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Here are some of the photos from the shoot I got to do with sisterite and apocalypticash last weekend. c: 
Zidane - azimedes (FB) Garnet - apocalypticash (FB) Photography - Giosia Photography
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look at my beautiful fishnet wife
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I guess this is still a cosplay blog, too. Got my bodysuit for Black Canary so I can match latveriansewingsociety‘s Zatanna at NYC Special Edition in 3 weeks. I’m glowering because I bought this wig for a Daenerys cosplay but that’s never gonna happen because I refuse to acknowledge Game of Throne’s shit existence from now on.
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see you at comic-con, fuckers
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You are my mission.
Steve Rogers : dvash-mil​ Bucky Barnes : hladgerd​ Photography : felicisrook
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“Wishful thinking…”
I feel like I could upload more serious Morrigan photos, but between this and scowling at children, I think I’m good.
Morrigan - azimedes Photography - SeyeCO Images
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“You look upon the world around you and you think you know it well. I have smelled it as a wolf, listened as a cat, prowled shadows that you never dreamed existed.“
I’ve been wanting to do a Morrigan costume since I played DAO, though I wasn’t ever comfortable enough with her standard outfit.  When I got the Inquisition art book, I came across the unused concept art of her and really wanted to make the outfit.  
I got to go up into the mountains with teadrunktailor and renlyslittlerose and do an all day shoot. :)  It was SO MUCH FUN and I love those ladies to death.
Morrigan - azimedes Photography - teadrunktailor
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I didn’t end the fifth blight for this.
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“They say that, contrary to her elegant image, Princess Zelda of Hyrule Castle is, in fact, a tomboy!”
I had the honor of cosplaying with some of my best friends this weekend at Emerald City Comic Con and shooting with the incredibly talented sisterite. Expect Zelda spam in the next few days. B)
Queen Zelda - azimedes Sheik - megananncosplay Photography - sisterite
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Piper at Comicon, part 7
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<3! Such a good memory.
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★20. Have you won any cosplay awards?★
No contest awards, but I think this is pretty much the best award I could ever dream of!  
Power Girl: kokorokristin Huntress: weirdoqueen Black Canary: latveriansewingsociety Gail Simone as her wonderful self! Lady Blackhawk: shnou Misfit: ne-ala Black Alice: felicisrook
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Oh my goshhhhh this looks SO GOOD :D
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I’m feeling really under the weather but I forced myself to push to get as much done on this as I could today. I also made myself try on everything that was done to see what needs work, and also to get an idea of what it’s all going to look like. I definitely broke some things, so now I know what needs fixing. :)
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★14. Your cosplay-making habits★
Sewing is when I get all of my TV-watching done!  Which is why I watch very little anime (requiring subtitles) or anything that requires my full attention (so… anything particularly good).  It is why I began watching Teen Wolf and ultimately cosplayed Lydia for a brief shoot in the park. latveriansewingsociety and I have a hard time not being gay for each other in costume, so if Lydia/Erica wasn’t a ship before, it is now!
Photography by felicisrook
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“I ask for nothing, I can get by But I know so many Less lucky than I.”
I went out and did a shoot today of my Esmeralda costume with the lovely Giosia Photography! The weather was beautiful and we had a fabulous time. :) 
Esmeralda - azimedes​ Photography - Giosia Photography
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They announced Nico as an Avenger and now I know what my other ECCC costume is going to be bye.
Nico - azimedes Photo - felicisrook
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Long time no see, tumblr! My Batgirl wig showed up today! I have no costume progress because, lol, I'm not wearing her until NYCC with my best babes azimedes and kokorokristin as beautiful dastardly bat-villains. What I DO have is a Batman t-shirt and a pair of nerd glasses, so here's some gratuitous Babs selfies. <3
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"They’re thirty miles behind the lines, through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We’d lose more men than we’d save, but I don’t expect you to understand that because you’re a chorus girl."
"I think I understand just fine."
Photo: Cozpho Photography
Captain America: Stella Rogers
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