klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Klaus and Caroline first kiss under the mistletoe they are at their first high school dance and is snowing a lot.
Here you go, love! Enjoy :)
At fifteen, Caroline Forbes looked around the gym that has been transformed into a winter wonderland with wide blue eyes.
It seemed the committee in charge of the decorations spent as much as they wished if the numerous decorations and mistletoes were any indication.
The blonde realized that she had to make sure to walk in places where the mistletoe was not hung over her head or else that would be a very sticky little situation. After all, what boy would want to kiss her with her too large glasses and braces?
“Relax,” her best friend Katherine said as she placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “It’ll be perfect.” The brunette smiled.
“Perfect for you,” Caroline argued as she took in Katherine’s gorgeous brown curls and the dress that fit her like a second skin.
It seemed like some girls filled out earlier than others… But still, at fifteen Caroline thought that perhaps she should have resembled more of a woman than a flat-chested girl.
“Oh please. Care, I’m telling you that tonight is going to be perfect and I want you to believe me in this.” Katherine announced just as some guy on the football team made his appearance and asked her to dance.
As Katherine was going to decline, Caroline shook her head.
“Dance. I’m going to get myself some punch.” She told her and Katherine looked unsure, but eventually she accepted the guy’s invitation.
When Caroline was alone, she went over to the punch bowl and got herself a cup.
Standing there in the shadows, her eyes landed on the captain of the lacrosse team and she sighed as she took in his gorgeous dirty blonde curls and beautiful stormy blue-gray eyes.
Exhaling a dreamy breath, she didn’t see the cup nearby and her hand made direct contact with the fruit bunch.
Gasping, Caroline realized that some of it has gotten on her dress and her cheeks flamed red. Looking towards Katherine, she noticed that the brunette seemed to be having a blast, so she couldn’t exactly go up to her…
Making up her mind, Caroline made a beeline for the exit and as she was heading towards the door, somebody bumped into her.
Looking up, she spotted Niklaus Mikaelson staring down at her with a devastating smile that made her insides flutter.
“I– uh sorry.” She apologized as she awkwardly took a step back.
“Mistletoe!” Somebody called out and the blonde quickly looked up.
“Oh, we don’t have to.” She shook her head as she tried to move towards the exit.
“It’s tradition,” he shrugged before he took ahold of her wrist and pulled her closer.
“Really, we don’t have to.” She repeated, but it seemed like the captain of the lacrosse team wasn’t going to have any of it. He was going to kiss her no matter the brace or the too big glasses…
“We do,” he whispered before he caressed her cheek and brought his lips inches away from her own. Then, their lips meshed together and at first Caroline didn’t respond thinking that she was in a dream, but when she felt his chest against her own, she knew it was real.
Kissing him back, she looped her arms around his neck and he moved his hands down her back and stopped at the small of it.
“You go, Klaus!” One of his teammates called out. “Just don’t let brace face over their bite you.”
When those words registered, Caroline quickly stepped back and looked around the gym in alarm. All eyes were on them and she felt her cheeks heating.
“I have to go.” She whispered before she turned on her heels and ran out of their as if her legs were on fire.
Finally, when she was outside, she went towards the bleachers and sat for a minute before she burst out crying. Putting her face in her hands, she wished for a hole to open up and swallow her whole, but that wasn’t going to be happening.
Hearing footsteps, she refused to look up and assumed that it was Katherine coming her way.
“I’m fine, Kat.” Caroline said aloud.
“No you’re not.” A voice that was definitely not Katherine’s responded.
Looking up in alarm, she came face to face with the guy that she was kissing just a few minutes ago.
“You shouldn’t be here.” She told him flatly. “I don’t need you feeling bad for me.”
“I’m not here because I feel bad for you, love… I deliberately went your way when I saw you heading for the exit and the mistletoe was pure luck on my part.”
“I beg your pardon?” She asked, the confusion evident in her voice as she eyed him without trust.
“I’ve been trying to bring myself to ask you out ever since the beginning of the year, Caroline, but every time I tried, I chickened out.
“What? Why would you– the captain of the lacrosse team and the hottest guy in school– want ask somebody like me out?”
“Because I fancy you,” he announced. “And I don’t care what anybody else says.”
“If this is some joke you’re playing on me, I won’t fall for it. I may be blonde, but I’m definitely not dumb.”
“It’s not a joke, Caroline. I truly do like you and I’d like it if you gave me a chance.” He told her, his stance rigid and his eyes filled with unsurety.
“But why?” She asked.
“Because you intrigue me like no other girl in the whole of Mystic Falls High.”
“But you’re a junior.” She said, trying to make him understand that he wasn’t thinking straight.
“And you’re a sophomore. What’s the big deal? I’m just a year older than you are and I would appreciate it if you didn’t judge me simply because my friends are assholes.”
“Are you serious? You actually want us to give this relationship a go? But I’m not your usual type– your type are those girls that are voluptuous and petite, not tall and too slim.”
“Well perhaps I have changed my type because when I saw you in that gym I thought you were the most beautiful girl there– even with the punch staining your front.”
Blushing, Caroline looked down at her dress and bit down on her bottom lip.
“I should really go and take care of this.” She told him, motioning to the red splotch.
“And you will, but not until you say yes to me taking you on a date tomorrow.”
“Are you sure? Really, I don’t want you feeling like you have to just because your friends hurt my feelings.”
“Ask me if I am sure again and I will walk away from here. I want to go out on a date with you, Caroline and I would like it if you gave me the answer somewhere in this century…”
Laughing, she covered her mouth with her fingers and he shook his head.
“You’re beautiful, love. I wish you didn’t listen to all of those jerks…”
“Wow,” she said aloud.
“Wow?” He mimicked, the confusion evident in his accented voice.
“I always imagined you as being a jerk, but you’re actually really sweet which is why, I will agree to go on a date with you.” She smiled brightly.
“Perfect,” he sighed in relief as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Tomorrow at seven, I’ll pick you up. And for your sake, wear something warm.” He winked as he stood up and outstretched his hand for her to take.
Though they had their issues, they were always able to work through them and eventually they became the high school sweethearts that married and lived happily ever after…
There you have it! So, unfortunately I have a cold, so I would love it if people sent in some Christmas prompts for me… I’m not doing much anyway (except being miserable, that is)
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Kc: pulling you in for a kiss with a scarf
First off, thank you for the prompt and here you go, love :)
Caroline sat on the couch beside Klaus and bit down on her bottom lip because she knew that he wasn’t a fan of Christmas.
“You have that look about you, love. Is there something you wish to say?”
Looking around their apartment which was devoid of all holiday decorations and cheer, she sighed.
“I want a Christmas tree and I want to decorate the apartment.” She told him quickly, deciding not to beat around the bush.
“Love, you know how I feel about this holiday. Surely, you don’t have to have a Christmas tree. And anyway, do you really want our perfectly modern apartment to be turned into some holiday zoo?”
Standing up, Caroline made her way over to the window and sighed sadly because it wasn’t feeling like Christmas at all. After all, the weather was in the sixties and people were prancing around in pants and t-shirts.
Sure, there were lights all over, but it wasn’t the same.
“I think I’m going to go for a walk.” She told her fiancé as she made her way out of the living room and into their bedroom.
Entering the adjoining bathroom, Caroline took off her engagement ring and left it on the sink before she washed her hands. Though it made no sense, the blonde was one that had to wash her hands before and after she went somewhere that was not her home.
Wiping her hands, she turned on her heel and made her way to the closet. She put on her favorite scarf and took out her coat.
Then, she made her way into the foyer.
“When will you be back, sweetheart?” Klaus asked as he looked over at her.
“I’ll be back in a while, Klaus.” She answered, unlocking the door.
When Klaus was alone, he sighed and leaned back into the couch. He didn’t want to see Caroline so upset over the fact that he didn’t want to decorate their apartment, but he truly despised the Christmas season.
Though he didn’t have much of a reason, he assumed it had to do with the fact that his parents always argued during the Christmas season which made the holidays unbearable for him and his siblings.
Perhaps that was why he was– what, afraid?– of decorating because then it would truly feel like Christmas and those memories would assail him.
Standing up, Klaus made his way into the bathroom and his eyes caught a shiny gleam.
With a start, he realized that Caroline left her engagement ring before he left and immediately he took ahold of it and pulled on the first thing he saw.
Running out of the apartment, he locked the door before he made his way down the stairs hastily.
Once outside, he looked for her golden blonde curls and when he spotted them, he ran over to her.
“Caroline!” He called out, his voice thick with emotion.
“Klaus?” She asked, the confusion evident in her voice.
“Your ring, Caroline? You forgot your ring.” He clarified as he showed it to her.
“Oh,” she said with a start. “I didn’t even realize. I– I have never forgotten it before.” She declared, sounding confused.
“Is there something that we need to talk about? I just– I feel like you haven’t been happy lately.”
“I don’t know,” she confessed. “I just need some time.” She told him, looking down at the cement covered ground.
“Wha–?” He started, but she interrupted.
“I need some space, Klaus. I need to understand what I want and right now, I really don’t know.”
“What are you saying?” He questioned, shaking his head in disbelief.
“A break. I need a break.” She finished on a shaky breath before she took a few steps away from him, still looking at him.
Klaus took a step forward and took ahold of her long scarf before he pulled her closer to his chest. When they were chest to chest, he claimed her lips and refused to let her go.
At first, she didn’t respond, but soon thereafter she looped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
Pulling away for air, Caroline looked at him with confusion in her bright blue eyes.
“Why did you that?” She asked, sounding breathless.
“I won’t let you go, Caroline. I love you and we will get through this, but I won’t let you go.”
Sighing, she began shaking her head, but he put his finger to her lips and shushed her.
“Let’s go Christmas shopping.” He offered, sounding hopeful.
“What? You hate anything that has to do with Christmas, though.”
“But you love this holiday and I want you to be happy. Let’s go buy a tree and ornaments and decorations and stuff.” He begged, his hands together. “Please?”
“Are you sure?” She wondered, unsure of herself.
“Yes,” he answered. “Yes,” he repeated before he slipped the ring on her finger.
That day, after their shopping they came home and decorated their home as well as the tree. Though Klaus was still unsure of the holiday, he was happy to be proven wrong– it was a wonderful one and the ones that followed only got better as their family expanded.
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Hi ! I just read a prompt that I find perfect for Klaroline, it's "we’re both elves at santa’s workshop in the mall au" I hope no one send it to you already ! And I love your drabbles btw !
Hi, love :) Aw thank you so much, and nope I don’t have many prompts, so if you have more I would be more than happy to write them :)
Santa’s Little Helpers
Caroline stood inside Santa’s Workshop that was established in the center of the mall and looked down at her outfit with a large smile on her lips. The blonde knew that she looked like somebody out of an asylum, but she couldn’t help just how giddy she was over the holiday season.
As the parents and their children got on line, she smiled at them and waved. Looking around, her eyes landed on her partner and she couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“I look ridiculous.” Klaus Mikaelson, a struggling artist said as he frowned.
“You look cute, Klaus. Come on, at least smile. The parents are eyeing you as if you’re going to bolt as soon as you have the chance.”
“As much as I would love to bolt, I find that I cannot. This job pays pretty damn well, Caroline and I have my tuition to think about.”
“Truer words have never been spoken.” She agreed because she happened to be striving for her bachelors in marketing as well and had her tuition on her shoulders.
“And yet you’re smiling as if you don’t have a care in the world.” He grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest like a petulant child.
“It’s almost Christmas, Klaus! Why in the world wouldn’t I be happy about it? And anyway, I’m going to head to Upstate in a few days to spend the holidays with my friends and family.”
“At least your family lives here… My family is all the way in London and as much as I want to go and visit them and spend the holiday there, I can’t because I’m on my own here.”
“Surely if you ask your parents for help, they’ll help you.” She stated as she gave him a small smile.
“I promised myself that I wouldn’t ask them for help. I don’t want to take their money– I want to make my own and at the end, I want to feel like I actually achieved something in my life without their help.”
“Fine,” she shrugged. “If you’d rather wear tights and look ridiculous than that is your right.”
“Well at least I’m not the only one that looks ridiculous here.” He replied, motioning in her direction with a shake of his head.
“I look adorable.” She shrugged as she helped the first child onto Santa’s lap. Then, she looked back at him and asked, “Where are you going to spend Christmas then?”
“In my dorm room.” He replied. “I even got a little tree and decorated it.” He added, genuinely pleased with himself.
“Okay, that is so not happening. I am not going to let you spend Christmas alone, so you’re going to come with me.”
“I beg your pardon?” He questioned, the shock evident on his face.
“My parents and grandparents have been nagging me forever about not having enough time to date, so you Klaus Mikaelson, are going to be my boyfriend for the next two weeks.”
“I am? Um, are you sure?” He questioned, shocked.
“You are. And I know you well enough, so I wouldn’t mind you being my fake boyfriend.” She told him as she helped the child off and Klaus helped the next child on.
When she looked over at him, she realized that he was looking a bit pale.
“You okay?” She asked.
“Well… Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you out on a date, but I never really gathered enough courage to do so– until now.” He quickly told her, swallowing hard. “So, um… Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?”
Caroline smiled from ear to ear and threw her arms around him before she nodded quickly.
“I’ve been waiting for you to fess up.” She confessed. “And now that you have, I can’t tell you how happy I am.”
“Well, you could have asked me out yourself, you know…” He offered, an actual smile on his lips.
“Yeah, right.” She scoffed.
Chuckling, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he went to the other side and they both realized that the parents were smiling as was Santa.
In the end, it turned out that Klaus and Caroline had many things in common and the two weeks they spent Upstate were worthwhile because by the end, they truly were boyfriend and girlfriend.
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Just wanted to let you know all the drabbles you have wrote so far have been amazing! You are really talented and I can't wait for whatever new stuff you have in progress.
Aww thank you so much! At the moment I have 2 drabbles in progress, but I sure wish I had more!
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Thinking Fast-- A Klaroline Drabble
Warning: Caroline is being followed by a mugger.
As the blonde was making her way down the street, she felt somebody’s eyes on her back. Though she tried to shake it off, she felt those eyes at her back and did a little half turn.
Her gaze landed on a man who wore a hood and immediately a shiver ran down her spine.
Surely that man wasn't following her… Why would he? And anyway, it was the holiday season, so why in the world would somebody even do that?
Closing her eyes and inhaling a deep breath, Caroline saw a deli in the distance and made her way over there slowly. When she entered the establishment, she made a beeline for the cash register and chose a pack of twizzlers. Throwing a dollar bill on the counter, she was about to ask the cashier for help, but felt the man’s presence behind her.
She couldn't give herself away and the blonde knew that she had to think very carefully about what she was going to do.
Giving the cashier a small smile, she sidestepped the man behind him, but unfortunately she didn't get a good look at him.
Deep breath. It'll be fine, Caroline. Just keep your head high and find somebody to help. The blonde thought and she inhaled another breath.
When she was outside, she looked back at the deli under her eyelids and heard the bell going off which notified her that the man was behind her yet again.
At that moment, Caroline began freaking out. She didn't want this to be happening to her, but she knew for certain that the man didn't have any good intentions towards her.
When she got on a busier street, she kept her pace steady and her eyes landed on a man in a suit who was coming out of his car.
Immediately, she felt as if he was safe and that he would help her hence the reason why she rushed over to him. Obviously, she didn't know how old the guy was or how his eyes looked
“Hi, baby.” She said loudly enough for the man that was following her to hear.
She put her arm around him and whispered into his ear, “I know that we don't know each other, but some guy is following me and I'm not being paranoid, so just please play along. It's almost Christmas!”
Then, she kissed him on the cheek and he quickly put his own arm around her waist and pulled her clothes.
He backed up a little and gave a little whistle.
“You look gorgeous, my love.” He responded and at that moment the blonde melted-- the guy had an accent and he sounded hot as hell!
She gave him a bright smile and exhaled a sigh when the eyes of the other man left her backside.
“He's gone.” He told her before he motioned for a large man in a black suit. “Donny, follow the man in the grey hood and make sure he doesn't get away. If he follows another person, call the police and make sure he doesn't get away.”
“Yes, sir.” The larger man replied before he left the two of them alone.
“You have a bodyguard?” She asked and only then did she realize that his hands were still on her waist.
“Sorry,” he apologized, quickly backing away. “Are you alright? Is there something that I can get you? Or maybe somebody that I can call?”
“No, no… I am fine, thank you.” Caroline assured him.
“Are you sure? Would you like me to escort you to wherever you are going?” He asked, genuinely worried about her, it seemed.
“No, really. I’ve already cost you your bodyguard, but I’ll be fine. I live a couple of blocks away and anyway-- I think I’m going to need some chocolate cake in order to get my trembling hands under control.” She answered, holding her hands out to prove her point.
“Let me take you to the bakery across the street. I promise that you will fall in love with their chocolate cake-- it’s absolute heaven.” He smiled as he licked his full, plump lips.
“Well… Maybe, but perhaps you can tell me your name?”
“Of course,” he nodded. “Niklaus Mikaelson of the Mik--”
“The Mikaelson Post?” She cried out as her eyes widened in excitement. “You own that newspaper company, don’t you? Oh man, I love what you guys write. They’re always so vivid and wonderful. I actually really want to head to Greece now that one of your writers have explained Santorini in so  much detail.”
Chuckling, he handed her his business card and she took it without delay.
“I actually wrote that piece, so if you don’t mind, I’d love to take you to the bakery across the street and we can sit down. I’ll even show you some photographs that I had the honor of taking,...?”
“Caroline Forbes,” she quipped and the two shook hands.
“A pleasure to meet you, love. And really, I am so sorry for your spook. What can we do? This is New York City and unfortunately there are many muggers here, especially in Manhattan.”
“Mugger? Is that what you think he is?” Caroline asked.
“Yes, indeed. Before you came my way, I have to say that you captured my attention, but I also noticed how that man was eyeing your purse.”
“Oh, god…” She cried out. “I think I’m going to need that chocolate slice of a cake.” She told him and he tucked her hand into his arm.
“Then we shall go without further delay.” He smiled. “And Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” He whispered as it began to snow.
From that day forward, Klaus and Caroline continued to see one another and during Christmas the next year, he proposed under the mistletoe with both of their families present.
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
A Mikaelson-Forbes Tradition
Hey guys! So, since I am not getting any drabble requests or prompts from anybody, I thought I’d come up with my own ideas...
“Mommy, it's snowing!” The little girl in pigtails cried out as she looked out the window and clapped her hands together.
“I know it is, sweetheart. It's been snowing for the better part of the day.” Her mother announced, a smile on her lips.
“Oh, yay! Does that mean we can go outside and make snow angels? Oh, mommy, please! You know how much I love making snow angels!” She cried out as she looked at her with wide blue eyes filled with hope.
“Well, I guess we can.” Elizabeth Forbes mumbled. “But you must promise me that you will keep your mittens and hat on. I don't want you getting sick a couple of days before Christmas, Caroline.”
“I promise that I will! I just want to go outside and I want to feel the snowflakes on my face. They’re always so cold and I love it when they melt.”
“Of course you do, baby girl.” Liz cooed to her four year old daughter. “Now, put on a warm sweater and I'll meet you by the door in a couple of minutes.
“Okay, mommy!” She squealed as she clapped her hands together before she ran up the stairs and into her bedroom. She grabbed the first sweater that she saw and pulled it on with little difficulty.
Then, she found her snow boots and ran downstairs. Her mother was already by the door with their coats in hand as well as their scarves.
“That's my girl.” Liz smiled as she rumpled her daughter’s blonde hair before she put on her hat for her.
When Caroline was dressed warmly, the two of them set out for the park across the street. There, Caroline found an empty spot and promptly lay on her back before she began moving her hands and legs with a bright smile on her lips.
A couple of minutes later, she jumped up and took a look at her progress before she clapped her hands together.
“Mommy, doesn't it look pretty?” She asked as she smiled from ear to ear.
“It does, my love.” Liz smiled. “I am very proud of you, Caroline.”
Caroline was nodding her head, but stopped when she felt something cold against her neck.
She turned around quickly and spotted an older boy that was about seven or eight laughing out loud and pointing at her.
“Mommy!” Caroline cried out as she stared in horror as the same boy readied another snowball and held it in hand.
The mischievous look in his stormy blue-gray eyes made her realize that he was up to no good and though she looked for her mother behind her, she couldn't see her, so Caroline did the next big thing.
She bent down and made her own snowball before she threw it at him and it him squarely in the arm.
“Hey!” He cried out as he barreled down the small hill and threw his own snowball at her.
Caroline gasped when it hit her against her chest and her anger began to rise as well as the redness on her cheeks.
“You'll pay for that!” She shouted before she quickly made some snowballs and set them aside and threw two at the same time.
A couple of minutes later, the two kids were drenched and when Caroline’s mother returned, her eyes widened in disbelief.
“I looked away for three minutes, Caroline. Three!” She shouted. “How in the world did you get so wet? I must get you out of your clothing before you catch a chill!” She cried out as she grabbed for her, but she sidestepped and went towards the boy.
“We're not done.” She warned before she turned on her heel with a harrumph and walked away from him.
“I can't wait!” He shouted after he and her hands clenched into fists.
At that moment, neither Caroline or Klaus-- that was his name-- knew what their futures had in store, but they became best friends and eventually they gave into their feelings and lived happily ever after. Annually, a couple of days before Christmas they had a snowball fight and eventually their children joined in as well as their grandchildren. It became a Mikaelson-Forbes tradition.
There you have it! I hope this was a fluffy drabble that you all enjoyed :)
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
So guys, my inbox is fairly empty, so please do send in some klaroline Drabble requests, please :)
And if there is anybody that wants to join this blog and is good at writing smut, let me know. I have a few smut requests that I can't seem to write
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
A Christmastide Reunion, Chapter 2
A Christmastide Reunion
Summary: Christmastide happens to be around the corner and when Lady Caroline arrives at her friend's estate, she finds herself snowed in with her arch nemesis- Niklaus Mikaelson- and nobody else…
Their lips assailed the other’s, but soon Caroline realized that she was kissing the man that she disliked with every fiber of her being and quickly pushed him away.
When he pulled away from her, he was breathing heavily and his eyes were tinted with desire.
“You're magnificent.” He complimented as he reached for her, but she danced out of his way and quickly got behind the copper tub. After all, the tub wasn't exactly the greatest of shields, but they were apart and that was all that mattered.
“Stay away from me.” She told him as her heart beat in her chest rapidly.
“As you wish,” he drawled, the disappointment evident in his voice.
Still, he watched her like a cat did a mouse and Caroline felt as if he was about to pounce.
“I'm serious.” She warned. “You'll be sorry if you don't heed my warning.”
“I have no doubt.” He replied sarcastically and the blonde’s blood began to simmer angrily. “I do wonder what it is that you will do, however.”
“Continue looking at me the way you are and you'll find out.” She shrugged as she tried to put on a brave front, but he could see through her facade.
Their kiss had as much of an impact on her as it had on him. Still, the Earl knew not why he suddenly wanted the girl for himself.
It wasn't as if he ever saw her in that way before…
Lie, the little voice in his head said and he narrowed his eyes.
“Don't look at me like that, my lord. I find your beady eyes most discomforting if I may be so blunt.”
“My beady eyes? Last time I checked, my eyes looked perfectly fine.” He argued, sounding as pompous as ever before.
With a scoff, she turned up her nose at him and only then did she realize that her body was still bare to his gaze.
“Finally realized you're still naked, huh?” He questioned, his smile in place.
“Leave!” She cried out as she stomped her foot in an outrage.
“Your breasts bounce beautifully, darling. I simply cannot wait to see when they'll quiver because of the pleasure I give you.”
“Cease speaking to me in such a way, immediately! You may be an Earl, but that does not give you the right to speak to me as if I am some loose woman with no morals. I am a lady first and foremost and you shall regret the way you are speaking to me.”
“I'll regret it when the time comes, but for the time being I find that I fancy looking at your beautiful body and will continue to do so as long as I please.”
“Hell and damnation!” She cried out. “Go to the devil, you arrogant and pompous cad! I'll not allow you to use me like one of your whores!” She warned as she dashed towards the four poster bed and pulled the sheet there tightly around her body.
“Such language does not become you, darling. Although, I must say that I love the way you sound when you cuss.”
“Leave my sight at once!” She commanded. “I will call Andrew if you do not and he will deal with you.”
“Oh, please… Andrew can do nothing to a peer of the realm as you well know.”
“He will if said peer is disrespecting a lady.” She argued even though she knew that the Earl was correct.
Though Andrew was a good sort, he wasn't much of a savior to begin with. The boy was barely a man anyway and she realized that Klaus was indeed very manly.
There simply had to be another way to deter him from whatever he had in mind…
“I can see those little wheels in your head turning and I can see that you agree that Andrew will not harm me one way or the other, so what are we going to do? Are you going to finally tell me why you despise me so much when not even a decade ago you panted after every word that I said?”
“I never panted after everything that you said, sir.” She argued as her hands clenched into fists at her sides and she watched him with anger in her bright blue eyes.
“Are you sure about that? Because as I recall, when you were a little girl and was visiting with my family, your eyes always followed me.”
“You think far too highly of yourself. A big head was never good for anybody.” She scoffed. “And I sure as hell am not infatuated of you as you think.”
"Oh, but I am not saying that you are infatuated with me-- all I am saying is that you have fallen in lust with me." He smirked, his traitorous dimples making their appearance.
"Fallen in lust with you? Have you gone mad, my lord? Surely you have..." She said, the annoyance evident in her voice.
"I can tell you that mind is of soundness at this very moment."
"Is it? Then pray tell why it is that you have still not left my presence after I have asked you too repeatedly?" She countered as she held the sheet closer to her body, her eyes daggers being sent his way.
"Well, it's plain and simple really... I do not wish to leave and I can tell you right now that I'd fancy taking you up against that wall." He told her as he motioned towards the wall by the armoire.
"How dare you!" She gasped as she reached for the closest item and threw it at his head.
Unfortunately, what she threw at him happened to be the sheet that protected her naked body from his gaze. Yet again, she stood their naked and Klaus' eyes zeroed in on her blushing womanly mounds.
“Stunning,” he said aloud as he moved closer to her.
“Stay where you are!” She ordered, trying to sound as foreboding as ever.
“But I wish to see you a bit closer.” He told her, sounding as innocent as a newborn babe.
"And I wish you to leave my presence at once, but unfortunately that isn't happening!" She cried out as her hands clenched into fists and she eyed him with daggers in her bright blue eyes.
"Well, you could have just asked nicely." He replied with a shrug. "But since you didn't, the offer no longer stands."
"Fine, if you wish to be such a stubborn cad then at least give me the courtesy to dress in private."
"I can do that." He nodded as he turned his back on her and made his way to a corner in the room.
"What I mean is to please have my clothing brought up. As you can see, Andrew has not yet had the time to leave it here."
"No problem, love. I would love to bring you your clothing, but only if you allow me to choose what it is that you will wear."
"Ugh!" She huffed, the annoyance evident in her voice as she stomped in the direction of the door and opened it.
"Where do you think you're going in that state?" He questioned as he moved in front of her and blocked her exit.
"I am going to go and retrieve my belongings since you know not how to be a gentleman."
"Bu--" he started and she put up her finger in order to stop him from saying another word.
"I will do as I please and should that mean carousing around this house in nothing, that is what I will do."
"If you believe I'll allow you to expose your charms to your footman you are very wrong. I will bring you your trunk and you may choose what you want to wear, but I'll not have you running around as naked as the day you were born."
"I don't believe I asked your permission, my lord." She argued before she lifted her nose in the air and pushed past him.
When she got over the threshold, his arms encircled her midsection and he pulled her into the bedchamber.
At that point, all Caroline saw was red. She'd not allow him to manhandle her as if he had some sort of right.
"Release me or you'll find yourself without hands, sir." She warned, sounding as ominous as ever.
"I hate to disappoint, but do you truly believe that you can hurt me in anyway?"
"As a matter of fact, I do think so and do you want to know why?" She questioned.
"Why of course, my fair lady. Do enlighten me." He urged, watching her closely.
"Every kitten has claws." She simply replied before she pushed him away. He let her go and immediately, the blonde ducked out of the bedchamber and made her way to the stairs.
Standing at the top, she looked down at herself and huffed because the Earl was right... She couldn't simply walk around with nothing on her person and risk seeing Andrew.
The poor boy wouldn't know what to do with himself and she was fairly certain that Klaus would go through with his earlier threat…
With an annoyed sigh, she turned back towards the bedchamber and Klaus stood there with a foreboding expression on his face.
“What?” She questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest.
His eyes moved to her midsection and she cursed under her breath. It seemed the man couldn't think straight when her female charms were out in the open.
“Eyes up here!” She snapped even though she was growing exhausted. It seemed the trip did indeed have more of an effect on her than she thought.
With a start, his eyes moved upwards and collided with her own.
“Head into your bedchamber and I will fetch your trunk, my lady. Though I am sure that you are going to say no, do think it over.”
A couple of seconds later, the blonde nodded and he smirked before he gave her one last piercing look and then turned on his heel.
Sighing, Caroline entered her bedchamber and sat down at the edge of the bed, pulling the sheet that she threw at him tight around herself.
As she waited, the memories of her childhood played over in her head. She remembered that first time she met his lordship when she was but a girl of five years of age.
Many Years Ago:
The little girl looked over at her parents with an I sure expression on her face as they defended the carriage steps and made their way over to the Mikaelson Manor.
“Mommy, what if that girl is mean?” She asked, looking up at Liz with innocence in her eyes.
“Rest assured, my dear. Lady Rebekah is an absolute dear-- you simply have to find a way to speak to her.”
“I don't know…” She replied as she placed her thumb in her mouth and sucked.
“Darling,” her mother warned as she looked pointedly at her daughter.
“Dear, leave Carey alone… She's nervous and if she wants to place her thumb in her mouth, then I say we let her. She's got many more years before she must be a proper lady.”
With a frown, Liz looked at her husband and he gave her a teasing smile and shrugged. Sighing, Liz nodded and motioned for their daughter to carry on.
A couple of minutes later, the butler allowed them to enter and escorted them to the drawing room.
“Sweetheart, you must follow this nice man to the nursery.” Liz told her as she pointed at the butler with a genuine smile on her lips.
“But, mommy--” Caroline began to argue, but her parents gave her one of their looks and she huffed before she followed the butler.
When in the nursery, she saw boys-- many of them and she looked up at the butler confused.
“Where is Lady Rebekah?” Caroline asked, the curiosity evident in her voice.
“Her ladyship is at a lesson, but she will be done in no time. For now, my lady, you may play with the boys.”
“No!” She cried out loud as she promptly placed her thumb in her mouth nervously.
“What a baby.” One of the boys said-- his hair was brown and his chocolate brown eyes were alit with childish mischief.
“Leave her be, Kol.” An older boy ordered, his hair a dirty blonde and his eyes a stormy blue-gray.
Caroline couldn’t seem to take her eyes away from him and she yelped when he started making his way over to her.
Immediately, the boy stopped in his tracks and looked over at her with a curious expression on his face.
“Are you alright?” He questioned.
Nodding, Caroline gave him a small smile and he took that as reassurance and made his way over to her.
“Hello, my lady.” He said as he bowed and gave her a kiss on her hand, being as gentlemanly as any other.
With a hiccup, Caroline felt her cheeks heat up and she looked down at her feet, but instead found his hand in hers. It seemed the boy was not yet ready to let her go…
“Thinking of me, love?” A voice asked and she jumped when her eyes landed on the boy in question-- except he was no longer a boy, eh?
“No!” She said far too quickly and he smirked as he sauntered over to her and placed the trunk at her feet.
Bending down, he opened the trunk and took out a light blue day dress that was a bit to low in the midsection and showed it to her.
“I’d like it if you wore this.” He simply told her before he made his way out of the bedchamber.
When the blonde was alone, she felt her heart thundering in her chest and swallowed.
How in the world was she going to survive with him so close by and especially during a holiday that was so intimate?
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
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This is one of the cutest Klaroline moments
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Have a klaroline Christmas Drabble request? Please send it in!
Also, y'all might be interested in the fact that I have over 1500 words thus far for the second chapter of A Christmastide Reunion :)
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Where did you get your snow! xx
Hi, nonnie! And I think it came with my theme. I don’t remember because it’s been over a year since I have had this particular blog :)
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Request: Klaus and Caroline are making out in their living room when their son Axel surprises them with a santa costume. Klaus is forced to wear it. Grumpy klaus+excited caroline+cheeky axel
The blonde entered the living room and immediately went over to her husband who was seated on the couch.
“Hello, love.” He said, a smile lighting up his face as he motioned for her to take a seat beside him.
Caroline sat down thankfully and gave him a come hither look that he couldn’t deny, but as he was going to kiss her, she shook her head.
“Let’s find a Christmas movie to watch and I’ll make us some hot chocolate.”
“Really, my love… That is not necessary– and anyway I have a better idea.” He smirked, his stormy blue-gray eyes alit with mischief.
“I’m sure you do,” she winked before she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then stood up and practically skipped her way into the kitchen.
With a sigh, Klaus took ahold of the remote control and turned on the television. He went onto the on demand channel and found a movie that he thought would be funny– Holiday in Handcuffs.
As he clicked on it, he looked around the living room and smiled. Though he was exhausted– after all having a four year old son and newborn baby girls wasn’t easy– he couldn’t have asked for a better life.
He was married to the woman that he loved and they were happy with one another. Also, their children were healthy and happy and that was all he really wanted.
As his eyes landed on the Christmas tree, he took in the beautiful ornaments and smiled when he spotted Axel’s homemade Santa Claus ornament.
“Found something that we can watch?” Caroline asked as she entered the living room with two mugs filled to the brink with hot chocolate.
“Yep,” he nodded as she handed him a cup.
As the movie started, Caroline laid her head on his shoulder and they watched the movie for the next forty minutes before Caroline sat down on his lap and began lapping her tongue against his neck.
Groaning, Klaus took ahold of her hips and thrust upwards, his erection evident.
“I missed you so much,” he told her as their lips collided and they moved against one another fervently.
“I’ve missed you too,” she moaned as he nipped at her neck playfully.
As things were getting heated, Axel decided to enter and promptly said, “daddy, what are you doing to mommy!?”
Immediately, they broke away from one another and a blush appeared on Caroline’s cheeks as she straightened out her clothing and handed Klaus a pillow.
“Axel, shouldn’t you be asleep, my boy?” Klaus asked teasingly even though he was feeling just a bit uncomfortable.
“I should,” the boy agreed as he ran over to the couch and plopped down between them before giving them both kisses on the cheek.
“What do you have there?” Klaus wondered as he looked over at the bag.
“Oh, look!” Axel cried out joyfully as he took out something that looked like a Christmas suit.
“Oh, no.” He groaned as he looked at the suit.
“Daddy, since Santa Claus is not here yet, can you wear it? I really want to see how you look in it.” He pleaded.
“I don’t know…” He said as he looked at his wife for help.
His wife shrugged and he mouthed traitor before he stood up and took ahold of the costume. 
“Anything for you,” he said, turning on his hell and as he was leaving, he heard Caroline giggling excitedly.
When he was in their bedroom, he removed his clothing and pulled on the pants as well as the coat.
With a huff, he spotted a beard and wore it as well. When he was ready, he went over to a full-length mirror and shook his head.
As he was going to go back to the living room, the baby monitor went off and he changed directions.
Entering the nursery, he saw both of his daughters crying and shut his eyes. When by their side, he scooped them into his arms and they promptly quieted.
Leah and Annalise looked at him in wonder and Annalise tugged on his beard. Chuckling, he kissed his daughters on the foreheads and came into the living room.
Caroline and Axel were cuddling and Axel clapped his hands together when he spotted his father and sisters.
“Daddy, you look funny.” Axel giggled.
“I do, don’t I?” He joked even though the Santa costume made him itchy.
“You look adorable, Nik.” Caroline said as she went over to him with Axel in her arms and the family of five stood, gazing out the window as the snowflakes began to fall.
At that moment, even though both husband and wife were exhausted as well as sexually frustrated, they were content.
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Have a klaroline Christmas Drabble request? Please send it in!
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Plssssss continue christmas reunion
I will, love :)
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Please continue the christmastide reunion story!! It was amazing 😘
Thank you so much! I think I just might :)
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
A Christmastide Reunion
A Christmastide Reunion
Christmastide happens to be around the corner and when Lady Caroline arrives at her friend’s estate, she finds herself snowed in with her arch nemesis-- Niklaus Mikaelson-- and nobody else…
Derbyshire Manor, 1816
Lady Caroline Forbes arrived at Derbyshire Manor just before the snow blizzard hit and as she was escorted out of the carriage by the footman, she looked at the manor with a large smile on her face.
After all, Christmastide was just around the corner and though her arch nemesis would be present as well, she did not allow it to deter her or dim her holiday spirit. After all, the Earl of Wolverton has been a thorn in her side ever since she has been in leading strings. Of course there was a time in her life where she thought herself in love with the rogue, but thankfully it was a false alarm and now she saw him for the man he truly was-- a no-good liar and a man whore.
“My lady,” the footman said. “Perhaps I should escort you to the door.” He offered as he lifted the collar of his livery.
“Yes, of course.” She nodded. “Thank you, Andrew.” She added, giving him a warm smile.
The young man’s face reddened and she smiled even wider before they began their way towards the door.
Once at the door, Caroline raised her fist to knock and she huffed in annoyance as the minutes ticked by. Wherever was the butler? Or perhaps the housekeeper? Surely, somebody would come to the door.
Finally, about five minutes later, the door opened and she came face to face with Niklaus Mikaelson who was also known as the Earl of Wolverton.
“Lady Caroline, what a pleasant surprise.” He drawled as he stepped aside and bid her to enter.
Caroline thanked Andrew again and stepped inside. Niklaus shut the door behind him and motioned for her to move towards the drawing room.
Once there, they sat down across from each other and Caroline eyed him curiously, her bright blue eyes roaming from his head to his toes.
“Where is everyone?” She questioned as the silence grew deafening. The blonde began growing antsy as his gaze slowly made its way down her body.
“I wish I knew, but my guess is that they are stuck on the roads.” He finally answered when he looked at her face and noticed a slight blush on her cheeks.
“I beg your pardon? Christmas Eve is tomorrow… They should all be here by now.” Caroline said, looking away from him.
“That is true, my lady… But as you can see, the blizzard is only getting worse.” He shrugged as he gestured towards the snowflakes that fell in a quick rhythm.
“But Rebekah invited us all. Shouldn't she and Lord Salvatore be here by now?”
“Yes, but they were held back in London last time I corresponded with them. But here is a better question, where in the bloody hell is your lady’s maid?”
“My lady’s maid? I gave her a holiday… After all, it is the holiday season and it didn't feel right bringing her along when she has a mother and siblings back home.”
“So I take it you care not for your reputation? After all, you are in here alone with me and nobody else.”
“Well, surely there is a butler or housekeeper about. They can chaperone if need be.” She argued as her hands clenched into fists.
“Rebekah gave them a holiday as well. It seems that her husband has made her a better person after all.”
“Your sister was always a good person, my lord. You simply believed that she was Satan’s spawn because she made your life a living hell on a daily basis.”
“Such language coming from a lady? I am shocked!” He cried out, the sarcasm evident in his voice as he rolled his stormy blue-gray eyes at her.
With a scoff, Caroline stood up and crossed her arms over her chest.
“As you well know, I am a spinster and I may act as I please.” She deadpanned, the irritation evident in her clipped tone.
“You're hardly on the shelf just yet, love… You are only three and twenty after all.”
“Which is just about on the shelf, my lord, but I refuse to speak to you further on this topic. Now I am off to my bedchamber.” She told him as she turned on her back and thought back to the bedchamber that Rebekah gave her when she was here the last time.
“Do you wish for a bath, my lady? I'll happily bring you some warm water with the help of your footman.” He offered with a dimpled smile even though that was the last thing he wanted to do. Still, he wished to get back on Caroline’s good side. After all, for the past eight years she has treated him with an aloofness that confused him as well as irritated the hell out of him.
Lady Caroline Forbes was a woman he wanted with every fiber of his being and he would have her no matter what. Perhaps this blizzard business was just the way to get the girl that was so enamored with him back.
“That would be wonderful.” She nodded. “Thank you, my lord.” She told him, dismissing him with so much as a look backwards.
“My pleasure, my lady.” He called after her as she ascended the staircase.
When he was alone, Klaus shook his head and reached for his glass of whiskey. Surely, by the time the holiday ended, Caroline Forbes would be his...
When Caroline arrived at her bedchamber, she entered and immediately went over to the four poster bed. She sat down on the edge and felt her heart hammering in her chest.
It was no fair that Niklaus Mikaelson had her heart racing because of the smile that he bestowed upon her. Though Caroline hated to admit it, Niklaus Mikaelson only got more attractive as he got older. She knew that he was now two and thirty and figured that he would soon start looking for a wife.
A feeling of dread went through her, but she shook her head. She had no claim on the man and never would… After all, they were two different people and it would never work between them.
“I hate him.” She reminded herself, speaking aloud in hopes that it would get through her head.
No you don't, the little voice in her head told her and she huffed in annoyance.
Perhaps, she was still attracted to the man-- obviously. As a matter of fact, who wouldn't be with his good looks and charm? The man had the most beautiful eyes as well as the most gorgeous lips she has ever seen. Also, his dirty blonde hair curled at the nape and she found her fingers itching to tug at those curls as he kissed her deeply and passionately.
As a shiver ran down her spine, she realized that perhaps it was time to stop reading the scandalous short stories written by Lady Georgina, a very popular yet scandalous author that nobody has ever had the honor of meeting in the flesh.
With a sigh, she walked over to the window and pulled the curtain aside and it was indeed snowing hard. It was almost blinding and she knew then and now that she would spend the holiday with him.
A knock came at the door and she went over to it and turned the doorknob.
Klaus swept in with Andrew behind him and the two hoisted a copper tub into the bedchamber and left it in the center.
Then, they returned with four buckets of steaming water.
“Your bath awaits, my lady.” Klaus said as he gave her a bow and a sensual smile before he turned on his heel and left followed by Andrew.
Caroline stood by the tub alone and felt the shiver run down her spine. She was finding it difficult to act nonchalant in front of the Earl and that was bothering her immensely.
A bath… That was what she needed in order to take her mind off the man that was also her best friend’s brother and who happened to play a vital role in her late night sensual dreams.
“Damn the man!” She cried out as she undid the buttons on her dress angrily. When the silken material lay in a heap on the floor, she removed her chemise as well as her underthings.
Then, she stepped into the bath and lay down. Of course, she didn't have her oils because they were still in the carriage with the rest of her things, but that didn't bother her in the least.
Leaning back against the copper tub, she shut her eyes and allowed the warm water to smoothen her stiff bones.
At some point, she drifted off into sleep and came awake when she heard a sharp intake of breath that wasn't her own.
As her eyes shot open, she turned to the right and her mouth fell open because Klaus stood there with his gaze solely on her. Her eyes moved to his pants and she saw the evidence of his arousal for her there.
“What are you doing here!?” She cried out when her voice came back to her and she cursed the man because she couldn't look away from the tented material that beckoned to her like a beacon of light.
“You were taking too long.” He answered through gritted teeth, his hands clenched into fists.
“And so you decided to barge into my private space and watch me bathe like some sort of cad?” She questioned as her bright blue eyes darkened in anger. “Get the bloody hell out!” She ordered as she banged one fist on the side of the copper tub.
Though at the time she thought it would be a good idea to bang her fist on the tub, she realized then that it wasn't because to her horror, her breasts bounced and she spotted Klaus licking his lips under her eyelashes as if she was some dessert that he couldn't wait to bite into.
“Stop… Stop looking at me like that.” She said as her voice wavered and she wrapped her arms around her midsection, keeping her breasts from his view.
“Why would I do that? You're stunning, love.” He told her and she felt her cheeks redden and her eyes widen.
“You have no right to be in my bedchamber, my lord. Where is your propriety?” She demanded, the disbelief evident in her voice.
“My propriety? I do beg your pardon, but weren't you the one that said that you were a spinster? Those words of yours told me that you didn't give a fig about propriety.” He said, sounding a tad too comfortable.
“Well I do, so leave my sight at once!” She yelled as she narrowed her eyes at him in disgust.
“Leave your sight?” He questioned. “I'm afraid I can't do that.” He told her matter-of-factly as he boldly looked his fill of her nude body through the bath water.
“And why is that, pray tell?” She asked as she felt her blood begin to simmer.
“Because now that I've seen your beautiful breasts, I find that I wish to see the rest of you in much that same way.”
“No,” she shook her head. “Obviously as you were bringing in the buckets of water for my bath, you slipped on ice and hit your head.”
“Do you think so? Simply because I am enjoying the view of a beautiful woman who happens to be naked? I'm a man, love… And your little virgin body is calling to me-- how am I to deny it? I am no saint, after all.”
“I am a spinster, my lord! Not a whore!” She cried out as she stood up and slapped him across the face for speaking to her in such a manner.
The Earl held his hand to his cheek and looked over at her with a smirk on his full, plump lips and the words he spoke to her rung in her head and she realized that her body fancied the way he has spoken to her.
What in the world did that say about her?
“Beautiful,” he simply said and she noticed him gazing at the apex of her thighs intimately.
“Stop,” she said again even though for some odd reason she wanted him to touch her-- there.
Before she could take a step back, he had his arms wrapped around her waist and their lips collided.
Oh my, Caroline thought as she closed the space between them and allowed him to kiss her like he had some sort of claim on her.
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By alyonsden (Hana)
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klaroxmasdrabbles · 9 years
Hi! :)
Hello there! I’m Megan, and I am now a writer on this blog :) I am a massive klaroline shipper and have been ever since I saw them first interact. I love writing and can’t wait to write drabbles. Okay so I’m just gonna say some facts about me so you guys can see what I’m like I guess. I love Harry Potter with all my heart, I have really curly hair, I love love love Taylor Swift and One Direction, I wear glasses, I have two kittens and my blog is @fangirling-sea-anemone if y’all wanna check it out :) so yeah, that’s me! 
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