Sebard - Fuck you! undone meme
You know that meme or whatever it's called that goes like: "Fuck you!" *untomatoes your ketchup* or something like that. Imagine Bard doing it wrong, lol.
Sebastian: *criticizes him for another mistake*
Bard: Fuck you! *laughs while unbuttoning his pants* Wait...
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I'm glad you do! That's a really neat fact, I didn't know that, and it does make sense. That tea shop sounds like a place I'd love to visit! ^^
I watch these skits from a lady running a bakery in Ireland, and considering their immaculate culinary knowledge + skills and Agni's friendly nature, I thought this would be a perfect scenario for them. Plus, with Bard and the others, chaos, conflict, and shenanigans ensue.
It would be great if Sebardagni ran a bakery or pastry shop together that served sweets, bread, and coffee/tea from America, Britain, and India. German confections too if you throw Wolf in there.
I can see Sieglinde working there, too, as like a sort of manager (and assist Wolf/those being served by him) and Finnian being a delivery person or new hire of sorts.
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This song would go great with any Wolfram pairing, but I'm feeling Agniwolf or a poly ship with him.
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That fic you wrote?
The one about the ship no one else cares about, or the deeply unpopular character, or the extremely unusual AU?
The fic that got no comments or kudos when you posted it?
Months or years from now, that fic might be exactly what someone is looking for in the sea of fics about all the popular characters, ships, and AUs.
Your fic might be the only fic out there that has what someone is looking for. The only fic that scratches the itch that it turns out you and that reader share.
And that's awesome.
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Pretend last Deewolf is any poly ship/combination or a ship not listed! (Ex: Agniwolf)
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Not so pet friendly
"Sorry, sirs. You can't have that pet in here!"
Wolfram growls, furrowing his eyebrows.
Bard steps up. "Are you making fun of our partner?"
"I think it's better if I handle him," the raven haired man says with a smirk. He cracks his knuckles.
"Uhh, no! I was..." Angry glares from all but one causes the man's soul to tremble; He straightens up and clears his throat. "I can't allow this, I'm sorry. If you continue to threaten me, then..."
Agni steps between them. "Perhaps we can come up with a better and more peaceful solution." He and the man walk away to talk, and Agni returns with a smile and set of keys. "He said that the washing facilities are downstairs and if we need any help at all to come to the front desk."
Bard throws his arm around him and pulls him in. "That's our Agni! Being amazing as always." He kisses his cheek, and the small white dog interrupts them. "Even Daisy thinks so."
"Aww!" The men gather around to pet her as Wolf holds her in his arms. She brings beaming smiles to every face, even Sebastian, who didn't want a dog in the first place.
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I feel like Agni would be the one to serve the customers at the front while Sebastian is working with the chaos in the back! I can see Bard being able to bake a few things and can at least clean/fix things.
It's probably an odd thing to sell, but his specialty would be candied yams. It was one of the last things Terry ate, so they added it to the menu in his memory.
"One tiramisu, please."
*hears Terry-misu* "Terry! 💔"
It would be great if Sebardagni ran a bakery or pastry shop together that served sweets, bread, and coffee/tea from America, Britain, and India. German confections too if you throw Wolf in there.
I can see Sieglinde working there, too, as like a sort of manager (and assist Wolf/those being served by him) and Finnian being a delivery person or new hire of sorts.
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It would be great if Sebardagni ran a bakery or pastry shop together that served sweets, bread, and coffee/tea from America, Britain, and India. German confections too if you throw Wolf in there.
I can see Sieglinde working there, too, as like a sort of manager (and assist Wolf/those being served by him) and Finnian being a delivery person or new hire of sorts.
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Diedrich: Hey Moleface... I mean Vincent! I heard it was your birthday today, so...
Vincent: Aww, Dee Dee! You do care about me.
Diedrich: It's only for today, so don't get too chipper! *blushes and hands him a little gift box* Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!”
Vincent: *pulls on the ribbon*
Diedrich: Don't open it in front of me!
Vincent: Why not? You Germans and your rigid rules and traditions!
Diedrich: How dare you! Just... open the gift, I got to go! *runs away*
Vincent: ? *opens the gift and glances down at it* A silver pocket watch? *sees him hiding and waves* Thanks, Dee Dee!
Diedrich: *turns beet red* Bastard.
Vincent: *smiles and brushes his thumb over it* I'll treasure it always.
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They may have to do that literally.
*knocks* "Hey Agni." *opens the door* I thought I'd come check up on you, and I think you'd feel better if I brought you some of my homemade... *finds the loose rope sprawled on the bed* "... He got away. Damn! Now I'm going to be getting an earful from Sebastian."
I don't mind Agni being in a caretaker or supporter role, but let's not forget that he's a skilled fighter and apparently a really good cook.
*Agni takes Bard under his wing as an apprentice at a cooking program.
*Classmates who have been working on a project together in a cooking class. Bard doesn't take it too seriously, though.
*Owners of a restaurant or a bakery that isn't doing so well. Agni falls ill, so Bard has to run things himself and take care of him... uh, oh.
*Roommates or spouses, and Agni gets tired of doing the cooking/cleaning. He knows Bard works and pays most the bills and rent, but he'd like some help for once.
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Tysm! 🥺 I'm glad you like my ideas. 🥰 I feel like he would, despite insisting that people should look after their own health as a priority. Take your own advice, Agni!
I don't mind Agni being in a caretaker or supporter role, but let's not forget that he's a skilled fighter and apparently a really good cook.
*Agni takes Bard under his wing as an apprentice at a cooking program.
*Classmates who have been working on a project together in a cooking class. Bard doesn't take it too seriously, though.
*Owners of a restaurant or a bakery that isn't doing so well. Agni falls ill, so Bard has to run things himself and take care of him... uh, oh.
*Roommates or spouses, and Agni gets tired of doing the cooking/cleaning. He knows Bard works and pays most the bills and rent, but he'd like some help for once.
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Vincent: The winner gets one request. You will be my fag.
Diedrich: Excuse me?!
Vincent: You can't be excused, you just started.
Diedrich: I'm your fag?
Vincent: I didn't stutter. You're gay for me now.
Diedrich: Pardon?
Vincent: Oh yeah! You work for me too. Good call!
Diedrich: 💢
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It came up on a site when looking for Victorian slang terms and euphemisms for sex because they're ridiculous, and I love them! I found out it's a 17th-century term for sexual intercourse and is or was apparently used for 'copulation between foxes!'
Diedrich: I lost, and so as promised, I will grant your request.
Vincent: Yes, only one... I want you to become my fag!
Diedrich: But... we're from different houses and I'm a prefect too! *crosses his arms and huffs* So I'm basically your male servant now?
Vincent: That's not what I had in mind. *winks*
Diedrich: *growls* What does that even mean?
Vincent: *mouths a word*
Diedrich: Cricket?
Vincent: *mouths it slower*
Diedrich: *turns red* ?! I'm not a molly!
Vincent: *lifts his chin up with a suggestive smirk* You are now.
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Diedrich: I lost, and so as promised, I will grant your request.
Vincent: Yes, only one... I want you to become my fag!
Diedrich: But... we're from different houses and I'm a prefect too! *crosses his arms and huffs* So I'm basically your male servant now?
Vincent: That's not what I had in mind. *winks*
Diedrich: *growls* What does that even mean?
Vincent: *mouths a word*
Diedrich: Cricket?
Vincent: *mouths it slower*
Diedrich: *turns red* ?! I'm not a molly!
Vincent: *lifts his chin up with a suggestive smirk* You are now.
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Bard: I thought about it, and I don't think we should kill those people in the sanatorium.
Lau: Is that so? *kabedones him and lifts his chin up* I think you should reconsider that, Master Cook.
Bard: I'm sure the young master would understand if we - woah! What are you doing? I'm not...
Lau: *rubs his nipple and chuckles* I'm questioning your loyalty to the Earl.
Bard: I just think there's another way to... *He moans, and his cigarette falls out of his mouth as Lau kisses him and cops a feel.*
Lau: Oh wow! Master Cook. I bet you are better in other areas of expertise. ~ *spots Ada in his periph* Come on, Mr. Burgh. You need to do your exercises! Let's head back now.
Bard: Yes! You're right, doctor. Thank you for calming me down! *blushes as they link arms and whispers* I hate you.
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Diedrich: *holds up a piece of cardboard with a circular piece cut from it that reads: If you walk through this hole, you're dumb.*
Vincent: *walks through it* :3
Diedrich: *approaches Vincent the next day and reads his sign* If you walk through this hole, you're in love with me. *scoffs* As if! *walks around it*
Vincent: *tries to raise it above his head and chases him*
Diedrich: Get away from me!
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