kultofkorii · 1 month
− Finer than Wine
✎mihawk x kelton
♦︎fic type: one-shot, fic-trade
♦︎ summary: after three failed attempts at taking mihawk on a date, kelton finally manages to get mihawk on a date. with the intention to show mihawk that he's serious about his feeling.
♦︎word count: 2.3k
♦︎warnings: None
♦︎a/n: this is part of a fic trade done with @loganwritesprobably, As you can see I kinda carried away but I'm really proud of this, I hope I did Kelton justice and I hope you enjoy it all the same!
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The wine-red sky stretched over the horizon, casting a warm, molten glow on the vast ocean below. The waves lapped gently at the sides of the boat, a modest but elegant vessel with polished wood and billowing sails. Kelton stood at the bow, his black hair tousled by the salty breeze, a glint of gold piercing catching the fading light. His mischievous brown eyes scanned the horizon as he hummed a tune under his breath, his tall frame leaning casually against the railing.
Kelton was a man of many talents, but patience was rarely one of them. Yet, tonight was different. Tonight, he had every reason to wait. The air was thick with anticipation, a subtle excitement thrumming in his veins. The boat rocked gently as he adjusted his stance, glancing back toward the cabin where Mihawk was likely brooding, perhaps contemplating the wisdom of agreeing to this outing.
A sly grin tugged at the corners of Kelton’s mouth. He’d finally done it. After three failed attempts, Dracule Mihawk, the most feared swordsman in all the seas, had agreed to a date. And not just any date—Kelton had meticulously planned an evening that even the stoic Mihawk might find difficult to resist.
As if on cue, Mihawk emerged from the cabin, his expression as unreadable as ever. His piercing yellow eyes locked onto Kelton’s warm brown ones, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Kelton could feel the weight of that gaze, the scrutiny that would unnerve any lesser man. But Kelton was no ordinary man. “Enjoying the view?” Mihawk’s voice was smooth, carrying a hint of dry amusement.
Kelton’s grin widened. “Only half as much as I’m about to enjoy our little adventure, love.” He pushed off the railing with a fluid motion, sauntering over to Mihawk with the easy confidence of a man who was rarely, if ever, denied what he wanted. Mihawk raised a single eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by Kelton’s swagger. “You speak as though this evening holds more than just an outing.”
“Oh, it holds much more, indeed,” Kelton quipped, his voice dripping with playful innuendo. He circled Mihawk slowly, his movements deliberate, as if sizing up his prey. “But I wouldn’t dream of ruining the surprise. After all, where’s the fun in that?” Mihawk’s gaze remained steady, though there was a flicker of something in his eyes—curiosity, perhaps, or mild irritation.
The island Kelton chose was nothing short of breathtaking. A hidden gem nestled within the Grand Line, it was renowned for its picturesque landscapes and sunsets that could make even the most hardened hearts falter. It was a place of serenity, where the chaos of the world seemed to pause, allowing nature's beauty to take center stage. As you step off the ship and onto the soft sand, the air is filled with the scent of saltwater and blooming flowers, carried by the gentle breeze that whispers through the towering palms.
Kelton, with his usual swagger, leads the way, his long strides making it almost impossible for anyone of average height to keep up, let alone Mihawk. Yet, the swordsman moves with his signature grace, his eyes observing every detail of their surroundings with a calm, discerning gaze. The vibrant greenery, the distant hum of wildlife, and the sound of waves gently lapping against the shore all contribute to an ambiance that feels almost too perfect. It’s a place out of time, a retreat from the battles and skirmishes that define their lives. "Lovely, isn't it?" Kelton remarks, glancing back at Mihawk with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. His voice carries a playful lilt, as though he’s well aware of the grandeur of his choice. "Figured you could use a bit of a break from all the sword-slashing and brooding."
Mihawk, ever the stoic, merely raises an eyebrow in response, though there’s a slight softening in his usual stern expression. “It’s… suitable.” Kelton chuckles, clearly amused by the understatement. “Suitable? Darling, it’s a slice of paradise. Just wait until you see where I’ve set us up.”
They move deeper into the island, the dense foliage parting to reveal a pathway lined with lanterns that flicker softly in the dimming light. Kelton had taken his time setting up the path, carefully selecting each lantern to create a warm, inviting glow as the sun began its descent towards the horizon. He was no stranger to adventure and chaos, but when it came to moments like these, he knew the importance of setting the right atmosphere. As they near the spot Kelton has prepared, the path opens up to a secluded clearing. Here, the grass is soft underfoot, and a large, plush blanket is spread out, accompanied by an array of cushions. Nearby, a small table is set up, adorned with an assortment of wines, including the rare and expensive bottle Kelton had promised. A few plates of delicately prepared food, a nod to Mihawk's refined palate, are arranged with care.
The scene is framed by the ocean, which glitters with the last rays of sunlight, casting hues of pink, orange, and gold across the water. The sky above them is a masterpiece, the colors swirling together in a way that seems almost surreal. Kelton turns to Mihawk with a grin, spreading his arms wide as if presenting the world’s greatest treasure. “Not bad, eh? Thought we could enjoy the sunset, have a few drinks, and just… unwind. No swords, no pirates, just us and the view." Mihawk takes in the sight, the corner of his mouth twitching ever so slightly—a rare sign of approval. "You certainly know how to make an effort."
"Only for the best," Kelton replies smoothly, moving closer to the swordsman. "Shall we?" He gestures towards the blanket, his voice softer, yet still carrying that underlying note of mischief. Mihawk nods, and together, they step into the tranquil space, leaving the world behind for a moment of peace between eachother. “You’ve gone through a great deal of trouble for this,” Mihawk observed, his tone neither approving nor disapproving, simply factual. Kelton stopped in front of Mihawk, their eyes locking despite the steady difference in height. “Well, when one is courting the world’s greatest swordsman, one must be prepared to go the extra mile.” His voice softened, the teasing edge giving way to something more sincere. “I wanted tonight to be special.” Kelton gestured toward the small table he'd set up, where a selection of rare wines awaited. The centerpiece was a bottle of vintage so rare that even Mihawk, with his discerning taste, had mentioned it in passing. It had taken Kelton months of searching and no small amount of favors to procure it, but the look on Mihawk’s face when he’d seen it had made every effort worth it.
Mihawk inclined his head slightly, a gesture of acknowledgment if not full approval, and moved toward the table. Kelton followed, his gaze lingering on the swordsman’s graceful movements. Even in something as mundane as walking, Mihawk exuded a quiet, lethal elegance. It was no wonder Kelton was smitten. As they took their seats, Kelton uncorked the prized bottle, the sound of the pop satisfying in its own right. He poured them each a glass, the wine’s rich aroma filling the air between them. Mihawk took his glass, swirling the wine with practiced ease before bringing it to his lips. Kelton watched intently, noting the way Mihawk’s eyes closed briefly as he savored the taste.
“Well?” Kelton asked, leaning forward slightly, eager for Mihawk’s verdict. Mihawk opened his eyes, his gaze locking onto Kelton’s once more. “It’s exceptional,” he admitted, his tone begrudgingly appreciative. Kelton couldn’t help the triumphant smile that spread across his face. “I knew you’d like it. Only the best for you, of course.�� Mihawk regarded him with a level look. “You put in considerable effort for this. Why?” Kelton’s smile faltered slightly, the question catching him off guard. He’d expected Mihawk to be more guarded, more evasive. But here was the swordsman, asking a direct question that required a direct answer.
Kelton leaned back in his chair, considering his words carefully. “Because you’re worth it,” he said finally, the playful lilt in his voice gone. “Because I wanted to do something for you—something that showed you I’m not just interested in a fling.” Mihawk studied him for a long moment, his gaze piercing. “You’ve made your intentions clear before,” he said slowly. “Why now?” Kelton met his gaze without flinching. “Because I think you’re starting to realize that I’m serious.”
A silence stretched between them, not uncomfortable but laden with unspoken thoughts. Kelton wasn’t sure if Mihawk would respond or if he’d retreat into that impenetrable shell of his, but he held his ground, refusing to look away. Finally, Mihawk set his glass down with deliberate care. “You’re relentless,” he remarked, though there was no venom in his tone. Kelton chuckled, the tension breaking slightly. “It’s one of my more charming qualities.”Mihawk didn’t smile, but there was a softness in his expression that hadn’t been there before. “I’ll admit, your persistence is…unexpected.”
“Unexpected, but not unwelcome, I hope?” Kelton ventured, his voice hopeful. Mihawk regarded him for a moment longer, then gave a slight nod. “Not unwelcome.” Kelton’s heart leapt, but he kept his excitement in check, not wanting to push too far too fast. He leaned forward, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “So, tell me, Mihawk—what would it take for you to consider this date a success?”Mihawk picked up his glass again, taking a slow sip before responding. “A success?” He seemed to mull over the question, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. “That depends.”
“On what?” Kelton prompted, eager to hear the answer. Mihawk set his glass down again, his gaze fixed on Kelton with an intensity that sent a shiver down the taller man’s spine. “On whether you can keep me interested for the remainder of the evening.” Kelton grinned, his confidence returning in full force. “Oh, I can do much more than that, love. Just you wait and see.”
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of conversation and wine, the tension between them ebbing and flowing like the tide. Kelton was in his element, weaving stories and jokes with the ease of a seasoned entertainer, all while keeping a careful eye on Mihawk’s reactions. To his delight, Mihawk seemed more relaxed than Kelton had ever seen him, the sharp edges of his usual demeanor softened by the wine and the ambiance.
As the moon climbed higher in the sky, casting a silvery light over the deck, Kelton found himself growing bolder. The wine had loosened his tongue, and he leaned closer to Mihawk, his voice dropping to a low, intimate murmur. “You know, Mihawk,” he began, his words slow and deliberate, “I think there’s something you’re not telling me.” Mihawk raised an eyebrow, his gaze wary. “And what might that be?”
Kelton’s lips curved into a teasing smile. “That you’re enjoying this far more than you expected.” Mihawk didn’t respond immediately, his eyes narrowing slightly as if weighing his next words. Finally, he said, “You assume much.” Kelton’s grin widened. “I prefer to think of it as being perceptive.” Mihawk’s expression remained unreadable, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—something that made Kelton’s heart skip a beat. Without thinking, Kelton reached out, his hand brushing against Mihawk’s, the touch light but deliberate.
Mihawk didn’t pull away, but his gaze dropped to their hands, his expression inscrutable. Kelton’s heart pounded in his chest, a mix of excitement and nervousness churning in his stomach. “Mihawk,” Kelton said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I—” Before he could finish, Mihawk leaned forward, his movements swift and precise. Kelton barely had time to register what was happening before Mihawk’s lips were on his, the kiss firm and unyielding.
For a moment, Kelton was too stunned to react. This was Mihawk—Dracule Mihawk—kissing him. But the shock quickly gave way to something else, something warm and all-consuming, and Kelton found himself kissing back with equal fervor. The kiss was electric, a jolt of energy that seemed to ignite every nerve in Kelton’s body. He reached out instinctively, his hands gripping Mihawk’s waist as he pulled the swordsman closer. The world around them seemed to disappear, the only thing that mattered was the feel of Mihawk’s lips against his, the taste of wine lingering on his tongue. Mihawk’s hands were steady, one resting on Kelton’s arm, the other at his waist, grounding him in the moment. There was a surprising tenderness in the way Mihawk kissed him—controlled, but not without feeling. It wasn’t the desperate, heated kiss of someone losing themselves in passion, but something deeper, more intentional.
When they finally broke apart, both were breathless, the air between them thick with unspoken words. Kelton stared at Mihawk, his mind racing to catch up with what had just happened. “You kissed me,” Kelton said, the words tumbling out in a dazed murmur, a hint of disbelief in his tone. Mihawk’s expression remained calm, but there was a softness in his eyes that Kelton had never seen before. “You kissed me back,” Mihawk replied, his voice steady, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Kelton couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up from his chest, a sound filled with both joy and relief. “Aye, that I did,” he admitted, a roguish grin spreading across his face. “And I don’t regret a single second of it.” Mihawk’s gaze didn’t waver, but Kelton could see the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Nor do I,” Mihawk said quietly, the admission hanging in the air between them, weighty and significant. Kelton’s heart swelled, the words sinking in, making him feel lighter than he had in ages. He’d always known there was something more to Mihawk than the cold, aloof exterior he showed to the world. But hearing those words—knowing that Mihawk didn’t regret this—made it all the more real.
“Mihawk,” Kelton began, his voice steady, “I meant what I said earlier. This—tonight—it’s not just about a fling. I want to be with you, not just for tonight, but for as long as you’ll have me.” Mihawk’s gaze bore into Kelton’s, the weight of his words sinking in. For a moment, Kelton thought Mihawk might pull away, might retreat into that stoic shell he was so known for. But instead, Mihawk stepped closer, his hand tightening around Kelton’s.
“You’re a fool,” Mihawk said quietly, his voice tinged with something that could almost be mistaken for fondness. Kelton chuckled, the sound low and warm. “Aye, that I am. But I’m your fool, if you’ll have me.” Mihawk’s lips curved into the faintest of smiles, and for the first time, Kelton saw the walls around Mihawk’s heart begin to crack. “Then it seems we’re both fools.” Before Kelton could respond, Mihawk closed the distance between them, capturing Kelton’s lips in another kiss. This one was slower, more deliberate, a kiss that spoke of promises made and a future uncertain but filled with possibilities.
Kelton kissed back with all the passion and sincerity he could muster, his heart soaring as Mihawk’s arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. There was no more doubt, no more hesitation—just the two of them, together in that moment, and the unspoken understanding that this was just the beginning of something wonderful.
When they finally parted, Kelton rested his forehead against Mihawk’s, a contented sigh escaping his lips. “So,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, “does this mean our date was a success?” Mihawk’s eyes sparkled with something akin to amusement. “It means you’ve intrigued me, Kelton. But don’t think for a moment that you’ve won me just yet." Kelton’s laughter was soft, a low rumble that resonated between them. “Wouldn’t dream of it, love. The chase is half the fun, after all." Mihawk’s expression softened, a rare warmth in his usually impassive gaze. “Then you’ll have to keep up, Kelton. I’m not easily caught.” Kelton’s grin widened, his brown eyes glinting with mischief. “Challenge accepted, Mihawk. But be warned—I’m a man who never gives up on what he wants.” Mihawk didn’t reply immediately, but the look in his eyes said everything. There was a mutual understanding, a silent agreement that they were both stepping into uncharted waters. Whatever lay ahead, it wouldn’t be easy. But neither of them wanted easy. They craved the thrill, the challenge—the chance to carve something lasting out of the unpredictable life they led.
For a moment, they simply stood there, the world around them forgotten. The wind tousled Kelton’s noir-black hair, and Mihawk’s grip on his waist tightened slightly, as if anchoring them both to this moment. The stars above glittered like silent witnesses to the promise they’d made, each twinkling light reflecting the hope of something more. Kelton finally broke the silence, his voice a whisper of sincerity. “I’ll win you over, Mihawk. It’s only a matter of time.” Mihawk’s lips quirked into the faintest of smiles. “We’ll see, Kelton. But know this—no one has ever succeeded where you intend to go.” Kelton’s eyes shone with determination as he leaned in close, his breath warm against Mihawk’s ear. “There’s a first time for everything, love. And I plan to make sure this is a first you won’t forget.”
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kultofkorii · 1 month
Hi !!! iIs it possible to have Usopp (top) x male reader (bottom).Smut. They have been a couple for a long time. The half-human, half-tiger reader (he has the body of a human but a tiger's tail, ears, eyes and stripes). For the storyline, during the whole day, the reader has fun teasing Usopp, but when they chose to keep the boat Usopp decides to make him regret all this teasing. There can be a lot of praise and teasing from Usopp's part
− Such a Tease~
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✎usopp x tiger! reader
♦︎fic type: smut
♦︎summary: after you teasing usopp all day, he finally decided to do something about it.
♦︎word count: 2.4k
♦︎warnings: praise kink, male! reader, soft dom! usopp, anal, oral [reader receiving]
♦︎ a/n: omgg thank you so much for the ask, and i hope you enjoy what i wrote! I apologize for the delay I've been busy with moving.
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The sun hangs high in the clear blue sky, casting a warm, golden light over the Going Merry as it bobs gently in the turquoise waters of the island's harbor. The crew of the Straw Hat Pirates has disembarked to explore the lush landscape, leaving you and Usopp behind on the ship for a well-deserved break from your adventurous lives.
You were lounging casually on the deck, your eyes tracking the movements of the crew as they make their way towards the island. You flex your fingers, relishing in the sensation of the warm sun against your skin, and a mischievous grin spreads across your face.
Today, you have a singular goal: to make Usopp as riled up as possible. You’ve long enjoyed your playful interactions with him, but today, you want to turn the teasing up a notch and push him to his breaking point. As you stretch out languidly on the deck, your thoughts dance with plans to fluster your partner.
Usopp had settled into a comfortable spot by the railing, fiddling with a small gadget he’s been working on. He seems absorbed in his work, unaware of your scheming. You stand up and saunter over to him, your movements fluid and deliberate. With a lazy stretch and a feline grace, you cast a sidelong glance at Usopp, who is engrossed in adjusting the gadget. Your eyes gleam with mischief as you approach.
"Hey, Usopp," you purr softly, your voice rich and smooth. "Need any help with that thing?"
Usopp glances up, his eyes narrowing playfully. "Not from you, tiger. I’ve got it under control."
You tilt your head, your grin widening. "Are you sure? I’d hate to see you struggle with something so trivial."
Before Usopp can respond, your form ripples and shifts into that of a tiger. The transformation is seamless, and in an instant, you’re a sleek, golden-striped feline. You stretch out in front of Usopp, curling your body around the gadget with a lazy purr. Usopp raises an eyebrow, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "Really? Now you're just showing off."
Your tiger eyes gleam as you give Usopp a slow, deliberate lick of your paw. The gesture is more playful than anything else, but it clearly has its intended effect—Usopp’s cheeks flush a delicate pink. You purr softly, stretching out as if you own the entire ship. "Just making myself comfortable," you say with a feline smirk. "You don’t mind, do you?" Usopp tries to focus on his gadget, but it’s clear that your presence is becoming increasingly distracting. He shifts uncomfortably as your tail flicks against his legs, the tickling sensation almost unbearable.
After a moment of pretending to be engrossed in his work, Usopp gives in with a resigned sigh. "Alright, fine. If you’re going to be a distraction, I might as well give you something to do." With a dramatic sigh, Usopp places his gadget aside and reaches out to gently scratch behind your tiger ears. You close your eyes in bliss as you purr loudly, thoroughly enjoying the attention, before switching back to your human form.
But Usopp isn’t done. As he scratches behind your ears, his fingers occasionally brush against your sensitive spots, sending shivers down your spine. Your tail flicks erratically, betraying the fact that you’re trying very hard to maintain your composure. "Are you enjoying this, Y/n?" Usopp teases, his voice dripping with amusement. Your purring grows louder, and you roll onto your stomach, exposing your tail fully in a gesture of trust and playfulness. “You know me too well, Usopp.”
Seeing your vulnerable position, Usopp’s smirk widens. “Oh, I see. So you want me to keep going, huh?” Your tiger eyes glint with a mix of desire and mischief. “Only if you want to.”Usopp’s fingers make contact with the base of your tail, sending you into a state of delightful squirming. You try to suppress your reactions, but the combination of gentle scratches and Usopp’s teasing comments proves too much. You wriggle and purr, letting him know just the effect he has on you. Finally, Usopp relents and stops his delightful touches, leaning back with a satisfied grin. “How about we take this up a notch, yeah?”
Usopp's toned body loomed over you, panting heavily from your previous make out session. Usopp's gaze lingers on your own, his eyes dark and filled with an emotion that mirrored your own. There was a moment of silence before he leaned forward, his lips brushing against yours in a kiss that was filled with an urgency that left no room for hesitation. His tongue traced the seam of your lips, coaxing them apart, and when you opened up to him, the kiss deepened into something raw and primal.
But it was the way he moaned against your mouth that sent a thrill of electricity coursing through your veins, the sound low and rough, vibrating through your very core. The moan was muffled, almost swallowed by the intensity of the kiss, but it resonated in the pit of your stomach, sending waves of pleasure radiating outward.
And then he rotated your head slightly, his hand gripping your chin as he deepened the kiss, his mouth moving over yours with a fervor that bordered on desperation.
You could feel the tension in his body, the way his muscles coiled with the effort to maintain control, and it was intoxicating, the knowledge that he was holding back for you. His hands slid down to your waist, and he pulled you even closer, your chest flush against his as he guided your movements with ease. You could feel the hardness of him pressing against you.
He broke the kiss only to whisper against your lips, his voice a low murmur that sent shivers cascading down your spine. "My good boy," he breathed, his words a caress that resonated deep within you, leaving you yearning for more.
Usopp's own breath was unsteady, mingling with yours in a symphony of shared pleasure. As he pulled back slightly, his lips still brushing against your skin, he whispered with a husky tenderness that made your heart flutter, "Such a good boy for me."
His hand slid up your back, his fingers curling around the nape of your neck as he bent down to press a kiss to your shoulder, the gesture so tender, so filled with reverence that it made your chest tighten with emotion. You could feel the way his body trembled against yours, the effort to maintain control evident in every movement, every breath. But it was the way he continued to speak, his voice low and breathy, that sent shivers down your spine, the words a mixture of praise and profanity that made your heart race and your skin flush with heat.
"You drive me crazy," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. "I can't... resist you. You are so perfect, so damn perfect." "My perfect boy," he whispered, his voice rough with emotion as he leaned in to press a soft, lingering kiss to your lips. The kiss was tender, filled with a depth of feeling that made your chest tighten with emotion, and you found yourself leaning into him, your body seeking the warmth and comfort of his embrace.
And as his lips moved from your mouth to your neck, pressing kisses and bites along the sensitive skin there, you felt the world around you fade away, leaving only the two of you, locked in a moment of pure, unbridled passion. His hands make haste with your pants, loosening them just enough to reach in and grab your hard cock, releasing it from the confines of the fabric with a satisfied look. He rubs you softly, thumb placing just beneath the head, soaking in your noises. He wraps his hand around you firmly now, stroking you slowly as he kisses you deep. It's rather unfortunate that he must silence your pretty sounds but the vibration of your moans against his mouth makes up for the loss.
Usopp was always this way - the pleasurer, rather than the pleased. Trust that he was always happily pleased with his time with you, with your reactions and moans, asking for more, but in general, he just wasn't the type to seek out his own gratification before giving you yours. Part of it riled you up inside, part of it made your heart yearn for him all the more. He strokes you and you curl into him. It's as though his fingers are laced with poison. And yet, his lips somehow carry the antidote.
Usopp positioned himself in between your thighs, cock of his own throbbing through his jeans. The sight alone has you begging whatever gods may be for some kind of release, not that you'd ever repent for your sinful thoughts when it came to this man. Even if it meant going to something resembling Heaven. You've already experienced such a reality and he was right in front of you, rubbing his hardening self against you with no remorse or embarrassment. Your hands reach down to finally feel him, the way he twitches against your touch, the way he groans just above you.
His hips buck up just slightly, seeking friction, and you chuckle before giving it to him. You undo his overalls, pulling them down along with his boxers and revel at the sight. He reaches down to help you. His mouth found yours again as his hands wrap around the both of you, rutting his leaking cock against yours, fucking into his palm.
You follow suit, hips rolling forward as you chase your high. He smirks against your lips before pulling away to look at you, "You look so cute like that." You whine at the praise, face heating up even more - you didn't know that was even possible. "I, I want-" You struggle to find the words, too lost in the pleasure of his dick against yours. Usopp kisses you again, understanding you regardless, and chuckles as he lets go of the both of you to help you shimmy off your pants completely.
His fingers find again the curves of your ass and he grins widely, groaning at the sight. The flat surface of his tongue laps up your hole, sopping up the area to make it easier for his thumb. He pushes the digit into your enclosure, slow yet eager. "Usopp," you sigh, eyes shut as you focus desperately on his touch.
Two fingers pass easily through and leave you to crumble beneath him, scissoring them apart to make room for one more, rolling your head against the table, thrashing about as if you were being tortured. He positions himself at your entrance. "Ready?" You nod with reckless abandon, practically begging him.
He pushes in steadily, slow but never faltering. He stretches you so well. You groan, a mix of pain and satisfaction flooding your senses. He holds your cheek, rubbing his thumb over the curves to soothe you as he seeks pleasure of his own deep within you. You feel his dick twitch against your walls. He rolls his hips, aiming for that spot that drives you to madness.
The angle allows this easily, your mind going blank as you become solely aware of the feeling of him entering and exiting your hole. He finds his rhythm, keeping his hands on you as he guides himself in and out, loving the way your ass looks as it ripples with every thrust. He moves his hand from your stomach down to your dick, holding it against the skin of his palm, fingers wrapping around you.
He swirled his cock inside you hearing the gooey wet noises of your arousal and he bit his lips tightly before pushing himself inside. Somehow you felt tighter and even more amazing than he last remembered. You felt so soft, that there wasn’t a piece of your body that he wasn’t touching while dragging himself in and out of you. The slow pace didn’t last long as he needed more. This pace began to pick up, his cock dragging across your walls managing to hit every pleasurable spot. “You take it so well, you deserve it, Baby.”
With each word came a stronger and faster thrust making you subconsciously pull away from the feeling of him, but he noticed this and Usopp grabbed your hips with one hand and placed his other on your tummy and pushed down. "Don't run from me baby, you wanted this~" You felt numb in the brain. Your eyes were squinted seeing how hard Usopp was sweating and breathing over you. He looked so attractive, you felt your cock throb in his hand. Both of you filled the rooms with whines, moans, and groans on top of the wet slapping noises against each other. It wasn’t long until your felt your orgasm approaching so closely; "Usopp-fuck- I'm close~"
You felt his entire body weight on you with his hands grabbing yours above your head to keep himself steady and he pumped into you viciously and you clenched each time he came back inside you so easily due to how wet and stretched you were. His stomach dragged against your cock, add more friction to your sensitive tip. “It’s okay—I know baby it feels so good; Let go for me~"
He mouth was right by your ear as your face was buried in his bed moaning right along with him. You heard the bed creak so loudly and the floor boards get scratched up from the way the bed frame was moving under you both. You felt almost like if you didn’t scream from pleasure right now you’d probably die. "USOPP! IM-CUMMING!"
His eyes opened again now moving faster trying to reach the same high as you. Both of you were fucking like literal rabbits at this point. But you didn’t care because you were pretty much at fault for this. With a few more thrust you felt his load seeping feeling into your stretched out hole; your own release coating both your chests. You both finally slowed down as you both came together. He hugged you slowly still trying to ride out your combined orgasm. You both take a moment to catch your breath and come down from your high. Your sharp canines lightly dragging across his ear as you huff out, "Totally worth it." Usopp devolves into breathless laughter before lifting his self from your clutches, taking his warmth with him, but not before kissing your forehead when you whine in protest. "I sure hope it was, but we have to get cleaned up before the others get back." He picks you up bridal style and begins heading to the bathroom a content smile on his face as you nuzzle into his hold and wrap your tail around his leg, purring lightly.
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kultofkorii · 3 months
− Devour
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✎ sanji x obsessive! reader
♦︎ fic type: smut
♦︎summary: the love you have for him is deep and might be concerning, but he doesn't have to know.
♦︎word count: 1.7k +
♦︎warnings: Obsessive thoughts, no use of y/n, gender neutral reader, penetration
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He was yours, it didn't matter if he knew of not, he was your and nothing he or anyone could say would ever make you think differently. From the moment he walked onto the sandy beach of your home island and helped you liberate your people; to the moment he asked you to be his, he belonged to you.
Some of his crewmates seemed reluctant to have you join them, the time it took for them to learn eachother and their mannerisms was long. They didn't want to go through that process all over again, but Luffy recognized you for your strength and saw what you could bring to his crew which had previously been missing. And so you became the Strawhat's very own Alchemist, your expertise being in chemicals, toxins, and medicines.
This had to be the universe's way of paying you back for all the trouble you'd went through. You wouldn't dream of passing up this offer, especially if you could be with the blonde cook. After months of traveling with the crew, you were able to form solid friendships with everyone. While Sanji was your main goal, you couldn't lie and say that you didn't care about the rest of the Strawhat Family. Sanji just held a special place in your deep and twisted soul.
This aspect about yourself you hid pretty well, years of trial, error and rejection had made you see that the world wasn't truly ready to understand you as a person. Neither was your new family, despite how accepting they were. Maybe one day you'd let them see, but the inner workings of your mind were not for any normal person to comprehend. You were okay with this arrangement though, because the more normal you seemed the closer you could become to him.
He didn't have to know how deep the black void in your heart seeped. Sanji in all of his beautiful, perfect glory didn't need to burden himself with your brokenness. When he smiled at you from across the deck, he didn't have to know. When he brought you, Nami and Robin special treats, he didn't have to know. When his soft, peach colored lips touched your knuckles delicately, his ocean blue orbs meeting your; although his lustrous golden hair covered one. His perfectly curled eyebrow raised 1 1/3 cm away from his eye which locked you in his gave. The feel of his perfectly manicured hand grasping yours lightly; you wished you could clip his fingernails and keep them in a small locket next to you heart- he didn't have to know.
You continued to keep it from him, even as he knelt before you, asking you to finally hold the keys to his heart. Those raw, dark emotions resurfaced for a split second which you quickly suppressed before he could notice. Like you'd practiced over and over again, you happily wrapped your arms around him, inhaling the scent of his cologne mixed with natural kitchen spices. He didn’t need to see the depths of your obsession, all he needed to know was that you loved him, and that you would do anything to keep his attention on you.
Sanji didn't have to know, not even as your nails marking his back as he slowly plunged into your tight canal; letting the world know who he belongs to. He seemed to have the same agenda; the way his mushroom tip bruised that desired spot was better than you could ever imagine. The times you've touched yourself to the thought of him couldn't begin to compare to this moment. "Ngh- my love you feel so- so heavenly."
His hips moved with purpose and to an unknown rhythm that was synced to the beating on your heart. Sensual touching exchanged between you two, further solidifying you in this moment. The intensity of it all makes your mask crack just a little, enough for Sanji to see a sliver of your dark heart but not enough that we could ever think of pulling away from you. "Mine your all mine...Sanji tell me you're mine- shit..Tell me...tell me you'll never leave me!"
His pace intensified even more, your obsessiveness pulling him evermore closer to you. This being the first time he'd ever truly felt desired the way he wanted to be. Finally the love he had could finally be truly shared and reciprocated back. He felt his member twitch inside of you, more cum leaking into your canal. "I'm yours mon amour- I promise you I'm yours-fuck-"
Loads of cum seeped from when you two were connected, his fast pace pushing more into you weeping hole. You'd lost count of the orgasms you'd had but anytime he saw your mixed essence trailing onto the sheets beneath you he'd quickly fuck the liquid back into your tight canal. Slutty groans leaving his kiss bruised lips as he tips into the brink of overstimulation. “You feel so good! ‘So good!”
“Oh my fuck—!” The whines escaping your throat were drowned out by Sanji's soft lips pressing against yours hungrily. You returned the same level of intensity, more of your darkness seeping through in the moment. His pace was controlled but the way he drilled his hips into your own was delicious.
Sanji's breathing increases in pace; trailing light kisses down you burning skin. The heart from you bodies makes you both feel drowsy but Sanji won't cease until he's pulled one more release from you. "M'gonna cum-fuck-," He locks eyes with you, the moment becoming increasingly more intimate. His lithe hand lifts on of your legs, placing it over his shoulder to reach even deeper, but not before placing a warm kiss in you ankle.
"Come with me, mon amour, please." He coos at you; the bed shaking with every thrust. The friction, each precise thrust, his burning skin pressing ever more closely against yours. The sight of his chest rising and falling, jagged breaths leaving his lungs. That gaze, like you were the only being in the world as his tip pressed further into you slutty hole. These were all factors pushing you over the edge, whimpers leaving both of you. His stuttering hips pushing his finally load deep while simultaneously ridding you through your most intense orgasm yet.
Lingering marking across his pale skin, hushed whimpers leaving his pink lips at the contact of your lips again his neck. Sucking the red beneath his skin towards the surface, imagining yourself sucking that sweet red nectar of his, devouring what was truly yours. Letting any woman, who dared to set their eye on him as a suitor see, that he belonged to someone. And if they dared to ignore the physical signs of your possession, they would simply have to leave the face of this earth. Sanji wouldn't miss them, he didn't need to when he had you and you were all he would ever need. He didn't have to know.
He was yours to devour.
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kultofkorii · 3 months
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Now excuse me while I crash out 💥 🚶🏾‍♀️ [Drawing Usopp is funnnn 😌]
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kultofkorii · 3 months
− Higher than a Kite
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✎strawhats x stoner! reader
♦︎fic type: drabble/headcannon
♦︎summary: short scenarios between the strawhat crew and their assassin who's always higher than a kite.
♦︎word count: 2.7k
♦︎warnings: none? smoking?
♦︎a/n: i was bored and decided to make a drabble for Stoner! reader whose a Strawhat. but I got carried away, so it's pretty much a bunch of scenarios I thought of for the past few days!
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Stoner! Reader who is so relaxed and mellow almost to the point of concern from the crew.
Luffy asked you to join the crew because of how stealthy and undetectable you were. Given the fact that you were a feared Assassin and Hitman, but once everyone got to know you as a person, they questioned how you were able to become one of the world's greatest assassins.
I like to think that Sanji's never smoked weed before, mainly because cigarettes are easier to come by, but he'd definitely be willing to try it atleast once.
You convinced Usopp to smoke with you every once in a while, thinking it'll mellow him out. But the first time he ever smoked with you, he was so paranoid, he nearly threw himself overboard. Ever since then he's been apprehensive about the bud.
Despite that fact you've taken him under your wing as your prodigy, teaching him all the tricks and shortcuts when it comes to rolling up a blunt.
You find yourself sitting on a crate, a freshly rolled blunt in your hands, and a mischievous glint in your eye. Usopp is nearby, tinkering with one of his gadgets, when you decide to call him over. "Hey, Usopp," you say, patting the spot next to you. "Come here for a sec." He looks up, already wary. "What is it, Y/N? Another one of your crazy theories?"
You shake your head, chuckling. "Nah, nah. Today my friend, I’m going to teach you the art of crafting the perfect blunt." Usopp sighs, a look of exasperation crossing his face. "Do I have to?" You grin, patting the crate again. "Trust me, it’s worth learning. Come on, sit down."
With a dramatic sigh, Usopp takes a seat beside you. "Alright, fine. But if Chopper catches us, it’s on you." You laugh, shaking your head. "Don’t worry, he’s busy checking on Zoro. Now, pay attention." You pull out your supplies, laying them out with the precision of a seasoned craftsman. "See, the art of weed is the craftsmanship that goes into making the right blunt and perfecting your technique."
Usopp side-eyes you, a look of a disapproving mother gracing his face. "You act like this is a science project..." You smirk, your hands moving with practiced ease. "I like to think that it is. Now, first, you’ve got to break up the weed just right. Not too fine, but not too chunky either."
Usopp watches, his skepticism slowly giving way to curiosity. "Okay, so what’s next?" You continue, your hands deftly maneuvering the rolling paper. "Next, you spread it evenly. This part’s crucial. Too much on one side, and it’ll burn unevenly." Usopp leans in, his interest piqued despite himself. "Alright, I see. And then?"
You carefully roll the paper, tucking it neatly before licking the edge to seal it. "Then you roll it up, nice and tight. Not too tight, though. You want it to have a bit of give." He nods, clearly impressed despite his initial reluctance. "Okay, I think I get it."
You hand him the blunt, a proud smile on your face. "And there you go, your very own blunt!" He takes it gingerly, inspecting your handiwork. "Thanks, Y/N. I guess it is kind of like a science project."
You laugh, clapping him on the back. "Told you. Now, go enjoy it when you’re ready. Just remember to relax and have fun with it." As Usopp walks away, you can’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Teaching him something new, even something as unconventional as rolling a blunt, brings a smile to your face.
Despite the fact that you're always higher than a kite, Sanji trusts you in the kitchen without his supervision. Something you take advantage of, as one morning you found or yourself whipping it up in the kitchen.
Sanji doesn't usually intrude on your time in the kitchen but he's often curious about what you're up to.
You’re deeply engrossed in your task, the rhythmic stirring almost meditative. The scent of the simmering mixture fills the room, a sweet aroma with a hint of something extra. A few silicon candy molds are on the counter, some filling with assorted gummy mixtures. You hum to yourself, content in the quiet moment.
Sanji strolls into the kitchen, his usual suave demeanor intact. He stops short when he sees you at the counter, a curious smile playing on his lips. "Well, well, if it isn’t our resident assassin turned chef. What are you making, Y/N?"
You glance up, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Gummies," you say simply, returning to your task.
Sanji approaches, peering over your shoulder with interest. "Oh, these look perfect. I have to say, I’m impressed with your craftsmanship." You smile lightly, appreciating the compliment from the ship’s renowned chef. "Much thanks my dude, I've been into candy making for years! I like to think I'm sorta an expert at this."
Sanji reaches for one of the gummies, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Mind if I try one?" Before his fingers can make contact, you swiftly intercept his hand. "Woah there tiger! Uh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you." He raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? Why is that?"
You shift a bit, a sheepish smile tugging at your lips. "They’re, uh, special. Unless you wanna see music and taste colors, you might wanna wait for my next jar..."
Sanji blinks, realization dawning on his face. He bursts into laughter, shaking his head in amusement. "Edibles, huh? I should have guessed." You grin, shrugging nonchalantly. "What can I say? It’s a versatile ingredient."
He laughs again, clearly entertained by the situation. "Well, as much as I appreciate your culinary creativity, maybe we should keep these out of the reach of certain crewmates. I don’t think Luffy needs any more reasons to act crazy."
You nod in agreement, a chuckle escaping you. "Yeah, probably a good idea. The last thing we need is Luffy on a sugar high and an edible trip." Sanji pats your shoulder, still chuckling. "You're definitely right, just remember to label the jars, alright?"
You give him a mock salute. "Aye, aye, Chef." With a final laugh, Sanji heads back to his own devices, leaving you to finish your batch of gummies.
You tend to get really philosophical and scientific when you're high. You and Robin having long conversations about the human minds or the prospect of alternate realities.
Robin was just happy to have someone to share her thoughts with who could comprehend it, even if you were in the clouds.
Sometimes you just do it for fun because you find Usopp's panicked reactions funny.
The moon hangs high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the Thousand Sunny. The crew is gathered on the deck, the usual mix of chatter and laughter filling the air. You’re sitting cross-legged, a freshly lit blunt between your fingers, enjoying the cool night breeze. You take a deep drag, exhaling slowly as your thoughts begin to swirl. "You guys ever think about parallel dimensions?"
Chopper chimes in to the sound of your voice, and tilts his head, clearly intrigued. "Parallel dimensions?"
You nod, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. "Yeah, like, what if there are other versions of us out there, living different lives in other worlds? And what if we could, like, cross over into those dimensions?"
Usopp, who had been quietly listening, suddenly perks up, a look of alarm spreading across his face. "Wait, cross over? Is that even possible?" Chopper, ever the worrier, looks equally concerned. "Y/N, are you sure that’s not just the weed talking?"
You wave a hand dismissively, your words spilling out in a rapid, excited torrent. "Nah, nah, think about it! We could totally cross over if we found the right way. Maybe through some kind of portal or a wormhole or something. I read in a book that some people have crossed over through mirrors!...or maybe that was a cult pamphlet..."
Nami, sensing the rising panic, tries to calm everyone down. "Alright, everyone, let’s not jump to conclusions. Y/N’s just... speculating." She had to admit the idea was intriguing but just as scary. Luffy, eyes wide with fascination, is clearly enjoying the conversation. "That sounds so cool! I wonder what other Luffy is like."
Usopp, on the other hand, is not having it. He's been through too much with this crew already, the idea of alternate realities had his mind spiraling. "No, no, no, we do not need to think about that! What if there are evil versions of us out there? Or worse, what if we get stuck in another dimension?"
Sanji steps in, trying to de-escalate the situation. "Okay, okay, let’s all take a breath. Y/N-san is just having a bit of fun with some wild ideas. There’s no need to panic." You lean back, clearly amused by the reactions you’re getting. "Come on, guys, it’s just a thought. But wouldn’t it be cool if we did find a way? Imagine all the crazy shit we could get into!"
Chopper’s eyes widen further. "But what if something goes wrong? What if we end up in a dimension where everything is upside down?"
Robin, who has been quietly observing, decides to join in, her tone calm and measured. "The concept of parallel dimensions and the multiverse is quite fascinating. If multiple dimensions do exist, it’s possible they could collapse into a single timeline under certain conditions."
Laughing in morbid delight, you turn to face Robin, a nearly manic smile on your face. "That would be freaking wicked, like what if all of our alternate bodies collapsed and fused into one singular body? Would we be able to retain the information our other selves have learned?"
A look of horror crossed Usopp's face, his knees visibly shaken."Oh great, now we’re talking about collapsing timelines? Can we please discuss something less terrifying?" He drops to his knees, hands clasped in front of him in a comically exaggerated plea. "I’m begging you, let’s change the subject!"
You can’t help but laugh at his theatrics, your low eyes shining with amusement. "Relax, Usopp. It’s all hypothetical. We’re not actually going to start dimension-hopping."
Luffy, still thoroughly entertained, claps his hands. "I think it’s awesome! I bet other Luffy is just as strong as me." Sanji sighs, rubbing his temples. "Luffy, please, let’s not encourage this any further." You take another puff, leaning back with a contented sigh. "Alright, alright, we’ll drop it. But you have to admit, it’s fun to think about."
Nami, visibly relieved, gives you a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. I don't think Usopp’s heart can take much more excitement tonight." Usopp, still looking a bit shaken, nods vigorously. "Yeah, let’s stick to talking about normal things. Like treasure hunting or navigating the Grand Line."
Zoro, who has been blissfully unaware of the entire conversation, shifts in his sleep, muttering something unintelligible. You chuckle, shaking your head at his obliviousness.
Even when you're high, you have moments where you're really attentive to your friend's feelings.
You don't like seeing your friends feels down, and even if you can't fix all of their problems with a blunt, sometimes just being their for them is all they really need.
You notice Nami sitting alone, her usual confident demeanor replaced by a thoughtful frown. You take a seat beside her, offering her one of your expertly rolled blunts. "Not in the mood," she says, waving it away.
You shrug, lighting it for yourself. "You know, Nami, life is kind of like a blunt." She raises an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued despite herself. "Oh really? How so?"
You take a slow drag, letting the smoke curl around you. "Well, you start with the raw materials. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. But it's what you do with it that matters. You roll it up, make it your own. And then you light it up, and you enjoy the ride."
Nami stares at you for a moment before bursting into laughter. "That's the most ridiculous metaphor I've ever heard." You grin, pleased to see her spirits lifted. "Hey, if it works, it works." She shakes her head, still chuckling. "Thanks, Y/N, needed that."
Just like he is with Sanji, Chopper is against you smoking especially to your extent.
Although he does know that weed has medicinal properties, he knows that too much of it can have negative affects on your mind.
After a particularly rough fight, you find yourself in the Going Merry’s infirmary, Chopper diligently patching you up. The little reindeer works with precision, wrapping bandages around your arm while his expression shifts between focus and concern.
“There, all done,” Chopper announces, finishing the last wrap. “This medicine will help with the pain,” he adds, turning to grab a small bottle from a nearby shelf.
You watch him, a mischievous grin slowly spreading across your face. As he turns his back, you pull out three blunts, placing them in your mouth with practiced ease.
When Chopper turns back, his eyes go wide with shock. “Y/N! What are you doing!?” he exclaims, hands on his hips, his voice a mix of exasperation and disbelief.
You freeze, caught in the act, and offer him a sheepish grin. "It's medicinal?"
Chopper facepalms, shaking his head in exasperation. “You can’t just say that every time!”
You chuckle, taking one of the blunts out and twirling it between your fingers. “Hey, I promise it helps me relax. Besides, your medicine is great, but this is my kind of therapy.”
He lets out a deep sigh, and goes it open a window to air out the room. Before he turns back to you, his stern facade softening slightly as he looks at you. “You're lucky Marijuana actually has medicinal properties, just don’t overdo it, okay?”
You nod, winking at him. “No worries, Chopper. I’ll save some for you next time.” He blushes, clearly flustered. “I don’t smoke!” Laughing, you pat him on the head. “I know, I know. Just messing with you, Doc.”
Chopper huffs but smiles, the tension easing as you both settle into the moment. The infirmary is quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. You take a moment to appreciate the calm, even as you fiddle with the blunts in your hand.
“So, Doc,” you say, breaking the silence, “how long you think it'll take me to heal this time?”
Chopper’s expression shifts to one of concern. “Since you're injuries aren't too bad, you shouldn't be bedridden for too long. You really should be more careful, Y/N.”
You nod, knowing he’s right. “Yeah, I know. Sometimes I can't help it though, I just get in the moment and half of the time I don't even notice I've been hit when I fight.” He rolls his eyes but can’t help but chuckle. “You’re impossible, but you're not invincible.” You shrug, lighting one of the blunts and taking a long drag. “I like to think that I am, that's part of my charm, right?” Chopper shakes his head, a fond smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah, I suppose it is.”
As the smoke curls around you, the door to the infirmary swings open, and Usopp pokes his head in. “Hey, is Y/N—” He pauses, eyes widening at the sight of you with multiple blunts.
“Oh, come on!” Usopp exclaims, throwing his hands up in mock despair. “Are you serious right now?”
You grin, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “What? It’s all part of the recovery process.” Usopp crosses his arms, trying to maintain a stern expression but failing as a smirk breaks through. “You’re unbelievable.” Chopper sighs, looking between you and Usopp. “She’s always like this. Just try to keep her in check, okay?”
You laugh, waving them off. “Relax, guys. I’m fine.” Usopp chuckles, shaking his head as he turns to leave. “Yeah yeah, just take it easy.”
You watch him go, then turn back to Chopper, who’s busy organizing his supplies. “You know, I really appreciate you, Chopper. Thanks for always patching me up.” Chopper looks up, his eyes softening. “It’s my job, Y/N. But try not to make it harder than it has to be.” You nod, the humor in your eyes giving way to sincerity. “I’ll try, Doc. Promise.”
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kultofkorii · 3 months
One Piece
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Legend: ♠︎ = Fluff ♥︎ = Smut ♦︎ = Angst ♣︎ = Dark
⚫︎= Crack Fic
♦︎♠︎Jump for Joy, Buggy D. Clown: after four years of running, you can only hope that the universe will have mercy on you, and reunite you with the love of your life.
⚫︎Higher than a Kite, Strawhats: short scenarios between the strawhat crew and their assassin who's always higher than the clouds.
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kultofkorii · 3 months
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kultofkorii · 4 months
− Jump for Joy
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✎buggy x spouse! reader
♦︎summary: after four years of running, you can only hope that the universe will have mercy on you, and reunite you with the love of your life.
♦︎word count: 2.1k
♦︎warnings: hallucinations
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Four years, four years of running, four years of hiding four years of preparation, all leading up to this very moment. Your time on this island had been the most calm you'd been in 4 years. The constant running from a special group of Marines, specially trained to target you, Hadad weighed down, mourn you than you would've ever thought possible. But the promise the determination to get back to your husband kept moving through their darkest moments.
The days stretched, time bending; bleeding into itself. Sometimes you had trouble differentiating the days from your memories when it didn't contain him. The nights were the hardest to deal with, because then you were left alone with your thoughts. The stars shined down over you, offering you some form of comfort but nothing could compare to him.
Four years since you felt the warmth of his embrace, four years since you heard his hearty laugh, four years since you felp his soft lips coated in red, against your plump ones. Being apart from him was a daily fight, an ongoing war against memories that threatened to overwhelm you.
Your constant running had pushed you to the farthest reaches of the Grand Line. Your powers, connected to the gravitational field of the earth, made you a target. You could alter the gravitational field around you, capable of reducing entire ships to splinters. This gift, or curse, had to force you to leave the only home you'd ever know, the only person you'd ever truly loved; had forced you to stay on the move, never lingering too long in one place.
You missed Buggy with an intensity that surprised even you. His absurd, but equally charming antics; he was such a unique person that you couldn't help me drawn to him. Buggy had a way of grounding you, of making you feel safe and loved despite the chaos that surrounded you.
You remembered how he would stand by your side. Even when he was trembling with fear himself, and how he would use his Devil Fruit powers in the most ridiculous yet effective ways to protect you.
Your thoughts would often drift back to the day you left. 'He Who Waits' had finally caught up to you, and there was nothing you could do except run. No matter what you did, you could never forget the absolute devastation and hurt that crossed Buggy's face once before you disappeared into the night.
You didn't have enough time to explain it to him, didn't have the heart to drag him into your mess when he had his own dreams and ambitions ahead of him. Every day, since then you'd regret not being upfront with your husband, the one you promised to spend the rest of your life with.
Some days, during your most lucid moments, you would see him, standing on the deck of his ship, his pretty blue hair that you loved so much, tucked into his hat. His astonished shouting was practically audible, seeing the way his face would light up with that mix of anger and joy that was so uniquely him. The thought of his toned arms around you again, holding you tight as if to make sure you were real, gave you strength to keep moving forward.
The sun is high in the sky, radiating intense heat that makes the island's air shimmer. You stand on the cliffside, the salty breeze of the sea ruffling your hair, however long or short it was. Your heart aches with a mix of longing and nervousness, but also a fierce determination.
Although this day is just as uneventful as the ones before it, you always hold hope that today would be the day. That you soon will be reunited with the love of your life, that blue hair would cloud your vision and those soft, slightly chapped red lips would connect with yours once again.
The sun beams down on you, ever present, you hear the distant sound of many voices, blending together, some louder than others. You'd usually ignore them because it's not rare that pirates dock on this island for respite or repair. Many times you would go into hiding out of fear of 'He Who Waits' finally catching up to you. You wouldn't put anything past him, no matter how secluded this island was. You could always feel him lurking, deep, red eyes glaring into your back even if he wasn't physically there.
Your thoughts were cut off by a faint but familiar voice, you were used to your mind playing tricks on you but this was far too cruel. Usually your hallucinations would fester in the head of night, where not even the stars could comfort you.
They never happened in broad daylight, where you could easily differentiate reality from your mind's torture. You felt yourself being drawn to the voice, a sliver of hope blooming in your heart. Maybe, just maybe the Universe had found favor in you, has seen enough of your suffering and decided to give you a break after all these years.
You stalked through the terrain of this lush forest, which turned into walking silently, calculating each footstep that hit the forest floor to not draw attention. The sound of that voice become more clear, orders being barked that seemed so familiar, you let go of all reason. Your walking turns into running, and so you're running through the dense foliage, your heartbeat echoing through your head. That familiar, warm feeling in your chest is returning, but so is your anxiety.
You grow anxious that this isn't him, that you've finally gotten away from 'He Who Waits' but in the process, lost the love of your life. You're anxious because you know that if it isn't, your heart won't be able to take it anymore, and you'll lose yourself. Mind slipping into deep darkness, never to be retrieved again, but you refuse to lose hope.
You think about the way his red nose would wrinkle when he laughed, the mischief in his eyes that made him a pirate feared by many, yet adored by you. You recall his boisterous voice, always larger than life, and the moments of vulnerability he showed only to you. Your lips curl into a smile as you brush aside a low-hanging branch, your eyes scanning the horizon. You take in the new addition to the familiar surroundings of the beach. Many when we're going to and from the ship, they seemed busy but you weren't here for them.
You eyes continued to wander before focusing on a familiar figure approaching from the distance. The vibrant colors of his attire are unmistakable—red and white stripes with his oversized captain's hat bobbing as he moves. It's him, it's so unmistakably him, and you find yourself weeping because finally you'll be reunited.
“Buggy!” you cry out, your voice trembling, the tears never ceasing, the larynx in your throat was sore from disuse but you pushed through. Buggy’s posture stiffens, his commanding voice trailing off as he processes the sound of your voice. He turns slowly, almost as if he’s afraid to believe it. His eyes, those sharp, playful blue eyes, lock onto yours. They widen in shock, the mischievous sparkle momentarily replaced by raw, unfiltered emotion. His mouth opens slightly, his breath catching as if he’s seeing a ghost.
“[Reader]?” he says, his voice barely more than a whisper, filled with disbelief. You step towards him hesitantly, you wanted to say everything and nothing at all, but the only thing that fell from your lips was, "Buggy!" you shout, your voice breaking with emotion. "[Reader]!" His voice reaches you, a mix of shock and joy.
He quickens his pace, almost tripping over his own feet in his haste. You take a few steps forward, your heart pounding in your chest. As he gets closer, you can't contain the laugh that breaks through your sobbing. The sight of him, flustered and frantic, is endearing.
Buggy finally reaches you, skidding to a halt just a few feet away. For a moment, the two of you simply stare at each other, taking in every detail, every change. Then, with a sudden burst of movement, you're in his arms, his grip tight as if he's afraid you'll disappear again.
His arms wrap around you with a fervor that takes your breath away. You’re engulfed by the familiar scent of salt, sweat, and a hint of the sea, the smell that has always meant home to you. “I can’t believe it,” he murmurs into your hair, his voice thick with emotion. “I thought I’d lost you forever. I searched everywhere, [Reader]. Everywhere.” His words hit you with the weight of his longing and desperation. You pull back slightly to look into his eyes, your hands cupping his face, feeling the roughness of his stubble beneath your fingers, his face make up smearing slightly.
“I’m so sorry. I had no choice, I wish I could have explained everything but I didn't have enough time!" You sob, holding on to him as if he's disappear if you let him go. His gaze softens, and he gently brushes a strand of hair from your face, his touch tender. “You don’t have to explain now. You’re here, and that’s all that matters.”
You laugh through the tears threatening to spill over, the sound a mixture of relief and happiness. “You always knew how to make me feel better.” He grins, that signature mischievous glint returning to his eyes. “And you always knew how to make me worry." You wink at him, your voice playful despite the tears. “I seem to remember you enjoying that.”
Buggy chuckles, a deep, hearty sound that vibrates through you. “You’re a handful, [Reader], but yes, I do love it.” You lean in closer, your lips just inches from his. “And I love you, Buggy. Always have, always will.” His eyes widen in surprise, a blush creeping up his cheeks. “[Reader], you can’t just say things like that…”
You laugh, the sound bubbling up from deep within you. “Why not? It’s the truth.” He shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. “You’re going to be the death of me, love.”
“But you wouldn’t have it any other way,” you say, a teasing lilt to your voice. You laugh, a sound that feels foreign after so long, but oh-so-good. The energy flows through you, a mix of joy and relief that makes you feel lightheaded. It's a familiar sensation, one you've experienced before when your powers surge unexpectedly. Before you realize it, your feet lift off the ground.
The sunlight intensifies around you, the warmth of the rays seeping into your skin and filling you with a pulsating energy. You start to float upwards, the realization hitting you only when Buggy's eyes widen in panic. "[Reader]! You're floating away!"
You blink in surprise, looking down to see the ground getting farther and farther away. You laugh again, more out of surprise than amusement. "Oops!" Buggy's hands reach out, his Devil Fruit powers activating. His arms detach from his body, elongating as they grab hold of your outstretched arms. The sudden jolt brings you back to your senses, and you stop rising.
"Get down here, you airhead!" Buggy shouts, though there's no real anger in his voice, just exasperation. You focus, pulling the energy back into yourself and slowly descending. As your feet touch the ground, you give Buggy a sheepish grin and chuckle lightly. "Ahaha, it's been a while since that's happened."
His grin widens, and he pulls you closer, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that’s both tender and passionate. You lose yourself in the moment, the world around you fading away. His kiss is a promise, a reassurance that you’re finally where you belong. When you finally pull apart, you’re both breathless. Buggy rests his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. “I’ve missed this. Missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” you reply softly, your fingers tracing the line of his jaw. “Every single day.” He opens his eyes, the intensity of his gaze making your heart skip a beat. “Promise me you won’t disappear again.”You nod, your voice firm. “I promise. I’m here to stay.” Buggy smiles, a look of pure happiness on his face. “Good. Because I don’t think I could handle losing you again.” You lean into him, your heart full. “You won’t have to. We’re together now.”
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♦︎notes: - I was rewatching Steven Universe, the episode where he's stuck floating and I was heavily inspired to write about [Reader] who goes through the same thing! Plus Buggy is becoming one of my favorite characters 😊
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kultofkorii · 4 months
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˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖞𝖆𝖗𝖉˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
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korii. 9teen. soulaan. they/them
𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖆 𝖉𝖎𝖌 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖘 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗?
my coffin ☥ cemtetary rules ☥ the graveyard
𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴♠︎
❖ finer than wine, dracule mihawk/kelton
❖ such a tease, god usopp/male!reader
❖ devour, blackleg sanji/obsessive!reader
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kultofkorii · 4 months
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Legend: ♠︎ = Fluff ♥︎ = Smut ♦︎ = Angst ♣︎ = Dark
♠︎ Tired, your favorites: your boyfriend wants to go to sleep but can't seem to without you, his occupied spouse, by his side
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kultofkorii · 4 months
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☥ My Art
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☥ Demon Slayer
☥ One Piece
☥ One Piece, Live Action
☥ Spiderman: ATSV & ITSV
☥ Stranger Things
☥ The Walking Dead
☥ Miscellaneous 
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kultofkorii · 4 months
Rules & Requests
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♦︎ One Piece, OPLA
♦︎ Demon Slayer
♦︎ JJK [In Progress]
♦︎ Stranger Things
♦︎ TWD
♦︎ MCU
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♦︎ Smut, Fluff & Angst
♦︎ Dark-Fics & Yandere
♦︎ Female, Male & Gender Neutral! Reader
♦︎ Headcanons
♦︎ Female & Male characters x reader
♦︎ x reader (only)
♦︎ Sub & Switch reader (mainly), Dom reader (somtimes)
♦︎ Modern Day headcanons
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What I will NOT Write
♦︎ Smut on underaged characters or in any nsfw way.
♦︎ Non-Con/Dub-con /pedophila/ddlg /mdlb
♦︎ Gross kinks, p!ss, sh!t,
♦︎ Race play, Master/Servant play, big age gaps (5 year minimum)
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kultofkorii · 4 months
− Tired
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✎ your fav x reader
♦︎summary: your boyfriend is tired after a long day, and tries to convince you to come to bed
♦︎word count: 300+
♦︎warnings: none, short
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Men who like to hug you from behind while you're busy. Their scent overwhelming you and simultaneously calming you. You can feel their chest against you back, rising and falling with each breath they take. Their warm arms wrapped around your waist, snugly, as if they were make to be placed there. Your face shifts to an expression of amusement, mind being taken off of your current task.
,,and just what do you think you're doing, Sir?,,
,,mmm... just seeing what you're up to, was getting lonely without you,, His husky voice sending vibrations through your upper back and chest. From the low pitch of his voice alone, you could tell he was about five minutes from collapsing in exhaustion.
,,you sound tired baby, why haven't you gone to bed yet?,, You questioned him, but continued with your task at hand. You felt him squeeze lightly at your waist, rubbing small circles where one of his hands rest on your stomach. You release a content hum, relaxing every more into his hold.
,,come t' bed with me, please?,, He rasps out, anyone who didn't know him well, wouldn't be able to notice the whine in his voice. You take pride in how much you know your man, quirks, ambitions and all, there was nothing he could do that would get past you.
Not even his light manipulation; he knew the affect his voice laced with sleep had on you. Knew you couldn't resist him, especially when he was in the mood for cuddles which was few and far between.
,,okay, just let me finish this and I'll be right with you-,, he cut you off, pulling you impossibly closer to his body, as if trying to fuse you into becoming one.
,,you can finish t'morrow, you always over work 'ya self,, His words began to slur together, his tiredness getting the better of him. You supposed it would be better to abide by his wishes, before he falls asleep where you both stand and traps you here; a common occurrence.
,,alright big guy, come on, you win,, Your hand intertwines with his as you pull him with you to your shared bedroom. Your eyes growing heavy as you make your way to that sweet mattress where you could bundle up with your love under warm comforters.
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♦︎note: This is really me just testing out the waters before I really start writing. I haven't written in a long time, so I'd really love if you all would send me any requests you have! 😊
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