leaistjetztda · 5 years
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The Devil's Candy (2015) | Ethan Embry
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leaistjetztda · 5 years
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The cinematography of A Million Little Pieces (2018)
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leaistjetztda · 5 years
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The Third Secret (1964) | Alex & Catherine
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leaistjetztda · 6 years
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Tim Roth and Gary Oldman in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead(1990)
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leaistjetztda · 6 years
It's me!
What someone’s first impressions of Tanz might be like
Let’s get this straight, every evening that Tanz is performed, the majority of the audience seeing it has never seen the show before, this might be what their first impressions could be like.
He ho Professor: What is going on? A young man in a snowstorm? Can someone please give me some explanation?
Knoblauch: Really? A song about garlic? This musical is advertised as “das kultmusical” and I have to listen to a song about Garlic?
Eine schöne Tochter: That Jewish guy is over-exaggerating a bit.
Gott ist Tot: Who is that black dressed figure who just walked by?
That was a fabulous cape swish!
Look! His shadow looks like a bat!
Wahrheit: Was that falling log planned or not?
Einladung zum Ball: Is that girl really naked?
Is he already gonna bite her? we haven’t even started the second act yet.
Draussen ist freiheit: You go girl, you don’t need a man in your life!
Das Gebet: I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Tot zu sein ist komisch: Haha! Das wirkt nicht bei mir, ich bin ein jüdischer Vampir! Haha!
Okay, that wasn’t a very sensual bite.
Haha! He grabbed her boob!
Vor dem Schloss: Oh, so that Dracula dude has got a whole lot of vampire friends as well.
Ahhh, he’s called Graf von Krolock.
I like that gay dude.
That sponge is the star of the show!
Totale Finsternis: I may have jumped out of my seat because the loud music started out of nowhere.
Dude, just bite her, I know you want to!
Carpe Noctem: I don’t think Krolock has those abs, but let’s just roll with it.
I wouldn’t mind having such a dream too.
Für Sarah: Aahhwww, he’s a precious cinnamon roll that must be protected at all costs.
In der Gruft: Nooo! Don’t jump! Oh, luckily he got stuck.
Is he getting a heart attack?
Wenn Liebe in dir ist: Do you see that the gay dude doesn’t have a reflection and that other one does have one?! How did they do that?
Sie irren, Professor: Where did that sound come from? Is he behind me? Did he teleport?
Ewigkeit: Were they already in the graves when it came from above?
AAAHHH! Please don’t scare me like that ever again!
Die unstillbare Gier: Okay, maybe he isn’t such a terrible guy after all, I kind of feel sorry for him.
Tanzsaal: YESSSSSS! He bit her!
Is this part what is meant by the “Tanz” in Tanz der Vampire?
Note to self, if you ever find yourself surrounded by vampires, make a cross from two candles.
Draussen ist Freiheit reprise: No way! She has become a vampire after all and is now attacking him!
Der Tanz der Vampire: Dear Einstein, do you really not see what is happening behind you?
I want to dance along!
I don’t want it to be over!
After the show: Can I see it again please?
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leaistjetztda · 6 years
TDV awakening and theorizing
I remember how during that Twilight craze I was laughing my butt off at Mr. Sparkle and his demented girlfriend. I tried Vampire Diaries but put it down after a few episodes switching to Tru Blood. Liked it enough, even read some of the books. And yet in all those years, I have always remained immune to the vampire charm. 
Then this happened:
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Ich bin zum Leben erwaaaaaaacht! 
Thank you, Tumblr for leading me and my vocal cords on that path of self-destruction. Well, at least I learned something useful: German for garlic is Knoblauch. 
So speaking of Tanz,  I saw a few theories and questions about it floating around and after dissecting the lyrics - did it for the sake of learning to sing it - I’d like to share a few notes of my own:
Is Herbert Krolock’s biological son? Honestly, I don’t think the Graf was even married. In “The unstillbare Gier” he speaks of a lady he was seeing right before he turned and does so in terms of laying on the grass and holding hands. Sounds like something young people in love but not married yet might do. More so, if she was the Lady von Krolock, shouldn’t she reside in the crypt beside Herbert and the Graf himself? 
On a side note, in order to appear attractive to an 18-year-old Krolock couldn’t look too old (deathly pallor, fangs and questionable manicure aside). I would guess he might’ve been turned when he was in his thirties? 
Speaking of kills, the first lady Krolock mentions was likely his fiancée whom he accidentally killed in bloodlust after being turned but what about the pastor’s daughter? I bet she was a little like Sarah: raised in a fiercely religious environment, drawn to the dark stranger she was always told to avoid even if only by sheer force of defiance. Krolock apparently fell for that and thought she’d enjoy a good bite and an eternal life of darkness. She likely did not. I bet she ended up hating his guts, driving him further into despair. Imho that goes to all residents of the graveyard: people whom Krolock turned, for one reason or another, and who resented him for it. 
So who exactly is Herbert? As someone noted before, he could be that french page boy from “Die unstillbare Gier”. The Graf sings he cannot forgive himself for not having cared about the page boy’s grief. Why? Perhaps because said boy eventually became the closest thing Krolock has to a family?  If the page boy wasn’t important somehow he wouldn’t have cared or even remembered. Also, he sings of 3 kills but touches 2 tombs. Perhaps because the page boy resides in the crypt?
How did that all happen though? Ask yourself: why did the page boy get out the castle? Alone. At night. What if he was running from something or someone inside the castle? Perhaps he was mistreated? Abused? Then he accidentally falls right into the waiting arms of a hungry vampire. He’s shocked and grieving at first. Who wouldn’t be? Then he turns into a vampire himself and figures that now he’s got the upper hand. He takes his revenge and follows his maker. Krolock didn’t care to take the page boy in, he only wanted to feed, but when said page boy found him and asked to join in with him it must’ve cracked him up. So he gave him a German name and passed him for his son. Now he thinks of the irony: two women he had turned on purpose despised him, a random boy he’d fed on became his only close companion. 
Since we talk feelings, let’s take a quick look at Koukol’s humble persona. Notice how the villagers ran away from him? One might assume it’s because of Krolock but what if they just wanted to avoid the hunchback for himself? Later in the castle, he spits with disregard at the Professor but shows evident pleasure when Krolock pets him. I imagine, being ugly and disabled, he had it hard among the humans, thus the despise. Krolock likely took him in just because it served his agenda. Then again, he must have been treating him decently, certainly better than humans did, otherwise, Koukol wouldn’t be so attached to him. To me, it shows the vampire has pity and is open-minded.
Now, let’s get to Sarah. What is it that makes her so special? Her parents seem rather old (50+?) and she’s referred to as Sternkind which might imply her birth, alive and healthy, was somewhat a miracle. Perhaps the two of them had problems conceiving or Rebecca had had a miscarriage? In cases like that parents tend to be overprotective. So imagine teenage Sarah, locked away, overhearing the Inn’s customers telling stories of the world outside, and secretly dreaming of escape, of rebellion, of giving into everything her parents classify as dark and sinful because when they forbid you everything you lose perception of right and wrong.
I think this is why Krolock fixated on her at some point. In ToFi he defines her “a miracle become reality”. Is he just referring to her birth or to her being his personal miracle: finally a person (and a girl too!) who wants to join in with him in his world of darkness. She’s giving him some pretty clear signals. The way he sings that line makes it sound like he still can’t quite believe it. Notice the lines they sing together. “Ich bin zum Leben erwacht”: they both feel awaken from the slumber of their monotonous life. “Ein Meer von Gefühl  und kein Land”: it’s not just Sarah who can’t quite make sense of her own feelings, Krolock too is confused by that spark of something that makes it through his bloodlust. I won’t go as far as to say he loves her, but she’s clearly more than just food. Otherwise, why would he send after her after he’d fed on her? The point of the entire setup was not so much to feed as to turn Sarah into a vampire. Had it been just about sucking some blood he could’ve done it much earlier and saved himself the trouble of preparing a perfectly romantic setting. The “Tanzsaal” reads almost like a twisted wedding. Also, if you think of it from this perspective, “Die unstillbare Gier” gains another meaning: it’s Krolock’s moment of doubt, not whether to bite Sarah or not but whether the arrangement would work the way he intends to since it never did in the past. Save for Herbert. That, in fact, is what gives him hope.
Let’s talk about “Vor dem Schloss”. When Krolock first welcomes his guests and introduces himself he speaks of the night in flattering, almost advertising terms. He also states he longs for company and I think he really means it. That’s the root of his problem: becoming a vampire, he was forced into seclusion. The lifestyle, he’d gotten used to, but the loneliness of it really nagged him. Every time he tried to do something about it, the newly-turned vampire would curse the soil he stepped on, no matter how much he convinced them there were some pros to leading a nightlife. In fact, his “unstillbare Gier” is not only for blood but also for bliss; the same way the blood runs out, his moment of bliss with his latest crush perishes the moment they turn. So when he gets some new visitors, he’s not just happy that dinner has arrived but he also sees an opportunity to introduce someone new to his dark world. 
Notice how his attitude changes after Abronsius gives him his card? Perhaps because the card says something like: “Prof. Abronsius Vampire Hunter”? Then and there he knows he doesn’t want that kind of person around, either as human or vampire but we’ll get to that. It’s funny however how Abronsius figures too late that telling a vampire he’s a wannabe hunter might not have been the most brilliant idea.
Some people were confused about the Krolock-Alfred interaction apparently leading nowhere but hear this out: when the Graf switches his attention to Alfred he senses in him the same sense of oppression he did in Sarah. I’ll tell you more: what if he figures Alfred is gay (or bi) and is only pushing the thought away since he’s always been told it’s wrong and sinful. (Notice when Abronsius catches him with Herbert, he doesn’t only shame the vampire, he shames Alfred too, perhaps because he suspects about his inclinations?) That said, Krolock figures Albert could be a match for Herbert so, getting rid of Abronsius, he invites him into giving in to his secret desires. The world wants you to be absolutely straight? Well, guess what! In this castle, it’s perfectly fine to be flamboyantly gay! Herbert be the proof!
From various pieces of lyrics, I deduce that whether you manage to live (Sarah) or die (Chagal, Magda, Alfred), once you’re bitten you’re doomed to turn. Then again I don’t think Krolock keeps everyone he feeds on in the castle. I just can’t picture him letting all those dirty and dumb peasants roaming around. I think that the young and open-minded he wants to add to the family, while the old and stupid, or just conservative, are doomed to be sucked dry and disposed of. 
That’s the difference he makes between Alfred and Abronsius and it shows a lot in the way he tells them about what’s to come: seductively to Alfred whom he wants to “adopt” and threateningly to the Professor whom he only wants to serve for dinner. 
So why does Krolock order for both the Professor and Alfred to be sucked dry at the end of “Tanzbaal”? Perhaps by then, he saw that, despite his better hopes, Alfred didn’t want to embrace the night (and his inner gay self) and gave up on his earlier idea? Or perhaps he believed it was Herbert’s business whether he wanted to share him or not?
Go back to Sarah: what are HER feelings? Does she love Krolock? Or Alfred?
She’s only 18 - well, almost - and all she knows about romance must come from books and tales. No wonder she falls for Krolock’s game: the gifts, the invitation to the ball etc. It’s like a fairytale come true. She’s impressed, intrigued, excited - the fact her parents disapprove only adds to the thrill - and she thinks what she feels is love because in the stories the protagonist, being in a situation like this, says she’s in love so she must be too. And yet she instinctively feels something is off. In fairytales, love is the catalyst for the protagonist’s freedom and the suitor is generally approved of and cheered for. The protagonist’s world falls into place but Sarah’s seems to be falling apart instead, and that confuses her. Perhaps if she stayed at the castle, eventually, she might have really fallen in love with Krolock but at the moment she just can’t sort her feelings for him out. Period.
Alfred doesn’t exactly fall into Sarah’s prince charming archetype. Then again, he’s young, cute, sweet and on some level, it must be appealing to a young girl like her. She feels something but she can’t quite place it. I’d say it’s a beginning of a typical teenage crush. The feeling is pure and genuine and it works both ways. Sarah eventually dismisses it - her craving for freedom and her infatuation with Krolock winning over her - while Alfred embraces and blows it out of proportion to the status of love - perhaps to shut out his inclination for boys?
Speaking of Alfred, he gives me the idea of a person who tries really hard to be the man the society expects him to be, often fighting his own feelings. While under Abronsius wing, he does his best to assist him. Like when he at least tries to stake Krolock, even when he feels he can’t because he thinks this is what he should do. Again, his sexual preference is dubious but when he feels a spark of interest towards Sarah he clings to the idea of being in love with her because he believes this would be something right in the eyes of society. All of this, Krolock knows, thanks to whatever telepathic powers he may have, and that’s why he invites Alfred to lose his chains and join in the night with him where he can be free to be whatever he really feels like being.
Also, taking a look at the behavior of Chagal and Magda after they turn, I get the idea that, becoming a vampire makes you lose all brakes and finally act on your most secret desires, whether you like it or not. Chagal appeared to despise vampires but when he turns he looks pretty happy about joining in with them. Who knows, perhaps he secretly envied them? Magda, who’d been pushing Chagal away as was expected of her, finally admits she’s actually horny and wants to have sex. 
So what’s the deal with the finale? I suppose Sarah expected a kiss that could have dissolved any doubts she might have still had about Krolock. Instead, she finds herself bitten and with that even more confused or perhaps even a little disappointed. Once she turns it finally becomes clear to her: she doesn’t really care for love, or for Krolock of that matter, she only wants to be free so she runs towards her freedom, bringing Alfred, who has a similar problem, on the ride. 
On a side note, the ending would make way more sense if they had Chagal dismantle the candelabra cross, as it was first intended. I shall make a separate post about this one. 
Why doesn’t Abronsius look for them after they split? Doesn’t he care at least for Alfred? I think that, right after Alfred and Sara split with him in the woods, both of them still apparently human, he just assumes that the two youngsters ran away, leaving him behind. Does he care? No, not really. He can find himself a new assistant and Alfred wasn’t too good at it, to begin with. Way too squeamish. And the idea that vampires have feels? How absurd!
Perhaps I’m seeing things, but I get the impression Alfred wanted to swipe Sarah away before she joined Krolock in “Tanzsaal” but Ambrosius held him back. Why? I bet he wanted to see a vampire in action! 
It’s kind of amusing if you think of Krolock and Abronsius, one the antagonist of the other, in comparison. Krolock, the vampire, has some pretty deep feelings, while Abronsius, a human actually doesn’t. It makes you ask yourself: who’s the real villain in this story?
In conclusion, on first viewing TDV may appear either confusing or shallow, especially to non-German speakers, but the answers to all of your questions are actually there embed in the original lyrics and music. One just has to look. 
Wohl der Nacht! 
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leaistjetztda · 6 years
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Richard Basehart in La Strada&Il Bidone.
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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Steve Barton as Graf von Krolock in Tanz der Vampire
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
A guide to stage dooring
Going to stage door is quite a normal thing to do if you love a musical, however, when I first did it, I was quite unsure of what it would be like. So here are just some tips for stage dooring. Keep in mind, I have only stage doored 4 times, 1 time at Tanz in Hamburg, 2 times at Tanz in Vienna and once at Vivaldi die fünfte Jahreszeit, so I’m definitely not an expert, but at least I’ve experienced it some times.
- If you want to let the actors sign something, have the thing that you want to get signed ready before they come out, and bring your own marker.
- Going to stage door alone isn’t awkward or odd, always remember that you will probably regret it that you didn’t go to stage door just because you thought that you would feel awkward. (And sometimes you have the best conversations with actors because of the fact that you’re alone.) Going to a show alone also might be awkward at first, but once the curtain raises, who cares if you’re alone or with family/friends.
- Please don’t go to the stage door before the show starts, the actors just want to get to work, you can say hi to them after the show.
- Know the actors’ names. This might be a very obvious one, but it’s kinda strange when you want an autograph of “that handsome actor” but you don’t actually know his name.
- NEVER go to the stage door of a show you didn’t attend.
- Are you not sure where the stage door is? Google maps is your best friend, if you turn on the street view function and you virtually walk around the theatre, you’ll usually be able to find it. Or take a walk yourself around the theatre in the afternoon before the show, this is usually quite a good plan because on the evening that you’re seeing it, lots of people will be crowding around the entrance of the theatre to get in, and you probably don’t want to spend that time looking for the stage door.
- Does a certain actor walk by, but they don’t notice you? Just politely say his/her name and they will probably take their time to speak to you.
- Want to take a selfie? ALWAYS ASK FIRST, some people don’t like having their photo taken.
- Do you want to say something that takes longer than “Hi, I think you’re great, could you please sign my programme.” Then consider being the last in line, this way you have the most time to talk to the actor, and you are also not annoying other fans who might also want to interact with him/her.
- Are you watching a show in a country in which you don’t speak the language of? Then English (or of course the language that the actor speaks) is the way to go. Trying to do your best to say that you really appreciated someone’s preformance in a language that you don’t really speak may lead to awkward situations. So just stick to what you know and what they know.
- Don’t know how to start the conversation? you could begin by saying: “Thank you for being such a great -insert character here- I was blown away by your performance.” Of course you have to mean what you say, but usually that is a fine way to start.
- Some actors choose not to leave via stage door. Always have that in the back of your head when you stand there, this way you won’t be terribly disappointed when the person you’re waiting for doesn’t appear.
- In my opinion it’s rude to only pay attention to the star of the show. Surely there must be some other people that you also like! You don’t have to ask for their autograph or anything, but you can let them know that you really liked their performance, you might have a lovely conversation with the actors that you would usually ignore.
- And lastly, be polite, to the actors and to the other fans that are waiting. Some actors don’t like “the whole stage door thing” and you should accept that. You have paid for the show, not for a meet and greet with a certain person.
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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Never taken a short cut before?
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
ewan mcgregor in a crop top, reblog if you agree
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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Charlie Chaplin's great performance in film City Lights.
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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#precious cinnamon rolls #too good for this world #too pure
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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Armie Hammer as Oliver in Call Me By Your Name.
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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Ben Mendelsohn as Andrew “Pope” in Animal Kingdom.
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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Ben Mendelsohn in Animal Kingdom.
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leaistjetztda · 7 years
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Gary Oldman played Sid Vicious in Sid And Nancy.Part 2.
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