इस फल को खाने से ब्लड प्रेशर नहीं बढ़ता | ASMR Starfruit | Ayurvedic Trea...
We bring you information about kidneys, related issues, and associated measures to prevent it. This video talks about the fact that if star fruit is beneficial for kidneys or not. Star fruit is a fruit of tropical areas that gets the shape of a star when sliced. Star fruit is rich in many crucial nutrients that are highly beneficial for any human being, but star fruit for kidneys is still not a healthy choice. Many experts of Ayurvedic kidney treatment have claimed that star fruit in #diet can have immense toxic effects on the patients.
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जब ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद भी क्रिएटिनिन नहीं हुआ कम | Kidney Treatment In P...
Here in this video, one of our patients, Mr. Ramesh Kumar’s treatment by Karma Ayurveda, is featured. He belongs to #Pathankot, Punjab, and he had also undergone a transplant a few years back in 2011. Since then, he was feeling well, but from some time, he was noticing many health complications due to increased blood #creatinine.
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आखिर किस तरह की Diet लेनी होती है आयुर्वेदिक इलाज में | Kidney Patient D...
What can be better than having a natural diet for kidney patients during kidney treatment in Ayurveda? Our stock of the best #diet for kidney patients will not end until we don’t reach our goal of Stop Kidney Dialysis. With this trending video on the kidney and the guidance of the Ayurvedic kidney treatment provider Karma Ayurveda, we thought of giving you another visual of kidney patient diet. The kidney treatment in Ayurveda suggests that a natural diet for kidney patients is the wholesome remedy that heals the problems of kidneys rapidly.
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किडनी रोग को कण्ट्रोल करें इस फ्रूट सलाद से | Healthy Tadka - Episode 13...
We are back with the new video of Stop Kidney Dialysis #HealthyTadkashow. As you know that in every episode we bring you a part of a kidney patient diet that is allowed under the Ayurvedic kidney treatment. Similarly, in this video, you will know about the fruit salad recipe for the kidney or you may say it’s an ASMR salad. Having salad in a kidney diet is a bowl full of nutrients that can fill the appetite and will provide you with the energy to perform everyday tasks.
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क्या किडनी रोगी कद्दू का सेवन कर सकते हैं या नहीं | Pumpkin In Kidney Pa...
Kidney disease may turn fatal with time if it does not get the intensive care it requires and a good #diet it demands. According to Ayurvedic kidney treatment, diet can prevent 50% of the damage. A healthy kidney patient diet is inclusive of food low in sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein.
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इस खाने में होता है ज़हर किडनी रोगी के लिए | Kidney Patient Avoid This Fo...
A kidney patient diet is designed with low sodium, potassium, phosphorus-rich food products. The Ayurvedic kidney treatment suggests that processed food for the kidney is harmful and so, you should avoid canned food. These are dangerous food for kidney patients and may result in Acute Kidney Failure so do not eat packed food. In this video, our dietician Ms. Shilpa is explaining why canned food is dangerous and is excluded from the category of ASMR food for kidney patients.
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ऐसे तरीके जो किडनी की बीमारी नहीं होने देते | Ayurvedic kidney failure t...
Lots of people asked what the secret of Ayurvedic kidney treatment is? By taking kidney treatment in #Ayurveda, you get complete kidney disease remission. Along with that, kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda rejuvenates the damaged kidney and its correlated nephrons. In this YouTube channel, stop kidney dialysis, we not only share ASMR kidney and #kidney patient diet videos. But, we share the videos through which you get to know about the causes, symptoms, complications, and treatment of kidney.
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किडनी रोगी के लिए साउथ इंडियन खाना | ASMR Indian Food In Diet
Can I pick south Indian food for kidney patients’ diet? We guess, yes, by including #Upma in a kidney patient #diet, you may not augment the number of problems for him. It is because Upma for kidney patients are healthy. We all know the foods that are not rich in protein, phosphorus, potassium, sodium is healthy for a diseased kidney. In Ayurvedic kidney treatment, a kidney patient diet plays a very vital role.
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किस तरह का सैंडविच बनाएं किडनी रोगी के लिए | Healthy Tadka - Episode 12
What to eat when you have kidney disease? If you are also struggling to find healthy plus nutritious recipes for a kidney patient, then you should watch #healthyTadka. With this show, we share the right dietary instructions to kidney patients, plus the benefits of Ayurvedic kidney treatment. The diet of a kidney patient (also known as a renal diet) is a little different in the comparison of a healthy person.
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गर्मियों में क्यों पीना चाहिए बेल का जूस | Stone Apple / Bael Juice in S...
Bael is a Tree in Indian culture, which is most common around temples. Bael is also known as bilwa, and it has used in Ayurvedic kidney treatment because of its medicinal properties. The inside part of this fruit can be consumed fresh, dried, or in the form of bael juice in summer (#baelKajuice). That is the reason why lots of people like to consume this natural drink in summer. People mix it with beverages and desserts with sugar or jaggery.
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क्यों खाना चाहिए किडनी रोगी को दलिया | Porridge in Kidney Patient Diet
Just because you have kidney disease, it does not mean you cannot consume anything. Watch our #trending video on diet to know what foods you can include in your diet, the benefits of eating Dalia in the form of porridge, and kidney treatment in Ayurveda. Dalia in a kidney patient diet is one of the healthy sources to meet nutritional needs. You can consume Dalia in breakfast or evening snacks and remain active for the whole day as it is a whole lot of energy.
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क्यों लाल शिमला मिर्च खानी चाहिए किडनी रोगी को | Red Bell Pepper in Kidn...
Red bell pepper for the kidney is a rich nutritional food people prefer consuming in various forms. It is used as a vegetable, noodles, salad dressing, etc. It is rich in Vitamin A, C, K, Fiber, Beta-Carotene while being low in calories. It ensures that your cholesterol level does not rises. That is why, during kidney disease, dieticians suggest kidney patients consume or include red bell pepper in the #diet.
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इस चाय को पीजिये किडनी की पथरी तोड़ देती है | Tea For Kidney Patient | AS...
#गुड़हल की चाय or Hibiscus tea for kidney patient is a nutritional tea as per the Ayurvedic kidney treatment. It is an herbal tea that provides multiple benefits to the functioning of kidneys. According to the traditional kidney treatment in Ayurveda of China, it is an herbal tea that helps in reducing the problems of hypertension and diabetes. With this video of #ASMRtea, we will tell you how to make hibiscus tea and ample benefits.
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कैसे बनायें दाल की रोटी किडनी रोगी के लिए Healthy Tadka - Episode 11
Thank you for the encouragement and love you have shown in this series. We are back with the Healthy Tadka Episode 11 and today we will tell you how to make #Moongdaal stuffed chapati. With this trending video on food for kidney patients, we will discuss which pulses are good for kidney patients as per the kidney treatment in Ayurveda.
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Spending your life in a different way than you expected can be stressful for you. As per the trending video on kidney and CKD cure in Ayurveda, having #stress in kidney patient’s life can react differently. But how to stay stress-free and how a patient can be calm down? Calmness in a patients’ life is a must. This is not only what we say but all the other healthcare providers of Chronic Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda.
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क्या खाएं CKD स्टेज 3 में | Kidney Patient Diet in Stage 3 | Cure Stage...
For a kidney patient in stage 3 what matters the most is the CKD treatment in Ayurveda and diet he needs to follow.  In the initial stages, it is still possible to recover from an impaired kidney function with a renal diet for CKD patient but if not taken care of, the condition can progress very quickly into renal failure. A CKD diet chart is different from a healthy diet plan because it is primarily based on recovering kidney function.
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क्या खाएँ किडनी रोगी URIC Acid को काबु करने के लिए Diet To Control URIC...
Did you know there is a diet to control uric acid? Just in case you were wondering how to control uric acid, we bring you yet another #ASMR kidney video to as per the Ayurvedic kidney treatment. Elevated levels of uric acid for kidney patients can be dangerous, because as per the kidney treatment in Ayurveda it may increase the risk of lethal complications. Not only it will create problems in the recovery but it may also become a reason for acute loss. However, the uric acid treatment in Ayurveda ensures healthy well-being by providing a balanced #diet chart.
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