knowbody-666 · 4 months
So Trump just got convicted. (get got Oompa Loompa looking ass bitch)
BUT do know who else tried to run for office in jail???
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Who ELSE is a power hungry little man who makes deals with outside forces???
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knowbody-666 · 6 months
Road Trip
I sit slumped into the cloth covering that stretches over the back seat of my parent’s old station wagon. Watching the empty desert wiz by, I’ve been driving through the boonies for hours, at least that’s what I think. It feels like I have been sitting in this car for years, but that doesn’t make sense. I’m still quite far from our destination. I imagine the sun is chasing the car, it keeps pace, racing just above the horizon.
A building comes into view. It stands tall, shadow stretching over the road ahead. The shadow doesn’t take long to meet the car. However, instead of passing through the darkness. It seems to latch onto the vehicle I sit in. I look to my mother in the passenger seat. She looks up from her book to adjust her headphones but doesn’t seem to notice the looming darkness.
My father doesn’t seem to notice it either. He drives like nothing is amiss. Humming along to the radio. The darkness is so thick that it’s triggered the car's automatic headlights. Which my father also doesn’t pay any mind. I look back to the window. Wondering what this great lumbering presence could be.
Sitting idly in the golden brown sand is a beautiful building crafted from white marble and copper that has long since fully oxidized. It’s ornate and gothic in style. A far cry from the abandoned gas stations and dilapidated wooden shacks that, every time we pass one, like clockwork; my father cracks the same joke.
“It’s got good bones!”
He says the line, I roll my eyes, and he laughs. At least he seems to think it’s funny.
The building beckons me. It calls to me. Without words, it tells me to accept its invitation and come inside. My parents must hear its welcoming message as well because I notice the car start to slow.
The car pulls over to the side of the road. Parking on the gravelly edge that separates the seemingly endless desert, from the wisp of civilization that we had been speeding down moments before.
In silence, me and my parents exit the car and begin to stumble through the darkness across the uneven terrain towards the building. The only sounds accompanying me on my journey across the desert are the crunch of rocky sand underfoot and the heaving of me and my parent’s lungs. I don’t know how long I walk for. All I know is the shadows menace and the sounds of my body being dragged through the sand by the allure of the towering structure.
The last thing I remember is trudging through the desert. I must have passed out from exhaustion.
I woke with a mouthful of sand and hair full of dry brush. There's an old rusted bit of metal sticking out of the sand and poking me in the side. I cough and sputter in an attempt to rid my mouth of the remainder of my tasteless meal.
I was found, alone on the side of the road by an old couple that argued over the directions to the nearest hospital. They fought over what route to take and which way to turn until we pulled into the parking lot.
I never did see my parents again.
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knowbody-666 · 9 months
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Casually promoting myself at a craft store
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knowbody-666 · 9 months
tumblr users will see the word shrimp and black out and hit reblog without reading the rest of the post
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knowbody-666 · 9 months
Some of my favorite quotes that I’ve collected over the years—
“Seduce the dragon platonically”
“infighting, the quickest way to failure”
-my sister while holding a bop it.
“That’s really nice” *points at a rusty pipe* -art teacher
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