Masterpost: Important Astrology/Witchcraft Dates of 2022
Retrogrades (text post)
Retrogrades (picture)
Moonphases (text post)
Moonphases (picture)
Eclipses (text post)
Eclipses (picture)
Zodiac signs (text post)
Zodiac signs (picture)
Gap days (text post)
Gap days (picture)
Sabbats (text posts)
Sabbats (picture)
Equinoxes and Solstices (text post)
Equinoxes and Solstices (picture)
Further astrological events (text post)
Further astrological events (picture)
All dates (text post)
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Geceye yenilmeyen her insana,
ödül olarak bir sabah,
bir gündüz ve bir güneş vardır..!
RAHMET ve SAYGIYLA anıyorum.
Mekanı cennet olsun...
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Analog religion and digital religion
I started my educational diploma in data analysis this week. I'm still overwhelmed by the fact that I'm back in academia settings, and the amount of stuff I'll need to do this year. But! One of the classes started with a free conversation about the difference between analog and digital way of thinking, and I could literally feel my brain lit up. So here's some of my thoughts about it.
Analog vs. Digital
Analog thinking is like a kid getting a car toy. It's an exact replica of a real car. He can pretend driving it, and learn how this specific model of cars looks like, but that's it.
Digital thinking is like a kid getting Lego. He can build any type of car he can imagine using the same tiny blocks. He will have to use some associative thought process, understand what counts and does not count as a car, he will have to start at the beginning, trial and error his way to a working model, figuring out how the concept of a car works and stretching the borders of that concept according to his inventiveness.
Religion and digital thinking
Analog religion is what we were all born to. An analog world with analog faith systems. It is an exact replica- a tradition, of an already-made dogma. You can use it, enjoy it, but you cannot effect it or transform it. And mostly, you cannot learn from it how the concept works.
Modern day paganism, I believe, is the Lego of faiths. A true digital belief system in its essence- not because it is practiced online (I know most of us would love to have it in the real world instead), but because we are handed tiny pieces of concepts and traditions, a building blocks for spiritual thinking and experience, and are set free to construct our own working model out of it. Like in a digital clock- the tiny separate lines can creat all the known numerals just by changing positions.
To me, helpol is the tiny Lego home I have built for myself. Every single building block I collected is a work of art worthy of Daedalus. And now this is where I live.
Digital space
I was working on a digital space for us in hope we could all use it to preform rituals, converse, and meet semi-face-to-face. This space is open to all, it's free, it's accessible, and I hope to see some rituals hosted this October.
If you want to visit it, click here
If you want to sign up as host or in the guest list, click here
Hope to see some of you there, playing faith Lego and building something genuinely new and transformative.
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Reblog if you
Are part of the LGBTQIA+ community 🌈
Support the LGBTQIA+ community 🌈
Love frogs 🐸
Love plants 🪴
Love space in general 🌙💫✨
And/or just really appreciate glow-in-the-dark stars ⭐️
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Broom Closet Witchery
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I started off in the broom closet as well, I think that most practitioners do. Here are some tips to get you started and keep you hidden.
✴︎ Start a "Crystal Collection".
✴︎ Buy some plants for your room and check what magickal correspondences they have. The plants will have energy but anyone else will think they're just plants.
✴︎ Start saving your shoeboxes. You can put your alter in there or any supplies you have.
✴︎ Use colour correspondences in your craft. For example, wear colours or paint your nails with your intent for the day.
✴︎ Enchant, charm, charge your jewellery and wear it.
✴︎ Download witchy apps on your phone
✴︎ Get free PDF versions of books from B-ok.cc, instead of buying them.
✴︎ Get into cooking and baking. It'll give you a reason to get herbs and ingredients that you wouldn't usually have.
✴︎ Talk to your room/housemates (parents, friends etc.) about spirituality vaguely to see what their stance on it is, that way you can choose if you actually have to be in the broom closet, or at the very least where your limits are with it in your home.
Please remember that being in the broom closet doesn't make you less of a witch. The most important thing is your safety and comfort. Do what works for you and keep yourself happy and safe.
Blessed Be friends!
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Aphrodite is a deity of primordial Greece. She is correlated with beauty, love, glamor, affection, harmony, pleasure, passion, and maternal love. She symbolizes empowerment, emotional healing, and compassion for yourself and others. Aphrodite was shaped of the sea-foam of the coast, and thus is closely associated with water, shorelines, and shells.
Animals: Dolphins, Doves, Sparrows, and Swans. Consort: Hephaestus. Day: Friday. Flora: Roses and Myrtle. Offerings: Scallops, mirrors, and pearls. Planet: Venus.
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Spell Substitutes
Witchcraft isn't a materialistic thing. You don't need a whole lot to get your desired result. So if you don't have all the ingredients, go ahead and raid your spice cupboard to find a substitute.
❀ Roses can substitute any flower
❀ White can substitute any colour
❀ Rosemary can substitute any herb
❀ Frankincense can substitute any incense
❀ Olive oil can substitute any oil
❀ Table salt can substitute any salt
❀ Black tea for any tea
❀ Lemon for any citrus
❀ Apple can substitute any fruit
Remember, these are general substitutions. Depending on the spell you are doing different ingredients might be better. Do some research to find what you're looking for. Here's a website to help you out.
Hopefully, this is useful. Blessed be and happy spell work.
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A goddess of love who is not afraid to enter the battlefield; a goddess of bodily adornment who is the first to appear totally nude; a goddess born of the sea who emerges into the open sky.
- Aphrodite by Monica S. Cyrino.
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Witchcraft and Technology
As a past broom-closeted witch, my electronics played a really big part in my craft. Using my phone and laptop in place of things like a book of shadows or an alter really helped me when I was starting off. So here are some ways to use your electronics in your craft.
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○ Make an alter on Pinterest. Dedicate a Pinterest board to a deity or an ancestor, you can even dedicate it to yourself.
○ Use a digital tool like Notion as your grimoire or book of shadows instead of a physical notebook.
○ Create a witchy playlist on Spotify or Soundcloud
○ The internet is full of like-minded people. Go find and learn from them
Witchy Apps
○ #selfcare - both a self-care and witchy app. You can pull a tarot card and even set up an altar.
○ Moon calendar - pretty self-explanatory, keeps track of the moon phases as well as telling you a bit abt your horoscope
○ Co-star - a great app that creates your birth chart and gives you your daily horoscope. If you don't mind the occasional ominous horoscope, it's great fun.
○ Stone - a crystal app with so many crystals, their meanings and what they can be used for.
Let me know what else you'd like to know about
Blessed be!
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✧Pretty Magick ✧
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I value self-love and self-care so much and these easy witchy tricks help me out a ton. I hope they do the same for you.
○ Use products with ingredients corresponding to love and beauty
○ Burn a rose-scented candle while doing your makeup
○ Spritz your Book of Shadows with perfume
○ Assign intent to each of your skincare and makeup products. For E.g face wash use for cleansing ur energy, lipstick to make your words sweeter etc.
○ Ask Lady Aphrodite to bestow some extra beauty upon you.
Tell me if these work for you. Blessed be.
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Honey - Milk Tea
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• 1/4 cup of water
• 3/4 cup of milk
• 2 tbsp of honey
• A drop of vanilla extract
• Cinnamon
1. Boil some water
2. While the water is boiling, add the tablespoon of honey, as much cinnamon as you like and a few drops of vanilla extract into your mug.
3. Once the water has finished boiling pour 1/4 of a cup of water into your mug and mix.
4. Now fill the rest of your mug with, preferably warm, milk and stir.
Ps. Remember u can add any intention to your tea. Perhaps you can stir a sigil into it, or stir clockwise to bring things your way and anti-clockwise to banish things.
Enjoy and Blessed be!
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"Sweet Mother, I cannot weave -
slender Aphrodite has overcome me
with longing for a girl"
- Sappho
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Just found this version of Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" .
Painted by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, this is probably my favourite painting of the Goddess.
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Just a reminder
Next time you look at yourself in the mirror,
Cut yourself some slack.
You're beautiful.
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Low-Energy Witchcraft
Sometimes you find yourself without the motivation to practice and I know that can make you feel like a bad witch, but there’s no such thing. Here’s some little things you can do to practice without doing to much at all.
✦ Make yourself some tea. Choose a tea bag with magickal correspondences. Stir sigils into ur tea or, stir clockwise to bring something to u and anti-clockwise to banish something.
✦ Carry a crystal that matches your intention for the day. 
✦ Say a prayer. Just a quick to a deity you might worship or to Mother earth, for example. 
✦ Draw a sigil on your hand. 
✦ Wear colours that correspond to your intention for the day. 
✦ Read some mythology or an old witch's tale. Perhaps you’ll learn something.
✦ Do nothing. Just because you aren’t constantly whipping up a spell or fixing up an alter doesn’t mean you aren’t a witch. Give yourself a moment. Let yourself breathe. Feel your surroundings. That’s arguably the most witchy thing you can do. 
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A prayer to start off. May you feel beautiful  Blessed be. 
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