komiloves · 15 days
BULLIES || Mochizuki Honami x Reader
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Note: I am again very sorry for the late response, holy crap. This might be OOC because it's my first time writing Honami so I'm so sorry 😔 (I suck at writing angst too) ---------- CW for swear words just in case. Also the usual grammar mistake because english is not my first language 😭
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Let's be real here, who wouldn't enjoy being with Honami? Honami is always there, looking out for the people she holds dear, sometimes even going out of her way just for the sake of helping them.
So when you found out about Honami's bullies in the past, let's just say that you're very much not pleased, especially because the reason they did that is pretty much selfish and uncalled. "Sorry that my beautiful Honami is not an asshole." "[name], it's alright-" "No it's not. Pull up, ho's. I'm at Shibuya, block-"
Okay that's enough.
You had thought that for now at least they're not bothering Honami, that's good right? Nuh uh, they came back for a piece of you only to remain unchanged and be a hater of Honami.
You were just strolling around the park with Honami, accompanying her as she walks her dog out, that was until you see the said ho's, and of course, the group saw you too. You can already see them snickering and whispering to each other, knowing who they're targeting. You immediately turn to look at Honami, who also seemed to catch up on the sight and the idea.
You were trying so hard to convince yourself that it's alright, to not cause a scene because Honami sure wouldn't like that considering the two of you are in a public setting. That's when until one of them is courageous enough to later on face your wrath, "lookie here! It's the butt licker!" They point their presumptuous finger at Honami, who's already glooming. One by one they started catching after another, escalating into a laughter.
Honami, not wanting to face them anymore, retreated from the scene, you swore you could see her teary eyes. A part of her wants to stand up and fight back, but the traumatic flashbacks seemed to have overcame the will instead. After you finished a little business with her bullies, you found Honami sitting on a bench with Shibao (Honami's dog) trying to comfort her by nuzzling her leg.
You found yourself sitting next to her, tapping her shoulder as you try to comfort her. "Don't listen to them, Hona. They're just a bunch of assholes and jackasses. You're just being your kind self and that is totally okay!" After a rub on her eye, Honami shoots you a small smile, "thank you, [name]. I guess I was just overwhelmed by the reminder of what happened.." Honami sulks. You rub her shoulder and tries cheering her up with a cheesy joke, and it works perfectly as fine.
At the end, you are and will always be Honami's #1 defender (real tbh).
BONUS: "By the way, [name], you said you had a tiny business with them, what did you do?" "........ Well!"
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komiloves · 15 days
✩ ᵕ̈ ིྀ ! PJSK Masterlist ˙ ⌗ ⊱
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Bullies || Mochizuki Honami
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komiloves · 27 days
want to be moots? i have a similar blog and also am quite new to tumblr
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I'd be more than happy to!
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komiloves · 1 month
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౿  ׂ   ִ        ⁀   ˳ ⊹⠀- General HCs ! || Ijekiel Alpheus, Lucas x Reader ⁀   ⊹⠀ Note: New writing style, no one cheered 😔 I barely see any WMMAP x reader and I'm deprived of it right now. Time to put tumblr on use 😹😹
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Ijekiel is the gentlemen every girl could dream of. That sounds much more cheesy than I thought it would be. Seriously though, his calm and soft face? His gentle yet can be teasing personality?? Whoa dude, it's 1 in the morning why is the sun so bright already? Wait, that's not the sun!
Imagine standing alone at the grand ball Obelia had held and then suddenly someone bumps to you and when you look up, it's the son of Duke Alpheus himself, apologizing and that singular apology escalated into a whole night chat. Since when did you get the main character syndrome?!
Ijekiel loves practicing ball dances with you. Gently holding you with his pair of warm hands while he teaches you how to coordinate your steps. He lightly teases you when you accidentally made a mistake such as stepping on his foot.
He loves doing your hobbies with you. Oh you like sleeping? He'll nap with you. Oh you like to chew on snacks? He'll bring you some. You like drawing? He'll watch you draw and compliment you even as simple as you drawing lines. You like to read? He'll bring you to the library and have a quiet pleasant date with you there. You like to gossip a lot? He'll listen to you the whole time with affirmative nods. You like to shop? He'll bring you to your favorite place and offer to carry your bags even if you insisted that you can do it yourself.
Ijekiel definitely introduce you to his family, even if you told him that he doesn't have to. The meeting felt like him proposing to you and asking his family for support.
Ijekiel would learn stuff for you. Oh you can't cook? Suddenly you're greeted by some delicious dishes on the table when you come over at his place. You fell asleep on your desk after doing some stuff overnight? When you wake up, you suddenly found some flowers with a letter on it tinted with his scent. He loves acting on assistant for you.
When he gets jealous, all he simply does is shoot the person you're paying attention to a passive aggressive smile before gently pulling you away from them, claiming that the two of you have some stuff to do.
Overall, a really sweet sweet sweet man. Ijekiel is a really gentle guy with you, he loves to show you that he adores you with his whole life.
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Lucas is a massive asshole with you. This man would stubbornly stand on his point. What point you ask? His denial of being in love with you.
Lucas has been alone and so unattached of his feelings for hundreds of years and suddenly a simple person like you who he would definitely belittle of is making him feel things?
He would definitely deny his feelings at first. The butterflies? Probably just his stomach rumbling. His heart beating fast? Could be a sign of fever, aaand you name it. At the end, he couldn't help but succumb to it. Your smile is more than enough to light his days up and he secretly really loves it.
This man is the opposite of Ijekiel. He shows his worries to you with snarky yet light remarks. "Holy shit, you looked uglier than yesterday with those eye bags. Did you get enough sleep at all??" And then you two proceeded to banter like you usually do.
Believe it or not, Lucas is very needy when it comes to your attention. When he wants your attention, he will do stuff and then make it seem like he didn't do it on purpose (he sucks at it). Accidentally twisting and knotting his tie so that you could undo it for him and put it back on his collar, his earring fell off so you have to put it back on his ear, and more.
This man somehow knows what you like and what you dislike, even if you didn't directly tell him. He catches you staring extra longer at a stuff displayed on a shop? You'd find that thing in less than a week in your room.
He loves using you as an arm rest. No matter how tall you are, Lucas will somehow look taller than you just for the sake of teasing you and using you as his arm rest when he's standing up.
When he gets jealous, he will make it clear that he does NOT like the person you're paying attention to. Send them death stares, glares, unamused yet condescending looks that says "I'm way better than you" before finally dragging you away, with the sarcastic excuse of "Oh sorry, they're busy, do you mind???"
No matter how flustered he himself could be when faced with his own feelings, Lucas absolutely, definitely, truly loves flustering you. He just loooves the sight of you denying your embarrassed state when it's as clear as an open book.
Overall, Lucas is the type of person to be conflicted of his own feelings while secretly enjoying the butterflies you gave him.
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komiloves · 1 month
₊˚⊹౨ WMMAP Masterlist ৎ
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General HCs || Lucas, Ijekiel Alpheus
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komiloves · 1 month
time to change that.
i would like to request shiraishi an, and kohane azusawa x reader who loves to fall asleep on their partner, especially in public? thank 👍
♡ FALLING ASLEEP || Shiraishi An, Azusawa Kohane x Reader
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Note: I am very sorry for the late respond, I have been very busy lately with school works and exams! I will try to be more active in responding next time 😭 EXPECT SOME GRAMMAR / SPELLING ERROR BECAUSE ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE !
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Let's start with how An absolute adores your sleeping face. Oh you drool? You snore? You sleep like the bed is YOUR bed? All of that ain't matter nuthing to her.
Believe it or not, An definitely has some small amount of selfies of her and you sleeping on the couch.
Overall, this girl adores you very much no matter what you do, even sleeping. The shock and awe in her face when she sees you falling asleep on her are priceless.
You were cheering so hard on her live event shows that you fell asleep on the way home with her. If the rest of VBS is with you, she will definitely ask them to be quieter because you're sleeping.
"Shhh, guys, my love is sleeping. Aren't they cute?" "Why do they sleep like that-" "Akito shut the fuck up."
An definitely doodles on your face with those non-permanent markers, making you look like a cat, or some tiny hearts and stars on your cheeks.
An would take her jacket off and put it over your back so it can act as a blanket, and seeing you shift comfortably in it only adds to her internal screaming.
If you two are on a train, An would pull you close to her with her arm, before falling asleep on top of you.
BONUS: She would VBS pictures and selfies of you sleeping (even set it as her lock screen wallpaper)
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Kohane, the type of lover who would be so confused on how she should react to you sleeping on her. She wants to be in awe to your adorable sleeping face, but she also feels so flustered now that her dear is sleeping on her shoulder! (or head if you're taller than her lol)
Kohane first saw your sleeping face when you visited over at her place and falls asleep on her desk. She would never admit it to you out of sheer embarrassment, but when she first saw that, she took a picture of your sleeping face with her camera with the most gorgeous angle ever.
For some reason, this girl barely gets tired at all even if her schedule is so tight for the entire day! You followed her along through her tight and busy schedule of the day and that's when you fell asleep on her on the way home.
Kohane would stare at you in awe after getting over her temporary embarrassment before nuzzling you softly like a hamster.
If VBS is with her, she would do the same like An; tell them to be quieter.
"Guys, my partner is sleeping.. Can we please be quieter?"
When you two are now the sleepy lover, alias Kohane falls asleep on you too, An would gush about how cute the two of you looks like to Toya and Akito and take a picture of the two of you sleeping with her phone.
When you wake up, you'd find a humanized hamster in your arms all snuggled up to you <33
BONUS: Toya and An sends Akito glares when he tease the two of you.
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komiloves · 3 months
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Hi hi! Sorry for the inactivity, exams took a lot of my time! I'm currently working on some general hcs rn and hopefully I can post it soon! <3
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komiloves · 4 months
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i hate school sheesh time to die-!
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komiloves · 4 months
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Me because fixing the mistakes on my tumblr layout (i think thats what you call it?) are so tiring..
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komiloves · 4 months
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Note from Lilin: I'm sorry if some of these are ooc, I'll try my best to write in character <3
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Akito is.. To say the least, not very forward with his words nor love. When he's crushing on you, he'll deny it, a lot. He doesn't understand why his heart is beating so much when you're around him, and he hates how he doesn't understand why.
Akito didn't even realize that he likes you, until Ena confronts him with it. ⊹₊ ⋆ DATING ⊹₊ ⋆
Dating Akito means seeing him getting relentlessly teased by if not Ena then An
Average conversation you spectate between him and them are just: "Hey [name], I uh.. Just want to say.. I love you-" "Aw awwww!" "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM."
As if he isn't unlucky enough to stumble either An or Ena when you two are together, Mizuki enters the chat and they would 'gang' up on him with An.
Enough with Akito getting 'bullied', Akito is very much NOT the PDA type of guy.
Dating Akito also means taking things slowly. Be patient with him, it might take time for him to be able to open up and be less shyer with you.
Pay attention to how he holds your hand in crowds so you two don't get separated, the little gifts he snuck into your desk, how he always scold you on your bad habits, while it may seem like he's frustrated or fed up, he really cares.
Once you get the hang of noticing how he shows love through his subtle ways, it's where dating Akito is at the peak.
This man is hardcore tsundere. Point out how his face is red when you sneak little kisses on his cheek? He'll deny it. Ask whether the one putting a chocolate box in your desk was him? He'll deny it. Spoon him? He'll grumble about it then proceeds to fall asleep the next second. Despite how much he's in denial, it also makes him much more cuter every time he denies something.
Akito HATES half assing things, this is another point on taking things slowly and patiently with your relationship and him.
EXTRA(s): Akito invites you on his live shows and whenever he sees you standing in the crowd giving him that smile he always melts over, you can immediately see how much more passionate he looks like while singing.
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Note from Lilin [ TOYA ]: I again apologize if any of my hcs are ooc, I will try my best to write in character <3.
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Toya on the other hand, is really, REALLY, oblivious about his feelings. He doesn't get it either. Why are his eyes always fixated on your figure? Why does he feel so relaxed hearing your voice whenever you speak?
Toya always unconsciously ramble about you to Akito. Akito, takes the hint soon or later. "Oooh~ I see how it is.." with that signature mischievous smirk of his.
In short, Toya figured his crush on you out through Akito confronting him about it.
Whenever you and Toya talks together when it's break time at school, that smirk of Akito would always creep up his face, he would even sometimes let out a teasing whistle, leading up to Toya sending him a small scowl. 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 DATING 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
Similar to Akito, Toya isn't really forward with his love for you.
He would always compliment you on how you look today and always has his eyes on your figure.
One of the most notable thing in your relationship is how funny his dynamic is with Akito now that you two are dating. Akito would sometimes tease you and Toya would just send him a faint glare, following up with a "Akito." (I can't find a darker blue for Toya so I'll just differentiate An and him by putting bold on Toya's)
Quality times are always the best with Toya. While he would rather not touch the piano again, he would still play your favorite song in the piano while you lay on his shoulder. Or you can take the risk and try cooking together with him. (He nearly sets the kitchen on fire but it's okay because it's Toya).
Toya's hands are mostly cold. He always loves the feeling of your warm hand interlocked with his whenever you two walk together.
Plant a kiss on his beauty mark, and you'll get a guaranteed embarrassed Toya in your arms.
Toya often leaves expensive gifts on your desk, which leads to you feeling guilty for him spending so much money on you. He noticed you trying to return the amount of gifts he had left for you to him. Whenever he sees them, he chuckles to himself, finding your little gesture adorable.
Like Akito, Toya would always invite you to his live shows. After shows, you'd find yourself with a tired Toya, asleep on your shoulder <3.
EXTRA(s): Whenever Toya had an argument with his dad, you and Akito made a plan together to beat Harumichi up and that's the only time he gets along with you without teasing (Toya had to held you two back) /j
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komiloves · 6 months
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komiloves · 6 months
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komiloves · 6 months
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komiloves · 6 months
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- VBS Boys dating HCS
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komiloves · 6 months
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- VBS Boys dating hcs
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komiloves · 6 months
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♡ Falling asleep
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komiloves · 6 months
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♡ Falling asleep
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