kpop-fluff · 7 years
good luck with your a levels! I'm taking my as exams this year, and also left revision to the last minute lmao,, anyway, it'll be over soon and i know it's pointless saying don't be stressed bc exams are stressful but try and remember to take care of yourself and get as much sleep as you can, etc.!
Omg thank you! That’s so thoughtful to drop me a message like this. They’re my as exams too, I put A levels all the time by accident haha. and good luck to you for your exams!! Ah, you’ve cheered me up. I’ll try my best to stay healthy and do well. You rest up too. Thank you♥♥♥♥ps drop me a message if you need cheering up ^^ xxxx
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kpop-fluff · 7 years
guys I am the worst. I should have said sooner but I'm now in college, which means that a-levels have totally consumed my life. I honestly don’t have time to write anymore (or do anything), and it breaks my heart because it was something I enjoyed doing more than anything. Instead, what I have to spend my time doing is studying because my exams start in three weeks, and me being me I have left it all to the last minute. I am so stressed (trust me, we had a talk today on stress and I showed all the symptoms other than loss of appetite, I could never lose that) and so I think I’ll take a hiatus (as I have for some weeks now, to be honest), just until the Summer and this exam crap is over. Thank you for putting up with me xxx
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kpop-fluff · 7 years
(Did you watched Ep. 16 of Scarlet Heart?) Please can you write a Baekhyun scenario (fluff) when his girlfriend went crying after watching Wang Eun's death scene so he comforts you?
here you are. ah, I’m not over this drama still. and i must admit, i cried so much watching this with my best friend. thank you for the request, enjoy x
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kpop-fluff · 7 years
Captivating - Baekhyun Fluff
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well I sure am emotional after writing this. Have I mentioned how much I love exo? I REALLY love exo sO MUCH. This is well overdue argh sorry x so yeah, fluff about the king of singing, leave me some requests.  
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1060
Your boyfriend had told you nothing about the drama he was starring in, Scarlet Heart. So, before the drama started, you watched every teaser and researched as much as you could. He was a prince, the 10th prince Wang Eun. A playful boy, just like the man you knew yourself. The role was made for Baekhyun. Every time you’d beg him to tell you more, he’d keep his lips tightly pursed shut, a glimmer in his eyes.
It was the night of episode sixteen, and you knew this episode was going to be an eventful one judging from the previous installation. You and Baekhyun snuggled down on the sofa, as usual, you as eager as ever and him as smug as ever.
“You know, my acting in this episode is phenomenal.” He giggled, looking down at you with his eyebrow raised.
You rolled your eyes, turning back to the television, “You say that every time an episode begins. I’m becoming quite immune to it.”
Baekhyun pushed you up so he could look at you, “You think my acting is bad now!?” He whined.
Chuckling, you cuddled back up to him, “Of course not. You are the best actor in the world, darling.”
“Too right.” He mumbled, and you could just tell he had that cute pout on his face.
Straight away, your boyfriend was on your screen. Your eyes began to fill with tears as Wang Eun’s did in the programme. Were you really going to cry in the first minute? Imagining the satisfaction that would give him, you subtly wiped away the tears.
“Isn’t that sad? His wife has run away to save him.” Baekhyun said, nudging you lightly.
“Mm.” You hummed, not wanting him to hear you get slightly choked up.
We continued watching, your eyes completely enchanted by the man you loved on the television.
“I can’t hide behind my wife in shame like this. What can I do? I am her awesome person now. I am all she has.”
A small sob left your mouth, no tears, just a sound meaning that you was fully entranced at how charming and innocent Wang Eun was. This caused Baekhyun to crane his head around.
“Are you crying? Am I that good?” He asked, a smirk rising on his face.
“Back off, Byun. I’m not crying.” You replied, not taking your eyes off the action.
So a minute or so passed, and you managed to slightly gather your emotions together, the tears in your eyes disappearing until-
“Grand General, the 10th Prince and his wife are being attacked at the damiwon.”
“What!?” You yelled at the screen, jumping up to sit right on the edge of the sofa. You heard Baekhyun chuckling behind you, but before he could say anything you raised your hand, “Not now, Wang Eun and Soon Deok are in trouble.”
The two of you watched on, and within seconds those tears you managed to get rid of were present and well. You watched as Soon Deok fought off the soldiers, a nervous Eun behind her, and of course, Yo directing it all.
“This Prince Yo has lost it!” You said, the tears becoming obvious in your voice.
“Uh, jagi, he’s actually King at this point,” Baekhyun whispered from behind you, him also moving forwards on the sofa before wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Potato, potatoe.” You whimpered as the guards continued to close in on the couple.
And then, Soon Deok got stabbed. You screamed, practically jumping into Baekhyun’s arms as the first tear ran down your cheek.
“Be quiet. I will be the one to protect you.” 
Seeing Wang Eun protecting his wife like this although he had no idea how to face this didn’t help your already erratic feelings within. Him begging his brother only caused your breathing to become more unstable.
“Jagi, are you alright?” Baekhyun asked, his arms surrounding you. You didn’t answer, nodding slightly as you focused on the drama.
And then, Soon Deok, saving her husband’s life, is forced to the ground. At this point, you couldn’t control your tears anymore.
“My wife.” 
“Jagi.” You could faintly hear Baekhyun saying.
“I’m alright.” You whimpered, continuing to watch.
Eun’s pleas for his wife to come back broke your heart. The voice you had become so accustomed to, Baekhyun’s voice, was now a voice which was full of sadness, a voice you never wanted to hear, because it simply tore your heart to shreds.
After a few minutes, the scene which had touched you more than any scene you’d ever seen was over. Wang Eun and Soon Deok were dead. And your face was well and truly drenched. Even after the scene was over, you turned around, put your head against Baekhyun’s chest, and just cried.
“It’s okay, baby.” He soothed you, stroking your hair.
You pushed back, looking at Baekhyun. His hands came up, wiping away your tears.
“Wow, my acting could really make you cry this much?”
You chuckled, pulling your shirt sleeve up to wipe your face, “Who’d have thought it, huh?”
“This is the most important reaction to me. Your reaction. Forget ratings and things like that. This shows me that all them hours I put in were worth it.” He said, his eyes not leaving you. “Although, I am sorry for making you cry.”
“I’m so proud of you, Baekhyun. There’s nothing you can’t do, is there? Your talent knows no bounds.” You said, looking up at him, smiles rising on both your faces.
Leaning forward, you pulled him into a hug, placing a kiss on his cheek. In your ear, you heard a soft whimper, and pushing back, you saw Baekhyun crying too.
“Why are you crying?” You laughed, tears still leaving your eyes slightly, mainly because you were overwhelmed completely by your love for your boyfriend.
“Your words. They mean so much to me. You’re the reason I’ve truly got this far, you cheering me on for all these years, putting up with me when I was so far away or in a bad mood because of training. You’ve been there all along.” Baekhyun said, his hands entwining with yours, “And I’ll always try to improve to make you prouder and to become more perfect.”
“Baekhyun,” you began, and hand coming up to caress his cheek, “You couldn’t become any more perfect.”
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kpop-fluff · 7 years
I would like you to write one more Kyungsoo fluff ^^ perhaps you having a bad day and he taking care of you and trying to cheer you up 😄 I love your writing!
here it is. When I began writing it, I forgot that you wanted to to be about you having a bad day, shall we say that he took you on the date to cheer you up?I hope you enjoy it, and thank you for saying you love my writing! :-) x
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kpop-fluff · 7 years
Disaster or Success? - Kyungsoo/D.O Fluff
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I have been gone for so long. I’ve truly missed writing often so much. Who knew A-levels took up so much time? Clearly not me haha.
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1099
“‘Don’t worry, Y/N, this restaurant may be miles away from civilisation and completely unfamiliar to both of us, but we’ll make it back to the house tonight! I promise!’” You whined, arms crossed as you recalled what your boyfriend, Kyungsoo, had said to you earlier.
“Alright, alright.” He replied, scouring the streets to see if there was anyone else he could ask for directions. Spotting someone, he approached carefully since it was almost completely dark, “Excuse me, could you tell me which way we could get back to Seoul?”
The man shrugged his shoulders, continuing to hobble off in the direction he was going in before. We both huffed.
“Well, now what?” Kyungsoo said, driving down onto an open bit of ground and stopping.
You looked over at him as you unbuckled your belt, “I don’t know. I have no idea where we are, it’s pitch black. If the food wasn’t so good, I’d be so much madder.”
A smile grew on your boyfriend’s face, and he leaned over the centre console, “So the date was a success?”
Your eyes widened, before hitting him back lightly on his shoulders, “Success!? Does this look successful!?”
You both sat there in silence, until Kyungsoo suddenly climbed out of the car.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked, eyes wide with shock as you jumped up onto your knees.
You followed his every movement as you watched him walk around to the boot of the car, opening it and swiftly pulling down the back seats, making a large flat surface. He then pulled the blankets he always kept in the boot (chiefly for when he either had to pick the boys up late and they’d pass out, or when your car gave up on you in the winter again and he had to drive you home) and lay them on the back. He then climbed in, shutting the boot behind him.
“And what’s this all about?” You asked.
“We’re not going anywhere, so we might as well just make the best of it.” Kyungsoo said, before tapping the space beside him, “Come here, love.”
Climbing through to the back of the car, you sat beside him.
Kyungsoo hummed as he stretched his arm out and put it around your shoulder, pulling you close, “Every time I have a day off and we plan to do something, it always ends in a way we never expected doesn’t it?”
“It does.” You chuckled, “But doesn’t that just make it more memorable? It’s fun, isn’t it?”
Your boyfriend gave a deep laugh, “Fun indeed. I know you’re not having much fun now though.”
“Kyungsoo, I’ve never camped out in a car before, this is. . . a new experience.” You turned to your boyfriend, looking up at him as he stared out of the window and into the darkness.
“Let’s pretend that’s positive. Like I didn’t completely mess up.” The smile on his face began to die down.
Placing your fingers on his chin, you turned him to look right at you, “Kyungsoo, you could never mess up.” You said, before leaning up and placing a kiss on his plump lips, which you adored oh so much.
His hand found the back of your head, and once you broke apart, you lent your head on his chest as he played with your hair.
“I’m so lucky to have you, Y/N.” He whispered, his voice and stroking soothing you beyond imagination.
“I think I’m more lucky to have you.” You replied sleepily, your eyes becoming heavy. You were asleep before you knew it, although not before you heard him mutter an ‘I love you’.
Before you opened your eyes as you awoke, you could hear something. But. . . what was it? A sound you felt like you knew, but simply couldn’t believe it.
And as you finally looked around, your premonitions were confirmed. Seagulls!?
You were on a beach! Kyungsoo had driven in the dark onto the back end of a small beach. Luckily, the tide had not came in. It just shocked you how the both of you hadn’t realised before where you were.
Looking up, saw Kyungsoo, eyes still shut tightly as he snored lightly. This was one of those moments you found him most beautiful, along with when you saw him on stage having the time of his life. He was so peaceful, so at ease. Kyungsoo always told you about his vivid dreams, his beautiful dreams he had, and how much enjoyed them. The reason he loved his dreams so much was that he could meet with you, even if he was miles away on tour in a completely different country.
You opened one of the back doors, climbing out as quietly and carefully as you could. The air smelt so fresh. It was truly beautiful here, and you must admit that even if Kyungsoo felt like he’d messed up, it was the best kind of mistake a person can make. You pulled your shoes off and walked towards the sea, the feeling of sand below your feet being ever so unfamiliar as all you knew was the city.
The waves lapped at your feet, and your eyes begun to flutter shut until arms wrapped around your waist, daring to push you into the sea, causing you to scream.
“Morning, darling.” He mumbled right beside your ear, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
Spinning around in his arms, you smiled to him, “Look where we ended up.”
“I know. This must be one of our oddest dates.”
“One of our best dates. I love it here.” You said.
Kyungsoo released your waist, instead holding your right hand, “Me too. Y/N, there’s something I like to do in the morning.”
“What’s that?” You asked, raising and eyebrow and smirking.
“Swim.” He replied, before running into the sea, you being tugged behind him.
“Kyungsoo!” You yelled. He may have been seen as someone who was not that playful, but the Kyungsoo you saw was a completely different person. He was someone you couldn’t predict when it came to dates. You never knew what would happen next.
He ran in until it was up to your waist, before splashing the water about, getting the both of you soaked straight through.
“Do Kyungsoo, you’re crazy!” You said, not before joining in with him, the two of your having an intense water fight, somehow ending up in each others arms, “Ah, you sure are something else.”
Kyungsoo ran a hand through his hair, “I hope you don’t mind.”
“I never would, my love.”
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
My good friend @kpopangst and I have decided to, in the future, do some collaborations together and write some angsts/fluffs for each other. She’s honestly such a good writer, if you don’t already follower her you should! I’m honoured she suggested this, and I’m so excited for us to write together, just like we used to ;-) 
Look forward to some great writing ^^ I’ll be sure to update more often, and this partnership I feel will motivate me to write more regularly and to a higher standard. I’ll work hard!
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
could you please make a fluff scenario with chanyeol when he has a day off work please?
here you go! it was more of an anniversary theme, i hope you don't mind. i'm sorry it took so long :-(
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Happy Anniversary - Chanyeol Fluff
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Goodness me,  I have been gone for so long and I’m so sorry. College takes up more time than expected. I promise , promise that I’ll try and make more time for writing. 
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 922
A hard bump caused you to be woke from your blissful sleep, caused you to hit your head on. . . a glass window?
“Ah, why road!? I have someone who is sleeping in here!” You heard your boyfriend hiss at the lane, “Someone really needs to make you less bumpy.” He began to grumble.
“What the hell?” Mumbling to yourself, you rubbed the side of your head that had just been bumped, bringing your hand around to rub your eyes. This is when you fully realised where you were.
You were curled up on the passenger seat of Chanyeol’s car, a blanket wrapped carefully around your body. You were still in your pyjama shorts, your fluffy, neon pink bed socks, and your t-shirt you couldn’t be bothered to change out of when you got in.
You heard Chanyeol huff, “Great. I can’t even organise a surprise without something ruining it. What sort of boyfriend am I?”
“What’s going on?” You groaned, the light slightly beginning to peek over the horizon.
“Well, I wanted to take you to the beach.” He said.
Your eyebrows furrowed, “The beach? But it’s,” looking at the clock on the dashboard, your eyes widened, “6:45AM!?”
Chanyeol pouted, “Y/N-ah, don’t you remember what day it is today?”
Biting your lip, you began to think about it. Suddenly, it hit you, “Ah!” You exclaimed, turning to him quickly, “Happy 1000 days anniversary!” Leaning over, you placed a kiss onto Chanyeol’s cheek.
His trademark wide smile grew on his face as he realised you indeed hadn’t forgot, just was quite sleepy, “I am just so lucky to have spent the past 1000 days with you, jagi. So what I thought was I’d take you back to Sokcho, where we first met.”
“Chanyeol, how long have you been driving for?” You asked. Sokcho was so far away from Seoul: it was pure luck that you had both been on the same coach trip to the seaside that day. He must have been so tired, yet there was nothing but happiness printed on his face.
He chuckled lightly, the corner of his mouth lifting up into a half smile, “That doesn’t matter, I wanted us to go and watch the sunrise together, just like we did when we snuck out of the hotel together.”
You gave a laugh, remembering that day so well. The trip was a five day arrangement, and you’d gone alone purely to get away from the crazy rush of Seoul. Your regular 9 til 5 job, more like 9 till some god awful hour due to your terrible boss, was making you more and more stressed by the minute. You spontaneously packed your bags and just jumped onto this coach.
*Flashback to when you first met him*
It was about twenty minutes into your trip when you felt a tap on your right shoulder. Pulling out your headphones, you turned to see three young men, around your age. This was quite odd, as most of the people on this coach, including the two sitting to your left, were elderly.
“Are you going to Sokcho too?” One of them asked, the other two looking at you for your response.
You nodded, giving them a warm smile.
“I’m Kim Jongdae,” The guy who first spoke to you said, “this is Byun Baekhyun, and this is Park Chanyeol.”
It was the last guy who caught your eye. They were all handsome, there was no arguing with that, but Park Chanyeol was...intriguing you as a shy smile grew on his face.
“Let’s make friends while we’re there, okay?” Baekhyun suggested, “I think my friend here would like to get to know you.” He said, nudging Chanyeol.
“Ya.” Chanyeol whispered, beginning to blush as the rest of you laughed.
*Back to present*
That was the start of a beautiful friendship with Baekhyun and Jongdae, and an amazing relationship with Chanyeol.
“Thank goodness the other two began to speak to me. If you thought I was cute, though, you should have just spoken to me yourself!” You chuckled as his vehicle pulled into a car park.
“Ah, I was just so overwhelmed. I was nervous. This may sound cliche, but I knew I wanted to be with you straight away. Love at first sight?”
Your eyes rolled, “Chanyeol, that sounded extremely cliche. I would be lying if I didn’t feel the same was though.”
Chanyeol parked up, and you both climbed out of the car. As you walked down onto the sand, hand in hand, the sun began to be slightly visible.
“Jagi, come on! Let’s sit down before the sun rises properly.” Your boyfriend said, before running
towards a spot nearer the ocean, you being tugged along behind him.
Once you had reached the spot, Chanyeol pulled of his Adidas jacket you’d bought him and laid it on the sand for you to sit on. When you were both seated, Chanyeol wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you tightly against him. This was pure bliss, your head against your boyfriends chest, the only things that you could hear being the waves crashing against the shore and the beat of his heart. There was nowhere else you’d rather be.
And after moments of silence, just enjoying each other’s company, the sun had fully rose.
“Happy anniversary. I’m truly the luckiest man alive.” Chanyeol whispered, pushing your chin up gently so he could peck your lips.
“Happy anniversary. I love you, Park Chanyeol.” You replied, never wanting to be anyone else's arms.
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Thank you for the mingyu scenario!! I was so cute!! ❤️
Thank you! I’m not dead LOL, I’ve just started college and that’s why the fluff took soooo long and I’m not updating a lot. I’ll work harder to get things done for you all. This message made me feel a less drained, so thank you again :-)
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Hi! Can you make a MINGYU scenario of him taking care of your 2 year old daughter? Thank you and your blog is amazing!! 😘
Sorry for the longggg ass wait I’ve been so busy ugh I’m the worst :-( but here it is, and thank you so much
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Bonding Time - Mingyu Fluff
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I got my GCSE results yesterday (I passed everything, yay!), and I start college next week. I am like all over the shop right now I’m sorry haha.
Word count - 1077
Genre - Fluff
Rolling over in bed, you realised that Mingyu wasn’t beside you. This was normal, as he would have usually left you a note on your bedside table telling you he’d gone to dance practice or to record and he’d be back later. On these normal, usual mornings, you’d be waking up at about seven to read this. However, today wasn’t a regular morning.
First thing that was odd: there was no note. The scanning of your bedside table for this piece of paper allowed you to discover the second thing that was odd: the clock beside you had ‘10:16 AM’ flashing on it.
You jumped out of bed, now wide awake as one thing kept playing on your mind. Why hadn’t your two year old daughter woke you to be fed or changed? Why was there no noise coming from her room?
You threw open the door to your bedroom and began to walk speedily across the landing towards your daughter’s room. But before you could make it, you heard the warm, familiar voice of your husband coming from your living room, and a laugh from your daughter which instantly warmed your heart and calmed all of your fears. So that’s why there was no note. Mingyu was still here, and he had obviously been woken by your daughter before you had.
Creeping down the stairs, you made sure not to disturb them, as you could hear the fun Mingyu was having with her. You peered your head around the corner to look into the living room through the glass of the door. There was Mingyu, a smile printed widely across his face. On his lap was your daughter, being jumped up and down gently. He’d clearly dressed her, putting her in the pink dress and matching headband he bought her when he was in America.
“You’re such a pretty girl, aren’t you? Just like mommy.” You smiled, watching him talk with her, “And especially like daddy!” Mingyu finished, causing you to roll your eyes, but also chuckle lightly.
“One, two, three!” He counted, before lifting her up, not without making a “whoosh” sound for effect.
The two of them burst out laughing, Mingyu then bundling her up in his arms and cuddling her close to his chest. You were so caught up in this moment, that you barely noticed when your husband’s eyes finally found you so smitten at the door. You did though, as Mingyu stood, giving you a warm smile before picking up your daughter and opening the living room door.
“Good morning, darling.” He beamed, kissing your lips softly.
“Morning, Mingyu. And good morning, sweetheart.” You hummed, taking your daughter’s hand in yours and kissing it, “You sure did let me sleep in.”
The three of you walked through to the kitchen, “Well, I thought you could do with a lie in. I know how much you do around here while I’m at work. Plus I had the day off today, so I thought I’d have some fun with this one.” Mingyu chuckled, giving his daughter eskimo kisses, causing her to laugh once again.
“How adorable are you two?” You giggled, opening up the cupboards to find what you could eat. But before you could do this properly, Mingyu pushed it shut again.
“What, you think we would be up for hours and wouldn’t make you something to eat?” Your husband chuckled, guiding you over to the fridge. Out he pulled a muffin, covered in messy icing and sprinkles, “Our little one here put the decorations on so it may be a little. . . uneven.”
You chuckled lightly, “No, it’s just perfect,” you began, picking it up, “and I’m sure it tastes delicious.” Taking a bite, you hummed with happiness, turning to your daughter and smiling brightly and sticking up your thumb, “Thank you, my darling! You did well!” To this, your daughter gargled in response.
“She said you’re welcome.” Mingyu smiled, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“How would you know?”
“Oh, we were just having a chat this morning, and I think I’m fluent in baby language.”
You rolled your eyes, “Of course you are.” Giggling, you leaned forward to kiss Mingyu.
Once you broke away, a smirk grew on his face, “What was that for?”
“For being the best dad and husband in the world. You do such a good job.” You replied, taking another bite from your cake.
A smile began to grow on Mingyu’s face, looking down slightly at his hands holding up his daughter as his cheeks warmed up, “Ah, you still make me blush, just like you did when we were teenagers.”
You began to smirk to yourself, but poked your husbands shoulder playfully, “Be quiet, you. Come on, I’ll get changed and we’ll go to the park.”
Sitting on a bench at the side, you sipped lightly on your drink. Your body ached from lying in bed for longer than usual, so you decided to just sit out and allow Mingyu to bond with his daughter further.
Mingyu spent a lot of time working so hard in his band, trying to satisfy everyone. His members, his managers, his company as a whole, and you. You knew how stressful it could be for him, and also how common it was that the only time he’d see his daughter in a day was when she was fast asleep in her cot. So you weren’t being lazy taking a back seat in this, it was actually something that should happen. Seeing Mingyu so happy, bonding so beautifully with his daughter, made tears prick up in your eyes. He would have a huge smile plastered on his face the whole time. For that reason, you just adored from the side as he pushed her on the swings, and helped her down the slides, because this view was truly the best one you could have. It was your favourite thing to witness, and knowing how much it meant to Mingyu made it all the more stunning.
“You’re such a good girl!” Mingyu yelled, lifting your daughter from the bottom of the slide and up into the air, above his head.
At this moment, you couldn’t help but pull out your phone and take a photograph. And as you looked at this, tear drops fell onto your screen. Not out of sadness, out of pure happiness. No words could describe how much you loved your husband and daughter. Nothing could compare.
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Hey there, could I request a Onew fluff please? Preferably at some point could you please have him play the piano or even teach you how to play piano or you play two piano together idk I just feel something with a piano would be cute.
Hiyaaa, thanks for the request. Here it is, enjoy~~ :-)
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Song For You - Jinki/Onew Fluff
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SHINee are my kings, and Onew is so lovely I was glad I could write my first SHINee fluff for him. 
I’m sorry it took me so long to upload, life has been hectic lmao.
Word count: 1017
Genre: Fluff
Your eyes fluttered open as the gentle light of the morning entered your view and a sound you often heard, that was always welcomed, entered your ears.
What you could hear was something that didn’t just awaken your eardrums but also reached out to your heart. It was the thing you could never get bored of. The sound was Jinki’s warm voice, a voice which made you feel safe and at home, and the piano being played so gracefully. They complimented each other in a way that cannot be described with words alone, like something only the privileged few will be able to hear so clearly. This was a tune you’d never heard before, though. These were lyrics you didn’t recognise.
Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you walked out of your bedroom and into the living room where the piano was. Here you saw Jinki, his hands sliding gracefully over each key, his eyes closed as he sung so perfectly.
“What song is this then?” You asked, stretching slightly on the spot before walking towards him.
Jinki turned to you, sliding to the left to allow you to sit beside him on the piano stool, “I wrote it when I woke up. I just had the urge to, when I was lucky enough to open my eyes and see you. This song is all for you, jagi.”
Playfully, you hit your boyfriend’s arm, “Shut up.” You murmured, before letting your head fall onto his shoulder.
“What? Aren’t I doing a good thing? Not every boyfriend could do this, aish.” He pouted, looking back down at the piano and playing the same tune slowly.
“It’s sweet, hun, don’t get me wrong. You’re just so cringey.” You giggled, watching as his fingers found the right notes. Jinki’s eyes stayed shut the whole time he played, humming along to the tune. Seeing him so immersed in this music was one of the most stunning things you could see. Suddenly, an idea sprung to your mind, “Jinki, will you teach me how to play this song?”
His eyes began to open, before he turned and looked at you, “Teach you? But I’ve never taught anyone piano before. What if I’m no good?”
“You’re Lee Jinki, you could teach anyone to play piano, I’m sure. You’re amazing. Come on, just for a bit of fun. Don’t let me down.” You pleaded, giving him a cute smile.
Jinki, after a few moments of contemplation, nodded, “Okay. Move down the stool.” He stood, making room for you to take full advantage of the range of keys. He crouched behind you, his head hovering just above your left shoulder.
“Alright, your left hand has to go here,” He began, gently lifting your wrist and placing each finger on the correct key, “and your right hand plays a tune up here.” Jinki said, demonstrating what it should do as he pressed your left hand down lightly to play the chord.
You focused intensely as he continued showing you each part, taking your time to learn it perfectly. Soon enough though, you thought you had the hang of it.
“Watch and admire, Jinki.” You chuckled, feeling confident in what you saw as your new found talent.
“I always do, Y/N.” He answered, standing to the side of you.
Again with the cringe you thought to yourself, laughing internally. You began, and it went fairly smoothly until the bit at the end you found a bit more difficult.
“Woah, woah,” Jinki interrupted, before threading his fingers with yours and aiding you to play it the correct way, “like this, play it carefully like this.”
Little butterflies erupted in your stomach as he guided you through the end section. No matter how many times you’d hold Jinki’s hand, no matter how long you’d been with him, every time you’d touch was still as thrilling as the first time to you. You’d always ask yourself ‘is this what true love is?’, and every time you knew the answer was yes. The love you felt for Jinki was the strongest love you’d felt in your entire life.
The ending chord was played, and you turned your head to look up at him with a smile on your face, “That was some nice teamwork.”
Your boyfriend leaned forward, planting a soft kiss against your lips, “It was all you, darling.”
“Thank you for teaching me.” You beamed, standing from the stool and walking over to the sofa. Jinki followed, sitting down before you and pulling you to sit on his lap.
He buried his face in the curve of your neck, peppering light kisses around there, “It was fun. Maybe we should write songs together, that would be nice wouldn’t it?”
“Now, now, I’m no expert yet. Just because I can play a few chords, doesn’t mean I can compose a whole song.” You chuckled.
“One day, my love.” He whispered, and you hummed as his breath fanned on your neck.
Jinki and you just sat there like this, his arms wrapped around your waist, and just basked in the peace of the room. You could both vaguely hear the melody of this new song playing in your head, making you smile because this was a song for the two of you really. Jinki wrote it about you, and you played as best you could for him. This was a mutual love through music. Okay, you weren’t a professional musician like Jinki, but you had a passion for listening to these songs all the same.
That day was a beautiful day for you. You felt like Jinki had let you into another little part of himself when he told you about the song and taught you how to play it so beautifully. It meant a lot to you, because music was Jinki’s passion, and now you could understand that bit more why. It was a way to express the things that words alone couldn’t. It was stunning, he made it even more stunning, and honestly, you could wait to write songs with the love of your life.
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Mingyu's scenario was so cute and I loved it!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG SO PLS KEEP WRITING! ❤️❤️
Omg thank you so much! I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because one week I was very sick, and this week I'm on holiday lol. But this message made me so happy, I love you, thank you for the support♡♡♡♡
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
Your writing is amazing! But I can't access your masterlist since i'm on my phone, could you post a link to it?
http://kpop-fluff.tumblr.com/post/140230949973/masterlisti hope you can get to it through this, thank you for appreciating my writing♡if it doesn't work, let me know x
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kpop-fluff · 8 years
You really should continue that Baekhyun fic :3 I LOVE IT SO MUCH OOMG
Thank you so much for requesting a part two! Sorry for the wait, thank you for your patience, and here it is. Thank you for loving it ^^
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