kumine-exe · 1 month
pokemon region based off both portuguese and brizal
the ones with names:
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The ones who does not have a name yet :)
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kumine-exe · 2 months
More of Michi
look I tried my best (idk how to draw muscles)
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kumine-exe · 2 months
I just remembered their height differences, and yet she still tries him..
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kumine-exe · 5 months
some headcanons for Michi Aridoto
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-Because they ran away from home at 10 years old and it was difficult for them to pay attention in school, they have not learned about the normal human things and also education things like spelling, counting, math, etc
-✨️Man child energy✨️
-Sometimes show affection like a animal (rub against the other one or just jump onto people or lay down onto them/next to them)
-Can easily get distracted, excited, and flustered
-Very very big ADHD and Atisum
-Don't like humans from their past
-Always tired and also most of the time hungry (due to the lack of sleep and food they give themselves)
-Zones out when they are in the middle of something sometimes
-Sometimes nibble on things (sleeves, plushie, tongue, inside of mouth, ect)
-Are patient, gentle, kind, and goofy with the once they trust
-Hates arguing and loud noises because of their past
-Can talk to animals (lab mess up and mother drinking something while she was pregnant with Michi)
-He is surprisingly very strong and fast (from playing and wrestling strong and fast animals for basically their whole life almost everyday)
-Scars and cuts all over their body mainly from humans
-gives nicknames the more close they were with someone
*people they are close with and gave a nickname to=
((That's all for now))
◇Also bonus drawing◇
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kumine-exe · 5 months
Michi's birthday anyone?
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kumine-exe · 5 months
happy birthday to me :)
today's my big day and I'm happy (Also I made Michi's birthday 4 days from mine *which is Jan 10* so I guess wait till Wednesday for that)
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kumine-exe · 5 months
Happy new years everyone!!
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kumine-exe · 6 months
Michi as....
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remnants of despair:
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Anime(before and while being hypnotized):
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A summer vacation
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kumine-exe · 6 months
Michi's first real Christmas
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Bonus: just my oc
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kumine-exe · 6 months
Merry Christmas with pokemon (delibird and fake evolutions by me)
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extra: hot coco pup fan made pokemon by me
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kumine-exe · 6 months
scars everywhere
I'm trying to find my art style and so far I kind of like this one :)
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kumine-exe · 6 months
Michi Aridoto going to the danganronpa anniversary
I accidentally missed the danganronpa anniversary and just remembered it when I saw a tiktok, so here my oc Michi Aridoto dressed up for it (and their animal friends)
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*also with and without text*
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kumine-exe · 6 months
random drawings :)
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kumine-exe · 7 months
Random Michi Aridoto doodles in school :)
I'm slowly starting to get obsessed with Michi and I don't know why
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kumine-exe · 7 months
Michi's past...?
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This is gonna show why Michi does not like humans, and why they have not know that mich human things, like movies, candy, human love and many more :<
When Michi was first born into this world they were in a forest, their mother then roughly picked them up and ran back to her house with her boyfriend, or Michi's father (oh boy...) she then threw Michi onto the floor as she and their father started to yell each other, then Michi opened their eyes to see and hear their parents yelling st each other, then turned to Michi and yelled at them, even though they were just a baby....and that's how Michi's life started....roughly...
Michi was scared to just walk around in their own home, they had to learn the basics themselves like how to use the human bathroom and how to eat, but they could be starving because the parents would not feed Michi that much or at all, it was rare for them to feed Michi, it was just so they could shut up and not cry. Which was once a week, so ya Michi was starving until like 2 or 3 when they started to walk around and get the trash scrapes that their parents just threw away, so Michi never really gotten a full meal, they had to listen to their parents going back and forth yelling at each other, and if Michi was seen they would be yelled at as well (which was almost all the time) this went on and on until it was the last straw for Michi's mother, she packed her things as the father yelled at them, Michi noticed this and tries to help them by running up to their mother and grabbing their leg to try and pull them back into the house to try and fix their relationship. But their mother kicked them off her as Michi went flying into a wall, hard...then the mother said something that hurted Michi a bunch...
Mother: I wish I never had you!..I knew that I should've have taken that plan B years ago!! I wish you die you mistake!! Just get away from me you rat!
The mother then left Michi alone with their abusive father, just at the age of 3 (wow bro....)
The town peoples were no better, they either ignored Michi or just yelled and made fun of them, they always thought Michi was a bad kid when they tried to tell on their father for being abusive, but the town thought Michi was stupid and annoying because the father knows how to act nice and innocent...so the town thought Michi was a bad and naughty kid, besides it was in their house not in public so no one ever saw it.
And before you ask, school was also the worst, the student bullied Michi as they also framed them for something that they never did, the kids l9ved to see Michi get in trouble by the teachers, the teachers thought Michi was a bad kid like the towns people did, whenever Michi was bullied by the other students the teachers would just think that Michi deserves it,
One time for summer break Michi was walking through the forest until they accidentally found a lab and walked inside wondering what's in it, they heard a wolf cry for help and saved the wolf, before the scientists could kick Michi out Michi revealed their little animal communication abilities and the scientists took advantage of it by taking Michi and running experiments on them, trapping them in rooms with hurt animals to try and command and control the animal, and putting random syringes in them, this caused Michi with a kind of aura around them for animals to fall under control under them so I guess the scientists experiments worked after all of the abuse and torture they went through from the scientists but luckily Michi escaped the scientists but everytime they use this aura power their eye turn gray or white and they most of the time have a headache after/during it.
(back to the other things)
this went on days, months years for Michi, right when they turned 10
(by the way, Michi did not know anything about a birthday because no one really celebrated it so they never knew what it was or other things like Halloween and Christmas and the other holidays)
Michi had enough so when their father hit them again they ran out of the house and started to go to the forest, they could hear their father yelling for them to come back, but Michi did not, as soon as they turned behind them they seen their father running after them with sharp objects, he then threw them at Michi which hit Michi's face
(causing all of those scars on Michi's face in that one pic....also a bit of su!side in this part)
Luckily Michi got away and was now in the forest, alone, at 10 years old...but luckily a bear that Michi likes to play with (Michi can talk to animals) saw Michi and decided to call the animals in and let Michi in the woods, now Michi played with strong animals, climbed trees a lot and know the art of patience....but Michi did not like one this which was the hunting seasons...where the humans hunting animals, Michi tried to protect the animals that were getting hunting for fun. Michi thought the reason why they are alive is one thing, which is to help all the animals not be scared and fight back to humans, and nothing else. Michi thought that they did not deserve love and appreciation anymore they thought that they did not need or deserve respect or to be heard. They were thinking that as soon as their life mission was accomplished then they would kill themselves so no one else would be upset because they know about Michi's presents in this world and so the animals could be in peace. They thought they were worthless and useless and that no one wants them and everyone who is nice is a lie.
(Michi could still try and help the animals that was trying to get hunting for food, but also Michi know about that and could not really blame the humans, well mainly because the animals do the same so...also Michi is not a vegetarian so ya..)
This one day Michi saw a rabbit being surrounded by mean teens with guns, Michi grabbed the bunny to protect it, the teens then shot Michi in the arm, it luckily missed them, but it was close enough to where it left a mean big scar on their arm, Michi then stepped back into the river with the bunny, the river was fast and had sharp rocks in it. All the rocks marked Michi but luckily they got out and the bunny was safe.
One day a person came up to Michi and gave them a application to hopes peak then left. Michi looked at the paper and thought that it would be something with not that mich humans, and they were scared to see what would happen if they have said no to them so Michi went...
And thats how Michi got to hopes peak academy with the characters:)
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kumine-exe · 7 months
More Michi Aridoto info
here have them
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Extras :)
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kumine-exe · 7 months
character a.i but drawn:)
this is if Michi was in Danganronpa 2 (im bad at drawing sorry)
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