zafmp3 · 2 years
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Hail, Paemon.
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paimongoetia9 · 2 years
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lucifersimp · 1 year
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angelverse art dump
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enterbalak · 2 years
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Drink the chalice of Paimon's blood, Enter his kingdoms painted yellow..& blue.. See beyond the stars, and step into Hell's quicksand.. Enter Balak... . #enterbalak #kingbalak #paimon #paymon #blackmetal #sigil #occult https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBci_UpYk9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Do you think you can keep living like this, without facing the truth?" - @paymons
It was a harsh reality that Lucid was dodging, keeping his heads in the clouds and avoiding the inevitable dread. While his demon disguise worked well enough to fool the common sinners, it could never fool a Sin or higher ranking demon. Such as the one he stood before now.
Fidgeting, the long imp-like tail sweeping side-to-side behind, Lucid gave a solemn frown. “I…no. I won’t be able to. They’ll catch on, eventually. I just…I hope…I’ll be prepared by then. M-maybe convince them it’s not bad. I…” The angel trails off, looking away in shame.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 4 months
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Octavia had been sleeping when a sudden, incessant vibration woke her. Someone was currently blowing up her phone, and when she reached over to see who it was, Octavia let out a groan.
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"For fuck's sake, Granddad," she said, swiping up to reach her 99+ text messages. Most of them were variations of "VIA HELP ME!!" something about being scammed, hot singles in his area, and the list went on.
It was way too early for this shit.
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grimowled · 3 months
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the great @paymons said: HE COULDN'T RISK an appearance in sloth , what kind of king would he be ? to drop everything for one of so many spawn ? TO ACKNOWLEDGE WEAKNESS / THAT NOT EVEN THEY WERE INDESTRUCTIBLE ? mister butler had returned with details ( it was so much easier to sneak in an imp than the king of the ars goetia himself ! ) but it did little to soothe that creeping feeling that gnawed at him every - time his ruby eyes drifted to the clock & the ticking of hands there. it isn't until the wee hours of the morning that he moves at all , in a split second decision , magics billowing beneath his claws & sweeping him to the dreams of his son in sloth. paimon stands a stark shadow amidst whatever stolas' subconscious had crafted this evening. " boy ? " he calls , head turning this way & that. " stolas ? "
DREAMS WERE FEW and far in between those days, hooked to the numbing machinery and stupefying magic of sloth, slipping between wakeful white noise and empty darkness; so this one certainly had the makings of something special.
he'd never been truly hurt before, never toed such a close line to fracturing his immortal life in such a substantial and gruesome way - it had been an awakening of sorts, but not unwelcome. the untouchable had finally been brought down into the dirt, a true scandal if there ever was one so dangerous for the house of cards that was the ars goetia; sublime pain had washed over him like a cruel blessing, a baptism of fire and blood on a dark altar. for the first time in his long life he'd felt ... mortal. (enveloped in lashings of pleasure and agony, like the ecstasy of martyred saints!)
he hadn't expected his imperturbable sire to pay him a visit in a state he likely would have found disturbingly pathetic (a listless, broken pile of bones and feathers); in fact, any visits had been predictably scarce, for there had been an order voiced behind closed doors to not let anyone in to see the owl prince in such a weakened disgraceful circumstance - a last ditch, desperate attempt to keep him shrouded in inviolable mystery. the only notable exception had been king paimon's most trusted envoy. (surely that visitation had been not on his proud father's behalf, but the soft heart his former imp butler still kept him enclosed within, as a scraggly owlet. )
sheer authority echoed in the slow revolving celestial dome crafted by his mind in a shroud of existential dread, a disembodied voice he couldn't help but recognise in the way it prompted unquestionable obeisance from him, that commanded respect and reverence; he's called a boy and he's cowed, turned towards it as if forced by a magnet. (it was a foreign power, the eldritch instinct leapt within to warn him of intrusion, but he quietened it - as if he could control every aspect of his oneiric experience).
(why did his consciousness conjure him so, as if paimon had ever been one to provide any comfort or shelter?)
it was the desperate squeak of a tiny fledgling, crimson gaze briefly downcast to note small talons-- too small to be those sharp appendages he'd grown into. (deathly tools that in turn fashioned deadlier tools!) everything was suddenly and unfathomably vast and enormous, engulfing him in the sublime desolation of deep dead space (all things eventually came here to be devoured and perish, where their last flickering lights were spent); great and remote planets rotated indifferently around him, and he could barely make out the shade in the blackness of dark matter, scarcely touched by the cold twinkling light of distant stars.
for the first time in aeons, he felt a flicker of fear pass through the slithering shadows of his eldritch essence.
"father, please don't leave me alone!"
(it was not like anyone could hear him in space, least so trapped in his own mind!)
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gethellbcnt-m · 4 months
@paymons : blease .. stolas moms wya
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what she's been up to for the past 15 years in a nutshell :
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fizzarollitm · 4 months
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" Is that. Is that Precious. Wait was this expensive ? "
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" And it's so big. So so big. I really should ask Oz- [ᵒʰ ᵗʰⁱˢ ⁱˢ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᶠᵘⁿⁿʸ] But I can make it a surprise. Maybe in the dining hall— "
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grace--fallen · 4 months
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SPENDING THE DAY with her grandfather wasn't exactly what octavia would have considered fun , but since when did her dad ever listen ? he seemed to be trying to keep her out of the house more &&. more often lately &&. quite frankly she would rather EAT HER OWN FOOT than find out why . he wasn't exactly s u b t l e .
what was worse was that , for the past hour &&. a half , she had been waiting in the library with only an imp butler to keep her company . paimon was evidently a very busy demon ⎯⎯⎯ much too busy to greet his granddaughter upon arrival .
she was forced to keep herself entertained until he finally decided to show up . she had looped through her playlist a couple times over by now &&. she found herself perusing the shelves of the library , eyeing particularly grim or ancient titles . stolas had told her she was here to learn about her heritage , after all , &&. gain some insight into her place amidst the ARS GOETIA .
truthfully she couldn't care less about any larger purpose she might have had in the grand scheme of HELL'S DESIGN , but maybe it couldn't hurt to learn a few spells &&. rituals for herself , since her dad was so hesitant to place that power in her hands . with any luck , her grandfather would be more open to the idea .
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a-hell-of-a-time · 3 months
((Going to send some Father's Day asks out later from Octavia to Stolas, Paimon and Lucifer a little later/probably after work!
Just in case though: If you rp one of the above muses, like this post if you want something from Octavia!
Note: Her ask to Lucifer will be to @themosthatedbeingg specifically due to ther shared verse!))
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hostradio · 2 months
the hotel is … something. paimon isn’t all that sure what he expected upon his arrival but all the same , here he is now. an ever loyal servant of the morningstars whose presence certainly wasn’t requested. paimon squints down at the radio demon , a blink in the silence before he speaks. “ do you take requests ? “ / this definitely isnt a day late xoxo
alastor  stands  at  a  respectable  height,  yet  it  is  telling  how  even  he  must  crane  his  head  backwards  to  gaze  upon  the  hotel's  guest.  he  doesn't  like  that  —  though  anyone,  anything  that  so  much  as  threatens  to  supplant  him  as  the  most  dominant  force  in  the  room  is  oft  greeted  with  similar  stirrings  of  hostility.  having  the  king  of  hell  practically  breathing  down  his  neck  is  insufferable  enough  —  now  his  cohorts  are  springing  up  in  the  radio  demon's  neck  of  the  woods  like  an  invasive  plant  species?  troublesome,  troublesome.  (  he  can  only  hope  this  one  has  a  bit  more  class  than  that  apple-scented  migraine.  )  ah,  but  where  are  his  MANNERS?
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the  silence  between  them  shatters  with  all  the  elegance  of  a  hammer  to  glass.  alastor  blinks,  his  countenance  an  unreadable  mask  adorned  with  a  smile.  ❝  you  know , ❞   cane  manifests  seamlessly  betwixt  his  fingers,  as  though  it  had  always  been  there  to  begin  with.  the  radio  demon  leans  his  full  weight  against  it.  ❝  were  that  question  coming  from  anyone  else,  i  would  LAUGH  in  their  face!  taking  requests  compromises  the  integrity  of  my  creative  vision  —  the  broadcasts  are  my  own,  good  sir,  pure  and  undiluted  by  any  OUTSIDE  INFLUENCE!  ❞   barring  any  prospective  guest  stars,  of  course  —  those  collaborations  are  always  quite  fruitful!  they  provide  the  screams  and  alastor  the  unyielding  agony  to  fuel  them.  (  what  fun!  )  otherwise,  his  show  is  a  beast  wholly  of  his  creation  —  down  to  every  last  note  of  the  rich  jazz  pouring  from  the  nearby  radio.  head  swivels  to  regard  it  for  a  moment,  one  ear  flicking  in  silent  contemplation.   ❝  hmm. ❞   hmm.  actually,  that  does  give  him  an  idea.
❝  well,  it  would  be  awfully  uncouth  of  me  to  begin  our  introductions  on  a  sour  note!  i  must  admit,  i  AM  quite  curious  what  type  of  music  tickles  the  king  of  the  ars  goetia's  fancy. ❞   turning  back,  the  radio  demon  then  cants  his  head.   ❝  given  the  opportunity,  what  would  you  have  me  play,  sire? ❞
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gctchell · 4 months
stella interacting with paimon (ESPECIALLY post-divorce) vs lilith interacting with paimon // @paymons
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firstwcman · 2 months
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@paymons asked, ↕ 11'6"
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⛧ — send me ↕ + your muse’s height ; I will compare theirs to mine.
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"As you can see, I have a completely sound reason when I ask you for the ingredients upon the higher shelves. ♪" Floating she could do very easily, but Paimon's right there! "Ah, and you should know: our mending potion just finished its aging brew this afternoon. When you have the moment, come by! We'll bottle it together and I'll bind yours with gossamer."
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grimowled · 4 months
peers down at him.
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very few could still take the prince by surprise, his most venerable father being one of them - able to appear wherever he pleased with nary a woosh! to his sudden ingress. he swiftly regains what little he has left of his reeling composure and dusts off any lingering ungainliness, instead splaying a gloved hand over his thumping! chest to bow in dutiful greeting to the unreasonably taller demon king towering over him, dismissing the distinct feeling of shrinking under the scrutinising gaze boring burning holes into him.
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"... yes, father. how may I serve you?"
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jizzlords · 4 months
⭐ zestials ;)
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im stealing rory. thanks everyone! bye bye!
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