ledzeppimelky · 4 years
Sometimes you have to take responsibility for your own happiness. It takes a long time to realise how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way. Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy.
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ledzeppimelky · 5 years
The 21st Century Anxiety
In the 21st century it’s really hard to live without anxiety, don’t you think? I mean, all of us have someone to look up to. Most often those are the people who just call them ‘’influencers‘’. What is an influencer anyway, huh? Who on Earth even made that word up?
You wanna know who they really are? Those are just people who had enough strengths to face their insecurities, overcome them and become who they were born to be. Not all of us can do that, can we? Yeah, there are a lot of motivational quotes like ‘’Be yourself‘’, ‘’Believe in yourself ‘’, ‘’You are all you need‘’ etc. but do we really sink into them? Do we really believe in those words and do anything about them?
I mean, that’s really a great topic to discuss as there are whole lotta movies with the message that we should accept who we are, love ourselves as we are and believe in our decisions and strengths. Yeah, it’s cool to hear, it’s really great to fully understand the meanings of those words, to sink into them, but do we really do that? Even if we do for a split second, do we stick to their meanings?
I guess the only thing we do is creating that version of ourselves on social media without really becoming it. We show everyone how we love and cherish ourselves, how good of a life we have and how happy we are. But are we really? Do you think you’re as happy as your Instagram shows you? If you are, I’m genuinely very very glad. But, unfortunately, I don’t think that’s the case with most of the people.
I can talk only from my point of view, I know that. But that’s enough for me to say that social media is what creates anxiety nowadays. Even though I know believing in yourself is the right way of living, I just can’t do that. And the most horrible part is I can’t really name any particular reason for that.
God, I have too many insecurities. I just can’t leave my comfort zone when it comes to the topics about me, I just can’t take a step towards new better me, I just can’t start loving me. I know that kills me inside, but I just can’t. I keep on opening new social media accounts and trying to be extra-honest there, but no one likes it. I’m just genuinely not interesting for anyone. And that kills every little motivation I get from those movies/books with ‘’believe in yourself‘’ message. That tears me into tiny little pieces: people don’t like me, I’m not interesting for anyone, I have nothing to share, I’m no one in this society... Is it only me? Tell me it isn’t, please?...
I’m kinda trying to work all these things out in my head, trying to understand what’s the main message of this story. I guess it’s being honest, especially with yourself. Face yourself and love yourself even if no one else does. I know I’m saying the same things I was criticizing higher, but that’s really the only way to happiness. That’s the only way we can start really loving ourselves... :)
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ledzeppimelky · 5 years
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How is 2020 going for you so far?
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ledzeppimelky · 5 years
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Losing a friend isn't something any of us can ever be okay with. It's a stress, sometimes it's the kind that doesn't go away: the stress that stays and pollutes every single little cell of our bodies..
Is it okay? Or is it overreacting? No one can ever tell you that! And that's okay as no one ever knows your relationships with anyone, the way you feel about them, how (un)important they are to you.
Find a friend worth that stress. That's all I've learnt after losing THIS many of people. Learn to let them go... 🔓🚪
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ledzeppimelky · 5 years
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You don't have to forgive me. And it doesn't matter what you're going to do from now on, just know this... I Will Always Love You ♡
Itachi Uchiha
P.S. Sasuke doesn't deserve having him as a brother #sorrynotsorry
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ledzeppimelky · 5 years
What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognise the truth at all. What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories?
Valery Legasov
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ledzeppimelky · 5 years
There's a looong road yet to pass...
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ledzeppimelky · 5 years
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Every time He makes me more and more surprised by His present ideas. That's why I love Him so fucking much ♡
Find that one person who'd teach you how to believe in yourself, how to appreciate every second and how to live while really enjoying every moment!
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ledzeppimelky · 6 years
People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct or true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts..their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?
Itachi Uchiha
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ledzeppimelky · 6 years
You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours. Forever.
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Barney *wait for it* Stinson ♡
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ledzeppimelky · 6 years
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Sometimes, when you think that everything is fucked up and there's nothing left to do but wait until you die, stop there and look around you! Find that one "hand" that will be there for you and that will always, no matter what, support you just by being by your side!
Never lose hope, people, and it will never lose you :)
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ledzeppimelky · 6 years
Ախր Դու ու Հոգեբանությունը
Ես ու հոգեբանությունը ի՞նչ։ Ի՞նչ էիր ուզում ասեիր։ Վերջացրու նախադասությությունդ էն ինքնավստահությամբ, որով սկսել ես։ Ախր ես ու հոգեբանությունը.. Ես ու հոգեբանությունը մոտ ենք, շատ մոտ։ Էնքան մոտ, որ միգուցե արդեն հեռու։ Կարո՞ղ ա էտ էիր ուզում ասել։ Էտ էիր ուզում ասել ու ատել, քանի որ գիտեմ հոգեբանությունիցդ դրդված ամեն հաջորդ միտքդ, քայլդ։ Ախր ես ու հոգեբանությունը.. Ես ու հոգեբանությունը նույնն ենք։ Ես հոգեբան եմ հոգեբանությունն իմ մեջ։ Մասնագիտությո՞ւն։ Հոգեբանությունը երբևէ մասնագիտություն չի եղել։ Հոգեբանությունը ես եմ, հոգեբանությունը դու ես, հոգեբանությունն անգամ էն փողոցում ապրող շունիկներն են, որոնց էտքան սիրում ու կերակրում ես։ Ախր ես ու հոգեբանությունը..
- Դու ու հոգեբանությունը շատ հեռու եք իրարից,- ասեցիր,- հոգեբանությունից ա խոսում հետս, փֆֆ..
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ledzeppimelky · 6 years
Take me there ~
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Prints - dpcphotography.bigcartel.com
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ledzeppimelky · 6 years
Անցյալի Ուրվականները
Մի տեսակ շատ հետաքրքիր օր ստացվեց էսօր։ Մանկությանս ամենամոտիկ ընկերուհուս հանդիպում եմ շատ հազվադեպ (երկուսիս մոտ էլ դասեր, պարապմունքներ, գործ), ու երբ հանդիպում եմ, մի այլ տիպի նոստալժիի մեջ ենք ընկնում երկուսս էլ՝ հիշելով էն ամենն, ինչ մեր կյանքում եղել ա իրար հետ կապված (իսկ քիչ բան հաստատ չի եղել)։ Էսօր էտ օրն էր, երբ երկաար պլանավորումներից հետո վերջապես ստացվեց հանդիպում կազմակերպել ու ամեն ինչ շատ հրաշալի էր, մեկ էլ,, բում,, Անցյալս ախր մենակ լավ պահերով չի էէ լցված, դալեկոո մենակ լավերով չի։ Ու երբ ընդառաջ դուրս եկավ հենց էտ "չլավ" պահերիս հիմնական մեղավորը, հասկացա, որ էսօրը իրոք անցյալում խորասուզվելու օրն ա՝ իր՝ թե լավ ու թե վատ պահերով։ Ասածս ինչ ա, երբեք հնարավոր չի փախչել կյանքի՝ ամեն ինչ իր հավասարակշռությանը բերելու հիանալի հատկությունից։
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ledzeppimelky · 8 years
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A fairytale of mine ~~ #Travelling #HavingFun #TakingPhotos #Relaxing #Love 🖤
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ledzeppimelky · 9 years
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Want this perfect day back :( System Of a Down :3 #SOAD "WakeUpTheSoulsTour #ArmenianGenocide100
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