherly! There's a slide!" Kim yelled from where she had been explaining the slide to Echo, "It's fun, trust me."
"How?" Echo tapped on the metal slide, expecting it to do something.
"Well you climb up here..." Kim demonstrated as Echo watched curiously, "Then you sit at the top of the slide part and let yourself slide to the bottom." Continuing the demonstration, she slid down the metal slowing as if emphasising her point, "And then you do it again... If you want to."
"That's it?" Echo copied her actions to the point of sitting at the top of the slide.
"That's it." Kim nodded encouragingly, "Just try it." Without much prompting Echo went down the slide with a mostly blank look on his face. "So, what do you think?"
"It was... Nice."
"Take him on the swings!" Sherwin joined in the exchange from his seat on a nearby bench.
"That's a great idea Sherly!" Kim ignored the grumble in response as she focused back on Echo, "Come on, you'll definitely like this." She spoke as she dragged Echo by the hand to the next piece of apparatus.
**Meanwhile with the Ninja, at Darreth's place**
"So... You wanted to talk to us?" Lloyd asked their currently pacing 'manager' who had yet speak after their arrival.
"What?" Darreth snapped out of whatever train of thought he had been having, "Oh... This is about last night." The group tensed at the others out of character tone, "Why didn't you guys tell me about Zane's brother sooner?! This is great!" The Ninja didn't have a chance to answer as he continued rambling, "I mean not as great as Nya and Jay getting together, but still gossip worthy! I can already imagine it now, 'Mysterious brother of ninja found after all this time'! Everyone wants to know about this guy, your social feed is already filled with questions about him. Do you guys know anything?" With his attention finally focused on them the Ninja took a moment to process what he'd actually said in his overenthusiastic word dump.
"Um..." Jay was the first to say anything, looking at the others for support.
Zane thankfully came to his rescue, "We know very little about my brother, other than his location, name and description, we don't have much information to give you... Or the public."  
Darreth visibly deflated at those words before springing back to life in a couple of seconds, "We'll keep it vague then... Really drive home that whole 'mysterious' thing, my only question is: When are you going to go and get him?"
"As soon as possible." Zane answered without missing a beat, which caused the rest of the Ninja to look at him.
"Wait... What?" Cole looked worriedly at his friend, "We haven't even talked about this yet." He received nods from Nya, Jay and Lloyd.
"Zane's right though." Kai spoke up at this point, "I mean Jay did mention about 'Echo Zane' having being left there alone for who knows how long. Why wait to go get him?" Zane smiled at his friend's agreement and willingness to help him.
"But-" Cole next few words were interrupted by a knock at the door.  
Everyone turned to the front door, "I wasn't expecting company today." Darreth shuffled over the door before opening it a crack to look through, "Hello?"
"Long time no see, Darren." An older voice said smugly from the other side.
"You know it's Darreth, I hate to remind you Dog."
"Haha, just like old times... Can I come in or...?"
"Oh... Um..." Darreth looked at the Ninja for confirmation and got a nod from Lloyd, "Sure, come on in. I have company so..." Without much more he opened the door fully for the newcomer who then proceeded to pat him on the shoulder.
"Since when do you have company?"
"A lot changes in six months..."
"Yeah, but you don't." It was at this point the newcomer took notice of the other people in the room, "You weren't joking about having company, I just never expected..."
"The Ninja?"
"Yeah..." 'Dog' turned his attention fully to the group of ninja currently sat on Darreth's floor, "I'm Doug, pleased to meet you all." The Ninja didn't give much of a response for a few seconds other than blinking, "Um..."
Kai was first to answer this time, "Sorry, it's just kind of mind-blowing that Darreth actually has..."
"Friends." Jay finished before Nya elbowed him in the stomach, "Ow."
Lloyd shook his head at his friends, "I apologise for those two, it's nice to meet you Doug. I'm Lloyd, that's Jay-"
"I know who you are, I live with one of your fangirls..." Doug smiled good-naturedly as the group seemed to cringe, "But it was actually you six I came to talk to."
"Why come to Darreth then?" Cole asked crossing his arms.
"My friend told me how hard you guys are to get in contact with and I knew this idiot-" Doug pointed to Darreth who gave a yell in protest, "Had connections with you. So I thought find him, find you guys."
"And why do you need to talk to us?"
"I have information about that one's brother." He pointed to Zane who visibly stiffened, "Thought I'd be nice and share."
"What would that information be?" Zane narrowed his eyes at Doug who just crossed his arms in return.
"Let me start with the fact that he's currently hanging out with my crewmates at a playground near here."
"What?!" Seven voices responded to his statement followed by a flurry of other questions, "How did he get off the island? How long has he been there? Why is he with you? When did-" Said questions were stopped by Doug raising his hands to get everyone else's attention.
"My crew found him yesterday, he was on a makeshift boat in the middle of the ocean. We were heading to the mainland anyway and brought him with us. We also offered to help him find you guys, which is what I'm doing right now." A long silence fell over the room as they thought over this new information.  
Zane was having an internal conversation with PIXAL, 'He's here...'
"That's what he just said Zane."
'PIXAL, he's here.'
"You already said that, it's going to be a new thing with you? Repeating things?" PIXAL gave him a deadpan look which made Zane smile.
'I can go and see him right now.'
"Yes, yes you can." PIXAL smiled back, "Now say something to your friends, they are beginning to notice your sudden change in demeanour."
"Zane?" Nya clicked her fingers in front of his face.
"Is he dead?" Jay asked from behind her causing Cole to elbow him in the side, "You too? What is with people and hurting me today?"
"Maybe if you didn't say stupid things we wouldn't have to." Cole joked as Jay hit him on the arm.
"I can assure you my friends, I am definitely alive." Zane smiled at his friend's antics which made them all smile at him.
"Not that this isn't touching, but I don't trust my crew to handle themselves alone in public." Doug interrupted looking anxiously at the door.
"Sherwin and Kim still sail with you?" Darreth asked surprised.
"I thought you would have thrown them overboard or something by now."
"There have been moments..."
**At the playground**
The pair of sailors were tiredly sat on the bench as Echo continued to try and build something in the sandpit. They had helped Echo try everything in the playground, then had to try and stop his running after a dog when he got curious about it. Distracting him with food had worked at that point when Kim persuaded Sherwin to buy them Slushies (she insisted they were the best thing ever when Echo asked what they were). Said Slushie session had ended with a giant purple stain on Sherwin's T-shirt, a sheepish Kim and Echo obliviously enjoying the treat despite the mayhem that had previously occurred behind him.
"When do you think the Cap' is coming back?" Kim sighed leaning back on the bench.
"Soon I hope..." Sherwin glanced over at Echo then looked at the sky tiredly.  
"Who knew taking care of a single android would be so tiring?"
"You know the main reason we're tired is because you tried to force that sugar filled food dye down my throat." He grumbled crossing his arms.
"You should have just tried it, I mean what would been the harm in just trying a little bit. But nooo, you had to whack the thing out my hand and down yourself." She threw her arms in the air as if to emphasise her point.
"I didn't know I was going to get it down myself!"
"You wasted a perfectly good Slushie too." Kim pouted crossing her arms as well, "You know grape's my favourite."
"What are you two talking about?" A third voice joined in the conversation behind them making the pair jump to their feet. Doug stood behind them smirking and behind him were the Ninja (in their civilian disguises) looking confused at the pair of sailors, well more at Sherwin's stained T-shirt than anything else. "I see you have been having fun, anything to report?" He spoke in a mock authoritative tone.
"Negative Captain", Kim answered saluting him. "Except Sherly here murdered my Slushie."
"I can see that..." Doug looked over Sherwin who was now blushing from embarrassment, "Good to know, and how is our friend?"
"He's been fine...Curious, but fine overall", Sherwin shrugged as the entire group looked at the android currently trying to bury his legs in sand with the help of Gizmo who had finally escaped from his rucksack prison.
"Is that him?" Zane, unrecognised by Sherwin and Kim, asked as he looked hopefully at Echo.
"Sure is... You should go talk to him." Zane didn't need much prompting as he hesitantly went up to the edge of the sandpit. He smiled as Echo tried to dig up his legs, accidently covering Gizmo in sand. After saving his small friend from the mountain of sand, Echo took notice of the person standing next to the sandpit. Their smile looked so familiar, "Hello?"
"Hi..." Zane felt as if there was something stuck in his throat, preventing him from talking properly, "I am Zane."
"I am also Zane."
"I know..." The nindroid sank down beside the other, "I'm your brother." He slowly took off his hat the give the other a better look of his face. Echo's face lit up in realisation as he took in Zane's features, it was really him.  
Before Zane could do anything, Echo leapt at him in a crushing hug, "You're here." Echo buried his head in the crook of Zane's neck.
"I'm here." Zane smiled as he returned the hug, it felt so right. The group near the bench watched in silence as the two shared their embrace, well silent beside the sound of Kim quietly crying (Sherwin gave her a tissue). "I'm sorry I hadn't found you sooner."
"Being a ninja probably kept you busy." Echo released himself from the hug to sit up again, "I had Gizmo to play chess with." Said robot made his presence known at this moment by nudging his arm, Echo put the smaller robot in his lap. He laughed at Gizmo shook some of the sand off himself, "Although I'm not very good at chess, Gizmo always beat me." Zane smiled at the triumphant beep the small robot gave to this statement. He heard Jay and Cole laugh as well from behind them, speaking of his family...
"Jay and Nya told me a lot about you."
"Who?" Echo tilted his head to the side to look at the people near his new friends.
"It doesn't matter right now... They're my family, and yours if you'd like?" Zane glanced over his shoulder at the other Ninja, who gave him gestures of encouragement. Echo watched this wordless exchange, the thought of a family was... Pleasant? And warm? Unlike the feeling of emptiness it had replaced. He liked the idea. When his brother re-focused on him Echo smiled and nodded, "A family sounds nice."  
Echo watched as his brother stood up, dusted himself off and held out a hand to help him up. He took said offer and stood up, Zane was going to pick up his hat before a loud scream came from behind him. Or screams? Both the Ninja and the sailors turned to see a group the other side of the street yelling. The Ninja then turned to Kai who was currently on his phone typing, "Really?" Lloyd questioned causing Kai to look up from the device, "Again?"
"What? I was bored... And we haven't updated the feed since yesterday night." Kai then took notice of the group of screaming teen girls, "Oh... That's my fault, isn't it?"
"You think", Cole deadpanned and hit him on the back of the head.
"Hey, watch the hair."
"I think you guys should make yourself scarce soon." Sherwin pointed to the crowd as they finally crossed the street. The others nodded at his statement then looked back at the duo in the sandpit. Zane brought Echo over to the rest of the group, "It's been nice knowing you." Sherwin patted Echo on the shoulder.  
Kim gave him a quick hug, "Ooo, you should have our phone number. Just in case you miss us..." She turned to Doug who was looking through his pockets, "We have to come into the city ever so often to deliver some stuff, we can totally visit."
Doug finally pulled out a small case, "We have business cards." He gave one to Echo, "We have surprisingly good reception at sea." He smiled as Echo examined the card in his hands, "Call if you need anything."
"Sorry to break this up, but we need to go... Like right now." Lloyd glanced anxiously looked at the group of teens growing closer.
"See you soon." Doug laughed as the Ninja aside from Zane and Echo ran off, "Have fun with your new family, Kid."
"Bye Cap'", Echo then followed Zane after the others as the three sailors waved goodbye.
Send me a comment if you enjoyed or want to tell me something.
Until next time.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 1
Ta-da! There’s more!
TMAoEZ – Chapter 1:
Echo looked out the window of the lighthouse's top floor to a seemingly endless ocean surrounding the island from all sides. He had woken that day to a feeling he couldn't quite describe. Emotions were complicated things to him anyway but this was new. He felt empty. Not in the way he felt when one of his gears fell out or a limb came off. It felt as if he was missing something he couldn't think of no matter how hard he tried.
Yet he knew he to find whatever it was if he was going to fix this. He had already searched the entire lighthouse twice with the help of Gizmo, who didn't have the answer to his emptiness either. That meant that whatever was missing wasn't on the island. Or at least that's what Echo believed, "Boats are made from wood and so we shall use whatever wood we have to make one. Then another plank of wood can be our oar." He explained as he looked through the lighthouse's secret basement. Having already dragged out the wooden shelves and taken wood from the table upstairs he was still looking for an oar.
Gizmo nudged his leg before holding up a plank of wood. Echo smiled at his friends as he took the material, "Now we can set sail." He held the smaller robot under his arm as he raced out of the door and then down the many stairs in front of the building. A makeshift boat rested alongside the water, crafted out of various sized planks, rope and a tarp thing Echo had found in the basement. It wasn't the prettiest boat but he was proud of it. He carefully placed Gizmo into the boat before pushing it into the water.
After jumping into the boat himself Echo took one last look at the place he had called home his whole life. "Do you think where we are going has a lighthouse like this one?" His only answer was a series of beeps not really confirming anything. "Do you think Father will be there?" Echo had considered if his emptiness was caused by the loss of his only human contact suddenly going missing but he has accepted that his father must have had his reasons. After all he had a reason for everything, including making him to replace the original Zane. Who he talked about a lot but Echo couldn't blame him for that either, after all he wasn't the original and couldn't take that place in his father's heart away from his... Brother? Yeah, brother.
"Do you think my brother will there?" He had given up hope of ever meeting the person his father spoke so much of. Yet there was something his father had spoken of with his brother and that was hope. His brother must be amazing to inspire their father enough to never give up despite his less than favourable situation. This musing of his went on for several hours as he rowed the boat away from the lighthouse. Then didn't really stop until his shoulder joints began to hurt causing him to cease rowing.
The sky was no longer the clear blue it was before but rather a near black expanse broken by the occasion star and the full moon. The ocean around him lay almost still as Echo lay down in the boat facing the stars, "I wonder what it's like up there..." He reached both of his hands out in front of him, "To be surrounded by such pretty things as stars constantly rather than the ocean like we are." He got no response out of Gizmo, who seemed to have powered down to conserve energy. "Do you think it's lonely in space?"
**The next day**
Echo awoke to the feeling of someone tapping him on the face. Which was followed by the sound of birds, the ocean and people? The material that lay under Echo's hand was colder than wood or tarp. Curiosity to his current situation led him to open his eyes to a cloudy blue sky and a pair of people standing over him. Both of them donning some form of worried expression as he slowly sat up.
One of them currently whispering to another unknown individual on a walkie-talkie, "It's awake... No, it hasn't said anythi-… You want me to talk to it?... I understand..." The man in question looked hesitantly at Echo as the other tilted his head to the side, "Um... Hi there?"
"Hello", Echo looked at the pair and at his surrounding to see that he was on a larger boat than his own. "Where am I?"
"The Chestnut... It's a boat."
"Why am I here? Where is my boat?"
"That piece of driftwood you and the bucket were sitting in? We left it in the ocean and it got dragged off by the current. That thing wasn't safe to sail in."
"If it makes you feel any better we saved your bucket." The other person stated before holding out Gizmo, who was still in sleep mode. Echo took his friend from her arms then tapped him on the head a couple times.
"He is not a bucket, he is Gizmo. A robot assistant created by my father." Echo explained to them as he persisted in trying to wake up his friend, "What's the matter with him?"
"Is he broken?"
"Most likely... Do any of you have tools?"
"Now hold on a second", the man spoke again, "Who are you anyway? Why were you out here in a boat? Where's this father you mentioned? Does he know where you are? Does anyone who where you are?"
"I am Zane, I was created to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I was trying find a way to an answer to my emptiness. My father is gone and therefore does not know my current location nor does anyone else. Except you people, of course."
"I am not human but I can perhaps make it similar to watch people call 'loss'. I am missing something."
"And you were sailing to try and find it?"
"That was my intention, and yet I feel as if my lack of planning to make a safer boat has put my only friend in danger..." Echo sadly cradled Gizmo in his arms.
"I'm sure we can fix it, Sherly call the captain and let him know our guest here needs some tools." The woman stepped forward with her hand offering Echo help off the ground, "Now Zane, my name's Kim and this is Sherly."
"Sherwin", her companion said before whispering into his walkie-talkie. "His name is Zane... He needs help right now... He says 'tools' but I'm not sure which ones... Okay... Sure thing."
"Any luck?"
"Cap' wants to meet him... But we should have a toolbox lying around he can use to fix his friend."
"Does that sound okay?" She was addressing Echo at this point as her companion proceeded to walk off.
"That would be helpful, thank you."
"No need to thank me, it's the Cap' you gotta thank for not having you thrown over the side."
"Why would anyone do that?"
"Sherly thought you were an old fridge when we first fished you out the water."
"I look nothing like a fridge."
**Time skip 'cuz I'm lazy**
Later that evening, after Echo was introduced to the ship's captain 'Doug', he was sat below deck alongside the three-other people on board. He was still unable to figure out how Gizmo had broken in the first place and was beginning to lose hope of his friend ever coming online again. He sighed putting Gizmo on the table the four of them were sat around, as the others were watching TV.
Doug smiled sadly at him, "Any luck?" His answer was a shaking head before Echo rested defeatedly on the table, "Mind if I had a look at it?" Yet another head shake in response which allowed him to pick up Gizmo and begin tinkering with the small robot, "You know, I don't visit the city much now but I used to work for a tech company, pretty big one too. Not that I miss it all that much but I do enjoy fixing the odd piece of hardware, especially fine pieces like your friend here." He spoke happily before resting Gizmo back on the table upright, "Try him now."
Echo wasn't hoping for much when he tapped his friend on the head but was more than happy to see him finally come online, "How?"
"Cap's a man of many talents." Sherwin answered not removing his eyes from the TV.
"Shh, the Ninja are on TV." Kim waved her hand at the others, effectively quieting them.
"We freed the others, Nya got... Hurt badly and I kind of wished it all away to prevent it ever happening." Jay spoke on the TV followed by the presenter's comment.
"What they done now?" Sherwin questioned seeming completely uninterested.
"Nya and Jay finally got together after apparently resetting time or something." Kim answered quickly before returning her attention to the screen.
"So who was on this 'Backup Ninja Force', anyone we know?" The presenter spoke to the camera mostly, which Echo thought was weird since she wasn't addressing the audience but what did he know about show business.
"Well there was Ronin, Skylor, Darreth, Captain Soto, the Police Commisioner and..." Jay suddenly trailed off much to the confusion of the people on the ship. They continued to watch the Ninja's confusing exchange until Jay spoke three simple words, "He's Zane's brother." The camera then moved to said ninja who now held an emotionless expression on his face.
"Who's that?" Echo spoke up at this point as an all too familiar looking face came up on the TV.
"That's Zane, the ice nindroid..." Kim spoke slowly as she and the other two turned to face Echo, "You kind of look like him, you know."
"'Kind of'?" Sherwin interrupted, "He's the spitting image of Zane, minus the colour and general 'shiny-ness'."
"You don't think..."
**Back with the Ninja**
It had been anarchy after Jay's reveal of Zane's newly discovered brother with the nindroid in question having left the interview early. The presenter took pity on the remaining ninja, who were in just as much shock as their brother, by calling their interview to a close. The team, minus Zane, quietly made their way back to the Bounty. An awkward silence hung over them even as they all took a seat inside the games room.
Zane had been waiting for them to return home from his seat on the couch. His own silence had really been filled with PIXAL's voice and his own thousand-mile-an-hour thoughts. 'I have a brother?'
'How is that possible? Father never mentioned him, even when we were at the lighthouse. Did he just forget about him?'
'How could he? Was it because I was there? Did he feel that my brother wasn't important?'
'How could he think that? Is he there alone? For how long? How long has my brother been alone?'
"Are you alright?"
'I'm not...'
"Do you want to talk about it?"
'Yes... I just don't know how to feel about...'
'My brother... Oh PIXAL, I have a brother. A brother who's apparently alone on that lighthouse and has been since I took our father with me, away from him.'
"It wasn't your fault, you couldn't have known."
"But nothing Zane, you couldn't of... Didn't know about him but now you do. What you do next is the thing you can control and know about."
'…You're right."
"I know I am." Their internal conversation was interrupted by the appearance of the other ninja as they entered the room. Zane watched silently as they sat down, with Cole on the other end of the couch and the others scattered around the table on the floor. Jay looked pale still and was avoiding looking in Zane's general direction, "You should talk to him."
'I know.' Zane smiled at the almost smug look on PIXAL's face at this point, "Jay?" The ninja in question visibly jumped before turning to look at his friend.
"I'm sorry about my distressing reaction to news of my brother's existence. I was surprised by the news and retreated into my own head, so to say, and did so without thinking."
"If anyone needs to apologise it's me, I should have remembered to tell you about something as important as your brother..." Jay rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, smiling meekly.
"It's my fault too", Nya spoke up at this point. "I was there as well so I could have told you as well."
"It's okay... Everyone makes mistakes, but we should be thinking about how to fix this." Zane smiled, "Starting with you two telling us what you left out of your story about my brother."
"Oh... Well it started after we had escaped Ninjago City and went to that lighthouse your dad was imprisoned in..."
**Back to the ship with Echo**
"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm one of the first people to meet Zane's long-lost brother!" Kim almost screamed as her three companions covered their ears, "How did I not see it before? You two look so much alike!"
"Stop yelling!" Sherwin yelled over her rambling, "You fangirls really need to know when to chill." He sighed when she finally stopped talking.
"What is a 'fangirl'?" Echo asked as he uncovered his ears and checked if Gizmo was alright after the loud noise.
"Terrifying beings that will stop at nothing to get the things they love and scream over." Sherwin laughed at how scared Echo looked at that statement, "But they're one of the side effects of being famous, your brother must deal with them all the time. Well him and his friends, they're kind of a package deal at this point."
"They sound amazing."
"They are! I can tell you everything about them if you want!" Kim smiled excitedly at Echo who was more than happy to hear about his brother, "I'll take that smile as a yes then. Well there's their mentor Sensei Wu who gathered the first four ninja: Jay the master of lightning, Cole the master of earth, Zane the master of ice and Kai master of fire... ….. ….."
By the time she was through with her story Echo was falling asleep on the table in front of him. Instead of waking him up the trio of sailors draped a blanket over him before leaving to get some sleep themselves, well after Kim took pictures of him on her phone. "He's so cute~", she whispered sweetly, "Can we keep him forever Cap'?"
"No... I think it's time he and his brother were finally united, don't you think?" Doug whispered back.
"Aww, that's going to be so cool!"
"Shh!" Sherwin called from his bed before rolling over to face away from the two. Kim giggled before going to sleep herself. Doug took one last look at Echo then closed his eyes. What the trio didn't know is that Echo was listening the entire time, "I can't wait." But how is meeting my brother going to be cold? Must be because he's the 'master of ice' or something like that.
Hope you enjoyed this. Tell me if you did, I’ll be sure to respond.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Prologue
I wanted more Echo Zane fanfiction so I wrote my own.
After Jay reset time the Ninja's life continued to be as normal as it ever was. Everything being the same except his and Nya's relationship as well as the others knowing about a future they will never have thanks to his wish. The two of them had told the others about Nadakhan, their capture and how he was defeated by Jay's wish. Yet the blue ninja couldn't help but think they were forgetting something.
Anyway, speaking of their new relationship, the Ninja were currently on a chat show discussing that very topic. With questions varying from the others opinions to what they like most about each other, it was all pretty standard. Then of course the inevitable, "How did you two get together?", was asked and that's when things got complicated.
"Well... Um... I-It's actually a funny story, you see there was this thing with an evil Djinn and well stuff happened with the others getting captured..." Jay chose his words carefully looking to Nya for support, she nodded in encouragement. "Then after they were captured, including Nya, I assembled a kind of 'Backup Ninja Force' out some people we know. We ended up going to save everyone... We freed the others, Nya got... Hurt badly and I kind of wished it all away to prevent it ever happening."
"Aww, that's sweet, isn't it sweet folks?" The presenter addressed the audience who agreed, "So who was on this 'Backup Ninja Force', anyone we know?"
"Well there was Ronin, Skylor, Darreth, Captain Soto, the Police Commissioner and..." Jay listed the members on his fingers until he grew slightly pale, "He's still on the island." He turned to face Nya who was beginning to realise who he was talking about, "Nya he's still there, isn't he?"
"Who's still where?" Lloyd interjected into his friend's exchange, feeling as lost to their discussion as everyone else in the studio looked.
"Echo Zane..." Nya answered as she put her head in her hands, "With all the commotion we completely forgot about him."
"Who's 'Echo Zane'?" The show presenter looked between the Ninja to see if any of the others could answer.
"He's Zane's brother."
Hope you enjoyed this prologue to the rest of the story. Send a message if you did, I love hearing from people.
This story will include OCs later on but mainly kids (Echo needs friends his own age)
Until next time then.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
Again - Lavashipping
Based on the song ‘Again’ by Araki and Crusher-P
‘I haven't been myself lately.
It had always been in itch at the back of my mind. Small. Yet recently I can feel it more than usual, like a kettle about to boil over.
Or should I say They.
I don't blame you for not wanting to stay.
Saying things that I don't mean,  
not meaning what I say
People say that we all have a darker side but what happens when that side is another person entirely, yet someone who's a part of me. Sometimes it's a simple change in demeanour or speech while other times I'm missing parts of my memory. All of those times however, they scare me. They must scare the others as well.
When it's good, it's so good.
When it's bad, it's SO BAD.
They haven't surfaced in a while, not since the Elemental Tournament where I'd apparently threatened Lloyd with Chen's staff (I feel sick just thinking about it, he's my brother... I just can't-). It hurts to fight them at this point, to shut out someone who is constantly whispering inside your own head. I have to though... For my family.
What am I supposed to say when I end up driving everyone away?
It's always been the same. I find people who accept me, faults and all, but They take over to ruin it all. They want me to be alone, saying I don't need anyone else. They drive away the people I grow to care about, in fact I always wonder why Nya has stuck around me for this long, and I know it's my fault. I'm selfish for wanting to have other people in my life.
And you're never coming back,
And I'm not okay with that
And I should've never let myself get attached.
Especially to him... Cole.'
Kai sighed as he closed his diary, he'd read that writing down one's worries helps you deal with them, but he still felt terrible. The very thought of the earth ninja made his stomach hurt. He never wanted to fall in love.  It would just end in injury, like always.
'And that's the good bit.'
Kai winced as the thought crossed his mind, he hated himself so much. He just wanted them to stop talking.
'The day that happens you really will be alone, wimp.'
The insults had become a re-occurring thing as of recent, this was one of the tamer ones. Kai chuckled dryly to himself. He knew if They left he would probably have more friends, he would be even closer to his family to Cole.
'That f**khead again?! Just shut up about him already. We both know you the only you deserve is already here, inside your head.'
He thought about the team, who they were to him. How all of them had fought together as a family, to continue to be a family.
'You're lying to yourself, they're no family of yours and you know it.'
Kai scoffed, this was getting ridiculous. "Just shut up for once, I'm fed up listening to you." He muttered before placing the diary on his bedside table and laying down on his bed, "You don't know me or them, so stop talking.
'I know you better than anyone... And the fact I have to remind you just proves how stupid you are.'
'Maybe you just need to be reminded harder.'
"What do you-" For Kai, everything went black.
*Time skip*
Morning came all too abruptly for Kai, he was awoken by a sharp pain running up his arms. The fire ninja almost cried when he opened his eyes to see the source of said pain. Large burns stretched across the expanse of his arms from shoulder to wrist. His joints screamed as he tested each one, his elbow even began to bleed as the skin was torn and cracked.
Kai snapped his attention away from his arms as he heard movement outside his door. Hastily he grabbed a hoodie and threw it on to cover his burns. He left his room to head for the bathroom ignoring everyone on the way there, they would only find out.
'They're going to anyway, why prolong the inevitable? Them finally learning the truth about freaky, little Kai. The fire ninja who burns himself.'
"This was you, not me." Kai ground out as he entered his destination. He carefully peeled off the hoodie from where it had absorbed the blood and stuck to his cuts. Then he removed his now sleeveless short, grimacing at the black ends of the fabric.
The fire ninja hated himself so much right now. What his powers could do.
'But just like me, they are a part of you. Destructive, and they will eventually drive everyone away from you... And it will be all your fault.'
"Shut up!" Kai snapped quickly turning on the cold tap in front of him, "You're wrong."
'Keeping telling yourself that.'
Kai ignored them as he plunged his right arm into the cold water. Without meaning to, he screamed at the knife-like sensation it caused to crawl up his arm. He clamped his left hand over his mouth but he knew it was already too late. Kai whimpered as the sudden movement of his left arm tore more of the skin.
Running, or at least the sound of it, met his ears to come to a stop in front of the bathroom door. He felt a tear slip down his cheek as someone tried the door handle only to discover it was locked. At least they cared enough to try. The voice that followed made him want the floor to swallow him up right then and there, "Kai? Is that you?"
A beat or two passed before he replied through the lump in his throat, "Y-Yeah, it's me."
"Are you okay? I heard you yell from down the hall." Cole's voice held such genuine worry, Kai almost thought about opening the door but a glance over his arm stamped out those ideas.
"I'm fine... I just fell over the... Shower curtain?" Kai wanted to slap himself for sounding so uncertain.
"...Alright." Cole spoke with badly concealed reluctance, "Oh, Zane's almost done with the breakfast so hurry up before Lloyd eats all the bacon again. You complained last time."
"Don't be a hypocrite Cole, you did too." Kai let out a shaky laugh when he heard the other chuckle.
"Well anyway, hurry up with whatever you're doing." With those words Cole's footsteps began down the hall before becoming too quiet to hear. Kai waited for him to be far enough away so that he could slide to the floor with his back resting on the wall.
I am on fire
A crying, burning liar
From his seat on the ground he could still see himself in the mirror above the sink. Kai watched as tears rolled down his face before falling onto the burns still littering his arms.
Seeing nothing, nothing but myself
And I'm the one with the lighter
'You're pathetic, and now you even lie to him. You did this to yourself, you know that, right? Getting attached and forgetting about me.'
Kai sniffled in response as he curled up into a ball on the floor. He was alone, alone with himself. Everything he hated. His powers were his strength but even those could hurt him now. The fire ninja whimpered as he stood up using his arms.
Every inch of me is charred
God, what happened to my heart?
He looked at himself in the mirror once again. Forcing a smile, Kai began to fix his hair until he was satisfied with it. He ignored the red, puffy circles around his eyes to stare directly into them. They were telling the whole story. Deciding not to dwell on that fact he left the bathroom. No-one else had to know.
I'm about to fall apart
Again, again
He could deal with them on his own.
*Time skip*
Kai had chosen to skip breakfast, much to the confusion of his family. He had spent the time carefully wrapping bandages around his arms before slipping on a new hoodie to hide them. He planned to staying confined to his room for the rest of the day, the others didn't need to see him like this. But, of course things never work out like that.
A knock at his door broke Kai out of his staring contest with the ceiling. He kept quiet hoping whoever it was thought he was asleep yet they spoke instead. "Kai? Can I come in?"
It was Cole. Of course, it was Cole.
He responded with a short, strained noise which him want to hide in shame. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." Cole slid the door open with a worried look on his face. He was so considerate.
'You don't deserve him though, do you?'
Kai curled in on himself as Cole walked over to sit next to him on the bed, "Hey."
"Hey..." He tried to give the other a smile but it must not have been very convincing as Cole's eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"What are you doing in here all alone?" Cole glanced around the room before focusing back on the fire ninja. "You didn't even come to breakfast."
"I know..." He sighed meeting the others gaze to see nothing but concern and something he couldn't quite place. "It's just I wasn't very hungry."
"Oh, okay." Cole smiled making Kai's insides twist in self-hatred, he didn't deserve to be lied to.
'And yet here you are, doing just that. Too afraid of what he might think, well he isn't worth the worry. You mean nothing to him. Not now, not ever.'
"Hey Kai, can I tell you something?" Kai re-focused on his companion to find him looking hopefully towards him.
"Uh... Sure, go ahead, you can tell me anything." He smiled as the earth ninja sighed in relief, this must be important.
'I doubt it.'
"So... Uh... I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now and... I thought that you should know that... Um..." Cole fidgeted in his seat, his face a light pink.
'Will he just get on with it already!'
Kai choice to not grace that with a response as he put a comforting hand on his friend's knee, "It's okay, just calm down for a second and breath." He watched quietly as Cole looked him straight in the eyes. He let the other raise a hand to his face to brush a thumb across his cheek. It was gentle, intimate.
'You don't deserve this.'
Maybe he could enjoy this for a second as Cole brought their face closer together. Kai blushed bright red when their nosed bumped, they were so close. He saw the earth ninja watching him through half-lidded eyes as he spoke, "Can I?"
"Can you what?" Kai felt he knew the answer but needed to hear it himself.
"Can I kiss you?" Cole's eyes darted to his lips before meeting his gaze again, "Please."
"Yes." Kai breathed out as a lump re-appeared in his throat.
Before their lips could touch, Kai's world was engulfed in black once again.
*Time skip*
When Kai was able to see again he wished he wasn't. The sight that greeted him was his room decorated his scorch marks on every surface imaginable. His bed in ruin, closet with a giant hole in the middle of it, his ceiling light torn down. But what shocked him most was the sight of Cole looming over him panting in exhaustion, his clothing littered with similar scorch marks to the walls, as he pinned Kai's arms beside his head.
It burned so much.
Kai felt tears gather in the corner of his eyes as he met Cole's gaze. If eyes really were the window into the soul Cole's was broken, completely shattered. He couldn't bear to think about what had just happened. It was all his fault. "Kai-"
"Get off me!" Kai screamed to cut the other off making it easier to throw him off when he jumped in surprise. He stumbled to his feet and threw the door open without looking back despite the renewed sensation of his arms being torn apart. He ran. He ran until he was off the Bounty and so far into the forest surrounding their home he couldn't see it anymore.
What's done is done,
And nothing's gonna change
He slowed down at a small clearing illuminated by nothing but pure moonlight. It was so beautiful. It was so unlike him. He could only destroy or be destroyed, today had proven that. He must hate me so much now.
'He does.'
I should be moving on,
But I still feel the same.
'I made sure of that.'
Kai felt dread pool in the pit of his stomach at those words, "What'd you do?!" He screamed gripping his hair and falling to his knees.
'I showed him what your fire can really do. Hurt people. Hurt him. He, of course, fought back, the idiot. But it didn't take long to burn him and everything else you seem to think you deserve.'
"Why?!" He felt more tears fall down his face in hot waves, prickling against the cold of his skin in the night air. A breeze went by to act like knives against his re-burned skin, now uncovered without their bandages. "Why do you always do this?!"
And it's like everyday
Is a fight for my life
To get some self-control
'Because you don't deserve anything else, you never have! That's why your parents left, why you gave up so much to raise Nya by yourself, why you have to risk your life to save others you will never meet. You are nothing!'
And when you've forgotten who I am,
It just feels, it just feels...
I'm nobody at all
Kai felt as if time around him stood still, no sound and no feeling. He felt his perspective shift to the point he knew he had fallen on his side. He was numb. They had stopped talking.
I lost myself
Hitting the ground
I tried to scream
And made no sound
He watched as his hands lit up with his fire to see the flames dance in front of him. Mocking him. He held the power to destroy within his palm. The power to only destroy. The others could make things with their powers, sculptures, bridges, rivers, mountains, working machinery. They could do it all while he couldn't. He was nothing. Kai sighed as he let his hand fall to the ground.
I should have known it was no use
To try and run from
the cycle of abuse, the cycle of abuse
The grass around him set alight so he could extinguish his hand. He proceeded to rest both of them on his chest as he lied on his back to look at the sky. At least his final moments would be quiet. Kai felt the flame's heat brush against his side and accepted it. This was his fire. A part of him. A part that will destroy him just like every other part of himself.
I am on fire
A crying, burning liar
Seeing nothing, nothing but myself
And I'm the one holding the lighter
Every inch of me is charred
God, what happened to my heart?
I'm about to fall apart
Again, again
And you're never coming back
And I'm not okay with that
And I should've never let myself get-
The smell of smoke was his only comfort as his skin began to burn all over again. He screamed. Cried out to anyone who would hear and listen to every bit of his pain being released through a single sound.
Every inch of me is charred
God, what happened to my heart?
I'm about to fall apart
Again, again
And you're never coming back
And I'm not okay with that
And I should've never let myself get attached
"Kai!" The fire ninja didn't have the energy to face whoever was calling him. He just wanted everything to stop. Kai registered strong arms wrapping around his body, "Oh god, your arms... What happened? Why are you doing this? Kai!" He gave up on listening to whoever was talking and let the black take him again. Hopefully for the last time.
*Time skip*
Kai sighed when he opened his eyes to what he could tell was the Bounty's below deck ceiling. His head was killing him. It was as if he'd been hit over the head with a bat repeatedly to the point his skull wanted to cave in on itself. He sat up and held his head in his hands, as if it would relieve the pain at all, only to find his arms had once again been wrapped in bandages.
Someone cared.
He winced at his own thoughts. He waited for the impending insulting response to his moment of hope but none came. Kai finally registered the lack of itching deep within his head. It felt empty. Had They left?
Without realising it he allowed fresh tears to roll down his face. He was alone in his own head again. He was alone. Kai looked around the room he was in to find it wasn't his own but he didn't want to see who it did belong to, not after what happened. He brought his knees to rest under his chin while hugging his legs to his chest. He sniffled at thought of having to face Cole after what They had done.
What he had done.
Kai cried louder when that thought crossed his mind. His voice strong enough to block the sound of frantic footsteps in the hallway and the door sliding open. His breath hitched as a pair of arms wrapped around him in a secure embrace. Kai looked through his blurry vision to see Cole holding him close staring into his eyes. He whimpered as he tried to push the other away, he didn't deserve his consideration. "L-let me go..."
"No." Cole spoke sternly as he held him tighter.
"Why are you doing this?" Kai whispered, "Don't you hate me?" He felt the other move back at those words looking as if he had just been slapped.
"How could I ever hate you?" Cole questioned as he raised a hand to the brunette's face to wipe away his tears.
"I hurt you." Kai sniffled as he let more tears fall, "I hurt you for no reason and I don't want your forgiveness." He hung his head in shame, he just wanted this to end.
"Oh Kai, look at me." Cole lifted his chin so they could look each other in the eye, "I know it wasn't you-"
"How?" Kai interrupted quickly, he didn't like where this was going.
"Whoever it was didn't seem to like me very much so I asked Nya who it was. She explained everything." Of course she did, Nya knew everything about him. Especially who They were. "I'm sorry you had to live with them for so long."
"It's not your fault." Kai spoke surely, "It's mine."
"Kai, none of this was your fault, okay?" Cole smiled when he nodded before continuing, "I care about you too much to blame you for this."
"What?" Kai tilted his head to the side slightly, "What do you mean?"
Cole sighed shaking his head, but he was still smiling. "God, you are so cute. You know that, right?"
"C-Cute?" Kai stuttered feeling his face heat up, he was blushing so much.
"Yeah..." Cole smirked while leaning in closer to him, "So cute I want to do this." Without missing a beat, he pressed their lips together. He moved his arms to slip them around Kai's waist and bring them closer together. Kai made an embarrassed noise at both actions but allowed them to happen as he slowly wrapped his arms around Cole's shoulders, despite the pain it caused.
They pulled away to smile at each other before Cole re-connect their lips for another kiss. This one became more heated as he brushed along Kai's waist making the other gasp allowing him to slip his tongue into his mouth. Kai moaned as Cole's tongue probed his mouth, which made him blush more than ever.
This time when they separated Cole spoke with such sincerity that Kai wanted to cry, "I love you."
"I love you too." Kai smiled shyly before resting his head in the crook of the Cole's neck. "And thank you."
"For what?" Cole laughed as he felt Kai nuzzle the side of his face.
"For being here... With me."
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