kin-silver-jewel · 2 months
He is finished! I’m very happy how it turned out.
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 months
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Third update almost done!
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 months
Any castlevania fans here? I did post this on Facebook quite a bit ago. Figured I’d share it here. This is the first figure I painted. I’m really happy with it. Hope you guys who are fans of this series enjoy!
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 months
Update #2 on my Julian figure. I like how it’s turning out so far
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 months
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Small update on painting the Julian figure. I’m trying to be as accurate as possible. Don’t mind the black I was testing the two different black paints I have.
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 months
It’s definitely been awhile since I’ve posted here. I got this lovely figure a little while back. I’m finally ready to paint him though!
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kin-silver-jewel · 4 months
Romance in Twin Coves
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Something I've been thinking about while working on the script for Twin Coves is how the romance works. I think I've talked before about how the romance in the game isn't just about flirting with the ROs enough. It's about who the MC is as a person, and thus not all ROs are going to fall for every MC. (You will know about halfway though the game if your MC has caught your desired RO's eye.)
I read an article awhile ago about treating romance in games like kindness coins vs a house of cards. (The article was here, but it now directs to a 404 page sadly.) With kindness coins... you just say the "right" thing the correct amount of times and voila romance unlocked. And that's a fine way to do romance. Certainly makes it easier on the writer. But that's not really how romance... works.
Saying the "right" thing to someone 15 times in real life doesn't equal romance. What about who you are as a person? What about who they are? Do you have things in common? How do you treat other people? Just complimenting someone, saying flirty things, and giving them a gift isn't how real love works.
Something I'm trying (emphasis on trying) to do in Twin Coves is have the romances be based on more then just saying a nice thing to get a point towards winning over the RO of your choice. The choices the MC makes throughout the game outside of the romance also effect the romance. Even little things like the song they pick in the car.
Of course, some ROs are easier to woo than others. That's true to life as well. Some ROs already have feelings for the MC, so there is probably very little the MC could do to ruin that. Some ROs are quite determined to keep their feelings out of it, and will take more effort. Not just flirting, but getting to know them and them getting to know the main character back. Building up a sense of trust. There is one RO who is very difficult to romance. I think it may even make some players mad as there is a very strict requirement for entering into a romance with him I don't think some players will want to make. (Actually, there's probably a couple that fit this description.) However, that's also true to life. Some things are deal breakers, for either the MC or the RO. Good news: there's eight other routes to pick from!
And, in a similar vein, not every route is going to appeal to everyone. You may have thought Eli was hot, for example, only to realize he's not for you once you get to know him. Or maybe a route you thought you'd hate will surprise you. That's definitely happened to me a few times. I put off a route thinking I wouldn't like the RO... only for that route to become my favorite.
This is also why there are no flirt indicators in the game. Because there are no kindness coins. I don't want players to think about choices as right or wrong - only as what's true to their MC. You may be surprised as to who you attract. Also, any option that is romantic is going to be pretty obvious. I also don’t want players to feel they have to make a certain romantic choice to win their RO over. Whether you go in for a kiss or feel it’s more true to the MC to wait… the RO isn’t going to be secretly keeping score on you.
(I am keeping score though. Just don’t look too far behind the curtain. Point systems are the only way I know how to program. I just don’t want it to feel like a point system, ya know?)
And for those who just wanna kiss everyone, goddamnit!! There is always the walkthrough 💙
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kin-silver-jewel · 4 months
I’m excited too. I’ve definitely had that happen when I’ve played Otome games in general. Now I’m very happy I’m getting a guide. This style makes me very excited and if it doesn’t pan out well at least you tried, and that is always aokay with me.
Romance in Twin Coves
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Something I've been thinking about while working on the script for Twin Coves is how the romance works. I think I've talked before about how the romance in the game isn't just about flirting with the ROs enough. It's about who the MC is as a person, and thus not all ROs are going to fall for every MC. (You will know about halfway though the game if your MC has caught your desired RO's eye.)
I read an article awhile ago about treating romance in games like kindness coins vs a house of cards. (The article was here, but it now directs to a 404 page sadly.) With kindness coins... you just say the "right" thing the correct amount of times and voila romance unlocked. And that's a fine way to do romance. Certainly makes it easier on the writer. But that's not really how romance... works.
Saying the "right" thing to someone 15 times in real life doesn't equal romance. What about who you are as a person? What about who they are? Do you have things in common? How do you treat other people? Just complimenting someone, saying flirty things, and giving them a gift isn't how real love works.
Something I'm trying (emphasis on trying) to do in Twin Coves is have the romances be based on more then just saying a nice thing to get a point towards winning over the RO of your choice. The choices the MC makes throughout the game outside of the romance also effect the romance. Even little things like the song they pick in the car.
Of course, some ROs are easier to woo than others. That's true to life as well. Some ROs already have feelings for the MC, so there is probably very little the MC could do to ruin that. Some ROs are quite determined to keep their feelings out of it, and will take more effort. Not just flirting, but getting to know them and them getting to know the main character back. Building up a sense of trust. There is one RO who is very difficult to romance. I think it may even make some players mad as there is a very strict requirement for entering into a romance with him I don't think some players will want to make. (Actually, there's probably a couple that fit this description.) However, that's also true to life. Some things are deal breakers, for either the MC or the RO. Good news: there's eight other routes to pick from!
And, in a similar vein, not every route is going to appeal to everyone. You may have thought Eli was hot, for example, only to realize he's not for you once you get to know him. Or maybe a route you thought you'd hate will surprise you. That's definitely happened to me a few times. I put off a route thinking I wouldn't like the RO... only for that route to become my favorite.
This is also why there are no flirt indicators in the game. Because there are no kindness coins. I don't want players to think about choices as right or wrong - only as what's true to their MC. You may be surprised as to who you attract. Also, any option that is romantic is going to be pretty obvious. I also don’t want players to feel they have to make a certain romantic choice to win their RO over. Whether you go in for a kiss or feel it’s more true to the MC to wait… the RO isn’t going to be secretly keeping score on you.
(I am keeping score though. Just don’t look too far behind the curtain. Point systems are the only way I know how to program. I just don’t want it to feel like a point system, ya know?)
And for those who just wanna kiss everyone, goddamnit!! There is always the walkthrough 💙
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kin-silver-jewel · 8 months
Please share !!
Dear followers and mutuals,
I need your help ! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
(sorry for the long post)
The same Astarion artwork continues to be stolen time and time again by unscrupulous shops (I've filed over 20 complaints, just on Etsy alone). One particular independent shop refuses to remove the items using my artwork, ignores my messages, and deletes all my comments warning buyers.
Here's the specific artwork, my original fanart, and the low-quality and insolent modification to turn it into a shoddy sweatshirt and t-shirt design. Which is promoted on TikTok !
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This has to stop.
Sharing your work on the internet, or even just sharing your passion, has become a nightmare for artists and creators. We already have enough to deal with in the face of AI threats and platforms like Aliexpress; now we have to manage a surge in theft as well.
This shop is also appropriating other artworks from the BG3 fandom.
Here are the screenshots :
I'm seeking your help in identifying the authors of these artworks so that I can notify them.
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I'm also currently in contact with a specialized attorney because I've had enough.
The cup is full, and I want to be able to showcase my drawings without enriching thieves. It's particularly painful during this period of economic crisis, where, like many others, I'm struggling to make ends meet, to feed my two young kids.
Here are all the contact details for this fraudulent shop :
⚠️ Please share this post and report Melody prints social media's accounts ⚠️ Everyone needs to know they are a THIEF ⚠️
The website says the shop is located in 217 S Parramore Ave, Orlando, FL 32805, United States
TikTok account of melodyprints is spookymelodyprints
Instagram account of melodyprints is _melodyprints
Also, Ghosttraveler on TikTok has made a callout video to help, here is the link, if you can share it as well : https://www.tiktok.com/@ghosttraveler/video/7291769599530454314
Thank you so much for reading this, and for your help.
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 years
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Happy DragonAgeDay! I’m currently working on a da2 inspired infinity scarf. The color is inspired by the red cloth Fenris wears on his wrist if you romance him. There are other things that are gonna be added to the scarf. I’ll post again when it’s finished.
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 years
Breath of fire fans, here is something similar to bof. Please check it out and or show it to people you know who has enjoyed the series. Thanks.
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kin-silver-jewel · 2 years
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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kin-silver-jewel · 3 years
Kiki would go with Kai 😏
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💙 Reblog to attend the party with Kai!
💔 Like to slam the door in his face...
😘 Back on Kickstarter to get a goodnight kiss
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kin-silver-jewel · 3 years
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700 backers!! And a little less than $3,000 away from the epilogue DLC!!
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kin-silver-jewel · 3 years
Here you go @twincovesgame I finished Rook not the greatest but I’m happy with it.
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kin-silver-jewel · 3 years
Kinktober Giveaway
Since I’m not doing anything super intense for Kinktober, just writing a few one shots as the whim strikes me (which is something I do normally) I thought I’d hold a small giveaway that both celebrates Kinktober and celebrates my recent follower milestone!
RULES: To enter, be a follower and like or reblog this post. Both count as entries. Feel free to reblog as often as you want to, but please do not spam your followers. One winner will be chosen on October 22nd for a smutty one shot fic with your favorite pairing. Please note that because we are celebrating sexual positivity this month I would like to write smut, but if you really truly want something non-smutty or lemon-flavored, I can definitely accommodate! 
You also don’t have to do this, but please tell me the pairing you’d may like to see in the tags!
Here’s my A03! My main fandoms are Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and right now Resident Evil, but I am willing to work outside of that depending. I also have the right to decline anything I’m uncomfortable with. 
Good luck and happy spooky, smutty season!
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kin-silver-jewel · 3 years
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I finished Az @twincovesgame ! Next is Rook as soon as I can. I happened to see a post on tumbler the other day and it struck as something Az would wear. I hope you like it.
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