kurtkunkleslefteye · 3 months
sigh i keep forgetting tumblr exists.
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
its been a week since i posted apparently...
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
Literally just a spider. (MEME, SHORT, BROOKLYN GUY X READER)
You're cleaning around the house while your boyfriend is in the other room getting ready for work.
He works as a cop.. well he also does a lot more then that.
But while cleaning you notice there's A LOT of webs like spider webs.
And at some point you look up at the ceiling...
You scream.
Your boyfriend comes rushing into the room "WHATS HAPPENING?"
You point to the ceiling.
He screams as well as he pulls out his gun and attempts to shoot it.
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
sharing this because yes.
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
writing for a special little sum1.. :3
its late in the night when you hear a knock at your window
looking out the window you see Johnny.
"open upppp.." he says muffled from outside the window
you go and open the window for him
he climbs in through the window
"can i stay with you tonight..?" he asks
"of course you can johnny." you say smiling
"thank you" Johnny says
"you're welcome." you say
"im tired so can we go to bed like now?" he asks
"yeah.. im tired too" you say
you two lay down in your bed and you turn off the lamp next to your bed.
after a few seconds of being settled in the bed and closing your eyes you feel him moving closer to you and he wraps his arm around you.
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
' a cat..? '
this is mainly about Y/N's cat. it has some time with kurt but its just mostly about the cat.
you notice your cat is acting kind of strange. she may be sick.
you dont really have a car at the moment so you decide to only take her to the vet if she starts having real signs other then just acting strange.
few hours pass and shes throwing up and her eyes are really droopy. you are getting pretty worried now.
so your only options of getting her to a vet are calling a pet ambulance or ordering a spree..
you decide on getting a spree. you quickly open the spree app and order one.
few minutes pass and the spree driver arrives. you hurry out the door with your cat in a cat carrier.
you get in the backseat "Y/N righ-.. wha- is that a cat?" your driver says/asks.
"Yes. please drive. im taking her to the vet." you reply.
"Oh shit-" he says as he starts driving. "is it bad? what happened?"
"i suspect that she might be sick" you say.
"oh damn. well i hope shes not" he says. "uhm so.. does it tell you my name on the app?" he asks.
"uh probably. i just was in a hurry so i didnt see it" you say in reply
"well its kurt." he says
"cool.." you say
silence for about a minute until your cat starts meowing. she sounds like shes in pain so you open the cage up to give her some pets.
"how much farther?" you ask the driver.
"the map says about 5 minutes" he says.
"alright.." you sigh.
he starts speeding up even though he was already going over the speed limit.
it seems he either really cares about animals or just doesnt want a bad rating.
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finally you arrive to the vet. you swing the door open and hop out. right before closing the door you shout "THANKS KURT"
"i- YOUR WELCOME" he yells even though youve already closed the door.
you run inside the place and go up to the front desk.
"Hello, whats the matter?" the person behind it says.
"Hello uhm.. my cat has been throwing up and crying like shes in pain. i just wanna like check and see if shes got anything serious."
"oh oh yes we can do that. go sit over there and we will be with you shortly."
you nod and smile
you really dont enjoy the fact that theyre making you wait. but you do it anywayy
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more sillys.. bc im going insane while writing this actually bc its 2 am rn
"were ready for you two now" a vet that just came out of the door next to you says
you nod and get up grabbing the cage from the chair next to you.
uh i think im stopping it here i might trash this one. maybe lmk if this is good enough to continue.. PEACE KURTIES!!
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
why are djo,post animal, and ccc so fucking good
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
Can u pls write a Steve x reader of where reader gets sick and gives their sickness to him? Thank you 😊
bored so im gonna give a non srs ver and a srs ver of this..
CW/TW: throwing up
non srs:
"okay Y/N i got you some soup-" you sneeze all over him as he says that getting snot everywhere "..." steve immediately doesnt feel good. AND THROWS UP ALL OVER YOU
okay okay heres the real one-
its rainy outside. you arent feeling very good. but youve got your boyfriend with you so.. thats a plus?
"Do you know what you have?" he asks
"No" you say snuffly.
"Do you think its contagious?" he also asks.
"Mmm.. Maybe?" you say still snuffly.
"You think soup would help anything?" he also also asks.
you shake your head no.
"Cuddles..?" he also also also asks
"mmmffff" you grumble in tiredness
"yes..? no..?" he ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO asks
you nod.
he lays down with you and holds you not caring if he gets sick.
you both end up falling asleep but when you wake up.. steves sick too now. TEEHEE THE END PEACE KURTIES
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
all of this over some damn stuffed animals? (kurt x fem!paranoid!reader)
youre sitting on your bed all cozy under the covers.. watching tiktoks of course. when suddenly you get a text message. its your boyfriend kurt. youve only just started dating him like a week ago.
He says 'Hey babe can i come ovr??' hes never been to your house. its always been his house you guys hang at.
'Ofc!! Just lemme clean up some.' you reply.
now your heart is racing trying to figure out where to start cleaning and what to hide.
i mean he would probably think youre a loser if you have a bed FULL of stuffed animals, right?
you get up and start removing the stuffed animals off your bed and putting them under it. you decide to leave atleast one on there.
you look around trying to figure out what else would make you seem like a loser to kurt.. you dont really see anything soo you just clean up whatever trash or dust you can find.
After done cleaning up you text kurt 'Okay Kurt you can head over now!'
He replies saying 'alr omw love u'
You worry his lazy texting is a sign he doesnt love you but in reality hes just dry.
Few minutes later andd kurts here!! you can hear his car in the driveway. you run down the hall and down the stairs to the door and open it right as he was about to knock.
"Oh hey babe." he greets you with a smile.
you hug him while giggling in excitement.
he chuckles in response.
you stop the hug quickly "FOLLOW ME" you exclaim and then run up the stairs back to your room with kurt following behind you.
walking into the room.. the stuffed animals are EVERYWHERE.
apparently your cat had been under your bed when you put them there and so your cat dragged them out.
"i-.. i thought you said you were gonna clean up..?" he says confusedly
"my cat- my cat did this sorry." you apologize.
"its okay babe. dont worry about it." he says reassuringly.
kurt notices one of the stuffed animals on the floor.. "omg! is that a valorant plush!?" he asks excitedly.
thats not the reaction you had expected from him at all. you thought he would call you a loser.
but maybe.. hes a loser too.
peace kurties!
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
Last part
you can see what looks to be two dogs running towards you. big ones. but.. theyre dogs? they responded to kurts whistle so.. obviously theyre trained. they wouldnt attack you right?.. right? the dogs make it to you both but thankfully they ran past you and to kurt. "oh my goddd hiii" kurt says while petting both the dogs. guess he just doesnt care for humans and he only cares about dogs. he whispers something to the dogs and they turn around facing you, happily atleast. they are wagging their tails and panting. "awh.." you cant help it. theyre too cute! you reach out to pet one.. ouch. it bites you and doesnt let go. you scream while the other one goes and latches onto your other arm. shouldve run in all that time you had. the two dogs start attempting to drag you while youre doing your best to get them off you and kurt just stares. it seems like kurt had zoned out for a second he snaps back to reality and grabs his phone out of the car and turns around so the camera has him and you and the dogs in the shot. he holds up a peace sign... what an asshole. some comments are saying this isnt real while others are rooting for kurt. you become too weak to fight the dogs off anymore and the dogs start dragging you to who knows where. after what feels like forever they finally stop and let go of you. you think theyre done but then they just start mauling you.. so thats the end of this i guess. Y/N is dead uhm but kurties there will be more fanfics i make. even if i dont get requests but uhhh PEACE KURTIES!!
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
Hey sigma rizzler… 😈 my little stinka Butt can u do me in a relationship with… YOU?!?? Just kidding. Giving u a chance to write whatever :33 if u want me to give u ideas or prompts js lemme kno!! LOBE U!!
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( >♥< )
dont read this unless ur my pookie..
"STOP BEING SUCH A GYATT!" you yell. ponygyatt is too much of a sigma rizzler gyatt for you. he becomes even more gyatt as you say that "IM THE PONYGYATT SIGMA RIZZLER I WILL NEVER STOP BEING A GYATT" he says making you want to turn into your alpha form. "GRRR SHUT UP BEFORE I GO ALPHA ON YOU!" you cant handle this anymore. YOU GO FULL ON ALPHA ON PONYGYATT! he trembles in fear "p-please alpha! dont hurt me!"
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
Hello!! I'm Angel/Kurt! Pronouns : He/They
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~ Spree ~
Kurt kunkle -1 2 3 4
~ Stranger things ~
Steve harrington -1
Nancy wheeler - 0
Eddie munson - 0
Robin buckley - 0
~ SML ~
Junior - 0
Cody - 0
Joseph - 0
Brooklyn T guy - 1
~ Fargo ~
Gator tillman - 0
~ Heartstopper ~
Charlie & Nick - 0
Tara & Darcy - 0
Tao & Elle - 0
Others that got req - 1
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peace kurties!!
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
Part 2 ig!! (no one asked for a part 2)
recap: you broke up with your toxic boyfriend, ordered a spree from his house your driver was kurt. we are about 4 minutes into the drive. STARTING NOW!! you go back to staring out the window but of course.. "hey uh the water back there is free for grabs if ur thirsty. ABH. always be hydrating!" he says. "oh.. uhm yeah im okay thanks though" you reply. him looking in the rearview mirror his eyes focus back on driving. at this point you realize you left your wallet at your exes house but you def dont wanna go back there. about 8 minutes in you notice you are not anywhere near your house. "hey kurt.. are you sure were going the right way?" you ask. "yeah of course. i-i know where im going the map tells me obviously." he says with a shakiness to his voice. you dont trust this anymore. maybe he is the killer. "but you can still have some water if youre thirsty." he says insisting that you drink that water. why does he care so much? "i.. alright i guess" you say as you grab a water bottle out of the seat pouch and tap a sip. through the rearview mirror you see him smirk. why tf is he smirking..? thats really weird. you feel 100% more unsafe then before. after a little bit your vision starts getting hazy and you feel really dizzy before you know it.. youre in a new place.. a really uncomfortable place.. it feels like youre on the ground and all you can hear is the sound of dogs barking and an engine running but not moving. you can finally see again and move.. its so dark. when you get up all you can see is the sideways headlights of a car pretty far from you though. you try walking over to them but.. you tripped. over something really.. really.. big. you get up and turn around trying to see what it was. all you can see is a slight difference in colors the shape kinda looks.. like.. a body. when you realize it all you can do is just.. scream. but that was a mistake. when you screamed the car started moving. it was turning to face you. you could see the color of the car kind of. it looked grayish maybe black then you remembered.. kurts car was gray. you realize kurt was the murderer. you cant think of anything to do other then run so.. you run you run for your life but you make the mistake of running next to the car.. the driver opens the door making you run straight into it. "well i guess it wont work on everyone, huh?" he says. "maybe you shouldve been a different method.. like strangling.. or stabbing.. well i guess i have to do one of those now. orrr i could just take you i guess." he says "hmm.. chat what do you think i should do?" he asks the livestream. he takes a second seemingly reading the chat. you sit up enough to look at his face. he laughs and says "why are you guys so obsessed with the idea of me fucking someone?" "its not like im gonna do that on stream. unless.. i mean.. unless that would get me more views.." he says half jokingly. you are finally able to think of something to say "why are you doing this again..?" you say. "i thought the drug had muted you." he laughs. "well isnt it obvious..? the fame!" he says. "guys i get it you want me to. chill out" he says to the livestream. all you can think is how to get out of this situation but everything you think of to do your body just wont. its like youre glued to the ground. "cmon pretty girl get up" he says. wow. that is.. something. you are very confused and kind of grossed out. "what.." you say. "what do you mean 'what' i said get up." he says. you stand up because who knows what he would do if you dont. "im not gonna listen to you guys this time sorry." he says as he leans into the open car door and puts his phone on the phone stand. he comes back out and closes the door. he whistles as if though to call a dog. PART THREE? MAYBE.
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kurtkunkleslefteye · 4 months
erm maybe dont read this..
"You dont really mean this do you..?" Your boyfriend or well.. EX boyfriend says to you after you and him had a fight that broke your last nerve in his living room and told him how you actually felt and broke up with him. hes been horrible to you. you shouldve done this AGEESSS ago, but oh well atleast youve done it now.. but how will you get home? i mean hes the one who picked you up and all. you could always call a spree but last you heard there was a killer going around tonight using the spree app. you decide dying is better then being stuck in this house or even worse in a car with him for 10 minutes. "im going home" you say to him "wait- but you cant! i wanna talk this through." he says. he seems serious but hes been too horrible for you to forgive him. "theres no talking through this im sorry." you say but youre not sorry. not one bit. "im ordering a spree so dont worry about driving me home" you say. "isnt there a murderer though??" he says. "i seriously dont care if theres a murderer" you say. he walks to his room so you open your phone and order a spree. it takes a minute to get anyone to accept it but.. finally someone does, their name being 'kurt' you take a second and just think of how much you hate that name. who names their kid that? anyway though, you wait for about 5 minutes and you hear the sound of a car pulling into the driveway you look out the window and the car has a spree sticker on it. at the same time you see that your phone goes off "YOUR SPREE DRIVER HAS ARRIVED" time to go. you walk to the front door, open it, and walk down the few steps he has outside of his front door. you walk over to the car and open the door. "Y/N, right?" he says looking straight at you. "oh uhm yeah." something about him.. doesnt feel right, his hair is insanely greasy you would guess he hadnt showered in a year or something, he smells horribly. but you sit down, close the door and buckle up. "oh uhm hey i hope its okay- i have some cameras set up for-.. protection." he says pointing to the various cameras on the windows. "oh yeah, its fine" you say not really careing and just wanting to go home. but wait.. didnt the news say the murderer was livestreaming..? oh whatever its probably nothing. he puts the car in reverse and pull out of the driveway finally. as he drives away you can see into your exes window. hes crying. that actually makes you feel a little bad but its too late for that. for most of the rest 3 minutes you are just staring out of the window next to you sometimes hearing a ding come from kurts phone. "hey" he says trying to get your attention. "hi" you reply. "you dont mind if i turn on some music right?" he asks. "oh no not at all. what music do you listen to?" you reply. "uhh well i mostly just listen to stuff i made." he says. "oh my god! you make music? thats so cool! i would love to hear it." you say. he turns on some sort of electronic music. it sounds pretty shitty but also sounds like he knew what he was doing atleast. he turns it up at ear bleeding levels but you really dont wanna talk to him alot more so you just kinda cover your ears. he notices and turns it down some. "sorry if it was too loud" he says "its okay" you reply. hes too nice to be the killer, right?..
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