update on this, new job has been awesome.
Coworkers notice when I'm having a Bad Brain Day and will offer to take up slack or let me do something else.
I've made friends with a lot of supervisors
i get praise when I Find the Thing, and I am incredibly good at finding knives and razor blades.
My husband and I have finally been able to afford a house of our own. It's not big, but it's ours and it is cozy.
New job is interesting
The nice thing about it is that if someone is giving us trouble, we can just call a supervisor and sit back. They don’t stay still for a patdown or think it’s funny to make a moaning noise? Supervisor.
They become increasingly irate because we have to check their bag? Supervisor.
Oh, and if it’s severe enough they can get fined.
Also if we get hurt or something?? Put on light duty. They can’t afford for us to actually get hurt so if you pulled a muscle in your leg or back lifting a bag? They encourage you to let them know so they can rearrange people on duty.
This is kinda nice
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so I got into ffxiv during the lockdown and ended up making a fuckton of cool friends and improving my mental health so uh... have my characters
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Andromeda could've been worse it could have been like Colonial Marines 👀
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When you wanna replay your favorite video game and then remember you have to play through THAT part:
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started up andromeda finally 
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With upgrading my graphics card from a 650 to a 8gb 1080 I can finally play Witcher 3 at around 60fps and ultra graphics
I finally finished the main quest and cried. [I got a good ending] and started Blood and Wine
I had dinner with a Wright
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Upgraded Normandy. She went from a GTX650 to a GTX1080 8gb. Also went from a 550 power supply to a 750. Just need a couple good fans with heat sinks. And I did it all on my own with no hiccups. I'm proud of myself. Had to cover off for a bit in case I needed to fix anything. She runs warframe and Witcher 3 like a dream.
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Game Developers: HUGE open worlds!! Tons of great quests!! So many THINGS.
Me at this point: so I'll buy the game a few months after it comes out so you can fix all the shit you fucked up
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Sir Slaughtermelon, Ugly Officer First Class
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D e a d S p a c e 2
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Ma̹͇ke̩͎ ̞̰͖̘̀U̷̥̗̯s̩͓͝ ͏͉͇̤W͘h̭̻̬̗͉o̦͔̫̭̹̠l̥̼͓̮͘e̜̮̺̙
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D e a d S p a c e 2
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Started Dead Space 2 on PC last night. Gotta say, Triage suit is my go-to since I can’t transfer my Zealot suit from xbox.
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Get you a boy who will play games with you AND surprise you with cool things
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I keep looking over at this and just grinning like an idiot. Boyfriend is the best ;;
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Anyone else get the sinking feeling that Mass Effect Andromeda’s “more females of species” will all have tits even though it wont make sense biologically or even physically and they will just be sexualized for the male gaze?
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Meet Slaughtermelon, the most ugly Kavat to ever exist
Not pictured: the wheezing laughter of my squadmate when he saw Slaughtermelon for the first time
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Person: What is Warframe?
Me: It's like Mass Effect, but with jumping.
Me:.... or also "Better than Destiny"
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