kerblackthorn · 4 years
Conjuration of the Directions
Conjuration of the Spirits of the Directions
* Say this to each of the four parts of the world first, going counterclockwise, W-S-E-N in the circle just as the ever-vigilant Celestial Bear Twins do, and all of ancestral witchdom after Them: “Venite via Amorule Taneha Latisten Rabur Taneha Latisten Escha Aladia Alpha & Omega Apollo Leyste Oriston Baal.”
Conjure to the West: “Harthan, Sarabocres, Iammax, Formione, Barthan, Lucifer, Maymon, Abaa”
* ”Hebethel, Amocap, Oilol, Mylau, and Abuchaba, in the name of Baal Hadad, Lumiel Luterios Lucifer to Whom thou owes thy allegiance, I charge thee to rouse ye masters in the West! Come, King Harthan, with thy ministers Bileth, Milalu, and Habuchaba!”
Strike to the West, conjure: “May this most mild King Harthan come/go forth with all his swift legions to do my will!”
Conjure to the South: “Iammax, Formione, Barthan, Lucifer, Maymon, Abaa, Harthan, Sarabocres”
* ”Atraurbiabilis, Yaconaababur, Carmeal, Innial, and Proathophas, in the name of Baal Hadad, Lumiel Luterios Lucifer to Whom thou owes thy allegiance, I charge thee to rouse ye masters in the South! Come, King Iammax, with thy ministers Carmox, Ichanol, and Pasfran!”
Strike to the South, conjure: “May this mighty King Iammax come/go forth with his innumerable legions to do my will!”
Conjure to the East: “Barthan, Lucifer, Maymon, Abaa, Harthan, Sarabocres, Iammax, Formione”
* “Baxhatau, Gahatus, Caudes, and Iarabal, in the name of Baal Hadad, Lumiel Luterios Lucifer to Whom thou owes thy allegiance, I charge thee to rouse ye masters in the South! Come, King Barthan, with thy ministers Taadas, Caudas, and Yalcal!”
Strike at the East, conjure: “May this most powerful King Barthan come/go forth with all his Ouranic legions to do my will”
Conjure to the North: “Maymon, Abaa, Harthan, Sarabocres, Iammax, Formione, Barthan, Lucifer”
* “Mextyura, Alcybany, and Alflas, in the name of Baal Hadad, Lumiel Luterios Lucifer to Whom thou owes thy allegiance, I charge thee to rouse ye masters in the South! Come, King Maymon, with thy ministers Albunalich, Assaibi, Haibalidech, and Yasfla!”
Strike to the North, conjure: “May this most harsh King Maymon come/go forth with all his aerial legions to do my will!”
Conjure to the NW: “Abaa, Harthan, Sarabocres, Iammax, Formione, Barthan, Lucifer, Maymon”
* “Zobha, Drohas, Palas, and Zambas, in the name of Baal Hadad, Lumiel Luterios Lucifer to Whom thou owes thy allegiance, I charge thee to rouse ye masters in the South! Come, King Abaa, with thy ministers Hyicuses, Quyron, Zach, and Eladeb!”
Strike to the NW, conjure: “May this most noble and wise King Abaa come/go forth with his wise legions to do my will!”
Conjure to the SW: “Sarabocres, Iammax, Formione, Barthan, Lucifer, Maymon, Abaa, Harthan”
* “Cambores, Trachatat, Nassar, and Naassa, in the name of Baal Hadad, Lumiel Luterios Lucifer to Whom thou owes thy allegiance, I charge thee to rouse ye masters in the South! Come, King Sarabocres, with thy ministers Nassar and Cynassa!”
Strike to the SW, conjure: “May this most noble and shining King Sarabocres come/go forth with all his shining legions to do my will!”
Conjure to the SE: “Formione, Barthan, Lucifer, Maymon, Abaa, Harthan, Sarabocres, Iammax”
* “Harit, Iesse, Ryon, Nesaph, and Naadob, in the name of Baal Hadad, Lumiel Luterios Lucifer to Whom thou owes thy allegiance, I charge thee to rouse ye masters in the South! Come, King Formione, with thy ministers Guth, Maguth, and Gutrhyn!”
Strike to the SE, conjure: “May this most beautiful King Formione come/go forth with all his angelic legions to do my will!”
*Place the censer in the East to billow, and conjure with bowed head: “Geneolia, Chide, thou Ministers of the Tartarean seat of Apologia, powers of Maonamiria, I conjure and invoke thee to come quickly and without delay, from all parts of the world, to respond rationally to all that I ask of thee, not harming me or my kin. Come thou with truthfulness and veracity, with peace and revelation, to show whatever we wish, being conjured by the Mastriss to Whom thou owes obedience, Lumiel Noumios Luterios Lucifer, Aoth Abraoth Basym Isak Sabaoth IAO.”
* Omit any asterisked lines during the dismissal, and, after dismissing them one by one, include some line that amounts to, “Return to thy abodes with my blessing, and may peace always remain between me and thee, my kin and thine.” I use another conjuration of the Blessed Mother, the Mastriss, and two Pagan hymns to ensure that no lingering spirit might remain to cause me ill after the dismissal, which I may post here in the future.
This conjuration is based on a dimly beheld Latin grimoire which has not made its way into English translation yet entirely… it is the only grimoire I am aware of to give the spirits of the direction’s names so clearly, and to go on to name their ministers and the servants who “rouse” them. It also states that North is of Saturn, West for the Moon, South for Mars, East for the Sun, Southwest for Venus, and Southeast for Jupiter. I believe that the omitted planet, Mercury, being Mercurial, is at times in the Northwest and at others the Northeast. My presumption is that this changes either seasonally, or due to the course of the Moon. When the Moon waxes, Mercury would probably reside to the Northwest, and Northeast when the Moon wanes. Mercury is the planet of the Mastriss, tricky and androgynous. It is for this reason that I have added the Latin name of the Mastriss to the conjurations, “Lucifer”, allotting the Northeastern quadrant of the circle to be devoted to Them. You can change the name, or you can omit this quadrant as the original Latin authors did.
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
A Rite to Brew Ensorcelled Water
In the Shakespearean Folger library, the summation of which makes up "The Book of Oberon", words of power are described which Adam spoke in Paradise to speak with different nonhuman creatures. The text explains:
“Here followeth the names of Semoferas which God gave to Adam in Paradise, in which be four letters compared and likened to the four parts of the world, to the four elements…” (Harms, Daniel, James R. Clark, and Joseph H. Peterson, eds. The Book of Oberon: A Sourcebook of Elizabethan Magic. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2016 pg. 163, Folger V.B.26).
The original grimoire says that “Adam spake” with many different creatures by use of these words, meaning that these words open up channels of communication between nonhuman entities. The revelation of the truth of animism may be accomplished through these words... I began to glean and draw from parts which I had success with fifteen years ago, including using the following “Semoferas” words some ten years ago or so.
Without further ado, this is the rite that causes the Water necessary for ritual baptism and all other manner of sorceries concerning such Water to be created. For spells which bring a Poppet to life or grant initiation, harvest a local herb that is known to be an herb of beginning: good trees to look out for include Aspen, Birch, Myrtle, Fig, Orange, Apple, or Peach. These trees are womb-like, nurturing and fiery.
To put yourself in contact with the Otherworld for works of sorcery, look to harvest Acacia, Ash, Maple, Oak, Rowan, Pine, or Willow. For protection, Cypress and Juniper trees are best when dealing with a malevolent spirit, as are herbs from the Salvia family, the Sage species, for cleansing. Whatever you pick, it must be local to you.
I usually use Aspen or Birch for workings of birth, Oak or Pine for workings of typical sorcery and Otherworld contact, and Juniper for protection. All of these trees grow in my yard. I also love to use Rowan, but it is scarce in the Forest near me, so I use it sparingly.
I also take my water source into consideration, preferring snow melt, river, or storm water to purified water, and putting a crystal charged by the last Full Moon (and stored covered) into the water after cooling just as the Cherokee priests and Irish seers did long ago when making their own distinct forms of "holy water".
Without using metal to harvest and without setting down the plant parts to touch the ground, take a little bark and/or some leaves while saying these words:
“Liaham, Lialgana, Liafar, Vialurab, Lelara, Lebaron, Laasalilas. The Hand of the Banebdjedet is plucking you, dryad of this (_____) tree [or “nymph of this (_____) herb” or “anthousai of this (_____) flower”]: that you would not withdraw the essence of yourself which I pluck from your body, but rather bless my sorcerous work. Here is a blessing for your aid”,
and at that, drop some clotted cream, honey, or other mixture that is not harmful to the body of the plant upon the ground at the roots. Any time you use a plant in sorcery, you must say these words.
Next, boil some water, and as it is boiling, say these words to the water:
“Letamynyn, Letaglogen, Letafyryn, Babaganarityn, Letarimitim, Letagelogrim, Letafatazin. Mastriss Phorbas whispers to you, blessed nixie: become clean and pure and dissolve the essence of this (_____). The Hand of Noumios Luterios is offering this herb to you that you may give (newness and purity/the blessing and favor of the Good Neighbors/protection and cleansing) to whatever you touch”,
and then, you drop the herb into the water to boil. Any time you are addressing a spirit within an elemental object, those words may be used to clear the way of communication. What I mean is that whenever you are addressing rivers, stones, or fires for the purpose of sorcery, even if it is to take a stone and leave a small offering in exchange or some other small thing, those archaic barbarous words should be used before stating your intentions and your exchange. Once cool, the Ensorcelled Water is complete.
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
"Hail Hecate, Mother of Darkness, the Mastriss is within Thee.
Blessed art Thou above the 72/Elohim, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Luterios.
Holy Hecate, Mother of God, attend us mortals now and in the hour of our deaths."
Referencing the genesis account given in "Gospel of the Witches", this "Hail Hecate" is obviously based on the "Hail Mary" prayer of Roman Catholicism. It has been deprogrammed for use in places when a grimoire calls for "Hail Marys" to be said. Since most of the powerful Christian prayers are descended from older Pagan spells, it is in keeping with the spirit of things to deprogram it with the Dark Mother's likeness. The very powerful "Three Kings Prayer" and the Merseburg Incantation are some very obvious attestations, and the Psalms of Solomon are rife with the plagiarism of Pagan hymns out of the practicality of the results that those spells produced.
Picture is "Hecate" by Johfra.
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
The ingredients for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are clearly listed on the paperwork. If you've ever had a vaccine before, you've had everything in Pfizer and Moderna's blends except the inert Covid-19 virus itself. Let's get back to in-person witchcraft!
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
Ahem...nobody dared speak the names of Hades OR Kore. Those are both epithets for Them, not Their true names. Hades means "giver of wealth" and relates to His chthonic nature. Kore is, according to the PGM and Orphic Hymns, another aspect of Hecate. Good luck raping and abducting the Queen of Witches and the Underworld...
Also, most learned Greeks didn't base their religious ideas on Homer. In the same way that modern Bollywood soap operas use deities as stock stereotypes, ancient Greeks enjoyed mixing religious drama with entertainment. When we approach actual depictions of Greek folk religion, we don't even see distinct lines drawn between deities Homer suggests are entirely separate and unrelated, such as when Orpheus relates Pan and Bacchus to Zeus, morphing these seemingly distinct deities as being one and the same.
Socrates, Plato, and other great philosophical minds considered those who took Homers myths seriously to be uneducated and ignorant. In "The Republic", Socrates summarizes his stance, "Whenever they tell a tale that plays false with the true nature of gods and heroes… they are like painters whose portraits bear no resemblance to their models." Given Socrates sermon on the Agathodaimon before the people of Athens, and his remarkable bravery in the face of his mortality, and his firm belief in the goodness of Hades the afterlife, I have to defer to his good judgment.
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I’m not sure whether I should laugh or cry.
Is OP aware that oh so many books exist on this subject?
And that almost universally the ones authored by people with doctorates in classicism and mythology disagree with OP?
Including the… epic hymn that first told this story? You know what’s in that original source material… right?
Abducted, yes. Demeter mourned? Definitely. Rape, no.
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So here’s some info on Ancient Greek wedding traditions which (oh my stars and garters!!) included abducting the bride. With the father’s permission, which Hades got before he took her away.
Here’s a whole book on the subject of Ancient Greek wedding custom and its conflation with funeral rites. (Which sounds a bit like Hades and Persephone to anyone who’s ever dabbled in things like explication and context)
Here’s a link to another book that talks about Persephone’s rise to power as a result of her willingly eating the pomegranate seeds.
Oh shit!!
Here’s a whole bunch of myths and hymns that talk about her Queen of the Underworld badassery!!
Holy pug tacos Batman!!
Here’s another book about the myth focusing on the seasonal religious and liminal rites. WHICH TAKE PLACE IN THE DRY SUMMER (not the fucking winter), which you know if you read a book.Way to go, OP!
All these fucking books!  What could anyone possibly do with them all?!?!?!?! Do you eat books to absorb their powers instead of read them?
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A better guess would be that you got into a moral panic over the name of a certain Renaissance statue and maybe after reading three pages of Edith Hamilton or the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article. And then used that to castigate and demean not only the people who actually take their limited time to create gorgeous art but also to denigrate modern day worshippers of Persephone and Hades?
Maybe next time, you stringy piece of over-boiled okra, you might want to take your own advice and pick up a book, instead of reducing the feared and respected Queen of the Underworld who held power equal to or in many interpretations GREATER than her husband into a meaningless pastiche of female disenfranchisement that you seemingly plucked from your own ass.
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
Hey lovely people! ✨
My friend Tim is a professor at the University of Strasbourg and he's working on a research. 👇👇👇👇
If you have some spare time, please consider to help him.
You'll find every info on the first page 😊
Also this is his Instagram account if you want to stalk him and tell him that he's doing a great job 😁✨
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
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Donning the Mask of the Mastriss: An Adaptation of the Rite of the Headless One/Stele of Jeu
Bathe, then tie a Bull Rush, the leaf of a Cattail, or a strip of Goat skin on your head with the formula pictured above written on it.
Face North and gaze up towards Orion, stretching the emblem across your forehead from one of your temples to the other and reciting the six names written on the leaf:
Then recite:
“Make all spirits become subject to me, so that every spirit, no matter where they dwell—that they who dwell within the stars and planets, the winds, the lands, the depths, and the waters would all be obedient to me, and every enchantment and power that is under the dominion of the Mastriss of this World be under my control.”
Now, read aloud the summoning of the Mastriss of all Sorcery:
“I call to You, Headless Hunter Akephalon, who shapes the Sky and the Earth, who separated Night and Day, beautiful Ruler Who dies and is reborn each year—none have ever seen Your true face, Mastriss OSORONNOPHRIS (pronounced: “AH-SAH-RAHN-NAH-PuhREES)! You are IABAS (pronounced: “YAH-BAHS”)! You are IAPOS (pronounced: “YAH-POSE”)! You are the true God of this world, the one Who humans have long said of, “I’ve found the One!” yet few have.
Because You dwell in the middle, You show good from evil, just from unjust, dividing pleasure from pain. You made men and women as the divine Sun and Moon, Your eyes; revealing seed and fruit and teaching humankind how to plant and harvest, you manifest Your presence. You make people love or hate one another as is Your good pleasure, spreading Your madness to the ends of the Earth.
I am Solomon the King/Moses the Mageia/Isobel Gowdie the Witch (insert whichever mystical occultist you’d like here), Your seer in the Dark Glimmering Land Below to whom You have revealed Your Mysteries celebrated by the scholars of Alexandria; You cause the rains to fall and the mist to rise, the breeze to evaporate, and provide nourishment for all. Hear me, for I am the angelic messenger of PHAPRO OSORONNOPHRIS (pronounced: “PuhAH-PRAH AH-SAH-RAHN-NAH-PuhREES), which is Your true name, handed down to the prophets of Ees-rah-el!
Listen to me and turn away all spirits contrary to my sorceries and my health! I call upon You emptied of breath, Old One, for I am in awe of Your might! AROGOGOROBRAÔ SOCHOU MODORIÔ PHALARCHAÔ OOO (Pronounced: “AH-RAH-GAH-GAH-RAH-BRAH-OH SAH-KuhEW MAH-DAH-REE-OH PuhAH-LAHR-KuhAH-OH AAHH”). Windswept Headless Hunter, deliver me, (Full Name), son/daughter of (Mother’s Maiden Name), from all spirits which restrain me, ROUBRIAÔ MARI ÔDAM BAABNABAÔTH ASS ADÔNAI APHNIAÔ ITHÔLÊTH ABRASAX AÊÔÔY (Pronounced: “REW-BREE-AH-OH MAH-REE OH-DAHM BAHHB-NAH-BAH-OATuh AHSS AH-DOH-NIGH AHPuh-NEE-AH-OH EETuh-OH-LAYTuh AH-BRAH-SAHKS AH-AYE-OOOH-OO”)—mighty Headless Hunter, deliver me (Repeat Your’ Name As Above) from all spirits and powers that restrain me!
The Mastriss is the Ruler of the Spirits; They are the Ruler of the World, the Wild Man, Azazel Who stole the blacksmith’s tools, Prometheus Who stole the fire, Who taught humans the civilized arts, Baal Hadad with the voice of the Storm; all the Winds obey Your command and call out, “my Liege!”; You can create all things by the utterance of the Words of Power which You know!
Hurry, hurry, Good Goblins of the Huntsman, ANLALA LAI GAIA APA DIACHANNA CHORYN (Pronounced: “AHN-LAH-LAH LIE GUY-AH AHP-AH DEE-AH-KuhAHN-NAH KuhAH-ROON”).
I am the Master/Mistress of Spirits and Beasts with eyes in My feet! I am the Turnskin Trickster Who has stolen the immortal Fire! I am the Good Judge Who hates the injustice of humankind! I am the lightning and My voice is the thunder that announces My will! I am the rainfall that fertilizes the Earth! I am the One Whose mouth is always flaming! I am the One Who creates and destroys! Fate favors Me: I am the apple of the Dark Mother’s breast! My name is Heart-Encircled-by-a-Serpent! Let them come forth and follow Me!”
This rite invokes the names of the Mastriss, the Skin-Walking Ruler of the Spirits, for a delegation of Their authority. Out of Her love for Her Child even the Dark Mother may bend Her pronouncements of Fate through the use of this rite. This being, called “Pan” among so many other names, was said to elicit the joyous laughter of all the gods. By the mere pronouncement of it, spirits may suddenly manifest and be plainly seen and the sorcerous conjurer may even soar gloriously into the very Depths, meeting the Strange Beings there. It will cause any spirits trying to keep you in the dark, any powers which are casting their glamour upon you, and anything opposed to your sorcerous work and Night flights to depart. It will give you the intuitive knowledge necessary to put on the body of the Double and walk about. Any evocation of any spirit will become successful to you, and hedge-walking will become as simple as waking from sleep. You may meet your Guardian Paredros Angel and/or have a visit from the “Man in Black” by the pronouncement of it alone.
The most important aspect of this is the timing of it. In the Northern Hemisphere, it must be done just before sunrise in August and September, around 4 am in October, 1 am in November, 11 pm in December, 9 pm in January, 7 pm in February, just after sunset in March and April, afternoon in May, noon in June, and mid-morning in July. Do the rite EVERY DAY until you are successful in it, which will be quite obvious when success is won. You should also be performing Dark Communions out of worship to the Mastriss as a payment for this authority. You should never perform the rite on either solstice, since Orion is headed by the Sun at the Summer Solstice and the Moon at the Winter Solstice, and it would therefore be sacrilegious to refer as such. Performing the rite on the day after the Full Moon in December is a very powerful time for its performance, as the energy is high and Orion is newly beheaded.
It should be noted that Orion was said by the Aztecs to be the final cause of the world’s end. Each year, at the rising of Orion in August, they performed ceremonies that lasted through the Winter period designed to forestall the world’s end. The Mayan doomsday clock is based on these stars. The constellation is the inspiration for the engineering of the pyramids at Giza, Gobekli Tepe, and the seven ancestral Hopi cities. In Aramaic, the constellation is called “Nephila”, and is said to be the creator of the Nephilim, who are, of course, the parentage of the witches, progenitors of the witch-blood.
This rite is based on that of the “Stele of Jeu”, PGM V. 96-172.
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
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I am the spark of the Blacksmith’s fire, Lucifer. I am the Goat Angel, the Eternal Satyr of Mendes, Lumiel. I am the drunken revels, the dance of the vine, and the transcendence of desire, Bacchus. I am the passions of lust and the surrender to human nature, Pan, And the height of marital chastity, Hephaestus, And the perfection of divine romance, Aphrodite. I am the First Lover, Eros, And the transcendent splendor of the Third Gender, Hermaphrodite. I am the Chief Angel, Hermes, The Chief Oracle, Apollo, And the light of my Mother's Womb, Hermekate. I am the Ancient Punisher, Priapus, And the Voice of the Storm, Baal Hadad. I am ruler of the aerial Hosts, Adonai Sabaoth, And the eternal ruler of Egypt, Pharaoh Osorronophris. Dual natured, neither male nor female, neither here nor there, I stand at the Gate of the Kosmos, Janus. I am the inventor of writing, Thoth, The giver of fire, Prometheus, The thief of the light, Raven, The teacher of Witchcraft, Azazel, And the eternal trickster, Coyote. I sit in eternal repose in the deepest, darkest Forest, garlanded with Snakes and crowned with the Stag, Pashupati-Cernunnos. I am the Shapeshifter, inventor of Misrule’s Masks, Turnskin Supreme, Masau. I am the Savior, the Vindicating Attorney before the Court of the Elohim, Crestos Sother. I am the Ouroboros, the Red Dragon that is the steed of my Mother, Leviathan. Fasting or feasting, remaining chaste or whoring yourself, do it all in My name in worship of Me, But do nothing in part, nothing halfway, or I shall spit you out. I am the Heart-Girt-with-a-Serpent, Headless One am I.
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
Unmasking the Master-Mistress of Magic
I am the prophet of the Mastriss, the seer in the Darkness. I sought a path: I looked to religion, to science, and to the innumerable paths within Paganism, Hinduism, the occult, and Wicca, but none could hold, none could contain fully my heart nor express the language of my soul. I pilgrimaged to India and Europe, became certified in yogic instruction, I took many plants hoping to finally rend the Veil and see the Truth. Intuitively, I always knew that Truth is One although our languages and cultures are many. Truth is absolute although our experiences are as countless as the stars. As variable in sound as the way each child develops their speech. We do not invalidate one another but expand our breadth and depth of knowledge for this beautiful wondrous Kosmos through one another.
I shall seek to express in such variable human skills the Truth of our existence. I shall try to explain how to experience this Truth, that anyone who reads my words would make connections and find their own words. That when you speak to the spirits, they would speak back and be heard. I want to do this because I love you, although I do not yet know you. All of this World is my kin, and so you who read my words are my brothers and sisters, my aunties and uncles. I was discouraged and deluded, full of doubt and fear, but when I found the footsteps of the Trickster in every culture, the fingerprints of that profoundly simple dual-natured Mastriss experientially everywhere I sought the reality of things, all of my burdens were shed. Now, I wander around with a head as empty as a child and eyes as open as a madman. I come and go from my body as a mouse from their hole.
Having drunk from the breasts of the Mighty Goat, I smile at the Wind, talk to the Tree-People, and sometimes cry when I pluck a Plant. All of my needs and desires are taken care of, and I have no fear of any future need or desire to go unmet. My spirit-mate walks beside me and I see Her smile and hear Her voice all throughout my days. One day, when the Dark Angel comes for me, that demon that once terrified me but whose mighty name I know now and call, I will go along hand-in-hand with a smile as friends on our merry way to those well-known Lands I often dream of.
If you would set out upon this path, you must make every effort to break open your mind. The mind will always doubt, always delude, and always unnecessarily entangle you. Therefore, go to war with the mind: empty it, destroy its barriers, and achieve madness for yourself. The boons of Dionysus and the panic of Pan are your friends on this path, and the comforts of Aphrodite are your secure fixing point. Make Venusian love your great guiding principle and no evil will overtake your soul. As this war of the mind is undertaken, you must work to change your mind to its very core when it comes to 3 human beliefs whose presence is the greatest reason that unnatural religions continue to prevail in this world and the body clings so tightly to the soul that people have forgotten how to dream and how to sojourn out of the bonds of the daily self.
The first is the basically gnostic worldview which has been so ingrained through it's Christianization and the subsequent spread of Christianity. Gnosticism teaches us that the world is spiritual over physical, mind over matter, principles over practice… this is the first great trick which the Mastriss uses to test us. You must see past this preoccupation with compartmentalizing. Break open the dam of your spirit and let it flow out over your life! Embrace the truth of animism. Until science began to overtake religion in the 19th century it is clear from the journals of clergymen that even the Christian Church embraced this worldview until it had been supplanted by a science which was entirely incomplete, which could not comprehend the things which modern minds have found: the truths of quantum physics, the language of trees and water, and the true nature of consciousness were all matters of religion then, and when microscopes did not reveal these miniature worlds, the old world dismissed all the majesty of mystical religion. The reality is that mysticism was and always will be far ahead of science. Embrace animism, return to the primal.
The second trick we must overcome from the Mastriss is that of nature's triumph over nurture. We have fought with nature for so long, becoming, as anthropologists assert, cooked and "overdone". But now an eldritch call is going out in this last age of humankind, a voice that tells us we must return to the primal, the primitive, the raw, or else we will perish. This latest viral threat is just a taste of what the spirits will unleash unless we can succeed. A true religion must therefore be primal, entirely banded to the natural world and the survival of the Earth. A religion which neglects the eternal nature of the Earth as the World Tree itself, containing the 3 worlds within Her, will bring about an organic age of peace, balance, and harmony without needing laws and courts and tariffs and the imbalanced malarkey of the patriarchy to succeed. Earth-centric spirituality is fundamental.
The third and final trick we must overcome is the myth of humanity's separateness. Now, this is rough ground to till due to the preoccupation people have today with avoiding something called "cultural appropriation". And in one aspect, this preoccupation is something very positive: syncretism can quickly turn into a cycle of devouring, digesting, and regurgitation which leaves people with something so different and new that the original culture is lost. However, there is also a deeply ingrained principle in us all that Truth is absolute, even if it is not capable of being explained in absolutes. No one would seek out religion and pour over books and demand experiences if they were not wanting to know the true nature of existence and the laws and spirits behind the Kosmos. That doesn't mean that the language and system they learn is absolute, but that they are experiencing the reality of things. It's like meeting a person for the first time with your best friend: you both may discuss the same event and make up entirely different judgments about this newcomer.
Syncretism is, however, very helpful, as the process of seeking synchronicity with spirits and experiences and books allows one to develop a system of fact checking oneself and developing a road map toward broader horizons through knowledge one has not yet experienced. When viewed through the lens of animism, this process becomes even simpler. There is a strong chance that when viewed through the lens of animism some of the spirits that seem related from other cultures are, at times, angels of the primary deity who dwells within the same natural phenomenon. Angels are simply messengers, reflections of the spirit-gods they serve… the 7 primary Olympic Spirits who correspond to the 7 planets have hosts of angels that serve below them. Every one of the 72 Elohim encountered by Solomon has so-called "legions" of angels below them. I use angel here in the older and proper Grecian context which accords the etymology of the word.
I fall back on Helleno-Roman texts and worship a lot, alongside grimoire texts. I do this simply because it is so well preserved and so well ingrained in the Western corpus. Moreover, the “Papyri Graecae Magicae” and the “Orphic Hymns”, two veritable treasure troves of mystical wisdom handed down to us, veritable scripture for me, are culturally Hellenic. Jesus' draws on beliefs around Ouranon, Olympus, and Hades constantly in his teachings, teachings which most of us are somewhat familiar with. And the names of the Gods of All are contained in the PGM and Orpheus’ songs; that said, most of us have 4 seasons, so relying solely on Hellenic Reconstructionism does not necessarily make sense. It is absolutely divine that such a culture rooted in animism survived for us today, and it is so easy to understand their recordings due to the omnipresence of the Christian Church in the West, but not all of the personality of the True Religion has been contained therein. Moreover, celebrating the overlap and gaps filled in by other cultural beliefs is a beautiful treat: something the Orphics did to a lesser degree and the mageia of Alexandria did at length, and so is true even to the spirit of these origins.
Furthermore, relying solely on the ancient Hellenic religion does not make sense for a witch because Hellenismos was not predicated on the survival of witchcraft, seeking to outlaw and destroy it really, and the philosophy behind ancient Greek religion revolved around the worship of the 12 Olympians. The True Gods, the Old Gods, had been displaced and locked away to greater and lesser degress. Hecate, Hades, Persephone, Cybele, Helios, Selene, even Eros and Pan were mostly propitiated out of dire necessity. The mageia of Alexandria remembered Their true names, however, as well as the worship appropriate to Them and Their existence at the Root of All Things. In Rome, the peasantry are recorded handing down the story of Diana and Lucifer (the latter of whom is Eosporos before Roman naming came into effect) in “Aradia: the Gospel of the Witches”. This should be a sacred text for any true witch for in it we have the story of how the True Gods came and how They mean to come back, as well as Their natures and the relationship witches are invited to have with Them.
How then do we bring back the Old Gods as They choose, no longer boxing Them or packaging Them, but rather letting Them rule with Their own personalities? Quite vehemently, magic on the level of the miraculous, brothers and sisters. The story of Aradia is the story of how, when one has been granted a boon by Hecate-Diana, you should tell everyone how great She is and tell others how to pray to Her for their own benefit. Same as the story of how Isis won the secret name of Ra… you don't need to attack people with your faith as the Christians do, but to tell everyone how great your life has become as a result of Hecate, Eosporos, and Hades work in your life. If you are wont to, call Them Morrigan, Dagda, and Cernunnos, or Freya, Odin, and Thor. As long as the secret names from the PGM and the grimoires are intact and you know that you are talking to the God of Death, the Goddess of Fate, and the Mastriss of Storms you'll get far.
And on that note, I'd like to share some of the miracles I've seen Them work for me and those I love through me. 5 years ago, when I went to look for a home, I couldn't even qualify for a measly $450k loan, barely scraping up to the $300k level. In my home state, this means all I could afford were places that had been destroyed by the previous tenets, and the only bank loan I could qualify for required the home to be perfect… I had two kids and was very afraid what this meant for my future. I now have a $450k rental and I live in a $1.5M home in the woods. I let the Mastriss take the wheel of my life: I started working a little harder and accepting job offers and life offers that came in, and the Mastriss took care of me. This gave me the time and freedom to actually start pursuing my true passion, which is worshipping the Elder Gods, preaching and writing about Them, and practicing the Craft of the Witches.
When my middle son was very little, 1 year old, his older sister accidentally slammed his thumb in the door at a hotel in Disneyworld Orlando. It was a heavy, metal door and his little thumb was as flat as a pancake and oozing blood. I asked the Mastriss to heal him as we drove to the ER, using an old Germanic charm I have picked up. By the time we arrived, he was asleep. By the time we checked in, the thumb had stopped bleeding. By the time we got seen, it looked normal and he was already using it. They laughed at the resiliency of children, but a doctor visiting Disney had already seen the thumb and said that the bones looked smashed to pieces from the door, which had closed shut without any space in the frame at all. I had found him trying to yank his little thumb free from the steel frame, and it was not budging. And yet, 2 hours later, here was his thumb looking and feeling as well as ever. It didn't even swell up.
I have lived in the woods for more than half my life, and when I was young, I saw the Mastriss standing at the edge of the woods in the moonlight. The creature-form was mesmerizing and terrifying, with the haunches and mouth of a goat but the torso of a breasted humanoid. The Mastriss had piercing dark eyes that saw into my soul and the moonlight draped the Beast’s form like a cloak; my mother froze looking at the Beast beside me, standing at the woods edge. She was angry with me when the Beast left, saying that this was all my fault due to my "dabbling". Later, when my little sister and I were wandering in the same woods, I accidentally kicked a mountain lion who was sleeping in the underbrush. Startled, the lion roared and took off and then, to our terror, began running back at breakneck speed. When the lion was back within sight, I yelled, "I have seen the Master of these woods! I have seen the Master of all the woods! And not one evil can befall Them! Help me, Master Goat! Send Your angel!" And the lion stopped in its tracks, lowered its body, and slunk back gently into the grass.
If anything in your life is concerning you for any reason, no matter how big or small, try the Mastriss out. Put the Goat Angel to the test. Don't be afraid, because the Mastriss will appear to you as you need, and often appears as a little blue child to those who would fear Their Bestial Form, as to those Hindus who call Them little baby Krishna and those grimoires who call Them Lucifer or the King of the Fae respectively. In reality, the Mastriss is neither male nor female, but third-gendered. The One Who stands at the Gate to the Otherworld, Scirlin, Janus, Papa Legba: all masks that the Mastriss of Misrule wears, disguises and spirits that serve Them. Pray at the Threshold of your home, the edge of the Woods, on a Bridge, at the edge of the Ocean: "Mastriss of the Winds and Storms, Goat Angel Who tussles the tops of the trees, Adonai Sabaoth Who leads the Deathless Hosts through the windswept realm, I ask You to come into my life and order it how You see fit. Child and earthly consort of our Dark Mother, Brimo, let Your name be blessed by my tongue. Light up my life, Mastriss Lumiel, and let Your breast be my sweet succor. In the name of Your Chief Angel, Heliou Amene."
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