kintherd · 5 months
Imma be honest my power is dissociation. When I don’t wanna deal with something or when I just wanna clock out for a bit I just start maladaptive dreaming, and I’ve been doing this shit for so long that I’m able to do my needed tasks while being in a different world mentally.
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kintherd · 8 months
Why does Hollywood lose the themes of shows they created. The audience pick up on the underlying themes, it is only Hollywood that just ignores them.
An example of this is squid game. A major theme of the show was that it critiqued capitalism and how it can create huge divides between the poor and rich. As well as how people can do desperate and horrendous things in order to survive. Hollywood saw this, they saw it and still decided to make a game show,based off of squid game,where they put the participants through hellish and inhumane treatment for the sake of money. And the participants dealt with it. they ignored the fellow participants as they froze, covered in fake blood, in order to get a cash prize. This simulate squid game just proved the original shows point.
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kintherd · 8 months
I wish I had a little dude to keep me on track.
“Hey that’s some fun facts you got there but you haven’t finished your fucking essay”
Idk I just think someone telling me to get on track would help, I care more about making others hate me then I don’t about actually getting shit done.
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kintherd · 9 months
In my US history class we went over the gilded age, specifically the workers rights movement of that time. Mid read I got so pissy I created a character that combats corporate.
Notes about this character- He would be the “villain” of the story. He witnessed militia beat and kill protestors which made him more “radical”. when Debs (one of the leaders for the unions) got arrested that was his breaking point and he began gathering dirt on corporate leaders and revealing it to the public, as well as just fucking killing them if they piss him off enough.
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kintherd · 10 months
Question with the whole Mandela effect theory.
So if the Mandela effect is where realties shift and change, which causes people to remember things that “never” happened. Then what if someone doesn’t remember it? Is that person from the other reality? What if you’ve known this person your entire life but they don’t remember this thing you remember, are they from the other reality? What happened to the person from your reality? Do they still exist or did they merge with the person of the other reality?
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kintherd · 10 months
Y’all ever think about how maybe all of history was just some elaborate practical joke some past generation decided to play on us and no of it actually happened.
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kintherd · 10 months
There is ladies night, and bros night but no gender non-conforming night. We should change that.
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kintherd · 10 months
When the name you enjoy using on social media is taken, and you find out your the one who took it.
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kintherd · 10 months
I keep seeing ghost videos, so to any spirits it may matter to if you haunt my home I will bake you cookies and dedicate a space for you. I did it for herobrian when I was itty bitty and I’ll do it now for the random trapped souls.
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kintherd · 10 months
Y’all ever feel like the oc of a edgy teen?
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kintherd · 10 months
The best part about being a lower instrument is when the teacher is talking to the kids with the melody and you just get to chill.
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kintherd · 11 months
I want music that fits every possible mood I could have and I want my playlist to know what music I need.
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kintherd · 1 year
What if the only lizard man was just a random dude named Darrel.
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kintherd · 1 year
Do the people in disastrous life of siaki k hear saiki’s voice or is it just his inner monologue? I could never tell if he ever put in the effort to put his thoughts into the others brains but also sometimes it’s obvious he did. Which makes me question if I’m the entirety of the show everyone could hear him they just chose to ignore him
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kintherd · 1 year
Casual speech has ruined me. I have to consciously think about saying though instead of tho in my school papers.
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kintherd · 1 year
Who else is running purely off of anxiety and stress and nothing else.
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kintherd · 1 year
Friendly reminder that schools were made for the wealthy. So if you ever wonder why the system was built the way it was it’s because it was made with the idea that the kid has all the support needed.
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