leespam10 · 3 years
30th April 2021
I had a new appointment a week ago, but I forgot to write about it cause i was kinda in shock. Well, it is not going well, it kinda seems like therapy brings out the worst in me. I can't even explain how i feel: to me it kinda seems like i am detached from myself and my emotions, like i keep going but i don't actually have a reason to do so, or i am watching my life from the outside. Therefore, i don't feel much dysphoria lately: i still know that i am a man, but i am just so detached from everything
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leespam10 · 3 years
17th April 2021: my first post
Hi this is my first post. I'm Elio and I'm a trans guy, I've opened this blog so I could have a place to document my transition since I'm scared about writing on real paper cause my parents could read it.
I live in Italy and here it is compulsory to go to therapy for at least 6 months before taking hormones, so far I've had 2 appointments and I will go to the new one in 5 days.
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