poppenmorales · 11 years
One of the best Asian foreign films I have ever seen. Would love to revisit this piece of art again.
From the intro, cinematography (oh wooow!), characters, revenge fueled although filled with some dark comedy storyline to the relentless and at times disturbing violence, this movie had me hooked from the beginning till the epic finale.
You haven’t seen it? Don’t watch the trailer, just trust in yourself and press play :)
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poppenmorales · 11 years
Euphoria in sound
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poppenmorales · 11 years
Things I wish I never observed (PART 1)
I wish I never saw that one time a waitress sneezed in her f***ing hands and didn't do anything about it. I wish I didn't see that fly sitting and chilling on top of my food. I wish I never saw websites spoiling upcoming movies and/or tv show episodes. I wish I never saw certain trailers for movies. ... More to come ;)
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poppenmorales · 11 years
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Salmon on a bed of peas, carrots and spinach. #impressingnoonebutme
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poppenmorales · 11 years
And also... A special shoutout to http://badasswithcurry.tumblr.com/ for being the 1st official "fan"/follower of http://poppenmorales.tumblr.com/ and being hopefully interested in following two dorks :) Thanks :P
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poppenmorales · 11 years
Man of Steel (Official Soundtrack) - listening
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Currently listening to the official soundtrack for the movie... I haven't heard something so majestic and rambunctious in a long while... Needless to say, this has me even more excited. Aaron, let's wear matching Supermen t-shirts on the premiere!!! That's a joke obviously.
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poppenmorales · 11 years
"Man of Steel" - Hype train
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I remember feeling like this movie wouldn't come out forever, but surprisingly it's just alittle over a week till it's out here, so I might as well jump on the hype train (if I haven't already :P) 21st of June, is the premiere of the long awaited new "Superman" movie, titled "Man of Steel" directed by Zack "This is SPARTAAA!" Snyder, starring Henry Cavill, the most recent actor donning the ever so iconic Superman costume and cape. With the kinda disappointing and lack luster "Superman Returns", there is yet a Superman movie that has to be made that perhaps hold a candle to arguably the best Superman movie, Superman 2. And oh yeah... This looks promising indeed. With, what seems like a retelling and reinvention of the whole Superman character and mythos, Zack Snyder, together with some help from Christopher "I'm Batman" Nolan might have the Superman movie we've all been waiting for. Via ever so increasingly tantalizing trailers featuring heat vision, mid air battles, Krypton war scenes, an epic soundtrack once again from Hans "nobody f*cks with his orchestra" Zimmer and of course General Zod, Man of Steel shows a promising and exciting new take on the Man of Tomorrow. What will the movie show? Soo many questions to be answered. Will this be a stand alone Superman movie or will it lead up to bigger universe opening up for possible cameos or appearances involving fan favourites like the Justice League or dare I say... Nanananana BATMAN?! I don't know... Will the movie be a totally original story or a carefully and respectful woven tribute to/rehash of Superman 2? Will we get the line "Kneel before Zod" or a different, yet equally as powerful line from Michael Shannon's version? Will we get Clark Kent? As far as I know, I haven't seen his "alter ego" in the trailers. All these questions and more will just need to wait to be answered, when I get to see it. And regardless... I think the movie will be awesome, like... the movie comes from the guy that made 300, Watchmen etc, just can't go wrong... :P I'm too excited. This... Is... KRYPTOOON!
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poppenmorales · 11 years
"Only God Forgives" - What do I expect...?
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And since I'm on the subject... I want to shift gears into yet another Nicolas Winding Refn movie starring once again Ryan "typecast?" Gosling. This movie is titled Only God Forgives. First of all, why am I excited? Because Refn's previous collab with Mr.Gosling in Drive, was one of the better movies I've seen in awhile and while this seems like a very similar "based" movie, I am super hyped for this one. From trailers and synopsi', it seems like a revenge type story taking place in Thailand, which just screams crazy vibrant cinematography and visuals. Also Cliff Martinez is doing the soundtrack again, which hopefully promises a new and accompanying fresh sound to go along with the story. What I expect? I expect a similar formula to Drive. A long and dragged out story filled with little dialog, if any, very meaningful and grand lines. Already see a favourite in the line uttered by Gosling: "You wanna fight?" Can't wait, and most likely I'll catch the movie in the coming days, and hopefully it will be as "different", yet enjoyable as Drive :)
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poppenmorales · 11 years
Drive - Short movie review/rant (Kris)
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For the first posted movie review, I chose one of my very favourite movies, Drive directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, starring Ryan "Hey Girl" Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan "Breaking Bad" Cranston among others. I find it sometimes difficult to talk about this "movie", and everytime I try to explain or attempt to recommend this feature it is often not enough to get the person "hooked" or reeled in to watch it. But... Hopefully, whoever reads this, might give it a shot nonetheless. The movie really has a straightforward and linear plot or premise. Without spoiling anything, the very first couple of frames we get introduced to Ryan Gosling's character who is seemingly unnamed, although he is referred to as "kid" or "driver" at times. All we know is that he works as a stunt driver for movies, car mechanic and occasionally partake in side jobs as a getaway driver for robbers. Bryan Cranston plays "Driver's" boss at the chop shop and Carey Mulligan plays the "girl next door" that lives in the same apartment building as "Driver". As the story progresses, "Driver" gets intermingled with shady crime bosses and becomes sucked in a downward spiral of, I guess you could call a somewhat state of "madness" where he has to make life defying decisions and ultimately balance consequence and actions. At first glance, you might expect a movie titled "Drive" and starring Ryan Gosling to be filled with massive explosions, stylish chase sequences and popcorn flick action, but it is here where, I've learned via many a reviews and analysis of the movie, many people get dissappointed. This movie, while it has action sequences and car chases, is not an action movie. You can count the action sequences on one hand and there isn't much dialog. The dialog in this movie, is mostly "spoken" through expressions and actions, which I just find so amazingly refreshing and in a way "real"... It's just perfectly done, and there were several scenes that I just "got". And also, through the very little dialog, there's alot of comedy and even romance amidst the very serious subject matter. And there are several lines in this movie, I wish I could quote more often and people would get it, but so be it :P... ("Hey, you want a toothpick?" .....Are you serious, should I watch this? Yes. The thing about this movie, I believe, is that to really appreciate the movie and "get something" out of it, is to not expect anything. I remember going in to the cinema not knowing a wiff of what this movie really was about, and let me tell you, I was expecting an action movie... But what I got was a really and I mean really carefully scripted and shot movie that wasn't really like any other movie I had previously seen. People might see a "dry, boring and uninteresting" flick, but I was literally blown away at how tense and exciting this movie actually was and is. The violence or "action", once it hits, is like a real shot of adrenaline and oh yooo... The violence in this movie is really graphic, it's not like horror movie graphic, it's just downright something straight out of a GTA game... And one scene I really like, among many favourite scenes of this movie, is the opening scene. I haven't felt that kind of tension since, perhaps the Joker truck scene in The Dark Knight... (You remember how when there wasn't really a "set up" to the action scene? It kinda just happened and there it was?) Anyways... The opening scene depicts a getaway from a robbery, and displays the skillful driving capabilities of "Driver".... It just really sucks you in to the movie and gives probably the most fitting introduction to the character and the movie itself and what's it about. ...I genuinely felt like I was driving and shifting gears while in the chair, which probably looked really odd to others. And, of course, the brilliant soundtrack by Cliff Martinez. You simply can't mention Drive without it's soundtrack, which really has become synonymous with the movie. The 80's feel just fits the whole movie, eventhough the movie is set in present time (I assume). I remember coming home and immediately dl'ing the soundtrack in hopes of ignite and relive those scenes again. Man... This movie, I just love it, I don't know why... It just gets me everytime. I could go on and on with this, but hopefully I got some kind of point across and people will give this movie, a simple, yet complex one riddled with small details and metaphors which a whole essay can be based on and a story about an unexpected hero vs. ruthless villains, his attempt to maneuver his way around in a world filled with shady sideroads and his goal to ultimately park his car and settle down with the love of his life. "I give you five minutes when we get there. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a minute on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. I DRIVE."
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poppenmorales · 11 years
I can't stop reiterating how much I like the movie Drive.
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poppenmorales · 11 years
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Restaurant sighting #1 Not really a discovery, but... Walking past the Chinese restaurant... That smell that radiated around the block ignited abit of spark in my brain, saying this might actually be worth checking out... Or suffer intestinal discomfort at our own expense. Uhm, think it was called Ching Ghuang, no really... :)
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poppenmorales · 11 years
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This is the PERFECT summary of this blog and us. Kris: "You know, I quite like this piece. The mood is so uplifting!" Aaron: "It doesn't seem to have any connection to a movie, so there is no relevancy. Also, what time is lunch?"
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poppenmorales · 11 years
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What Mutton Korma SHOULD look and taste like.
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poppenmorales · 11 years
3.40 AM musings
Feeling like Tony Stark. "Why can't I sleep?" Also... Think Tumblr might be more addictive than FB. Genius idea, Poppen... Someone should applaud us.
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poppenmorales · 11 years
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poppenmorales · 11 years
Med school should be a trip, huh? :P Woooh
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poppenmorales · 11 years
Pokemon Fusion
I know, Aaron... You wanted me to write a freakin' review of the food that was consumed earlier tonight... But upon our conversation concerning Pokemon with the guys... I just had to adress this before I lose my mind. I just recently discovered this website which I truly find disturbing. Have you ever wondered what would happen if your favorite pokemon decided to frolick and produce a baby? Scarier than any recent horror movie... Well... here you go: http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/ http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/39/68 - Jigglypuff on that steroid pump
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