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Here’s an rp blog for Death from the Darksiders series looking to restore balance. So hit the like/reblog for an arrogant, sarcastic, cold nephilim, the one and only Reaper and his scythes to silently stalk his prey.
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Square up, boy
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WHY. HOW. Who thought it would be a good idea for him to have a GUN? Nevertheless a HAND?? Well, now he’s got a gun. Out of all beings to have a gun, it just HAD to be the chicken, huh.
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Me, remembering this blog exists:
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“HEY, I may be a dumbass, but I sure as heck am NOT stupid.”
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He’s definitely stupid. In fact, he’s so stupid, he even attempts poking at his shoe as he asks, “Hey actually, complete stranger, what’s with your getup? Aren’t you cold or something?”
He personally wouldn’t know, he’s a cartoon, the entire world is literally in the palm of his hands. If he really wanted to, he could make a spotlight appear out of nowhere. Like stated before, he’s overpowered, someone please for the love of god nerf him.
open starter;
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His account has been dead for nearly decades now. People had wondered, was the chicken even still alive?
Turns out, he was.
He literally crawls out of the woodworks, the sound of someone’s boredom fueling his chaotic, tiny brain. Out of all things, out of all the possibilities in the entire world, this tiny overpowered cartoon chicken decided he’d mess with a summon spirit today.
“How about now?”
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open starter;
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“Bleh… Today is boring.” A sigh as he stared at nothing in particular.
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Things I’ve Said RP Starters: The Series, except this time it’s stupid crap I’ve said on Discord
Yes you can change the pronouns I’m not stoppin y'all knock yourselves out
2. “Bro that really butters my fucking pickle dude”
3. “Far out dude that was the most beautiful cursed thing I’ve ever seen in my life”
4. “Broh I’m so tired like you won’t believe how hard it can be to lift up one singular plate.”
6. “Do you not like my wittle toesies?”
7. “Ah, babies, finally some good fucking food.”
8. “Okay no you don’t understand they may be the size of crumbs but there’s like one thousand of them and only one me.”
9. “Your child. Hand him over.”
10. “No you’re a penguin you useless lesbian”
11. “How come HE gets to be a lesbian icon I technically gave him that idea”
12. “I’m gonna eat my whole asshole.”
13. “Piss!”
14. “Fucker I have bigger dick energy than you and I don’t even have one”
16. “You must grow BIG and STRONK by eating BEAR MEAT so you can grow stronk like bEAR.”
17. “This is the gay police you haven’t done anything we’re gay and just wanted to tell you you’re gay too”
18. “Okay no if I put in this one it’s gonna be a fourth wall break and I’ve done too many of those.”
19. “Pplease have mercy on my lesbian sou l”
20. “Okay see funny thing about tumblr is that if one person gets pissed you die that’s it there’s no escape you fool you absolute buffoon of a man”
21. “I swear if in an alternate dimension my life is a show and no one has placed wii music over the tragic points in my life someone is going to pay with their life.”
23. “If I’m going to be your child you have to battle me to the death in pokemon and win.”
24. “NO, I’ll never acknowledge him as my father he’s a crusty piss lizard man.”
25. “Look at him, giggling like a cartoon villain, absolutely sickening.”
26. “Yeah dude let’s live off CORN for the rest of our lives just like the motherfucking pioneers dude damn they’d be so proud”
27. “Oh hey if you’re dead can I sell your organs on the black market thanks”
28. “Disgustang.”
29. “FUCK you Brenda you stale ass bitch we’re eating casserole tonight not your stank ass lemon bites”
30. “Die.”
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Chiquito, stubborn as usual, was simply ramming against the bars of the cell as if it would help somehow. “Well since you’re here, think you can get us out somehow? Pry the bars open? Headbutt it with your big furry wolf form head? Literally anything that might help?” He attempted whipping out a small metal rod to pry the bars open, wedging it between them and hopping on the rod in hopes that might help. With his weight, it did absolutely nothing, but he continued trying.
🔳 (kfc)
Send 🔳 for our muses to share a jail cell
“Honestly, I’m not sure why they threw me in here with you.” Bigby was against the wall, pissed off with the outcome of the fallout moments prior. The bars had been done perfectly so not even a small chick could escape. “It should just be you in this cell, not me. But they said ‘throw the nutcase with his pet in here, keep him company’. Fuckin’ mundies.” 
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//Hey yall if anyone’s interested in rping with a witch stuck in a cat body just kinda like/reblog this so I can see who would be interested in a blog for Shade
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Well I’ve finally finished the rules but I haven’t made the about yet. So if anyone new wants the whole gyst of Chiquito, here’s the basics:
Chiquito is a young chick who used to live a happy life on a farm in a peaceful kingdom surrounded by ranging levels of magic. Where he lived, magic was simply something minor, something you would encounter in the woods or use as an energy source.
One day, his whole life was turned upside down when a large mob of unknown enemies came from the sky in large black ships. Without any warning, they attacked his farm, using the surprise of the inhabitants to his advantage. His siblings were either crushed to death by those attempting to run away, shot directly or in crossfire, or simply burned alive by a fire the enemy started during the massacre. Chiquito was the only one who survived, using his dead mother’s body to hide, who was killed in the crossfire like a few of his siblings.
Once the footsteps of the enemy disappeared, Chiquito escaped before he too was burned alive like a few members of his farm. Dazed with shock and trauma, he wandered into the forest that surrounded his home, stumbling around for days until a cat found him crying next to a tree.
Said cat’s name was Shade, a witch who disguised herself as a cat to hide from the enemy that massacred the members of his farm, only to forget the spell to change herself back in the midst of the moment. She had her own experiences with the enemy, who she had discovered called themselves Negates. Because of said experiences, she was on a quest to defeat them herself.
Seeing as Chiquito was the only one who survived the massacre, she figured he might have something she could use to her advantage. So, she offered for him to join her to defeat the Negates. In blind rage towards the enemy, Chiquito accepted without hesitation.
In current time, they travel through universes together, searching for Negates and defeating them before it’s too late.
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//yo guys what if I make a shade rp blog
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There’s an EGG! It’s too large to be a hen egg, or even most regular eggs, and the pattern is strange. Where did it come from? There’s no sign of any parents. Clearly, it’s going to need taken care of until it hatches.
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Clearly, this was a dilemma. Chiquito had no idea whatsoever on how to hatch an egg. He’s a rooster after all, therefore, his knowledge was limited. However, something had to be done.
He ran off, out of the scene. To where? No one knows. Immediately, loud machinery and banging emitted from his position, lasting for about a few seconds before suddenly stopping, being followed by Chiquito running back to the scene with a blanket. With great effort, he threw the blanket onto the egg, exclaiming, “Don’t worry little guy! I’m not sure if you’re dead yet, but I don’t have my parents around anymore either too! So, we both gotta stick together! I’m not sure if you even understand me, but I’ll stick around just in case. Maybe Shade will come back and turn me human too so I can take care of you properly!”
And with that, he plopped down next to the egg, waiting for his furry guardian to come back.
0 notes
Well I’ve finally finished the rules but I haven’t made the about yet. So if anyone new wants the whole gyst of Chiquito, here’s the basics:
Chiquito is a young chick who used to live a happy life on a farm in a peaceful kingdom surrounded by ranging levels of magic. Where he lived, magic was simply something minor, something you would encounter in the woods or use as an energy source.
One day, his whole life was turned upside down when a large mob of unknown enemies came from the sky in large black ships. Without any warning, they attacked his farm, using the surprise of the inhabitants to his advantage. His siblings were either crushed to death by those attempting to run away, shot directly or in crossfire, or simply burned alive by a fire the enemy started during the massacre. Chiquito was the only one who survived, using his dead mother’s body to hide, who was killed in the crossfire like a few of his siblings.
Once the footsteps of the enemy disappeared, Chiquito escaped before he too was burned alive like a few members of his farm. Dazed with shock and trauma, he wandered into the forest that surrounded his home, stumbling around for days until a cat found him crying next to a tree.
Said cat’s name was Shade, a witch who disguised herself as a cat to hide from the enemy that massacred the members of his farm, only to forget the spell to change herself back in the midst of the moment. She had her own experiences with the enemy, who she had discovered called themselves Dominators. Because of said experiences, she was on a quest to defeat them herself.
Seeing as Chiquito was the only one who survived the massacre, she figured he might have something she could use to her advantage. So, she offered for him to join her to defeat the Dominators. In blind rage towards the enemy, Chiquito accepted without hesitation.
In current time, they travel through universes together, searching for Dominators and defeating them before it’s too late.
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“Hello all, Lily here! It’s springtime at last, and all the kids are starting out on their Pokemon journey. Be sure to sign up if you’re ready to take your egg this year!”
//Those who reblog this post before the first of June, 2018, will receive an egg in their inbox and a Pokemon sometime in June based on their muse. Only applicable for RP blogs, any fandom. Reblog to get an egg. Multimuse blogs, please state which muse! You MUST have your submission open, or you won’t be able to receive your egg!
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The only time this bitch’ll curse
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“Now hold on just a second! You haven’t even heard it yet, it’s great I swear!”
“But... But I have the perfect joke...” (kfc)
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“Don’t even think about it boy!”
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reblog this if on april fool’s, you’re accepting ic ‘pranks’ in your ask box. put ketchup in my muse’s drink, tie their shoelaces together, go wild. go crazy. have fun dealing with the consequences.
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