hisbutleronhiatus · 2 days
It has been 97 days since the Kuroshitsuji hiatus was announced.
Today, Agni helped Wolfram drill his latest set of English vocabulary words. Ever the perfectionist, Wolfram was frustrated by the mistakes he committed, but the khansama encouraged him not to be too harsh on himself and commended the German butler for his determination to persevere in learning a second language.
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kuro-morale-events · 2 years
Remember, we all like the same source material which contains dark and mature subjects! Ship and let ship and be kind to the real people voting!
What's this about?
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This song would go great with any Wolfram pairing, but I'm feeling Agniwolf or a poly ship with him.
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ars-daemonum · 6 years
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Good evening, it’s past my bedtime and I come out with some AgniGarmr because I wanted to draw something self-indulgent SO BAD in the midst of finals hell.
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ancientgreymon · 6 years
♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, type of person, etc.) [please?... :') ]
♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, type of person, etc.)
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{ He’s generally open arms to all, accepting of anyone and everyone. If they’re someone that he thinks would make him happy and comfortable in a long-running relationship, he’d be open for it, although he has definitely considered himself ‘taken’ by now. His longtime partner, AncientGarurumon, is basically what he finds to be his ‘type’; strong-willed, full of conviction, standing for a noble cause, and genuinely a kindhearted Warrior. He doesn’t think he’d be changing his mind anytime soon, even if they’ve both been busy since the reincarnation of the world. }
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hisbutleronhiatus · 1 month
It has been 57 days since the Kuroshitsuji hiatus was announced.
Today, Agni gave Wolf a massage.
It wasn't easy to convince him, but the khansama is very happy with the result; it's a true testament to his skill that such a rigid soldier can be reduced to a boneless puddle.
Credit: @reine-du-sourire
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kuro-morale-events · 1 year
KME Ship Wars Round 1: Results and Data Breakdown
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Yall voted, and the results are in!
The next round of polls will be April 15 - May 5. Just like last round, three polls will be posted a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each poll will last one week so everyone has time to vote.
Ships who will be moving to the next round:
Special shout out to the ships that were put in the tags: Kelvin/Undertaker, MeyNina, BardMeyFin
The bracket:
LaoMao v MeyMao v Grelliam
CielFinny v CielSnake
VinRachel v Vintaker
Sebagni v Somagni
CielDoll v CielLizzie
Sebaciel² v twincesthive
SiegWolf v SiegLizzie
GrellOthello v Sebard
MadamRedGrell v BeastJoker
Sebaciel v WillKnox
Remember, the next round of polls starts Friday, April 14!
Under the cut is the data breakdown with the winner, runner ups, and lowest voted ship, sorted by poll.
Vincent Phantomhive
high; vinrachel (29%)
Runner up: Vintaker (24%)
Low: VinRiel (1%)
Poly Ship
High: sebaciel² (32%)
Runner up: GrellIamKnox (11%)
Low: TwincestLizzie & Sebardwolf (5%)
Wolfram Gelzer
High: siegwolf 36%
Runner up: sebawolf 29%
Low: bardwolf & sebasiegwolf 2%
Real!Ciel Phantomhive
High: twincest 35%
Runner up: RielLizzie 18%
Low: TwincestTaker & TwincestLizzie 4%
High: LauMao 39%
Runner up: LauBard 25%
Low: LauGrell 3%, LauRed 0%
Doll (Book of Circus)
High: CielDoll 52%
Runner up: SnakeDoll 12%
Low: DaggerDoll 2%
High: Somagni 67%
Runner up: CielSoma 12%
Low: SomaMeena 0%, SomaLizzie 5%, SebaSoma 5%
Elizabeth Midford
High: CielLizzie 43%
Runner up: SiegLizzie 21%
Low: SebaLizzie 2%
Sieglinde Sullivan
High: SiegLizzie 45%
Runner up: Siegwolf 27.5%
Low: Sebasiegwolf 0%, SebawolfSieg 5%
Ronald Knox
High: WillKnox 30%
Runner up: GrellKnox 21%
Low: GrellIamKnoxOthello 3%
Beast (Book of Circus)
High: BeastJoker 49.1%
Runner up: BeastDagger 22.6%
Low: BeastKelvin 0%, BeastDoll 3.8%
High: grellothello 47.5%
Runner up: OthelloTaker 35%
Low: Grelliamothello, willothello, GrellIamKnoxothello 2.5%
Madam Red
High: redgrell 78.9%
Runner up: VinRed, VinRachelRed 5.3%
Low: LauRed 0%, RedRachel, CielRed, Sebared 1.3%
Mey Rin
High: MeyMao 33.9%
Runner up: BardMey 22.6%
Low: MeyRed, MeyLizzie, MeyCiel 1.6%
High: SebAgni 49.4%
Runner up: Somagni 36.8%
Low: AgniWolf, Cielagni 0%, Sebardagniwolf, AgniMey, Bardagni 1.1%
High: VinTaker 30.4%
Runner up: UTClaudia 20.6%
Low: TwincestTaker 1%
High: CielFinny 47.3%
Runner up: FinnySnake 31.1%
Low: FinnyLau 0%, SebaFinny 1.4%
Ciel Phantomhive
High: sebaciel 65.1%
Runner up: CielLizzie 13.3%
Low: VinCiel, CielBard 0%, Twincest 1%
Snake (Book of Circus
High: SnakeFinny 54.9%
Runner up: SnakeDoll 19.6%
Low: SnakeBeast 0%, SnakeJumbo 3.9%
William T. Spears
High: Grelliam (72.4%)
Runner up: SebaWill (13%)
Low: WillOthello, Grelliamknox (0%), Willtaker (6.6%)
Grell Sutcliff
High: Grelliam (36%)
Runner up: RedGrell (23.9%)
Low: GrellKnox, GrelliamKnox (4.4%)
High: Sebard (43.1%)
Runner up: BardMey (20%)
Low: BardAgniWolf (0%), BardAgni (1.7%)
Sebastian Michaelis
High: Sebaciel (64.8%)
Runner up: SebaGrell (9.5%)
Low: SebaRiel (0%), SebaWolf (1.1%)
Here's the link to the main post again so yall don't have to scroll.
Have fun and happy voting!
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ars-daemonum · 7 years
Piggybacking on what I said earlier, I absolutely have a long, long list of headcanons of the Warrior Ten and I absolutely ship AgniWolf with a burning passion if that doesn’t show in my scribbles already.
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ars-daemonum · 6 years
I... I love you /(/;/ ω /;/)/
wEEPSYou’re fantastic too for making more AgniWolf content (don’t think I haven’t seen it hhhHHH) so fhdslfjkldThis may seem a bit random, but I associate this good goat with you!
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ars-daemonum · 7 years
30 Day Digi Challenge: Day 6 A couple you wish existed.
Fun fact, I really don’t have many ships in this franchise at all! Most of them are meta-based ships because the lore has a deeper value than what’s just presented in the anime (also because I came to Digi to watch monsters fight). I know I’ve seen it done in fanfic (especially with ADiSA), but I love when people take the lore of the entire franchise into account, because I really wish we could see more stuff like that. This’ll be my answer for a couple more, but I’ll go with AgniWolf-- if just because the ship is so few and far between.
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ars-daemonum · 7 years
30 Day Digi Challenge: Day 8 Favorite Couple
Y’all knew it was coming
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