#jaebum headcanon
yakuly · 1 year
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˒ 🗝️ ..⃗. Key
[🫧] Fluff. [🌨️] Angst.
[🔮] Suggestive. [🫐] smut.
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[🔮] "Corset" - K.BHL
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missgineaus · 2 years
but here's some got7 hp/hogwarts headcanons:
gryffindor | 7th year prefect
best subject: care of magical creatures
looks like he should be attending durmstrang instead but is the softest for the first years actually
is only supposed to have one cat on hogwarts grounds but ahahahaha 😉
animals love jaebum ok they love him like unicorns just walk up to him and chew on his hair
jinyoung says that's why he's prematurely balding lol
"maybe" blew up his feather in his first transfiguration class lol
ravenclaw | 6th year prefect
best subject: arithmancy
whoever said ravenclaws were weak clearly never met jinyoung
some say if you take his™ study table in the library, you'll be fed to the merpeople in the lake
it's leviOsa not leviosA
one time jinyoung forgot his outer robe in ravenclaw tower and made everyone on the moving staircase trip cuz of his peach 🍑
probably has discussions on magical theory with professors
hufflepuff | 7th year prefect
he’s a nice fuck boy ok lol
best subject: defense against the dark arts
is really cute and people mistake him for a 4th year often even though he's one of the oldest 7th years
can kick your ass in a duel (competitive af man)
no really so competitive that sparks will fly from his wand when he’s incensed
no one paid attention to him until he dyed his hair blonde once in 4th year and um wow yeah now everyone knows who he is lol
spins his wand in his hand like one spins a dagger and it's the hottest thing wtf
amazing with non verbal spell work -all his spells are probably non verbal actually
people hate that cuz they never know what he uses agains them in a duel and they lose
slytherin | 7th year head boy
best subject: charms -
In A Different Game
knows everybody, if you think jackson doesn't know you ❌wrong❌ he does
is really silly and is the first person to laugh at himself and is actually a really good head boy because he's not intimidating and the younger years feel safe and laugh around him
doesn't change the fact he's smart
people really forget he's smart even tho he's head boy it's a little ridiculous
both his parents are charmsmaters and he wants to be one too
can always find him in the kitchens eating organic -house elves love him ok
gryffindor | 6th year
best subject: herbology
can sing plants into bloom
the only person the mandrakes probably don't scream at lol
holds tutoring sessions for herbology in one of the greenhouses wow he's so nice
bambam swears the stars shine on youngjae during astronomy class
will steal your treacle tart
literally right off your plate
is probably a really go0d beater even tho he’s not on the quidditch team
in the frog choir
made jaebum also join the frog choir haha
probably interns at the infirmary cuz he wants to a healer or at least going into healing herbology
has a tattoo of a plant but no one has ever seen the whole thing
gryffindor | 5th year
best subject: transfiguration
has quick fashion fixes using his transfiguration skills
has turned yugyeom into a frog at least once
yugyeom thought it was cool
jinyoung did not
one time he and mark sneaked out to get some snacks at hogsmeade and would have gotten caught by a professor patrolling the corridors if bambam didn't transfigure them into intricate tapestries
seriously the detail in his transfigurations are no joke
has a scrapbook of magical and non magical photos of him and his friends more heavily warded than the trunk with his designer clothes
professors really like him lol
ravenclaw | 5th year
best subject: potions
the one subject he's naturally better at than jinyoung but jinyoung will never admit this
tried to fight the giant squid
probably brewed amortentia and made people smell it and found out half the schools crushes
has a secret magical dandelion tattoo that changes colors
says every potion is EEEEEEASYYYY
probably actually likes the history of magic - like spews the most randomest facts at inconvenient times it’s so annoying lol
...and because im a markson ho i gotta include them is this au right haha here's some additional markson/gen js hcs!
probably like the loudest couple theyre always yelling and laughing -theyre too cute tho so its hard telling them to shut up
jackson sometimes uses his headboy status to excuse his class tardiness and why he’s so out in the corridors late at night to walk mark to class and back to the hufflepuff common room
actually since hes head boy and has a room to himself, mark and the rest of their friends probably crash in jacksons room at least 3/7 days lol
actually now that we’re on jackson -everyone forgets he’s a slytherin cuz they think he’s too nice for his house
and he’s not fake nice he’s actually sincerely kind
but his drive and will to succeed at what he wants is unparalleled (PLAY JACKSON'S ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY COME ON)
he sleeps the least out of his friends cuz hes always studying or practicing spell work or wand movements or reviewing notes
some of the first years think jackson a slytherin cuz his robes changed to a green color cuz he eats so much vegetables and drinks so much green tea LOL
original twitter thread | originally posted 18 feb 2019
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que William “Wonsik” Han-McGowan, mais conhecido como BILL$, entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ele parece tanto com o Lim Jaebum/JayB! Ele nasceu em 03/03/1991 na cidade de Glasgow, Escócia e atualmente tem 32 anos. Ele trabalha como vocalista, rapper e dançarino líder do 2U na VENTURA Music, deve ser muito talentoso… Ah, você quer seguir ele? Procura por @bills_uv e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreano-escocês.
Personalidade: William é um cara muito low profile. Por sempre ter tido tudo do bom e do melhor é um tanto (mimado), mas também é muito (sociável) e gosta de juntar as pessoas. Hoje em dia é muito (responsável), porém muitas vezes (impulsivo)
Conceito: No início da carreira sua imagem era a de um rapaz rebelde, intenso e um pouco desequilibrado. Até seus visuais vendiam essa imagem. Hoje ele exagera um pouco menos nesse conceito, mas ainda é conhecido por ser excêntrico e por gostar de experimentar coisas diferentes em suas canções e performances.
Dizem que William costumava morar em um castelo em Glasgow.
Alguns anos atrás circularam boatos de que ele fechava boates para realizar festas secretas apenas para outros idols e trainees, onde nada era proibido.
Teve um boato muito forte de namoro com Jade Kwon porque os dois eram vistos saindo juntos com muita frequência.
Durante o hiatus do 2U, Billy fez faculdade de terapia ocupacional e exerce a profissão voluntariamente em casas de recuperação.
BILLY P$YCHO - CROOKED (G-Dragon) BILLY P$YCHO - COUP D’ETAT (G-Dragon) BILLY P$YCHO - U MAD? (Bobby) BILLY P$YCHO - give it to me (August D) BILLY P$YCHO - One and Only (B.I, ikon) BILL$ - Pretty Please (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - TITANIC (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - LOVE KILLA (Monsta X) BILL$ ft. ???? - Alone (Coogie ft. Lee Hi) BILL$ ft. Jade - Rich Kids Anthem (Epik High ft. Lee Hi) BILL$ - Papillon (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - Blow (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - DADDY (Bloo) BILL$ ft. ???, ??? e ???- XINDOSHI (GroovyRoom, Keem Hyoeun, Sik-K, Loopy) BILL$ ft. Winnie - Black (G-Dragon, Jennie) BILL$ - 100 Ways (Jackson Wang) BILL$ ft. Ciara - Slow (Jackson Wang ft. Ciara) BILL$ - Aqua Man (Beenzino) BILL$ - Boogie On & On (Beenzino)
TW: Uso de drogas, capacitismo, citação a depressão.
William Han-McGowan nasceu em berço de ouro, mas queria muito mais do que dinheiro. Sempre gostou de chamar atenção e sonhava em ser cantor desde criança, quando via sua mãe ser fã de boybands como Backstreet Boys e N’Sync. No início da adolescência pensava que precisava aprender a disfarçar seu sotaque escocês e ir para os Estados Unidos tentar a sorte, mas mudou de ideia quando a segunda geração do k-pop começou a surgir. Era aquilo que ele queria: a estética exagerada, as músicas barulhentas, os clipes super produzidos.
Se mudou para a Coreia aos treze anos, para estudar em escolas privadas conceituadas, estudar música e dança e tentar entrar em uma agência. Sua irmã também foi com ele e os dois moravam juntos numa casa grande e luxuosa, sendo criados por uma governanta enquanto os pais continuavam seus negócios em Glasgow.
Chamou atenção da Starship Entertainment em uma audição e aos 15 anos se tornou trainee da empresa. Debutou no 2U aos 17 anos, logo sendo engolido pela fama avassaladora que chegou tão rápido. Seu primeiro stage name foi BILLY P$YCHO, acompanhado por um conceito que o mostrava como um rapaz bastante desequilibrado. Com a queda do grupo, ele ficou perdido e sem saber o que fazer. Vivia de desperdiçar dinheiro e se entorpecer, até a quebra de contrato. Sob a empresa formada pelos membros do grupo, ele debutou como solo, usando o mesmo stage name, e alcançou algum sucesso principalmente na comunidade do K Hip-Hop. Sua música remetia muito à imagem de desequilíbrio, vícios e rebeldia.
Foi nessa época que decidiu fazer uma faculdade de terapia ocupacional, em parte para se livrar dos próprios vícios. Formou-se em 2017, bem em meio à época da crise financeira de sua label. Ainda lançou algumas coisas, mas com a falência veio um longo período de depressão. Billy tentou se dedicar mais à carreira na saúde, deu um pause nas festas que costumava dar, entrou secretamente numa clínica de reabilitação, onde abandonou as bebidas e drogas recreativas.
Com a assinatura do contrato com a VENTURA, ele redebutou com o stage name BILL$, com um conceito um pouco mais diversificado. Gosta de experimentar em suas canções e já falou algumas vezes sobre como hoje em dia considera seu antigo nome problemático. Continua festeiro, porém agora dá as festas em sua casa, uma mansão discreta e afastada do centro de Seoul. Mesmo com ele estando limpo, as festas às vezes passam dos limites. Como preza por sua imagem, é muito importante para ele que essas festas fiquem em segredo, afinal, para a mídia ele abandonou aquela fase tão rebelde.
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elishouse · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ    🔮 INFOS:
nome atual: wongyun shin
idade: 23 (398)
ocupação: dono do uisun hotel group
local: coreia do sul
raça: vampiro
afiliação: caçadores
faceclaim: im jaebum
˗ˏˋ    🔮 PROMPTS:
Não pensei em nada tão profundo pra ele por ser um char complexo, mas também não iria querer, em específico, o plot vamp x humano por já ser algo muito padronizado (e que, inclusive, já tenho outros plots disso kkkkkk). Como ele é um caçador de vampiros, mesmo sendo um vampiro, eu imagino que ele contra um outro vampiro com quem tenha criado afeto já seja beeeeeeeemmmm gostosinho de desenvolver!!!
˗ˏˋ    🔮 RESUMO:
Um vampiro que já vive há quase 400 anos e, desde o momento em que fora transformado, desejou acabar com sua própria raça por ter sido forçado a ser um vampiro. O Wongyun se aliou a caçadores de vampiros quando foi resgatado por um e livrado do destino fatídico, embora fosse de seu desejo partir. Dessa forma, passou anos e anos lutando contra a ânsia de sangue, treinando não apenas suas novas habilidades como seus desejos, e agora, 400 anos depois, ele se instalou em um lugar fixo pela primeira vez, fundou um hotel que pretende expandir para outras redes, e precisa lidar com o fato de que está entre humanos e eles não conhecem o sobrenatural, sendo, portanto, impossível para ele dar as caras por tanto tempo em um mesmo lugar. Acontece que Wongyun sente que seu fim está próximo, mas pretende criar um legado para si, e seus pensamentos fundados baseiam-se na premissa de erguer os negócios para caçadores de vampiros, sejam eles de que raça forem, e o hotel é a fachada perfeita para tal.
A bio completa dele, e longa, tá abaixo do readmore!
˗ˏˋ    🔮 HEADCANONS:
Ele é cego (quando foi transformado, antes disso foi cegado no processo), mas com as habilidades de vampiro consegue enxergar através do batimento cardíaco dos seres vivos, cheirando seu sangue e assim podendo ver cada movimento ao redor devido o odor proeminente que lhe dá capacidade perceptiva. Ele só enxerga através do sangue, podendo ter noção completa de uma silhueta através do ferro que corre por todo o corpo; porém, não consegue captar presença de outros vampiros devido sua falta de batimentos.
TW: assassinato, tortura, gore.
Era inverno em Hanseong, a capital do reino de Joseon, e estava em meio uma guerra, quando Won Gyun abriu os olhos, novamente, após morrer. Para alguns, um milagre; aos outros: uma maldição. Para ele, no entanto, era o suficiente; só de estar vivo já era uma dádiva. Contudo, nada foi pior do que relembrar toda a dor ante morte. Era como se um flashback contínuo passasse por sua mente e o assolasse por inteiro, sem contar na visão defeituosa e os sentidos todos aguçados. Para chegar até esse ponto, passou por uma infância até que boa, ainda que estivesse com dias contados para uma guerra iminente, que acabaria com parte de sua descendência e dignidade.
Há quinze anos nascia o jovem filho do militar Wun com a princesa Yi Uisun. Mesmo que fosse de berço de ouro, ele foi designado pela corte para atuar como soldado, ignorando qualquer chance de tornar-se herdeiro, por hora; por mais que não fosse descartado da linhagem, Gyun ainda tinha de competir com os primos e por isso, para não ser apenas mais um, ocupou-se com a guarda e em aprender o que precisava com seu pai. Aos dez anos, com o apoio de seu avô – induzido pela princesa, sua mãe – tornou-se um soldado, mas não atuou em batalhas por ter de conservar-se e ser muito pequeno. Invés disso saía para caçar com uma escolta e foi assim que aprendeu a manejar arcos e lanças, sendo um bom atirador mesmo com a pouca idade. Aquilo seria de total utilidade para ele, futuramente; porém, mais à frente morava o perigo. O reino Joseon estava marcado há muito tempo por japoneses e sua invasão recente, antes mesmo de ele nascer, por isso, cinco anos depois, aconteceu. A ingenuidade foi achar que agir com normalidade, mesmo depois de ainda estarem se reerguendo, era o correto a se fazer; que nada mais aconteceria àquele espaço. Essa mesma ingenuidade colocou a capital em ataque, principalmente por estarem em minoria e não terem conseguido segurar a linha de frente por muito tempo. Won Gyun que já tinha seus quinze anos, um adolescente aplicado e futuro general, encontrava-se na frente do palácio para proteger seus familiares junto de seu pai.
A invasão fora tão bem executada, que a única opção que tiveram fora a de renderem-se. Os líderes do ato tomaram a mãe de Gyun, assim como as outras princesas e mulheres do palácio, para usarem-nas à bel prazer. Ele não viu, ninguém viu, mas sabiam que era só questão de tempo para que a população de Hanseong que ainda vivia, padecesse sob a fatalidade que era instaurada. A começar pelas mulheres; logo após, a desenfreada sentença de morte aos inocentes dos vilarejos, e em seguida a captura dos príncipes – Won Gyun incluído. Fora levado às masmorras, antes mesmo de o sol nascer, junto dos primos e amarrado em estacas que eram usadas para torturar os infratores do reino. Naquele momento, Gyun estava incapacitado de fazer algo, por isso a falta de palavras lhe manteve em um patamar isolado dos parentes ao lado, que gritavam e suplicavam para que vivessem. Todas crianças; mal sabiam sobre o que esperar do dia de amanhã. Só esperavam por presentes, brinquedos, e a rotina diária que um jovem príncipe teria. Contudo, lá estavam eles, sendo torturados. Por quê? O filho do general não sabia responder; estava mais confuso do que tudo, ainda mais naquele momento. Eram questionados um por um e se demorassem ou se recusassem a dizer, eram espancados. Da fileira, o primeiro a morrer pela dor foi o segundo mais velho, e aquilo só desesperou mais ainda os jovens. Mal conseguia entender mais pelo quê se tratava tudo aquilo e também não soube contar quanto tempo ficou dentro daquela masmorra, mas toda vez que desmaiava, agradecia por não sentir nada.
Won Gyun viu seus primos morrerem diante de seus olhos, por puro divertimento alheio, e talvez fosse apenas um tipo de lição para que o rei entendesse a gravidade da situação. Então se era para ensinar, a única opção que ele tinha era a de morrer mesmo. Estava pálido, cansado, dolorido, com fome e sede; diversas vezes foi posto à prova de afogamento, diversas vezes lhe marcaram na pele com ferro quente ou lhe presenteavam com marcas que, futuramente, deixariam cicatrizes. E ele ainda estava aguentando, talvez por isso tivesse se tornado o brinquedo dos torturadores. Perguntava-se onde estava a família, onde estava seu pai para protegê-lo, e por que eles não haviam chegado ainda. Mas o mais bizarro de tudo era que Gyun enfraquecia pelo sangue que lhe era tirado. Só viu uma vez, quando estava acordando novamente, já muito exausto, três deles lambuzados com sangue, só não sabia dizer se era dos corpos dos primos – se pelo menos ainda restava algo deles – ou se era o seu próprio. Aquilo o deixou mais apavorado do que tudo, mas foi justamente a sua palpitação frenética que atiçou os outros. Won Gyun não se lembra do que aconteceu antes, durante e depois, só lembra de ter sido cegado enquanto se aproveitavam dele; e então o frio. Tinha sido jogado do outro lado para servir de comida aos corvos, mas o erro deles foi o de marca-lo vinte quatro horas antes de ele retornar, sufocado pela sede. Agora Gyun era uma aberração. Para longe de Hanseong ele foi, sem saber exatamente o que estava fazendo ou para onde estava indo, mas o desespero e ansiedade o atacaram mais do que os torturadores, causando confusão mental. Era uma ânsia crescente dentro de si que o enlouquecia, e pouco depois de fugir daquele espaço que um dia fora sua casa, o jovem príncipe-soldado encontrava-se extasiado pelo quê tinha se tornado.
Não obstante, ainda tinha a visão enegrecida. As únicas coisas que ele conseguia enxergar eram batimentos cardíacos em cada animal que encontrava pela floresta, e todo barulho o ensurdecia por ser tão alto e límpido. Alimentou-se de sangue de cervo por dias... Semanas, se duvidar. Também tinha a questão de não saber diferir o dia da noite, tampouco quando podia sair dos buracos para evitar de queimar-se. Todavia, pensava que aquilo era só o início e talvez fosse uma maldição por ser da família real. Pouco a pouco foi tomando consciência e tinha para si que precisava encontrar o caminho de volta de novo; mas estava perdido. Para alguém que não teve oportunidade de atravessar as fronteiras da capital, estar naquele espaço desconhecido era assustador, ainda mais por ser uma criança. Ainda era ingênuo o bastante para pensar que teria alguém com quem jogar-se aos prantos caso voltasse para Hanseong, mas havia aquela coisa dentro de si que o impedia de reagir sobre isso. Essa mesma coisa fez Won Gyun desistir e seguir seus instintos atuais; havia muita coisa a qual ele era alheio, mas decerto sabia que voltar dos mortos não era algo tão simples assim para que ele o fizesse novamente. 
Durante um período de quase dez anos, contados a partir do momento em que recebeu a devida ajuda em uma cidade distante de onde nascera, aprendeu a andar sob o auxílio de estacas longas de madeira que ele precisava colocar à frente do corpo para saber onde estava pisando e o que tinha no caminho. Era interessante escutar daqueles humanos, aparentemente inocentes, tudo o que sabiam. Enquanto passava o tempo com eles, perceberam o total controle de Won Gyun sobre sua sede e talvez por isso que o mantiveram vivo por tanto tempo, ensinando-o. Não importava o quanto doía a barriga ou o quanto a garganta arranhava toda vez que sentia o cheiro de sangue humano, o garoto era tão fixo na ideia de que se cedesse aos próprios desejos faria algum mal, que tal fator ajudou ainda mais em seu auto controle. Era questão de tempo até que o príncipe-soldado virasse, de fato, uma máquina. Essa mesma família de humanos que o ajudou, foi quem clareou suas ideias. Eles caçavam aquele tipo de gente – gente como ele –, por isso sabiam tanto. Era bom porque Gyun só precisava de uma boa dose de ensinamentos para que pudesse realizar sua vingança; era tudo que tinha em mente desde que saiu de Hanseong. Com o passar dos anos, a visão também foi se adaptando e ele agora enxergava com os outros sentidos apurados, além de sua própria imagem ocular vampírica auxiliar o processo de compreendimento. Passou por muitos bocados até chegar naquele nível e já não se sentia tão insatisfeito quanto antes; na verdade, serviria para uma causa maior do que apenas matar gente inocente por não conseguir se controlar. Justamente a partir daí, quando teve experiência o suficiente para atuar na caça daquelas aberrações da natureza, que esqueceu-se de por quem lutava. Gyun havia esquecido até mesmo de onde viera, mas em um curto espaço de tempo teve a oportunidade de lembrar-se, quando, pela primeira vez em anos, voltou para Hanseong. O reino agora era pacífico, não haviam mais tantos problemas quanto da primeira vez em que estivera ali e tampouco da última vez, por isso sentiu o coração de gelo aquecido mais uma vez – ainda que por breves momentos –. No entanto, não via sinal de seus pais, além de que a guarda havia mudado toda. O luto pelos príncipes mortos mantiveram-se, todavia. E foi na passagem que viu um cemitério; neste, sua própria lápide. Ali, como em alguns outros túmulos, jaziam flores que ainda estavam novas, o que significava que alguém ainda estimava-o, mesmo depois de sua “morte”. Mas não podia ficar mais tempo por ali para descobrir quem; Hanseong era um banquete para Won Gyun e ele precisava viajar com sua nova família para cumprir as tarefas. 
Já não lembrava mais como era outra vida de mordomias, pois tinha se acostumado tanto com a rotina de ir e vir, estacar a vida de outras criaturas por conta própria como se ele mesmo não fosse uma aberração, que chegava a ser difícil imaginar algo além; algo suave. Os anos iam passando rápido demais para que ele se desse conta, mas guardava tudo na cabeça. Durante esse tempo, enterrou amigos e cuidou dos filhos deles; iam e viam, por isso aprendeu que conviver com a dor da perda era melhor do que expô-la. Não tinha motivos mesmo, já como ele era imortal; fadado a ver todos que um dia prezou, morrerem. Nem parecia que Gyun tinha essa tendência sanguinária dentro de si, já que havia controlado há décadas, mas isso não queria dizer que ele também não dava um jeito de suprir seus desejos quando sentisse necessário. Era uma arma letal no grupo de caçadores. Embora fosse cego da vista, tinha todos seus outros sentidos muito bem apurados, por isso muito era subestimado. Ao decorrer das centenas de anos, encontrou-se em um novo mundo, muito mais à frente do que o que estava acostumado; Contudo, o esforço dele para algo que queria era notável, tanto é que quando a era tecnológica tomou seu auge, Gyun passou a aderir também. 
Chegou na então Busan quando o Dragão ainda nem tinha dado as caras, mas quando o fez causou certa descrença da parte dele para com suas intenções. Todavia, depois de tantos anos, estava acostumado a conviver com diferenças e seu único propósito ali era eliminar qualquer um que afligisse a raça humana. Por mais que não concorde cem por cento com as opiniões do dito cujo superior, Gyun sabe se colocar em seu canto e assim o fez por mais uma centena de anos. Durante esse tempo, também, decidiu que precisava de algum ponto fixo para si, já como não pretendia sair dali por um tempo – pela primeira vez em anos estava contente com o que tinha –, portanto usou de seu espaço para abrigar a quem precisasse. Isso, no entanto, gerou uma procura tão exagerada que ele começou a construir um hotel. Batizou com o nome de sua mãe, de recordação, e espalhou várias filiais pelas proximidades de Busan, até chegar um ponto em que já estava saindo daquele campo. Formou, então, um grupo: Uisun Hotel Group, onde ele era o dono, e foi a partir desse dia que oficializou seu nome para Shin Wongyun – aderindo ao Shin em respeito à geração da família que o ajudou desde os primórdios de sua nova vida –. Durante todo o tempo, todavia, Wongyun não deixou de atuar em sua área e seu maior prazer: que era livrar-se de quem interferisse na pacificidade da cidade.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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His affection always came from a place of protection, he’d spent years looking after the boys, and that reflected in your relationship too. He’d always make you feel incredibly safe whenever he was affectionate with you, which you loved.
You’d always been close friends since you met years ago, but that was all you thought you’d ever be. Jaebum knew he felt more for you, but he was always too scared to tell you how he felt. As his contract came to an end, he confided in Jinyoung the most about his feelings and where he should go from there to maybe see if you’d want to date him too.
He sat you down one night to tell you about what was going on with his contract and the changes it meant for his life. When he casually told you what it meant he could start dating more comfortably you began to worry that you’d lose your friend, but when he continued to tell you that it meant he could ask you out on a date comfortably, you were more than surprised. The silence that came from you worried Jaebum greatly, but you quickly reassured him, and accepted.
The two of you would often end up having dates at his studio because he was so busy. You absolutely loved your studio dates together, shutting out the rest of the world. You’d show up in the early evening with takeout and a bag filled with blankets and cushions for you to relax underneath. You’d both sit on the floor of the studio, using his laptop to watch something whilst you ate. Once his break was over, Jaebum would usually make you comfortable on the sofa so you could sleep, or he’d allow you to sit in his lap as he worked, giving him the motivation that he needed to be able to finish quickly for the night.
There had been a few brief relationships he’d had in school, but since debut, you were the first proper relationship he’d had. He knew under contract he couldn’t balance work and a relationship, but now with a little more freedom it was definitely something he wanted to try. He was still the leader of GOT7 though, regardless, and that was something he often took into consideration. There was often a pressure on his shoulders to make sure as the leader he made his relationship work, but as he’d often confided in you before about his feelings on dating and love, you knew exactly how to help him.
The two of you wouldn’t argue often per se, if Jaebum was angry you’d usually be able to tell by the expression on his face before letting things kick off. Sometimes he forgot to switch off his leader mode when he was around you, and he’d struggle to relax and not worry. He hated arguing with you though, if it ever did happen, he’d take some time away, usually by going to his studio, and then come back to you when he felt a lot calmer. He was so often the mediator during conflict that he was confident he’d know exactly how to rectify the situation, the two of you would talk a lot about your feelings before moving past things.
You knew he came from a very close family, which made you quite apprehensive about becoming a part of it. JB had told his mother plenty about you before the first time you met which meant there was plenty of expectation on your shoulders. Luckily for you, she quickly loved you, seeing her only son happy was all that she ever wanted.
Having already been friends before your relationship, you’d spent a lot of time at Jaebum’s apartment, and of course, that meant you’d bonded with the cats. He didn’t want to move you in straight away when you started dating as he was nervous that it would be overwhelming, but after a couple of months he’d definitely start dropping hints that if you were comfortable, then maybe it was a step the two of you could take.
The first ‘I love you,’ was uttered by Jaebum, well, it was sung. He came up to you one night at the end of a day in the studio to let you know that he’d written a song. You’d listened closely to every word, but as the song came to an end and the three words were uttered, you thought it was a joke. But when Jaebum said it again, you knew that it was true.
If he was jealous, that would be when the famous chin would appear. You’d know straight away that the second you saw his chin stick out that he wasn’t happy about something. He’d try and play it cool and convince you that he wasn’t jealous, but when your hand tapped at the tip of his chin, he’d know the game was up. You were always quick to assure him, and you’d often spend the rest of the night by his side, so he knew not to worry, but when you left, you’d be sure to tease him about how obvious his feelings were.
He’d never really made his mind up about kids, he loved being a father of cats for now. But as your relationship grew and became more serious, he began to wonder about starting a family and how his future would like. There was still a lot that he wanted to achieve before becoming a father, but it was something that as days went by, he’d see clearer and clearer in his future. He’d always get nervous talking about it around you, but you could tell exactly how he felt.
At times he was quite serious, and laughter was difficult to draw out of him, but that made the moments that he did laugh a lot more precious. He was much happier whenever he was able to make you laugh, he’d surprise you in the day with photos and filters that he knew would have you in stitches at work. He was a hard nut to crack, but when you eventually found the way to make him laugh, you’d never stop. Every day you’d work hard to make him laugh until he couldn’t laugh anymore, and make sure that he relaxed after the end of his day.
He never imagined himself missing you as much as he did when he went on tour for the first time since you started dating. He’d gotten used to missing you as a friend, he had plenty of friends that he missed, but when he had the emotional connection with you, it introduced a whole new feeling to him. He’d try and be strong for the sake of the rest of the members if they were with him, but as soon as he closed the hotel door for the night, he’d be straight on the phone with you, often forgetting that it wasn’t the same time for you as it was for him. Regardless, you’d pick up, just so that you could check on him too.
You tended to just call him, ‘jae,’ it was what you called him before dating, and a habit you couldn’t break. It was the same for him too, he’d often call you ‘buddy,’ or something, which became a recurring joke for you both.
He was obsessed with your hair, as much as he hated that you had better hair then him, he loved to play with it whenever he was focussing or trying to fall asleep.
Jaebum wasn’t huge on PDA, again, his PDA came from a protective place, he’d like to keep you close to him, and if he felt like he needed to keep you closer, he’d keep you in front of him with both of his arms wrapped around your waist. He’d judge a situation closely before deciding how affectionate he needed to be with you.
Whenever he was working on a piece of music, he would often ask for your opinion it. Your studio dates were great for him to be able to show you what he was working on and get your opinion on all of it.
In his studio, he had several photos that he kept hold of that he’d piece together to try and come up with as a storyboard for song writing. All of his photos were of scenery or nature, except for two that were of you. Whenever he felt that love was appropriate in a song, he’d place the picture of you in his timeline. No one else ever saw them photos when they visited the studio, they were hidden away for only him to see.
Intimate moments were definitely when Jaebum would be at his softest. He was always an absolute gentleman and took priority of your needs over his own. He would love to play with your hair, whilst you often would play with his too, making sure the two of you were very close to each other. He was very loving and affectionate towards you, it was a bit of a stress relief for him too, he’d always feel a lot happier at the end.
He forgot sometimes that he wasn’t a leader of you too, he’d often text you when he knew you had appointments or something to make sure you showed up. You’d often remind him you didn’t need him to remind you, but it was a habit of his.
In a world where he often felt misunderstood or pushed aside, around you, he really felt like he could be himself. There was nowhere that made him as comfortable as being by your side, wherever the two of you were.
He loved to adventure with you whenever the two of you got the time to go away. He’d use the time as inspiration, sourcing plenty of things that he could use in the studio when he got back. He’d also take plenty of photos too, so when the two of you got back home you could spend a few nights scrapbooking all the photos and memories that you’d made to be able to look back over fondly one day.
If something didn’t feel right, he’d definitely sigh and whine, he’d be desperate for you to go over and help him try and put things right.
Jaebum was much more of a cuddler than a kisser, he’d save his kisses for when he felt they were needed. Most of that was spent when you were falling asleep or if you’d had a bad day, he’d kiss against your cheeks to make sure that all of your tears disappeared. Being less frequent, you made sure to savour each one, and repay the gesture whenever he needed a bit of affection from you too.
You were the one who he saw forever with, he didn’t need anyone else but you.
He always made sure to keep the cats off the bed at night so that he could dedicate his time to you, his arms would always be around you or tangled in your hair, he made sure to know exactly what you wanted from him to help you fall asleep.
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serenzippity · 5 years
Hi, can you write sexual boyfriend Jaebum got7? Tnx
The dommiest of dom daddies.
Jaebum is a hard dom. Jaebum is the epitome of a hard dom. Look up the definition of a sexually dominant person and his picture will be staring back at you telling you to get into position on the bed. His sexy exterior paired with his sensual voice will have you submitting easily. 
Jaebum is semi-kinky. Rather than have an arsenal of kinks, he has a handful that are tried and true to his and your passions. He knows what you like and he will incorporate them into his so you both have mutual satisfaction between the sheets. He is, however, down to experiment within reason.
Jaebum is into being your daddy. Call him daddy and you’re in for a good time. Don’t call him daddy and he is in for a good time. He loves when you submit and are pliant to his every whim. Punishments and rewards are staples in your sexual relationship with him. 
Jaebum is in tune with your body. Jaebum learned how to read all your signs very quickly (see: Defsoul’s “Deeper”). He knows when you are firey and needy, but he also knows when you're in the mood to just cuddle. You’re an open book to him and he loves the fact that you can ready him just as easily.
Jaebum will not give up control. You can beg and you can plead, but good luck trying to get him to give up power in the bedroom. He will only relent when it is a special occasion like your birthday, but even then he fights the urge to fuck you vigorously into the mattress.  
Jaebum will want you to be vocal. He wants you to scream and moan his name, but he also wants you to tell him what feels good and what doesn’t feel good. There is something so sexy about you asking him to change his pace or position, his favorite words being “harder” and “faster.”
Jaebum will treat you like a queen after. Jaebum, the daddy extraordinaire, will wreck you in between the sheets. Therefore his aftercare is careful and full of tenderness. Baths, massages, and gentle caresses are all the staples of his aftercare. As long as you end up cuddled on his chest he is content. 
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koreanmadeingreece · 5 years
Jaebum headcanon #20
Word count: 794
Belated fanfic for Im Jaebum’s birthday, because I’m in the middle of the exam period hahah...
Happy birthday!!!
His birthday was the first big event after your almost breakup. You had started over, that was a fact, but so far it was going slowly. Baby steps, that’s what you called it. Truthfully, you weren’t even certain yourself that you were actually making progress in your relationship. It was difficult to go back to the point you were before the big fight, but you were trying. And so was he.
His birthday, you thought, had to be special. It was something he didn’t necessarily need, but would most likely appreciate if you made him feel as if he held a special place in your heart, which was not at all far from reality. It was also a way for you to show him how much you loved him and wanted to make this work. He was trying so hard, so you thought that you should repay the favor. And, your thoughts on a birthday present were something he wanted for quite a while, but was skeptical if he should actually do it. He just needed a little push, and you’d give it to him.
“Jaebum, happy birthday!” you woke him up. You had set the alarm quite earlier though to get ready and prepare breakfast for him, since he had the day off and you had already agreed to spend it together.
“Ah, thanks. What time is it?” he groaned and covered his head with the blanket.
“It’s a bit early, but it’s for a good cause. 10am.” You uncovered his head and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“If it’s for a good cause, then okay. But, what are we doing today? I know you said you’d keep it a secret but it’s still nice to know.”
“I know. And trust me, it’s something you certainly want to do. I’d never put you in a position to do something you don’t want to. Okay?”
“Y/N, you sound weird today,” he said.
“I know. Do you want breakfast? I’ve made coffee and we also have cookies.” And you led him to the kitchen, giving him his coffee just how he likes it. Then, he got dressed and got ready to leave with you. You got in the car and drove, as he had no idea where you were taking him.
“So, are we close?” he asked after five minutes in the car. Five more minutes passed, and he asked again. And then again.
“Shut up, we’re here.”
“Where?” he said and you pointed at a tattoo & piercing studio. “Oh my god. Y/N, is this what I really think it is?”
“You’ve been talking about it for months, so you should do it. I talked to your friend here and she told me there’s nothing to worry about if you take care of it and clean it properly. You’ll be a bit careful for a while until it heals, but I know you can do it.” You took his hand and moved forward, but he stopped you.
“Y/N, thanks. For everything.”
You didn’t know what to say. No words could come out of your mouth, but for the first time in a while, you felt like there was something to hold on to. You could see it in his eyes that there was more to it than a simple thank you for your gift. It was clear from the way he held you outside that studio, the way his hands embraced your frame, the way his lips touched the top of your head as he held you close to his body.
“Let’s go inside. They’re waiting for us.” And so you went, holding hands once more. His friend met you a few minutes later and took him in. A while later, he was standing in front of you with his new anti-eyebrow piercing that he so desperately wanted all this time. His face was gleaming, even though it was kind of sore and swollen already. It was what he wanted.
You payed for it, thanked his friend and for a second started thinking how it would be if you had a wild piercing like that yourself, but said this wasn’t the best time to do it and left with him.
“Okay,” you said, “now this was what I had in mind. You’re free from me. If you want to, you can spend the rest of the day with the guys or your other friends.” You kissed his cheek that didn’t have a piercing.
“What are you talking about? We’re spending all day together, either you want to or not.” He smiled at you and went to the car. “And I’m driving this time because you hate it.”
That was when you knew that everything was going to be okay.
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teampandawang · 6 years
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GOT7 Headcanon: JB as your boyfriend
By: Aria
Genre:  Fluff // Suggestive
-He's always thinking about you 
-or wanting to spend some quality time together
-He loves showing you off, to the members or his other friends
-His strong body make you felt protected
-He hugs you tight when you're sad or angry
-Cuddles, cuddles and cuddles
-Kisses down in his jaw is a kink
-Loves taking you to backstage in all his concerts
-Loves it when you kiss him unexpectedly
-Gives you his jacket when you're out and it's cold
-Loves it when you take off his bucket hat and covers your kiss with it
-Loves it when you casually match your dark outfits
-Wants you to be the first person to listen to his mixtapes
-Back hugs are a must
-Teases you taking his shirt off as soon as he gets home
-YES, he's always giving you some good eye candy
-Dies of cuteness when you kiss his eyelid moles
-Throws his hand over your body when the kiss is getting hotter
-and it commonly ends in making out sessions
-Drives him crazy when you pass by using only his t-shirts 
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illumose · 6 years
Im Jaebum : being in an on-again, off-again relationship with his s/o
genre : angst/fluff
requested by : anon
author’s note : enjoy it
ultimate masterlist
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it wasn’t easy to be in a relationship with an idol. you knew it before dating Jaebum, however it did not stop the two of you to quarrel about it.
sometimes, he felt like breaking up would be the only option. but after looking at his lock screen ( you and him cuddling ), he knows that fighting for this relationship was more than a need.
some days, he just wants to hold you and mutters sweet words in your ear, mostly when you guys get into a pretty heated argument. he doesn’t like to argue over stupid things, but it often happens.
you’d eventually go to a couple therapy, in order to solve your issues. you two would talk about anything and everything.
‘even if we don’t have the perfect and cliché relationship like those in movies, I love you.’ he keeps repeating this, thinking it would erase the negativity.
the boys would try to help you when it’s needed. they are playing the arbitrators when you both fight. ‘stop, you should take some alone time. it won’t help to scream at each other’s like kids.’
even if jaebum was old and mature, it occurs that he can be childish just to bother you. nevertheless, he feels guilty at the end. mark is the one to make jaebum realize his mistakes.
without you, he feels empty. he never felt like this before. he could give up everything for you.
he never ever regretted dating you. ‘what I say during an argument, it’s false. I say it in the heat of the moment.’
being in an on-again, off-again relationship requires a lot of patience and will. it is practically impossible to be pessimistic while being in one of those relationships.
one thing is sure : he wants to marry you one day, and to have kids.
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bangchan-sonyeondan · 6 years
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What it’s like:
this man looks like he can kill someone
in reality...
we all know he is a cinnamon roll
but if someone disrespects you in anyway, he’ll come for them
literally loves you so much
you’re the center of his world
like he’ll just stare at you in an adoring way when you’re not looking
sometimes you’ll cath him, but that doesn’t matter to him
he sings to you when you ask him to
you cook for him a lot
and sometimes he even helps
jealousy is a pretty common occurrence
and when he’s jealous he can get a little scary
but it is never taken out on you
you like to tease him
because his reactions are amusing
you both support each other in every way
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when you guys cuddle
he is always the big spoon
no matter what
and he loves back hugs
whether he gives them to you or you give them to him
he just loves for them
he kisses your forehead a lot
and when I say a lot
I mean A LOT
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Sexy Time:
jaebum is a filthy, filthy man
dirty talk for days
literally always wants a round two
will have sex anywhere
can seduce you so easily
very much into giving and receiving oral
he’s sweet when it comes to aftercare and gets you anything and everything you need
Jesus, this man will be the death of me
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you’re fights never get out of hand
they mainly happen out of irritation a
and you both speak to each other in low voices
you both keep your cool so they never escalate and they don’t last very long either
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When he’s away:
with his line of work, he’s used to being away from you
but that doesn’t stop him from missing you
or worrying about you
he knows when he should be working and when he can take a break to make time for you
he can’t be away from you for too long without at least texting you because he would lose his mind
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Jaebum is the boyfriend that cares for you very much and treats you with utter respect. He’s an absolute sweetheart when it comes to you. 10000% boyfriend material.
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almondeyes-biased · 6 years
Jaebum headcanon *day6of30*
After so many years of wanting your skin tattooed, you finally decided to get yourself one.
Two hours after you had leaved your house, you got out of the tattoo studio with a huge smile on your face. A big piece of gelatine on the back of your left shoulder covered a beautiful piece of art, a rose blooming through geometrical shapes.
Going back to your place, you found your boyfriend Im Jaebum in the living room, his leather jacket still on, as well as his shoes, sign that he had just gotten back from JYP. It was one of those days they had finished earlier.
He smiled at you with one of those smiles you loved so much.
"Hello, jagiya."
"Hey love," you said back, taking your shoes off.
You walked towards him in order to give him a kiss, but he had a different idea. He reached out to hug you. When his hand touched roughly your shoulder, you let out a little scream, which caused him to jump out of fear.
"What's wrong?"
You smirked. You started unbuttoning your shirt, and you saw him biting his lower lip. "Wanna see?"
You could almost feel his eyes piercing through every inch of your body when you turned around, your shirt falling down your hips and revealing your tattoo.
You suddenly felt an arm hugging you from behind, one hand cupping your breasts, and a pair of lips leaving a sof kiss on your inked spot.
"And imagine I thought you couldn't get any hotter..."
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got7-texts · 6 years
Oooh Jaebum + doctor!au?
Doctor!Jaebum would be amazing, let's be honest
He's definitely going to be a surgeon of some kind
Maybe a Cardiothoracic surgeon or a Nurosergeon??
Jaebum would be extremely serious while doing his work
No funny business when in surgery
He'd always have classical music playing in the background, but then right before they finish (when the surgery is a success) he'd make them play some pump up hype song
His bedside manner would be very professional and straight
but if he's delivering bad news, he'd definitely be more soft and maybe even give an apologetic pat on the back
If he's ever operating on a young person he'd reassure them and be more gentle, explaining what he's going to do and that everything would be okay
Overall, he'd be a professional, straight-faced, confident, suave doctor who would save lives and kick ass
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astroyongie · 3 years
pro and cons of dating GOT7?
Dating GOT7 : Pros And Cons:
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Pros: Very loyal, is not someone that would cheat on you, had a very romantic heart and would always protect and make sure you are provided for
Cons: Can be paranoid and egoistic when it comes to feelings and love. Very impatient and has a hard time accepting No as an answer
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Pros: Provides financial gains for your well being, buys you expensive gifts and works on the relationship. Cautious and attentive to your needs
Cons: Will cheat when he feels like it and will snob you whenever you are annoying him or when he feels like he is occupied. Rarely has time for you
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Pros: Makes you laugh, has always a good humor. Keeps you warm and novelty in the relationship, never mored, passionate and very hot
Cons: Can be a little aggressive during arguments since he can be very selfish with his own feelings. Tendencies to boil too easily
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Pros: Loyal, emotionally attached to you and very intense lover, that puts you first. Protective, intense, sexual and very connected to you in all emotional aspects
Cons: Can be very very jealous and have huge trust issues. Will be self destructive and destructive of your environment when he is angry or upset or sad
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Pros: Not a cheater, will love you truly and deeply, has a good heart and puts you first and above most of the things in his life. Love to pamper you with gifts and love
Cons: Can be very demanding in love due to his romantic ideas and will always turn arguments to his ego self and his own persona even when it doesn't concerns him
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Pros: Stable lover, sensual and playful, that keeps the relationship practicable and financially stable. Will provide for you and will always make sure you enjoy life
Cons: Can be very possessive and jealous. Will be stubborn and won't like to give in in arguments or will forget the either since he is resentful
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Pros: Pampers you with gift and money, takes care of you and his very protective of your body and satisfaction.
Cons: Little cheater and will hide it and just exploit you. Can be very insensitive concerning certain topics that he finds irrational or just not of his interest
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universepersonagens · 2 years
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Park Jaebum, mais conhecido como PJay, entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ele parece tanto com o Cha Eunwoo/Lee Dongmin! Ele nasceu em 13/05/1997 na cidade de Busan, Coreia do Sul e atualmente tem 26 anos. Ele trabalha como ator e integrante do Darl+ing na Cultural Media, deve ser muito talentoso… Ah, você quer seguir ele? Procura por @uv_pjay e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreano.
Personalidade: Leal, paciênte e perseverante. / Ciumento, teimoso, preguiçoso.
Rumores positivos: Dizem por aí que Jaebum será o lead character do próximo grande dorama que irá estrear e que, mesmo antes de sua performance como ator nesse papel, ele já um dos nomes que irá concorrer a prêmios importantes durante o ano.
Rumores negativos: Algumas sasaengs acabaram vazando que Jayfoi visto saindo as escondidas de um casa noturna, completamente bêbado e rodeado de mulheres suspeitas e amigos da indústria. Também dizem por aí que o suposto vazamento só não acabou indo para a imprensa coreana porque a empresa pagou para que as testemunhas mantivessem o silêncio e se certificou de que todos assinassem um contrato com uma cláusula de sigilo absoluto.
Sem realmente saber muito sobre suas origens, Park Jaebum, como foi nomeado por seus pais adotivos, foi uma criança de sorte desde o nascimento. Criado em Busan e filho mais novo de uma família muito amorosa, ele nunca desejou se tornar um idol, ou seguir qualquer outra profissão que envolvesse a indústria do entretenimento. Seus planos em muito envolviam os estudos, um intercâmbio para o exterior, uma carreira mais conservadora tal qual a do pai e a constituição de uma família, quem sabe.
Já a irmã mais velha, essa sim era totalmente deslumbrada pelos holofotes. Era por causa dela que ele passava noites sem dormir e inventava as desculpas mais mentirosas para que a garota pudesse curtir os shows de seus ídolos favoritos, ou viajasse para Seoul em busca de oportunidades. Os pais, por mais compreensivos que fossem durante quase todo o tempo, jamais aceitariam que os filhos tentassem lutar por um futuro tão incerto, ainda mais em um meio tão caótico quanto parecia o mundo das artes.
Quando as escapadelas se tornaram mais frequentes e as mentiras, mais escassas, ficou acordado que a garota teria o prazo de 6 meses para que conseguisse um contrato de trainee com uma gravadora confiável em Seoul. E foi então que, em uma das visitas que fez a ela, que se viu acompanhando a mais velha para uma audição.
A princípio, ele seria tão somente o acompanhante. Deslumbrado pela beleza do prédio, enquanto aguardava a liberação de sua irmã e o resultado final da audição, Jaebum se viu em uma sala com outros garotos, sem que tivesse a coragem de dizer ao staff que o havia posto naquele lugar, que ele não estava concorrendo a absolutamente nada. Já no instante seguinte, estava sendo intimado a se apresentar para os jurados e, quando o seu nome foi chamado dentre os 20 candidatos que estavam naquela sala, ele mal pode acreditar. Havia acabado de passar em sua primeira – e única – audição e convocado para fazer parte do mais novo time de trainees da Cultural Media.
Foi assim que começou a sua carreira como ator, e seria assim que daria início a um novo projeto, ainda mais desafiador. A irmã, por sua vez, havia falhado. E para alguém sem ambições de brilhar nos holofotes, PJay, como era chamado por seus fãs e colegas, foi conquistando cada vez mais espaço nas telinhas. Primeiro, em pequenos papeis, depois, como rookie do ano.
Hoje em dia é completamente apaixonado e dedicado ao que faz, e tem certeza de que ainda irá conquistar muito mais e trazer orgulho para toda a sua família.
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kpoppwriter · 3 years
Love Yourself
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❧ Genre: hurt/comfort
❧ Words: 338
❧ Warnings: hating oneself, potential breakup
❧ Synopsis: He thought breaking up was the best option. You thought otherwise
❧ A/N: this one’s a little angsty I’m sorry
~ ※ 7 Drabbles for 7K ※ ~
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“We should break up.”
4 words that absolutely crushed you. 4 words you never expected to hear. 4 words you definitely weren’t expecting to come out of Jaebeom’s mouth tonight.
“We should break up,” he restated, “I think we need a break.”
“A break from what?”
“This relationship.”
“Why?” you looked over at him clearly confused, “Give me one good reason why we need a break.”
“I think you need some time to work on yourself.”
You stared at Jaebeom dumbfounded. What the hell did that mean? Yeah, you weren’t the best mentally but you didn’t think you were this bad off.
“You’ve got to be joking.”
He stared back at you, his face not cracking at all.
“This really doesn’t make sense to me. I’m not doing as bad as you’re making it seem!” you exclaimed, “Tell me, what is concerning you?”
"I just wish you would actually like yourself."
"It’s not that easy,” you scoffed, “I hate myself and that’s not something that can be fixed overnight.”
"Exactly. I think you need some time by yourself to work on actually loving yourself.
"You not understanding this,” you took a step towards him, "I hate myself but I love you. And loving you makes me forget about how much I hate myself!"
Both of you were silent. You honestly weren’t expecting those words to be coming out of your mouth and clearly neither did Jaebeom. You didn’t even know you were crying until you felt the tears dripping off your face. Your angry resolve melted away and you began sobbing. Jaebeom immediately came over and held you tight in his arms.
“Please- I..I don’t,” you hiccupped, “Please don’t leave.”
“Shhh, it’s okay baby. I won’t go anywhere, okay?,” he gently rubbed your back, “We’ll get you some help together. How does that sound?”
You nodded, burying yourself further into his arms. He just held you closer to him without saying a single word. He was going to help you get better but he wasn’t going to leave you to do it alone.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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You were always the most important thing to Jaebum, but especially so after you got married, and his affection would always reflect that too as he tried his best to keep you safe whenever he had you in his hold.
The boys loved having you around because they knew just how much you truly meant to Jaebum. The smile on his face would always be a little bit wider, and his laughter a little bit louder whenever you were with him and seeing him happy was the only thing that all of the boys really wanted for him.
It never mattered how busy he was, if you needed to talk to him or be comforted by him, Jaebum would drop everything in order to be with you. Even if it meant having to work a little later or harder, he would always ensure that he had the time for you and listen properly to whatever was playing on your mind.
You never minded taking care of your home, especially when Jaebum was so busy with his work schedules, but he refused to let you take responsibility for everything. It reached a point where he had to lock away some of the cleaning items so that you couldn’t get your hands on them, only unlocking the drawer when he returned home so that he could do something rather than leaving everything for you to sort out.
It took you by complete surprise when Jaebum proposed to you, it was by far the last thing that you expected when he told you that he wanted to take you away for a few days. You had no idea how Jaebum had managed to keep it all a secret from you, relying on some of the boys to help him plan things perfectly, sneaking around whenever you weren’t paying attention so that he could make sure things went smoothly.
Jaebum’s favourite thing about being with you was that you always seemed to understand. It didn’t matter how complicated the weight was that he was carrying on his shoulders, you somehow just seemed to get how he was feeling, and most of all for him you would be able to lessen the weight that he was carrying and give him the assurance that he needed to know that he could eventually drop the weight completely.
It was very rare for people to see the two of you out and about, you both preferred your own space and being in the comfort of your own home. At times, the two of you would have to be forced out by your friends to make sure that you didn’t miss out on an event that you were supposed to attend or for a celebration.
You both ultimately decided that you didn’t want a honeymoon after you got married as you struggled to find the time to have one. Instead, you both agreed that one day you would have a huge holiday, but for now, time just wasn’t on your side, and so your honeymoon got pushed very far to one side away from you both.
It still made Jaebum shy whenever he told you that he loved you, no matter how many years the two of you spent together. You would often hear him whisper it across to you when you were settling down to go to sleep, with him saying it in the hope usually that you would hear him, but not look around to see his blushed cheeks.
His face was an absolute giveaway for anyone whenever he got jealous, for those that knew him, the familiar look would be easily recognisable. After the two of you got married, Jaebum most definitely tried to get jealous less, knowing that he had no reason to worry when it was him that you were married to, even if some people liked to push their luck, especially when they knew that Jaebum wasn’t too far away too.
It was only after the two of you got married, did Jaebum really begin to think about starting a family. It was a subject that he often dismissed, assuring everyone who asked that he was happy being a father to your cats, but as things got even more serious, he knew that it was something he needed to make his mind up about soon.
Dragging Jaebum away from his studio was usually a success in itself whenever the two of you decided to have a lazy day, anything else was just a bonus. You knew that Jaebum often struggled when you had a lazy day, he had been conditioned for so long to work every day, when he actually had some time to himself, he never really knew what to do with himself or decide how that time should be spent.
The two of you would usually end up being disturbed by the cats in the mornings, hearing purrs around your bed as they tried to get the two of you to hurry up and get up so that they could be fed. Neither of you would want to budge, but the cats were persistent, refusing to move until finally one of you stirred.
It took a lot for Jaebum to be able to fall asleep at night, with such a busy mind, he relied on you a lot to clear his thoughts, often talking to you as you got ready for bed until he felt settled enough to be able to close his eyes.
Jaebum was obsessed with spending time with you, at times he hated how busy his work schedule was because it ended up meaning that he neglected you, which was always the last thing that he ever wanted to do.
It was quite often the simple moments, like when the two of you would talk about nonsense, that Jaebum treasured the most. At times, it scared him how he could be himself around you, especially when he was talking to you about random things, not once did he ever feel as if he had to pretend when he was with you.
Throughout the many years that you spent together, your opinion was always one of the things that Jaebum valued the most, and so he would ask you for your thoughts quite a lot of the time when he was working on new material.
When the two of you got married, Jaebum actively encouraged you not to change your last name, much to your surprise. He didn’t want you to lose your side of the family, and so instead you joined your maiden and your married name together so that you had your old family and your new family with you always.
You were usually comfortable in silence, but only for a limited period of time before you began to worry. When things began to feel as if they were getting awkward between the two of you, one of you would quickly break the silence and make sure that the other was alright so that you had no reason to panic.
Jaebum’s biggest trick for making your marriage work was making sure that you always stuck to the things that you enjoyed, your marriage was between the two of you, and no one else needed to get involved with you.
One of the worst things for Jaebum was when he saw you upset, there was nothing he hated more than seeing you tearing up.
You both tried to spend as much time as you possibly could with your families after you got married, especially knowing that after you got married that you were all going to be stuck with one another forever.
Jaebum had everything that he had ever wished for and more, there was nothing else that he felt he needed to complete him.
He didn’t tend to kiss you too much, and so when Jaebum did kiss you, you always made sure to appreciate it. He much preferred to cuddle up to you and have a longer period of time being able to hold you.
You were his best friend, whenever Jaebum needed someone, he knew that you were there.
Being able to cuddle up to Jaebum at night was quite often a fight with the cats, but you wouldn’t have had things any other way, with all of the members of your family cuddled up to you tightly, two legged or four.
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