SOS! Help me klanceficarchive ur my only hope! I’ve been looking for this fic for AGES I’m really REALLY hoping you can help me find it! Also, I’m really sorry this is gonna be a shitty summary of the fic but I’m gonna give you all the info i can in hopes you can help. This is how I think it went: it starts with everyone on team Voltron getting caught other than klance. Klance have to go rescue the team and these villagers from this evil being but then OHNO they get caught! TBC in next message
omg this fic is super good! Thanks for the really detailed summary. Here’s the fic:
Terminal Velocity
The only fate worse than being tortured to death is watching, helpless, while the person you love most takes your place.
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Do you know the fic where keith’s dad is a cop and Lance gets stuck in the monkey bars? His dad may have been Kolivan, i’m not sure, but i remember him asking if lance was cute
Here it is!
Monkey Bars Without the Monkeys
“I got caught up with something,” Thace hums, taking a right turn when Lance quietly tells him to do so.
“Doing what? Something cool?”
“If you count saving a teenager from being stuck on a monkey bar in the east neighborhood’s playground as cool, then yes.”
“Lame,” his son declares and Thace ignores Lance’s offended yelp. “Is he cute, at least?”
Thace arches an eyebrow at the question before he shrugs. “Hey, kiddo, are you cute?” he asks over his shoulder, humming when hears Lance moving to lean forward from his seat.
“I would like to believe so, sir.”
[Or the one where Keith’s the son of a police offer and asks by pure chance if the boy his dad ‘arrested’ that night is cute enough for his gay ass. Spoiler alert: he is.]
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A lovely anon messaged me and I think the fic they found is it! Thank you so so much.
Model Romance
Lance is a college student who comes across an adorable Instagram model. He takes a risk at romance.
I’m trying to find this fic but I can only remember the end. Keith was with his brother Shiro doing a livestream of some sorts and Lance walks in and they have this whole kiss seen cuz they finally met each other in person. I can’t find it anywhere and it’s upsetting.
alright this has been floating around in my inbox for ages and i absolutely can’t find a fic like this. Anyone know what it is?
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I’m trying to find this fic but I can only remember the end. Keith was with his brother Shiro doing a livestream of some sorts and Lance walks in and they have this whole kiss seen cuz they finally met each other in person. I can’t find it anywhere and it’s upsetting.
alright this has been floating around in my inbox for ages and i absolutely can’t find a fic like this. Anyone know what it is?
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Lancing w/ the Stars  @lancemcslain  4m I can’t believe it SOME HOMIE KEEPS BUYING ALL THE BLUE PAL MERCH BEFORE ME
Lancing w/ the Stars  @lancemcslain  4m Replying to @ lancemcslain HE IS LEGIT JUST GRABBING THE LAST LNES ALL TH E TKME I HAVEN’T GOT ANYTHJNG
stop calling me dad  @zerotoshiro  3m Replying to @ lancemcslain Lance are you okay.
Lancing w/ the Stars  @lancemcslain  3m Replying to @ lancemcslain @ zerotoshiro NO I HAVE A NEW MULLETED RIVAL NOW I’M GONNA KICK HIS ASS EVEN THO HE’S CUTE
Written for Klanceweek2k17 Day 1, "Free Will vs Fate".  Modern AU where Lance is annoyed at some random dude with a mullet that keeps buying the last merch before he can, and where Keith is determined to buy merch for his online best friend.
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Lance couldn't help but smile, feeling oddly reassured, and he was still smiling when the door closed shut behind him. He took a minute to enjoy the giddy feeling the conversation had brought up in him, but within seconds, the mood was plummetting as a realization hit him. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit," Lance mumbled, his face in his hands. Because he couldn't deny it now. He had a crush on Keith.
Or: Lance and Keith discover their feelings for each other
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“I’m not!” he argued then, intelligently. Seeing the confusion on Keith’s face, he rectified “Obsessed. With your dick, that is.”
Or, Lance is kind of obsessed with Keith's dick.
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Just two rivals, locking lips, as rivals do. #NoHomo
This is a fill for a prompt on the VLD Kinkmeme: Basically Lance really wants to make out with Keith, but also wants to pretend he's not into guys and especially not into Keith so he keeps coming up with convoluted reasons for them to make out and Keith is down for it until it escalates.
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Lance held his breath. He knew, at this rate, they’d have two options: fight with what they had (which was Keith’s knife and team spirit) and hope they can skirt by with the help of the locals, or submit and become prisoners to the Galra. Neither situation was ideal. Lance looked to Keith, at his eyes and his eye lashes, the curve of his nose and the pink in his lips. He knew it was bad timing, but he really wanted to kiss Keith before whatever happened, happened.
But when Keith turned his body to face him and said, “Kiss me.” With the same amount of emotion one would say, “Hand me that stapler,” it threw Lance completely off guard.
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Congratulations on 300 posts!!! (Because I read the tags, so congratulations ma dude !)
Tumblr media
thank you… you’re my new fave…
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"This is public indecency and we could get arrested." --- "Oh my god. Are you for real? Why do you carry lube while we’re supposed to be jogging?”
In which, Lance and Keith did a little bit more exercise than running.            
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“Ke-Keith?” Lance asks, because it must be Lance, even though that’s not Lance’s voice.
“Yeah?” he replies, opening his eyes blearily.
His eyes meet….his eyes.
“What the…” he breathes, automatically pitching forward to get a closer look at his own features. What is going on?
Keith is both irritated by and oblivious to Lance. When they swap bodies, his perception of the Blue Paladin changes. Set in canonverse.
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“Oh my god Keith, I’m so happy I could kiss you right now!” “Okay.” — Team Voltron is going on a trip to a vacation planet for a few days and Lance won't shut up about it. Keith isn't sure how much longer he can put up with this.
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Hi! I was wondering if you had any klance family fics? Thanks!
Here you go! I was expecting more fluffiness when I went looking but angst is more on brand sooo *shrugs*
Duly Noted
Keith has a box full of scraps of paper, a lovingly archived collection of all the notes Lance has written him so far in their relationship.  Their son has a box just like it, and soon their newly adopted daughter will too.
Or:  5 (-ish) notes Lance wrote to Keith, beginning with the one that started it all, and 1 Keith wrote back
(office au, short, parent keith, parent lance, 5+1 things, husbands)
break me down and build me up
Who would’ve ever thought that the biggest cockblock would be your daughter. 
(canon, short, parent keith, parent lance, accidental baby, rivals, aliens getting them together)
To Welcome You Home
“Where are we going?”
“We have to finish being beautiful, first.” Kaia says, leading them into the bathroom.
An array of the hair pins Lance and Kaia both wore were scattered across the sink and two of Lance’s face mask containers were pulled out, along with a few brushes.
Kaia hefts herself onto the sink beside the mess. Once she’s situated and facing them again, she nods. “Before you get squishy.”
Or, Keith gets home from a long mission and just wants to kiss his husband. But their daughter has other ideas.
(canon, short, fluff, established relationship, husbands, parent keith, parent lance, skin care)
Your Love Has Shown Me Proof
 “This situation is a bit more complicated than we initially realized.”
 Lance raises an eyebrow, but Pidge is the one to question that. “Define complicated.”
 Allura takes no more time beating around the bush, “Well, I received a transmission. Keith and Lance–from the future, that is–would like to have their daughter back.“
or: Lance and Keith deal with a walking spoiler, in the form of a little girl who just wants to get back to her own home.
(canon, long, future, time travel, parent keith, parent lance, favorite)
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do you know any fics with side adashi?
Ideally, adashi AND klance would be canon but the voltron writers are cowards. There haven’t been a ton written, but I found you a few. Hopefully you like them!
a culmination of things
Keith had never really believed in love, not really, but thinking back to the day he met Adam, to Shiro’s tone as he introduced them, back to all the times they’d gone grocery shopping together and watched movies in the dark, Shiro and Adam on the couch and Keith on the floor with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, he thought maybe he could believe in it. Or at least that he wanted to.
“So is that something we do now?” Lance asks, looking up from where Keith’s hand rests on the bench. Where they were just touching. “Compliment each other?”
“I don’t know,” Keith says, honestly. “Maybe.”
(canon, midlength, garrison flashbacks, comfort)
Dramatic Irony
Dramatic Irony, n. a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
The problem starts because of this: Keith gets a new roommate. Normally he wouldn’t have a problem with this; he would mind his own business, and Lance would mind his, and they would get along simply as co-inhabitants. If only he didn’t have a very gay crush on his very straight roommate. He is so screwed.
(au, long, roommates, jealous lance, gay crisis)
Jet Black Wingman
As a favor to Shiro, Keith agrees to go in his place to a photo shoot, and does his best to appear professional in front of the cute photographer.
(au, short, photographer lance, pining keith)
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After seeing Lance and Hunk kiss, Keith had just felt curious about the two boy's relationship. As it turned out, Lance and Hunk were not dating, but only kissed because they wanted to.
Keith and Lance became smooch buddies afterwards.
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Keith has been struggling with a secret for a long time, but luckily or unluckily, Lance is there to help him out. Because Lance is a good guy like that.
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