lanurmisme · 2 months
Insecurities declared a war against me, and here I stand without armor—questioning if there is any.
lan [Jul 30, 2022; 21:49]
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lanurmisme · 2 months
Now I understand—loving someone and being in love with someone are not the same.
lan [July 29, 2022; 02:13]
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lanurmisme · 2 years
Even after years, why are you so blind? To see how bravely you fought at those times. Be proud of yourself, girl, because the battle was a slow poison, And you decided to be a warrior.
lan [Dec 20, 2022; 19:49]
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lanurmisme · 2 years
Surrounded by mirrors, but the shell refuses to open, would the pearl have been evident if I were like you?
lan [Sept 21, 2022;13:00]
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lanurmisme · 2 years
Yes, perhaps my grown-up mind desire more, but my child-like heart is content and loves unconditionally.
lan [Sept 10, 2022; 22:22]
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lanurmisme · 2 years
Was tracing back those imprints you left for me—never thought it would lead me to my heart.
lan [Aug 20, 2022; 21:52]
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lanurmisme · 2 years
How vivid that journey would be— filled with the music of our footsteps and lyrics of our footprints!
lan [ Nov 26,2020; 19:06]
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lanurmisme · 2 years
A Cup of You!
I like the moment of us when you are right in front of me with ‘that’ layer on the top at the temperature of glee
Damn! I love it when it hits that very fiend I have inside Reaching nook and cranny, the taste takes over my mind
Every time I have you I want to have more That very craving for you won't ever turn out sour
I know. I know it- that I can't savor you all the time So, I'll hold back that desire and keep the timeline
Though my yearning for you is a path full of cautions I would still like to hook up with the next meeting's notion
November 27, 2021 01:01
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lanurmisme · 2 years
Her inscrutable gaze never left the pinnacle
Impenetrable eyes sparkling with innocence
Breezes never asked for her consent
Neither did she withheld
Upward curves complimenting her countenance
Contemplating the beauty, clouds held her sight
Well, she did the same
Little did she know, who she is
'Cause she was busy living the very moment
Completely clueless
Of all the admiring eyes on her...
That's what they called her!
Date: May 31, 2022
Time: 19:49
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lanurmisme · 3 years
Who Sculptures Me?
It wasn't you, it wasn't me It was the realm who sculptured me...
I was on my aisle To the goals of mile They came and made a pile And it was huge as Nile
I worked, I struggled, I fought As soon as they got They stopped and they trapped Me in the fences of the social rot
I tried, I cried But no one realized That the fire within me Was impossible to minimize
Then I got ready for the riot and decided to be self-reliant... Then I fought for you and fought for me... And now, it isn't the realm who sculptures me...
It is Me... and it will be...
December 16, 2019 22:40
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lanurmisme · 3 years
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I think it started back then When I first saw you on the screen You left me with the sensations I never felt before I felt you through my screen and the feelings were so real Real enough to sense it from the chest to straight down in my belly It was blue and I loved it Blue? I think my vocab is yet limited to explain blue... It was cold outside and mysterious inside I felt unconditionality It brought chills down my spine My heart suddenly became heavy for my body My breaths were strong enough to bring storms for ants It was a strange tingling right there and I dunno why?! I found myself longing for you and I wanted to be there... just there... I knew that something was waiting for me for a really long time but dunno what it is?! I wanna find it out... Just one chance to feel you Just one chance to find you at the right moment
I felt those frosty woods and I promise... I will visit you there if you are a part of my fate🍀
Title: I Felt Woods! Date: Dec 22, 2022 Time: __:__
~ lan (at My Universe)
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lanurmisme · 3 years
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To the Developers of Pocket Pioneers,
My friend suggested me this game. It was fun for her. As I downloaded the game ‘Pocket Pioneers’, I wasn't really interested in the game. But in no time the tables turned. I started to find it interesting, and then meaningful. Now, it's been a month since I'm playing this game and now I'm even more determined to level up.
Well, that was just my start and conclusion. The middle story hits a different vibe. I never imagined that I would relate ‘Pocket Pioneers’ to real LIFE. Yes, this game resembles life (to me). I started to realize how we manage our lives, how we manage our finance, how we gradually store things for future use, and how we establish relationships. In need, we have to do trades with neighbors and while doing so we become friends. That's how you add people to life!. But sometimes, we even have to borrow trade with our people [when I entered into the game, I just had 2 real-life friends, and I (in need) did some trade with them].
Some levels are seem tough but you just have to go through it and you are over the tough times. Time ticks. Some tasks are short and some just go on for prolonged period. But you do it. It doesn't matter if it takes 2 days, 3 days, or a week or two. But you do it. Some situations are like- “OMG, am I just left with 20 coins?”, and some are like- “I've earned enough & life is quite stable, let's do some shopping”. The phases we go through just feels so real. And life goes on like this again!!!
I don't know how to express my thoughts and feelings further but it feels so real. And this game keeps me going in real life. During the lows, this game doesn't fail to energize me effortlessly. It motivates me and tells me that it's always better not to stop. And I literally keep going on in my real life. I'd like to thank you, Developer and the Team (of Pocket Pioneers) for creating such a meaningful game. I am very grateful. Now, life is a bit easier for me, and I know how to enjoy every single moment of life as hard time doesn't last long. I can't find any more words. Just all I have for you is- Thank You! I wish you a plentiful of success. Thank You So Much!!!
From, Snowflake (of Pocket Pioneers)
Edited: As of 2022, this game is no more available on Appstore. 
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lanurmisme · 4 years
What does it mean by being a human ¿!¿!
The universe is the power, but we belong to humankind, 
We are just a speck of dust, visible only in the ray of light.
We believe the one with gold is superior and can quell anything but what to do, Dear?
Money is also a human thing! 
Cash can't buy a life nor can halt a death, 
then why in the world do we find that mere coin everything¿
The power is in the invisible, 
the verve we have within, also can't be seen; 
then if you don't count on the imperceptible things, what the life within you is? 
(Will you deny your existence?!?!)
Where the logic fails, there begins everything, 
then why do we always fall for the so-called logical things¿ 
The life inside us, the emotions we have is the perpetual truth that can't be proved! 
Then, why the one with the bucks is always approved¿
If the dollars can sell the sapients, 
If the mortal rules can cause a variance, 
If greed can slaughter the conscience, 
What does it mean by being human? 
Then, why the heck are we humans?
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lanurmisme · 4 years
We Are Books!
The word itself is a different world inside.
But with a mindful look, every single person is an individual world.
So, the world where humans live, the world of their own, and the world of books- we already have three worlds. And there might be more!
Well, a human itself is like a book or say it IS a book.
A book- with you being an author.
When you are born, the pages are white.
Then, gradually it becomes black or blue starting from a single letter to the lengthy words of life.
The permanent ink of life etch both-the mistakes and the successes-in that book. Readers who find out the mistakes underline them and the highlights remain for generations. Success isn’t always marked. But it remains there for those who are in search of it.
In between, you might feel the pages are getting wet and sometimes like jumping in the clouds.
Some things don’t get inscribed but the pages keep filling themselves and the pen never stops.
Some take control over the pen and write their own stories. Those who complete the story are known as successful books and others fade away at the pace of time but remain there as a part of a change.
And it goes on until the demise of the writer. The book is read by others and it passes on for ages.
That is how it is- the world of books. Everything seems like a book and every single thing starts revealing its story once you start connecting. Sometimes we find the untold stories that are invisible to many of us.
But while exploring the world of books, never forget to review your own story. The mistakes might not be corrected but the lessons might change you into the correct person.
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