kyum-a · 6 years
Married to the mafia [5]
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parts: 1 2 3 4 
group: got7 (feat BTS)
genre: mafia au
warnings: violence, angsty
summary: after an arranged marriage with Im Jaebum the notorious mafia leader he finally introduces you to his members.
As you admired the soft honey glow pouring into your room you were interrupted from your trance as the door flung open. Your heart sank in your chest, you looked up at the intruder to find none other then Im Jaebum. His eyes were cold and he was clearly very angry. He didn’t say a word. The tension was suffocating, you held your breath and waited for something to happen. He began walking towards you, he grabbed your arm and dragged you out of your room.
You knew there was little point in resisting, jaebum was pretty strong and he’d just hurt you more if you tried to escape.
The two of you walked down the corridor and down the marble staircase, he lead You towards a suspicious room at the end of the downstairs hallway. You had never been in there before but you had a bad feeling about it.
He swung open the door and his hand moved from your arm to your back, your heart sank even lower when you saw ten pairs of eyes sitting around a glass table staring at you. Jaebum’s expression had changed automatically, he was now smirking as he subtly pushed you through the room he pulled a chair out and gestured for you to sit, you did so hesitantly, taking a brief glance at the people at the table. Jaebum took a seat at the top of the table next to you.
The people in the room were all men, you did spot a few familiar faces - Yugyeom and Mark - but everyone else was a stranger to you.
“Good morning sir!” They all said in unison, the sudden outburst of noise made you flinch a bit which jaebum noticed and placed his hand on you knee underneath the table. You couldn’t tell if he was trying to reassure you or threaten you, either way you flashed him a small smile before looking back at your hands in your lap.
“Well men, please introduce yourselves to my wife, oldest to youngest.” Jaebum asked. Mark stood up, “Hello again y/n- I mean Mrs Im, I’m Mark and my position is sniper, but jaebum asked me to be your bodyguard when we aren’t on a mission.” Mark was smiling, you smiled back. He sat down and a man you hadn’t seen before stood up, “Hi y/n, yeah it’s me Jinyoung, urm well my job is to basically to sit at a computer all day and detect any threats and to hack into security systems and things like that.” You weren’t quite sure what to say, you knew jinyoung was in the mafia but you never knew he worked for jaebum, “that sounds interesting, nice to see you again,” You said kind of awkwardly. You turned to look at jaebum who was suprisingly staring right back at you, it wasn’t long before his gaze became uncomfortable and you were forced to turn away. A cough came from one of the members which made you switch your attention. He was already stood up, “m-my name is Youngjae, my job here is to just be a doctor and fix these guys up after missions, I was away on your wedding night on a business trip so I wasn’t able to help Mr Im but I heard that you did a good job getting him proper care, thank you for that.” He sounded so sincere and kind your heart practically melted, “thank you for taking care of him before I arrived.” You smiled, you glanced at jaebum briefly. “Oh my turn!” A rather lanky member stood up, “my name is kunip- just call me Bambam, my area is the money aspect of things oh and the drugs-“ jaebum let out a very fake cough and widened his eyes at the young man, “t-that we defiantly don’t do! We would never get involved with drugs never!” He gave a not so subtle wink to jaebum who was looking very annoyed. Yugyeom sprung to his feet, “hi, um my job is to be kind of like an assassin, but don’t worry I’m good at it I only kill the bad guys!” Yugyeom justified, you chuckled.
“Nice to meet you all, my name is y/n,” you announced, you turned to jaebum, “if that’s all I think I’ll be going now, have a nice day everyone.” You got up and left so fast jaebum didn’t have time to pull you back.
You ran upstairs and locked yourself in yours and jaebum’s bedroom. you heard jaebum shouting from downstairs however you just buried your head in your pillow and covered your ears. there was no escape from him, sure you might be married but that dosent change the fact you barely know each other.
being by yourself like this gave you a little time to think.
you thought about your wedding night and how the euphoria of the day was probably the reason why you felt so relaxed around a total stranger, you realised you forced your feelings for him to try and protect yourself in hopes it would make your situation feel a little bit more normal but at the end of the day you couldn't hide from the fact Jaebum intimidated you, he didn't seem to reciprocate any affection. perhaps he only saw you as a businesses deal.
you thoughts were cut off by the door slamming open, this time it wasn't Jaebum, it was Jinyoung. “hey stranger,” he said closing the door and walking towards the bed, “did he send you?” you raised your eyebrow and slowly backed away. he chuckled, you relaxed. “no,no quite the opposite actually. I want you to sneak in on their mission,” he announced taking a seat on your bed. “you want me to do what?!” you were shocked, going against his leader was pretty dangerous and you were shocked that he’d ask you to do something like this. “well, not me. it was more of your sisters idea, she's got some pretty out of the box ideas in that head of hers,” he chuckled, “nowhere near the bloody box” you muttered under your breath, “what was that?” “oh nothing,” “oh okay, well Jiwoo got permission from Jaebum’s father, they both agreed this would somehow help you two bond or something I don't know.” you were confused to say the least, your hopelessly romantic sister sending you on a mission that would possibly end with your tragic death.
you weren't scared of going on a mission, you'd done that quite a few times, you were scared of what would happen when Jaebum found out one of his members, his new wife, his new sister-in-law and his own father had gone behind his back in hopes of him catching some sort of feelings towards his wife.
Jinyoung returned back downstairs to jaebum and the other members as jaebum briefed them for their mission meanwhile, you were in the back of a van heading towards a rival gang headquarters hoping jaebum would arrive before a bullet was put between your eyes.
as the van zoomed into the heart of the enemy you couldn't help but feel excited, you had missed the thrill of the action ever since your marriage had been arranged your mother kept you locked inside so she could spend time with you before you moved out.
The plan was, you would go in make a deal load the van with the crates of weapons and get out. however, Jinyoung had made a discovery whilst hacking into their security, they planned to ignore the deal and take out Jaebum’s gang as they were their biggest threat. this meant you no longer went with the intention of making a deal, now your mission was to take out the leader and bring him back to the Im family warehouse for questioning, with or without Jaebum’s help.
then you got a text. 
from Jaebum.
listen, Im going out. use this time to get over yourself because when I get back you aren't hiding from me anymore your going to start behaving like my wife and that means sticking by my side, not running away every five minuets -Jaebum.
you let out a long breathy sigh. what an arrogant jerk. you shoved your phone back in your pocket after turning it off so it wouldn't hit off any nearby cell towers the enemy can use to track or hack your phone.
the van stopped.
before you knew it you were face to face with one of Jaebum’s biggest rival gang leaders Kim Namjoon. 
“well, well, he really sent his little girlfriend to do his dirty work” he said with a disgusting smirk on his face. his men laughed at stopped when he signalled. 
“well princess, lets make a deal.”
By the time Jaebum and his members pulled up you had already taken out most of Mr Kims men and locked the others in the nearby public toilets, now you were waiting patiently with a gun pressed against Mr Kim’s temple.
“What the fuck happened- y/n?” Jaebums face portrayed a mix of confusion and relief which quickly changed to pure anger. “Y/N! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, WHY ARE YOU MESSING WITH THE MISSION?!” Jaebum yelled in your face. His hot breath tickled your skin. “Puh-lease, I saved this mission. Just help me get this creep in the van and then I can go back home- or whatever you call that place.” You sighed. Jaebum didn’t move he just called mark and yugyeom to take the man off your hands. Then you caught a glimpse of a familiar face.
“W-whats Mr Wang doing with you?” You whispered. “What do you mean he’s - oh right yeah, that was just a little test I put together. Jackson’s just a member of my gang.” Jaebum said. You sighed, another test.
“Okay men get into the van.” Jaebum ordered. Everyone followed his command but he pulled you back.
“We need to talk about your behaviour when we get home and I won’t take no for an answer.” He whispered into your ear every word twisting your insides. You stepped into the van and out of the cold bitter night.
You stayed silent the whole journey, the piercing glare of Im Jaebum kept you too intimidated to speak.
“We’re here.”
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kyum-a · 6 years
What groups do you write for besides got7??
I can write for BTS IKON ATEEZ EXO PENTAGON most of NCT and I think that’s all x
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kyum-a · 6 years
Birthday surprise | Yugyeom x reader
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Request: So I see your a yugyeom account 😏😂 I was wondering if I could request like a yugyeom Drabble/ imagine (length doesn’t matter , long or short I’m not picky) where the reader surprised yugyeom for his birthday ( lots of fluff) because as you probably know it’s tomorrow 🥳😂❤️ thank you xxx
Pairing: Yugyeom x reader
Your alarm went off, you sprung up and shut it off before it could make to much noise. But you were too late. “Hmm?” Yugyeom murmured sleepily, you turned to look at him and his eyes were still closed. “Shhh, it’s nothing go back to sleep.” You whispered and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, he hummed happily.
You waited a few moments before you creeped out of your bed.
You walked out into your living room, the sun provided some light in the room. You crouched down and pulled out the assortment of unwrapped presents you had hid under the couch. You had really all gone out this year.
Slowly, you began to wrap the presents but every known and then your paranoia would get the better of you and you would quickly rush the wrapping thinking you heard Yugyeom getting out of bed. Luckily you finished all the presents and hid them before Yugyeom could wake up. You crept back into your room to check on Yugyeom who was still sleeping peacefully.
Yugyeoms birthday was hands down one of your favourite days of the year, but today his birthday would be slightly delayed in order for your surprise to work at maximum time effect.
Yugyeom came bursting into the living room a few hours later ( you let him had a lie in because it was his birthday ) he had the biggest smile on your face and it almost made you feel bad. “Y/n! Do you know what day it is today?” He smiled and bent down to kiss your nose, “Saturday?...” You straight up lied. You watched his face fall slightly, “y-yeah your right.” He sighed. “Why were you so happy? Do you have any plans for today?” You asked trying to sound authentic. He let out another sigh and slumped next to you, “I-I’m going to see my members today- do you have any plans?” He waited expectantly for a reaction but when you just shrugged your shoulders he stood up and went to get ready.
Even though your heart ached you knew it would be worth it when you saw his smile later.
After he went you started decorating the house for the party. You also decided it would be a good idea to simultaneously cook all the food whilst blowing up balloons and hanging banners.
By the end of it you were exhausted, your back ached from being bent over the stove and your head ached from the lack of oxygen from blowing up the balloons.
“HELLO!” Jackson shouted swinging open the door. You jumped. “Y/n y/n y/n! Quickly hide HIDE! Yugyeom is ON HIS WAY RIGHT NOW!” He shouted in your face from excitement and your body was forced to react and run to a hiding spot.
“JACKSON DONT BREAK INTO MY HOME LIKE THAT!” Yugyeom came in screaming. You could hear him pause and look around, “j-Jackson, d-did you do all this?” He asked looking around. That’s when you came out of hiding, “I did, actually!” You said smiling. You saw the smile grow on yugyeoms face. You were right, it was all worth it for that damn smile.
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kyum-a · 6 years
So I see your a yugyeom account 😏😂 I was wondering if I could request like a yugyeom Drabble/ imagine (length doesn’t matter , long or short I’m not picky) where the reader surprised yugyeom for his birthday ( lots of fluff) because as you probably know it’s tomorrow 🥳😂❤️ thank you xxx
So sorry, my inbox stopped working for a little while but it’s okay now!
Ik his birthday is gone buttt I still think the idea is cute so ima do it anyway Xx
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kyum-a · 6 years
Is married to the mafia gonna turn into yugyeom x reader? Because then I’m outta here
No it don’t I was just teasing lolll
It’s just for drama in the next part ;)
(Please don’t leave :( x)
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kyum-a · 6 years
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A/N: so this series isn’t going to be based on the actual personalities and actions of anybody involved, this is all made up for your entertainment. Introductions will be posted either tonight or tomorrow x
- admin kya
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kyum-a · 6 years
Felix x reader mafia!au
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26:”I thought I’d never see you again!”
Genre: mafia au / fluff / sort of angst? I mean it is a mafia au
Warnings: this is a mafia au so ….. it also might have swearing in it …
You had been driven back to your house that night by a member called woojin. He seemed so lovely and sweet , when he walked you to your door and your mum had opened it she had even started an extremely awkward conversation with him. “Oh! Are you y/n’s boyfriend?” She asked eagerly making you blush and send her daggers ( that he probably had in his pocket, but of course your mum didn’t know”
“Oh! I didn’t know y/n had a boyfriend?” Woojin said looking at you wondering how in his analysis he could’ve possible missed something as vital as a boyfriend.
“I don’t” You chimed in ,”He’s just my friend and he offered me a ride home”
You mum nodded in reply whilst woojin stood there smiling , like a sunshine.
“I’ll see you tommorow y/n” woojin said , it definitely wasn’t a question.”I’ll pick you up and give you a ride if you want “ the glint in his eyes told you that this wasn’t a questions either so you had to forcefully nod. You finally went into your room. You flopped onto your bed releasing the longest sigh ever and you tried to wrap your head around all of the events of the day.
You don’t know how but you got so lost in your thoughts that they must have turned to dreams because as you came out of your trance it was six am and your alarm was ringing loudly by your bed. You quickly turned it off and then got ready for obviously another stressful day. You quickly got changed out of your black clothes from the night before and put on your uniform , then you shoved your black clothes into your backpack.
You tried to act like everything was normal that morning but you knew that woojin could arrive any minute to take you back to the underground base you had been dragged to yesterday. You were eating your breakfast and almost shat yourself when you heard the familiar horn of woojins car. Your mum hugged you like always and you tried to pull away so that you could get to the car before they came in and raided your house to find you.
When you came out you saw the members in the car all giving a sigh of relief, but as you looked more at the people that were with woojin in the car , the more you recognised them, you obviously hadn’t seen their faces before now because of the masks but you realised that the majority of them went to your school.when you hopped in the back with them you realised that they were all in there uniforms. “So y/n , do you recognise us now?” Hyunjin asked whilst smirking at you. Hyunjin and you actually talked quite a bit in lessons , you were one of those suprising combination of people but somehow you worked well together , you tried to give him a small smile but you had never even pictured Hyunjin in a mafia gang before so it came off awkward. Hyunjin saw the awkwardness and sat back.
“A-are we going to school?” You asked as woojin drive the familiar route.
“Yep! Even criminals need an education y/n!” Woojin said way to happily.
You just nodded your head.”but y/n , at school today you can hang around with your normal friends, you will be sitting with us” hyunjin said emerging from his seat.
“W-What?” You said shocked
“You heard me y/n , you have no choice” hyunjin Said coldly.
You got out of the car and walked in with them when you arrived at your school. You were getting looks from almost everyone die to the boys had reputations and your good one, you could hear the whispering and judging but you tried to ignore it.
Lunch time rolled around and you sat on the boys table. They were talking about the various girls they liked but you weren’t paying attention , you heard a faint buzz coming from your bag , you quickly searched it and pulled out your phone from the bottom , you had about twenty missed calls from your friends and several texts asking where you were, but before you could reply a set of hands clasped around your phone and took it from your grasp, you looked up to see it was changbin who had just got from back from his detention.
“Ah! It’s your friends huh, well don’t worry y/n I’ll reply for you” He said smirking
You tried to snatch your phone back by Changbin had already unlocked it and began typing, he read aloud as he typed ,”sorry babes , I’m busy eating with my boyfriends, catch ya somewhen else xxxxxxxxxxxx, Ah that sounds lovely doesn’t it , I should send it , oh wait does anyone else have anything they would like me to add on?”
“Say that y/n won’t be going back to them” Jisung suggested.
“Perfect!” Changbin replied before adding it in and hitting send.
It stung watching the boys laugh at how your friends were going to feel after receiving the text and thinking it was you who sent it .
“Oh and whilst I’m here I better tell your mum you are going to be late back today. We are taking you back to the base in five “ Changbin said typing again.
“As in during lunch?” You asked
“Yeah until past the end of the day” hyunjin replied.
Suddenly they all stood up and began grabbing there bags , so you did too. You followed them out of school and into woojins car. As soon as you got in and sat between hyunjin and Felix, all the boys began to literally get changed into their black outfits . You froze not knowing what to do as they got half naked. Woojin watched you in the back and smirked,”don’t worry y/n, you have permission to get changed back at the base , but you better be quick , you have big things to do”
You nodded before looking down uncomfortably at your hands.
When you pulled up at the base you got out and went to the changing rooms. A sadness always hung over you , especially when you were in this place, you quickly got changed into your all black attire and stepped out of the room. You found where all the boys were and joined them. You felt your hairs stand on end as the door creeked open and in walked bangchan his eyes were fixated on you.
“Y/n, when we recruit someone, we have no way of knowing how they will preform in an actual situation, do you know how we find out” he said meters Infront of you still not breaking eye contact. You shook your head
“You must prove yourself y/n “ he said in an ominous tone.
He gestured for you to hold your hands out and when you did he placed a gun in them. You heart was pounding as you felt the cold metal on your finger tips , the evil power residing in your palms.
“First you learn how to shoot”
You swallowed a lump in your throat. Bangchan walked over to you and intertwined the gun in your hands and his as he taught you how to hold and aim properly, you could feel his breath at the back of your neck and it sent shivers down your spine, but not the good kind.
“Take her to the shooting room hyunjin” bangchan demanded , breaking the contact.
Hyunjin nodded and you followed him out of the room, feeling the tension in the air. You finally walked into a room where there were targets for shooting, you looked at hyunjin but his expression was unreadable. He approached you slowly and put safety goggles onto your face , brushing the hair from your eyes whilst he did so , finally making eye contact with you and smiling a bit. He put you into the right position and told you to shoot, you felt the power of the small gun as the bullet hit the target however when hyunjin started clapping and telling you you hit the center , you were more scared at yourself and how you had perfect aim with a gun you had never been anywhere near before .
After you had finished practising you turned to look at hyunjin ,”how come you never told me you were in a Gang?” You asked quietly.
“Because …. because I was afraid”
You looked at him furrowing your brow, surely you should be the one whos scared , it’s him in the fucking mafia gang not you.
“I was afraid that you might react like you did when you saw me in the car . Treating me like I was a different person” he said fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie.
“M-maybe” you replied ,”but your still my friend , you could have told me”
“I know , I just didn’t want to loose you , your such a great friend”
Before you knew what you were doing your arms were wrapped tightly around hyunjin, comforting him , gently rocking side to side.
“Come on y/n we need to go back” he said giggling.
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kyum-a · 6 years
Married to the mafia [4] jaebum mafia au
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Group: got7
Pairing: JB x reader
Genre: mafia au
Warnings: mafia, violence, swearing
Summary: you have been kidnapped, who will you protect your husband who you barely know or his sweet and caring bodyguard?
“are you going to start talking or is pretty boy over there going to die?” His voice was stone cold, it made you believe him. You had no idea what you should say. You looked at mark who looked as though he had taken some kind of beating before he had been brought to the room.
You inhaled deeply, you eyes were clouded with tears that you fought back, “I-I’m sorry,” you stuttered. Your heart ached, you knew one day something like this would happen but you never thought it be this hard. “But my loyalties to the Im family forbid me to betray them, I’m so sorry mark.” You bit your lips and tried your best to hold back your emotions but one by one cold salty tears rolled down your cheeks.
Instead of the ear piercing sound of a bullet drilling through marks fragile skull you heard the slightly less deafening sound of the steel door bursting open. Your heart rose into your throat.
Then there was a man. He clapped slowly as he walked even slower into the light.
“What the actual fuck!” You screamed at the man. His face was now illuminated to reveal a smug jaebum. “Your a physco! What’s wrong with you!” You continued to yell.
“You chose correctly,” jaebums smirk grew, “untie them, actually just untie Mark I think I’ll get slapped if I let y/n loose.” Mark was untied and he joined jaebums side. “No hard feelings y/n, you did the right thing. “ mark flashed a smile at you. You exhaled. “I thought you were going to die.” You mumbled. Mark shrugged, “it’s just part of the job I guess.” You stayed silent because you knew his words were true. Painful, but true.
Your eyes turned to jaebum who was stood before you smirking, “Your an asshole.” You scoffed. He let out a deathly chuckle and bent down to your level. “Your beautiful.” He placed a cold finger on your chin. You were quick to move your face and break the contact. You stared into his eyes, the fire you saw previously was still ignited but just hid behind a thin curtain of dark brown.
“Your a psycho.” You whispered harshly into his ear. He had no response. He just smiled menacingly and stood up. Next thing you knew you were being untied. Relief waved over you as soon as you were released from the tight grip of the harsh rope that had made red marks on your skin.
You stood up and rubbed the marks on your skin.
“Come - we can talk in the car.” Jaebum gestured for your hand which you held tightly to your chest, “No.” You stated. Everyone seemed surprised by your words. Even the emotionless guards flinched.
“No?” Jaebum scoffed making you instantly regret your existence. “You heard me, I’m staying at my family’s house from now on.” This time your words sounded not as confident as before. Jaebum definitely picked up on this. “Is that so?” He questioned with a smile on his face. You just nodded as all your confidence had disappeared and you found yourself beginning to crumble under jaebum’s harsh gaze.
Jaebum walked up to you, every step he took made you anxious.
“Your coming home with me or your fathers not going to be too pleased when I tell him we are getting a divorce, hmm?” He whispered into your ear. He was right, your dad had planned this peace treaty with jaebums family for ages and he would be devastated if it fell apart because of you. That’s why you allowed jaebums hand to slip down your side and caress your curves before interlocking your fingers and leading you out into the shiny black car.
You felt physically sick. You hated the thought of having to go back to the Im household. Before you felt comfortable with jaebum but now you felt as though he could turn around and stab you in the back at any moment, you didn’t know anything about him he was a complete stranger who you had been forced to marry.
The house was eerily silent, you went up to your room to avoid jaebum whilst he was talking to a few people downstairs.
You didn’t eat at all that day, you were too paranoid that something could be in the food. And also you wanted to avoid jaebum as much as possible.
Before jaebum could come up to bed you slipped inside one of the guest rooms and locked the door behind you.
The dim moonlight shone through the thin curtains and danced on your face. It felt impossible to go to sleep. Knowing there was only a thin wall protecting you from the mad man known as Im Jaebum terrified you.
You found yourself scrolling through your phone at 4 am in the morning. You had to squint as the bright light burned into your weak sleepy eyes. You came across yugyeoms contact in your phone. Something inside you erged you to reach out to him.
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Yugyeoms reply made you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
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If this was a crazy mafia romance story now would be the point where you had a secret affair- but this wasn’t like that. As much as you wanted a form of escape from your marriage this wasn’t they way you were going to go about it. Even if you felt butterflies in your stomach every time you saw him.
You heard a soft knock on you door, it slowly opened and yugyeom walked into your room almost illuminating it with his warm smile. You smiled back.
You softly patted the end of your bed and yugyeom crawled up and into a ball, “Do you want to talk or do you just want to sleep?” His voice was groggy. “Sleep.” You yawned in reply. You curled underneath the sheets. You watched yugyeoms soft features relax as he fell to sleep.
He his features were relaxed and he looked so beautiful when the moonlight shone on his soft skin. You smiled to yourself. You heart was pounding relentlessly against your rib cage, in this moment you wanted nothing more then to engulf yugyeoms sleeping body in a tight loving hug. But there was a tiny something that was holding you back but you couldn’t quite tell what it was, your heart was torn and it was frustrating. You decided to force your exhausted body to sleep to silence your thoughts.
The sun warmed your face pleasantly, you were completely relaxed. You slowly opened your eyes and shielded them from the sun, you stretched out your feet but to your surprise the end of your bed was empty. The only trace of Yugyeom was the small indent in the sheets where his body had been. Your heart sank.
You were no longer relaxed, you were hurt and lonely - but why? Yugyeoms just your best friend...
Sorry it took so long! I just have a lot going on right now, I’ll write part 5 quicker this time 😂 x
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kyum-a · 6 years
I really hope yugyeoms experience in the jungle ain’t as bad as marks 😢
Like that was really bad and we all know Yugyeom wouldn’t be able to handle that shit
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kyum-a · 6 years
Gimme more to read!!! I love this jb mafia story 😍
Part 4 comes out in a few days x
Glad you like it! ❤️
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kyum-a · 6 years
Aaaaaah the JB mafia story has me shook! Can't wait for the next part 😍 I absolutely love it!
😂 honestly when I was writing I wasn’t quite sure where it was gonna end up buttt now I have a plan for part 4 and your all gonna have to hold onto your wigs👀
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kyum-a · 6 years
Married to the mafia [3] ~ jaebum x reader
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Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Group: got7
Pairing: JB x reader
Genre: mafia au
Warnings: swearing, violence, angsty
Summary: you are sent for a meeting with Mr Wang and your husband jaebum isn’t too happy.
His eyes instantly scanned every inch of your body. “It’s Mrs Im, I have a husband.” You snapped back, you saw his smile quickly die down. Now you understood how jaebum must’ve felt at the hospital, it was a really good feeling to throw your marriage in a pervs face and watch their expression.
“But Mr Im isn’t here right now is he?” His smile returned to his face but it now had a dark twist to it that hinted at an underlying evil intention. “No, he’s had to stay at home. Shall we get on to the deal now?” You said walking past him and over to the table in the middle of the room. You waited for a stunned Mr Wang to take his seat before you did. He adjusted himself in the chair and tried to make himself look a little more professional and less shook.
“Congratulations on your wedding, I heard it was rather recently.” Mr Wang said, he purposely watched your expression to see how you felt about your marriage but unluckily for him, you were beaming. “Thank you, Mr Wang, the wedding was yesterday and it was amazing.” You held the smile on your face. “Oh! Please, call me Jackson.” He relaxed in his chair and glared at you. You just nodded.
“What do you mean calm down? There’s nothing to be calm about right now!” Jaebum yelled in marks face. “Your dad was going to send you but your injured so it’s only right that y/n goes,” Mark said in a calm and rational voice. Jaebum was still raging with anger and breathing heavily, “how long have we been friends Jae?” Mark said trying to make jaebum look at him. When he finally did he continued, “look, Your my best friend and as your best friend I want what’s best for you, so go back to your room and rest!” Mark raised his voice to get his point across. Jaebum let out a frustrated sigh. “Mark, I-I just want to protect her. P-please help me protect her, she could get hurt.” Jaebum looked at him with defeated eyes, no longer biting with anger. Mark had no over choice but to give in.
And that’s why the two of them were currently racing towards Mr Wangs hotel.
“I’ll settle for 30%,” Jackson leaned closer with both elbows on the table. You hated yourself for what you were about to do. But you did it nevertheless. You shifted in your seat so that your dress slid up slightly and more of your leg was exposed which caught Jackson’s attention, “40%.” You said bluntly, a smirk crept on your face. Jackson let out a defeated grunt and leaned back in his chair, this was it. You had him. “F-“ he opened his mouth to speak but the door burst open. You saw an angry looking jaebum followed by an apologetic Mark. “Oh so this is the husband, is it?” Jackson was now standing.
“That’s right.” Jaebum said confidently placing both hands on your shoulders. “Jaebum, please leave.” You whispered. “No I’m staying with you.” His grip on your shoulder tightened. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but me and your wife were in the middle of a meeting.” Jackson piped up glaring at jaebum. “A meeting I was supposed to be attending but I got a little held up, mind if I stay?” Jaebum was suddenly smiling and polite. This pissed Jackson off. “That would be splendid.” Jackson said through gritted teeth.
“So, where were we?” Jackson forced a smile on his face. “You were about to say something about my proposal of 40% of your business.” You jumped in. You shot daggers at jaebum so he knew what he had interrupted. “Yes, about that-“ Jacksons expression dropped. “Oh my god is that the time!” You announced glancing at your watch. Everyone’s attention was on you. “Mark didn’t you say that my husband here had a meeting to attend now?” You turned to Mark and tried to make him help you out. “Ah! Yes, yes come on jaebum Y/ns parents wanted to talk to you.” He said practically dragging jaebum out of the chair, you were happy that he was going along with your little lie. Jaebum sent an apologetic smile to Jackson and then glared at you before he was out of sight.
“So that 40%, do we have a deal?” You leaned across the table so Jackson had a clear view of your cleavage. He visibly gulped. “Y-Yes, we h-have a deal.” He stuttered. You took his hand in yours and shook it to close the deal.
“Send the papers to Mr Im, and we’d look forward to doing business with you in the future.” You stood up and pulled your coat over your shoulders. “I bet you would.” The words slipped out of Jackson’s mouth but you pretended not to hear him as you exited the room.
You walked out into the car park and hopped into marks car. You had to sit in the back as jaebum had taken the passenger seat. “So, did you get it?” Jaebum grunted. “Yes, but with no help whatsoever from you.” You replied bluntly. “Oh come on! He’s a creep I was trying to help you!” Jaebum shouted. You stayed silent and decided it was best to finish this argument at home. Mark drove out of the car park and towards the Im family mansion.
Once you arrived jaebum got out and slammed the door and then he stormed off to your room. You followed.
You found jaebum with his head in his hands on the edge of the bed. “What did you seriously think would happen?” You snapped out of rage. Jaebum groaned. “Did you think you would just waltz in there and close the deal yourself or something?!” Your voice rose when he refused to look at you. Jaebum suddenly stood up and was in your face, “I don’t fucking need this right now! Just leave me alone.” Jaebum pushed passed you and left the room. You slammed the door behind him and collapsed onto the bed.
You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. You picked yourself up and slowly opened the door. You were met with yugyeoms face. “C-can I come in?” He asked. You stayed silent and just opened up the door. Yugyeom walked in and you closed the door again. “Jaebum’s just a little bit stressed at the moment, but it’s okay because there’s no way you could’ve known, you haven’t gotten the chance to talk to jaebum properly yet.” You sighed when you thought about why you hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to jaebum yet. So much had happened since your wedding there wasn’t any time. “Hmm.” You hummed in response.
“If you want my advice, you should just give him some time and when he’s ready he’ll talk and when he does just try and listen. He’s more sensitive then he looks.” Yugyeom took a seat next to you on your bed.
You spent the next few hours talking to yugyeom, he told you a lot about the Im family and how he started working for them. The two of you realised that you had a lot in common and you were happy to feel as though you actually had a friend that could help you forget about how crazy you life is.
Yugyeom left your room when he was called for by a member of jaebum’s family. That’s when you got changed into your pyjamas and went down to the kitchen.
You were greeted by a tired looking Mrs Im, she looked more casual and more approachable then she did at your wedding. “I was just going to bed, is everything alright?” She asked. “Yes Thank you, goodnight.” You smiled softly. She returned it and walked up the stairs to her room. You picked up one of the cookies from the cookie jar and turned out into the hall.
That’s when you heard muffled voices coming from one of the many rooms in the corridor. And you were certain that one of the voices belonged to jaebum.
Your curiosity fuelled you and you ended up hovering outside one of the doors listening in to jaebum’s conversation.
“Please just don’t take another sip.” A voice said, it sounded concerned. You assumed it was mark. “I-I can do whatever I want! I’m your boss!” Jaebum shouted, his voice didn’t sound the same it sounded slurred and undefined. “Jae, your absolutely wasted, what if y/n saw you like this? What would she think?” Mark said. You had to stop yourself from gasping - jaebum was drunk? - “I don’t care what she thinks anymore! I-it’s not like she cares about me!” Jaebum was clearly very upset. It made your heart sink when you realised how badly you had affected him, it’s not like you didn’t care about him.
You heard the shuffling of chairs followed by footsteps, they were approaching the door. You quickly ran away and darted into the kitchen. “Don’t do this, this is ridiculous!” Mark called after jaebum but he didn’t listen.
“Y/n, where are you!” Jaebum called out, He now sounded evil and terrifying and it sent goosebumps up your arms. You slowly emerged from the kitchen. Jaebum looked like a crazy psychotic monster, he was dragging his body towards you with a dark smile on his face. “There you are!” He chuckled menacingly. He took a hold of your wrist and pulled you out of the kitchen.
“What’s going on!” A familiar voice said as they rushed down the marble staircase. Yugyeom appeared at the end of the hallway looking both exhausted and confused. Then he looked worried. “Jaebum, What happened?” Yugyeom seemed really concerned. His eyes kept switching from you to jaebum. “I’m leaving, and so is my wife!” Jaebum shouted in his face. You hated the way jaebum just called you his wife, like you weren’t even a person. It made you feel physically sick. But then again jaebum was only a stranger who you hadn’t even known that long at all.
“No! Y-your clearly drunk, I can’t let you take her when your like this!” Yugyeom shouted in frustration. Yugyeom reached for you but as soon as he did jaebum dropped your wrist and used his hand to punch Yugyeom. You gasped as Yugyeom was sent flying into a wall. You instantly ran past jaebum and sunk to the floor next to Yugyeom. Your vision was fogged by tears but you could make out a cut on Yugyeom cheek that was probably where jaebums ring had scratched the skin.
“What’s wrong with you!” You shouted up and jaebum who didn’t seem phased. “Oh just fuck off will you! It’s just a small scratch it’s not like he has a massive cut going down his fucking stomach!” Jaebum slurred in your face. You shoved him away and stood up. You were so angry, you had no idea why jaebum was being like this but then again you didn’t know him for all you knew this was just a normal day in the life of the Im family. That’s when everything fell apart for you, for some reason you actually let yourself fall for someone you had only just met, a stranger. You might be his wife but that was only because he chose you based on your looks out of a handful of your cousins, he didn’t love you so why should you love him?
“I’m going home.” You said. You shoved jaebum out of your way and headed towards the door. “Y/n...” Yugyeom whimpered. He struggled to get to his feet and slowly made his way toward you. “Come back soon...” he engulfed you in a tight hug which you sank into. “Be safe, don’t let him hurt you again.” You whispered in his ear. He smiled and pulled away, “I’ll go get you your bag and a set of car keys...” he said softly before disappearing upstairs.
You saw that mark was restraining jaebum from launching himself at Yugyeom. “I-I’m really sorry about this y/n he’s just been so stressed lately and I guess tonight he couldn’t handle it anymore.” Mark sighed. Yugyeom came back down the stairs and handed you your bag which only contained your purse and your phone. You said goodbye and closed the door behind you.
There were about twenty different cars parked outside. You pressed the button on your car keys and to your surprise the car jaebum had drove you home in on the night of your wedding flashed. You got in the drivers seat and clicked your seatbelt. You rummaged inside your bag until you found your phone. You pulled out your phone and started typing a message to your sister, jiwoo.
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You sighed in relief and drove to your family home.
When you arrived outside you became instantly relaxed. You got out of the car and walked in the front door.
You were greeted by a few members of your fathers mafia gang, they all greeted you with a small nod before slipping past you and out into the night. You rushed up the stairs that, unlike jaebums, were soft and carpeted. You silently tip-toed past your nieces and nephews room until you reached your sisters room. You slowly opened it to find her sat up in bed waiting for you. You smiled and joined her on the quilted duvet.
“Where’s Jinyoung?” You said noticing your brother-in-law’s absence. You were kind of jealous of your sisters perfect marriage, it was arranged just like yours but she got a kind and caring husband who loved her and started a family with her but you got jaebum who was proving to be half psycho half man. “He’s out, but he won’t be back for ages- what’s wrong your eyes are all puffy?” Jiwoo switched her focus onto you. That’s when you remembered how you had cried in the car all the way home and you could feel the tears resurfacing in your eyes.
After recalling the events of that evening your sister sat before you completely stunned. She pulled you into a hug. Your eyes were burning with hot salty tears, why had you gotten yourself into this? You were sat on your big sisters bed having a break down over a boy who could’ve give two shits about you.
“Am I interrupting anything?” Jinyoung peeked his head round the door. You quickly reached up to wipe your tears from your face. “What is it?” Jiwoo asked him, trying to be polite. “I-I just got home, b-but I’ll be downstairs and leave you two too it.” He flashed an apologetic smile and rushed off.
“I should probably go to bed now, I’ve had a long day and I think jinyoung has too.” You laughed awkwardly before getting up off of Jiwoo’s bed. “Okay y/n, sweet dreams.” She said smiling. You left and walked towards your old room that hadn’t been touched since you left. You saw jinyoung sat on the stairs on his phone, “you can go in your room now, I’m going to bed.” You whispered. Jinyoung mouthed “Thank you” and slipped off to his bedroom. You sighed and walked into your room.
You turned the lights off and crawled under the covers. You tried to get to sleep quickly to stop your thoughts from wondering. But as per usual you found yourself awake at 2 o’clock in the morning thinking about how naive you were for thinking you could marry a stranger and then be happily married for the rest of your life, Im Jaebum was playing a game and he was about to win.
It was morning, you had no idea when you had got to sleep but you could tell that you seriously lacked it. You peered at your phone to see tonnes of missed calls and texts from an unknown number that you assumed was jaebum or one of his men. You groaned you decided not to answer.
You get up and stretch in an effort to make you feel more awake. You walked out of your room and looked around, the soft snores of your family lingered. You were the only one awake.
You walked down the stairs, to your surprise thebodyguards werent stationed by the doors like they normally were, however, you assumed it was a new change you just hadn’t been told about.
You went outside to take the bin out. It was extremely cold, your silk pyjamas were doing a very poor job at protecting you from the ice cold wind. Just as you were making your way back towards the front door your vision went black. Your head was covered by a bag and someone strong picked you up and threw you over their shoulder. You screamed and kicked in frustration and fear. Your heart rate rocket through the roof. But you attempts to kick free failed and you were thrown in the back of a car.
The car started moving and you took this opportunity to calm yourself down. You were in the mafia, you were trained for moments like this. However, the training taught you to always have some sort of weapon or sharp object with you and at the moment you had none of those things. But you did remember that if you couldn’t escape you had to wait for backup no matter how long it took you just had to survive .
You had stopped struggling by the time the car stopped. You were once again dragged out of the car and flung over the shoulder of the kidnapper.
When the bag was taken off your head you were in a dark room and your hands and feet were tied to the cold chair you were sat on. “Where’s your husband?” A stone cold voice said. A figure emerged from the darkness and came into the light. You had never seen him before, he was old and very intimidating. “Who?” You asked, but it was a genuine question as you had forgotten that you actually had a husband. “Very funny young lady, tell us everything thing you know about the Im family or he gets a silver bullet in his head!” You followed his finger to a person sat on the other side of the room. The bag was taken off to reveal a defeated Mark with a gun pressed against his temple by a lady dressed in a black trench coat.
“So what’s it going to be?” Your attention was turned back to the man infront of you, “are you going to start talking or is pretty boy over there going to die?”
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kyum-a · 6 years
Mingiiiii x
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Who’s your bias?
{Daily Ateez Instagram update 📸 2.11.18}
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kyum-a · 6 years
Disclosure -NCT DREAM
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Pairing : unknown
Genre of series : mafia au
Genre of part 1 : angst/mystery/ceo au
Disclaimer: gifs aren’t mine but this gif is actually my favourite
The youngest CEO’s in korea team up against a rival company
Introduction: When you played in the sandpit with 7 little boys you never imagined that each of them would grow up to run huge conglomerates and be such successful CEO’s, except you didn’t know , because there business was top secret, but you would soon find out . They team together to become the dreamies all because of threat from a rival business, the 127. it all started when mark and haechan left the 127 to pursue bigger things.
{PART 1}
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It was a day like any other which consisted of completing paperwork, a few meetings and a coffee break. Jaemin sat at his desk in his office on the very top floor of the skyscraper he owned looking out at the sunset whilst sipping coffee from a plastic to go cup. The sun turned the sky into a mix of oranges and reds and pinks , one of the prettiest sunsets jaemin has ever seen , as he admired the view his mind cast back to the last time he appreciated a sunset like this , he almost laughed as he remembered the events.
He was sat at the sandpit with his friends Jeno and renjun , as there parents were talking , jaemin had used a mild and managed to finally make a sandcastle that stood up, Jeno and renjun clapped and jaemin beamed uncontrollably when suddenly a boy ran through it , followed by another and another and another . Jaemin looked at the place his sandcastle has been which was now nothing but a lump of sand , he felt tears forming in his eyes when suddenly someone hugged him from behind , he looked around to see who it was . He had never met the girl before but he knew she was in his class at nursery , she tried to wipe his tears away ,”don’t cry nana,I’m sorry that they hurt your sandcastle, it was great!”
Jaemin have a small smile,”you can help me make it again?”
The girl nodded her head enthusiastically, Jeno and renjun came to help too. Suddenly four people were stood around the sandpit watching as you all made your sandcastle. “Ta dah!” Jaemin said as he revealed it. He was smiling as he looked around to see the four boys that destroyed his last sandcastle
“No we aren’t going to run on it again!” Said the smiley one , he seemed so bright and happy that jaemin was confused as to why he would wreck his sandcastle.”it was on accident! Or is it purpose? “ he said slightly to himself.
“It was an accident!” Said the boy who was a year older ,”we are very very sorry , we were playing tag and jisung ran through your sandcastle and we followed him”
Jisung looked much younger than all of you so jaemin just nodded ,” do you want to play with us?” The four boys nodded and plodded into the sandpit , careful not to destroy the castle again. They introduced themselves as mark , Jisung , Chenle and Haechan . The eight of them stayed into the sandpit for ages , building and destroying . The sun began to set as they played , the little girl wasn’t looking at the amazing sand castle , instead she was looking at the sky ,”what are you looking at ?” Haechan asked her noticing he gaze was elsewhere. She pointed up to the sky , bringing the boys’ attention to it. The sky was a vivid red with whisps of orange and pink hues , it was beautiful. The eight of them became fast friends and stuck together throughout the whole time they were at school , and after that they all went on to pursue different things , jaemin went on to be one of the Youngest ceos in the whole of Korea , except his business had to be kept secret , especially now that there was threat from a rival business, the 127.
He sipped the last of his coffee and was now preparing for a meeting when his secretary walked into his office,” I’m very sorry to disturb you mr na , But there is someone here to see you , he says it’s urgent involving the 127”
Jaemin stares back , attempting to seem unfazed,”and who is it?”
“Mr.lee, mark lee” she said , jaemin recognised that name instantly, he tried to keep the smile off his face as he followed his secretary to the waiting room and sure enough there he was , mark lee. Dressed in an all black suit and tie and he too was admiring the sunset from the huge window. Jaemin dismissed his secretary before slowly walking to stand next to mark ,”do you remember the last time you saw a sunset like that?” He said bringing mark out of his trance.
“How could I forget” he said smiling,” the day the greatest group of people finally met “
They smiled at eachother as they remembered the events of that day and those that followed ,”I still can’t belive you ruined my sandcastle “ jaemin said quietly. Mark laughed ,”at least we helped you make a better one”
“True” jaemin said smiling. Suddenly mark pulled him into a hug , jaemin was shocked, he didn’t know how to react but he hugged mark back. It was the kind of hug you would give someone you hadn’t seen for years and it was exactly what jaemin needed in his time of stress. “Jaemin don’t freak out” mark said pulling out of the hug
“What is there a spider?!” Jaemin said frantically turning around to looking at his back.
“No!” Mark said trying not to laugh “I-i run a business too , possibly as secretive as yours and it’s also as big as yours ….. I know your under threat from the 127…… i am too”
The two best friends have eachother looks of understanding , they both knew what could happen to everything they had if the 127 continued to do business the way they were.
“We should get the gang back together” mark said after a long period of sad silence.
Jaemin met his eyes ,”everyone ? “
Mark knew exactly what jaemin was getting at at and he let out a small sigh ,” jaemin , everyone knows that y/n isn’t quite on our level nowadays, but everyone else has strong businesses like ours, they could help! And they are probably under threat too , we just need to get the message to them”
Jaemin gave a defeated sigh ,” okay , but how would we find 6 secret businesses , how did you even find me!”
“There’s a massive Nna on the side of one of the tallest sky scrapers in Korea , its not that difficult Nana”
“I thought if I got rid of the first a no one would make the connection” he said more to himself.
“Come on Nana , we have friends to find”
The coffee shop you worked in was a small one in a very busy mall. It was decorated extremely well, you had helped and had a heavy input , sometime people would say that the main reason they came was to see the amazing interior. It had a cozy feel with a brick wall and various fairy lights and plants , there was a bookshelf filled with different types of books and fairy lights draped across the ceiling. There were sofas with soft pink and cream pillows aswell as arm chairs. You loved it and the customers loved you , you could remember the names of all of the regulars because of how often they came in and whenever someone new came in you always greeted them warmly and welcomingly. So when you noticed someone sat in one of the arm chairs wearing a hoodie that obstucted their face , that you didn’t even see or hear enter the shop, you were curious to say the least. After twenty minutes of just sitting down , the person finally came to order. His order was very specific “can I have a venti sized iced americano with four espresso shots please?” You were shocked by the order and couldn’t help but remember your regular customer who normally made the same order by phone and then sent someone to collect it, you had never seen his face before but this guy definitely wasn’t the person who usually came to collect it and he had never ordered in the store , so you were growing even more suspicious. You nodded before busting yourself making the order. “Is that to go or drink in?” You asked him.
“Umm, I’ll drink in” he said. You finished making the coffee and brought it to his table on a tray, as you placed it down you said to him ,”I’ve never seen you here before, are you new to the area?” As almost everyone in the area had at least visited the shop once , you were curious as to why you didn’t recognise him.
“No” he replied ,” but it has been a while since I ventured to this mall” he said with a hint of laughter in his voice. You smiled before asking ,” why is that?”
You could hear his intake of breath before he said ,” uh I used to come to the mall with my friends a lot when I was younger , this shop didn’t exist though , It was a pizza place that we used to spend all of our time at , then when that shut down I didn’t really have a reason to come back so I didn’t , but I’m here today because there’s some people I’m trying to find”
You were lost in thought ever since he had mentioned the old pizza place , you to used to come here for pizza , a lot , you had great memories here with your friends before they all left to lead their separate lives , that’s why you wanted to work here so badly , because it reminded you of all the good times you had.
“M-maybe I can help?” You said coming out of your trance ,” loads of people come here. Maybe some of the people you are trying to find have been in?”
“I doubt it , there extremely secretive people” he said.
You nodded ,”I hope to see you again!” You said before walking away.
Your shift was coming to an end and the guy was still sat in the armchair , however it seemed like he was staring right at you, watching everything you were doing , Wait a secound, yep he was definitely staring at you. You could only just see the flint of his eyes but you knew they were focused on you. As you finished serving your last customer, you hung up your apron and we’re heading to the door, suddenly the guy stood up and left as you came out from behind the counter , his behaviour was suspicious to say the least , and the way he looked around after leaving your shop , it was almost like he was checking that you were watching him , before he walked deeper into the mall
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kyum-a · 6 years
80’s Motel | 1
Requested by : no one
Genre : Monsta x + reader, Psycho and The Shining inspired,
Warning(S): some blood and gore
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The year is 1985
In a darkened haze, the pine trees and mountains blurred together and mixed well with the sounds of crickets and heavy wind. In the daytime the countryside was bright and beautiful. Yellow leaves grew on the trees this time of year, and the grassy mountains tended to darken. The road swirling up and over said mountains was terrifying at least, with no railings or road signs; just a winding path and anxious drivers.
You were one of those anxious drivers. Your fingers hadn’t left the steering wheel in five hours. They ached and so did your arms. You could feel exhaustion settle into every bit of your body. Your eyes glazed over with a tired mist, and your back too throbbed from sitting too long.
A lazy tune was playing over your car speakers, the light beats sounding familiar but your tired brain couldn’t match a name to the sound. You groaned quietly to yourself, knowing you needed to find a place to stop or else you’d end up asleep while driving. But how do you find a place to stay in a place like this? In the mountains, where there’s no sign of civilization.
Just as you thought that, desperate out of your mind, a neon glass sign appeared around a corner of trees. The design of a small blue bed flickering on and off laid under the words ‘Motel X!’ And the no vacancy sign was currently turned off. You signed in relief, and thanked God for this gift from heaven.
You slowed down and turned into the parking lot, seeing only two other cars in it. Getting out after parking you looked around. The neon sign illuminated the front of the small motel, but you could still see that the wood that made up the walls was painted blue and had a glossy finish to it. There was another small glass sign in the window of the lobby that read 'open!’. All the rest of the surrounding area was just pine trees and the tops of mountains.
Only now had it started to snow. You tugged your jacket around yourself further and shook your head. Even though it was just snowing now, you could still see your breathe from when you were still driving. You had the hood of your convertible down to keep you awake.
You walked to the back of your car and opened the trunk, dragging out your suitcase and patting your back pocket, where your wallet resided. You extended the handle of your suitcase and rolled it hurriedly across the gravel to the lobby. The pine trees around you swirled with the sudden snow in the wind, and you stopped for a moment to inhale the piney woods smell. Your mind was at ease now, knowing you had a place to sleep for the night.
Opening the door, a blast of warm air hit you in the face. Walking further in, you smelt the scent of vanilla and soft spices. The patterned walls were a cream color, and the room was a narrow, dimly lit lounge. With matching gray chaise lounges and potted plants besides them on each wall. A polished chandelier hung from the ceiling, although not brightly and was the main culprit for the dim lighting. Directionally under said chandelier was a runner in the middle of the room, plush and patterned too.
'What a luxurious lobby’ you thought.
Walking to the counter you hit the little bell, releasing your grip on your suitcase and in turn placing your hands on the counter. The door off to the side opened after awhile of waiting, to reveal a panicked looking white haired man. He straightened his name tag that said 'Minhyuk’ and gave you a short smile.
“Hello, how may I help you?” He said timidly, his voice matching his body language. He continuously shifted from foot to foot, his hands lay jittering by his sides and through his hair. He swallowed far too often and his eyes were glazed over. However, you just yawned before laughing. Brushing it off as he was probably just a new employee, not used to people.
“I assume you have vacancy, correct?” You asked, referring to the almost empty parking lot.
“Yes, we have many rooms vacant.” He said quickly, writing something down in a work journal. His eyes kept switching between yours and your bag, giving you nervous smiles. 'He isn’t even watching what he’s writing’ you thought, but didn’t speak up.
“Ah, here we are, room 237 has been recently cleaned..” he reached behind him to the wall of keys, which you had now just noticed. He reached up to the highest shelf and plucked down the big bronze skeleton key, placing it down onto the table as your eyes widened in shock.
“There’s that many rooms here? But the place hardly looked big enough?”
“Oh yes well, the original building was only perhaps seven rooms. Since the seventies we’ve added on many. Now we have about three hundred for the busy weeks in the summer.” His voice wavered slightly as he talked, he hardly made eye contact but you really didn’t care. This man was strange in behavior but you wouldn’t judge. It was just an observation or two.
“Wow, I would’ve never guessed.” You paid for the room one night and took your key, sending one last smile to the white haired man before returning back outside. It was snowing much more fiercely now, almost a complete white out. The ground was collecting snow rapidly and you frantically made your way down the halls to find your room.
'He couldn’t have given me a closer one?“ You thought, now realizing how far away it actually was. Looking down at the skeleton key, your thumb brushed over the 237 iron pressed into it. The design of a regal looking vulture was pressed into it too, and the teeth of the key itself were impressive themselves. Finally after what felt like a decade, you found your room. Unlocking it quickly you practically ran into the room. Signing once again in relief when you felt the warm air.
The room looked and smelt clean, something you were quite happy with. The interior design and coloring matched that of the lobby, but it didn’t look bad. You walked over and collapsed upon the bed, really not caring about the covers, and fell asleep.
In the morning you arose to open the curtains to find everything white. Your car was completely covered in snow, and everything else was too.
You turned around to get your coat out of your bag, when suddenly looking around your room you didn’t see it. Frantically scanning the general area you wondered where you left it.
Sudden realization popped into your head as you huffed and slapped your forehead. You accidentally left it in the lobby. You went straight to bed and didn’t even remember your suitcase. Your mind must’ve just been foggy from exhaustion. Come to think of it, you don’t remember much of last night. What motel were you in again?
You flicked the curtains back and looked out, at the oversized red sign that said 'x motel’
You blinked once and saw the thin, neon glass sign contrasting brightly with the frozen atmosphere. You shook your head as a wave of pain went through the back of your skull. Must still be groggy from the long sleep.
Well great. Now you have to take the long walk back to the lobby to search the lost and found, and without a warmer jacket too.
Grabbing your skeleton key and walking out the door, you locked it and turned the direction to the lobby. But just as you started walking, you halted in your steps. Your hands shot to your eyes and you gasped fearfully.
In front of you stood a man with a torn open face. He was about a foot away from you, so close you could see his only brown eye. His white shirt was covered in blood by the large gash in his stomach and his guts were splattered on the floor. He was staring straight at you and he spoke your name over and over again. You felt something wet touch your arm and the smell of blood was fierce. A sudden tug at your body made you yell as the wind picked up. All at once the air snapped around you and suddenly everything was quiet. Snow darted across your legs and scuffed them up with the frozen shards. The wind blew hard from behind you and picked up your hair onto your hands still covering your face. You slowly put your hands down and looked ahead shaking. The man was no where to be seen. A stain was left where his guts were, the only remembrance that showed the man was ever there.
Suddenly you couldn’t remember anything that happened.
"What am I doing out here?” You said aloud, putting your hands up and listening to the clanging of your skeleton key. You looked towards your door as your breath blew in front of you.
“Oh! My bag.” You continued walking down the hall like nothing happened, not noticing the eyes that were following you.
After a long walk you finally made it to the lobby. Another employee sat at the desk, reading a magazine with his chin resting against his hand and looking uninterested. Upon your arrival he looked up, setting his magazine down and waiting for you to speak or do something.
“Um hello, I left my suitcase here last night by accident, I assume you have it?” You asked politely, watching as the man just raised his eyebrows.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about. No one even checked in last night.” He said, removing his hand from his chin so you could see his name tag 'Wonho’.
“Oh, no that’s a mistake. I paid for one night, the other employee wrote it in that book!” You pointed towards the little work journal the man had written in last night. Wonho looked to his right to see said journal, and lifted it up. Opening it so you could see, he rolled his eyes and said.
“All the pages are ripped out, I don’t even know what this journal is still doing here.”
“Well that man must have torn them out!” You yelled. “I slept here last night. I have the key.” You slammed said object down on the desk as the man eyed it curiously.
“This man? What was his name?” He asked you.
“I don’t know, something Min. Minhyuk I think?”
The man mumbled something inaudibly, scratching his chin and furrowing his eye brows slightly. He looked away from you briefly in thought before grinning wildly and looking back. 'This guy’s crazy’ you thought.
“I’m sorry what were you lookin’ for?”
“My bag! I left it here-” you pointed to your left, “-last night before I went to my room! Have you see it?”
“Miss this is all we have in our lost and found.” He pulled an empty box from under the desk, putting it back shortly after. He smirked “I’m sorry but we have no bag.”
“What? Wha- well where could it have gone? Did someone steal it?” You spoke to yourself.
“If I give you a hundred bucks will you leave it be?” He spoke devilish smoothly. You gave him a confused look, starting to get creeped out.
“What?” You said again softly, backing up.
“He’s already claimed your bag-” he looked you up and done. “And by the state of your arms he’s claimed you too.”
You looked down at your arms. Specks of red were splattered on your wrist. You continued to turn your arms more and more around, until you saw that your arms were seemingly covered in blood. The smell now fierce. You felt light headed as your eyes rolled back into your skull. You fell back in shock just as you passed out, not conscious enough to feel the arms that suddenly wrapped around your waist.
“Welcome to Motel X, (Y/N). Enjoy your stay.”
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kyum-a · 6 years
Married to the mafia~ [2] jaebum imagine
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Parts: [1] [2]
Group: got7
Pairing: jaebum x reader
Genre: mafia au
Warnings: mafia, violence, swearing
Summary: as if your wedding day wasn’t eventful enough.
You sat in the chair and watched his chest rise and fall with every breath. He looked so exposed and defenceless. You nearly jumped out of your skin when two tall, lanky men walked into jaebums hospital room.
They looked just as sad as you to see jaebum in such a state. You were starting to get uncomfortable as the men just stood there in silence. “H-hello, did you come to see jaebum?” You broke the silence. “Yeah, w-we were with him when it happened, I said it was bad but he didn’t listen.” One of them piped up, “Yeah he said that he wanted to go home and spend his wedding night with his wife, w-who I’m guessing is you?” The taller one interrupted. Wait was what they were saying true? Did jaebum want to spend the night with you that badly. “Im his wife, my name’s y/n, and who are you two exactly?” The words rolled off your tongue which took you by surprise. The two men laughed when they realised how confused you must’ve been when they just turned up, “I’m Mark Tuan and this is Kim Yugyeom, we work for the Im family.” Mark introduced himself, he seemed very proud to work for the Im family, which was understandable as they’re reputation was well known throughout the mafia business. “I-if you don’t mind me asking, what was your maiden name?” Yugyeom asked, this took you by surprise, “it was y/l/n why?” You hesitated before answer his out of the blue question, “oh! Your family is just as respected as the Im’s woah, you two are quite the power couple!” Yugyeom now seemed like he was being wary of you after learning about your family. You just laughed at his statement because you didn’t really know how to respond, you hadn’t had to actually tell anyone about your marriage or call yourself jaebums wife before. It was all quite surreal.
They stayed in the hospital with you for a few hours, they kept disappearing and coming back with candy from the hospitals vending machines which made you giggle at their childishness. They left at 6 in the morning to go and have a meeting with jaebums dad about jaebum’s accident. Your eyes began to droop and it was getting harder to keep them open. Soon, you fell asleep in a rather uncomfortable position in the chair next to jaebums bed.
You woke up to the sound of soft laughter. You forced your eyes open to see if jaebum had a visitor that arrived whilst you were sleeping but it was just you in the room. You then looked at jaebum who was the owner of the beautiful laugh, “your awake!” You sat up, now fully awake. “And so are you!” Jaebum mimicked your excited tone. “The doctor came in whilst you were sleeping.” Jaebum said bluntly, “really? What did they say?” You asked eager to know when jaebum was allowed home, “lots of medical terms that I can’t remember... and oh yeah! He said that you were very pretty when you slept.” Jaebum said the last part kind of under his breath. “That’s nice.” You said slightly flattered. “I swear to god I nearly shot that fuckers head off on the spot.” Jaebum said, deadly serious. “Jaebum- What did you actually do though?” You tried not to laugh at his jealousy - but you would be lying if you said his need to be protective over you didn’t make your heart do backflips- jaebum sighed, “I just smiled and said, ‘yeah she’s my wife, she’s beautiful’ and oh my god you should’ve seen him when I said you were my wife! he was like ‘oh your so lucky’ and I was like ‘yeah, I know.” Jaebum got so excited when he was talking about it and you could hear his heart rate increase on the monitor, “y-you think I’m beautiful?” You said barely above a whisper, you were lucky that your heart rate wasn’t being recorded on a monitor or other was he would be able to here it beating as fast as a rocket. You didn’t know why but the thought of jaebum boasting about you to other people made you feel insanely happy. “Well yeah, I wouldn’t have married you if you weren’t.” He scoffed. Now he was back to being shallow and cold hearted jaebum.
You waited for another doctor to come in to tell jaebum when he could leave. And it just so happened to be the same doctor jaebum had talked to earlier. “Oh, your wife’s awake now!” He announced as he walked in and saw you glued to your phone. You looked up and saw jaebums clenched jaw. “Yeah I am, I was just so tired. Did I miss anything important?” You asked. The doctor started to flick through jaebums reports, “no not really, he’s all healed up and can leave as soon as your ready.” He finished reading and placed the report back on the bed, “and jaebum was right you really are beautiful, how long have you two been married?” The doctor gave you an uncomfortable and pervy smile, “five years! We’ve been happily married for five years now.” Jaebum interrupted and glared at the doctor. You looked at jaebum and had to stop yourself from laughing at his ridiculous lie caused by jealousy. He looked as though he was ready to strangle him to death at any moment. You were just happy the doctor noticed this and dismissed himself from the room.
“Can we go home now?” Jaebum asked as soon as the doctor was out of sight. You silently nodded. You called for a nurse to come and prepare jaebum to leave the hospital and unfortunately you had to wait in the waiting room.
You heard your phone ping in your pocket so you pulled it out to check it.
It was a message from jaebums dad
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You had almost forgot that jaebums family lived in the same house as you, but that was probably because they didn’t come back last night.
A smiley jaebum made his way into the waiting room, “whats up, you look sad.” He asked noticing the defeated look on your face. “Oh it’s nothing, let’s get you home!” You forced a smile on your face and led jaebum to the car park where you waited for Mark to pick you up.
When mark arrived he helped you get jaebum into the car without hurting him. You sat in the passenger seat. Mark sped away from the hospital as soon as you clicked your seatbelt.
“Y/n the boss wants to see you in his office when we get back and jaebum, your mother has several medicines to give you.” Mark announced. “Wait, why does my dad want to talk to her alone. Why not both of us?” Jaebum questioned from the backseat, “I don’t know, it’s probably just to get to know her or something, don’t worry yourself over it jae.” Mark answered keeping his concerntration on the road as he swerved round a corner. You could hear jaebum’s frustrated sigh.
When you arrived at the house mark told you to go straight up whilst he helped jaebum get up the stairs.
You hesitantly knocked on the door to jaebums dads office. One of his men opened the door and you were allowed in. You took a seat infront of him at his desk and he greeted you with a small smile. “Y/n, as you are aware, my son isn’t fit to work at this moment in time.” He looked at the floor giving the impression that he really cared for his sons health, “so we will need you to see this deal through with a gentleman named Mr Wang. He has flown all the way from China for this so you will meet him at this address and negotiate a deal with him.” He handed you a yellow card with an address on it, you swallowed hard, “your family have told me you are quite persuasive so we are expecting good things from you, Yugyeom will fill you in on the details and you leave in half an hour.” You took his nod towards yugyeom and yugyeom coming up behind you as a sign for you to leave. So you did. When you arrived out into the corridor yugyeom started talking, “so the situation is Mr wang owns a very successful drug cartel in China and we want 40% of his business.” “40%! No wonder why he needs to be persuaded. Thats a lot of your company to give away.” You stopped in your tracks. Yugyeom laughed at your shocked expression, “that’s exactly why we need you to persuade him.” Yugyeom was sounding a little bit suggestive and you weren’t liking it. “What exactly are you getting at?” You digged. “Umm well you probably should wear something revealing or something to just help the deal go smoothly.” Yugyeom whispered just in case jaebum was listening somewhere. He left you stunned in the hallway.
You then went into your room to get ready. Jaebum was led to in the bed and watched you start rummaging through the closet. He saw you pick out a knee length spaghetti strap black dress that hugged your figure. “What are you doing?” He asked plainly confused. “I’m going out on a business thing, it won’t take long.” You said pulling the dress off it’s hanger. “Why are you wearing that if it’s just business stuff?” He gestured to the piece of clothing in your hands. “It doesn’t matter, just go to sleep or something!” You turned away from jaebum so he would see you blushing. He let out a frustrated sigh and mumbled under his breath “but your my business.”
You decided to get ready in the bathroom. You slipped inside the dress and pulled on your floor length black coat. You slipped your feet into your shiny black high heels and you were ready. When you peered into jaebums room to say goodbye he was fast asleep so you silently slipped out and met yugyeom in his car.
“Okay, lets make this as quick as possible but we can’t under any circumstances, leave without a deal.” He briefed you before zooming off.
You pulled up outside a fancy hotel that was concealed in a small wood on the outskirts of town. Some of Mr Wangs bodyguards met you outside and led you upstairs to his room. When you walked in Mr wang greeted you with a big smile, “ah, Miss Im it’s great to meet you, you look amazing.” His eyes instantly scanned every inch of your body.
Thank you for all your wonderful responses to part 1. This will be an ongoing series from now on. Hope you enjoyed it x
[part 3]
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kyum-a · 6 years
Married to the mafia ~ jaebum x reader
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Group: got7
Pairing: JB x reader
Genre: mafia au
Summary: your supposed to be happy, it’s your wedding day. But how can you be happy when you don’t even know who your marrying.
“You look beautiful, darling.” Your mother stood back and admired you, she began to tear up. “Smile for once y/n! It’s not everyday you get married!” You sighed at the mention of marriage. You had been against the idea of having an arranged marriage ever since your parents told you about your wedding, you hated the idea of getting married to someone you didn’t know and having to spend the rest of your life in misery just so your two families could stop trying to kill each other every five minutes. “Are you sure I have to do this?” You sulked. You mother laughed at your childish behaviour, “honey, give the young man a chance! He could make you very happy.” Your mother placed the veil on your head and moved your hair behind your shoulders. “Or he could make me want to drive a bullet between my eyes!” You snapped. Your mother remained silent as she realised it was a pointless argument.
As the time of the wedding drew closer you had to position yourself outside the doors to the venue. Your mother gave you over to your dad before disappearing behind the big brown doors. “No messing around, when we walk you have to do exactly what we have been practicing ok?” Your sister told her two children who were fidgeting about in their dresses. You were glad to have such a nice person as your maid of honour, your sister had always been by your side through tough times so it only made sense to have her by your side on the toughest day of your life, your wedding day. “I promise he really is a nice lad y/n” your dad whispered in your ear. Your dad was a bit unusual, for a mafia leader that is. He was cold hearted and violent when he needed to be but when he was at home he was a total softy and would never harm a hair on your head. “What is his name again?” You asked eager to know who you were actually about to marry. Your dad let out a hearty chuckle at your lack of knowledge about the whole situation, “His name’s Im Jaebum, it’s got a nice ring to it hasn’t it?” He linked your arm around his as he was instructed to do by the wedding manager.
You took a deep breath as you realised that you were about to walk down the aisle any minute now. Your sister scooted forwards and concealed your face behind your laced veil.
The doors swung open and the sound of a organ softly playing flooded your ears. First the bridesmaids started their walk which was elegant but also clumsy then it was your sisters turn. You watched them get further away from you then it was your turn. Your dad squeezed your arm tightly once before your walk began. All eyes were on you. And when all those eyes belong to a member of an elite mafia family it’s terrifying. On the left side was your family on the right were his. His family looked stone cold and brutal you were careful not to look for to long in fear of one of them shooting you dead on the spot. Then you glance over to your family and saw their warm smiles and faces of pride as they watched you walk down the aisle. His family couldn’t have been any more different to yours it just made you wonder about what type of person jaebum was.
Your sister flashed you a sympathetic smile before taking her seat.
You came to a stop. You had reached the alter. You gulped.
Your dad separated himself from you, your heart ached at the loss of contact. Slowly, you turned your body to face the mysterious jaebum, his hands stretched out to lift your veil over your face. You watched his face as he saw you for the first time, you couldn’t quite read his emotions, his eyes looked like steel vaults that stopped you from seeing who he really was. You gave him a shaky smile which he almost returned but he was interrupted by the vicar.
You weren’t really paying attention to what he was saying, you kept having to look at jaebum to check if he was real. His face looked like it was chiseled from stone and he had broad shoulders that were just ready to pop out his suit. “Do you y/n y/l/n take Im Jaebum to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health till death do you part?” You pulled yourself out of your trance and suddenly you actually did feel sick, “I do.” You stated, trying your best to sound confident. “And do you Im Jaebum take y/n y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded to have and to hold till death do you part?” For some reason your breath hitches in your throat, was he going to say I do? For some unknown reason you really wanted him to say ‘I do’. He cleared his throat, “ I do “ you let out an internal sigh of relief. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Your heart dropped and you were filled with anxiety once again, did you actually have to kiss this stranger.
He glanced at you and you tried to read his emotions but you were stuck again. It took you by surprise when he took your hand in his and spun around to face your families. He led you down the aisle as your families clapped. The two of you got into the car that was already waiting for your outside. He closed the door for you and hopped in the other side and you were off.
He broke the dead silence, “Your dress is pretty” he muttered. You smiled, “thank you” “but it is a bit poofy, I’m suffocating over here.” He adjusted himself in his seat whilst trying to flatten your dress you mumbled an apology and tried to scoot away from him. That was only the first awkward thing that happened between you on that day.
You arrived at the hotel Jaebums family owned that was the venue for reception. When you walked in you were amazed at the high ceilings and the marble dance floor, “y-you own all this?” You asked looking at jaebum who was completely unfazed by the fancy room you were walking through. “Yeah, it’s nice isn’t it.” He said glancing up at the glass chandelier that was dangiling from the ceiling. “I-I’m y/n by the way.” You said. Jaebum stopped and turned to face you, “Yeah I know, I picked you.” It was now his turn to be nervous. He scratched the back of his neck and looked up at you, “you picked me?! I-I didn’t know that, I assumed our parents did it.” You said in shock, he laughed, “no I was either going to marry you or one of your fifteen cousins, I think I made the right choice though.” He was back to being his cold serious self as he led you to the table at the back of the hall.
You two took centre seats and waited for everyone else to arrive. Jaebum took more interest in his phone then you. He sat up more intentivley in his seat as his typing grew faster. “Oh shit!” He mumbled. “What is it?” You asked concerned. You watched as he read every text message in great detail, “m-my cousins are on a mission, they’re outnumbered.” His voice sounded weak and defeated, “Do you need to go?” You asked. “I can’t, I can’t miss my wedding day, My dad will just have to send more men to go and save their asses.” He sent one last text and gave you a small smile.
Your families started to arrive in dribs and drabs but when you were sure that everyone had arrived you signaled for the doors to be closed.
Jaebum didn’t talk to you the whole way through the meal and you didn’t feel like eating, the thought of having to go home tonight with an absolute stranger still made you feel sick.
Once that was over you and jaebum were called over for your first dance. You felt your legs turn shaky as you approached the dance floor. Jaebum took your hand in his then dropped it and placed his hands on your hips. You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck. The music started and you began to move to the rhythm. You looked over jaebum’s shoulder and saw your mother gesturing at you to close the gap between you. Then jaebum spun around and saw your mums gestures so he pulled you closer into his chest. You were forced to take in his scent. The smell of manly aftershave surrounded you. Dancing with jaebum wasn’t anything special. The two of you just explored every inch of the floor before anyone else dared to join you on the floor.
Afterwards you needed to take a break, you were sat at you sisters table whilst she cradled one of her children in her arms. “He’s quite nice to look at isn’t he.” She said looking over at your husband who was lost in conversation with some of his aunties. “He’s nice to look at but we haven’t had any proper conversations yet, I barely know him.” You stated. You were jealous of how he was laughing and joking around with his family, you wished that he would laugh with you.
“Just give him time, my arranged marriage was awkward at first and now look at me, I’ve never been happier!” Your sister tried to reassure you but you weren’t giving in. You spent the rest of the night by yourself or talking to you sister whilst you watch jaebum enjoy his wedding.
It was getting late now, your sister had left to put her children to bed and only close family remained. “Excuse me,” you felt somebody tapped on your shoulder, you turned around to see jaebums parents, they were more intimidating up close. “We are Mr & Mrs Im, jaebums parents it’s nice to finally meet you.” Mrs Im held her hand out for you to shake, “Nice to meet you too, your hotel is wonderful thank you for letting us use it tonight.” You forced a smile on your face and shook both of their hands. That’s when you felt a cold hand on your exposed shoulder, “mum,dad could I talk to y/n for a second.” You recognised the voice to be jaebums. His parents left and he pulled you to the side.
“It’s nearly time for us to leave, your stuff has just arrived at the house.” He said still cold and emotionless, “oh right, ok. I’ll just go say goodbye to my parents and I’ll meet you out front?” The awkwardness was evident in your voice. You slipped away from him to find your parents. When they saw you they instantly smiled. You walked over to them and embraced them in a tight hug, “jaebum says we have to go soon, so I’ve come to say goodbye.” Your voice was muffled but they understood, “okay, go on then and have fun! But not too much fun!” Your dad said, you and your mum laughed. After saying your goodbyes you went to the front of the building where you had agreed to meet jaebum. To your surprise he was already waiting for you.
“Ok you’re here! Follow me to the car.” And just like that he was walking through the hotels car park, the car he unlocked looked expensive and fast. He held the door open for you and made sure your dress was inside the car before closing it. You clicked your seatbelt in and jaebum did the same. He started the engine and started driving.
Luckily his house wasn’t that far away from the hotel.
On the drive there you couldn’t help but think about how different your life was about to become. You were going to be the wife of the heir to one of the biggest mafia gangs in Korea, you were going to be invisible to the world apart from when you were sent out to make deals on your husbands behalf or when you had to attend events with him. Then you arrived.
You drove through the iron gates and parked outside what could only be described as a mansion fit for royalty.
You took a step inside your new home, you took in the scent of the place and it made you feel eerily relaxed. “I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping tonight.” Jaebum said and confidently strutted up the marble stair case. You followed him quickly, your heels making click clack noises with every step. You walked past so much doors until you reached your room.
It was a master bedroom with a king sized bed. The duvets were dark grey and the walls were cream. You stuff had already been unpacked and put away and you noticed two sets of pyjamas folded up at the end of the bed. That’s when it hit you, you had to share a bed with Jaebum.
Jaebum closed the door, which made you jumpe slightly. Then he picked up the set of pyjamas that had the intials I.J emblazoned into them and started getting unchanged. “C-could you help me unzip my dress?” You asked trying to be as polite as possible. Jaebum walked over to you silently and started unzipping you. You heard his breath hitch as you back became more and more exposed. He swallowed hard, “done.” His voice was shaky and different from his normal emotionless authoritative tone. You stepped out of your dress and tried to hide your body as you fumbled around with the pyjamas. You pulled the fabric up your legs then slipped your arms through the pyjama shirt and desperately tried to do up the buttons. But you were failing, miserably. You felt two hands working at the buttons at the bottom of your shirt. They were getting higher up your body. You allowed him to do up the last button before the two of you made eye contact.
There was a glimpse of happiness in eyes but it was quickly locked away when he broke the eye contact and climbed into the bed. You did the same and led at the very edge of the bed.
The sound of his phone going off made you both spring up. “I’ve got to go y/n, my family need me.” Jaebum jumped out the bed and started to get changed into one of his smart suits. “Do you need me to wait up for you?” You asked whilst you watched him throw off his shirt. “No it’s okay, you need to rest. I had a good day today, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He slipped up his tie and and left the room.
You waited until you heard his car race away until you let out a huge breath you didn’t know you had been storing.
You couldn’t go to sleep that night, you were too busy worrying about what state jaebum would be in when he came home. You had grown up in a mafia family so you were used to your family members getting home late covered in other people’s blood but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still affect you. You wanted to make sure jaebum was okay when he came back. You had found your first aid supplies that were stored in your bag and you put them on your bedside table.
It was nearly 4am when jaebum arrived home. You heard him walk up the stairs and into the bathroom next door. You picked up the first aid stuff and walked out into the corridor. You knocked softly on the bathroom door, “jaebum, is that you?” You asked. He grunted in response, “are you okay can I come in?” He sighed in defeat and opened the door slowly. His shirt was stained in blood and he had a slash on his arm. “Jaebum! Hold still I can help you.” You put your stuff down on the counter and got rid of his shirt. He had been cut on his stomach and he was bleeding excessively, “y-you might need to go to the hospital this looks bad.” You looked at the blood. You reached for the bandages and wrapped up his arm first as it was the easiest. “I-I dont w-want to go to hospital.” He struggled to speak as every word caused him immense pain. “I think you need to, I only want you to get better. Trust me it’ll be okay.” You reassured him.
You tried to slow the bleeding by applying a wet tea towel to it. He hissed at the contact. “It stings!” He yelped in pain, “I’m so sorry jaebum but I have to do this, the ambulance will be here any minute.” You tried to make him look at you so he would calm down. But he wasn’t so instead you decided to kiss his forehead which made him flinch, “y-you missed.” He said shocked, “w-what do you mean, I meant to do that-“ you were cut off by jaebums lips attaching themselves to yours. He was smiling. You relaxed and let him dominate it, it was the least you could do for him right now.
You heard the ambulance sirens outside and pulled away to give jaebum a reassuring smile. Soon enough the two of you were in the hospital whilst the doctors were doing various tests on him.
You had to leave the room whilst the doctors stitched him up.
A nurse came out of the room to give you an update, “he’s fine now, nothing internal was injured. He has been put to rest and will wake up sometime tomorrow, you can go home or you can stay it’s up to you okay sweetie.” She flashed you a kind smile and left you alone.
You walked into jaebums room your heart sank when you saw how helpless and weak he looked. You sat in the chair and watched his chest ride and fall with every breath.
How did I do? ;) let me know if you want more parts to this x
[part 2]
Requests are open
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