knitwittykninja · 29 days
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Hi, Tassie. What are you doing on the stove?
Tassie has been told that since she's part of a human household, Tassie is entitled to something called "Tasty Snacks."
Ah, of course. Well, I do happen to have some cookies.
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Have you never had a cookie?
Tassie has not. *Munch*
How is it?
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Uh, Tassie? You're being very quiet.
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How... How did you do that?
Thank you for cookies! Bye now!
Uh...I think I need more snacks.
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knitwittykninja · 1 month
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I've been following @rootedincuteness for a while, and when they announced that @itsthebeastpeddler was have a sale on gardenfolk, i broke down and got one 😁.
Her name is Tasslehoff ("Tassie" for short), and she's a Stray Sod, and i love her!
@itsthebeastpeddler makes a ton of cute creatures, you should check them out!
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knitwittykninja · 9 months
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So uh... Had an eventful afternoon.
I went looking for my pumpkin latte, and found this guy holding it. I figured my yarn had gotten possessed by an evil spirit again (it happens), and tried...persuading it to leave.
It didn't take that well.
Turns out it's not an evil spirit, it's just an impkin. These creatures are usually made by crafters, and they live in yarn stashes. This guy lost his original yarn stash a while ago, and happened to find mine. Apparently he was attracted by the pumpkin spiced latte smell.
I apologized, and offered to let him stay. I think he said yes? He doesn't really speak, he kind of makes hissy and growing noises. He seemed happy to take my strawberry kiwi lemonade, so I think we're good.
Now I just need to find him a name.
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knitwittykninja · 9 months
🎃 It's Spooky Season! 🎃
Can I interest you in a pumpkin spiced latte? It's scented ☕
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knitwittykninja · 1 year
Progress on the Mewtwo:
Going a bit slower than usual, but it's coming along. He still needs his eyes, fingers, and maybe a few more cloud spots. Then hopefully I can make him a little pirate hat 😊.
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Still a baby boy, so he gets scruff like a kitten.
I am NOT a kitten! Put me down!
Relax I'm trying to get your good side.
I don't even have eyes yet, but I already know I have nothing but good sides 😏
Charming Lil' gremlin, ain't he?
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knitwittykninja · 1 year
Progress on Mewtwo:
Assembly had begun.
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The main body will be all sewn together by tomorrow. After that, I'm going to make the white clouds patches, and his hat and eyes.
No one commented on its age, gender, or personality. I have an idea for it, but if anyone wants to suggest something, I'm open.
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knitwittykninja · 1 year
Progress on Mewtwo:
I've got a head, the body, ears (not pictured), and I'm almost finished with the tail.
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You know, I've been looking at the other results for the Make a Mewtwo. Most of the ones I've seen are blue, or purple, and I saw an orange one, and they all had tails that were a complimentary color. They all looked cohesive.
Then you got my little cherry red, rainbow butt boy, who is also going to have white clouds on him. Gremlin boy.
His name is going to be Captain Thunder Thought, Scourge of the Seven Thought Seas, Breaker of Hearts.
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knitwittykninja · 1 year
Okay, okay, look...
When I posted the Make a Mewtwo, I didn't actually have a Mewtwo pattern. I expected to get maybe two comments yesterday. I got at least 15 in the first hour.
"Well dang, guess I better get that pattern. I won't start it yet, but I can look at it."
So I get it and start looking it over, with no intention of starting it.
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I started it.
Still need comments 5-8. Might already have a name for it, thanks @windpurr.
I've also already started the body, so I guess this'll be the start of some progress posts.
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knitwittykninja · 1 year
Jumping on the bandwagon, because I also love Mewtwo. However, I'm not going to draw it... I'm gonna crochet it!
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Credit goes to @blues-sues.
Edit: Quick edit! Since I'm crocheting it, you can name specific Red Heart Yarn, or Loops and Threads Yarn colors. Multicolor yarn is an option 😁
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knitwittykninja · 1 year
Plastic canvas needle book. Just a quick side project.
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I've been trying to get all my crafting odds and ends organized. I saw a pattern for a plastic canvas needle book and thought it was a neat idea for keeping my sewing needles together. Plus now it'll fit in my little knitting needle case.
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knitwittykninja · 1 year
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Pattern: Pioneer Braid Scarf
Yarn: Loops and Threads Facets color Flames.
What better way to spend a winter storm than with a good Agatha Christie novel and a bit of knitting?
My knitting and crocheting has been slow going lately due to my baby wanting to be held a lot 😆. I haven't quite figured out how to hold her and knit/crochet at the same time.
Plus side, I've been reading a lot more, cause you can do that with one hand! I only recently got into Agatha Christie via reading Ruth Ware, and the Kenneth Branagh movies. Death on the Nile is the second Poirot book I've read, and it's pretty different from the movie. At least the characters are.
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knitwittykninja · 2 years
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Pattern: Lost Souls Skulls Triangle Shawl
Time to post some Christmas crocheting!
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knitwittykninja · 2 years
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Had someone commission me for a hat and scarf for their granddaughter's owl plush. Specified that it had to be red and black for their school colors, and also mentioned granddaughter was in French class.
I had to start the hat over twice, because I was determined to use the little fleur de lis pattern. Turns out to make it face the right way, you have to know the garment from the top down.
I think it turned out really cute, and I'm now determined to learn double knitting. Would probably have made knitting the scarf easier.
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knitwittykninja · 2 years
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Tiny Honduras bat for spooky season! His name is Spirit (because of the season, and i think this type of bat pollinates agave for tequila).
Anybody ever do a franken-pattern? It's where you take parts of different patterns, and cobble them into a new pattern. Well, newish.
This bat is basically from A Distinctly Batty Post, but instead of using felt for the wings and ears I crocheted them. The ears are just raindrop appliques, and the wings I got from this Amigurumi Cthulhu. I used a size F hook for the body, D for the wings and ears, and some weight 4 yarn. I think he looks pretty cute.
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knitwittykninja · 2 years
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I'm back on my tiny amigurumi shenanigans.
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knitwittykninja · 2 years
Progress on the plaid cardigan:
She be done!
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Needs a once over with a lint roller, because I have dogs, but other than that is done!
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I hope my friend's mom likes it.
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knitwittykninja · 2 years
Progress on the plaid cardigan:
Front parts are done, and I'm working on the sleeves.
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I'm going to add a few more pins to the one on the right so it's flatter. Sleeves should be done by the end of the week. 😊
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