Tami’s in Love
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Summary: Tamaki is in love with the reader and is too nervous to hang out with them until Nejire and Mirio intervene. First kiss occurs.
Y/N: your name
Tamaki POV:
Tamaki knew he was a dead man the moment he saw Mirio and Nejire. Mirio and Nejire looked extremely unimpressed with their hands on their hips. “Tamaki, do you care to explain to me why you told Y/N that you were hanging out with us this morning when you clearly weren’t? Did you not want to hang out with them or you want to hang out with them and are too chicken to do so?” Nejire asked. Tamaki looked down at his feet embarrassment showing through the red on his elf-like ears. The reason he avoided you was because he was in love with you and he was pretty sure he couldn’t get through a whole day with you by himself. But he couldn’t tell them that. It was too embarrassing.
Mirio looked at Tamaki and Tamaki felt a sense of dread from the expression on Mirio’s face. Mirio could tell. “Oh my god, I think I know what’s going on. You’re in love with them. Aren’t you? And you got too nervous to hang out with them and tell them about your massive crush.” Tamaki blushed even more until his face and ears turned crimson as he looked down at the floor. He wished he could disappear through it and head home so he could avoid this conversation. But he knew they wouldn’t let it go if the loud gasps from Nejire and Mirio were any indication. Nejire then squealed and hugged Tamaki who blushed even more. “Aww, Tami’s in love. And you would make such a cute couple.” Tamaki blushed even more. Then Nejire and Mirio grabbed Tamaki by the hands and pulled him to Y/N’s dorm room. “Talk to them. You’ll regret it if you don’t,” Mirio exclaims. Then they knocked on the door and left Tamaki standing outside.
Y/N opened the door and saw Tamaki with a sheepish expression. “Hi Y/N, I’m sorry for bailing earlier but I was quite nervous. I-I have something I need to tell you.” Tamaki stuttered. “I- I like you Y/N, and I hope you feel the same about me cause if you don’t then it’s gonna be really awkward and I can’t deal with awkwardness and I am really, really worried about our friendship if you don’t and now I’m rambling and….” You cut off Tamaki’s rant with a peck to his lips. Tamaki stares at you in shock, blushing crimson red from his cheeks to his ears. “I like you too Tamaki.” You then kiss him properly on the lips and Tamaki then grabs your hips and starts to kiss back enthusiastically. You deepen the kiss and Tamaki feels like he’s in heaven from your lips on his. Then you have to break apart for air much too soon for his liking. Tamaki then comes in with you to your dorm room and next thing you know, you have one super adorable, incredibly shy elf-like boyfriend.
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Hey y’all. So I wanted to let you know I am Genderfluid. Live long and prosper everyone.
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Shoto Todoroki x reader
My Hero Academia fanfic
Todoroki has a crush on reader and eventually dates and marries them
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.You meet in the hallway to your first class at UA. Someone runs into you and you would have fell if not for Todoroki. He catches you in his arms and while you might not have fell on the floor you fell for him instantly in another way.
.Todoroki was never one to show his feelings so when he opened up to you everyone in the class was surprised.
.He talks to you about the stuff going on with his family and how they are still navigating what happened with Touya and the resulting issues with his father and their obsession with making Todoroki surpass All Might
.He also talks to you about his aspirations as a hero. How he wants to be better than his father.
.He also becomes more at ease around you. You make him feel like he can do anything, something he hasn’t truly felt in a long time.
.You make him laugh with your corny jokes and sense of humour.
.He loves how you don’t just rely on your quirk to save people. He loves that you use smarts and ingenuity to also help save people.
.He first knew he had feelings for you when he saw you dressed up for the I-Expo formal dinner. You were dressed to the nines and he was speechless at how amazing you looked.
.He confessses his feelings just before you fight a massive group of villains together in the war which happened three years after you met. You are glad he confessed beforehand and let him know you feel the same but are irked that it took so long for him to confess as you didn’t think he felt that way.
. You fight off the villains together and once they are taken care of you kiss him. You take him by surprise as he wasn’t expecting it but he kisses back with an immense amount of passion.
. After that you start dating. The rest of the class was totally expecting this to happen and had placed a bet on when you get together. Kirishima won much to the chagrin of some of the other classmates (cough…hm… cough….Mineta).
. Once you start dating you and Shoto are teased constantly by Mineta and Kaminari for not enough pda. So you decide to rectify that by practically making out with him in front of everyone in the game of spin the bottle you were conned into playing. Iida goes on a rant about how you shouldn’t make out in front of everyone but it’s worth it when you see Mineta and Kaminari’s shocked faces. You then leave to go and make out some more in private.
. It was two months after you started dating when you had your first time together. He made you feel incredibly sexy and you had a magical time together.
. You are together for three years when he asks you to marry him. He proposes to you while on holiday in Amsterdam. He goes on one knee while on a nighttime trip on the canals and pops the question. You sat yes instantly and within a year you are married to the man who swept you off your feet six years ago.
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Worthy of Love
Thirteenth Doctor x Yasmin Khan
Summary: Doctor doesn’t believe they are worthy of love. Yas proves them otherwise
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The Doctor has always believed they aren’t deserving of love. After all the people they have lost or failed to save they don’t feel they are worthy of it. But then they met Yasmin Khan. At first they didn’t realise why they felt so awkward around Yas. But then, after Dan mentioned Yas liking her she couldn’t not notice it. She felt giddy but tried to push those feelings down. She can’t do anything about it. She doesn’t deserve love. Little did she know that opinion was about to very rapidly change.
Yasmin walks over to the Doctor with her luscious long hair hanging down just like the Doctor likes it. Not that she didn’t like her hair styled in other ways. She just looks more confident when she has her hair down. Yas then starts talking to her about this brooch she found at the market for her mother. The Doctor tries to listen but she is too preoccupied with trying not to focus too much on how it would feel to kiss Yasmin’s lips. Yas then says something which would break the doctor’s stupor. “By the way, I should probably let you know that I’ve had a crush on you for a while. No big deal, or at least it doesn’t have to be. No pressure. Just let me know if you feel the same yeah.” The Doctor stares at Yas in shock.
“Look. I hate to say this. I have feelings for you too but I can’t do this,” the doctor says. “Too many people I care about have gotten hurt and I can’t have the same happen to you.” Yas shakes her head. “It won’t. Those things that happened didn’t happen because of you okay. They made their choice. Like I’m making mine now. Damn the potential consequences. I just want you Doctor. That’s all. You. Just like you want me. Let me help you free yourself from that guilt you’re keeping inside and open yourself to love and possibility.”
The Doctor then does something she never thought she would. She kissed Yas. Kissing Yas was like having a million tonnes of lead lifted off her chest. She felt like she was finally letting go of all the guilt and self loathing which had built up within her with this kiss. And the future was full of new possibilities. All of them involving Yas.
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Garrett Laughlin joins the not straight agenda
Cal Price x Garrett Laughlin
Summary: Garrett and Cal have feelings for each other. Romance and make outs follow. Unexpected interruption.
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Garrett has known for a while now that he wasn’t straight. He’d known ever since he took a little too much interest in Chris Evan’s biceps in Avengers: Age of Ultron. He also knew he liked girls too. He’d had a crush on Leah since 6th grade. Garrett didn’t know what to call himself though. He still hasn’t worked it out yet.
Garrett had never had a full on crush on a guy that wasn’t a celebrity before. But Cal Price was certainly testing that with his sparkling blue eyes and a grin which could light up the sun. Garrett and Cal had never really spent much time together despite having Simon as a mutual friend. Probably because Cal was usually quite busy with music and theatre related stuff. Today however, was one of the rare moments when Garrett has an opportunity to interact with him outside of the classroom.
Cal and Garrett had been paired together for an assignment where they had to give a presentation on a current social issue in a news presenter format. He starts talking about a few ideas he had of potentially interesting topics. But Garrett had other things on his mind to pay too much attention. Garrett was too busy thinking about how close he and Cal were on Garrett’s bed.
“Hey Garrett,” Cal touches me on the arm and I startle a bit. Cal laughs at me and says, “Okay, your mind is clearly somewhere else. What’s going on?” This question gets me very nervous. “What do you mean? I’m fine.” While I say this I cannot look him in the eyes and he can obviously tell I’m lying. Cal places his hand under my chin and lifts up my head to face him. As he does this I start blushing like a beetroot. “Garrett, really, what is going…” he trails off as he sees my face. “Oh my god, Garrett, do you… do you like me?”
Garrett nods and Cal stares in shock for a moment. But then he has a massive smile on his face and Garrett wishes he could keep that smile on Cal’s face forever. “Garrett, I like you too. So, uh, wow, okay. What do you wanna do Garrett?” Garrett is still processing the fact that Cal likes him but he already knows the answer to that. “I would really like to see where this goes. I’m not ready to be out to everyone just yet. But I’ve been preparing to come out to my family and close friends soon anyway. And I would like to try being your boyfriend if that’s alright.”
Cal nods as he processes this information. “I would love to be your boyfriend. But there’s something else i would like to do as well if you’re up to it.” Garrett looks at Cal in confusion at that last sentence. “In other words, I’d really like to kiss you,” Cal clarifies. Garrett expression changes to understanding and he nervously smiles at Cal. “I would like that too.”
After Garrett says this Cal leans in closer. Garrett is extremely nervous because he hasn’t kissed a guy before. This is also heightened by anticipation of the kiss. It seems like Cal is aware of this and he is very slow and gentle in the lead up to allow Garrett time to back out if he wants. But Garrett does not want to back out. And Cal does not disappoint.
When Cal’s lips touch Garrett’s he immediately loses himself in the kiss. It’s the only thing he can think of. His eyes flutter shut and he sighs into the kiss as he revels in the feeling of it. Cal sighs too and put his hands on the side of Garrett’s head to pull him closer. Then it ends all too soon when Cal runs out of air.
After that kiss finished Garrett quickly breathes in some air. He then grabs the sides of Cal’s face and pulls him into another mind blowing kiss. And Cal is really getting into it. He is pressing more firmly against Garrett’s lips and his hands move to Garrett’s waist. This causes Garrett to moan into the kiss and Cal does the same when he feels Garrett starting to get hard. They then start making out with each other. But then the kiss is interrupted by two people they didn’t expect.
Bram’s POV:
When I headed over to Garrett’s with Simon to discuss about the Halloween party I need to throw again this year this was not how I expected it to go. I opened Garrett’s door as I normally do and he was full on making out with Cal Price. Wow. Okay. I was not expecting that at all. And clearly Simon wasn’t either cause he looks just as shocked as me. Then we break out into massive grins.
Garrett and Cal must have heard the door open as they frantically break apart. Their faces look beetroot red and they run their hands through their hair to try and make it less messy. Not that it would work anyway. Their hair is still extremely messy from what was clearly a make out session. They both sheepishly look at us. “So, how long has this been going on for?” I wink at them. “Only today so far,” Garrett states as he takes Cal’s hand. “We only just let out our feelings and started acting on them. But I’ve known that I’m not straight for a little while now. I’ve been meaning to tell you and Simon eventually but I wanted to better understand how I identify before I told you.”
Bram nods at that. “Fair enough, I remember how I felt when I first realised I wasn’t straight. It really messes with your mind at first. I totally understand. But now that I know I am very happy for you. And this obviously doesn’t change anything. Except that I might tease you and Cal a little bit like you did to me and Simon when we first got together. But only when you are happy to be out to our other close friends of course.” Garrett smiles at that and so does Cal.
“Oh.By the way Cal, feel free to join us at our lunch table if you want. Even if it’s just as a ‘quote on quote’ friend. And, at some point I’m gonna have to have a bit of a chat with you about what I’ll do if you ever hurt the feelings of my best bro. But I’ll leave that for another day. For now though, we’ll leave you two in each other’s company for a bit so you can have some very important discussions.” Simon then chimes in, “Also, in the future, if you wanna have privacy, maybe lock the door,” he chuckles and as we leave we close the door. Then, as we head down the road back to Simon’s place I think about how happy Garrett and Cal are as partners and that the world just got a little better.
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I Caught Feelings For You
Ryan Wilder x Sophie fic
Summary: Wildmoore confession, caught making out by Luke
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Sophie never thought she would love anyone else after Kate. But she was so very wrong. She knew that now seeing Ryan in that jacket and form fitting jeans talking about how she wants to make Gotham a better place. Ryan is so passionate and loves helping others. And Ryan was making her feel like she was the only person in the room.
Ryan definitely had feelings for her. That much was clear from the overheard conversation between her and Luke which Sophie accidentally overheard. Now Sophie just had to make a move. So she decided to grab Ryan’s hand. “Ryan I know you have feelings for me and I have feelings for you too. Can we just skip all the dancing around our feelings crap and admit it already?” Ryan looks shocked but she nods and closes the distance.
Sophie feels like she is in heaven. The kiss is that wonderful and all Sophie can think about is Ryan’s lips on hers. They break apart to breathe and Sophie closes the distance this time, then it turns more desperate and they start making out. Sophie grabs Ryan’s ass and she exhales a deep guttural moan which was intoxicating. But then they get interrupted. “What the hell?” Luke exclaims. “When on earth did this become a thing? And for god sakes, please don’t make out in the bat cave.” They both laugh and breathe out an apology before finding somewhere more private to continue the first of many make out sessions.
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Should definitely ‘put a ring on it’
Lauren Bloom x Leyla Shinwari fic
Summary: Lauren starts to think she should marry Leyla
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Lauren stares at Leyla and she feels butterflies in her chest. Two years ago she never would have thought this was where she would be. She had been hung up on Floyd and she never saw that ending at that time. Now she was here. Looking at Leyla and wondering how she had ever wanted anyone else. Leyla must feel Lauren’s eyes on her as she turns around and grins.
Lauren never fully trusted anyone in a relationship because of her complicated relationship with her mom. But Leyla was different. She trusted her with all her heart. She was everything. And as Leyla goes back to working Lauren thinks that she needs to make like the Beyoncé song and ‘put a ring on it’. She is gonna marry this woman goddamnit.
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Ruined Friendship
Wesley Crusher x female reader fic
Summary: Wesley and reader have a crush on each other. They find out and kiss the first time.
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Wesley and Y/N were hanging out in Wesley’s room playing a game of chess. You had been friends ever since you met at the Academy. You were in Medical and Wesley was in Engineering but you had met through a mutual friend. You both collaborated on a project involving the use of nanotech for removing viruses and bacteria from the body. You both had a lot of similar interests and took to hanging around each other like a duck to water. When you both finished your studies Wesley talked to his mother and Captain Picard to convince them you were a good candidate for the medical team. They had not taken much convincing, you were brilliant in your own right. You had been working on the Enterprise for over a year now and you did not regret it for a moment. You loved working on the Enterprise. You told him almost everything. But there was one thing you hadn’t told Wesley. You have had a crush on him since the day you met. As you play chess with Wesley your fingers accidentally touch and you blush. “Sorry Wes, I thought it was my turn.” Wesley smiles at you.“No problem Y/N, but, just so you know, there’s no need to cheat as I’m gonna still beat you anyway,” he jokes. “Yeah right, like that’s gonna happen,” you jest back. Wesley grasps his hand at his chest, jokingly accusing you of offending him. You both go back to playing the game, but you still can’t get the thoughts of Wesley’s hand touching yours and the fantasies that leads to out of your head and he seems to notice. “Y/N, what’s going on with you? You seem a little out of it today.” You smile back at him in a manner you hope reassures him. “I’m fine thank you Wes.” But Wesley doesn’t let it go. He grabs your hand and looks you straight in the eyes. “Come on Y/N, just tell me please, I can’t just put this aside until you tell me why you are distracted. Seeing you like this is making me nervous.” You laugh at that, what did he know of nervous? Nervous is what you get every time you are near him. “There’s nothing,” you insist. But it’s like Wesley can finally see right through your deception. “Y/N, please, tell me,” he pleads. You sigh and give in, even if it may ruin your friendship. Because Wesley deserves the truth. You mentally prepare yourself and tell Wesley why you are so nervous. Why you are distracted so much right now. “It’s because I have a crush on you okay!!” Wesley stares at you in shock. “You have a crush on me?” You nod and he starts to show a massive smile on his face. “Oh thank goodness, I can’t believe it. I am so happy you feel the same way.” It’s now your turn to stare in shock. And this shock increases when Wesley steps close enough to hold your hands in his. It is then replaced by a whole lot of nervousness. You smile at him and intertwine your fingers. Wesley then starts to inch closer to your face. His eyes flicker between your eyes and lips and you start to do the same. He then closes the distance and you feel like a small flame has erupted inside your stomach. His lips are soft and gently press against yours in a tender kiss. When Wesley pulls away it pulls a groan from you. You both giggle and close the gap again. This kiss more passionate than the last. And you enjoy that quite a lot. You may have effectively ruined your friendship but gotten something much better in return. You now had Wesley as your boyfriend and that was worth ruining a friendship for.
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Torchwood: Jack x Ianto fic
Summary: Jack and Ianto relationship, make out session
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Ianto had never fallen for a guy before. Prior to now, he had always believed he was straight. But then Jack Harkness came along. With his arrogant self confidence, his handsome face and luscious hair. And now he knew that was not the case. Jack always had a way of teasing Ianto, almost as if he knew how much Ianto wanted him.
But then it turned into more as Ianto eventually began flirting back. Which, is what had led to Jack kissing Ianto senseless in their impromptu make out session on the couch right in the middle of the hub. Damn, he really knows how to kiss, Ianto thought to himself. It was like time stopped when they were kissing, just the two of them caught in a never ending world of their own. Then the make out session was cut short by the sound of the door alarm. Ianto groaned as Jack pulled away. They’ll have to finish this another time. Meanwhile, he will just have to admire Jack’s looks from afar. And who could blame him?
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Pulse rate
Arrow verse: William Queen x male reader fic
Summary: William Queen (2040) meets the male reader and goes on a date with them. It goes very well.
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When William saw Y/N for the first time he’ll admit he got fairly distracted. He was so handsome it honestly wasn’t fair. He always fell for the bad boys and it never usually ended well. He tried to control his feelings for this man but it wasn’t working. So he went up to them and introduced himself. Trying to ignore the quickening pulse rate of his heart. He soon found out their name and job occupation, hobbies and interests, and he was a goner, like he had taken an arrow to the heart. There was no going back now.
After a number of meetings as just friends, William finally got the courage to ask them if they wanted to be more than friends. And they said yes. And now they were near the end of their first date. Will was feeling nervous like a kid on their first day of school. He couldn’t believe that they had said yes to a date. He couldn’t mess this up. So far everything went really well. They discussed a number of hobbies and interests not previously touched on. There was never a lull in conversation. They laughed at William’s corny jokes and held his hand during dessert. Now they were leaving the restaurant and about to head back to their homes.
But Y/N obviously had other plans as he grabbed William’s hand again, pulling him closer. “You didn’t think I was gonna let you walk away without me kissing you right?” William felt flushed and his pulse raced erratically at the thought. William nodded and Y/N leaned in to kiss him on the lips. William felt like butterflies were floating around inside at the feeling of Y/N’s lips on his. He loves the feeling which unfortunately ends far too soon due to the need to breathe. And then they walk around the city for the rest of the night, revelling in each other’s company. And kissing of course. After all, a kiss like that should occur as often as possible.
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Solangelo: Magical First Kiss
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo fic
Summary: Solangelo first kiss
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Nico stares at Will in confusion. To be fair he wasn’t expecting to hear Will say that to him. Stammering out a long confession that he wanted to be more than friends. He tried not to think about Will in that way prior to now as he thought Will was straight. But now he couldn’t stop thinking about it. About Will pressing his lips against Nico’s. He started staring at Will’s lips and Will must have noticed cause he suddenly stopped talking and was staring at Nico’s lips. Then he leaned in and kissed Nico on the lips.
Will kissed Nico until he forgot about everything except Will’s lips on his. It felt so incredible, it was like sparks flew across his lips. He kissed back and it felt even more magical. But it unfortunately ended too soon due to the pesky thing known as breathing. Nico opened his eyes and stared in wonder at Will. “That was ..... that was really nice. There’s no one I would rather have a first kiss with. And I want to be more than friends too.” Will laughed, “I would hope so after a kiss like that.” Then they kissed again and Nico could definitely get used to this feeling.
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A Little Spark
Bucky x reader fic
Summary: Bucky meets the reader at a club he is dragged to by Sam and falls for her. Sam is the ultimate wingman.
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Bucky can’t believe he let Sam talk him into going to this stupid club. It’s so loud and the music is so different to what he grew up with in the 1940’s. He sits in a booth with Sam and sips a drink of rum. He stares at the club and is about to suggest they leave when he spots a gorgeous woman wearing a 1940’s style red dress. She has such a beautiful face and her hair looks stunning.
Sam tries to get Bucky’s attention but he is so wrapped up in looking at this woman he doesn’t realise until Sam taps him on the shoulder while laughing. “Hey Buck, looks like you’re enjoying yourself after all. Or, more accurately, watching the woman you’ve been staring at the last three minutes.” Bucky looks sheepish. “I might think she looks very pretty.” Sam smiles at him. “Come on, let’s go to the dance floor so you can actually speak to this woman instead of staring at her the whole night.” Bucky sighs in annoyance. “Nope, I’m happy just here thanks.” Sam laughs, “Fine, then how about I go talk to this woman?” Bucky then sighs in defeat this time. “Okay then, I’ll talk to her.” Sam punches the air in triumph. “Yes.”
Bucky and Sam walk onto the dance floor and then Bucky walks up to the woman. “Hi, my name is Bucky. What’s yours?” You smile at Bucky, “My name is y/n.” He grins back at you, “What a beautiful name for a gorgeous dame.” You laugh at his words, “I can’t believe you called me a dame. My dad always called my mother that.” Bucky is intrigued by this information. “No way, not many people call a woman a dame these days. If people treated their partners with affection and respect like that there would be a lot more relationships which last a long time.” You agreed with this information. ���Yes indeed. It’s nice to meet a man who treats woman with respect and affection. Would you like to go outside with me for a bit. This isn’t really my scene and my friend seems to have run off since we started talking.”
Bucky agrees and you both walk outside the club where you get to know each other better. You share stories about your childhood and your current workplace. Bucky tells you about his story too, from his humble beginnings to being a part of the Howling Commandoes and how he came to be in this time by being the Winter Soldier. As he was telling you this he was worried you would leave because of his dark past. But you didn’t and you agreed to a date with him. Then you shared your first kiss. It was absolutely magical. And Bucky was very glad Sam dragged him to this club after all.
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A Little Bit of a Problem Here
John Constantine fic
Summary: All the Legends except Constantine are turned into babies. John cares for them and begins to realise he might want a family someday.
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When John woke up he saw a young baby girl crawling around on the floor of the Waverider. He had to admit he didn’t take it as well as he should have. He well and truly freaked out. But then, he noticed that the child looked a lot like Zari. They are really cute. But he can’t think like that. Cause if they really are a baby they should not be here on the ship. “What the? Gideon, what happened here?” “It looks like the other members of the crew have turned into babies Mr Constantine. It seems you are exempt from this, most likely cause of your magic”, Gideon explained. John yelled out in frustration. “Are you kidding me? Zari and the rest of the team are now children?” “For now,” Gideon agreed. “Okay,” John sighed, “looks like I need to sort out everything. I can hopefully restore them back to normal but in the meantime I need to take care of them. By myself. Great.” John asks Gideon to fabricate some necessary things to care for the children and to create a play pen to place the children together. Then he starts rounding up the babies starting with baby Zari. Last thing he wants is for his girlfriend to get hurt while in baby form. He picks her up and she starts giggling and grabbing at his face. He changes her into some baby clothes as she was currently in her adult sized shirt and was tripping on it while crawling. He then placed her in the fabricated play pen. “Stay here okay love.” She grins and gurgles at him. John then goes to find Sara and Ava. He finds them playing together in their shared room. John thinks it’s absolutely adorable but then he shakes away that thought. He grabs them and places them into the playpen with Zari. John gets some help from Gideon and manages to gather up the other members of the team. Once they are all in the pen John begins the process of a long day caring for his team mates. He feeds, clothes and bathes them. He prevents a baby fight between Zari and Behrad over a toy. He prevents Nate from hurting himself trying to climb out of the playpen. He has to deal with Ava being very against mashed zucchini and spraying it all over his face and shirt. He has to deal with Mick stealing Sara’s toy duck causing her to cry. And then Mick starts crying when she yanks the toy away from him. And Spooner, she got angry when he turned off the Wiggles and started yelling the first word he heard her say since she became a baby. “No.” Then he finally managed to get them all down for a nap. He is absolutely knackered, but, he needs to work at getting them back to normal. He can’t care for 7 babies by himself. So he then reads through a bunch of magic books to try and find a way to reverse this. And eventually he finds it. He performs a spell on the legends and gets them back to normal. And needless to say they are very embarrassed but thankful to John for his help. And John is thankful this happened as well. Because it took this incident to realise he wanted to eventually have a family. Maybe not yet, but someday. The possibility was there. If he can take care of seven legends babies then anything was possible.
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When You Fall In Love With Someone You Shouldn’tve
John Constantine x Zari 2.0 fic
Summary: John and Zari finally in a relationship. Johns POV
You spurn my natural emotions
You make me feel I'm dirt, and I'm hurt
And if I start a commotion
I run the risk of losing you, and that's worse
Ever fallen in love with someone?
Ever fallen in love? In love with someone
Ever fallen in love? In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
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John’s POV:
When John heard Zari say it was just a fling he was beyond livid. He was so hurt that she would trivialise what they have like that. He never thought she would be like that to him. So cold and uncaring. But he knew she needed him for this stupid goddamn interview so he went along with it. Until she answered that damn wedding bells question. How dare she say one thing off camera and one thing on camera. How could she be so fake? John stormed off in anger until she caught up to him and they had a huge argument during which he stormed off yet again. And now, after confessing that he is willing to take a chance on a real relationship she walks away. Is this really what this comes to. Another failed relationship. Yet again?
But then she starts singing and he stares in shock. Is she singing that song? The one which they both claimed did not signify their feelings at all. She is. She is singing it. But does that mean? Oh my god. It does. She does want this after all. John grabs his guitar and joins in playing the guitar and singing. He loves this song a lot but it’s much better now he knows she loves him back too. And their newly found love is signified by the song they’re singing.
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Beginning of a new chapter
Nate Heywood x reader fic
Summary: Y/N is pregnant and Nate Heywood is the dad
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Y/N stares at Gideon’s monitor in shock. “Gideon are you sure?” “Yes Miss Y/N I am positive the results are 100 percent accurate.” After this statement Y/N thinks about her life and how much it has changed since she met Nathaniel Heywood. You went from being a nurse to saving time. At first you and Nate were great friends. You both love history and the same movies. You would love to hear his jokes even if they were super corny. You love him so much and eventually Nate confessed his feelings for you after you defeat an encore of Ted Bundy by yourself. You felt the same way and he kissed you for the first time, signalling the start of an amazing relationship. And now yours and his lives were about to change even more significantly in the near future. A baby. As your mind adjusts to this information you walk back to yours and Nate’s shared room. You need to tell him. He needs to know he is going to be a father. When you walk into the room Nate is there just about to get dressed. You can’t believe how much you’re going to change his life with a few simple words.
Nate’s POV
As Y/N walks into the room Nate smiles at her but quickly realises something is going on. Y/N looks very shocked and he immediately rushes to her side. “Hey baby, are you okay? You look a little overwhelmed.” Y/N smiles at Nate. “Yeah, I am okay, I just found out some important news and I need to tell you. You may want to sit down first though.” As Nate nods and sits down with Y/N she looks at him nervously. “Okay, now that we’re sitting down what do you need to tell me?” “Well,” she states,”I don’t want you to freak out cause I am freaking out enough for the both of us, but, I just found out from Gideon that I’m pregnant.” As the words sink in Nate stares at Y/N bewildered. “You’re ....” he trailed off on his words. “You’re pregnant?” Y/N nods in confirmation and Nate begins a smile which turns into a massive grin. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it. A baby. A little you and me. This is. Wow.” He holds her in his arms for a bit and then moves his hands down to her stomach around where the baby would be. “I can’t believe we have our own little one growing in your belly right now.” Y/N smiles a really big grin and lifts Nate’s head into a passionate kiss. As they pull away Y/N states, “We’re going to be a family.” And they’re gonna have so many honorary aunts and uncles who will love and care for them unconditionally. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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I Found Heaven In Your Kiss
Zari 2.0 x John Constantine fic
Summary: Zari 2.0 and John Constantine relationship
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Ever since John saw Zari dressed as Cleopatra he knew he had feelings for her. She had a fire about her that no one could question and a stunning complexion to match. John tried to deny those feelings for so long by hiding it under a pretext of anger and disdain. But that went out the window the moment she kissed him. That kiss changed everything.
That kiss could have made the world stop. It was so heavenly. John kissed back and now things would never be the same between them. Constantine is now in love. That should have scared the hell out of him given his track record, but, with Zari, he had a feeling things would be different. Because this time it was with Zari.
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Behrad Tarazi x reader fic
Summary: Behrad finally gets to meet his true love.
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Behrad never thought he would ever find someone to spend his life with. He always thought he would die alone like those old spinsters with cats in the movies. Maybe he would have Z by his side. But he never thought he would find love. But seeing her he now knows he might be wrong. He knows that now as he stares at her. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. As he stares at her in wonder, Nate taps his shoulder. He stares knowingly and says, “Just talk to her man. The worst she can do is say no to dating you. And you’ll never know if you don’t even ask.” It is then he decides he is going to ask her. He walks over to her and his heart feels like it’s leaping out of his chest. He is so nervous to ask her. But he knows he has to. He has to know if she feels the same way.
He reaches the woman and waves in greeting. “Hello, my name is Behrad. And what is your name?” You smile at him and you wave back. “My name is Y/N, I’m a (name of your job). I remember you, I saw those newspaper articles and videos online about you and the legends.” She then leans in and whispers, “Everyone else says it’s fake but I know the truth about Heyworld and the thing with the fates. Thank you for helping save everyone.” Behrad smiles, “Ah, it’s nothing. Just another day at the office really.” “No seriously, you are incredible. And might I mention, you are also quite handsome.” Behrad blushed, “You think so?” “Yes, I really do.” You blush and move in closer to him. Behrad also moves closer, anxious to see where this leads. You grab Behrad’s face gently and he is even more nervous than before. But then you kiss him and he feels like he’s gone to Paradise. He leans into the kiss and tries to show you his feelings through the passion of it. He knows he can never truly convey how he feels but this is a good start. And maybe it’s the start of forever.
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