kenobic · 2 years
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@wahrsagung​  ⧹  anakin  ⧹  ❛  we’re  only  haunted  by  the  things  we  refuse  to  accept.  ❜  ⧹  soft  thorns  sentence  starters
          obi-wan  doesn't  let  the  surprise  show  in  his  reaction,  but  the  words  are  wisdom  he  rarely  expects  from  his  young  student.  although  he  should  rather  begin  to  adjust  his  expectations,  as  of  lately  it  seems  anakin  has  been  eating  wisdom  by  the  spoonful  for  breakfast.  is  this  the  breakthrough  obi-wan  has  been  waiting  for,  the  step  he's  wanted  anakin  to  come  towards  him?  he  is  growing  up.  obi-wan  cannot  help  feeling  a  wave  of  pride  when  he  looks  at  him.  
          “ very  good,  anakin.  remorse  is  a  complicated  thing,  and  we'd  do  good  to  remember,  but  never  let  your  path  be  steered  by  the  uncertainty  of  what  could've  been.  acceptance  is  often  the  only  way. ”
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kenobic · 2 years
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You didn’t know. Lord Vader will be pleased...he’s been looking for you for a long time.
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kenobic · 2 years
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kenobic · 2 years
what flavor is your soul?
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oh  child  of  spice  you  are  bound  to  the  core  of  the  earth.  can  you  feel  the  heartbeat  of  nature  pulsing  through  your  veins.  you  are  the  mouthful  of  autumn  that  scorched  through  your  throat,  you  are  the  pepper  of  life  that  wakes  up  the  weary.  the  foolish  and  shaking  will  attempt  to  dilute  you  with  sickening  sugar,  do  not  let  them.  your  spark  is  what  keeps  us  alive  my  dear.  keep  burning,  little  star.  you  see  the  beauty  and  the  light,  but  oh  you  have  been  fed  poison  and  refuse  to  drop  it  onto  other's  tongues.  be  wild.  I  know  what  your  heart  is  chanting.  run.  run.  run.  run  dear,  find  your  story.  do  not  trade  your  spirit  for  safety.  you  are  a  child  of  the  earth,  forever  seeking,  forever  dancing.
tagged: @siennabook​​ xx
tagging: @forcebleed​  @lightfaithed​  @gildedglcry​  @sithchosen​  @diplomcy​​
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kenobic · 2 years
And as for Kenobi… Let him drown in his own misery. Every time he will hear the name Darth Vader, he will be reminded of his own failure.
The Emperor to Darth Vader, probably (via keblava)
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kenobic · 2 years
❝  what does ‘happy’ feel like?  ❞
❝  i think the real ‘monsters’ are the ones who create the monstrous things.  ❞
❝  broken things aren’t always ruined.  ❞
❝  healing isn’t always about putting yourself back together the way you were.  it’s about making something new out of the pieces that are left.  ❞
❝  they stole my voice.  this is me taking it back.  ❞
❝  dying isn’t so bad…it’s the leaving.  going away when you haven’t really even gotten to do anything yet.  ❞
❝  quiet.  the ghosts are talking.  ❞
❝  i think sometimes,  some people are just meant to carry pain.  ❞
❝  i’m not sure what love is supposed to feel like.  i’ve never really had it before…but i know i feel good with you.  warm.  like home.  ❞
❝  there are some things worse than death.  would you like to see them?  ❞
❝  you can get used to any pain.  but loneliness,   that’s what makes you break.  ❞
❝  the only thing that saved me was me.  ❞
❝  i didn’t survive…i just didn’t die.  there’s a difference.  ❞
❝  please stop lying i’m trying to think.  ❞
❝  i’ve always been at home among the haunted things.  ❞
❝  the world is too big.  and i don’t know how to be in it anymore.  ❞
❝  i’ve seen what ‘bad’ looks like.  you’re one of the good ones,  trust me.  ❞
❝  i think i’m afraid to heal,  because that means i can be broken again.  ❞
❝  there is good in the world.  i know there is.  i just don’t think i get to have it in my life.  ❞
❝  you have to hold on to the little joys when you find them.  ❞
❝  everything in nature is about balance.  i think the spiritual world is like that too.  maybe,  if my life is so filled with darkness and hurt,  someone else out there is getting nothing but light and warmth.  someone who deserves it.  ❞
❝  i don’t want to hide anymore.  ❞
❝  sometimes it’s easier to believe there’s something wrong with me.  it’s easier than if i didn’t deserve all those things and people knew that and chose to hurt me anyway.  that just seems worse somehow.  ❞
❝  you have a very messy brain.  ❞
❝  do you think the moon gets lonely?  ❞
❝  when i was little i used to believe fairies made it rain.  i think i just wanted the world to feel magical.  ❞
❝  people always go away.  even if they don’t mean to.  no one stays.  ❞
❝  anything can be a cage.  ❞
❝  at least,  no one can touch my soul.  that’s mine.  that will always be mine.  ❞
❝  time doesn’t speak to me.  ❞
❝  embrace your chaos…hug your demons.  ❞
❝  there are things you can never forget once you know them.  ❞
❝  don’t go poking around this stuff…it pokes back.  ❞
❝  i just live in each second as it comes.  that’s all i have.  ❞
❝  the only thing we can really control is ourselves.  but there’s a power in that.  only you get to decide what kind of person all the hard things turn you into.  ❞
❝  i feel like i don’t know much of anything anymore.  ❞
❝  a body is just something you’re stuck inside.  it’s not really you.  just a place to stay for a little while.  ❞
❝  i don’t know why people like to hurt me.  they just do.  ❞
❝  i killed him but,  now there’s a mess.  ❞
❝  i want to help.  please?  i just want to do something good.  ❞
❝  i’m not very brave.  or strong.  i broke.  they broke me…but i’m still here.  ❞
❝  i got blood on my dress.  i really like that dress.  ❞
❝  there are so many secrets in my head i never asked for.  ❞
❝  i’m in here.  i’m inside this body.  there’s still a person in here and it’s mine.   it’s my body.  i’m tired of so many people acting like it isn’t.  ❞
❝  i don’t really sleep much anymore.  but it’s okay,  someone has to keep the moon company.  ❞
❝  i’m so angry.  it’s always there.  but if i let it out i’m afraid i’ll never stop.  ❞
❝  i didn’t think i’d still be alive by now.  i’m not really sure what to do now that i am.  ❞
❝  everyone’s a little bit broken.  but it’s okay.  broken things can be pretty too.  that’s how mosaics are made.  ❞
❝  i don’t want anyone to hurt the way i’ve hurt.  no one deserves that kind of pain.  ❞
❝  i’ll be gentle with your heart.  ❞
❝  i like your soul.  it’s beautiful.  ❞
❝  you have a pretty brain.  ❞
❝  the pain gets better.  it won’t go away completely but.  you get used to it.  it will get easier to breathe,  bit by bit until you don’t really notice it anymore.  ❞
❝  let me make it better.  please?  ❞
❝  you’re hurting.  i can tell.  you don’t have to hide it.  ❞
❝  you can’t hurt me in a way i haven’t already survived.  ❞
❝  the thing about being broken,  is it’s already done.  you know you can get through anything after that.  ❞
❝  people are kind of like art.  everyone is going to see something different when they look at you.  ❞
❝  i choose to help people because no one helped me.  i want to be that person for others that i needed.  ❞
❝  fucking dumbasshole.  ❞
❝  i’m still trying to figure out what i want to be.  ❞
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kenobic · 2 years
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kenobic · 2 years
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A study in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s life as a Jedi, the tragedy of Star Wars, & dialogue from the Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer.
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kenobic · 2 years
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@griefdestined ​  ⧹  obi-wan  ⧹  ❛  you  are  the  brave  one.  ❜  ⧹  soft  thorns  sentence  prompt  (  accepting  )
          he’s  probably  just  saying  it  to  get  him  to  do  it.  they’re  both  stubborn,  and  it’s  the  source  of  most  if  not  all  their  disagreements,  though  owen  does  not  plan  on  giving  in  anytime  soon.  obi-wan  is  right,  he  is  the  brave  one,  or  at  least  braver  than  his  brother,  so  he’ll  hold  his  chin  high  and  take  the  provocation  as  literal.  their  masters  would  probably  be  disappointed  —  since  they  are  younglings  their  temper  has  gotten  them  into  trouble,  and  this  confrontation  will  be  no  different.  he  doesn’t  want  to  imagine  the  lecture  they’ll  get  otherwise,  though,  and  there’s  no  harm  if  you  don’t  get  caught.  hopefully  obi-wan  at  least  has  his  back.
          “  fine,  ”  he  huffs,  and  he’s  trying  not  to  look  too  defeated.  “  watch  out  in  the  hall  then.  make  some  noise  when  someone’s  near  and  i’ll  find  a  place  to  hide.  ”  great.  now  how  to  break  into  an  older  padawan’s  room  to  take  back  the  sabers  that  they  ‘  confiscated  ’...
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kenobic · 2 years
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name: obi-wan kenobi residence: jedi temple on coruscant / across the galaxy / tatooine the number of blankets: one or none the number of pillows: one or none type of clothes: under layers, wide tunics, light linen, traditional gear and wraps, assigned robes, earthy and sandy colors, whatever seems inconspicuous. not infrequently he is forced to simply sleep in his daily wear do they sleep with company?: no, though are you ever alone when the force is with you? does it matter where they sleep?: not at all. years of training have made him able to sleep and meditate anywhere under almost any condition. what do they do if they cannot fall asleep?: meditate frequent dreams, nightmares?: very frequent, often repeating. it’s hard not to hold onto them too much, because the force may grant visions but sometimes dreams are just dreams. deep slumber or naps?: almost exclusively naps and light sleep. especially when he is outside of the temple he rests in more of a deep meditative state and is still somewhat alert. when do they sleep?: at night? or when he has to, there’s no real night in deep space. what could wake them up?: he is alert to unusual sounds and shifts in atmosphere so. technically anything.
tagged by: @speclor​​ thank u !! tagging: @sithchosen​ @siennabook​​ @zukunftsvision​​ @hesith​​ @luceat​​
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kenobic · 2 years
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OBI-WAN KENOBI & ANAKIN SKYWALKER Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
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kenobic · 2 years
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@i-am-no-jedi-tano  ⧹    ahsoka  ⧹      ❛  i  don’t  know  how  to  fall  asleep  anymore.  ❜  ⧹  soft  thorns  sentence  prompt  (  accepting  )    
          ahsoka  is  a  padawan  like  no  other  —  apart  from  being  one  of  the  most  unruly  ones  he  has  met  and  being  taught  be  the  unruliest  of  masters,  she  is  in  a  position  few  of  them  at  the  order  have  ever  had  to  live  through.  the  jedi  apprenticeship  is  perhaps  unique  to  every  student,  no  less  due  to  the  times  and  the  conflicts  that  mark  them.  though  none  of  them  have  had  to  grow  into  a  knight  in  the  midst  of  a  galactic  war.  sooner  or  later,  every  padawan  will  witness  their  first  death,  see  slaughter  and  treachery,  war  and  other  terrors.  but  they  all  return  to  a  safe  world,  where  they  can  hope  for  a  more  peaceful  next  mission.  ahsoka  encounters  the  terrors  of  war  every  day,  it's  no  surprise  that  they  follow  her  even  to  bed  at  night.
          "  these  are  trying  times,  young  one.  never  lose  focus,  though.  let  the  force  guide  you.  "  obi-wan  pauses.  there's  no  less  generic  advice  he  could  give.  "  have  you  tried  meditation?  "
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kenobic · 2 years
hello welcome to my kenobi blog where i am desperately obsessed with the arcs where he is tempted or forced to stop being a jedi ( see: the jedi apprentice, especially the beginning arc and the melida/daan conflict, clone wars rako hardeen arc, exile kenobi bc, u know, there is no jedi order anymore )
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kenobic · 2 years
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@sheelall​ ⧹  general  grievous⧹  💬  ⧹  random  sentence  prompt  (  accepting  )
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                    "  it  looks  like  you're  in  trouble  there.  can  i  help?  "
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kenobic · 2 years
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@lightfaithed​  ⧹   obi-wan  ⧹  💬  ⧹  random  sentence  prompt  (  accepting  )
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                    "  if  we  both  stick  to  the  story,  they  can't  prove  anything.  "
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kenobic · 2 years
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@sithchosen​  ⧹  anakin  ⧹   ❛  you  are  the  brave  one .   ❜   ⧹  soft  thorns  sentence  prompt  (  accepting  )  
          they're  only  few  hours  from  landing  and  obi-wan  can  sense  his  padawan's  nerves.  he  has  to  be  careful  not  to  distract  him  more;  this  is  perhaps  the  first  truly  dangerous  territory  they've  entered  during  anakin's  apprenticeship,  and  any  mistake  could  have  grave  consequences.  this  kind  of  worry  that  seems  so  innate  in  his  student  is  not  the  way  of  a  jedi,  though,  and  it's  on  obi-wan  alone  to  train  it  out  of  him.  he  promised  the  council  this  much,  and  qui-gon,  and  anakin  himself.
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          "  calm  yourself,  anakin.  this  matter  doesn't  require  bravery,  only  trust  in  the  force.  turn  your  focus  away  from  your  thoughts  and  towards  your  senses.  reach  out  into  the  force.  ground  yourself,  if  you  must.  we  don't  have  much  time.  "
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kenobic · 2 years
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@sithchosen​​  ⧹  anakin  ⧹  💬  ⧹  random  sentence  prompt  (  accepting  )
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          "  you  were  meant  to  be  watching  him!  "
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