knowledgeisbeautiful 3 years
How to befriend someone based on their Venus sign:)
Aries Venus: Be direct, tell them you wanna be friends, don't overpower them but don't let them overpower you. Don't be inauthentic or treat them like an option.
Taurus Venus: Don't be clingy and respect their boundaries. Have good, relaxing conversations with them. Make them feel good about themselves.
Gemini Venus: Have interesting, mental-probing conversations with them. Don't hold them down, be clingy, or disregard their input. Goof around with them, they like to laugh and joke.
Cancer Venus: Don't hurt their feelings or be a dick. They like people who are sympathetic + empathetic. Make them feel comfortable/safe around you. P.S: they can tell when you are lying.
Leo Venus: Lift them up! They love to be around positive, friendly energy. Do some creative activities with them, laugh, explore, get out of your shell.
Virgo Venus: Be mature, logical, and considerate. Don't let them take on your problems because they may seem like they want to, but it will burn them out. Give them some space, but don't be a ghost/distant.
Libra Venus: Don't start unnecessary conflict. Talk about your interests, likes & dislikes, tastes, etc. They like simple, cute conversations. Don't insult them.
Scorpio Venus: They can see through any facade or persona, so don't try anything like that. Be yourself. Don't be unloyal, disrespectful, or controlling. Have deep conversations with them; the mundane bores them.
Sagittarius Venus: Don't be a party pooper or negative with them. Do fun, exciting things with them. Enjoy the thrill of life with them! Debate them, laugh with them, etc. Memes, music, etc. are appreciated.
Capricorn Venus: Treat them with respect, be rational, and don't be flaky, late, etc. Don't dump all of your problems onto them. Be yourself and respect their boundaries and privacy.
Aquarius Venus: Don't be afraid of discussing anything with them. Tell them your ideas, perspectives, etc. Be funny. Don't be clingy.
Pisces Venus: They may lose touch with you (accidentally/unknowingly), but don't let them fade away completely. Contact them every so often. Help them to feel better and love themselves. They like to bond over shared interests (e.g. poetry). Treat their heart with care.
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knowledgeisbeautiful 3 years
What's holding you back? (Saturn - Astrology)
Saturn in the 1st house: Insecurities, inauthenticity, restricting your self-expression, a fear of being seen as "childish" which leads to an overly serious and controlled demeanour.
Saturn in the 2nd house: Self-esteem issues, not valuing/taking care of things that you should, bad and outdated values/beliefs.
Saturn in the 3rd house: Holding your opinions/thoughts back instead of expressing them, your siblings, your local environment/neighbourhood, ignoring mental/intellectual challenges, fear of appearing stupid.
Saturn in the 4th house: Your childhood, your family (emphasis on the mother), fear of experience/the world, isolation, emotional attachments/attachment issues, neglecting your inner child.
Saturn in the 5th house: Doubt in your creative abilities, suppressing your free spirit/childlike nature, fear of dating/flirting/romance, children, not expressing yourself, never letting yourself let loose/have fun.
Saturn in the 6th house: Bad habits, lack of routine (or too much routine), health issues/paranoia, work, laziness, pets, lack of skepticism, ignoring reality and your responsibilities.
Saturn in the 7th house: Commitment issues, inconsistency, treating people inconsiderately, obnoxious, self-centred attitude, caring about what everyone thinks of you (or not caring enough), fear of rejection/exclusion.
Saturn in the 8th house: Fear of intimacy/vulnerability, trust issues, not opening up, fear of death + the occult, fear of transformation, selfishness.
Saturn in the 9th house: Overly clinging to your beliefs/opinions (closed-mindedness), fear of adventuring into the unknown/inexperienced, inability to focus, being content with the knowledge you have when it is limited (lack of curiosity), black and white, rigid thinking.
Saturn in the 10th house: Caring about what everyone thinks of you (or not caring enough), obsessing over your reputation or not caring about it, authority figures, your dad, lack of ambition, fooling around with your career; not taking your vocation seriously.
Saturn in the 11th house: Rebelling against the crowd (or completely conforming), individuality complex, neglecting your friendships/social life, caring about what everyone thinks of you (or not caring enough), pessimistic attitude.
Saturn in the 12th house: Too much skepticism, inability to recognize your toxic habits and traits, ignoring your health, lack of compassion, ignoring your intuition and spiritual side, not looking for hidden motives/meanings, not healing.
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knowledgeisbeautiful 3 years
One sentence for you<3 - Sun signs
Aries: You do not have to burn your flames out around me
Taurus: I will keep you secure and safe
Gemini: I love hearing your thoughts
Cancer: The way you feel is okay
Leo: You can shine
Virgo: It's enough, it's enough
Libra: I like and accept you
Scorpio: I trust you, and you can trust me
Sagittarius: We can go anywhere you want
Capricorn: You can take care of yourself, you matter too
Aquarius: Your personality is beautiful
Pisces: Your soul is connected to mine
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knowledgeisbeautiful 3 years
Sun in the houses/MC - How to attract attention
Sun in the 1st house/Aries MC: Be yourself and take initiative, that's all you have to do.
Sun in the 2nd house/Taurus MC: Love and take care of yourself and get in touch with your values and possessions.
Sun in the 3rd house/Gemini MC: Communicate, think, and take short travels.
Sun in the 4th house/Cancer MC: Hang around family, express your emotions, and talk about your past.
Sun in the 5th house/Leo MC: Express yourself (especially creatively/artistically), flirt, hang around children, and have fun/be playful.
Sun in the 6th house/Virgo MC: Work hard, take care of yourself, and hang around animals.
Sun in the 7th house/Libra MC: Socialize/interact with others, enter/be in a relationship, and commit to things.
Sun in the 8th house/Scorpio MC: Transform and purge everything, focus on your taxes and the things you share with others, get into the occult, think about life and death, and create intimacy.
Sun in the 9th house/Sagittarius MC: Focus on your beliefs, go on adventures, learn, teach, expand everything, and stay open-minded.
Sun in the 10th house/Capricorn MC: Go after your goals, get into leadership positions, find ways to be in the public eye, maintain your reputation, and work/hustle your way to the top.
Sun in the 11th house/Aquarius MC: Get in touch with the world (trends, news, etc.), volunteer, socialize, hang out with friends/in friend groups, use/go on social media, and go after your dreams.
Sun in the 12th house/Pisces MC: Get into spirituality, have alone time, get into the arts, meditate, sleep, heal yourself and others, and be compassionate.
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