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Packages start at 375.00 email for the details and to book
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St. Louis Mo. In-person learning
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Dare To Dream...Live Your Best Life!
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A Clearer Path A New Direction
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The face you make when your still playing detective and calling out the political covid hoax!! 🗽 PARENTS... wake up! There are no risk and your child needs to be in school!!! 🗽 Understand your local. DEMOCRAT politician...IS EXTORTING FEDERAL FUNDS!!! 🇺🇸 DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA and shutting small business and restaurants down...is so you the desperate in fear will have no other choice to be state dependent under a socialism law!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 For the love of LIBERTY!! wake up... Its all been 1 big hoax. CDC reported 6% deaths with pre-existing conditions!!! Missouri is at less than 2%! 👮👮 Be more concerned your child is asked to wear a mask...blending in to be abducted!!! There are large human trafficking issues in all cities and states!! #NOMASK #saveourchildren 🇺🇸 When does it end? #enough They lied! #trump2020 (at Affton, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkNqoRj9fN/?igshid=4un2e95d1pna
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Then why is ST LOUIS COUNTY not open 100% #LIFTALLRESTRICTIONS 🇺🇸 #sampage you lie! You're extorting federal funds for personal and socialism gains! 🇺🇸 #dumppage #Novvotetheother #SamPageiscorrupt 🇺🇸 Covid the hoax...long past its expiration date! (at St. Louis, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CESRrVLDUGZ/?igshid=1jy1vt5ja7y8e
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Im not a political person. Im a passionate vocal person though! I love color! I live out loud...VOICING my concerns! 🎨 🇺🇸 I may teach art! I may paint in a whimsical fashion but I understand the life we now are facing as a whole...aint nothing whimsical about the political lies being painted all over this country! 🇺🇸 Im a REPUBLICAN who believes in CAPITALISM AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP! The freedom to make money the way I know how! 🇺🇸 Did you know? While you the talented individual whose life has come to a halt, your democrat county official #SamPage #Stlcountyexecutive mayor or governor is EXTORTING FEDERAL FUNDS for their personal gains...devaluing ALL THE THINGS that got them into office, created all their ( yawn) successes but yet want people like myself and you...to beg for $$$ tender mercies and ask for STATE BENEFITS!!? Do you now understand whats playing out? 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Call out this BS! Write your local councilman, state rep...etc! Use your voice! Paint your life loudly colorful...vocalizing your concerns! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 #votered #votetrump. Life needs to resume getting back to a regular standard where enterprise and ingenuity can immensely thrive! And corrupt politicians #removepage can face the 🎶 destruction they have caused! 🎨 🎨 Kitryn Marie #artist #instructor #educator #influencer #speaker (at Affton, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD80ak0J2zM/?igshid=1nr0dr60734hi
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Hey Ill preach this all day! Covid mask mandates are the code for protecting human traffickers and pedophiles! 😭 I suggest EVERYONE keep vigilant eyes on your children!! 🙏 Every DEMOCRAT MAYOR #LYDAKREWSON & #STLCOUNTYEXECUTIVE #SAMPAGE and GOVERNOR mandating this face muzzle is CONTRIBUTING TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING!! and protecting this kind of EVIL! They are putting ALL CHILDREN TEENS AND WOMEN at risk to be abducted!! 👼 🇺🇸 Wake up! #NOMASK #COVIDTHEHOAX #REMOVESAMPAGE #REMOVEKREWSON (at St. Louis, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDo7HJpjHdn/?igshid=1wo9u04lqpiy9
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Life this summer has been dirt rich...and soul therapy rooted! 🌹 My most favorite childhood memories with my dad ( other than fishing) hands deep in dirt planting!! 🐦 Save your seeds. Experiment! Throw them in the dirt and see what happens!! Beautiful things grow when nurtured with curiosity!! 🍴 Could you live off the land?🇺🇸 #farmerwannabe #wildthings #homestead. #doinmything #dirttherapy (at Affton, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDfPDlWjgWn/?igshid=1px53ewzmwci5
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What do you do for a living? Has your DEMOCRAT MAYOR/Governor hindered you from making a living by fear pandering, LYING and inflating FALSIFIED NUMBERS over a virus with a 98% recovery...keeping you from doing what you do best to make a living? 🇺🇸 Do you understand what socialism is? Do you understand what CAPITALISM IS? Do you understand how socialism makes you state dependent on the welfare system not being able to make an income the way you know how? 🇺🇸 Did you know #SamPage STL COUNTY EXECUTIVE who is a DR in private practice married to trophy wife Dr who( NEITHER) take medicaid for any of their procedures offered but wants you to be put on the WELFARE SYSTEM...state benefits for your healthcare? Did you also know while both are collecting their hefty salaries living a lavish life...he has sliced the throats of all bar /restaurants and entertainment...keeping his territory from making a living...because HE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO VOTE IN PERSON! He has lied and falsified numbers...#covidthehoax 🇺🇸 The same values that afforded his life...he now devalues for ST LOUIS COUNTY! #removepage #traitortoMissouri (at Affton, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbygXUjXz4/?igshid=17naquwsgifh5
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Statewide mandated mask order in many states. Put away all distractions when out alone, pay attention to your surroundings and keep your children within arms length. You think one of the biggest human trafficking hot spots in the country is bad now? Just wait when every stranger is suddenly anonymous and unidentifiable. Over 1/2 a million missing kids in the US alone every year. Please be aware not only for your little ones but your teens and even yourself. #ThesePeopleAreSick #wherearethechildren #nomask #covidhoax Know what you're agreeing too! #removepage https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNB02bDO0P/?igshid=1wgmp01yvbdjo
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I will not use the term new normal! I will not say, " in these trying times!" Just won't! Politics and agenda driven games WILL NOT CHANGE WHO I AM! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 There is a karma for people who mess with the AMERICAN PSYCHE'... 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Gifts and Talents...a photographers dream! An ENTREPRENEUR bases his/her on a dream! People wait their whole life to START something!!! Ill be damned if this hoax used for political BS keeps me down...ANY LONGER!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 The silent majority...is very awake! #STLMO has had its fill of the corrupt. We are on to what is occurring! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 As we traveled a bit 4 hours away... Rural life, simple pleasures and road signs that read #TRUMP2020 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 A person HAS TO MAKE A LIVING! Its the AMERICAN DREAM! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Kitryn Marie #photographer #artist #speaker #educator #forhire #followme https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3QJGHDEhW/?igshid=f3e16v1czv2y
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Keep touting I wear a mask for you! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 You're being set up! This #covidhoax has never been about your health! 🙏 🙏 If some ass-wipe is trying to remove Jesus and God-like statues...the erasing of Christianity and Judiasm...that right there should be your sign!! 🙏 🇺🇸 #Godwins #nomask #trump2020 #republicanticket #votered #youvebeenplayed https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0suGbj5qF/?igshid=1bn3et6chh44q
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With so much ugly in the world...do yourself JUSTICE and explore HISTORICAL sites for yourself! 🇺🇸 🚃 "You can not erase where there was once proof of existence!" 🙏 🐸 Only ignorance chooses to erase what one cannot accept. A sign of a time means you've recognized what did not work, was no longer tolerated and you evolved from the matter! ☺ 👮 Black, white, yellow, indifferent, alien... You learn to be better than what you knew yesterday! EDUCATE yourself on a HISTORICAL event first before you bash what offends you today! 🚣 🌅 Cold hearted blind guidance never navigated clearly through troubled waters! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Kitryn Marie #godwins #adventure #photographer #thislandismyland #maga #travel https://www.instagram.com/p/CBss_5vDkr5/?igshid=q7911w264loh
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This has been the most bizarre last 6 mos of my life! Just as business was seeming like in a good direction...the virus BS took over. 💦 The fear and pandering has created a worse emotional stigma for the general public...and if you've noticed...no one in the general public seems to know how to enjoy life again. 🐸 Small business and us entrepreneurs still need to function, create and make a living!! 👏 Its time to put the MEDIA driven fears aside. Put on your creative thinking caps...invite your friends over and enjoy a night of fun painting!! 🍷 If you're in the STL area and are interested in 3-4 hours of a good time using your creative side...please message me to book your event. Or email [email protected] 💋 Kitryn Marie #painting #acrylics #homeevents #educator #instructor #create (at Affton, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPQ8G9jbj0/?igshid=17syvx366s40s
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