kiriyuin · 3 years
Haha you all thought I was a dead account, but it was actually a huge troll! 
..But anyway, hi. Just came back to look at Stuff. 
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kiriyuin · 6 years
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Monsta X Take 1: Are You There? album giveaway
prize: -one winner gets a random version of ‘Take 1: Are You There?’ album (of their choice) ; preorder benefits included + one monsta x tony moly lip tint, also of their choice
rules: -don’t need to be following -reblog = an entry; can only reblog twice -must be a monbebe
other info: -it’s open worldwide (i’ll cover shipping) -i’ll be using a generator to pick the winner -if winner doesn’t respond within 24 hours i’ll have to choose a new one -giveaway ends 19th or 20th oct -the album will come sealed, i’ll be ordering it + the lip tint straight to you from kpoptown -if, for some reason, the lip tints are out of stock by the time this giveaway ends, then I’ll throw in merch that’s equivalent to the price of the lip tints
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kiriyuin · 6 years
We are blessed 
cisbians r ugly
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Shkjfd I’m getting a bunch of notifs on that one post I reblogged talking about “cisbians” when they were actually more of talking about terfs?? Don’t know if they are actually commenting/reblogging my reblog of it or Tumblr got some dumb update where you get all of the notifs even if it isn’t from your reblog of it.
Most of the comments are terfs being brats honestly like saying “omg just admit you hate women/lesbians!!” and accusing the op of being a man I guess I just want to confirm I’m not a terf or even a radfem both are toxic I love all people as long as ur nice xoxo
Honestly I think the OP was just angry about something and just posted smth without thinking too much about it? 
Have a good day sorry this blog is dead :(
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Shkjfd I'm getting a bunch of notifs on that one post I reblogged talking about "cisbians" when they were actually more of talking about terfs?? Don't know if they are actually commenting/reblogging my reblog of it or Tumblr got some dumb update where you get all of the notifs even if it isn't from your reblog of it.
Most of the comments are terfs being brats honestly like saying "omg just admit you hate women/lesbians!!" and accusing the op of being a man I guess I just want to confirm I'm not a terf or even a radfem both are toxic I love all people as long as ur nice xoxo
Honestly I think the OP was just angry about something and just posted smth without thinking too much about it? 
Have a good day sorry this blog is dead :(
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Then say terfs...
cisbians r ugly
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Y'all koreaboos gotta stop.
This is the 5th time one of the Korean Instagrams I follow had to make a post telling others to stop role-playing as them.
And not only that, but because you got so pissed that this guy didn't want you to pretend as him in your gross sexual chat with others that you falsely reported him and now his account is disabled..
God. I can't even explain how disgusting and fetishizing it is for you guys to treat Korean ig accounts as nothing but fictional characters to role-play as. Even more disgusting when the role-playing is sexual and then like the person you're role-playing as barely turned 18. 
Be respectful. They are human. How would you like it if all you wanted to do was post some selfies and interact with people on the internet, and then the people who supposedly love you roleplays as you without your permission or even knowledge, and when you tell them to stop they just bark back right at you and they just keep doing it?
But seriously.. getting his account deleted.. r.i.p Michael
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Do you ever just have that one person you've been following for a long time and idk maybe you're even mutuals but then they reblogged a really terrible toxic post and you're just like.. wow.
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kiriyuin · 6 years
So I guess y'all can stop sending death threats to Bang PD now, hooray
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kiriyuin · 6 years
OP does your arm hurt with that reach
yall kpoppies love bee tee s and bighit but dont talk about that the fact they literally dont accept girls on the company. you and your kings are all so woke and then… misogyny alert!
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kiriyuin · 6 years
I'm a dumbass I can just post my vents privately.. why didn't I realize this sooner. It's a win win. I get to vent shit out and my beautiful followers don't have to see it. Wow I'm thankful for Tumblr for once
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Which member of Stray Kids caught you attention the most? Mine is Hyunjin, and then Minho (because he just fucking strip in DISTRICT 9 MV IS HE TRYING TO KILL ME???), and then Jeongin, this rude hoe who’s trying to kill me with his forehead, like he looks like a different person depending in how he styles his hair (i.e. his forehead)
Oooh boy;; Hyunjin is so handsome.. love his Lil mole. I cried when I saw him in Awkward Silence, cute Lil thing. Also love Felix, my orange Aussie child.. 
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Every time I see a white girl ranting how men are trash, I raise my eyebrow & wonder if she hates Asian men & men of color, like tbh most white girls give me a white feminist vibes, even if they try to be intersectional & fake deep woke, white girls are worse (I’m sorry to bring negativity to your blog, but I just wanna rant since this bothers me & I feel like I need to vent)
😘😘😘 Don't worry, this actually brought my vibes up since I never seen or met another person who saw how shitty this is either lol. I'm always here for Educated Vents(tm)
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Ok, so I’m an Asian girl & I have been a K-POP fan for a long time. Yet since I come to Tumblr, I’ve seen some fans preaching about hating men cuz it’s revolutionary & empowering, then they just turn their back to infantilize the male idols?? The reason is that the male idols are infantilized & they’re the only men that are not seen as a threat b/c fans think they’re “soft & cute uwuuu”, I always hear this from white girls & it’s fucking irritating 😤
Oh shit!! 
I've been screaming about this for months!! 
Honestly I'm not even sure if people even see them as ""real"" men.. 
It's just so sickening when you see a blog that constantly preaches harm against men, and then you look at their blog and it's filled with the same girl reblogging posts of Asian men and screaming at how hot they are.
Doesn't it remind you of something? Of you know, men who are hateful towards women but constantly sexualize them at the same time? 
Do radfems see themselves as better than them even though they are doing the same thing..?
I wish us Asian men would stop getting so fetishized and hyper feminized.. if you truly say men should choke, then goodbye Oppa R.I.P
(And just to clarify, I'm not saying that men being feminine is bad lol I just feel like them being turned into uwu soft flower crown boys is apart of this whole bs).
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Also, love ya~ 💗
Aw love you too Anon ❤❤
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kiriyuin · 6 years
Hi~ Sorry if it sounds creepy to you, but what do you look in for a person romantically?
Oh hello Anon, sorry if this is late~
I honestly never really had a crush on someone, but I do like the idea of being in a relationship. I would just want someone nice and not loud, I have sensitive ears.. I doze off often, so I would hope they understand if I didn't hear what they said and that we don't really have to talk to just be around each other. Especially during movies.
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kiriyuin · 6 years
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