kissme-ironically · 10 years
yo im back
i know ya missed me
so anyone down to chat
i dont care if i know you or not
im just bored as fuck
like my boredom is literally being fucked till its bored
seriously bro
have some compassion and stop the boredom fucking
all it takes is one conversation
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
OOC What Mun's doing in their free time
This and this
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
Mun is severely depressed at the moment, so wont really be on or will be on awkwardly stalking their  dashboard. If I don’t reply to something, please don’t take it personally. If I start to seem needy, please don’t hate me. Mun is actually thinking it may be for the best to delete this blog, but is unsure… Either way, mun is sorry.
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
Dave casually placed his feet on the top of the desk, and cast another glance to the girl next to him. Something was eating at him, he couldn't get over that he knew her, and he couldn't get over the feeling that they were linked somehow.
Dave rolled his eyes, this was bullshit, she's just some girl, he could have any girl he wanted, he could pick someone way hotter than the bucktoothed girl next to him.
The first thing that crossed his mind was 'goody-two-shoes' it was her first day, as far as he knew, and she was already taking notes, usually if you transfer in the first week is practically a free ride.
He grabbed a notebook out of his backpack, placing it on his knees and began to scribble a note in sloppy hand writing.
'yo names dave strider
you look familiar
like its bugging me familiar
so just tell me who you are so i can get this deja vu feeling to go peace out
He casually, not really caring if anyone saw, dropped the note on her desk, giving her a small smirk.
His sandy blond hair falling over his shades.
It was a typical morning in the Strider household, Dave got home at about the time he should be waking up, and instead of getting ready for school he passed out on the couch, Bro was in the shower, which would give him about an hours rest.
When he finally woke up, it was to a pitcher of ice water in his lap.
"What the FUCK Bro!? Goddammit!"
He jumped up immediately, only to be slammed against the wall.
"Why the fuck aren’t you in school, Li’l man?"
It was a question that wasn’t meant to be answered, and Dave knew it.
After he got ready he took his sweet time walking to the bus stop, hoping he’d miss it. Luck was so on his side though, because he got there at just the right time to board the bus.
Arriving at school about forty five minutes late, he trudged through the hallways, walking with confidence, like he owned the place, despite the only person watching him being the security guard.
He kicked open the door to his classroom, walked in and gave the teacher a casual smirk.
" I’m here, everyone hold your applause."
He saw an unfamiliar, yet familiar face, a girl with long hair. He tried to place her in his mind, but it was foggy, he needed more sleep.
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
well its a downright pleasure to meet you feferi
although im a bit curious
whats up with the frown??
oh my god
i am laughing so fucking hard right now
that is so hilarious
i dont even know your name yet
and here im already startin off on the wrong foot
so uncool
lets back this track the hell up
names dave strider
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
Be My Game Boy (feat. S3RL) - Yurino
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
Old hit
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
striders get tired too
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
oh my god
i am laughing so fucking hard right now
that is so hilarious
i dont even know your name yet
and here im already startin off on the wrong foot
so uncool
lets back this track the hell up
names dave strider
whether you deny it or accept i the bitch called IRONY will consume you
it’s like a fucking addiction to drugs
your whole life youre like nah man drugs are gross
than you actually try it and youre like just this once
next thing you know youre doing some stupid ass shit for drugs
like robbing an old lady on the street
thats irony
you hate it
but it will become apart of you and make you do stupid stuff
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
whether you deny it or accept i the bitch called IRONY will consume you
it's like a fucking addiction to drugs
your whole life youre like nah man drugs are gross
than you actually try it and youre like just this once
next thing you know youre doing some stupid ass shit for drugs
like robbing an old lady on the street
thats irony
you hate it
but it will become apart of you and make you do stupid stuff
you know youre not supposed to question irony
you just accept it for what it is
like people have accepted yolo and twerking
you dont have to agree with it
just accept it
embrace it and you shall become one with it
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
It was a typical morning in the Strider household, Dave got home at about the time he should be waking up, and instead of getting ready for school he passed out on the couch, Bro was in the shower, which would give him about an hours rest.
When he finally woke up, it was to a pitcher of ice water in his lap.
"What the FUCK Bro!? Goddammit!"
He jumped up immediately, only to be slammed against the wall.
"Why the fuck aren't you in school, Li'l man?"
It was a question that wasn't meant to be answered, and Dave knew it.
After he got ready he took his sweet time walking to the bus stop, hoping he'd miss it. Luck was so on his side though, because he got there at just the right time to board the bus.
Arriving at school about forty five minutes late, he trudged through the hallways, walking with confidence, like he owned the place, despite the only person watching him being the security guard.
He kicked open the door to his classroom, walked in and gave the teacher a casual smirk.
" I'm here, everyone hold your applause."
He saw an unfamiliar, yet familiar face, a girl with long hair. He tried to place her in his mind, but it was foggy, he needed more sleep.
Dave had lived here his whole life, he had the town memorized, like the back of his hand, and never once had he seen that shop. Which was odd, it looked so old. How could he have never noticed it before? This had to be a mistake, it was probably one of those new places they made look old to be retro or something, right?
Curiosity began to wash over him, he felt the need to go in, he absolutely had to go in, despite not having any cash. He brushed past some girl with long dark hair as he entered the story, something about her caught his attention, but he didn’t care at the moment, it was like something was dragging him into the store.
The clerk wasn’t paying any attention to him at all, which really didn’t bother Dave too much. Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted a pair of headphones, the large noise canceling kind. They were solid black, with a red zig zag going across the plastic plate. They looked crappy compared to the ones he already had. Yet, something told him he needed them.
He casually slipped them under his shirt, pulling his jacket a bit to make it look more natural, and left the store. He swore he heard someone chuckling behind him, and he swore he saw, out of the corner of his eye, the store clerk smirking at him.
He pushed the thoughts out of his head, he had a djing gig tonight anyway, some wannabe underground rave for kids with too much money. Oh well, a jobs a job.
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
you know youre not supposed to question irony
you just accept it for what it is
like people have accepted yolo and twerking
you dont have to agree with it
just accept it
embrace it and you shall become one with it
kissme-ironically started following you
You minnow w)(at you define as irony is acs)(elly satire, rig)(t?? 38? 
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
Dave had lived here his whole life, he had the town memorized, like the back of his hand, and never once had he seen that shop. Which was odd, it looked so old. How could he have never noticed it before? This had to be a mistake, it was probably one of those new places they made look old to be retro or something, right?
Curiosity began to wash over him, he felt the need to go in, he absolutely had to go in, despite not having any cash. He brushed past some girl with long dark hair as he entered the story, something about her caught his attention, but he didn't care at the moment, it was like something was dragging him into the store.
The clerk wasn't paying any attention to him at all, which really didn't bother Dave too much. Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted a pair of headphones, the large noise canceling kind. They were solid black, with a red zig zag going across the plastic plate. They looked crappy compared to the ones he already had. Yet, something told him he needed them.
He casually slipped them under his shirt, pulling his jacket a bit to make it look more natural, and left the store. He swore he heard someone chuckling behind him, and he swore he saw, out of the corner of his eye, the store clerk smirking at him.
He pushed the thoughts out of his head, he had a djing gig tonight anyway, some wannabe underground rave for kids with too much money. Oh well, a jobs a job.
Jade was in the midst of exploring her new surroundings. She had just recently moved to Houston, and while her new location provided limitless chances for human interaction, it was ghastly hot. Sure she was used to sweltering heat, she had just moved from an island in the Pacific after all, but that had been a humid heat; here in the middle of the suburban desert the air was dryer than those cliche cow skulls. 
With a heavy sigh Jade wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand and debated a haircut; long, dark hair was definitely not ideal for her new habitat. As she searched for a bit of shade to relax in, or possibly some place to get a cool treat, her thoughts wandered to the fact that she’d be starting at her new school after the weekend was up. She worried at her lip a bit, would she fit in? Would she make friends? It had been so long since she’d been around people her age…or people at all. As she pondered these thoughts a quaint little shop caught her eye; with a shrug she decided to check it out, if nothing else at least it might offer refuge from the sun.   
The bell above the door rang as she entered, but the shop attendant paid her no notice. Absentmindedly her eyes traveled over the displays of eclectic trinkets, admiring the novelties for sale, nothing really catching her eye. Suddenly it was if someone had called her name, her head whipped around, turning from side to side until her eyes settled on a small pastel green compact. Hesitantly she approached it, picking it up and examining it more closely. It had a white swirling vortex design on it, along with a pawprint in the middle. It was cute, and it seemed like it was almost made for her; she tried to put it back, to set it down and leave…but she couldn’t. Instead she wandered around until she found the cashier. The woman behind the desk smiled at her, but avoided small talk as she rung up the compact. Jade paid for her purchase and quietly thanked the woman, slipping it into her bag as she headed back out into the street and made her way home.
Once Jade returned to her apartment she dropped her bag on the table, her purchase long forgotten. Since it was Sunday and she began at her new school in the morning, she decided it would be best to get ready for bed and turn in early. She showered quickly, brushed her teeth, and changed into her pajamas before making her way to the bedroom. Checking to be sure that her alarm was set and that her backpack was packed, she set her glasses on the nightstand and climbed into bed. She tossed and turned for half an hour before she reluctantly tossed off the covers, and fell into a restless slumber.
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
He follows her into the living room, shoving his hands in his pockets and showing off a cocky smile.
"Pretty sweet,  a group of nine-ish year olds think I'm some sort of super hero, which is pretty awesome. I mean I made those kids lives, how many people can say they saw a guy fly?" He plops himself down on the couch.
closed rp with kissme-ironically
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kissme-ironically · 10 years
Reblog if Homestuck RP Blog!
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Mun: I need people for this doofus to follow and interact with.
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